Rum captain morgan history of creation. Jamaican rum "Captain Morgan". Reviews and opinions of knowledgeable people. Myths about the drink

Rum "Captain Morgan" is one of the most popular elite alcoholic drinks today. Its popularity is due to the mass of varieties for every taste, its rich history, and reasonable price, which allows not only connoisseurs with deep pockets, but also people from the so-called middle class to enjoy the pirate drink.

Captain Morgan - brand history

Today, Captain Morgan rum is produced by the large British manufacturer Diageo, but its history began a long time ago in Jamaica. Then rum tasted a little differently than it does now, but it was famous for its production technologies, which were based on time-tested traditions: spices and herbs added to alcohol softened its strength, turning the finished strong rum into a softer and more pleasant drink.

It is interesting that, despite the benefits of rum, global recognition came to it only in the eighties. Since then, companies from America, Germany, Canada and South Africa have been regular customers. At the beginning of the 2000s, more than fifty million liters of Captain Morgan were sold, which undoubtedly confirms its well-deserved place on the list of the best.

In the mid-nineties, a company called Seagram (USA) became interested in the unusual aromatic taste of the drink, and bought the rights to production, building a large plant for it. The original title was “ Captain Morgan Rum Company", and contained the name of the famous English pirate Henry Morgan.

Some connoisseurs of the Caribbean drink do not consider Captain Morgan to be real rum, since most of its varieties do not exceed forty degrees in strength. However, relatively recently, in 2005, the company released a new type - “Black Label”, seventy percent rum, often used in rum cocktails.

On the alcohol market today you can see the famous Jamaican rum under a different name - Captain Morgan Jamaica Rum. It is made according to the same recipe, but belongs to a different manufacturer.

Captain Morgan Black

During its existence, several unusual varieties appeared, for example, Captain Morgan black rum. Its peculiarity lies in the mixture of several varieties, otherwise known as a blend. To make a unique drink, the blend of the best representatives of the Morgan family is sent to wooden (oak) barrels to age for at least three years.

The strength of Captain Morgan Black is about forty percent, the color is charcoal black. The aroma has notes of honey, and the taste has a slight spice, as well as cola, cloves, cinnamon and oak flavor.

The black contains vanilla, cane (an essential ingredient in pirate rum) and molasses, which is why the taste is so smooth and sweet. It is recommended to consume this variety either in its pure form or by adding ice or lemon.

Cocktails and tart punches with a strong flavor are made using Captain Morgan black rum.

"Captain Morgan" spicy

The Captain Morgan line of flavors includes five spicy friends, which are the most popular due to the unusual combination of the sweetness of cane sugar and the spiciness of original spices, which in various combinations give varieties. Let's talk about each in more detail:

Original Spiced Gold

Original Spiced Gold

It is also called Captain Morgan golden spiced rum. Mass production of this drink began with him in 1983. In addition to the main, traditional set of spices, Captain Morgan gold rum includes vanilla, aromatic additives with the taste of exotic fruits from the Caribbean islands. Another feature of the variety is the aging period - it is slightly longer than the standard one. The color of this rum is bright amber. Rum "Captain Morgan" gold is consumed both in its pure form and with ice, and with cola. In addition, the golden variety is used as the main component of cocktails such as Daiquiri, Grog or Cuba Libre.

Black Spiced

It basically contains, as you might guess, dark rum. According to the information indicated on the label, the manufacturer adds both natural and artificial flavors, as well as spices, among which vanilla occupies a dominant position.

Silver Spiced

Unlike the previous variety, it contains light rum as a base. Its strength is thirty-five degrees. Vanilla is also the predominant spice here, but connoisseurs call the taste of Silver Spiced specific and “for everyone.”

How to drink Captain Morgan rum

Regardless of the type of rum, there are several ways to drink Captain Morgan rum correctly:

  1. Clean. This method is usually chosen by men, since it involves enjoying a tart, strong taste, and this requires some fortitude. Many rum connoisseurs believe that there simply cannot be any other answer to the question of how to drink Captain Morgan rum. During meals, it is recommended to use vodka glasses as a container for rum, and if alcohol is put aside “for dessert,” cognac glasses or thick-walled “old-fashioned” round glasses.
  2. With ice. This option is preferred by those who do not want to “spoil” the taste of pure rum with any additives, but cannot withstand the strength and astringency of the pure drink. Ice will not only cool it, but also soften the somewhat bitter taste due to spices and degrees. Some connoisseurs argue that adding ice will affect the individuality of the rum, and it will be a completely different variety, since the harmony of taste is disrupted and the bouquet of aromas is diluted.
  3. Cocktails. The most popular option for drinking rum is for young people, who prefer colored mixtures in the club to small glasses at an intelligent dinner. Naturally, the true taste of the drink will be lost if you add even the most neutral flavoring to it, but often any experiment is worth it. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and try various combinations, additives in the form of syrups, fruits, spices, and other alcoholic beverages.

When you order rum at a restaurant, you will receive a glass with a wedge of lemon and a few ice cubes, which you can add or set aside.

For the holiday, it is customary to decorate glasses with sparklers or other attributes.

At a Caribbean resort, you'll be lucky enough to get your share of the pirate drink in half a coconut.

Snack with rum is a separate issue. Naturally, true connoisseurs of rum will never agree to mix it even with their favorite delicacy. However, if you still can’t resist a snack, use... bread! Yes, oddly enough, bread is the ideal option. It does not spoil the aftertaste, while at the same time absorbing some of the strength.

Fruits and berries, lightly sprinkled with cinnamon, go well with rum. Seafood such as mussels, oysters, a variety of caviar or lobster are also suitable. As for the form of serving food with rum, it is better to give preference to salads or canapes.

If you are hosting guests whose taste preferences you do not know, add a meat plate, sausages, herbs, and cheese to the serving. Almost any product makes an excellent pair with rum.

If you are just starting your journey through such a diverse world of rum, then all paths and tastes are open to you - you can try different varieties, experiment with combinations and cocktails. There is only one thing left to add - yohoho and a bottle of rum!

Captain Morgan English rum is a premium quality drink at an affordable price. The trademark belongs to the global giant Diageo Corporation. Rum is produced in Jamaica from sugar cane using classic Caribbean technology. The finished distillates are transported to England, where they are aged in oak barrels for several years.

The history of the brand began in 1944, when the founder of the Seagram company met an unusual alcoholic drink in Jamaica. It was made by local pharmacists, the Levy brothers, who bought classic rum from Long Pond, added spices and aged it in barrels. The Seagram company acquired the rights to produce drinks using this technology, a distillery and began producing products that quickly conquered the markets of the USA, Canada, South America and Europe due to their quality and cost.

Captain Morgan Rum Varieties

In the WineStyle chain of stores you can buy the following types of Captain Morgan rum:

  • Black Spiced - black spiced rum of charcoal color with a strength of 40%, the soft velvety taste is dominated by notes of cola, oak, cloves, and the aroma reveals nuances of caramel, vanilla and spices;
  • Spiced Gold - golden rum with notes of dried fruits and chocolate in taste, alcohol content - 35%. The aroma is dominated by tropical fruits, honey and spices;
  • Black Jamaica Rum is a dark amber colored rum, the taste of which is dominated by notes of cane molasses, oak, and vanilla. The bouquet reveals bright oak shades, with notes of honey and vanilla. Strength - 40%;
  • White is a clear-colored rum with a delicate taste, in which notes of vanilla, burnt sugar, spices, vanilla, and tropical fruits are intricately intertwined. The aroma has the brightest nuances of melon, nuts and spices. Alcohol content: 37.5%.

The manufacturer’s portfolio also includes other varieties of the drink, but they are produced for the Canadian and US markets. Before purchasing, connoisseurs of strong alcohol should always check how many degrees the Captain Morgan they like has.

Prices for Captain Morgan rum at WineStyle

The cheapest Captain Morgan rum can be bought in the WineStyle chain of stores at a price of 1,310 rubles. per 0.5 liter bottle. Rum has bright taste characteristics and can be used to create unique cocktails. This brand easily competes in popularity with well-known varieties

No matter how many new drinks and types of alcohol are invented, the most popular brands of drinks remain at their best for centuries. A striking representative of a drink that has lasted centuries is Captain Morgan rum. The logo of Captain Morgan rum is known to many. The bottle label depicts a pirate with his foot on a barrel of drink. This image is considered a classic, even those who have nothing to do with drinking recognize it.

Today the Captain Morgan brand ranks seventh the most popular line among world rum producers, and second in the United States.

Rum is a strong drink, however, Captain Morgan cannot be called rum in the literal sense of the word. Connoisseurs of elite alcohol know: “Captain” has a lower strength than real pirate booze - 37.5%. But the reduced strength did not prevent the brand from reaching leading positions.

The popularization of the modern “Captain Morgan” occurred at a time when drinks in their pure form are consumed less and less, and cocktails more and more often. Therefore, Captain Morgan has filled a vacant niche as an excellent ingredient in rum-based cocktails.

It is generally accepted that homeland brand is Jamaica, since the distillation of the modern drink takes place there. The booze is bottled and infused in Britain, allowing Captain Morgan to have “dual citizenship.”

History of appearance

The world history of rum is inextricably linked with the period of Prohibition in the United States. It was this drink that became a drink produced and brought illegally into the country, where its sale was strictly prohibited.

Captain Morgan gained its popularity at the beginning of the 20th century. Contrary to strict law, a certain Samuel Bronfman bought equipment at a closed winery. Having delivered the equipment to Canada, he established the production of rum, which soon flowed like a river to America. Bronfman's corporation, called Distillers Corporation Limited, became so successful that within a few years the owner was able to buy out another company - Seagram.

The production and smuggling of rum did not go unpunished. After exposure, the company received a huge fine - one and a half million dollars. Canadian historians still have not been able to unravel all the nuances of the scam carried out by Bronfman and his accomplices.

After cancellation Sukhoi law Seagram was doing even better. The company acquired the Jamaican Long Pond distillery, founded in the 18th century. A special feature of the distillery was that the rum produced there was the raw material for the production of herbal tinctures, which were made by the Levi brothers. Together with the distillery, Bronfman bought the recipe for the famous tinctures from the pharmacist brothers.

The rum produced by the corporation was named after pirate Henry Morgan, an English pirate engaged in robbery and robbery on the Caribbean shores. The Spanish colonies were in awe of the pirate's deeds, however, the English government was supportive. In 1673, the British King Charles II awarded Morgan the title of knight, the rank of admiral and gave him the governorship of Jamaica.

In the 50s of the last century, the situation with the production of booze worsened, and Bronfman moved the production of rum to Puerto Rico. In Jamaica, the job situation was not the best, so the government obliged the company to retain part of the rights to produce “Jamaican rum” in the country. After this, the Captain Morgan drink, produced in Jamaica, is produced by the J. Wray and Nephew Ltd." These products are not exported.

On world Seagram products came out in the 80s of the last century. And in 2001, the Captain Morgan brand was acquired by Diageo. Today, rum is produced in the British Isles, so it is only partly “Jamaican”.


Jamaican rum Captain Morgan is produced using classic technology similar to the preparation of whiskey. It includes three step:

  • Fermentation;
  • Distillation;
  • Excerpt.

The raw material is prepared from a product of sugar cane processing - molasses. Rum varieties change their qualities depending on the following: factors:

  • Exposure duration;
  • Fermentation methods;
  • Types of distillation;
  • Different proportions of main raw materials and yeast.

At the initial stage of production (before the drink undergoes aging), it has a transparent color. The characteristic hue of rum is formed after the liquid has aged for the required period in oak barrels.


These are not all varieties produced by Seagram. In addition to the varieties described, stronger drinks are also produced, as well as light cocktails based on the pirate drink.

There is an expression (not literally) that in a debate between whiskey and cognac... rum always wins.

Rum, of course, is a more interesting drink than whiskey and cognac, but it is still most often used for cocktails. And in this role, Captain Morgan rum showed itself best. It is important to know here that not all drinks of this brand are rum: among them there are also those that are “rum-based drinks”. You can easily tell this from the label.

Types of rum Captain Morgan

More than 16 types of Captain Morgan rum are produced, let's talk about each of them.


This, as you might guess, is Black Rum. Classic, with an intense, quite interesting taste.


This is a dark rum made from seven distillates, which are imported from different places: Barbados and Guyana. The aging of these distillates ranges from 2 to 5 years.

Black Spiced

This is a ready-made cocktail based on black rum. This cocktail is spicy, with spices, as is evident from its name. The dominant flavor is vanilla.

Deluxe Dark

This rum is very popular in Canada, where it is drunk neat. It is considered one of the highest quality products produced by the Captain Morgan brand.

Captain Morgan 1671

This rum is distinguished by its unusual antique bottle, but otherwise it is no different - an ordinary dark rum.


Another classic option. This time it's white rum. Not bad, worth noting.

Parrot Bay

Another rum cocktail ready to drink. This time with fruity and nutty notes on the palate.

Silver Spiced

White rum with spices. We warn you right away: it may not appeal to everyone.

Lime Bite

Next rum cocktail, this time fresh with dominant notes of lime.

Original Spiced Gold

One of the most popular types of rum in our country is Captain Morgan gold or golden. Not to be confused with dark: different things.

Limited Edition Spiced

Another golden rum, but released in a limited edition. There is no particular difference between it and the previous rum. Well, if only in the packaging design.

Original Spiced

Same golden rum, but this time with spices. Good in cocktails that require golden rum.

Long Island Iced Tea

And again, a ready-made cocktail, which also includes vodka, gin and whiskey. So we advise you to drink it with caution - strong.


This is black rum from Morgan, but with its own specific taste, somewhat reminiscent of liqueur.

100 Proof

This is the strongest rum in the Morgan line: 50%.

You can buy Captain Morgan rum at the WineStreet store.

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Reviews of purchase "Captain Morgan" Black Spiced, 0.7 l 2 reviews



Alexey Kotelnikov


I tried it several times, mostly bought it either in Duty or in specialized stores. In general, I love Morgan, but there is a Private Stock series - I would give him 10 points, but alas, I haven’t been able to find it in Moscow for a year now.
Black spiced is an excellent combination of tart rum with notes of refined aromas. I sincerely recommend it.

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Tasting notes


Rum has a characteristic coal-black color.


The rum has a soft, velvety taste with notes of cola, cloves, cinnamon and beautiful hints of oak.


The aroma of rum is reminiscent of aged whiskey, revealing tones of spices, vanilla, dark caramel, cinnamon and hibiscus.

Gastronomic combinations

Rum is perfect for the most daring and unusual cocktails. Also, due to its mild taste, it can be consumed in its pure form as a long drink with the addition of ice and lemon. Rum should be drunk in “old-fashioned” glasses with thick walls and an even thicker bottom. A good cigar will be an ideal pair for rum.

Rum "Captain Morgan" has an interesting history, because it was first created by the real pirate Henry Morgan, whose name inspired terror in the Caribbean islands. The history of his piracy ended in 1671, when Spain and England signed a peace treaty, and in 1673, for his services to England, he was awarded the title of Sir and appointed lieutenant governor of Jamaica, where he created the original recipe for a pirate drink.
Today, the bulk of the production of Captain Morgan rum is also carried out in Jamaica, where the highest quality distillate is obtained from selected Jamaican cane in continuous retification columns. The resulting alcohol is delivered to England, where the rum is aged in oak barrels.

"Captain Morgan" Black Spiced combines Jamaican carefree and English quality, it is covered in the aura of the adventures of the legendary pirate and has an individual modern style. Thanks to its mild taste, the rum is good both with ice and as an excellent ingredient in refreshing cocktails or punch. Try it and you will be imbued with the spirit of this drink.

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