All about bastardo wine. Bastardo – grape variety and strong wine with a provocative name Description of Bastardo wines

Today, NPA Massandra is the largest wine library in the world. More than 4000 hectares of grape plantations located on the mountain slopes of the Southern Coast of Crimea from Foros to Sudak. The words “Massandra wines” have been synonymous with the highest quality for more than a hundred years. There is no place in the world other than Massandra where such a huge range of wines is produced, each of which is capable of receiving a laureate medal at an international wine competition. The foundations of industrial winemaking of MASSANDRA were laid in 1830 by its owner, Count M.F. Vorontsov. It was he who first noted that Southern Crimea, due to its natural conditions, is best suited for the production of aged fortified wines. In 1889, Massandra became the property of the Appanage Department, becoming “real estate that serves as a source of maintenance for members of the Russian Imperial House.” And it was here that the genius of Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn, a man who played a truly historical role in the fate of Massandra, was revealed in full force. Prince Golitsyn made Massandra an exemplary farm. Without exaggeration, a brilliant winemaker, he did not copy foreign technologies, but used them as analogues, taking into account the appropriate natural conditions of Southern Crimea. It is thanks to Prince Golitsyn that today Massandra produces almost only aged “vintage” wines of the highest quality. “To create a domestic winemaking that can not only compete with the French, but also replace it with its own special and unique” - L.S. Golitsyn.

“Inkerman Vintage Wine Factory” was created on land where 25 centuries ago the ancient Greeks grew grapes and made wine. The plant was founded in 1961 on the basis of underground adits in the vicinity of Sevastopol, in a small town called Inkerman. The mystery of the birth of wines with an amazing, soft taste lies in the nature of the grape itself, in the atmosphere of ancient deep cellars and the skill of winemakers. About 20 grape and wine farms in Crimea supply the Inkerman enterprise with wine materials for aging. Most of the vineyards are located in the South-Western Crimea, which is considered extremely favorable for growing grapes. When creating Inkerman wines, unique classical technologies and aging in oak barrels are used.

Sunny Valley is one of the sunniest places in southeastern Crimea: the average number of clear days here is greater than in Yalta or Sudak (about 300 per year). And thanks to the ring of mountains surrounding the valley, a constant climate is maintained here, much like a desert - dry, hot summers with virtually no precipitation (a total of 200 mm falls per year). All these factors create ideal conditions for growing grapes, from which fine wine is subsequently produced under the Solnechnaya Dolina brand.

Bastardo red wine is known as a luxurious, noble drink, with a unique rich taste, intoxicating aroma and deep ruby ​​color.

It owes its amazing taste and name to the Bastardo grape variety, famous for its fragrant and very sweet dark blue berries.

Briefly about the drink

France is considered its homeland, but it was winemakers from Portugal who were among the first to produce wine from this grape variety.

Wine producers from Spain and France also did not remain indifferent to this variety, producing drinks from the same raw materials, but under different names.

The Spanish called the wine merenção, and the French called it trousseau.

The disadvantage of the Bastardo grape variety was that it was highly susceptible to disease, suffered from temperature changes and did not tolerate frost.

All this contributed to the rapid decline in wineries that produced bastard wine.

Breeders tried to grow grapes in the Caucasus and Uzbekistan, but the local climate was completely unsuitable for the fastidious plant.

However, in Crimea they successfully coped with this task, where grapes grow successfully. But despite this, Crimean Bastardo wines are not made from purebred grape varieties.

In 1966, a new Magarach hybrid was created, obtained by crossing the Georgian Saperavi and the same Bastardo, originally from France.

As a result, the resulting variety turned out to be amazingly successful, the new plants gave a good harvest, from which they produced a wonderful Bastardo.

Popular Bastardo brands

Bastardo wine can be exclusively red, depending on the sugar content: dry, semi-sweet, dessert. When choosing this drink, many consumers pay attention not only to the taste of the drink, but also to who its manufacturer is.

Bastardo wines are diverse in gastronomic combination. Dry ones are served with main courses; they go well with shish kebab and grilled meat, with game, and go well with cheese appetizers. Sweet and semi-sweet are recommended to be served with desserts, pastries, fruits, and chocolate.

If you haven't tried Bastardo wines yet, don't hesitate - try this sweet treat. This wine will definitely not leave you indifferent and will take its rightful place in your home wine bar.

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A drink that, without exaggeration, can be said to be “noble, luxurious, unique.” The amazingly rich taste, intoxicating aroma and magnificent ruby ​​tone that distinguish Bastardo wine make it a favorite not only of professional sommeliers, but also simply connoisseurs of tasty and high-quality drinks.

Worldwide recognition

Once upon a time, the vineyards in which the Bastardo variety grew were quite popular; vines with clusters of fragrant and very sweet dark blue berries were common in the southern part of Europe.

Winemakers from Portugal were among the first to produce bastardo wine; their colleagues from France and Spain also favored this grape variety. True, their drink, although made from the same raw materials, had a different name. For the French it was a sonorous trousseau, and for the Spaniards it was a merenção.

The disadvantage of Bastardo grapes was that they were quite susceptible to disease, suffered from temperature changes, and frosts had a simply detrimental effect on them. All these factors caused the number of wineries producing bastardo wine to rapidly decline. Breeders tried to grow such grapes in the Caucasus and brought them to Uzbekistan. However, the climate there was not suitable for the capricious plant. However, in Crimea they coped with the task with a bang, and since the end of the nineteenth century Bastardo has been successfully growing on the territory of the peninsula.

Crimean wealth

It is worth noting that bastardo is not made from a “purebred” grape variety. In 1966, at the Yalta Institute of Winemaking, thanks to the fruitful and successful work of its director Pavel Yakovlevich Golodriga, a new hybrid was created, which did not yet have a name, but simply a number - 217. These grapes were obtained by crossing the same Bastardo variety, originally from Portugal, and the Georgian Saperavi.

This choice was not accidental. The Georgian variety is distinguished by good yield and resistance to bad weather, which is what No. 217 adopted, without changing the original taste and aroma. The resulting variety ended up being incredibly successful. Its properties exceeded all expectations, the plant gave a good harvest, it produced excellent bastard wine, which is popular all over the world, in addition, regularly receives well-deserved awards and honors from recognized winemakers and gourmets from all over the world.

feel the difference

It is noteworthy that not only the intoxicating drink of the same name is produced from Bastardo. Probably, this practice has remained only in those in which there are a few on the peninsula. Among the most famous, of course, are “Massandra”, “Inkerman”, “Koktebel”, “Magarach”, “Wines of Crimea”.

Among these producers, not everyone has bastardo wine in their assortment. “Massandra” traditionally boasts this variety in its cellars, in addition, you can easily purchase a bottle of dry “Bastardo Chateau Dulbert”, which is offered to consumers by the company “Wines of Crimea”. “Inkerman” also left fans of the aromatic viscous drink with a light chocolate aftertaste, soft and velvety, as if created by Dionysus himself.

Not only does the quality differ among different manufacturers. Of course, the quality, or rather its assessment, is the job of professional sommeliers, who will point out the bastard. The price of a drink starts from 200 rubles (“Wines of Crimea”), 400 rubles will need to be paid for a bottle of “Inkerman”, and the most expensive will be a vintage bastardo from the cellars of “Massandra” (on average 750 rubles).

A century and a half of quality

While Western winemakers prefer to make port wines from this variety of grapes, the Crimeans were able to return it to its former glory by bottling a wonderful bastardo. Massandra founded its own vineyards back in 1830 and successfully grows wine of excellent quality. Another factor contributing to the good taste of their wines is their own cellars. The microclimate in them is maintained stable throughout the year, which ensures that the drinks are aged under the right conditions throughout the entire ripening period. This is especially important for bastardos; this type of wine must be infused in oak barrels for two years. In this case, the temperature regime will be ideal if its range does not go beyond 10-15 ºС.

There are a great variety of such drinks. Stamps - sweet dessert, fortified, dry - are made from different varieties of berries and fruits. Bastardo wine also belongs to the red category. How do winemakers produce it? How is it different from other alcoholic drinks? What components give it a pleasant taste? Let's find out the answers to all these questions.

From the history of the drink

Wine is produced from grapes of the same name. Bastardo is a French variety. Grows in France and other European countries. However, large-scale plantations of the variety are concentrated in Portugal.

Bastardos were first grown 2 centuries ago in France. The variety originated in the Jura region. The name is translated as “born out of wedlock”, “bastard”. One of the legends tells that the taste of the first alcoholic drink was far from the taste of the raw material itself. was not felt in it. That's why its name was born.

Today, the original variety is gradually disappearing because it is whimsical, susceptible to many diseases, and not resistant to pests. But he was able to gain a foothold in the Crimea thanks to the selection and creation of the hybrid Bastardo Magarachsky - productive, with a persistent aroma and bright taste. That is why Bastardo Crimea continues to win the hearts of connoisseurs today.

By the way, popular brands of local wine are made from the above variety of berries. Bastardo hybrid is an excellent sugar accumulator. Berries may contain 20-23 g/100 ml of sugar. This is beneficial for winemakers.

Crimean wine Fotisal - wines of the Crimea, among which bastardo has been representing for a long time. The company grows its own raw materials and has a rich line of products, including sweet dessert wines, sparkling wines, liqueurs, and cognacs.

About the features of the technology

The raw materials for making the drink mature optimally in hot climates. The French traditionally prepare fortified red and rose wines from the bastardeau grape variety. The same ones are produced in Australia. But by and large, there is no single and strict technology for making the Bastardo drink. Technologists do not produce wine according to a strict recipe.

Grapes of the same name are often added to blends. It serves as a good balance between the sweetness and strength of the wine. Young people practically do not use it. However, it also does not mature in barrels for decades. Most producers age wine for up to 3 years, no more. This is the optimal age for such a drink. It should be served by first cooling it to +13-16 °C.

Description of Bastardo wines

All drinks with this name have a number of common characteristics. These are not sweet dessert wines, but semi-sweet ones. Products can be made from harvests of the same year or different ones. The smell of such alcohol cannot be intense or pungent. It has the sweetness of berries and a slight hint of leather, the aroma of spices and jam. Overall, the aroma is varied, but not complex. Its taste is moderate, friendly, pleasant.

As for the sugar in this type of alcohol, the amount is perfectly balanced. And the acidity is moderate. And although Bastardo’s wines are semi-sweet, it is difficult to call them full-bodied. They are rather medium-bodied, or rather light. Their taste is harmoniously complemented by aroma, and the aftertaste is characterized by duration. This is achieved due to the presence of tannins. They give the drink a little structure.

Popular Bastardo brands

It only comes in red. As for sugar, there are three varieties: semi-sweet, dry and dessert wine. Connoisseurs of the drink always focus on its producers. The main ones chosen are:

  1. Bastardo Massandra. Ruby color, complex aroma, moderately tart taste with hints of chocolate are its main features.
  2. Bastardo Inkerman has a velvety taste and a floral aftertaste.
  3. Bastardo Planerskoe is a product of the Koktebel line of vintage wines. This variant is characterized by a deep and slightly perfumey taste with sensations of pomegranate and spice.
  4. ZB Wine Bastardo is produced at the Zolotaya Balka plant. The drink has the taste of mulberries, prunes, dried cherries, and the aftertaste of dark chocolate.
  5. Douro DOC is a product of the Conceito plant. It has the taste of homemade wine with a variety of berries, to which spices have been added. The aftertaste is lingering and persistent.
  6. Oreanda bastardo. A dark red drink in which delicate ripe fruits are noticeable, with a tart aftertaste. Oreanda produces a product from berry concentrate.

So, an overview of the taste and types of such a noble drink will help wine lovers choose the right one. This type will please you with its availability, good symbiosis of quality and price. Taste it and see for yourself!

  • The best grape varieties for wine production. Which…
  • The wine has an intense dark garnet color. The bouquet is bright, complex with coffee and chocolate tones. The taste is full, soft, velvety with hints of cocoa and chocolate.

    A country: Russia

    Manufacturer:"Massandra" FSUE PJSC

    Color: Red

    Fortress: 16% vol.

    Volume: 0.75 l

    Those. GR code: VNTRG, INtkMP

    Barcode: 4680017723633

    The prices indicated are valid only for orders through the Vino-City website and may differ from prices in retail stores

    All products in our store are marked with a federal special mark (FSM), a description of the methods for verifying the authenticity of which is posted on the website of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market


    Products are sold in retail stores at:
    LLC "PRASKOVEYSKOE", INN: 7703333623, license No. 77RPA0000376 dated 12/21/2018

    Wine is an alcoholic drink obtained by complete or partial alcoholic fermentation of grape or fruit juice, to which alcohol and other substances are sometimes added (this is the so-called fortified wine).

    Wines have several classifications.

    By purpose

    They are divided into table and dessert: the former are used as a flavorful addition to the table, and the latter are served with sweet treats.

    By color

    The drink is divided into white, red and pink varieties.

    White wines are those that range in color from light straw to tea-colored or amber.

    Red and rose wines have an equally rich range of colors - from light ruby ​​to rich garnet.

    White wines darken over time, while red wines, on the contrary, turn pale, since coloring substances tend to precipitate. The latter, by the way, is not at all a defect in the drink; on the contrary, it serves as reliable evidence that this product is completely natural.

    By quality and aging time

    a distinction is made between young, aged, unaged, vintage and collection wines.

    wines are divided into table wines (dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet), special or fortified (strong, dessert, liqueur, etc.), flavored and sparkling (the most famous among them is champagne).

    Wine accompanies all holidays and special occasions.

    This ancient drink does not tolerate indiscriminate consumption: there is a special wine etiquette, according to which certain types of drink must be combined with certain dishes.

    Thus, dry red wine is served with veal, lamb, game, shish kebab, boiled pork and pilaf.

    White table wines are suitable for appetizers, light fish and meat dishes, and natural semi-sweet, semi-dry and dry wines go well with vegetables.

    Cooking with wine is for professionals. Only experienced chefs know what type of this drink to add to a certain dish.

    Most often, wine is used as a marinade ingredient and as a cooking liquid; it is also added to ready-made dishes to give them a special aroma.

    This fragrant drink has strong therapeutic and dietary properties.

    It relieves fatigue and tones.

    The use of wine for medicinal purposes is due to the content of many beneficial substances in it. These are organic acids, fructose and glucose, minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium), tannins and vitamins B, C and P.

    Red wines are richer in valuable components than white wines.

    Due to their high antioxidant content, their moderate consumption has been proven to reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease.

    The wine also has some antibacterial properties.

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