Research work ants Dubovik Dmitry. Start in science. Ant observation

The study was carried out for 6 months: from 12.06.2017 to 11.02. 2018. A colony of Camponotus vagus ants, numbering about 50 workers and a queen, was used for the study. The colony was grown from one queen (Appendix 9), placed in a test tube - an incubator (Appendix 10). After that, it was distributed in an acrylic formicarium.

The substrates were moistened 2 times a week, replaced once every two weeks. Feed the colony 1 time in 3 days. The diet of the control groups consisted of sugar syrup, food insects and fruits. Temperatures in the laboratory averaged 26°C during the day and 24°C at night. Humidity varied from 40 to 60%. The anthills were completely isolated from the sun's rays.

In my formicarium, I made several observations and experiments.

In the process of observing ants, the difference in the structure and size of ants of various castes was determined: females, males, warriors and workers. Females, as noted in the literature, are much larger than the rest. And the warriors are much larger than the workers.

Observing the complete transformation of ants, all stages of ant development were noted: egg, larva, pupa and adult (Appendix 13).

According to my observations, one of the most important factors for the successful keeping of Camponotus vagus ants at home is the quality of the first individuals. Since ants have a breeding strategy, there are very often non-viable or few viable individuals in the population. This fact is due to the need to adapt to new environmental conditions and some other evolutionary aspects.

When receiving new colonies from fertilized queens, 3 out of 10 will not be able to produce eggs, despite guaranteed fertilization. Some of those who did lay eggs will not be able to hatch the first workers due to a lack of stored nutrients. This is a very important point, since ants are highly stressed and in inexperienced hands very often eat laid eggs.

I recommend keeping a small colony of ants in a glass incubator, which maintains an optimal level of humidity. I recommend moving the ant family to the formicarium upon reaching at least 30 workers. If you transplant a failed colony, the probability of extinction is very high.

Camponotus vagus can be kept in various homemade formicaria: gypsum, gel, acrylic, wood and others. The most important thing for a formicarium is the ability to maintain humidity and prevent infection.

Never place the formicarium so that direct sunlight falls on it: this can cause the death of pets. Optimum temperature 25°-28°C; at room temperature, they will also be able to live, but development will be slower. The arena is also important for ants. The arena is a closed space in which animals throw out garbage; it is also in the arena that food should be placed and a drinking bowl should be placed.

Successful maintenance of an ant colony requires compliance with the rules of care, in particular, feeding. It is necessary to correctly assess the gastronomic preferences of this type of ants. In the classical sense, mealworms and fruit flies serve as protein food for ants. Insects can be harvested, in the summer and stored in the freezer, they are stored for a very long time, almost without losing their useful qualities. Carbohydrate feeds include sugar syrup, honey, fruits.

I offer a memo that will be useful to those who have already purchased formicarium or are just about to do so.

The purpose of our research work was to study the structure, behavior of ants, lifestyle of the ant family of the species black wood borer ant (lat. Componotus vagus), in order to create favorable conditions for the life of ants outside the anthill.

In the course of the work, the biological features of the species Componotus vagus, the complete transformation of the ant, were studied. All stages of ant development were noted: egg, larva, pupa and adult.

When studying the literature, it was found that the species of black wood borer ant (lat.Componotus vagus) ants, which have an interesting feature - they are predators. After conducting observations, confirmation of this information was obtained.

In the course of this research work, it was found that it is possible to contain ants of the species Componotus vagus and influence their vital activity. We have established that in order to increase the size of the colony, it is necessary to feed the ants with protein food, fodder insects. Empirically, the most favorable conditions for keeping ants at home were determined. Formicarium must be kept in a dark place, at a temperature of +25°C to +28°C, away from drafts and direct sunlight.

The practical significance of the study lies in the preparation of recommendations for keeping ants in formicaria. Ant observations have been summarized in a small memo that will be useful to those who have already purchased formicarium or are just about to do so.

In my work, I studied the life of ants, their behavior in formicaria. Watching ants in a formicaria captivates, develops curiosity, and fosters a humane attitude towards the animal world. It does not require large financial investments. It also takes very little time to maintain. The life of this small civilization is filled with a series of exciting events that are hidden from our eyes in ordinary life. But thanks to formicaria, you will see:

  • the process of development of an ant from an egg to a chrysalis, and as a result - the birth of small ants;
  • ants nutrition in detail: ants not only eat themselves, but also share food with each other (just like birds feed newborn chicks);
  • a macrocosm full of care and love: ants not only take care of eggs and pupae around the clock, but also clean and lick each other. The bactericidal properties of saliva protect their body from external bacteria;
  • exciting hunting of ants - predators feeding on small insects. By placing an insect in the arena, you can become a witness of a real ant hunt for prey.

I am very attracted to this wonderful world of ants. In the near future, I plan to acquire other interesting species of ants for study, such as leaf cutter ants, weaver ants, nomad ants.

For many years, scientists have been trying to find extraterrestrial life. However, very few people know that a much more numerous civilization than ours has been living and developing under our feet for thousands of years!


  1. Babenko V. The family of ants. - ONYX 21st century, Moscow, 2003
  2. Dlussky G.M., Bukin A.P. Meet the ants! - M.: Agroproizdat, 1986
  3. Sergeev B. Ant close-up // Young naturalist, 1988
  4. Zakharov A. A. Ant, family, colony, M .: Nauka, 1978
  5. Biology: Encyclopedia / Ed. M.S. Gilyarov. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2003.-864s.: ill., 30 l. col. ill.
  6. Life of animals. In 7 volumes / Ch. ed. V.E. Sokolov. T.
  7. Arthropods: trilobites, chelicerae, tracheo-breathers. Onychovores / Ed. M.S. Gilyarov, F.N. Pravdina.-2nd ed., Rev.-M.: Enlightenment, 1984.-463 p., ill., 32 sheets. ill 3.
  8. New Illustrated Dictionary / Ed. V.I. Borodulina, A.P. Gorkina, A.A. Guseva, N.M. Landa and others - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2005. - 912 p.: ill.
  9. Grebennikov V.S. Secrets of the world of insects. - NOVOSIBIRSK BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE, 1990.
  10. Ants. [Electronic resource].
  11. Reaper Ants. [Electronic resource].
  12. Formicaria. [Electronic resource].
  13. Photos of various types of ants and interesting features of their life. [Electronic resource].


Attachment 1

Rice. 1. Ant - wood borer

Appendix 2

Rice. 2. Structure of an ant

Annex 3

Rice. 3. Nest of ants - woodworms

Appendix 4

Rice. 4. Ant development cycle

Annex 5

Rice. 5. Ant family - wood borer

Appendix 6

Rice. 6. Gypsum formicary

Appendix 7

Rice. 7. Wooden formicarium

Annex 8

Rice. 8. Queen

Annex 9

Rice. 9. Test tube - incubator

Annex 10

Rice. 10. Arena

Annex 11

Memo to a Beginning Myrmkeeper (booklet)

You can buy formicaria on various sites. The ant farm will be accompanied by instructions for the care and maintenance of the anthill.

I compiled this memo based on my observations as an appendix to this instruction.

1) Formicarium is best placed in a dark place.

2) If it is hot at home and the temperature is above 27°C, then it is better to place the formicarium near the window and cover it with a tinted film.

3) If the room is colder than +16°C, it is better to buy a heated mat. Such rugs are sold on sites that offer ants and formicaria.

4) Before populating the formicaria ants, I recommend keeping the ant colony in a glass incubator, which maintains an optimal level of humidity. Relocate the ant colony to the formicarium upon reaching at least 30 workers.

5) The main food of ants is sugar syrup. To increase the colony, small insects should be added to the diet.

6) Nano-sponges are offered to humidify the air at the sites. Instead, you can make your own humidifier - a drinking bowl from a large syringe. It is necessary to cut a hole in it, put cotton wool or a cotton pad and tamp tightly. Pour water into the structure and place it vertically, fixing it with double-sided tape on the wall of the arena. If the height is not enough, then there is another, easier way. Take the test tube that had the ants in it, fill it with water and place the cotton wool so that it is halfway in the water. And if you have a very small arena, and none of these methods work for you, then place a cotton pad on the bottom of the arena and drip a little water on it every day.

Good luck!

Appendix 12

Test " What do we know about ants?»

1. What is trophoallaxis?

a) food exchange

b) information exchange

c) ally identification

2. Ants from the detachment?

a) Hymenoptera

b) arthropods

c) Lepidoptera

3. Is this a facility for keeping ants?

a) terrarium

b) formicarium

c) mukpari

4. Do ants have good eyesight?

a) very good

b) not very good

c) excellent

5. Average lifespan of an ant queen?

a) 45-60 days

c) 3-7 months

6. Who are foragers?

a) cook ants

b) protector ants

c) outcast ants

7. Science studying ants?

a) Myrmecology

b) Arachnology

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., primary school teacher at school No. 35

Research work "Ants"

Study the life of ants, learn interesting facts about their life.

Increase knowledge about insects.
To study the structure of ants, their diversity.
Learn the laws of the ant family.

« Nature is the great book of life. Man has always sought to study it, to reveal its secrets.
A.N. Kurskov

Wherever we go - to the forest, to the meadow, to the swamp - we will meet ants everywhere. The most well-known species is the red forest ants, which build anthills from needles and twigs. 40 live in the European part of the country, and in total there are more than 8,000 species of these insects in the world. And each of these species has its own characteristics.

How is an ant made?
If we carefully examine the ant through a magnifying glass, we will see that its body consists of 4 sections: head, chest, stalk and abdomen. Differences in the structure of the head (there are hairs or not), the pubescence of the back, differences in color, the structure of the legs - all this subdivides the ants into different species. We will talk about the general signs and features of the life of ants.

Ant family
All ants are social insects, they live in families. In families, there are from several tens to several million individuals. The ants that we usually see are workers, or simply workers with underdeveloped wings. But once a year, winged ants appear in the nests - females and males. Females look like workers, but are larger and have transparent wings. And males have a belly narrowed backwards, and a small head with bulging eyes. Females and males come out of the nests, crawl out onto the grass, trees and walls of houses, and take off. They mate. The male then dies and the female lays her eggs in a small enclosed chamber in the ground. Ant eggs are always glued together in a common lump. The female touches and licks them from time to time. After 2-3 weeks, larvae emerge from the eggs. The larva wraps itself in a cocoon - a pupa is formed. The female at this time feeds with a special solution, and even feeds them the remaining eggs. After the first ants emerge from the pupa, the worker ants take care of them. They build, expand the nest, clean it of debris, protect it from enemies, and get food.
In nature, a worker ant lives for about a year, so the population of the anthill is updated almost every year. But females can live up to 20 years. There is a division of functions between members of the ant family. Usually, young worker ants are nannies, they take care of the brood and females, mature ants are builders, and even older ones are food getters. And those who are completely “aged” are watchmen and observers. They guard the entrances and exits of anthills.

What do ants eat?
The basics of nutrition for almost all ants are 2 sources. The first is insects. Ants hunt or collect already dead insects (flies, dragonflies, etc.)
The second source is honeydew - the sweet secretion of aphids. The connection between ants and aphids is a prime example of "cooperation" in the animal world. Aphids provide food for ants, and ants protect them from enemies, transfer them to fresh shoots of plants, and sometimes take them to an anthill for the winter.
In addition, ants can eat plant sap, nectar, mushrooms, seeds. And although the seeds are not their main food, this is very important for the life of the forest. Many forest grasses, for example: violets, blueberries, and other plants are settled exclusively by ants. The ants bite off the appendage, but do not touch the seed itself, but carry it over a long distance. And in the deserts live ants that feed exclusively on seeds. They eat them whole, but when carried, some of them are lost.
All the food that the ants collect is transferred to the nest and distributed among all family members there. Liquid food is also distributed as follows: honeydew (ant milk) is collected in the ant's goiter. Arriving at the nest, the ant stands in a special position, opens its jaws and a drop of liquid comes out of its mouth. One or more ants come up to him, who drink this droplet and soon all the food is pumped over. Thus, all food is distributed in the family. If a lot of food enters the nest, it is accumulated in the stomachs of a certain group - keepers. These are young and large ants. There is a supply of food in case, for example, bad weather. Some steppe ants have a caste of "honey barrels". They are capable of pumping in quantities of food that are slightly in excess of their own weight.

How is an anthill arranged?
All ants that live in our country live in nests. They build them on the ground. Outside, they can be seen on the heaps of earth. Inside, an underground gallery leads to cells that are interconnected. The depth of nests varies from 30 cm to 2 m, and in desert ants it reaches more than 10 m. Sometimes ants also settle in rotten wood: stumps, logs. The dome of the nest consists of needles of twigs - it has a protective function, it protects from rain, wind, snow. Inside the dome consists of large branches, a constant temperature of 26-29 o C is maintained there. And ants hibernate in the underground part. In deserts, where the earth warms up to 60 ° C, ants never build ground nests, only underground, where the temperature is much lower.

Benefit or harm?
In nature, there are no harmful and beneficial ants. Any species is either harmful or beneficial to humans. Ants - reapers, are useful in the virgin steppe - they settle the seeds of plants, but near grain flows, where grain is threshed - they harm.
Red ants inhabit the gardens. They breed aphids on fruit trees. As a result, the leaves and shoots of apple trees, pears are severely damaged - leading to crop losses, and sometimes the death of trees. In meadows, anthills interfere with grass mowing. But in the forests, the benefits of ants are great - they destroy insects that are found in large quantities, for example, caterpillars, bark beetles. In addition, when building nests, ants loosen the soil, and facilitate air access to the roots of trees. They bring various organic remains into the nest and enrich the soil with microelements. A forest in which ants live is healthier. Therefore, forestry workers are engaged in the protection and breeding of forest ants - they are the orderlies of the forest.

Interesting facts about ants
- Ants are the most ancient insects on Earth. Ant fossils have been found over 100 million years ago.
- An ant is stronger than an elephant, because it can lift a load much more than its own weight.
- When there is a free minute, worker ants “play”, grab each other with their paws and roll on the ground.
- Ants are able to distinguish their "brothers" from strangers, thanks to the smell that special glands produce.
- Sometimes the grain reserves of ants can reach up to 50 kg. At the same time, it does not rot in the nests, because they thoroughly dry it in the sun.
- Wandering ants live in South America. They move in columns, sweeping away everything that is in their path, even lizards and snakes.

Literature used by us:
1) Dlussky G.M., Bukin A.P. Meet Ants! Moscow, 1986.
2) Zakharov A.A. Ecology of ants. Science, 1981.
3) In the world of wild nature. I.M.P. LLC, 2007.
4) Ecology / School Encyclopedia. Rusich, 2001.

2- MOU "Rozgrebelskaya secondary school" of the Bolshesoldatsky district Ants are amazing creatures of nature. Made by 7th grade student Apanasenko Artem. Head teacher of biology Enyutina Larisa Mikh. 2010 -3- Contents of the work 1. Introduction - 3 pages. 2. Substantiation of the chosen topic - page 5. 3. Goals and objectives of the study - page 6. 4. Ant research methods - page 7. 5. Features of the structure of ants - page 7. 6. Nest structure - page 8. 7. Ant family composition. , distribution of functions -9 p. 8 .. Nutrition of ants -9 p. 9. Experiments with red forest ants -11 p. 10. Conclusion. -13 p. 11. Conclusion - 13 p. 12. References - 14 p. -4- TERMS OF RESEARCH Summer 2009 PLACE OF RESEARCH - Sotnitsky forest of B-Soldatsky district of Kursk region. . Somehow, walking through the forest, I was walking along the aspen tree, Inhaling the smells of the forest, Suddenly I saw a picture: An ant runs headlong along a winding path With a thick branch on its back To the anthill! Giving way to him (After all, there is only one path here) And after a little hesitation, I called out to the runner: Hey, buddy, from work You must be tired! Put your worries aside, You haven't rested for a long time! The ant looked around. Surprised, in response to me: “Carefree, I see, too much. Do you have anything to do?” -5- Introduction. Go to the ant, you sloth, look at its actions and be wise. Bible. Ants are one of the most common insects on our Earth. They are found in all natural areas, often living near a person's home. In nature, ants cannot be confused with other insects: wingless, very active, always looking for something, hurrying somewhere, fussing. You rarely see a single ant, even far from its nest, usually there are always a lot of them. It is unlikely that there will be a person who at least once did not stop near the anthill, fascinated by such a distant and at the same time inexplicably close world of these amazing insects. Ants get our attention. The complex and even seemingly meaningful behavior of these insects has been amazement and admiration of man for hundreds of years. Ants live in families of several million individuals, lay roads, build tunnels and high-rise dwellings, breed mushrooms, and only among them there is such a complex “professional” division: there are builders and nannies, hunters and watchmen, porters and shepherds. It is difficult to list everything that distinguishes ants from the vast kingdom of insects! These are the most intelligent and mysterious insects on our planet. Justification of the chosen topic. I, like many other people, very often like to stop and look at the anthill, it reminds me of a big city with wide streets and small alleys, and its inhabitants are hasty townspeople. Where are they in a hurry, why, how are their dwellings arranged, what do they eat and how do they protect themselves from enemies? I really wanted to know all this, so I decided to get to know the life of the anthill and its inhabitants better. I live in the small village of Rozgrebli, our village is located in the forest-steppe zone of Russia, on the very border with Ukraine. There are different types of ants in the village and its environs, but I was most interested in the anthills of a small forest that adjoins my house. In this forest, we went on an excursion with the teacher. The forest anthills turned out to be much larger in size than the anthills that I had seen earlier in the village, and the ants, unlike the -6-small village ants, were larger. I was very interested in these hurried ones, and therefore it was on them that I decided to focus my attention. In research, I asked my dad to help me, who also loves different animals very much. In the forest, my dad and I found several anthills, but for research we decided to take the largest and oldest anthill. The purpose of the study: 1. Get acquainted with the structure and life of ants 2. Determine their role in nature. Research objectives: 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To study the literature on this issue. Familiarize yourself with the methods of studying ants. Determine the species affiliation, the structure of the studied ants. To study the device of the anthill. Explore the non-nesting life of ants. Carry out a quantitative account of animals exterminated by ants. Analyze research results. Determine the role of ants in nature. I started my research by asking for literature on ants. rural library, in which From the books of B.M. Mamaeva, E.A. Bordukova "Entomology for the teacher", S.A. Molis "Book for reading on zoology", M.A. Kozlova, I.M. Oliger "School Atlas - Key to Invertebrates", A.A. Zakharova "Ant, family, colony", I.I. Akimushkina "Invisible threads of nature", I.A. Khalifman “Password of Crossed Antennas”, I learned that the ants that interested me belong to the species - the red forest ant (Formica rufa). In these books, I got acquainted with the methods of researching ants, which I used in my work. -7- Methods used in the work: 1. Empirical: study and analysis of literature; 2. Theoretical: method of comparison, analysis, generalization, systematization 3. Research: conducting an experiment, observation. Subject of study: ANTHILL. Object of research: Red wood ant (Formica rufa) Biology of red wood ants. Red wood ants, like all representatives of this genus, have a characteristic feature by which they can be distinguished from any other Hymenoptera: between the chest and abdomen they have a thin stalk of one or two segments, while in all other Hymenoptera, the abdomen is directly articulated with chest Workers of forest red ants, whose length reaches 4 - 9 mm, have a reddish-brown head and chest, a blackish, shiny abdomen. Their anthills consist of needles, small twigs, pieces of bark and plant debris. At first glance, it seems that all this rubbish is sketched randomly. However, it turns out that even in the heaviest rain, the surface of the anthill does not get wet and all internal passages and chambers remain dry. The height of such anthills is usually 0.5 - -0.7 m, but sometimes they reach a height of 1.5 m. An old stump often serves as a starting point for building a nest. Ant structure. I needed information about the anthill itself. To get them, I took a bag and a meter, and together with my dad we went to the forest to the anthill. The anthill was not far from our house, in the forest on the slope of a ravine. The forest around is mixed: oak, aspen, birch, many shrubs and various herbs. There are no water bodies in the monitored area. Plants and moisture accumulated after rain serve as a source of moisture. I measured the height of the anthill, which turned out to be 48 cm, diameter - 97 cm. I determined -8- the approximate slope of the sides of the anthill. South side - 60', north - 85', west and east - 75 - 80' The nest consists of a dome, an inner cone, a shaft and an underground part. The dome consists of small twigs and performs mainly a protective function. Its outer part, or integumentary layer, is laid very tightly. I observed that even in the heaviest rain, water flows down from the dome and only its upper part gets wet. In addition, the dome protects the inside of the nest well, both from overheating and from cooling. The inner cone consists of relatively large branches; brood develops here. Ants hibernate in shaft chambers and in the underground part of the nest. Ant nests help protect offspring from enemies, as well as larvae and eggs from drying out. Studying the structure of the ant nest and the nest-building activity of red ants, I came to the conclusion that, by making moves, the ants loosen the soil and facilitate the access of air to the roots of plants. In addition, ants excrete excrement. They bring various organic residues into the nest and thereby enrich the soil with carbon, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other microelements. The composition and acidity of the soil around the anthill I determined the composition of the soil by eye - this is a mixture of fertile forest soil and clay. I determined the acidity of the soil using phenolphthalein paper. Near the anthill, it was red. At a distance of 1 m, pink and then it did not change its color. Soil compaction I determined with a knife. Near the anthill, the knife did not fit well. It follows that the soil is compacted. At a distance of 1 m, the knife entered well, hence it follows that the soil is weakly compacted, and then the soil was relatively uncompacted. Ant illumination. The percentage of light falling on the anthill, I determined by comparison. So most of the day the sun shines on the southern and eastern sides of the anthill, this is approximately 70%, and the remaining 30% remain on the western and northern sides of the anthill. -9- The composition of the ant family, the division of functions of functions within the family. Ants are social insects, as they live in a large family, where various individuals perform strictly defined functions. Worker ants are wingless - they perform the function of builders, i.e. they build anthills, males and females are winged, but their wings develop only during the mating season. The function of the uterus is to produce offspring. Nurse ants look after the queen and take care of the larvae. There are also ants - soldiers - they fight with opponents, they have a more developed head and mandibles (highly developed upper jaws). Using the example of red forest ants, I studied polymorphism - this is the diversity of the structure of individuals of the same species, associated with the performance of certain functions in the family. Ants are polymorphic insects. What and how do ants eat. Red forest ants have constant roads. As I watched, I noticed that there are two types of roads. Some of them serve for the movement of honeydew ants and lead to trees where aphid colonies are located. These roads are relatively short and narrow, but very busy. Most of the ants walking along them to the nest have a swollen abdomen, on which tree sap can be found. Other roads link ant-families. They are very lively. After studying the literature, I found out that the first type of roads are stern roads. And the second type is exchange roads. In order to determine what the ants eat, I chose one of the ant paths that leads to the anthill and began to keep records. I found out what the ants eat and how much they eat per hour, day, week, summer. At the beginning of the summer, their prey was mainly the dead May beetles, June non-beetles, as well as gaping moths, various flies. In mid-summer, caterpillars, beetle larvae, cicadas and grasshoppers. In late summer - early autumn, butterfly caterpillars, naked slugs, earthworms. In addition, they carried seeds. In the autumn, when there were not so many prey, I even fed the ants with cabbage butterfly caterpillars, which they quickly dealt with. I divided the prey taken from the ants into groups: 1. Useful animals for the forest; by two - 10 - 2. Animals harmful to the forest. Useful animals include spiders, centipedes, riders, bees. Harmful - beetles, butterflies, their larvae and pupae, bugs, sawflies, cicadas, fillies. Flies can be both harmful and beneficial. I watched the ants deal with their prey. To do this, I put a caterpillar on the path and saw that at first the ants stuck around it, and then pinched it, that is, they injected a poisonous substance into it. The caterpillar struggled at first, then stopped resisting and fell silent. In order to conduct an account of animals exterminated by ants, I used the following method:. I carried out accounting of prey according to the scheme: No. of anthill No. of time of observation Py Durationmonth and hours and duration number of minutes of observation number of insects taken from ants total useful harmful uncertain 1 III 10. 06 10 hour 15 min. 35 5 26 4 1 III 10.06 14.30 15 min. 24 3 18 3 1 III 10. 06 19 h. 15 minutes. 18 3 11 4 Suppose 35 animals were collected in 15 minutes, then 35 * 4 = 140 in an hour, 140 * 18 = 2520 in a day (an average working day of an ant is 18 hours), in a week month 17 640 * 30 = 529 200, for the summer 529 200 * 3 = 1 587 600 - 11 - This, of course, is not an exact result, since the collection of prey depends on the weather, temperature, time of collection, on the number of harmful insects in nature, on the size of the family, on the number of ant larvae, the main consumers of protein foods. In addition, ants begin to collect prey in May and finish before hibernation. This year, at the beginning of October, the ants were still working. To determine the number of exterminated insects for this period, I did one accounting work in May, June, July, August, September. Therefore, it is more expedient to multiply by 4 months 529,200 * 4 = 2,116,800. The data I received allowed me to judge the predatory life of ants. Most of the insects killed by ants are forest pests. Ants improve the soil by mixing it, enriching it with organic matter, opening up their access to the roots of trees, breaking through deep passages in the ground. The forest, where ants thrive, is healthy and strong, it is not oppressed by pest attacks, it is rich in mushrooms and berries. Ants collect insects on the ground, in the grass and in the roots of trees. During the day, the population of a large colony can destroy up to 100 thousand insects. Experiments with red forest ants ATTITUDE OF ANTS TO WAVING A STICK. After following the ants, I wondered what the ants would do if they held a stick over an anthill. Picking up the stick, I passed it over the anthill and noticed that the activity increased. I passed my hand over the anthill several times, felt a strong characteristic smell of formic acid and an intensifying rustle of PREY TRANSFER. To conduct this experiment, I caught a grasshopper and deprived it of the ability to move. Then, I put it on the anthill, I did not have to wait long, the ants immediately killed it and took it to the anthill - 12 - PREPARATION OF THE SKELETON At home, I took a small box and made many holes in it. I put a small fish in the box. I dug a box with a fish shallowly into an anthill, and found in it an impeccably prepared skeleton of a fish. This experience is very simple. I took an ant from another anthill and put it with my ants. Ant - a stranger was immediately attacked and killed. CARE OF OFFspring. This experience interested me the most. I dug up the anthill to the layer where the ant eggs were. Then, in the process of observation, I saw that the ants began to grab the eggs and carry them to the surviving part of the anthill. This experience is cruel, but shows that ants care about their offspring. . THE PRESENCE OF A BIOCLOCK IN THE ANT. This experience is the most interesting. I took a cotton swab drenched in syrup and put it in front of the anthill at 12 o'clock every day. Ants, on each subsequent day, were already going out at this time. I made an assumption about the presence of a biological clock in an ant. Watching, I noticed that in the place where I left the tampon, there were two sentry ants. Seeing food, they ran to the anthill and called their comrades. I began to put ants in a jar, but even here the ants outwitted me. They changed the post every 15 minutes. When the ants ran to call their comrades for dinner, I removed the food. After that, the ants no longer came out to me. - 13 - CONCLUSION: Studying the anthill, I found out that by making moves, the ants loosen the soil and facilitate the access of air to the roots of the plants. In addition, ants excrete excrement, bring various organic residues into the nest, and thereby enrich the soil with carbon, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other microelements. Ants improve the soil by mixing it, enriching it with organic matter, opening up their access to the roots of trees, breaking through deep passages in the ground. Now I know very well that most of the insects killed by ants are forest pests. Having studied the anthill and its inhabitants, I came to the conclusion that ants are extremely useful insects, they require careful treatment and need our protection. Protecting anthills - we protect our forests! CONCLUSION I really enjoyed exploring the life of ants. I learned a lot of new and interesting things. I think it will be useful to me in life. I want to say a big thank you to my dad, who helped me a lot in my research. I do not want to finish my research activity. At this time, I was very interested in the beavers, who for the first time in many years settled in our river and even on the pond. I want to learn more about these small, but apparently very interesting animals. - 14 - List of used literature: 1. Ant, family, colony. M., Nauka, 1988. 2. Dlussky G.M., Bukin A.P. Meet: Ants! - M .: Agropromizdat, 1986. 3. Zakharov A.A. Zakharov A.A. Intraspecific relationships in ants. M., Nauka, 1998. 4. . 5. Kozlov M.A. Not just insects. Scientific and artistic publication, Cheboksary, 6. Khalifman I.A. Ants. M., Nauka, 1992. 7. Children's magazine about nature "Anthill" No. 4. 1996. 8. Scientific and methodological journal "Biology at school" No. 3 1997, No. 8 2002 9. Textbook 7 - 8 grade "Biology - animals » ed. B.E. Bykhovsky. Mamaev B.M., Bordukova E.A. Entomology for the teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. 1

Department of Education of the Administration of the Sosnovsky Municipal District

MBOU Vitkulovskaya secondary school.

Section "I know the world"

Section "Animal Ecology"

Nomination "Educational research work"

Work completed:

Kiseleva Valeria,

4th grade student (11 years old)


Lapteva Svetlana Viktorovna,

Primary school teacher

With. Vitkulovo


Research objectives:

    Study of the life of red forest ants.

    Influence of ants on the ecological situation in the forest.

Research objectives:

To study the literature about ants and their varieties.

To study the behavior of ants in their forest anthills by observation.

Learn to present the results of searching and summarizing information in various forms (abstract, photo report, presentation).

Increasing creative, cognitive activity and learning motivation.

Hypothesis: Ants play an important role in improving the ecological state of the forest community.

Relevance of the topic:

Now there is a lot of talk about the problems of environmental pollution, about the use of a huge amount of chemicals. Against the background of widespread environmental pollution, the issue of reducing the use of chemicals and the widespread use of biological methods to control plant pests becomes very relevant. Ants as orderlies of the forest come to the fore in this case.

Object of study:

Red forest ants.

Subject of study:

Ant dwelling.

Research methods:

~ Observation of the life of ants in forest anthills

~ Studying the literature and summarizing the information received;



    Main part.

1. Review on the topic "Who are they, red forest ants?"

2.Practical part of the work: Observations of the vital activity of the anthill.

III. Conclusion:

On the benefits of ants in the natural community.

YI. Bibliography.

Ants live in families. The forest rustled with its foliage.
How many of them, oh-oh-oh! Autumn is a wonderful time.
The house in the forest stands among the trees. Get it together, kids
From dry grass, needles, In the forest for berries, mushrooms,
Small branches and earth.Avoid bushes and bumps.
Everything they could bring. Don't break the anthill.
This fabulous mound
Protect from trouble.
Settled in a pine forest.
Ants, there are soldiers.
Very brave guys.
The house is bravely defended,
And enemies are not allowed
There are workers, hard workers.
They get tired, poor things.
They work all day
About your housing in care.
Digging entrances and exits
Rubbish is removed from the nest.
Food is brought in reserve.
Hiding supplies for the winter
The female will lay eggs
Neatly folded into nests.
Take the kids out of them
Red, lively ants.
Ants in the forest are useful -
Save from diseases.
They eat harmful midges

That trees protect.
So that in summer and spring,

1.Who are they, red forest ants?

My parents and I often go to the forest. There I see huge piles, on which small insects - ants - quickly rush. Who are they, red forest ants? How do they live? I wanted to learn about these inhabitants of our region.

Having studied a lot of literature, I found out that about 6 thousand species of ants are currently known, in fact there are more of them in nature. Approximately 125 species of ants live in Russia, of which the most common is the red forest ant, which inhabits the entire forest zone. They live mainly in coniferous and mixed forests. Red forest ants are arthropod insects, membranous, common in the forest zone of Europe and Western Siberia. The size of an adult working specimen is 4-9 mm, winged forms of "males and females" 9-11 mm. The coloration of the head and posterior part of the abdomen is dark; the thorax of the peduncle and joints is red. At the end of the abdomen is an apparatus for spraying a caustic secret - formic acid.

There are several types of ants that are engaged in theft and slavery. Thief ants live mainly under anthills, they are small and therefore make narrow passages into which large ants cannot climb, and feed on the larvae and pupae of the hosts.
Each family of ants has its own territory, where it does not allow alien creatures like itself. Here the ants form paths and constantly put them in order. The total length of these paths is about a kilometer, and the length of the roads in the middle of the nest sometimes exceeds seven kilometers. Sometimes there are wars between ants. The weaker ones run away, taking the larvae with them. Nothing threatens anyone outside the anthill. Robbers capture the larvae in the middle of the nest. From the captives, the conquerors raise "slaves", who then raise the children of the aggressors, keep the room clean, and get food. Of the 15,000 species of invader ants, there are 3,000.

2. Observations of the vital activity of the anthill.

Ants spawn in large families not only in characteristic anthill buildings, but also in tree trunks, underground. But not everyone knows that this is the top floor of an anthill. Its main part goes deep underground.

I made my observations in sunny and cloudy rainy weather.

Before the rain, the ants close the entrances and exits, and in good weather they sometimes take out their white testicles to warm up. In fact, these are not eggs, but pupae from which adult ants emerge. The eggs laid by the female hatch into curved white worm-like larvae. Worker ants feed them with nutrient mass, then the larvae turn into pupae. The pupa lies in a cocoon and is very similar to an adult ant, only it is white and motionless. Then either a working ant hatches from the pupa - an underdeveloped female, or winged males and females. The age of winged males is short-lived. They will rise into the air in a brilliant swarm, and then descend to the ground and die.

And the females shed their wings and settle in the depths of the anthill until the end of their lives, laying eggs.

AT In the forest, we found several anthills, which are under the protection of the local forestry.

Having carefully examined the anthill, I saw that it consists of needles, small twigs, pieces of bark and plant debris. At first glance, it seems that all this garbage is sketched randomly. Worker ants do all the work in the anthill: they build, store food, protect. Some ants have "soldiers" - larger ants.

Among the red ants, the elderly sages work at the top of their house as an observer. The keepers of information in the anthill are the old ants.

It turns out that ants learn to find the right way in the maze faster than all insects. Formic acid helps them in this, which they also use for defense and offensive. If a young ant female, due to inexperience, establishes an anthill in damp soil, its quick-witted inhabitants build a path of needles so as not to get their paws wet.

If you put an ant on your hand, then after a few seconds you will feel a burning sensation of the skin. The ant released formic acid for defense. If a young ant female, due to inexperience, establishes an anthill in damp soil, its quick-witted inhabitants build a path of needles so as not to get their paws wet. These insects love not only to work, but also to relax. Ants sleep for about three hours, climbing into a recess in the ground and tightly pressing their limbs to their bodies. When they wake up, they stretch and yawn like humans.

If you take food from them with tweezers and put it in one place for a certain time, the results will show that the ants drag mainly pine cutworm caterpillars, sawfly larvae, various beetles and butterflies related to forest pests into the nest.

I I decided to take a red forest ant and examine it with a digital microscope.

It turned out that he has 6 legs, with the help of which the ant moves quickly.

3.Conclusions. The benefits of ants

Forest red ants benefit a person by helping him to destroy dangerous pests of tree plantations. It is easy to verify this if a very simple experiment is carried out. Watching the anthill, you can immediately notice that paths go from it in all directions, along which ants scurry about, some run from the nest in search of food, while others return with prey. In addition, they destroy slugs that damage the foliage of trees. And these workers carry the seeds of grasses and flowers. By digging underground passages, they loosen the soil, mix it, enriching it with organic fertilizers. Instead of earthworms, they transform the soil. The red forest ant eats a lot of insects that are harmful to the forest. Around the anthill, the trees are greener and taller, because the ants protect them from pests. During the day, the nest of ants destroys up to 100 thousand harmful insects. The presence of ants in the forest is a guarantee of its health, the development of flora and fauna.

Ants have long been considered sages. In Kyrgyzstan, many years ago, a man who conceived a good deed went to spend the night at an anthill - this promised good luck.

Some people sometimes stir up anthills with sticks, thus disrupting the normal life of ants. Thus, the forest is deprived of the most reliable defenders.

Ants are very useful insects. Protecting anthills, we save our forests!

YI. Used Books:

1. Forest and environment. Molchanov A.A. The science. 1968

2. Suvorova P.I. Insects are friends and enemies. Education. 1979

3. Forest entomology. Vorontsov A. I. Higher School. 1975

4. Poems about an ant. Novikova R.

Research work "Ants" Grade 3 for a cognitive hour.

"Report to the research paper Ants 2014"


on the topic "Forest workers"

Good afternoon, everyone in the hall.

My name is Zhenya Larionov, a student of grade 3 B of school number 4.

You will learn about the hero of my work by guessing the riddle:


SLIDE 1. The theme of the work is "forest workers".

Hundreds of scientific articles, dozens of novels and stories have been written about ants. Ants are the heroes of fairy tales, fables, riddles, proverbs and sayings.

SLIDE 2. Among different peoples of our planet, the ant personifies human virtues: justice, modesty, diligence. The ant is mentioned in biblical parables: King Solomon offers a lazy person to learn diligence from an ant.

SLIDE 3. The ant was not chosen by chance as the hero of the work. In the summer I have observed these insects more than once. The industriousness of the ant and care for the offspring are worthy of respect. I wondered when ants appeared on our planet? What types of ants are common in the Arkhangelsk region? What is the body structure of this insect? What is inside the ant house? What does an ant colony eat? I found answers to these questions in encyclopedias and reference books.

SLIDE 4. The ant is one of the oldest insects on our planet. They existed over 100 million years ago.

Ants can be found in every corner of the Earth. It is known in the world, according to various sources, from 10,000 to 12,500 ant species.

AT Russialive, according to various sources, from 300 to 350 species

SLIDE 5. There are 24 species of ants in the Arkhangelsk region. We have more common red forest ants. Onor arrange the famous ant heaps that we often meet in the forest.

SLIDE 6.The ant house is a city with streets, lanes, apartments of the "queen" and chambers for larvae and testicles. It is always warm there, easy to breathe, different rooms have their own microclimate.Ants overwinter in a state of semi-hibernation in wintering chambers at a depth of 20-30 cm.Outside, the anthill is covered with sticks, twigs and needles, which the ants constantly sort out so that mold does not start in the house.

SLIDE 7.Arkhangelsk region m uravinika-giant with a height of 1m 40 cm and a diameter of 2 meters is located on the territory of Small Korela.

SLIDE 8.Ants have an external skeleton that supports the muscles. The body of an ant consists of three parts: the head, on which the antennae are located, two compound eyes, strong mandibles (jaws); mesosomes and abdomen, connected by a petiole - a narrow waist. The ant has six legs hooked claws.

SLIDE 9.In the ant family, each insect has its own "profession". The ant family consists of one or more females (“queens”) who lay eggs, and infertile workers who protect the house, care for the larvae, build a dwelling, go for prey. Once a year, winged females and males appear in the anthill. They rise into the air and arrange a mating dance. Then the males die, and the females, having dropped to the ground, bite off their wings and lay a new anthill. Females live up to 20 years.

SLIDE 10. Ants are naturally deaf and almost blind. These insects are rescued by the language of smells. Every family has its own scent. Having met on the path, they feel each other with their antennae and determine by smell whether it is their own or someone else's. Moving, they mark the road, leaving pheromones on the ground.

SLIDE 11.Red wood ants are predators. They feed on flies, beetles, caterpillars. Ant's favorite delicacy -"honeydew", which is secreted by aphids after the ant begins to tickle its back with antennae. From the side it seems that the ant "milks" aphids. Because of this, aphids are called "antbugs".

Ants clean the forest from pests. In the summer months, they exterminate 20 thousand harmful insects, their larvae and eggs per day. In warm weather, ants work around the clock.

SLIDE 12.Enemies of ants: moles, bears, woodpeckers, lizards, toads and, oddly enough, humans. When visiting the forest the words of zoologists should be remembered: “The one who cut down a tree is a poacher, and the one who destroyed an anthill is a hundredfold poacher, he left many hundreds of trees unprotected.”

View document content
"Research work Ants 2014"

District educational hour "Insects of the Arkhangelsk region"

for 3rd grade students

Forest workers


Ant - the hero of the study

The oldest insects on the planet

Red forest ants are inhabitants of the forests of the Arkhangelsk region.

ant house

Ant body structure

Ant "professions"

Secrets of communication

Ant diet

Orderlies of the forest


Appendix 1. Sayings and proverbs, riddles about ants

Appendix 2. Bible: The Book of Solomon's Proverbs

Annex 3. Stages of work on the research topic

Appendix 4. Fossil insects

Appendix 5. Red wood ants - inhabitants of the forests of the Arkhangelsk region

Appendix 6. Scheme of an anthill of red forest ants

Annex 7. Giant anthill in the Arkhangelsk State Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art "Small

Korely (Vazhsky sector)

Appendix 8. Craft from natural material "Ant"

Appendix 9. "Professions" of the red forest ant

Appendix 10. Ant diet

Appendix 11. Destroyed anthills

In the New Russian Encyclopedia "Ants (Formicoidae) - a family of insects of the order Hymenoptera" [10, 368] . Hundreds of scientific articles, dozens of novels and stories have been written about ants. Ants are the heroes of fairy tales, fables, riddles, proverbs and sayings (Appendix 1) [12] . There is even a science that studies these insects - "myrmecology".

Among the different peoples of our planet, the ant personifies various human virtues: in China - balance, in India - justice and modesty, in Russia and Bulgaria - hard work. In many traditions, the destruction of an anthill symbolizes misfortune; . The ant is mentioned in biblical parables: King Solomon offers the lazy person to learn diligence from the ant ( Appendix 2).

The ant was not chosen by chance as the hero of the work. In the summer, I have watched these insects with interest more than once. The industriousness of an ant is worthy of respect when you see a small creature on a forest path trying to drag a dry blade of grass, which is several times larger than it. Ants are wonderful parents: they take care of their offspring. On a flower bed, you accidentally move a stone, and under it - an anthill. The inhabitants of this simple house do not run in all directions, but begin to save their larvae.

I wondered when ants appeared on our planet? What types of ants are common in the Arkhangelsk region? What is the body structure of this insect? What is inside the ant house? What does an ant colony eat? I found answers to these questions by studying encyclopedias and reference literature (Appendix 3).

Scientists call ants one of the oldest insects on our planet. They existed over 100 million years ago, during the age of the dinosaurs. For millions of years, these insects have not changed, and now fossil ants are very similar to their modern counterparts. (Appendix 4).

Ants can be found in any corner of the Earth (except Antarctica and the Far North). According to various sources, from 10,000 to 12,500 species of ants are known in the world,; inRussialive, according to various sources, from 300 to 350 species,; in the Arkhangelsk region there are 24 species of ants. In our area, red forest ants are most common (Appendix 5) . It is they who arrange the famous ant heaps that we often meet in the forest.

The ant house is a whole city with streets and lanes, passages and dead ends, apartments of the “queen” and chambers for larvae and testicles. It is always warm there, easy to breathe, different rooms have their own microclimate.Ants overwinter in a state of semi-hibernation in wintering chambers at a depth of 20-30 cm, where the temperature is maintained at about 0 ° C.(Appendix 6). Outside, the anthill is covered with sticks, twigs and needles, which the ants constantly sort out so that mold does not start in the house. This flooring forms a dense coating that does not let water through.. in the Arkhangelsk region a giant uranium with a height of 1.4 meters and a diameter of 2 meters is located on the territory of the Arkhangelsk State Museum of Wooden Architecture "Small Korely". (Annex 7) [1].

Ants have an external skeleton that supports the muscles. The body of an ant consists of three parts: the head, on which the antennae are located, which act as sensory organs, two compound eyes, consisting of numerous lenses, and three simple eyes that determine the level of illumination, strong mandibles that serve to carry food, build and defend ; mesosomes and abdomen, connected by a petiole - a narrow waist. The ant has six legs hooked claws for movement on vertical surfaces. (Annex 8)

In the ant family, each insect has its own "profession". The ant family consists of one or more females ("queens"), which lay eggs, and numerous sterile workers. Workers in one family are not the same - with a small head and big-headed, the so-called soldiers, protecting the family from enemies. Worker ants look after the larvae, build a dwelling, go for prey. Once a year, winged females and males appear in the anthill. They rise into the air and arrange a mating dance. Then the males die, and the females, having dropped to the ground, bite off their wings and lay a new anthill. The age of the female is very long - up to 20 years.(Appendix 9).

Ants are naturally deaf and almost blind. These insects are rescued by the language of smells, excellent sense of smell and touch. Each family has its own individual smell. Having met on the path, they feel each other with their antennae and determine by smell whether it is their own or someone else's. By smell, ants find their way to their anthill. Moving, they mark the road, leaving droplets of odorous substance (pheromones) on the ground. .

Red wood ants are predators. They feed on flies, beetles, caterpillars. In the choice of food, ants are not picky, they can even eat insects with poisonous blood. Everyone that the ant can overpower, he drags to his dwelling to be torn to pieces. Ant's favorite delicacy -"honeydew", which is secreted by aphids after the ant begins to tickle its back with antennae. From the outside, it seems that the ant, collecting sweet droplets, "milks" the aphids. Because of this, aphids are called "antbugs". For them, ants prepare pastures and arrange special facilities - "animal farms"(Appendix 10).

A strong family of red ants clears the forest of pests. In the summer months, they can exterminate 20 thousand harmful insects, their larvae and eggs per day. In warm weather, ants work around the clock. Little friends of the forest can predict the weather: before the rain, they hurriedly return home. However, this sign is true in relation to ants that do not experience hunger. If the ant family is starving, then the little workers continue to work even in rainy weather.[ 8, 69 ] .

The enemies of red forest ants are moles, bears, woodpeckers, lizards, toads and, oddly enough, humans. When visiting the forest the words of zoologists should be remembered: “The one who cut down a tree is a poacher, and the one who destroyed an anthill is a hundredfold poacher, he left many hundreds of trees unprotected.” (Appendix 11).

List of used literature

1. Arkhangelsk State Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art "Small Korely" [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Date of access: 23.03.2014

2. Bible: Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. M.: Russian Bible Society, 2013. - 1338p.

3. Biedermann Hans. Encyclopedia of symbols / under. ed. I.S. Sventsitskaya. M.: Respublika, 1996. - 335p. ISBN 5-250-02592-7

4. Great children's encyclopedia: biology. M .: Russian Encyclopedic Partnership, 2003. - 736s.

5. Great Soviet encyclopedia: in 30 volumes. Volume 17 / ed. A.M. Prokhorov. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1974. - 616s.

6. Big encyclopedia: in 62 volumes. Volume 31 / ed. S.A. Kondratov. – M.: Terra, 2006. – 592p. ISBN 5-273-00432-2

7. Dmitriev Yu. Insects. – M.: Olimp, 1997. – 288s. ISBN 5-7390-0176-5.

8. Zayanchikovsky I.F. Live barometers. M.: Timber industry, 1977. - 136p. 9. What is capable of ... an ant? The symbolism of the image. School of life: cognitive journal [Electronic resource]. Access mode Retrieved: 03/22/2014

10. New Russian encyclopedia: in 12 volumes. Volume 9 / edited by V.I. Danilova-Danilyan. - M.: Encyclopedia, 2013 - 480s. ISBN 978-5-94802-8.

11. The book of nature / Yu. Dmitriev, N. Pozharitskaya, A. Vladimirov, V. Porudominsky. - M .: Children's literature, 1990. - 339 p. ISBN 5-08-000604-8.

12. Proverbs and sayings. [Electronic resource]. Access mode Date of access: 23.03.2014

13. Tambiev A. Who lives in an anthill. – M.: Malysh, 1985. – 20p.

14. I know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: Insects / ed. EAT. Ivanova. - M: AST Publishing House, Astrel, 1998. - 352 p. ISBN 5-237-00271-7.


Proverbs and sayings about ants

1. Where the will strains like a bowstring, there the ant overcomes the lion.

2. For an ant and dew - a flood.

3. And the prayers of the ant reach the heavens.

4. And the ant has the power of Suleiman at home.

5. And ants can destroy the dam.

6. And the dam is destroyed by an ant hole.

7. Sometimes ants eat fish, sometimes fish eat ants.

8. Winged ants appeared - this oats.

9. The ant is small, but it stings painfully.

10. An ant is small, but it digs mountains.

11. The union of ants will exude the mountain.

12. The ant is not comfortable carrying the load, but no one will thank him

13. Ant dew - downpour.

14. The most evil snake can be overcome by a bunch of ants.

15. You can’t sit on an anthill for a long time.

16. The best gift for an ant is a grasshopper leg.

17. They stumble not over a mountain, but over an anthill.

18. The ant knows when it will rain.

Riddles about ants

    There were carpenters without axes,
    They cut down the hut without corners.

    Who are they? Where? Whose?
    Black streams flow:
    friendly little dots
    They build their own house on a hillock.

    I work in an artel at the roots of a shaggy spruce.
    I drag a log along the mounds - it is more than a carpenter.

    In the forest near the stump, bustle, running around:
    The working people are busy all day,
    He builds a city for himself.
    (Ants and an anthill)

    Look at the fellows: cheerful and lively.
    Drag from all ends of the material for construction.
    Here one suddenly stumbled under a heavy burden -
    And a friend comes to the rescue. The people here are good.
    Without work, for the life of me, I can't live...

    Behind the stump is a hillock, and in it is a town.

    In the meadow near the trees
    The house is built of needles
    He is not visible behind the grass,
    And it has a million residents.


Bible: Book of Solomon's Proverbs

A warning against laziness

6 Go to the ant, you sloth, look at its actions, and be wise.

7 He has no leader, no steward, no lord;

8 but he prepares his bread in the summer; he gathers his food in the harvest.

9 How long will you sleep, you lazy one? when will you get up from your sleep?

10 You will sleep a little, you will take a nap, you will lie down a little with your hands folded:

11 And your poverty will come like a passer-by, and your want like a thief.


Stages of work on the research topic

Creating crafts from natural material "Ant"

Preparation of the text of the work and presentation


fossil insects


Ant, petrified in amber (hardened tree resin)

over 50 million years ago


Red forest ants - inhabitants of the forests of the Arkhangelsk region


The scheme of the anthill of red forest ants

1. A covering of needles and twigs. Protects the dwelling from rain, is repaired and updated by worker ants.

2. "Solarium" - a chamber heated by the rays of the sun. In the spring, the inhabitants come here to warm themselves.

3. One of the entrances. Guarded by soldiers. Serves as a ventilation channel.
4. "Cemetery". This is where worker ants carry dead brethren and garbage.
5. Wintering chamber. Insects gather here to survive the cold in a state of semi-hibernation.

6. "Bread barn". This is where the ants store grain.

7. The royal chamber, where the uterus lives, laying up to one and a half thousand eggs a day. She is cared for by worker ants.

8. Chambers with eggs, larvae and pupae.

9. "Cowshed" where ants contain aphids.

10. "Meat pantry", where ants bring caterpillars and other prey.


Giant anthill in the Arkhangelsk State Museum

wooden architecture and folk art "Small Korely"

(Vazhsky sector)

The dimensions of the dwelling of red forest ants: height - 1.4 m,

diameter at the base - 2 meters.


Craft from natural material "Ant"









"Professions" of the red forest ant

Winged female


Ant diet

Red wood ant attacks a caterpillar

Red wood ant feasts on aphid secretions Larionov Evgeny Igorevich,

3rd grade student

MBOU "Secondary School No. 4 of Velsk"


Vdovina Elena Nikolaevna,

teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 4


Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


Bible: Old Testament.

Book of proverbs

Go to the ant, sloth, look at its actions, and be wise.

He has no boss, no supervisor, no master;

but he prepares his bread in the summer, he gathers his food in the harvest.

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


Stages of work on the theme

Drawing up a plan and studying reference literature

Creating a red forest ant from natural materials

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


Preparation of the text of the work and presentation

The ant is one of the oldest insects on our planet.

Insect , preserved in limestone more than 65-75 million years ago

Ant fossilized in amber over 50 million years ago

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


Red forest ant -

inhabitant of the forests of the Arkhangelsk region

An ant is small, but it digs mountains

Where the will strains like a bowstring, there is an ant

overcomes the lion

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


The scheme of the anthill of red forest ants



A covering of needles and twigs





"Meat pantry"



Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


Queen's apartments

Chambers with eggs and larvae

Giant anthill on the territory of the Arkhangelsk State Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art "Small Korely"

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


Height - 1.4 meters, diameter at the base - 2 meters

red forest ant,

made from natural materials


Mesosoma (chest)




Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21




Ant "professions"

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


winged female Worker

red wood ant red wood ant

Secrets of communication

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


Pheromones - droplets of odorous substance

Red wood ant diet


Caterpillars and beetles

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21


"Honey dew" - aphid discharge

The one who cut down the tree is a poacher,

and the one who destroyed the anthill is a hundredfold poacher, he left

without protection, many hundreds of trees.

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU lyceum №21

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