The earliest image of a key. Keys are symbols. Fortune telling on the key

Magical imagination. A Practical Guide to Developing Superpowers Farrell Nick

Keys - symbols

Keys - symbols

The word "symbol" dates back to late Greek simbolon, meaning “sign or sign.” A symbol can be any image or sign that represents another object and has some similarity with it. The white dove, for example, is considered a symbol of peace because in the biblical story of Noah, the dove brought an olive branch as a sign that the storm was over. However, the role of symbols in human life is much more significant. In a world built through thought, a symbol is a language that can connect you to the various thoughts and feelings accumulated by humanity over thousands of years.

As you study occult teachings, you will see symbols drawn on paper, on talismans, and in magical books. Some are widespread, such as the crucifix, while others, such as the pentacles contained in a medieval spell book Key of Solomon", are more rare. The symbols are intended to stimulate thinking and provide an opportunity to connect to the deeper and more powerful realms of the unconscious World Soul.

The symbol ties associations together. For example, your mind may associate all members of the canine family with one symbol: dog. When you see a dog, your mind will immediately access files of information associated with it. By opening such a file, you can see all the associations, good or bad, that you may have in relation to dogs (which, in turn, are stored under the corresponding symbols). Some characters are unique to you. They were created by you based on your personal experiences. For those who were bitten by a dog as a child, the symbol may be associated with pain or fear, while for other people the dog is a happier symbol of friendship.

There are two types of symbols. First, there are the primary or archetypal symbols, which are basic and intended only to highlight a single idea. The second type consists of primary symbols to which details are added to emphasize certain meanings that may be hidden when the archetypal symbol is drawn. Take, for example, the image of an equal-armed cross. This primary symbol essentially means that when the four elements are in balance, they create the opportunity for the fifth to emerge. You can emphasize this meaning by making the equal-armed cross a secondary symbol by placing a rose at its center, representing the spirit. You can then further enhance its meaning by coloring the arms of the cross in red, blue, yellow and black, representing the four elements. The primary symbol is usually the most powerful because it has greater potential and is able to provide the mind with a wider range of directions.

Rice. 1. Crucifix and cross of the Order of the Golden Dawn

One of these symbols is a crucifix, and the other is a cross with a rose of the Order of the Golden Dawn. Look at each one (Figure 1) for a minute and then write down everything that comes to mind. The lists you end up with may be completely different. For example, group members who were asked to do this exercise at a seminar said that they received more intellectual information than spiritual information from the image of the cross of the Order of the Golden Dawn, and felt that the purity of the simple cross provided them with more spiritual information than intellectual information.

You can see your symbolic language in the seemingly chaotic visions of your dreams. Such dreams only become clear when you consider each component symbol within the framework of your own experience. A dream in which a character from the film " Sounds of music” comes to your home to sell homemade jam, you need to divide it into individual symbols and look at them one by one. This film may be a symbol of heroes fleeing Nazi oppression. If you don't like this movie, it may be a symbol of mindless fantasy with annoying, haunting songs. What does this jam mean? If you associate jam with the long summer holidays when your mother made it, then it could mean that your subconscious mind is telling you to take a break. If jam represents calories and sweet foods to you, then it could mean that you have subconscious fantasies about fattening foods.

Other symbols, called archetypes, are familiar to most of the human race. They were “discovered” by the psychoanalyst Jung, who realized that some of the symbols present in the dreams of his patients had no personal meaning for those who had the dream, but were nevertheless perceived as very important. Some symbols have been widespread throughout human history, appearing in various myths, religions and the works of many writers. Jung argued that these symbols, common to all human culture, were derived from the World Soul, which he called the collective unconscious. These powerful symbols penetrate the consciousness simply because they are a common part of the experience of all human beings.

Every religion has had an archetypal figure, be it Zeus, Isis, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Buddha or Allah. The myths and legends of different cultures may vary greatly, but at the same time they all contain such archetypes as the Fool, the Seeker, the Maiden, the Crone, the Mother, the Father and the Hero. These archetypes confirmed Plato's idea of ​​an archetypal world governed by primordial ideas from which everything comes.

These highly significant primary images are vital to our well-being. Within our inner kingdom they can be distorted and effectively suppressed by complexes acquired through life experiences. For example, I knew one woman whose mother was a prostitute. When this mother didn't want to have sex with clients, she sent them to her teenage daughter's bedroom. As a result, the child’s Mother archetype turned out to be so deformed that it aroused fear and mistrust in her, instead of the proper associations with caring upbringing. This girl's biological father had long since disappeared from her life, so the only example of the father archetype was her mother's pimp, who was guilty of sexually assaulting the girl. The fact that these archetypal figures were so distorted meant that everything pleasant usually associated with parents was completely devalued due to mistrust and fear. One of the key areas controlled by the mother and father archetypes is our relationships, as we tend to perceive the opposite sex in light of our earliest impressions of our parents. As a result, this young woman's relationships with men and women were based on the mistaken belief that they would always betray her, a belief that later became a self-fulfilling prophecy. (Later we will look at methods by which we can heal such archetypes.)

From the book Our Worldview (collection) by Serrano Miguel

KEYS...We give these keys without the intention of deciphering them or explaining them, so that only a few who know can understand them in the infinite time of another realm. God Tiu, Tuisco, Tyr, Ziu, Ziso, Zeus. He owns Tuesday, the day of Mars, the god of war and peace. Ziso-Zeus, Jupiter, Sparkling.

From the book The Sixth Race and Nibiru author Byazirev Georgy

THE KEYS OF ENOCH The Avatar takes a man and throws him into a melting pot to separate the slag and minor metals that detract from his true value from the gold Dear Ones, The Keys of Enoch tell us that human DNA is a huge biological

From the book Conversations author Dmitriev Alexey Nikolaevich

KEYS AND KEYS - Alexey Nikolaevich, is it possible to work and feel like you’re in space while remaining on Earth? And where does space begin for us? Beyond the threshold of the house?.. In the mountains?.. In prayer?.. In dreams?.. - Everyday life is the lowest section of earthly human activity. And religion, philosophy,

From the book of Revelation author Klimov Grigory Petrovich

KEYS OF KNOWLEDGE To acquire true wisdom, you first need to be in a donkey's skin. Apuleius, “The Golden Ass” In the spring of 1957, my New York address received an invitation from Washington to fly to Europe for the Hague Congress of Solidarists of the National Labor Union

From the book Keys to the Grail Castle by Lloyd Scott

8. Keys to Avalon “And then there was the battle of Camlan between Arthur and Medravd, and Arthur killed Medravd, and was himself wounded to death. And from this wound he died and was buried in the Hall - in the inheritance of Afallach. Thus, the historical Arthur disappeared into the foggy haze of legends.

From the book Practical Magic of the Modern Witch. Rituals, rituals, prophecies author Mironova Daria

Keys of Destiny It is believed that if you wear a small key on your body, you can gain true wisdom. It will also enhance the ability to bear children and fertilize. To cure impotence, you need to keep an old iron key under the mattress. You will always have

From the book Numerology of Success. Start the Wheel of Fortune author Korovina Elena Anatolyevna

Keys to success 1If you are a Unit - a leader, innovator, organizer, then your first key to success: always and in everything, concentration and willpower. The second key is awareness. Before starting any business, you must study all the possibilities, collect all possible

From the book Star of Protection and Money Talisman. Anti-crisis numerology author Korovina Elena Anatolyevna

Keys Key No. 1 of the Star Shield = the digital value of the first initial of the name by which you call yourself. Key No. 2 of the Star Shield = the digital value of the first initial of your patronymic. Key No. 3 of the Star Shield = the digital value of the first initial of the surname to which you belong

From the book Commander I by Shah Idris

From the book The Traditional Healer's Golden Manual. Book 2 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Keys to the gate Today I will be a wizard and I will turn failure into success. The silent ones spoke up. Those leaving turned back. All the menacing ones nodded. All those who threatened fell. Thoughts that came like a dove lay down to rule the world. The quietest words brought a storm. And you walked like

From the book Self Discovery by DeSean Warren

About the keys There are many keys - key words to prayers. The most common of them are “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". It is also easy to use keywords such as “Key, lock, tongue.” Amen. Amen. Amen”, as well as “Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

From the book Astral Projection for Beginners. Six techniques for traveling to other worlds by McCoy Edain

17. KEYS TO SELF-HEALING The bulk of self-healing can be achieved in Alpha. While in Alpha, we know that offense and illness are just mental conditions, not our Self. Even physical conditions are mental conditions, because

Keys are often used in ritual magic. Their power to open and lock is interpreted in all senses: both symbolic and literal. Particularly powerful alchemical rituals using a key charged with a certain energy were even capable of dissolving objects in space and connecting the incompatible.

By owning the key to an object, we thus show that we own the object itself. By locking an object with a key, by this action we symbolically demonstrate that we are protecting it from everything third party. And not only the object, but also, for example, our words. For example, in the verbal incantatory part of the ritual in Slavic conspiracies the phrase often appears: "Key. Lock. Language". In conspiracies, these words are often pronounced before key words. "Let it be so!" or "Let it be done" to enhance and accelerate action.
Symbol of fidelity

In magic, the key is a symbol of fidelity. But we are talking not only about relationships, but also in a global sense – loyalty to someone or something. It happens that we desperately want to remain faithful to some conceptual idea - and suddenly we realize that we can succumb to the temptation to deviate from the original plan, although we know that this will lead to dire consequences
Let us give an example of a magical technique, thanks to which a person will not change any of his specific goals, ideas, etc.
First, you need to depict or describe on paper the goal you are striving for (at least symbolically). Or take an object that you associate with this very goal.
Other attributes you will need are three candles: white, blue and orange. And, of course, the key.
Place the candles on the table in the shape of a triangle - so that there is a white candle in the lower right corner, a blue candle in the lower left, and an orange one at the top. In the center, place a chosen object or paper describing a goal, an idea, something that you want to be true to. Some practitioners of the magical craft believe that next to such a description there should be a lock to which the key fits, but at the same time it should be understood that the goal or idea itself is a symbolic object-lock to which your key fits.
Place the key, which will serve as a symbol of your fidelity, somewhere near you. Light the white candle first, then the blue one and finally the orange one. Now take the key and hold it over the center of the triangle, saying the following spell words:

I unlock for good, I lock for evil,
For a better fate
I'm performing the ceremony!
To what I want to be faithful,
I remain faithful there.
There's no point in distracting me
I have armor!
The armor is not simple,
and enchanted,
Created by the power of the key!

Loyalty... (insert a brief description or name of what you are loyal to here)
... I’ll save it until the necessary accomplishment!
By the power of the key
May my command be fulfilled!
Key. Lock. Language.
Let it be so!

In the same way, you can talk yourself into loyalty to someone living, and not to certain goals or ideas.

Symbol of wisdom and new knowledge

The key is also one of the symbols of wisdom, therefore it is used as a body decoration to expand one’s knowledge, that is, in order to become a smarter and more intelligent person.
To charge your key jewelry specifically for acquiring wisdom, you will need a piece of new natural fabric, walnut oil and the jewelry itself - for example, a pendant in the shape of a small key. By the way, the key pendant is considered one of the most powerful protective amulets against the evil eye. But if for some reason you do not want to wear a key jewelry, but want to receive a path to divine wisdom, then simply create yourself a magic key of wisdom from any ordinary key.
It is recommended to carry out actions at the beginning of the waxing moon phase. Pre-rinse the key in running water, mentally turning to the power of the element of water, so that all negative things disappear from the key. Place a piece of fabric directly in front of you, with a key on it. Place walnut essential oil nearby. Above the key, connect the thumbs and index fingers of both hands to form a triangle (its base is the thumbs). And say:

The Power of Wisdom and Knowledge,
The power of the universe is infinite.
I ask you, as your child,
Give me a piece of that light.
Which is capable of illuminating me
Path of Wisdom
and True Knowledge!

After these words, take the key in your hands and carefully rub a drop of oil into it. Place the key on the material again and again place your fingers in a triangle.

Wisdom will come to me
Wisdom will find me!
I'll find the answer in no time.
May it come true as I want!
It's finished!

Leave the key to lie on the cloth for a while. You can then wear it whenever you need to find the answer to a nagging question or if you feel like you need help acquiring wisdom and knowledge. At a particularly important moment, just touch the key with your hand, hold on to it for a while - and all the answers will come by themselves.
Security key

In our daily lives, we most often interact with the keys to our home, which means it would be appropriate to remember the use of keys in home magic.
In order to protect the house and those who live in it from various negativity, it is customary to hang a key above the door, onto which the following spell words are spoken three times:

Only good things come to this house
and joy will come in,
For good, let it be
the way is open!
Let the angry and envious
this house will pass by
For all the evil there is a way
closed here!
Let it be so!

To protect your home from thieves, you will need used keys and strong red thread, or better yet, tape. Count how many doors there are in your house, this will be the required number of keys for the ceremony. Take the keys and walk around the perimeter of the house, knocking three times with a separate key on each door, while saying the spell words three times:

Lock up the thieves during the day!
Lock up the thieves in the night!
Protect this house from thieves!
When you return to the entrance of the house, tie all these keys with a red ribbon and place them on a nail near the front door. At the same time, say these magic words:
A thief will not enter this house,
The thief will bypass this house!
From any dashing
I protect the house
It will be done
as I wish!
If guests or relatives ask what this bunch of keys is, you can tell them directly that it is a talisman for the home.

Fortune telling on the key

In the old days, girls got together and told fortunes using the key. You can also invite unmarried friends to visit and tell fortunes. You need to prepare in advance an old key, similar to the one that used to lock chests. Tie a pink or red ribbon to the hole in the key. Its length must be a multiple of seven (14, 21 or 28 cm). Take any book, place the key with the beard between the pages, close the book and tie it tightly so that the key does not fall out. Now this whole “structure” needs to be hung from the ceiling by a ribbon (for example, you can attach it to a chandelier). Then all the girls stand around the key and join hands. Someone alone calls out loud the names of all the girls gathered, one by one. On whose name the book turns, that young lady will be the first to marry.
Signs keys

There are many superstitions regarding house keys. It is recommended to have a key for each family member over seven years old. Don’t throw your house keys anywhere, they are an important attribute of the energy of the house. Choose a separate secluded place where you will always leave your keys when you return from the street. And try not to lose your keys. Losing a key is most often a sign of life changes that you will not immediately accept calmly. It may also mean that some path is temporarily closed to you.

The key is an ancient magical talisman. Many ancient peoples used it to attract good luck and protect against evil spirits. It is very important to choose a suitable amulet for yourself and learn how to wear it correctly.

The key talisman is a symbol that personifies the masculine principle, the masculine principle, and magical protection. Amulets in the form of a key have always been popular along with other household amulets - spoons, knives, bells. Currently, astrologers recommend wearing the key talisman in its different variations for people born under the sign of Aquarius.

In modern magical practices, such a talisman is a symbol of the search and acquisition of higher wisdom and knowledge of the meaning of existence. It is recommended to wear the key on a chain as a personal amulet. If the material used to make it is gold, it will become a powerful protector of its owner from negative thoughts, views, from the evil eye and damage, envy and curses. If three golden keys are used on a bunch at once, this will help a person gain health, financial well-being, and find a soul mate.

If you place a talisman in the form of a key under the mattress of the bed on which a man sleeps, this will increase his fertility. And if you put the key in the cradle, it will become a powerful protector of the baby from evil forces and negative energy.

Interestingly, a key made of any material is suitable as a talisman. And if he approaches one of the existing locks in the house, his strength increases several times.

Key of Solomon

The Great Key of Solomon is a symbol of magical attributes. This is one of the magical signs that is used in practical Kabbalah. According to Kabbalistic teachings, this symbol is used to make certain talismans, which are not just protectors of their owner, but also increase his magical abilities.

Such amulets can be performed using the energy of the sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Mars. Each of them has their own abilities. Typically, such a multi-colored key is not worn as a decoration; it is placed in a special bag.

Talisman Abilities

It is believed that the key can bring success in business and open up opportunities for self-realization. People endow such an everyday and simple object with magical qualities. Logically, a key is a tool that opens a door; accordingly, it can open access to new human capabilities. It is believed that thanks to a pendant in the form of a key, you can remove all obstacles on the path; it is a symbol of power, access, freedom of choice and entry into a new life.

A pendant in the shape of a key represents a way out of a difficult situation, task or controversial issue. It is given magical properties to open any door. It is believed that it helps to release secrets and knowledge. If we turn to the ancient Slavs, such an amulet was considered the personification of the god Janus - a two-faced deity, in whose hands are all the keys, locks, including the keys of Power, which open and close access to the gods and secret knowledge.

A pendant in the shape of a key contains the secret of spiritual knowledge. Silver and gold amulets symbolize spiritual and secular power, heaven on earth and in heaven. In ancient times, there was a custom - to transfer the key to the gates of the city to its conqueror. This was a sign of submission and humility to the winner.

Materials used for talismans

An amulet made of gold is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity in new endeavors. It helps to strengthen self-confidence and gives determination in a new business, helps to change jobs to a new, desired one, and reach new heights in career growth.

A silver pendant is suitable for wearing by students and students, as it helps to quickly assimilate the acquired knowledge, helps to select the necessary information and direct it in the right direction. It is also recommended for beginning businessmen to wear it so that their business develops quickly and makes a profit. By hanging a bunch of keys in a visible place in your house as a talisman, you can protect your family from quarrels, scandals, and unwanted guests. But you need to remember that such a talisman cannot be outweighed.

A rock crystal key will become a guide to the world of secret knowledge. He will become an assistant for beginning mediums, psychics, and fortune tellers. It is also suitable for writers, expanding their creative potential.

Wearing a bracelet with a pendant in the shape of a key will help get rid of excessive shyness. This type of jewelry is worn on the hand. And by putting it on your leg, you can increase your attractiveness and sexuality to members of the opposite sex, and find your soulmate.

Home cleansing ritual

Using the key, you can carry out a ritual of cleansing your home and protect it from negativity. You need to collect as many keys as there are locks in the house (in this case, you should take into account not only the locks on the front door, but also the existing locks on cabinets, tables, and various drawers). It is not at all necessary to use exactly the right keys for these locks, the main thing is that their number matches.

“Lock up the thieves in the night!”

After reading the slander, you need to tie all the keys together with a red ribbon or cord and hang the bunch inside the house above the front door.

Key forms a single symbolic complex with the door lock. The ability to unlock or lock makes the key a symbolic object representing the “permissive and binding power” of its owner. In addition to its common meaning with the castle, it also acts as a phallic and axial symbol.

Basic values:

  • phallus;
  • mi axis;
  • wisdom, knowledge, mystery (secret), secret;
  • concealment, closing, captivity, binding;
  • liberation, access, freedom;
  • initiation;
  • safety;
  • humility;

Silver and gold keys (respectively):

  • secular and spiritual power,
  • lesser and greater secrets,
  • earthly and heavenly paradise.

See also:


Northern tradition

Among the Celts, the keys to the stall are an attribute of Epona, the keeper of horses.


The three keys to the granary are love, wealth and happiness.


Mithra has the Keys of Power.


The keys of God raise the dead and signify birth and blessed rain.


“Woe to you lawyers, because you have taken the key of understanding.”

Luke 11:52

Christ hands over the keys, personifying the “releasing and binding power” to the Apostle Peter, who is therefore considered the guardian, the guardian of the Heavenly Gates:

“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven...” Matt. 16:19

In paintings of the Last Judgment there is an image of a Dragon falling into the abyss and an Angel holding a large key, the purpose of which is to lock Satan in the abyss for a thousand years (Rev 20:1).

  • Peter, Apostle, St. - usually there are two keys;
  • Spanish king Fernando - conquered (“unlocked”) the city of the Moors, Cordoba;
  • Hippolytus, St. - jailer (depicted as a warrior), converted by St. Lavrentiy;
  • Martha (Martha), St. - a bunch of keys at the belt;
  • Notburga, St. - a bunch of keys at the belt;

The last two are the patroness of housewives and maids, women's prudence and women's duties around the house.

A pair of keys (gold and silver or iron) is a papal attribute.

The combination of the dove and key symbols is the spirit that opens the Gates of Heaven.


The doors of heaven in the sign of Capricorn (Unicorn - ?) are the doors of the gods, personifying the increase in the power of the Sun. The underground doors in the sign of Cancer are the doors of people, a symbol of the weakening of the power of the Sun.


The force of opening and closing, dissolving and collapsing.


In some Masonic systems, the key serves as a symbol of the title of master or treasurer. It also had the shape of the letter T, reminiscent of one of the varieties of the cross or hammer.


Regarding the meaning of the keys depicted on coats of arms, Böckler (1688) writes:

“The keys mean dominance and the power to open and close, so the two-faced Janus was depicted with them, for he has the power to close the old year and open the new one. There is also a custom of bringing the keys of the city to its supreme rulers. to show thereby that all power is transferred to them. The keys on the coat of arms also indicate trust and proven loyalty shown towards one’s lord and master.”

The keys are depicted on the coats of arms of cities:

  • Regensburg,
  • Bremen;
  • Sest;
  • Stade
  • on the coat of arms of the monastery of the Benedictine Order (Lower Austria).

The pair of keys on the papal coats of arms was depicted as indicating the “permissive and binding power.” Originally, one key was depicted as gold and the other as silver, with the gold key designated as “binding” and the silver key as “permissive.”

The city of Avignon, which was the possession of the popes from 1348 to 1797, introduced a third key into its coat of arms as a symbol of the city’s subordination to church authority.


In secular art, the key is an attribute of the earth goddess Cybele and the personification of Fidelity.

  • Do not try to open by force what is closed.
The symbol warns us against too persistent and too daring exploration of the wonderful phenomena of nature and the mysteries of religion and faith. Both are hidden from us as long as we remain under this veil of flesh. Ultimately, they will be revealed to us by the key of Grace. EMSI 37-2, p.261


Embodies temptation. A symbol of mysteries (mystical), requiring a special solution, a stage leading to discovery (in a broader sense, to light), as well as a symbol of the means to fulfill a given task.

The key given by Bluebeard to the woman opens the door of the forbidden room and evokes an association with the male genital organ.

Sometimes the key seems to “let you in” into the vestibule of the subconscious.

In fairy tales and legends, three keys usually symbolize all kinds of hiding places full of treasures. The keys here represent the knowledge contained in the initiation. The first of them, silver, denotes what needs to be achieved through psychological efforts; the second, golden, refers to philosophical wisdom; the third, diamond, gives the power of action

"Key -

That which serves to unravel, understand something, master something."

(Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary)

In former times, symbolism was secret knowledge, which was carefully guarded by a narrow circle of initiates. And finally the time has come when access to the secret meaning of the symbols is open to everyone.

It is no secret that many household items that accompany a person in everyday life have long been endowed with some additional symbolic or mystical meaning. And among thousands of such objects, it is the key that occupies a special, privileged position. Moreover, its value is not so much the form itself, made of any metal, but its unique function of providing access to something. That is why the key most of all symbolizes power, mystery, freedom, initiation, as well as hidden knowledge.

The locked, forbidden, inaccessible invariably attracts every person, forcing him to look for ways to get what he wants, and for this he so needs a key. The key is a symbol of a mystery that needs to be solved. The key is a symbol of discovery. A key is a symbol of possession of something. The golden key from the fairy tale symbolizes finding happiness. The key is a tool for achieving a result: to the heart, to success, to freedom... The key can be a dual symbol, the meaning of which is the ability to open or close, lock or release, hide or open. The key is a symbol of wisdom and ingenuity, so it is used as a body decoration to expand one's knowledge.
By holding the key to an object, we thus show that we have undivided control over it. By locking an object with a key, we symbolically demonstrate that we protect it from everything external, therefore the key is also a symbol of wealth and safety of household property, honor and accumulated experience, material and spiritual wealth of a person, and in magic - his loyalty to someone or commitment to something -or.

Possession of keys was also important in family life: the wife wore a bunch of keys on her belt as a symbol of her position. She usually received them from the groom's mother when she moved into a new house. The keys gave her alone access to all the chests and cabinets. Since ancient times, the key has been considered the most significant symbol of victory or the possession of something important and valuable - it was not for nothing that there was a custom of presenting the key to the city to the winner, which meant recognition of power and submission. Today, the keys to the city are symbolically presented to honored guests, and during the carnival - to the prince and princess of the guild, who take power over the entire city for three whole days.

In fairy tales and legends, three keys usually symbolize all sorts of hiding places full of treasures, and a small key can open the door to a mysterious world, give or deprive happiness...

“Alice decided that this was the key to one of the doors, but alas! - either the keyholes were too large, or the key was too small, but it did not fit into any of them, no matter how hard she tried. Having walked through the hall a second time, Alice saw a curtain that she had not noticed before, and behind it was a small door about fifteen inches high. Alice inserted the key into the keyhole - and, to her greatest joy, it fit!"

L. Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland"

“I give you this key. It was dropped to the bottom of the pond by a man with a beard so long that he put it in his pocket so that it would not interfere with his walk. Oh, how he asked me to find this key at the bottom!.. The bearded man He told me a lot about this key, but I forgot everything. I only remember that you need to open some door with it and it will bring happiness..."

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

Gustave Dore

“Here,” he said, “here are the keys to both large storerooms; here are the keys to the gold and silver dishes, which are not served every day; here are the keys to the chests where my gold and silver are kept; here are the keys to the caskets where my precious stones lie ; here is the key that unlocks all the rooms in my house. And this small key is the key to the room that is at the end of the lower large gallery. Open all the doors, go everywhere, but I forbid you to enter this small room, and I forbid you so strictly, that if you happen to open the door there, you can expect everything from my anger.”

Charles Perrault, "Bluebeard"

And even the word “key” itself has an incredible number of different meanings. The key is a spring with clean, fresh and cool spring water. The key to a lock that is used to lock a house, gate or case. A wrench or an adjustable wrench, without which nothing can be repaired or fixed. Finally, the most interesting key is the key to the cipher, with which you can read the mysterious cryptographic message and its great brother - the musical key, without which it is impossible to read the notes, and without which their recording will be encrypted even for the most virtuoso musician.

Also quite interesting are the so-called prison tattoos with the image of a key. Such a tattoo is usually done in memory of an important event (most often a crime), which no one should ever know about. The key does not allow the wearer to forget the vow of silence that he took upon himself when applied.

And this prison tattoo of a crossed arrow and a key is a symbol of an apartment burglar. Traditionally, it is applied to the forearm or thigh.

However, even without its symbolic meaning, the key is the most interesting object for inspiration of creative people who (and this is absolutely indisputable!) are able to turn it into a work of art and more...

To create the original chessboard, designer Dave Pickett (USA) made as many keys as the number of pieces required for the game. According to him, he created this project for his 3D design classes, but he liked the idea so much that he cherishes the hope of making such a board. After all, playing with key pieces is not only difficult, but also useful.

Ekaterinburg photographer PolTergeist works with burning matches, from which he creates amazing pictures. Shades of black, gray and yellow, the bizarre shapes that burnt matches, fire and smoke take, give PolTergeist inspiration to come up with a variety of subjects, objects and characters, such as this key...

Here's how fashionable 3D printers were put to good use by a German security expert known as Ray, who "printed" a key that fit perfectly into the popular Bonowi and Chubb police handcuffs, attracting the interest of quite a few lawbreakers.

One of the attractions of New York was the locksmith workshop "Greenvich Locksmiths", the facade of which was decorated with thousands of keys. Its permanent owner, Phil Mortirallo, created this miracle himself, in his free time from commissions, and in addition, became famous for his unusual paintings from real keys.

The famous master of microminiatures, Anatoly Konenko, who created real masterpieces not only on rice and poppy grains, but also on human hair and other natural objects, is the creator of the most miniature golden key, placing it on the foot of an ant.

Extraordinarily beautiful and quite massive forged keys can serve as a magnificent decoration for interiors or facades,

And magnificent, exquisite jewelry,

Including talismans made of real gold

Scrapbooking also paid close attention to this decorative element:

And what’s most interesting is that many signs associated with keys still have their secret power over us: a whole series of spells and magical rituals are associated specifically with keys.

Worn around the neck, a small silver or gold key can replace a talisman.

The iron key, as a phallic symbol, helps against impotence if placed under the mattress.

Several old house keys can be collected in a bunch with a red ribbon. This will be a talisman against thieves, the so-called “constipation against thieves.” To do this, you need to go around your home and jingle the keys near each corner of the house. The "thief lock" is then hung on the front door as an amulet decoration.

A key that fits one of the house's locks, placed upside down next to the bed, will ward off nightmares and promote peaceful sleep.

But a key found on the street should not be taken into the house. This is perhaps the most harmful find, after needles, pins and small change.

If you put three keys on a chain at once, this will ensure wealth, health and love for their owner.

An ordinary key that you carry with you brings good luck, but only until it matches one of the locks in your house. If you change the lock and the old key is no longer needed, throw it away, as it will no longer bring good luck.

In County Durham (England) there was an interesting belief that if a woman’s keys kept rusting, it meant someone was collecting money as a gift for her. It's funny that it gradually transformed into a sign about receiving an inheritance.

And the most common sign is associated with the wedding ceremony: before the newlyweds are to enter their house, an unlocked lock is placed under the threshold, and as soon as they enter, the lock is immediately locked with a key and thrown away.

And this list of all kinds of rituals, signs and superstitions associated with the key can be continued for quite a long time, since almost every person has his own sign associated with such an ordinary-looking object... But if you still don’t believe in signs, but If you passionately want to penetrate into any secret, then carry a small golden key with you at all times. Good luck to you!

Your Elena Lev

And now let me introduce you to the magical works of our Guest Artists:

Hello! My name is Natasha or Tasha. I live in Ukraine. I've been into scrapbooking for almost 2 years. InhaledThe inspiration is mainly my son and music. I try to devote at least 30 minutes every day to my hobby. I love all styles and trends. I wish everyone a good mood!!!

I made a card with a secret. If you untie the string, then in the pocket there is a photo of me and my husband and the phrase “the key to my heart is only in your hands”
I used Victoria Fleer Inside Out paper, MME, stickers and TX film. TX stamp, lace, woven cord, chipboard key, glimmer glaze Tattered Angels

This task inspired me to create this notebook. An ideal place for a girl to tell her innermost thoughts and experiences. An old key was found during cleaning, and found its place as a symbol of revealing secrets. The tag is attached to the brads and pulled out, and you can write something on the back of it. Some secret, perhaps?

And the magical work of our wonderful design team:

Good day, forest dwellers!
We have a very interesting task! Keys are a very important attribute of our life! As for me, I always try to find something important in the interlocutor, to find the “key” to him! There are a lot of keys on my page)) And they all mean one thing - each person can be discovered from a new side! And me included))) As a secret - a scroll with my favorite saying: “Success is a path, not a goal. Find the key to it!”
The page combined the incompatible - a background from MF and backings from the Teresa Collins collection :) As well as a metal heart pendant, braid with leaves, a lilac glitter mist, a transparent dictionary overlay, rose buds, rubbing and self-adhesive letters.

This work is not new, but it is still interesting. The idea for the inscription on the key came at the last moment, when I was ready to throw the letters in the trash, and so the inscription "O" Key was born. The "leather" straps holding the sign are rings made of a "sandwich" of cardstock and paper, tinted by Distress Ink Black Soot, - they are soft and really “leather" to the touch. I didn’t perforate the base of the card for brads - I just shortened the legs and put the die-cut on Sizzix glue. The sign is double-sided and the back is also decorated with embossing powder (you can easily do it there write in or paste in your wish). The black dots on it are also Distress powder. I removed all the solid particles with a fine file, but these beautiful marks remained.

Almost all materials and tools from Tim Holtz and Sizzix

(except Prima stamp and black Bazzill cardstock).

Our dear sorceresses!

We really hope that the wonderful works of our designers did not leave you indifferent!

Today we invite you to create ANY unusual work using a key or its image, without limiting its semantic meaning. However, it should not just be an insignificant or inconspicuous decoration, but convey a certain meaning: if it is a wrench, then let the work be on the theme of repair, and if it is an ordinary one, then open a door or lock, i.e. play your special role.
In addition, your work must be with some kind of SECRET, in other words, an additional hidden element or secret inscription, contain a code, a play on words and images, etc.

You can do any creative work until December 22 inclusive, inspired by such a mysterious symbol as
The winner, for the most mysterious and “secret” work, will receive a prize from our sponsor - a set of “Elegant” chipboards

We are looking forward to them!
Inspiration to you, magical works!
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