When is the next solar eclipse? What is a solar eclipse

One of the most anticipated natural phenomena can be called eclipses. They occur with some frequency, so scientists can predict in advance the dates of future eclipses of the Sun or Moon.

This is important not only from the point of view of astronomy, but also from the point of view of astrology, bioenergy, because such phenomena always make the world a little different for a short period of time. To know how the Sun and Moon will affect you and me during eclipses, try not to forget about them by tracking the lunar calendar or making notes for yourself.

What is an eclipse

Imagine a dark room, devoid of light. The only source is a flashlight. Let the lantern be the Sun. Let's say it shines directly in your face from the opposite side of the room. You are sitting on a chair or on a sofa, that is, you are on Earth. Imagine someone standing in front of you or... To illustrate this, imagine that someone takes a ball and carries it right in front of a street lamp. If you work on a full scale, then you will need, for example, a pea or something round and small. If you look at a pea, holding it with your fingers directly in front of your face, it can cover the Sun, that is, the lantern. This is a solar eclipse.

With a lunar eclipse, things are a little more complicated. Imagine that the Earth and Moon switch places. Now you and I are casting a shadow on the Moon. Since the Earth is larger than the Moon, the shadow passes across the lunar disk much more often and more clearly.

Upcoming eclipses of 2017

There has already been one solar and one lunar eclipse in February. It's already summer, and it's time for the second "wave" of eclipses. They will happen in August.

On August 7 there will be a partial eclipse of the Moon in Aquarius. It will happen in the evening, at approximately 18:20 Moscow time. It will only be visible from a telescope, but still not well enough.

There will be a total solar eclipse in Leo on August 21st. This means that this event will be very spectacular. Unfortunately, it will only be possible to watch it in North America. The partial eclipse will be slightly visible in the Russian Far East.

Thus, August will be very busy. If you wish, you can watch the broadcast or recording of the solar eclipse on August 21, but you shouldn’t worry too much about this, because beautiful eclipses happen every 5-6 years, and maybe more often. Of course, the lunar disk does not completely cover the Sun. In the same place globe A total solar eclipse occurs once every 200 years, which can already upset astronomy lovers.

How eclipses affect human energy

Both solar and lunar eclipses represent the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. You and I feel this ourselves. Remember that before any such phenomenon a day or even two is not necessary:

  • abuse alcohol;
  • disrupt the daily routine;
  • overexert;
  • be in stressful situations;
  • make important decisions;
  • start some important things.

On such days, you can and even need to part with the past, getting rid of garbage and junk at home. Cleanse not only the place where you live, but also your soul. Don’t be afraid to dream, forgetting about all negative moments, events and people in order to remove negative programs.

August eclipses are dangerous from an astrological point of view. The Lunar Eclipse on August 7 will take place in the Sign of Aquarius. On this day you should ask for forgiveness from those whom you have offended by word or deed in the past. Don't quarrel with anyone, especially if you don't want to have problems at work and school. Aquarius may make you say something that will turn your loved one away from you forever.

The Eclipse of the Sun in Leo on August 21 will be dangerous for anyone who wants to maintain leadership. You should not make empty promises on this day. Don't put yourself above other people: show your colleagues and subordinates, as well as close people, that you are equal. This will build trust.

Get rid of unnecessary emotions from your head. August is an energetically dangerous month, but luck will smile on you if you put some effort into it. You will succeed if you are careful enough on August 7th and 21st.

Positive thinking will allow you to overcome any problems, because the law of attraction always works, even on the days of an eclipse. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.07.2017 07:32

Every day of the week affects people differently. The energy of the stars and planets allows you to perform everyday duties...

Muscovites in 2017, just like last year, were unlucky again. Although in There will be two solar eclipses in 2017, but the territory of Russia does not fall within the visibility zone of both eclipses.

Solar eclipse February 26, 2017

The first solar eclipse of 2017 will be annular. It will occur on Sunday, February 26th at 17:54 Moscow time (14:54 UTC) on the February New Moon.
The observation area of ​​this solar eclipse is in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth: the Atlantic Ocean, West Africa and South America.
Russia is not within the visibility range of the September solar eclipse.
The duration of all phases of the eclipse is 5 hours 25 minutes 14 seconds.
The phase of the annular eclipse itself (when the moon's disk is completely inside the solar disk) will last only 44 seconds.

Solar eclipse on August 21, 2017

On Monday, August 21st at 21:26 Moscow time (18:26 UTC) during the August New Moon there will be Total Solar Eclipse.
The observation area for this solar eclipse is all of North and Central America.

The entire territory of Russia was again out of sight of the second solar eclipse this year.
The duration of all phases of the eclipse is 5 hours 17 minutes 32 seconds. The duration of the Total Solar Eclipse phase is 2 minutes 40 seconds.

Great American Eclipse

The Great American Eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017.. The visibility zone of the Total Eclipse of the Sun will pass in a narrow strip across all of America from the west to the east coast. The shadow of the Moon that covered the Sun, starting its path in the North Pacific Ocean, will fall on the continent in Oregon and, moving at a speed of 2,700 km/h, as if cutting the territory of the states in two, it will go into the Atlantic through South Carolina.
The eclipse on August 21 was named "The Great American Eclipse", since it will be the first solar eclipse since the founding of America (1776), the full phase of which can be observed exclusively in the United States. The previous “favorite” total solar eclipse, visible only from this territory, occurred on June 13, 1257. It is characteristic that over the past 37 years (from the Olympics in 1980 to the Great Eclipse of 2017), the lunar shadow during a total eclipse of the Sun did not touch the territory of the continental states.

Russian eclipse of the First World War

Exactly one hundred and three years ago (August 21, 1914) a significant solar eclipse occurred. During the total phase of the eclipse, the shadow of the Moon covered the regions of the western regions of the Russian Empire from north to south (shown on the map with a blue line). This eclipse is symbolic in that three weeks earlier (August 1, 1914), the German Empire declared war on Russia, and the visibility line of the eclipse on August 21, 1914 passed through the sites of the bloody battles of the First World War on the Russian-German front.
Currently, these lands are no longer part of Russia. With the exception of Crimea, a century after this eclipse, it returned to its “native harbor”.

But this.

The eclipse on April 8, 2024 will put an end to America

The next Total Eclipse of the Sun over America will be observed six and a half years after the Great American Eclipse. This will happen on April 8, 2024. Although the April eclipse will not be exclusively US-based, it attracts attention when paired with. In 2024, the shadow from the lunar disk that obscured the Sun will pass across the United States from the south (Texas) to the northeast of the country along the border with Canada. Thus, Collectively, the shadow of the 2024 eclipse will form a giant cross over all of America.

So, significant because

What will the Moon be like during the American eclipse? The question is absolutely rhetorical, since solar eclipses occur only on the New Moon.

Lunar eclipses 2017

There will be two lunar eclipses in 2017. The February eclipse will be penumbral, and the August eclipse will be partial.

Lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017

On Saturday, February 11th at 3:45 Moscow time (0:45 UTC) during the February Full Moon, a penumbral eclipse of the Moon will occur. In these types of eclipses, the lunar disk is not covered by the Earth's shadow, but only by its penumbra. During a penumbral eclipse, the change in the brightness of the Moon is almost invisible to the naked eye.
This lunar eclipse in its various phases can be observed on almost all continents of the Earth: in Europe and Asia, in Northern and South America, in Africa. The only exceptions will be Australia and Antarctica.

The lunar eclipse will begin at 22:34 02/10/2017 UTC, when the Earth's penumbra touches the edge of the lunar disk.
At 0:45 02/11/2017 UTC the moment of greatest eclipse will occur, when the Moon will be closest to the center of the Earth's shadow. At this time, the Earth's penumbra will almost completely cover the Moon's disk, but the border of the Moon's disk will still not reach the edge of the Earth's shadow.
At 02:53 UTC, the Moon will completely emerge from Earth's penumbra. This will end the eclipse.
The duration of the February lunar eclipse of 2017 is 4 hours 19 minutes 10 seconds.

Lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017

The second lunar eclipse of 2017 will occur on Monday, August 7 at 21:21 Moscow time (18:21 UTC) during the August Full Moon.
All of Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia fall within the visibility zone of the eclipse. In the Americas, the Moon will be below the horizon throughout the eclipse.
In the Far East at sunset.
The lunar eclipse will begin at 15:50 UTC (penumbral phase of the eclipse).
At 17:23 UTC, the Earth's shadow will begin to cover the surface of the Moon (the stage of a partial lunar eclipse will begin).
At 18:11 UTC the moment of the Full Moon.
At 18:21 UTC the moment of greatest eclipse (the Moon will be closest to the center of the earth's shadow). The moon will be at its zenith at this time for a point in the center of the Indian Ocean
At 19:18 UTC, the Moon will completely emerge from the Earth's shadow (the partial eclipse stage will end). The partial lunar eclipse will last 1 hour 55 minutes.
At 20:51 UTC the penumbral eclipse phase will end, which will last 5 hours 1 minute.

Observation of the lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 in Moscow

In most of Russia, the February lunar eclipse will be visible from the very beginning to the end. However, it should be noted once again that a penumbral eclipse is practically invisible to the naked eye.
Chronology Full Moon on the night of a lunar eclipse in Moscow (Moscow time):

  • 16:53 - Moonrise
  • 00:36 - upper culmination of the Moon
  • 01:34 - beginning of the Penumbral eclipse of the Moon
  • 03:45 - peak of the eclipse
  • 05:53 - end of the lunar eclipse
  • 08:05 - the Moon sets below the horizon.

Observation of the lunar eclipse in Moscow on August 7, 2017

In Moscow, this lunar eclipse can be observed in the late evening of August 7 at moonrise. The "low" position of the rising full Moon will significantly increase its visual size. The first half of the eclipse will occur at sunset, which will enhance the perception of the “bloodiness” of this August Full Moon.
So, the chronology of the Full Moon in the Moscow sky on the night of August 7-8, 2017:
  • 18:50 – the beginning of the lunar eclipse (penumbral phase), but for Moscow the Moon is still below the horizon
  • 20:10 – Moonrise
  • 20:23 – sunset
  • 20:23 – the earth’s shadow will touch the surface of the Moon (the stage of a partial lunar eclipse will begin)
  • 21:21 – moment of greatest lunar eclipse (coverage of the lunar disk by the Earth's shadow will reach its maximum)
  • 22:18 – the disk of the Moon will completely emerge from the earth’s shadow (completion of the partial eclipse stage)
  • 23:51 – end of the lunar eclipse (the Moon will completely emerge from the Earth’s penumbra)
  • 04:13 – The moon in Moscow will disappear below the horizon
  • 04:48 – Sunrise
Lunar and solar eclipses of past years: eclipses of 2015 eclipses of 2016
Eclipses of the last three years:

The fact of the existence of such a phenomenon as a solar or lunar eclipse has excited the minds of many sages for more than three and a half thousand years; they began to observe this phenomenon in 1136 BC, when this phenomenon was first recorded. At first it was noticed that there were more lunar eclipses than solar eclipses. Lunar events occur only when the Moon enters the full moon phase, and solar events only occur during moments of complete absence of the Moon (new moon). A couple of thousand years after the first lunar eclipse recorded in the chronicles, astrologers learned to compose schedule, and calculate the date of each of them, we decided on the nature of their phenomenon.

Solar and lunar eclipse calendar for 2017

As is known, the planets move in an orbit, which for the Earth has a pronounced elliptical shape, slightly inclined. Due to this angle of inclination of the plane of rotation of our planet relative to the plane of motion of the Moon, eclipses do not occur every month, but only from time to time. To do this, it is necessary that the Sun, Moon and Earth are on the same straight line.

Solar eclipses in 2017

During this period, we will be lucky enough to witness two solar eclipses: total and annular. It is not difficult to guess what a total eclipse of the Sun is - this is a phenomenon in which the Moon completely covers the solar disk, and people watching from the Earth will not be able to see the Sun at all.

The phenomenon of an annular solar eclipse is not much more complicated. During such an event, a certain rim will be visible from the Earth, which will remain from the Sun when it hides behind the lunar surface. An annular solar eclipse will occur February 26, 2017, we will be able to see a total solar eclipse August 21, 2017(see calendar).

Lunar eclipses in 2017

Lunar eclipses occur only during full moons; in 2017 there will be two of them: penumbral and partial. To understand what it is, you should learn about what shadow and penumbra are. These definitions are especially familiar to artists, because they have to work with similar techniques in painting to create the illusion of volume of an object on paper. In life, shadow and partial shade are found everywhere. But this phenomenon takes on the largest scale in space. The Moon casts its shadow on the Earth, around which there is a large circle of penumbra - a shadow into which the sun's rays penetrate, making it transparent and weak.

A penumbral lunar eclipse implies that during this phenomenon the Earth will not fall under the direct lunar shadow, but only in its penumbra, which is why changes in the brightness of the Moon’s illumination will not be detected by the naked eye. Penumbral lunar eclipse will occur February 11, 2017. In the case when the Moon falls under the earth's shadow only partially, astrologers speak of a partial lunar eclipse. It will be possible to watch it August 7, 2017(see calendar above).

The influence of eclipses on humans

Besides psychological influence, lunar and solar eclipses also affect human well-being. During such events, cases of hypertensive abnormalities are common, which causes headaches, rapid heartbeat and even attacks of irritability.

A solar eclipse is a stunning phenomenon, which is watched by millions of eyes, unable to tear themselves away from the wonderful view! It is as beautiful and amazing as it is rare. Only, on average, once every 350 years can a total solar eclipse be observed at the same point on the globe.

Moreover, the eclipse is interesting not only to astronomers and lovers of astronomical topics, but also to everyone who wants to see a real miracle in their life! But how to do that? Where and when can you see solar eclipse in 2017?

Total solar eclipse in 2017: date, location

A total solar eclipse is an extremely amazing thing. This is a real event in the world of astronomy. And ordinary people are happy to watch this amazing phenomenon with all their eyes when such an opportunity presents itself. And there are also people who “hunt” for total solar eclipses.

Every year they travel around the planet from one country to another, in pursuit of a truly amazing spectacle. Witnesses of solar eclipses assert with full confidence that everyone should see this phenomenon at least once in their lives.

Residents of America will be able to observe such a phenomenon for the first time in 40 years. This phenomenon has already been dubbed the Great American Eclipse. Scientists estimate that about 200 million Americans from South Carolina to Oregon will be able to see this rare astronomical phenomenon. In fact, the United States has become a “monopoly” on this eclipse: it will only be fully visible on the territory of this country.

Settlements are already preparing in full for the upcoming event, because they will have to receive hordes of tourists and they need to do everything to make the guests comfortable. The authorities of the cities where the eclipse will be observed are planning multi-day celebrations.

Where can you see the eclipse in 2017?

Fun fact: Carbondale will experience the first of two total solar eclipses in 2017, with the second occurring in 2024. That is, Carbondale will become a place where two total solar eclipses will be observed in 7 years.

Unfortunately, the 2017 solar eclipse will not be visible in most of vast Russia. You will be lucky enough to witness the partial phases of a solar eclipse only on the Chukotka Peninsula and in the extreme northeast of Russia.

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will occur and it will be the 22nd eclipse of the 145th Saros. Best View This phenomenon will appear from the subtropical and middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The peak of the solar eclipse, which will last 2 minutes 40 seconds, will occur at a point with the following coordinates: 37 ° N. 87.7°W And the width of the satellite’s shadow on the Earth’s surface will be equal to as much as 115 km.

At the same time, the height of the sun above the horizon will be equal to 64 °, the azimuth to the sun at the point at the peak of the eclipse will be 198 ° at world time 18:26:40 (time error is 70 seconds).

The essence of a solar eclipse

An eclipse is an astronomical situation in which one celestial body obscures the light of another celestial body.

A solar eclipse is observed when the Moon falls into the field between an observer from the Earth and the Sun, as if eclipsing it, blocking it. A solar eclipse occurs on the New Moon. Moreover, at the moment of a solar eclipse, the Moon itself is not visible, and one gets the feeling that some dark object is blocking the Sun from us. At this moment, the shadow of the Moon falls on the earth's surface and the entire region in the shadow can observe the eclipse.

According to astronomical classification, if a solar eclipse can be observed as total at least somewhere on the surface of our planet, then it is called a total solar eclipse. Despite the fact that the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, at the moment of a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the solar disk. How is this possible?

The answer is simple - the Moon is much closer to the Earth than the Sun (390 times to be precise). Thus, the distance completely compensates for the size, which is why, when appearing in the sky, the Sun and the Moon become practically the same size for us.

Annular eclipse in 2017

In addition to the total eclipse, earthlings can also observe an annular solar eclipse, which will occur February 26, 2017. This eclipse will be the 29th eclipse of the 140th Saros.

An annular solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which a cone-shaped extension of the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface, and the Moon at this moment is so far from our planet that it is not able to completely cover the Sun. That is, the diameter of the Moon turns out to be smaller than the Sun and, passing between the Earth and the Sun, forms the appearance of a “ring”.

In addition to total and annular solar eclipses, there are also partial solar eclipses - an astronomical phenomenon in which the cone of the Moon's shadow passes close to the earth's surface, but does not touch it.

Impact of an eclipse on people

The effect of absolutely any eclipse (not only solar, but also lunar) can be compared to the effect of a foggy haze. These days, the adverse effects on the psyche and health are significantly increasing. State of mind deteriorates noticeably.

During eclipses, it becomes more difficult to understand what is good and what is bad. It is not clear what is or is not suitable for us. Often during this period we succumb more easily to bad influences; we want to break and destroy everything. This is why you should refrain from making serious decisions on days when eclipses occur. New business should also not be started at this time.

A solar eclipse occurs near the New Moon. The solar eclipse affects men most of all, affecting career issues, social processes, and general health. A total eclipse of our star has the strongest negative impact. A partial solar eclipse has a weaker effect on people, and an annular eclipse has an even smaller impact.

Among the astrological events of 2017 are two solar and two lunar eclipses. They carry a powerful impulse that can lead to unexpected changes. Under their influence, events are possible that take us out of our comfort zone, forcing us to look at circumstances with a fresh look, take on something new, or, in another version, put an end to the old.

However, you should not be afraid of them. If earlier these celestial phenomena were considered as ominous omens, now astrologers have moved away from such interpretations. Now the prevailing point of view is that they measure the stages of life, help to correctly set priorities, and identify new goals.

In general, the energies of solar and lunar eclipses in 2017 are much more favorable than in the previous year. The stars promise support for plans and endeavors, and our task is to take advantage of our chances.

To find out when the nearest solar and lunar eclipse is in 2017, see the article below.

Lunar eclipses in 2017

Partial lunar eclipse August 7, 2017

The second lunar eclipse occurs on August 7, 2017 at 18:20 UTC or 21:20 Moscow time. It can be seen in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. In most of Russia (except Far East) it can also be observed.

This lunar eclipse, like the previous one, occurs on the zodiac axis Leo - Aquarius, when the Moon at 15 degrees of Aquarius forms an opposition with the Sun in Leo. There is a balance of the elements of Fire and Air - the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius form a harmonious relationship with Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius. All this gives good hope and allows us to expect a favorable outcome of events. This celestial phenomenon marks an important turning point, inviting one to forget the disappointments of the past and boldly enter a new phase of life. The creativity of Leo and the creativity of Aquarius are a successful combination, and the optimism of Jupiter and the sanity of Saturn complement it. By expressing yourself creatively, you will feel liberated and shine with your own light.

Solar eclipses in 2017

During a solar eclipse, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking sunlight so that it cannot reach the Earth. In astrology, it is believed that solar eclipses open up new perspectives and encourage us to travel to unknown worlds. Although their influence can cause upheavals in life, they are great for stimulating personal growth.

Annular solar eclipse February 26, 2017

Occurs on February 26, 2017 at 14:58 UTC or 17:58 Moscow time. This celestial event can be seen in Southern and Western Africa, South America, and Antarctica. It will not be visible on Russian territory.

In the eclipse chart, the Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Pisces form a conjunction with Mercury and Neptune, so the energies are quite chaotic and diffuse. The influence of Neptune in Pisces plunges us into an ocean of fantasy, but the presence of Mercury reminds us of the need to remain objective and sensibly evaluate the facts. However, its effects can be positive in many areas, and it is especially good for creative individuals and artists. Some can literally change their lives completely.

Total solar eclipse August 21, 2017

The second solar eclipse in 2017 falls on August 21, it will take place at 18:21 UTC or 21:21 Moscow time. It can be observed in the USA and Canada, Central and South America, Western Europe, West Africa. In Russia, partial phases are visible in the northeast of the country (Chukotka).

The August eclipse is significantly different from the February one, its impact will have a positive impact on everyone, regardless of the zodiac sign. The Sun and Moon at 28 degrees Leo conjunct Mars while simultaneously forming a trine to Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. This is a beneficial combination, so it makes sense to plan important things and not doubt your abilities. The results will be impressive, but you shouldn’t hope to achieve them quickly, because Saturn, the “guardian of time,” is involved in the aspect. Solar energy will have the greatest impact on long-term projects that span many months or even years.

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