Divination with salt. Fortune telling on salt Fortune telling on salt in a frying pan

Big book of Slavic divination and predictions Dikmar Jan

Divination for the betrothed by salt and water

At night, you need to eat about a teaspoon of salt or some salty food, such as herring, and not drink water. A bowl of water should be placed near the head of the bed and, lying down in bed, say: "My betrothed, mummers will come and give me a drink."

From the Golden Book of Divination author Sudina Natalia

Fortune telling in the name of the betrothed At midnight, go outside and ask the name of the first man you meet. The named name will be the name

author Dikmar Jan

Fortune-telling on a horse betrothed Wanting to find out the character of the future husband, the girls took the horse out of the stable so that it stepped over the shafts. If the animal hooks her foot, then the husband will be angry. If the horse jumps over the shaft, the groom will get

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune-telling for a betrothed by things With the help of this fortune-telling, they determined who the future husband would be. The girl who was guessing was blindfolded and seated at the table, on which objects were laid out that were considered symbols of the work of a peasant, priest, blacksmith and merchant (bread, book, key,

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune telling by the key This fortune telling is only suitable for girls with long hair. Before going to bed, you need to braid your hair, thread it into a lock, close it with a key and say: “Narrowed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key.” Put the key under the pillow. Will appear in a dream

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune telling on the betrothed by water Having moved a stool or chair as close as possible to the head of the bed, you need to put a jug of clean water and a mug on it. Going to bed, you should cross yourself and say: “After a long journey, my betrothed, mummers, come. My house is clean

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune-telling on the betrothed outside the gate When you go out of the gate, you need to say: “Ball, bark, doggy! Bark, bark, gray top!” Hoarse barking - the husband will be old, sonorous and tall -

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune-telling with a broom When everyone leaves the house for water blessing, take a broom and start sweeping the room. Making a wave to the right, read any known prayer, to the left - to pronounce any swear words. Then draw a line on the floor with charcoal, dividing the room into two parts, stand up

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune telling on a betrothed by a towel Late in the evening, the girls hung a towel outside the window and said: “My betrothed, mummers, come, wipe yourself with a towel.” If in the morning the towel turned out to be wet, the girl could hope that in the near future she would have a groom. If a

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune telling on the betrothed by cards Before going to bed, you need to put four card kings at the head, cover with a pillow and say: “My betrothed, mummers, come and show yourself in my dream.” If the king of spades is seen in a dream, the husband will be middle-aged and jealous. The king of hearts is a rich husband

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune-telling in the name of the narrowed by straw On Epiphany night, you need to put a pile of straw on the floor, put a cast-iron pan on it and step on it. Straw, creaking, rustling, will name the name

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune-telling for the child's future by pie and salt Put a small salt shaker with salt on the pie and put it at the head of the child's bed, and check it in the morning. If the salt crumbles, the child will have good luck in business in the future. If the salt remains in place, he always has

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune-telling on the betrothed by echo Running out of the hut into the street, the village girls aukali and listened - from which side the echo resounds, the groom will be from there. Other details were also noted. If the echo responded quickly and sounds for a long time, the wedding will be soon. If the echo is thin,

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Divination and Predictions author Dikmar Jan

Fortune telling on the betrothed in the barn On the eve of the Intercession, the girls baked rye bread, took a bunch of flax and ruffled it. In the evening, bread and flax were carried into the barn and laid on poles intended for drying sheaves, with the words: “My betrothed, mummers, come quickly, show yourself in the window, in front of me

From the book The Golden Book of Old Russian Magic, Divination, Spells and Divination author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune-telling on salt If among the rural guys literally everyone liked it, and it was a question of the final choice, the girl who was thirsting for marriage made herself “thirst” literally. Immediately before going to bed, she ate a good thimble, and even a tablespoon of salt, so that in a dream

author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Divination for Baptism. Fortune telling by the ring in the water Divination is performed at midnight, with candles lit. For this fortune-telling, you need to take a glass with a flat bottom, without drawings and pour clean water into it and lower the wedding ring into the glass. Then look straight into the water

From the book Slavic rituals, conspiracies and divination author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed This fortune-telling, common and popular to this day, is probably known to everyone. At midnight, leave the house and ask the first man you meet for his name. This name will be the name

Divination by salt as such is a very ancient type of divination. It used to be much more effective than it is now and was called "Halomancy" or "Alomancy" or "Halomanteia", which literally translates as divination by salt.

Why were fortune-telling by salt used to be more effective than now? It's very simple: before, salt was very expensive. For example, in ancient Rome, soldiers were paid salaries in salt. Well, when something very interesting, valuable and necessary is spent on fortune-telling, the result is much more reliable than if something cheap and ubiquitous is spent on fortune-telling.
Therefore, in order for predictions to have a high probability of reliability, it is better to use the most expensive salt possible.

There are several varieties of divination with the help of salt.

In order to see the appearance of her betrothed in a dream, the girl must eat very salty food before going to bed. Then you should say the following phrase: "Who is my mummer, who is my betrothed, he will give me a drink." At night, the girl should dream of her future groom.
This divination must be performed during the full moon. Pure water is collected in a glass, then small handfuls of salt and ash are poured into it. In the evening, the glass is left on the windowsill, and you need to place the container so that the moon is reflected directly in it. At midnight, the fortuneteller should take a glass and say: “Drink water, salt with salt, burn ashes, and I’ll peep the groom.” If she is destined to marry soon, she will see the face of her future husband.
To conduct this fortune-telling, you need to come up with a question, the answer to which will be monosyllabic (“yes” or “no”). Then they spread a dark cloth on the table, take a full handful of salt in their left hand, close their eyes and pronounce the formulated question, after which they begin to pour salt on the matter. According to the resulting patterns, you can determine the answer to the question posed.
Drawings resembling animals, plants, trees, the sun, a light bulb, a train, a car, say yes to the answer. “No” is clothing, weapons, clear geometric shapes, a shovel, a shoe, a snake, a ladle, a suitcase, a bucket, a box, a closed door and a gate. If the resulting patterns do not resemble any of the above, do not be upset, you just need to repeat the ritual again.
For the next divination, you will need salt and onion scales. When the New Year comes, twelve scales should be cut off from the bulb, each of which should be given the name of the month from January to December. After that, a little salt is poured onto the onion scales and left in this form overnight. When morning comes, you need to see what happened to the salt, then you can determine the result of fortune-telling:
January: swollen salt suggests that it is worth devoting more time to children; if it melted, help will be needed; no changes happened - waiting for profit; February: melted salt promises successful winter fishing;
March: salt swelling means the possible departure of the wife from the family; if the salt has melted, then in March there will be inevitable disputes and disagreements; if no changes have occurred with the salt, a sincere feeling will come;
April: swollen salt means good hunting and fishing this month;
May: the salt has melted - it is undesirable to leave your home, since trouble is likely to come;
June: if no changes have occurred with salt, then travel will be crowned with success;
July: If there are no changes, this month can be devoted to rest;
August: swollen salt indicates an interesting and well-paid job;
September: melted salt means that this month can be devoted to rest;
October: if no changes have occurred with salt, this suggests that girls and boys who have not had a couple can start a family;
November: if there are no changes, it is worth restoring the broken connections;
December: melted salt speaks of making successful purchases in the future.

Divination with salt (halomancy, alomancy) are ancient rites. The magic of salt helps to predict the future, put protection on oneself, help loved ones, and clean the house. Salt is an excellent conductor of energy.


In ancient times, the price of salt was high, because this divination method was taken seriously, it was considered the most effective. In ancient Rome, soldiers were paid with salt. If you need to clean the house, this can be done with the help of a ritual and a conspiracy that was used in ancient times.

On salt, they tell fortunes at Christmas time from January 6 to 19. This period is most suitable for rituals. These days, the dead come from the other world, evil spirits roam the streets, magic reigns everywhere. To make the prediction accurate, expensive salt is used. The question must be precise and thoughtful. Cleaning the house is done on certain days and with the right attitude.

Types of divination on salt

There are several ways to predict the future:

  • on the hill;
  • on the bow;
  • by candle;
  • to the answer "Yes or no".

To clean the apartment, you need to pour salt on saucers and place it in the corners, sprinkle it on the threshold.

"Yes or no"

The fortuneteller forms a question in his head so that it can be answered in monosyllables. They take a handful of the product with their left hand and sit down at the table. A dark-colored cloth is laid on the table in order to better make out the symbols. Closing his eyes, the fortuneteller asks a question and pours the product onto the table.


  • animals, trees, plants, a train, a car, a light bulb, the sun suggest the answer is "yes";
  • clothes, weapons, geometric shapes - the answer is no.

By candle

This ritual is suitable for those who want to learn about certain relationships. To start fortune-telling, on a piece of paper they write the name of a competitor or rival they want to remove. After the paper is set on fire on a candle. While it is burning, water is poured into a glass and salt is dissolved in it. When the paper burns out, check the crystals in the water. If they remain, the opponent is stronger than the fortuneteller. The peculiarity of this ritual is the lack of proportions. Paper sizes vary. Guessing in glasses, glasses and mugs. The fortuneteller selects all the elements of the ritual himself.

Down the hill

For the ritual use the following:

  • salt - 3 kg;
  • a pen;
  • pencil;
  • paper.

This method is considered the simplest. The people who participate in the ritual write their wishes or quotes on pieces of paper. The papers are placed in a bowl, where the entire contents are mixed for several minutes. Next, each participant takes out a piece of paper and reads what was written. This will be his prediction.

For salt and onion

This method has 2 variations. For a short method in ancient times, a whole onion and salt were used. the onion was cut into 12 pieces, which symbolized 12 months. All the slices were laid out in a row and sprinkled with crystals. They were left overnight, and in the morning they checked where the crystals got wet. Such months will be cold and rainy, and dry - vice versa.

There is a detailed method of divination with a bow. It is held at home for holy holidays. They take 12 parts of the onion and arrange them in a row, this also symbolizes the 12 months of the year. Sprinkle each part with a pinch of salt, and check its condition in the morning:

JanuaryMelted crystals - unexpected help. Tip: change the way you look at problems.JulyThe state has not changed - a period for rest in the company of friends.
FebruaryIf the pinch has melted, now is a good time for fishing.AugustA melted pinch speaks of the strange behavior of others, you should be more careful and careful.
MarchWet crystals speak of scandals in the family.SeptemberGood work and rest awaits those whose salt has melted.
AprilIf the salt has not changed, making an important decision will not lead to unpleasant consequences.OctoberIf nothing has changed, the fortuneteller will meet love.
MayA wet pinch indicates minor difficulties.NovemberThe state has not changed - to the trouble.
JuneIf she gets wet, it's time to do household chores.DecemberA melted pinch is a pleasant purchase.

There is a superstition that blackened areas indicate great danger.

By glasses

For the ritual on the glasses, a ring, bread, coin, salt, sugar, onion and water are used. All ingredients are laid out one by one in glasses. The fortuneteller closes his eyes, and he chooses a cup for himself:

  • ring - for marriage;
  • coin - to improve the financial situation;
  • bread - to prosperity;
  • salt - to trouble;
  • onions - to tears;
  • water - to a calm life.

Divination for the betrothed

There are many rituals that help to see the betrothed with the help of salt. The simplest fortune-telling is to eat this product at night, saying these words:

"The betrothed-mummer, bring some water, let me drink."

On this night, the fortuneteller will dream of her betrothed.

There is a ritual for which ash is used. It is carried out on a full moon. They take a glass of clean water and pour ash and salt into it. After it is placed near the window. The moon should be reflected in the glass. At 00:00, the fortuneteller comes to the window, takes a glass and says the following words:

“Drink water, salt with salt, burn ashes, and I can see the groom.”

Fortune telling will work if marriage occurs in the near future.


The squabbling is done with pepper and salt to scold people. It is used by wives, trying to return their husbands to the family, or by people whose goals are negative.

There are such types of splitting:

  • absolute - helps to improve relations with those on whose relationship a lapel was made;
  • short-term - valid for a certain period;
  • fast - negative energy with an instant effect.

Use a handful of the product and pronounce the plot:

“How salty is salt and unpleasant, let God's servant (the name of the mistress) be unpleasant to God's servant (the name of the husband). So that they quarreled and swore, they met with each other less and less. And if they met, they were offended by each other, and so they parted. May it be so!".

This product is also spoken for good intentions. When cleaning the house, helping relatives are required, such rituals are carried out by a person independently. On Clean Thursday, strong Thursday salt is spoken, which has healing properties. With its help, they put protection on the house, clean the apartment.

To remove damage, as well as to attract good luck and money, they speak a pin, pronouncing a certain conspiracy:

"The hill will attract good luck to itself, and the pin will give it to me."

Salt, sugar and rice are also used. In a ceramic plate, mix all the ingredients for 3 tbsp. l. It turns out a slide, at the top of which a pin is inserted. They say the right words and leave the contents for the night. In the morning, a charmed pin is attached to clothes.


Fortune telling with the help of ash, onions, water and scales has long been popular. The best time for them is Christmas time. A quarrel is also made to scold people and take the husband away. With the help of the product, they guess at the betrothed on glasses, predict the future. The ritual is carried out at home. This tool is spoken, used both for help and for getting rid of negative energy in order to cleanse the house. She manages to remove damage and the evil eye, as well as attract money. Magic protects the house from disasters and ill-wishers, cleans the apartment and puts up protection.

Holy days (often called Christmas time) last 12 days. They begin on the night of Christmas (January 7) and end by Epiphany (before nightfall on January 19). Thus, the last day for Christmas divination is January 18th. On Epiphany (January 19) it is no longer possible to guess.

We suggest you find out your fate with the help of several interesting fortune-telling.

Divination in the name of your future husband

To do this, you need to blind a few ordinary dumplings with minced meat. Write various male names on small pieces of paper and put one piece of paper in each dumpling. On one piece of paper, you should write a question mark, since you cannot write all the names that are possible. And in general, suddenly you will marry a foreigner, which means that with all your desire you will not guess his name. Then dumplings need to be thrown into boiling water and stirred. Then follow closely. The dumpling that pops up the very first should be caught, take out a piece of paper and read the name of the person who will become your husband. If a piece of paper with a question mark falls out, then his name is still a secret for you, and he is not among the names that you wrote. You should write with a pen with a paste that does not blur when wet.

Divination for a year

If a girl wants to know if she will meet her future husband this year, she should take rye (black) bread, take out the crumb, knead it, making a thick cake. Slightly press your ring on top, and stick a clove of garlic in the middle of the ring. Put this cake in a warm place for a week (but not on the stove and not on the battery, otherwise it will dry out). Then, after 7 days, remove the ring and garlic. If the garlic has started roots, or even started a green sprout, then this year she will meet a man who will later become her husband. If garlic does not have even a single small root, then this year it will be disappointed.

Divination on salty bread

To see her future husband in a dream, a girl must knead a stiff dough from flour, water and salt and bake a cake. Moreover, the cake should be quite salty. Eat half a cake before bed. The other half should be placed under the pillow. Do not drink water at night, even if you are thirsty. Going to bed, you should say: "My betrothed mummer, come, give me water to drink." In a dream, you should dream of a person who will become your husband.

Divination on wax

To find out if a girl will meet her future husband this year, you need to drop two drops from a burning wax candle into the water. Then take a sprig of basil (you can dry it), stir the water with it and wait until the water stops moving. If two wax drops come together, then a meeting with a future spouse is guaranteed this year. If not, then you'll have to wait.

Prophetic dream

Wash your face with holy water (probably left over from last year). Then dip a sprig of basil into this water after washing (if you don’t grow, for example, fresh basil is on the window in a pot, you can successfully use dried basil). Then put this branch under your pillow at night. The dream that you will see will be prophetic.

Christmas time (January 6-18) is the best time for divination. During this period, an atmosphere of magic reigns on earth and higher powers rule. Magical rituals and rituals help people look into their destiny.

Divination for the betrothed

Fortune-telling for a betrothed is a favorite entertainment for young unmarried girls during Christmas time. They tell fortunes alone or gather in large cheerful companies. Girls enlist the support of impure forces in order to find out the name of the groom or the date of the future wedding.

Divination in the field. Fortune telling allows you to find out what your husband and family life will be like. Pull out one log at random from the woodpile and examine it carefully. If the tree is even and smooth, then the husband will be slender and handsome, with a good character. A thick heavy log portends a wealthy spouse. A trunk with many knots marks a large family life. A twisted log promises an ugly husband with physical disabilities.

Divination on bulbs. Fortune telling is carried out in the company of girls. Plant bulbs in the ground. Whose bulb will sprout faster - she will be the first to marry.

Dream prediction. Before going to bed, think about your favorite guy, write his name on a piece of paper and kiss with painted lips to leave a mark. Then place the paper under your pillow along with a small mirror. At night you will have a prophetic dream.

Ritual with salty cake. A close relative of an unmarried girl, secretly from her, must bake a salty cake from flour and put it under her pillow. In a dream, her betrothed will come to her and give her water to quench her thirst.

Divination for family life. Joke guessing. Held in the company of girls. Prepare symbol objects according to the number of fortunetellers. The golden ring symbolizes prosperity, a glass - fun, an onion - tears, sugar - happiness, ash - disappointment. Put the items in a deep bowl or bag. Take turns picking one item at random. He predicts future family life.

Divination by the barking of a dog. At midnight, go outside and listen to the barking of dogs. The sonorous barking of a dog predicts a young groom, and a hoarse one predicts an old one.

Ritual with the king of diamonds. In the evening, before going to bed, wash your face, comb your hair, remove jewelry and place them on your pillow. Under it, put a card with the image of the king of diamonds. In a dream, you will dream of the image of a betrothed.

Divination with a frying pan. Late in the evening, secretly from your mother, put a frying pan under her bed and say: “Betrothed-mummers, come to visit your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” In the morning, ask your mother who she fed in a dream. A young man who dreams of a mother will become her daughter's fiancé.

Ritual with a mirror Sit in an empty dark room. Light a candle on the side, and put a mirror and two cutlery in front of you. Then say: "The betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner." The image of the future husband will appear in the mirror. After examining it, say: "Chur." If you wait a bit, then the betrothed can hold out some object that will be lost from the future groom.

Divination for the future

At Christmas time, people perform magical rites, conspiracies and rituals to find out future events. Good signs give them strength and inspire faith in a happy future, and they try not to attach importance to bad symbols.

Eavesdropping neighbors. In the evening, go to the neighbor's door and eavesdrop on conversations behind it. If you hear laughter and a cheerful conversation, then the year will be full of happiness and adventure. Swearing, breaking dishes portend difficulties, and silence - a quiet life.

Divination by candle wax. Prepare a candle and a bowl of cold water. Light the candle and wait for the wax to melt. Pour the liquid wax into the water. Perform this ritual several times. Interpret future events from frozen wax figures. Small round drops symbolize money. A bunch of grapes signifies love and good luck. A figure in the form of a mushroom portends career advancement. The bell promises good news. A leaf of a tree marks the presence of envious people and ill-wishers.

Ritual with a mirror. At midnight, take a small mirror, pour water over it and take it out into the cold. When patterns appear on the surface of the mirror, bring it into the house and carefully examine it. Circles portend financial well-being, triangles - success, squares - difficulties, spruce branches - promotion at work.

Divination on the water. Place a transparent vessel with water in front of the mirror and light the candles on three sides. At midnight, carefully look through the water in the mirror. What can be considered will be realized in the coming year.

Divination for the fulfillment of a wish

During Christmas time, it is customary to make wishes. Higher powers these days listen to the messages of people and are ready to help realize their plans. Magic rituals help to find out if a dream will come true in the near future.

Divination with water. Prepare paper strips. Write wishes on them. Then place them in a deep bowl and cover with water. Stir the water and wait for the first piece of paper to float. The wish written on it will come true in the near future.

Walnut shell boats. Write your cherished dreams on scraps of paper. Then place the leaves in the halves of the nut shell. Launch the resulting boats into the water in a deep basin. In the middle of the pelvis, lower another shell with a burning candle. The desire that burns first will be fulfilled in the coming year.

Divination on paper balls. Prepare three identical paper sheets. Write a wish on one of them. Roll paper into balls, put in a bag and mix. Draw a ball three times at random. At the same time, unfold the leaflet, see if there is an inscription on it, then wrinkle it again and return it to the bag. If at the first attempt you get a leaf with a desire, then it will come true in the near future. If on the second or third attempt, then the chances of its execution are reduced. If an empty sheet comes across three times, then the wish will not come true.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish. At midnight, write your cherished dream on a piece of paper, put it on a plate with the text down and set it on fire. If the leaf burns completely, then the wish will come true. If only part of the paper burns, then something will prevent the fulfillment of the dream.

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