Check-in to the hostel. How to move into a dormitory Deadlines for applicants to move into a dormitory

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most frequently asked questions related to moving into dormitories. When you find a question you are interested in in the list, click on it to view the answer. If you did not find the question you need in the proposed list, you can ask us through the feedback form.

Only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Passport (of a foreign country), migration card (to be filled out upon entry into the Russian Federation)

Passport (of a foreign country), migration card (filled out upon entry into the Russian Federation), patent and tax payment receipts (2NDFL), notice of migration registration.

Passport (of a foreign country) with the RVP stamp affixed to it.

Passport (of a foreign country), residence permit in the Russian Federation.

The task of the accommodation service is to send a person or group of people, in a direction of interest, to one of the hostels of our partners. Our company has absolutely nothing to do with the administrative and economic activities of the hostel itself. Therefore, the only way we can help you in this matter is to provide contact details of the hostel you are interested in.

In our many years of experience in this area, we have not come across a single hostel for workers that would accommodate minor guests. We recommend finding a hostel, because... Almost all hostels accept guests with minor children.

Only in a 2-bed room. In other cases, men and women live in separate rooms.

The only way we can help you in this matter is to provide contact details of the hostel you are interested in, because... We have nothing to do with the administrative and economic activities of the hostel.

Most likely, you pay attention to the “From” price and do not fall under the check-in conditions under which you can check into a hostel at that price (for example, you want to check into a small room, or for a couple of days). Price "From" is the minimum possible price for a bed in a given hostel. Typically, the hostel administration sets a minimum price for long-term stays (usually a month or more), when moving into a multi-occupancy room, or when moving in groups of people.

Preliminary application for placement is absolutely FREE and to no avail NON-OBLIGATORY You need a procedure, and it is only needed to notify the hostel staff that we have sent a new client to stay. Having arrived to view a hostel and discovered that something in it does not suit you, you can immediately call us and we will find you another one, and so on until you find a hostel that completely satisfies you.

It's very simple! We have prepared a small but very clear presentation of our services, which can be found in the section

In accordance with the decisions of the Academic Council of RTU MIREA, a quota for the provision of places in the University dormitories is established annually for first-year students at all levels of education (secondary vocational education, bachelor's, specialty, master's, postgraduate).
Places in dormitories are provided to nonresident full-time (full-time) students on a competitive basis (based on competitive scores upon admission), taking into account the benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, within the allocated quotas.

Quotas for places in dormitories in 2019:

  • Secondary education programs - 0 places
  • Bachelor's and specialist's programs - 400 places, including for applicants with a set of entrance examinations:
    • Russian language, mathematics, computer science and ICT - 157 places
    • Russian language, mathematics, physics - 129 places
    • Russian language, mathematics, chemistry - 92 places
    • Russian language, mathematics, geography - 2 places
    • Russian language, mathematics, social studies - 6 places
    • Russian language, history, social studies - 8 places
    • Russian language, mathematics, creative exam - 4 places
    • Russian language, social studies, creative exam - 2 places
  • Master's programs - 150 places
  • Postgraduate programs - 0 places
  • Quota for foreign citizens - 300 places
  • Reserve for persons with priority rights to a place in a dormitory - 200 places
The hostel can only be provided to persons registered at least 85 km away from the official Russian Railways mileage. The dormitory is NOT provided to persons studying on a contract basis.

Places are filled in stages:

  • For applicants within quotas
  • For those enrolled at stage 1
  • For those enrolled at stage 2

Thus, the chances of getting a place in a dormitory at the first stage are maximum, since at the second stage there may not be enough places even for applicants with high scores.

The need for a hostel does not affect the results of enrollment: the competition for a place is held separately. That is, an applicant can pass on budget points, but his points will not be enough to get a place in a dormitory. Exclusion from the competition for budget places is possible only if the applicant does not have enough points to obtain a place in the dormitory and in the application for consent to enrollment he indicated that he refuses to enroll if a place is not provided.

Information about the provision of hostel accommodation is indicated in the enrollment order. Information about check-in to the dormitory is published in the “Information for Enrollees” section.

Dormitory for the period of submission of documents and examinations

For applicants in 2019 during the summer period, it is possible to be provided with places in the dormitory while submitting documents and passing entrance examinations.

Place of residence: Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, building 86, building 1 (the nearest metro station is Yugo-Zapadnaya). Cost of living: 508 rubles per person per day (dormitory accommodation is provided for no more than 3 days and 2 nights! With the exception of persons taking entrance examinations).

To check into a dormitory, it is necessary, no later than 5 days before the check-in date, for each person (both the applicant himself and one accompanying person) who needs a place in the dormitory, to send an application and receive confirmation from the University about the provision of a place.

Check-in to the dormitories is from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 20.00; on other days and times there is no check-in.

Applicants are increasingly suffering from problems with a lack of housing. And since the majority of students are visitors (more than 70%) from other cities and even countries, we are talking about a huge number of people in need of housing. And the hostel is a tasty morsel that is not enough for everyone, but it is so desirable for everyone! So how can you get this “paradise” if you don’t have connections and money?

First priority lucky ones

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3;
  • orphans;
  • "Chernobyl";
  • “directors” or “targeters”;
  • foreigners and contract workers;
  • children from large families;
  • children of disabled parents;
  • athletes of certain categories.

Whatever is left is distributed among all others not included in the specified categories. And a student can get a place in a dormitory only in descending order of the passing score.

The hostel is not just “your own corner”, it is a school of life

And, despite the very sad living conditions in this paradise, hundreds, thousands, millions of students flock here every year. Of course: few students can afford to live in rented apartments, especially if they study in multimillion-dollar cities.

According to the law, the conditions for providing a hostel to students require 6 square meters. m. per room per person. And practice shows that the hostel administration can accommodate from 2 to 6 people for this amount of square meters.

How can a student who does not have benefits get a dormitory?

Only those who have the patience to delve into legislation and regulations can get a good room in a hostel. And if you take into account the impolite refusals, in order to get a hostel for students (paid or free), sometimes you will have to threaten or at least be prepared to contact the prosecutor's office. But usually issues can be resolved peacefully.

By the way! For our readers there is now a 10% discount on any type of work

Well, the first thing you need to do is study the rights of students living in the dormitory, as well as those who intend to move in there.

Before you take action, find out whether the university is obliged to provide dormitory accommodation for nonresident students or other categories of those in need.

Here are some tips for those who want to get a place in a hostel:

  1. Many people believe that applying for housing can only be done in the summer or at the beginning of the school year. In fact, the law does not provide for a time limit for applying for a hostel. So, a student can submit documents for a dormitory at any time – at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the academic year.
  2. Preferential categories and non-resident students are provided with a dormitory in accordance with Article 16 of the Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, Model Regulations on Student Dormitory. Therefore, first carefully study these documents to understand whether you can qualify for something.
  3. If the selected university has its own housing stock, then it must provide a dormitory for ALL students who need living space, and not just non-resident full-time students. The latter, of course, have priority benefits. But this is not a reason to refuse the rest, since from the point of view of the law this will violate the rights of other students. And this violation already becomes an excellent reason to contact law enforcement agencies.
  4. Well, so that they immediately pay attention to you and in order to avoid communication with law enforcement agencies, when writing an application to the rector’s office to provide you with a place in a dormitory, immediately mention Article 16 of the above law in the document. Also ask in your application to explain in writing to you (in case of refusal) on what basis the administration made a decision to deny the legal right to receive housing. Often one correctly drafted such statement is enough to resolve the situation in favor of the student.
  5. We are used to the fact that Russian students in the hostel are free students. Meanwhile, the law does not mention anywhere that only a state employee can get a position. So if you were only able to enroll in a paid department, do not hesitate to ask for a room. You have all rights on the same basis as other categories.

And one last thing. If you still managed to get the long-awaited room, great! You will be able to save a lot of money. But don’t forget that students still pay for the hostel, even if it’s just pennies compared to renting an apartment. So you still have to fork out the cash. True, this does not apply to a special category of students who will not have to pay at all (1st and 2nd degree disabled people, orphans or those left without parental care).

As for payment, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Law 16, which we mentioned above, the university administration and hostel management do not have the right to set you a fee that exceeds 5% of the amount of the scholarship you receive (if you receive one).

In general, all this is not difficult - you just need to know your basic rights and the bills that confirm this. Studying at a university will be much more difficult, believe me. Well, in order to somehow lighten your burden, the student service is ready to take over the worries of writing tests, term papers, laboratories, diplomas and other types of educational work.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education

vocational education




E.A. Vaganov


Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University" PVD PZ - 2010

Krasnoyarsk 2010

REGULATIONS on the procedure for checking into dormitories

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

PVD PZ - 2010

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1. General Provisions

1.1 This Regulation regulates the procedure for providing rooms (places) in dormitories to students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, students, applicants, employees of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University" (hereinafter referred to as the university) in the part not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including:

– specifies the grounds and sequence of provision of places (rooms) for accommodation in dormitories;

– determines the procedure for the provision of rooms (beds) in dormitories.

1.2 This Regulation has been developed in accordance with

Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Approximate regulations on dormitories (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 23, 1993 No. 726), approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 08.11.1988 No. 328, Approximate regulations on student dormitories of the federal state educational institution of higher and higher education average

approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on July 10, 2007 and establishes the procedure for providing rooms (places) in student dormitories of the university.

1.3 The department responsible for settling into dormitories is the Dormitory Management.

1.4 Regarding settlement issues, the Dormitory Management interacts with institutes, the admissions committee, the postgraduate department, the student trade union organization and other structural units in the prescribed manner.

1.5 Check-in to dormitories is carried out on the basis of the order of the Rector of the University.

1.6 Rooms (places) in dormitories are intended for temporary residence:

– for the period of study of nonresident students, graduate students, doctoral students studying full-time;

– for the period of passing exams and performing dissertations by graduate students and doctoral students studying by correspondence;

– applicants for the period of passing entrance exams;

– employees for the period of work at the university.

REGULATIONS on the procedure for checking into dormitories

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

PVD PZ - 2010

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Subject to full provision of places in the dormitory for the categories listed above, the university, in agreement with the PPOS, has the right to decide on accommodation in the dormitory:

– trainees, students of preparatory departments and the faculty of advanced training, as well as other forms of postgraduate and additional professional education during the period of their full-time study.

The decision to provide residential premises in a dormitory is made on the basis of students’ personal applications.

2 The procedure for settling students

2.1 The procedure for allocating places to live in the University dormitories:

Of the total number of places allocated to the institute (faculty), 20% of places are provided for 1st year students, 79% for 2nd-5th year students.

Up to 1% is allocated to resolve issues of settling in the established order those in need of a hostel in the event of unforeseen family, financial and other circumstances.

2.1.1 The priority right to receive residential premises in the dormitory is enjoyed by:

Orphans and children left without parental care;

- children from orphanages and boarding schools;

- disabled people of groups I, II and III;

- students whose parents (one or both) are disabled people of groups 1, 2;

- students whose families include disabled children;

- students from large families;

- students whose families suffered (lost housing, etc.) as a result of natural, social, man-made and other disasters;

- students whose average monthly total income for each family member does not exceed the approved minimum subsistence level on average per capita, calculated over 12 months;

- students who came from other regions;

- students who do not have one of their parents;

- foreign students studying under contract.

REGULATIONS on the procedure for checking into dormitories

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

PVD PZ - 2010

Page 4 of 10

2.1.2 The priority right to secure a place in a dormitory among those in need of each course has (in order of priority):

- students are scholarship holders of the President of the Russian Federation, Potanin scholarship;

- students who have achieved high results in research activities (winners of regional or international competitions of student scientific works, laureates of regional or international olympiads in their specialty);

- students who have the highest scores based on the results of two sessions of the corresponding academic year;

- 1st year students – those who scored the highest points based on the results of entrance examinations;

- students whose siblings are studying at the university;

- students are winners and prize-winners of official championships, cup competitions in sports included in the program of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, as well as winners of official championships, cup competitions of the Russian Federation in other sports included in the Unified Sports Classification of the Russian Federation;

- students who take an active part in the public life of the university (including the trade union committee of the university or trade union bureaus of institutes (faculties), heads of academic groups);

- students who left the dormitory due to conscription for military service and, after being transferred to the reserve, returned to the university;

- students who previously lived in a dormitory, provided there were no violations of the internal regulations during the period of residence, in agreement with the head of the dormitory department, the chairman of the students' trade union committee, and the director of the relevant institute.

2.2 The following documents are attached to the application for a room (place) in a student dormitory:

A note on the receipt confirming that the original certificate of secondary education has been submitted to the admissions committee (upon admission);

Certificate from the dean's office or educational department (if studying);

- copy of passport (all pages);

- certificate of family composition;

- certificates from social authorities protection;

REGULATIONS on the procedure for checking into dormitories

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

PVD PZ - 2010

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Additional certificates confirming the relevant benefits.

2.3 Applications for the provision of rooms (places) in student dormitories are submitted:

applicants entering the current year - to the Admissions Committee before July 25 of the corresponding year;

graduate students - head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies and Certification scientific and pedagogical personnel until October 15 of the corresponding year;

students - to the dean's offices of the institutes during the academic year. 2.4 The draft order for the settlement of students is formed by institutions in

deadline until September 15 of the corresponding academic year in accordance with the established procedure. Signed and registered copies of these orders are transferred to the Dormitory Management. A rental agreement for residential premises is concluded with a student in need of a dormitory based on the check-in order. Check-in to the dormitory is carried out by the head (commandant) of the dormitory on the basis of an order from the head of the Dormitory Administration. The places of students who have not settled in on time are, as a rule, used to accommodate those in need in the dormitory in the event of unforeseen family, financial and other circumstances.

2.5 The check-in order must contain the following information:

- decision on the merits (provide a room (place), extend the contract, terminate the contract);

- last name, first name, patronymic of the student;




- period of study;

Form of training;

- dormitory number, room;

- other information.

2.6 Part-time students are provided with rooms (places) in exceptional cases in accordance with the established procedure.

2.7 Applications from non-resident applicants who need accommodation in a dormitory for the period of study or while taking entrance examinations are considered only on the condition that when submitting documents to the Admissions Committee, they make the appropriate notes in the application for admission.

REGULATIONS on the procedure for checking into dormitories

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

PVD PZ - 2010

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2.8 Applications from non-resident applicants who require accommodation for the period of entrance examinations are considered by the Administration of Dormitories no later than July 25 of the corresponding year. In this case, residential premises in the hostel are provided no earlier than 5 days before the start of the entrance examinations.

2.9 Parents of applicants are not provided with places in the dormitory.

2 Procedure for settling in graduate students (doctoral students)

3.1 Applications from graduate students (doctoral students) for the provision of a room (place) in a dormitory are submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies, Doctoral Studies and Certification scientific and pedagogical personnel and are considered at a meeting of the housing commission.

3.2 The check-in of postgraduate students (doctoral students) is carried out in the prescribed manner on the basis of protocols in the rooms assigned to the postgraduate fund.

3.3 The draft order for the accommodation of postgraduate students is formed by the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies and Certification of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel before October 15 of the corresponding academic year in the prescribed manner. Signed and registered copies of these orders are transferred to the Dormitory Management. With a graduate student (doctoral student) in need of a dormitory, a rental agreement for residential premises is concluded on the basis of an order for settlement. Check-in to the dormitory is carried out by the head (commandant) of the dormitory on the basis of an order from the head of the Dormitory Administration. Places for postgraduate students, which are released during the year, are usually used to accommodate postgraduate students (doctoral students) in need of a dormitory in the event of unforeseen family, financial and other circumstances.

3.4 The check-in order must contain the following information:

- decision on the merits (provide a room (place), extend the contract, terminate the contract)

- last name, first name, patronymic of the graduate student (doctoral student);


- period of study;

Form of training;

REGULATIONS on the procedure for checking into dormitories

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

PVD PZ - 2010

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- dormitory number, room;

- other information.

4 The procedure for settling students with families with children

4.1 The procedure for registering students with families with children

And those in need of a dormitory is established by the University in agreement with the student trade union organization.

The accommodation of students with families with children is carried out on a general basis (in order of priority):

University students are single mothers; - families in which both spouses are studying at the university full-time

form of education; - families in which both spouses are studying at the university: one per

full-time study, the second - part-time; - families in which one of the spouses is studying at the university, and

the second is a full-time student at another educational institution;

Families in which one of the spouses is studying at the university.

4.2 The following documents are attached to the application for a room (place) in a student dormitory:

Certificate from the academic department or dean's office; - a copy of all pages of the passport; - a copy of the marriage certificate;

A copy of the child's birth certificate (if available); - certificate of family composition; - certificates from social authorities protection;

Additional certificates confirming the relevant benefits;

Other documents.

Applications with all necessary documents are submitted to the Dormitory Administration.

5 The procedure for registering employees as those in need of a dormitory

5.1 Rooms (places) are provided to university employees for the period of their work at the university or for the period specified in the contract

REGULATIONS on the procedure for checking into dormitories

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

PVD PZ - 2010

Page 8 of 10

rental of residential premises in a hostel, subject to the full provision of residential premises for all those in need specified in these regulations, in accordance with the established sanitary standard of at least 6 square meters. m of living space per person; vacated rooms in the dormitory can be provided for accommodation by employees, as well as members of their families.

5.2 To register employees as needing a room in a dormitory, the following documents are submitted to the administrative housing commission:

an application signed by the head of the structural unit in which the employee works in the prescribed form;

an extract from the house register at the employee’s place of registration (if registered);

a copy of all pages of the employee’s passport, as well as all family members (if there are minor children - a copy of the birth certificate) living with him;

a copy of the marriage certificate;

a copy of the employee’s work record, certified by the university’s personnel department;

– a certificate from the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Krasnoyarsk Territory stating that the employee and members of his family living with him do not own premises suitable for living;

– other documents upon request of the administrative and housing commission.

5.3 The documents submitted by the employee are subject to registration by the secretary of the administrative and housing commission and are considered by the administrative and housing commission at the next meeting in the prescribed manner.

indicators in labor activity;

achievements of the employee in the field of development of science and education;

the university's needs for employees.

6.2 The following have the priority right to move in:

married couples, both working at the university;

married couples with minor children;

employees raising children alone.

In exceptional cases, employees in need are provided with housing out of turn:

- at the request of the Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists,

- vice-rectors of the university,

- Chairman of the united primary trade union organization of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation.

6.3 The check-in of employees and members of their families is carried out by the head of the hostel (commandant) on the basis of a decision of the administrative and housing commission, a rental agreement signed by both parties, and a passport.

7 Procedure for providing superior rooms

7.1 Superior rooms are provided to part-time students, employees, teachers and other categories of persons for the duration of a session, seminars, lectures and in other cases.

7.2 Check-in is carried out upon submission of the necessary documents to the Dormitory Management:

Application addressed to the head of the Dormitory Administration with a certificate from the educational department or dean's office on the form, basis of training and session dates (for distance learning students);

A memo from the head of the relevant structural unit for temporary residence, indicating the full name. and the length of stay of persons moving into superior rooms.

Entering a higher educational institution is always happiness for a newly graduated student. For many of them, the educational process begins with checking into a dormitory. This article will tell you what documents are needed for this, and will also reveal some of the nuances of settlement.

Checking into a student dormitory requires the student to have a certain package of documentation. Answer the question “what documents are needed for this?” maybe the dean’s office or other university structures responsible for this process.

Documents for check-in into the hostel are a prerequisite for check-in. Their list is as follows:

Additional certificates may be added to this list, the need for which is determined by each educational institution independently. Most often, when moving into a dormitory, students may be required to:

In addition to the above documentation, the freshman must have with him a warrant or an extract from the protocol made by the housing commission of the institute. It must indicate the building number, as well as the room number reserved for a particular student.

A very important point is the fact that former applicants who have not reached the age of majority are required to submit all documentation in the presence of one of their legal representatives - parents or guardians.

When submitting all certificates and papers, legal representatives must have with them a document confirming their identity. It's best if it's a passport. In the case of guardians/trustees, in addition to a passport, they must present to the authorized person papers certifying the rights of guardianship or trusteeship over a specific minor.

As you can see, the documentation package required for moving into a university dormitory contains a relatively small list of papers. Before moving in, it is advisable to learn in detail about the check-in procedure and prepare in advance the entire required set of documentation.

Special groups of people

The following groups of citizens have the right to receive certain types of benefits when moving into a hostel:

  • orphans, as well as minors who have lost parental care;
  • disabled students, including the category “disabled children”;
  • children of military personnel who died in local wars;
  • state-funded students who are part of a group of socially vulnerable citizens, as well as persons who achieved a certain passing score upon admission;
  • forced migrants;
  • children from large families;
  • persons living in environmental risk areas.

All citizens who are included in the above groups, in addition to the required papers, must submit documentation confirming their status when moving into a university dormitory.

Nonresident applicants also have benefits for settlement. But the whole procedure still happens on a first-come, first-served basis.

First, free rooms are provided to persons with a certain social status - orphans, and only then to scholarship holders, excellent students, activists, etc.

Any applicant can get a place in a dormitory upon admission to a university. The main thing is to prepare the necessary list of documentation in time.

Video " Check-in to the hostel"

How to properly go through the check-in procedure and what do you need to take with you?
You will find out the answer from the story.

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