What does it symbolize 5. Five encyclopedia signs and symbols. Graphic representation of a pentad

Five is the universal number of man and his 5 senses. She is a symbol of life experience, leadership and intelligence. This is an unpredictable, lucky number that is responsible for human experience and love.

Number five in religion and magic

  • In the Christian religion, the number 5 represents a person after committing a sin.
  • Jesus had 5 wounds at the crucifixion. According to the Bible, the divine altar had a length and width of five cubits. 5 rams, lambs and goats made up the peace offering.
  • In Islam, five is the number of protector and nobility. Islam consists of 5 canon commandments (frequent pilgrimage, holy faith, daily prayer, strict fasting and human mercy)
  • The fifth day of the week is sacred for Muslims.
  • Jewish people consider the number five to be a symbol of understanding and strength.
  • In Hinduism, it represents the 5 elements of the state of the world, 5 primary colors.
  • For the Japanese, an A is synonymous with perfection. In China, this is the central element of the planet: 5 types of poisons, 5 elements, 5 musical tones, 5 virtues.
  • In magic, the number five denotes meditation and the versatility of being.
  • The pentagram consists of 5 light rays that depict a person with arms outstretched to the sides and legs apart.
  • The five-pointed star means divine talent, uniqueness, deep inner peace.
  • In alchemy it denotes the mystical, unknown fifth element.

Number 5 and mythology

The number five is most often associated with the goddess Athena. She is the daughter of Zeus, the goddess of wisdom. One of the greatest cultural monuments - the Parthenon Temple - is dedicated to Athena. Its proportions include the number 5 (height of columns, walls).

The pentagon is a symbol of Pythagorean philosophy. He personifies divine principles, the harmony of the surrounding world. Besides:

  • The five-pointed star was the sign of God Shiva;
  • the five personified the sexuality and grace of Venus, the goddess of ancient Rome;
  • The Aztec deity Quetzal rose from the Kingdom of the Dead on the 5th day.

Number 5 in astrology

In astrology, five is the number of luck and luck. Lucky satellite numbers: 14, 23, 27. Enemy numbers: , , . Unlucky months for the five are June, December. Happy days of the week are Wednesday and Friday. For the number 5, white, silver and light gray colors are favorable. Talisman stones: diamond and amethyst. Best worn on the hand. Five is prone to joint problems and mental anxiety.

Birth under the number 5

These are materialistic people. All their goals and desires are subordinated to increasing their own capital. They are ruthless and cruel in their pursuit of money. If it is not possible to obtain funds through honest means, they will not hesitate to step outside the bounds of the law. They have excellent intuition, intelligence, and logical thinking. These are dexterous individuals and have excellent business acumen. They have an inventive and creative approach to making money. They have the ability to quickly make the right decisions. They prefer to go straight to the goal and rarely make plans. Five easily finds a common language with everyone, a born diplomat and speaker. All qualities are directed towards the only goal in life - financial enrichment. Loves risky operations that bring good income. A person born under the number 5 has an elastic character. Quickly recovers from life's blows and failures. It is impossible to influence such a person; he always listens only to his own reason and intuition.

Positive qualities of the five:

  • inquisitive, energetic;
  • inquisitive, independent;
  • a leader by nature;
  • resourcefulness, ingenuity;
  • knows how to think innovatively and progressively.

Negative qualities:

  • impulsiveness, impatience;
  • thirst for profit;
  • loves risk, fraud, illegal transactions;
  • hot temper, nervousness.

Number 5 and the world around us

Five is better understood by people with a mercantile and arrogant character. Number 5 rarely finds a poor partner. Prone to unexpected changes in career and personal life. Having wealth can make anyone attractive to a number 5.

In his career he achieves maximum results thanks to his assertiveness and strong character. Has the makings of a leader and mentor. Under the leadership of the Five, any business turns into significant financial gain. Five often take risks and have an innovative approach to solving business issues.



What is the psychology of number 5

The number 5 is mysterious and contradictory. After all, it consists of opposites: 3 is a symbol of trinity, and 2 is a symbol of division, two-facedness (from which, as the Pythagoreans believed, all the troubles came: they simply hated this number, which instilled so much discontent in human souls and separated people).

The number 5 symbolizes the Spirit of Eternal Life, Universal Love and at the same time earthly life and earthly love. It is five that symbolizes the spiritual mind, which in Sanskrit is called Manas.

Psychology of the number 5. The number 5 has many meanings. One of the secrets of the number 5, for example, is associated with magic. Both divine and satanic. Everything in the manifested world has two faces. All! The decompositions 3 + 2 and 2 + 3 correspond to two pentagrams (direct and reverse).

God gave man (and animals) 5 fingers and 5 toes. Why? What did he mean by this?

Another example of (obtaining) pentarity: there are three types of statements, but narrative and incentive can also have an exclamatory mode! The resulting scheme is: 3 + 2 = 5.

Thus, all of this (which is more than 3) would seem to be entities derived from God (after all, God himself is trinity). But on the other hand, God, too, was first 1, then became 2, and only after that - 3. It turns out that 5, and 7, and 11, etc. are also indications of certain properties of God. Which we do not yet see in God. But we see in the world, and therefore in God. Because the world is God. But for now we are turned to the inert side of God. On which we already see all this. All his clues are about the truth.

It is as if life is just being born in plants. Here is the scheme: 2 - 3.

Entities attract symbols. Symbols attract entities.

Conclusion: manipulation of symbols (in this world) influences events. This is magic. And it can be done. But in the name of God. For the glory of God. To his will.

The right leg is natural female sexuality. The left leg is female homosexuality. The right hand is natural male sexuality. Left hand - male homosexuality. Finally, the head is bisexuality (sexual self-sufficiency and lack of self-sufficiency).

Isn’t God showing us his pentarity in this way? But this is already a kind of imbalance, disharmony, and has a mortal beginning. Therefore, it seems that the fivefold nature of God is the face of Satan.

A characteristic feature is the canonization of the number five, which has become the standard for describing the most important characteristics of the macro- and microcosm (cf. the multiplicity of division of the world, the number of elements, classes of animals, sense organs, internal organs, passions, musical notes, “basic” numbers, etc. .; cf. pentads in Buddhism and the Upanishads, 5 elements, aspects of being, lights, faces of Shiva, etc., in Manichaeism and in some other traditions). The prominence of the fifth place in space is associated with the special position of the center in which the Middle Kingdom (“Zhong-guo”) is located. The second feature associated with the doctrine of elements is the establishment of a symbolic correlation between the main 5 elements and members of other leading semantic spheres (cf. also the series: tree - spring - east - sour - goat (smell) - tiger - hare - etc. P.). Such classification series are, in fact, a semblance of a network of relationships, a kind of code for describing the world and the basis of the so-called “coordinating” or “associative” thinking, characteristic of a number of cultures.

The straight pentagram symbolizes the Spirit (the top of the five-pointed star) and its dominion over the four elements. This is the designation of “Spiritual Man”, “Perfect Man”. The ancient Jews called this symbol the “Star of Solomon.” Inside the straight pentagram there is a pentagon pointing downwards. He reminds that even a perfect person has flaws, and there is a need for self-improvement.

The symbol of Evil, Satan, the Mad and Spiritless Man is a reverse pentagram, with its top pointing down. Its two corners, facing upward, symbolize the constant war of evil with good, the antagonism that dominates the Divine Spirit and common sense (the top is turned down). But here, in the center of this satanic star, there is a pentagon with its apex up. He says that even in the most evil, insane and soulless person, in Satan himself, there is Good and the Spark of God. Therefore, we should not strive to defeat Darkness and Evil, but we should try to reveal the sources of Light and Good in people.

1914 (= 6) - First World War. The best representatives of the state are dying. In 1932 (= 6), the special forces of the NKVD began repressions against healers,*" sorcerers, and magicians. It was this year that the first pentagram was installed on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. The five-pointed star is the working symbol of the 5th magical lasso (therefore, the pentagram is necessarily present in the army symbols of all countries).

The number 5 symbolizes taking risks, reaching its final outcome through journey and experience. Lack of Stability, on the one hand, can lead to uncertainty, but, on the other hand, this number is both the happiest and the most unpredictable, because it symbolizes constant search and self-improvement.

The Five is charming with lively spontaneity, inventive, does not respect authority, is tactless, loves freedom and independence and manages to escape the pressure of the imperative in the most unexpected way. Everyone is interested in her, but where she is bored, she does not linger. Despite all this, he does not have much strength and needs support.

A number five person is an adventurer who believes that everything in life needs to be tried at least once. His sphere of interests is the whole world, and he is ready to go even to the ends of the earth to learn, experience, feel, and see something new and exciting. Boredom is unknown to the Five, because she has so many interests and abilities that you can always find some interesting activity for yourself. Her versatility allows her to feel great in any company, and her diversity of life experiences very quickly places the Five in the center of everyone's attention. The problem of the Five can be excessive changeability and superficiality - those around them often simply do not have time to react to the change in her plans and intentions. However, the charm inherent in this number helps overcome misunderstandings. The main thing is not to lose yourself, not to waste your potential and still achieve something. There is a big temptation here - to simply sort through the possibilities and enjoy freedom and abundance.

Vibrations of the number 5


Love of freedom, change, diversity, mobility, instability, adaptation, progress, communication, contact, independence, curiosity, versatility, rationality, fun; energy, activity, changeability, desire for variety, love of adventure, travel and innovation; quick-witted, resourceful, sensitive, has numerous interests and abilities in many areas.


Slowness, unreliability, irresponsibility, contradiction, carelessness, bad manners.


Passion, whims, promiscuity, intemperance in alcohol and drugs.

Interestingly, if you cut an ordinary apple in half, you can see five closed scales in which the seeds are hidden. One of the scales will be longer than the others. And when apples hang on an apple tree, all the long scales are oriented in one direction.

The number five or five can be obtained by adding two and three, which, according to the Pythagorean tradition, is a symbol of life and marriage. In this case, two represents a woman, and three represents a man. In Babylon, this number was associated with the goddess Ishtar, and in Ancient Rome with Venus. The symbol of these two deities was a five-pointed star. Echoes of this tradition can be found in England, where a knot tied in the shape of a pentagram was called a love knot, since this figure was an attribute of the goddess of love.

Schematic representation of the fifth heaven of paradise according to Dante

In Manichaeism, the number five was given a central role for several reasons: the first man had five sons, there are five elements of light and the same amount of darkness. The elements belonging to light included earth, wind, light itself, water and fire. This number played no less important significance in the religious beliefs of the Mayan Indians. For example, denoting the cardinal directions with four points, they placed the fifth point in the center. The five fingers on a person’s hand also play a mystical role, since they correspond to the number of his body parts.

Beatrice and Dante find themselves in the fifth heaven of heaven - Mars, the planet that in ancient times was the heavenly patron of Florence. Here Dante meets the soul of his crusader ancestor Cacciaguida, who tells the poet about the history of Florence and his own future.

Schematic representation of the fifth circle of hell according to Dante

In the fifth circle are the Stygian swamps, where the souls of the wrathful suffer. Their throats clogged with muddy sludge so that they can never again vent their anger on people, Dante meets the soul of his political opponent Philip Argenti. Phlegius, the mythological king of the Lapiths, who burned the Delphic temple of Apollo, floats up to Virgil and Dante on a boat and transfers them to the hellish city of Dit, guarded by fallen angels. Dith is the Latin name of the Greek god of the underworld, Pluto.

Pythagorean pentad
The Pythagoreans used the pentad as a secret sign with which they recognized each other. Pythagoras believed that the number five symbolizes life, strength and world order. The five was also a symbol of the ether, which permeated the four classical elements of antiquity: air, water, earth and sky.

Number five in Islam
Islam is based on five “pillars”: Shahad, Salah, Zakad, Ramadan and Hajj. Shahad is the recognition that there is no other God but Allah, and Muhammad appears to his prophets. A Muslim is obliged to perform namaz-prayer 5 times a day and pay zakat - a tax in favor of poor members of the community. It is also necessary to fast during the holy month of Ramadan and at least once in your life to make a hajj - a pilgrimage to Mecca to the main shrines of Islam.

The number is a symbol of a person; graphically depicted by the figure of a man, whose head, arms spread to the sides and widely spaced legs form a five-pointed star, or simply a five-pointed star (pentagram). In addition to this association with the human microcosm (as well as with the hand), the number five was an important symbol of the universe in Chinese, Japanese, Celtic and other traditions (four cardinal directions plus the Center). The number five has also been associated with love, health, sensuality, meditation, analysis, criticism, strength, interdependence, organic growth and the heart. According to the doctrine of Pythagorean mysticism, the number five, like seven, was sacred, combining three (the sign of heaven) and two (the sign of earth), and was the number on which the laws of nature and art are based. In the ancient world, the number five was also associated with the goddess of love and hunting Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology). These associations with love and sex are perhaps based on the fact that five is the sum of the numbers three (masculine) and two (feminine). Another source of this connection could be the ancient Mesopotamian tradition, according to which the five-pointed star is the emblem of the goddess Ishtar, the personification of the planet Venus, the first evening and last morning star. Ishtar was the goddess of both love and war, which is why the five-pointed star is still used as a military insignia.

Five is a universal symbol of man and his five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste), the macrocosm. The five-pointed star, like the pentagram, means holistic individuality, inspiration from above and spiritual education, if turned upside down; if down - a symbol of witchcraft and black magic.

The number “5” symbolizes meditation, an active state, and versatility. Also associated with love, health, sensuality, strength, organic growth and the heart.

Plants with flowers of five petals, such as lilies or grapes, symbolize the microcosm.

In alchemy, a five-petal flower and a five-pointed star symbolize quintessence - the sign of the fifth element.

In Pythagoreanism, the number “5” is sacred, combining three (the sign of Heaven) and two (the sign of Earth), the laws of nature and art are based on it. Pythagoras identifies four elements: earth, air, fire and water, which are permeated by ether, the monad. Symbol of permeability and vitality.

In the Jewish tradition, the number “5” is the number of strength, understanding, and severity. In Kabbalah, the number “5” symbolizes fear. In Christianity, it symbolizes man after the Fall. In Islamic tradition, the number “5” is a beneficial and protective symbol. Muslims believe that their religion is based on five pillars: faith, prayer, pilgrimage, charity, and fasting.

In Hinduism, the number five symbolizes the groups of the world, the five elements of the subtle and gross states, the five primary colors and feelings. In Buddhism, the heart has four directions, which together with the center form a five and symbolize universality. In China, the number “5” is a symbol of the center of the world, its meaning in the symbolic picture of the world is very great: five elements, musical tones, basic tastes, atmospheric substances, five poisons, powerful elements, virtues (philanthropy, fidelity to duty, adherence to rituals, wisdom, trust), five initiations, eternal ideals, five types of relationships within humanity. In Japan it is a symbol of perfection.

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