What is a Russian language project. Russian language project. Not with verbs. Linguistic tale

The advantage of the project method in comparison with others is obvious: each student is involved in an active creative process of obtaining new knowledge, independently performs the type of work that he himself has chosen, participates in joint work, in the process of communication, communications; increases motivation to study the subject, acquires research skills. Designers have different competencies, under which, according to the modern scientist-didact I.S. Sergeev, modern pedagogy understands "complex personality traits, including interrelated knowledge, skills, values, as well as readiness to mobilize them in the required situation.

In the teaching of the Russian language at the present stage, it is not by chance that there is a heightened interest in project method, because it contributes to the formation of various competencies, among which an important place belongs to communicative.

The purpose of project-based learning is to create conditions under which students:

    independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from various sources;

    learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

    acquire communicative knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

    develop research skills: the ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct an experiment, analyze, build hypotheses, generalize, develop systems thinking.

Principles of organizing project activities:

    The project must be feasible to carry out;

    Create the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of projects (form an appropriate library, media library, etc.);

    To prepare students for the implementation of projects (conducting a special orientation so that students have time to choose a project topic, at this stage students with experience in project activities can be involved);

    Provide project management by teachers - discussion of the chosen topic, work plan (including execution time) and keeping a diary in which the student makes appropriate notes of his thoughts, ideas, feelings - reflection.

So, motive to work on the project "Simple Sentence Syntax" were problems with the assimilation of the material. It was decided to find out. At the request of the project participants, groups (pairs) were formed, each of which received a task: to collect information.

This is a practice-oriented project, goal project- solution of practical problems.

project product can become tutorials, layouts and models, instructions, memos, recommendations, etc. Such a product has real consumer properties. In this project, the product is a reference book in electronic and printed form. Their use allows you to increase not only interest in the subject, but also academic performance in this discipline. Most students perceive information better visually, especially if it is of high quality. The project allows students to be interested in this topic, since it is a non-standard, new form of work for them: creating their own project in the form of a publication devoted to one of the sections of syntax

This project is a group project (between groups of participants), groups of different ages (grades 5, 6 and 8)

The general theme of the project is "Simple Sentence Syntax". The option of combining the selected sub-themes into a single project for a group of different ages was considered. Each project participant chooses a subtopic for future research. In this way, groups are formed that work on one subtopic. The task of the teacher at this stage is to make sure that students with different levels of knowledge, creative potential, different inclinations and interests work in each group.

Kind of activity


(collective, group)

Presentation type

Direction: work with a proposal

Brief summary of the project

“The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts” Maxim Gorky

Without language, the life of a person, people, society, the development of science, technology, and art are impossible. It is not always easy to express your thoughts clearly, accurately and figuratively. This needs to be learned - learn hard and patiently. Learning Russian will help you speak and write better, choose the most accurate and necessary words to express your thoughts. The course of the modern Russian language consists of the following sections: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and phonology, orthoepy, graphics and spelling, word formation, grammar (morphology and syntax).

This project is designed to expand and deepen students' knowledge of the Russian language. The main goal of the project is the formation of knowledge about the construction of a simple sentence. Project on the Russian language on the topic "Simple sentence". It covers the study of theoretical information and practical work, which allows students to more deeply learn this topic. The goal is to generate interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project contributes to the development of students' creative abilities through independent research activities.

The results will be published in the form of a publication. Also, during the implementation of the project, it is expected to enrich the vocabulary of students and expand their horizons. The project allows students to be interested in this topic, since it is a non-standard, new form of work for them: creating their own project in the form of a reference book dedicated to one of the sections of syntax. In the course of work, students will form:

1. Knowledge on the topic "Simple sentence".

2. Skills and skills of independent work with educational and fiction.

3. Skills and abilities of search and selection in the educational and fiction of the necessary information and examples.

4. Skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

The work on the project was successful, because All the students in the class took part in it. Everyone received not only solid factual knowledge on the educational topic, but was also involved in cognitive, creative activities, acquired additional information through independent work. The children were convinced in practice that the Russian language is an interesting and fascinating subject, and any, at first glance, “boring” work can please both the result and the process itself, if everything is done together.

"project log"

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution
Lyceum №10 of the city of Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region

Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna

Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna

Skladanov Timofei Igorevich

Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna

Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna

Antonov Dmitry Andreevich

Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich

Smirnova Victoria Valerievna

Project Manager



onRussian language and literature

(subject, subject area)


Objective of the project

The main goal of the project is to form knowledge about the construction of a simple sentence,

arouse interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project promotes the development of creative abilities through independent research activities.

Project objectives

    apply new computer technologies, develop teamwork skills

Expected results

    Russian language guide "Simple sentence"

    results will be published

    during the implementation of the project, it is supposed to enrich the vocabulary and broaden one's horizons.

    the project allows you to become interested in this topic, because it is a new form of work: creating your own project in the form of a reference book dedicated to one of the sections of the syntax.

In the process of working on the project, we will have formed:

    knowledge on the topic "Simple sentence".

    skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction literature.

    skills and abilities of search and selection in the educational and fiction of the necessary information and examples.

    skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

Stages of work on the project


    stage of generalization of information;

Project result

    reference book on the Russian language "Simple sentence" (publication in printed form)

    reference book on the Russian language "Simple sentence" (electronic publication on the resource http://ru.calameo.com/)

Resources needed to complete the project



Group project topic:

The volume of the group project pages, it contains sources of literature.

Keywords: reference book, algorithms, simple sentence syntax

The object of study of the group project is the syntax of a simple sentence

The subject of research is the Russian language and literature.

Estimated time spent 2 months.

A group project consists of a "title page", "applications", "list of sources".

The relevance of the group project lies in the fact that in this project the product is a reference book in electronic and printed form. Their use allows you to increase not only interest in the subject, but also academic performance in this discipline. Most students perceive information better visually, especially if it is of high quality.

The "Appendix" reflects the process of project group work on the topic "This is not an easy simple sentence." Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

Project result

The work involves the creation of a guide to the Russian language.

The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact thatthe project allows students to be interested in this topic, since it is a non-standard, new form of work for them: creating their own project in the form of a publication devoted to one of the sections of syntax.

Next year, you can continue to work on the topic "Complex sentence e"


For a group project on Russian language and literature

The work was done in 2 versions.

FULL NAME. participants - Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna, Skladanov Timofei Igorevich Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna, Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich, Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna, Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna, Antonov Dmitry Andreevich, Smirnova Victoria Valerievna

Class _ 5c, 6a, 8b

On the topic "This is a difficult simple sentence." Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

In the group project, the topic is “This is not an easy simple sentence.” Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence" goals are formulated; the subject of the study is indicated; the objectives of the implementation of the GPR, the main results of activities, conclusions are presented.

The materials also contain: guides for group work, instructions for creating a handbook, worksheets for microgroups.

The application contains materials on the topics of the handbook, which were selected by the children in accordance with the program material, diagrams, practical exercises, tests

In terms of the stated theme "It's not a simple simple sentence." The creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence" and its purpose is of particular interest because it covers the study of theoretical information and practical work, which allows students to more deeply learn this topic, the practical application of the project product. The topic is relevant.

    The work was done quite independently, each project participant chose a subtopic, groups were formed working on one subtopic.

    During the work, they learned to systematize the material on their own, to work with information.

    The materials of this work can be used in Russian language lessons, in distance learning. since an electronic version of the work has been created.

The work is accompanied by a multimedia presentation.

The presented reporting materials allow us to draw conclusions about the successful completion of the work on the project "This is not an easy simple proposal."

Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

the date 04/14/2015 Head (signature) ________________

Journal of group project work

SupervisorKochulina Tatyana Viktorovna

Lesson number

Lesson Topics

(stages of work)

Gavrilova Evelina

Skladanov Timofey

Enzhievskaya Anna

Bakidzhanov Artem

Kurakina Ksenia

Maleina Anastasia

Antonov Dmitry

Smirnova Victoria

Selecting a project topic.

Definition of goals and objectives

Distribution of project participants into subgroups. The choice of topics in accordance with the program material.

Work with the selection of information, the choice of sources of information.

Working with information. www.gramota.ru Reference and information portal "Gramota.ru"

Work with the selection of information, the choice of sources of information.

Working with information. www.gramota.ru Reference and information portal "Gramota.ru"

Creating a directory. Directory structure

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a presentation.

Create a presentation

Create a presentation

Project Publication

Publication of the project in electronic and printed form

Project Protection

Work plan for the GPR

for 2014-2015 academic year

SupervisorKochulina Tatyana Viktorovna teacher of Russian language and literature

students Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna, Skladanov Timofey Igorevich Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna, Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich, Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna, Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna, Antonov Dmitry Andreevich, Smirnova Victoria Valerievna , 5c, 6a, 8b class

Stages of work

Forms of work



The stage of independent research, obtaining and analyzing information

Working with a dictionary, textbook, Internet, fiction

Information summarization stage

The stage of presenting the results of the work on the project (presentation).

Oral defense, presentation of the collection in electronic and printed form





Project leader - teacher Kochulina Tatyana Viktorovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

"It's not an easy proposition."

Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

2014-2015 academic year

Name (topic) of the project

"It's not an easy proposition."

Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

Problem solved by the project

The motive for working on the project "Simple Sentence Syntax" was the difficulty in mastering the material on the topic. _____________________

Why is this project important (relevance of the project)

What is the role of syntax? Translated from Greek, the word "syntax" means "construction" and directly indicates the need to streamline the units of the language. Thus, the emergence of syntax in our lives is caused by the need for people to communicate, their desire to organize their speech in such a way as to best convey information and emotions. In other words, small units of language - words - are not enough to express the diversity of human emotions and the complexity of thoughts; for full-fledged communication, larger - syntactic - units are needed. Thus, the culture of human communication presupposes knowledge of syntax as a universal tool that organizes our speech according to the internal laws of the Russian language. __________________

Project motto (epigraph) 0

Objective of the project

Generate interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project promotes the development of creative abilities through independent research activities.

Project objectives

    To form knowledge about the grammatical structure of the language,about building a simple sentence.

    To form the skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction, the skills and abilities of searching and selecting the necessary information and examples in educational and fiction, the skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

    To form the ability to apply knowledge of the norms of the language in speech,learn to express your thoughts orally and in writing

    Apply new computer technologies, develop teamwork skills

Project type

practice-oriented project

Expectations from the project (planned result)

    Reference book on the Russian language "Simple sentence"

    The results will be published in the form of a publication (electronic and printed)

    During the implementation of the project, it is expected to enrich the vocabulary and broaden one's horizons.

    The project allows you to become interested in this topic, since it is the creation of your own project in the form of a reference book dedicated to one of the sections of the syntax.

    In the process of working on the project, we will have formed:

-Knowledge on the topic "Simple sentence".

- skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction literature.

- abilities and skills of search and selection in the educational and fiction of the necessary information and examples.

- skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

Project participants

Surname, name of the participant


Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna

Skladanov Timofei Igorevich

Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna

Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich

Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna

Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna

Antonov Dmitry Andreevich

Smirnova Victoria Valerievna

Image of the future result

(the product of the project can be described verbally, represented by a photograph,

drawing or collage, diagram or plan, etc.)

Project Execution Plan 0





Topic selection

The stage of independent research, obtaining and analyzing information

Working with a dictionary, textbook, Internet, fiction

Information summarization stage

Create a publication, work in Google clouds with a single document

The stage of presenting the results of the work on the project (presentation).

Oral defense, presentation of the collection in electronic (electronic publication on the resource http://ru.calameo.com/) and printed form

What was done (description of the result obtained)

Manual "Simple Sentence Syntax" in printed and electronic form

How did the project help solve the problem?

(positive effect from project implementation) 0


What didn't work (reserves)

1. Not all topics are covered in the handbook, since at the very beginning of the work on the project it took a long time to decide who would do what. ____________________________

2. Not all students completed their part of the overall task on time.___________

List of information sources used in project activities 0

www.gramota.ru Reference and information portal "Gramota.ru",





Lesson number

Stages of work

Gavrilova Evelina 5v

Skladanov Timofey 5v

Enzhievskaya Anna 6a

Bakidzhanov Artem 6a

Kurakina Ksenia 8b

Maleina Anastasia 8b

Antonov Dmitry 8b

Smirnova Victoria 8b

Theoretical course

(filled in by the leader of the theoretical course)

Journal of group project activity

Group member self-assessment

(Self-assessment sheet)

(filled in by the group project leader from the self-assessment sheets)

Project presentation

(filled out by the expert commission - everyone has the same assessment))

Project Protection

(filled out by the expert commission - everyone has the same assessment)

Grade for the practical course (from each student's self-assessment sheet)

0 The manager does not grade, but keeps track of attendance with a “+” sign. The student himself evaluates his work in the group in the Self-Evaluation Sheet.

0 Filled must be at least 3 lines

0 Item to fill is optional

0 At least 5 sources, including Internet resources

View document content
"Lesson plan for project group activities"

Project theme“Such a difficult simple proposal. Creating a Simple Sentence Manual


Russian language

Interdisciplinary connections:


Related project "It's not an easy proposition."

Creation of the textbook "Simple sentence" (collective project from individual)

Practice-oriented project in the Russian language on the topic "Simple sentence". It covers the study of theoretical information and practical work, which allows students to more deeply learn this topic.

Target- arouse interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project contributes to the development of students' creative abilities through independent research activities.

Didactic goals and methodological tasks:

    to form knowledge about the grammatical structure of the language, about the construction of a simple sentence.

    to form the skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction, the skills of searching and selecting the necessary information and examples in educational and fiction, the skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

    to form the ability to apply knowledge of the norms of the language in speech, to teach to express one's thoughts orally and in writing

    to teach how to apply new computer technologies, to consolidate the skills of displaying the results obtained in a visual form;

    develop teamwork skills

    fostering interest in the native language.

Kind of activity


(collective, group)

Presentation type

Direction: work with a proposal

1. Textbook, reference book, algorithms

Practical activity in a certain educational subject area.

Working with a dictionary, textbook, Internet, fiction

Manual "Simple Sentence Syntax" ... (collective project from individual)

Oral defense, presentation of the collection in electronic and printed form

Plan for conducting a lesson on project activities

1. Opening remarks.

“Take a handful of precious crystals of wisdom, but at the same time do not forget the most important thing - wise thoughts must not only be read and written out, but also put into practice with practical deeds.”

“The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts” Maxim Gorky (slide 1)

– Do you agree with these words?

Without language, the life of a person, people, society, the development of science, technology, and art are impossible. It is not always easy to express your thoughts clearly, accurately and figuratively. This needs to be learned - learn hard and patiently.

Learning Russian will help you speak and write better, choose the most accurate and necessary words to express your thoughts. The course of the modern Russian language consists of the following sections: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and phonology, orthoepy, graphics and spelling, word formation, grammar (morphology and syntax).

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Let's see if we're ready to go.

Syntax… An urgent need or a deliberate complication of an already difficult life? .. However, who among us has sometimes encountered the inability to understand a child who has not yet fully mastered the laws of the language? Or a foreigner who builds his speech according to principles that we do not understand? This misunderstanding is the result of ignorance and, as a consequence, non-application of the rules of syntax by these people. So what is "syntax"? what is the role syntax? slide 2

Children's answers.


Thus, the culture of human communication presupposes knowledge of syntax as a universal tool that organizes our speech according to the internal laws of the Russian language.

3. Work on planning sheets.

The students once again pronounce the main issues that they are working on in the project. Accompanied by a presentation

    Acquaintance with the theme of the project. slide 3-4

Fundamental question

Problematic issues

- What is a simple sentence?

Study questions

What is syntax?

What is a phrase?

What is coordination, control, adjoining?

What type of connection is in the phrase?

What are the simple sentences? Types of simple sentences?

What are the main parts of a sentence called?

How do subject and predicate differ from each other?

What types of predicates are known?

What minor members of the sentence do you know?

What members of a sentence can be homogeneous?

Why do you need to enter introductory words? What is the role of an appeal in a sentence?

What is the difference between two-part and one-part sentences?

What is isolation?

What is the difference between isolated members of a sentence and non-isolated ones?

Which words are not part of a sentence?

4. Stage of generalization of information.

Frontal work with groups of students.

What methods of searching and collecting information do you know?

Where can you find the information you need? Who can help?

Who can be invited for consultation?

Where can they be found? Think about what each member of the group will do?

What jobs can be done in parallel?

Working with information:


- www.gramota.ru Reference and information portal "Gramota.ru", http://russkiy155.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_26.html

Search for information on selected topics, microgroups select material for their chapters, contribute to the manual, edit, since the project is practice-oriented, students work with various sources.

Choosing the right source of information advises the teacher

At this stage, the structuring of the information received and the integration of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are carried out.


Systematize the received data;

Combine the information received by each group into a single whole;

They build a general logical conclusion scheme for summing up.

The discussion takes place collectively: some options are accepted, others are rejected by the guys and replaced with new ones. Students ask each other questions, clarify information, analyze the information received.

5. Design of the project.Workshop.

Pupils receive reminders for work.

What issues could you advise another group on?

What else do you need to learn about this issue?

Let's remember once again how a reference book or tutorial should be built?

The guys made a plan for building a manual, we will consider options for a document camera, we will choose a single construction scheme.

"Correction" of their projects to create a general publication. The teacher gives final instructions in work and design.

Creating a publication in the cloud, students work in pairs, according to their routes. Children work in Google clouds with a single document

    Preview, the work can be displayed on the board.

6. Reflection

    "Take a handful of precious crystals of wisdom and put them into practice by practical deeds."

– Did we follow this wisest advice today?

Student responses.

7. Homework.

We will continue to work on the design of the manual, working in the clouds, supplementing our section.

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project protection




Final group project

Russian language and literature

Such a difficult simple proposition. Creation of a guide to the Russian language.

Completed: Gavrilova Evelina (5th grade),

Skladanov Timofey, (5th grade)

Enzhievskaya Anna (grade 6a),

Bakidzhanov Artem (grade 6a),

Kurakina Ksenia (8b grade),

Maleina Anastasia (8b grade),

Antonov Dmitry (8b class),

Smirnova Victoria (8b class)

scientific adviser: Kochulina Tatyana Viktorovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Project epigraph: “The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts” (Maxim Gorky)

Objective of the project: The main goal of the project is to form knowledge about the construction of a simple sentence, to arouse interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence . Project objectives: 1. To form knowledge about the grammatical structure of the language, about the construction of a simple sentence. 2. To form the skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction, the skills and abilities of searching and selecting the necessary information and examples in educational and fiction literature. 3. Apply new computer technologies, develop teamwork skills.

Project relevance

Syntax… An urgent need or a deliberate complication of an already difficult life? .. However, who among us has sometimes encountered the inability to understand a child who has not yet fully mastered the laws of the language? Or a foreigner who builds his speech according to principles that we do not understand? This misunderstanding is the result of ignorance and, as a consequence, non-application of the rules of syntax by these people.

Project relevance

So what is the role of syntax? Translated from Greek, the word "syntax" means "construction" and directly indicates the need to streamline the units of the language. Thus, the emergence of syntax in our lives is caused by the need for people to communicate, their desire to organize their speech in such a way as to best convey information and emotions. In other words, small units of language - words - are not enough to express the diversity of human emotions and the complexity of thoughts; for full-fledged communication, larger - syntactic - units are needed.

Thus, the culture of human communication presupposes knowledge of syntax as a universal tool that organizes our speech according to the internal laws of the Russian language.

What do we want to find out?

Fundamental question

Why can a simple sentence be "unsimple"?

Problematic issues

What is a simple sentence?

Is it always easy to find out the type of a simple sentence?

Which of the main members of the proposal is more important?

What members of the sentence are able to participate in the construction of the sentence?

How to determine the type of subordination in a phrase and why is it important to know when building a simple sentence?

How to learn how to correctly combine words into phrases to get a sentence that meets all the rules?

Why can only minor members of a sentence be isolated?

Study questions

- What is syntax?

- What is a phrase?

- What is coordination, management, adjoining?

What type of connection is in the phrase?

What are the simple sentences? Types of simple sentences?

What are the main parts of the sentence called?

What is the difference between subject and predicate?

- What types of predicates are known?

What minor parts of the sentence do you know?

- What members of the proposal can be homogeneous?

- Why do you need to enter introductory words What is the role of the appeal in the sentence?

What is the difference between two-part and one-part sentences?

- What is isolation?

- What is the difference between isolated members of a sentence and non-isolated ones?

What words are not part of a sentence?

How did we do the work? We plan our activities

  • Divided into microgroups. Decided who would do what; each performs its part of the overall task.
  • Divided the learning topics among themselves (depending on the program) Determined the tasks that will need to be completed for the project.
  • Discuss how you want to present your part of the assignment. We decided what our project would be like and how best to present it.
  • We got acquainted with Google Doсs, learned how to work with a document in the clouds.
  • Search for information on selected topics: microgroups selected material for their chapters, contributed to the manual, edited. We have worked with various sources.
  • The main source of theoretical material portal http://www.gramota.ru /

How did we do the work?

In choosing the right source of information, we advised teacher

Systematized the collected information;

The information received by each group was combined into a single whole;

  • built a general outline of the directory

Found out that…..

Mandatory elements in such a manual should be control tasks, a glossary, questions for self-examination with answers, training tasks.

The grant must contain:

  • Introduction to the discipline.
  • Table of contents.
  • The main content, structured by sections (modules).
  • Control exercises (testing, tasks).
  • Glossary.

What did we get? results

1. Created a guide to the Russian language, which contains theoretical information and a practical part

2. We printed a guide at the printing house.

Description of the project

Good afternoon. Grade 6-A presents to your attention the project work.

Many of us have heard phraseological turns in the speech of adults more than once, but we ourselves rarely use them and often do not understand the meaning of the phraseological unit we heard. But phraseologism is an important expressive unit of the Russian language. Phraseological turns - a special layer of the Russian language, part of the culture of our people - should return to the speech of children and enrich it. A Russian person should be able to use this means of expression. Based on this, we formulated the theme of the project - "Phraseologisms in our speech". The creative name of the project: "Oh, these phraseological units."

We conducted a survey among students and teachers of our school. We'll show you the results now. Questions like this were asked...

The results of the survey....

So, phraseological units are stable combinations of words that are close in lexical meaning to one word.

Try to guess phraseological units from the pictures:

In the course of our project, we learned that the sources of the emergence of phraseological units can be different:

1) native Russian

2) Old Slavonic

3) Latin and Greek 4) Western European

We know that Ancient Greece gave rise to the development of civilization. See what phraseological units originate from ancient mythology ...

From the Bible, the Gospel came, for example, such phraseology as “manna from heaven” ...

The following expressions originate from Ancient Russia ....

One of the tasks of our project was: to find literary, author's phraseological units. As it turned out, many poets and writers themselves come up with new interesting expressions that become winged. For example, getting acquainted with the work of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, we found a lot of interesting catch phrases.

There are also many popular expressions in the satirist writer Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin ... ..

I see that you are tired. I propose to conduct a small phraseological physical minute ...

We continue our work. It must be said that such a phenomenon as phraseology or idioms exists not only in the Russian language. For example,

In English, there are such phraseological units that correspond to our ...

while working on the project, we learned that FR. there are synonyms, antonyms, homonyms ....

What do you think is the favorite expression of our teachers?

For students? ...... for parents?...

So, while working on the project, we learned about 100 phraseological units. We made sure that you need to know the meanings of phraseological units in order to use them appropriately in your speech. Found out the origin of some expressions. We learned that they have synonyms and antonyms. We learned to work with information (select the necessary information, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions). Gained teamwork skills.

We are sure that we have convinced you that phraseological units must be used in speech, because they make it more vivid and expressive.

View document content
"Russian language project"

Project work of students 6-A class GBOU secondary school No. 60 of Sevastopol

Project Manager:

teacher of Russian language and literature

Leshchenko O.V. .

Oh, those phraseological units!

And what were they up to?

Tasks of our project:


To know

with new phraseological units and their meanings

the history of the emergence of phraseological units

Spend survey and analyze the results

What role do phraseological units play in our speech?

Teacher responses:

  • Decorate our speech, make it more expressive
  • Forced to think, reflect on the meaning of what was said
  • Emotionally enrich our speech

Student responses:

  • Decorate our speech
  • Help express your thoughts accurately

The results of the study showed:

  • The concept of "phraseological units" is familiar to a small number of students. Approximately two-thirds of the students find it difficult to name any phraseological unit.
  • Only a tenth of the students surveyed use phraseological units in their speech.
  • Only a few students surveyed understand the importance of phraseological units in speech.
  • School teachers are familiar with the concept of "phraseologisms", use them in their speech, give many examples and believe that

Phraseological units are an integral part of our speech.

Phraseologisms these are stable combinations of words that are close in lexical meaning to one word

  • Guess phraseological units

lead by the nose

Shed crocodile tears

Plug in the belt

Sources of phraseological units

1) native Russians (clumsy work, green street) ;

2) Old Slavonic (seek and you shall find) ;

3) Latin and Greek (Augean stables, contribute);

4) Western European (blue stocking, throw down the glove)

Phraseologisms that came from myths

Ariadne's thread - that helps to find a way out of a predicament.

Achilles' heelvulnerable spot.

Sword of Damocleslooming, imminent danger.

Two-faced Janus - Two-faced person.

Interesting fact

  • The center of the world otherwise called Omphal. This is the stone that marked the center of the world. According to legend, it was he who was swallowed by the god Kron instead of the baby Zeus.

Manna from heaven

something extremely necessary, desirable, expected.

According to the biblical story, every morning God sent the Jews during their exodus from Egypt through the desert to the land of the promised food - manna. The resulting expression "manna from heaven" began to be used in the sense of something valuable, rare. When they are looking forward to something cherished, they say the phrase "wait like manna from heaven."

Russian phraseological units:

  • "Without a penny" - no money at all.
  • "Speak your tongue" - talk a lot and not to the point.
  • "Pip on your tongue" - It is not necessary to speak like that in any case, so that these words do not turn out to be prophetic.
  • "Throw to the Wind" - wasted.
  • "Hanging by a Thread" - to be under threat.

Through the sleeves

to be reluctant to work, to work somehow, with laziness

In Ancient Russia they wore outerwear with excessively long sleeves; their unrolled ends fell to the knees, and even to the ground. Naturally, without lifting such sleeves, there was nothing to think about work. Close to this expression is the second, opposite in meaning and, one might think, born later: "Roll up your sleeves" that is, decisively, ardently, with full diligence.

Phraseologisms from Krylov's fables

  • "And Vaska listens and eats" - a person who is indifferent to reproaches, remarks, criticism expressed against him and continues to do his job. (Fable "The Cat and the Cook").
  • “And the casket just opened” - a problem that seemed difficult, unsolvable, turns out to be easily solved . (Fable "Cabin").
  • "What thieves get away with, thieves are beaten for that" - what you can do high in rank, you can’t do low in rank . (Fable "Raven").
  • "Your snout is down" - to be involved in something criminal, unseemly. (The fable "The Fox and the Marmot").

Phraseologisms from the fairy tales of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin


The lexical meaning of a phraseological unit

keep a stone in one's bosom

Name of the fairy tale

bear a grudge

don't give up an inch

"Wild Landlord"

give nothing away

stand one's ground

"Wild Landlord"

pursue their demands

my hut on the edge

breed on beans

unwillingness to take part in any affairs

"Wild Landlord"

"Dried vobla"


nowhere to stick your nose

"Dried vobla"

nowhere to go

mad chamber

"Wise Gudgeon"

have a lot of mind

look at both

"Wise Gudgeon"

be vigilant

"Wise Gudgeon"

Let's have a rest!

Let's get up like a arshin swallowed. We will vote with both hands. “Let us bend into three dooms. Let's jump like a hare. - Let's backtrack. Let's look into each other's eyes. - Let's put a good face on a bad game. - Let's beat each other up. - Let's spread our hands. “And now, put your hands in your trousers.” Let's keep our nose to the wind. - Let's wash each other's heads. - But there is no truth at the feet, take your places. We continue to work.

Phraseologisms in other languages

  • English phraseological units:
  • "To kill two birds with one stone" - kill two birds with one stone. (Kill two birds with one stone)
  • Hungry as a hunter" - hungry like a hunter (hungry as wolf)
  • « rolling in money" - ride in the money (chickens don't peck money)

We learned that phraseological units have homonyms, synonyms and antonyms

Let the rooster out of tune to produce a melody.

let the rooster go - set fire to something.

Mind Chamber -seven spans in the forehead

Head on shoulders - bright head

Two of a Kind - one field of berries.

Turn swords into plowshares - Sheathe the sword.

Though a dime a dozen - the cat cried.

Rolling up your sleeves - through the sleeves.

brew porridge - to fix the mess.

Heavy to lift - easy to lift

Favorite phraseological unit

The teachers- neither light nor dawn.

The students- like water off a duck's back.

The parents- Nick down.

Phraseologisms decorate our speech, make it expressive and bright

Film of students of the 8th grade "Yesenin and Lydia Kashina"

On the eve of the 120th anniversary of the birth of S. A. Yesenin, the guys and I visited the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan Region, visited the poet's house, the house of Lydia Kashina, the literary museum, and looked around the surroundings. Of course, we shot a video and decided to use it to create a short biographical note on the topic: "Yesenin and Lydia Kashina." You can see the result of our work

Film of 10th grade students "Karabikha"

The project of 10th grade students in the form of a correspondence excursion "Karabiha"

I once visited Karabikha in the summer, filmed a video there and took a photo, but the guys wrote the script for the tour and edited the film. The disadvantage of children's work is that they do not know how to recite. There is something to work on.

The work of a 11th grade student Karina Galynskaya

This is a collective work of children of different ages.

Below is an example of the design of a linguistic fairy tale in the form of a clip. The guys composed a fairy tale, then Stepanova Dasha drew the frames, they were scanned, then the sound was recorded and pictures were superimposed on the sound. Here is the movie ready! Of course, the topic is already so simple, it would be necessary to do something more difficult.

Not with verbs. Linguistic tale

Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko. Design work by Shesternenkova K. and Litvinenko A.

"The fate of the priest Konstantin Golubev"

Documentary film "Fyodor Nedosekin"

This design work participated in the city competition "Step into the Future. Elektrostal - 2010". We wanted to tell about a man we learned about from his grandson - Konstantin Vasilyevich Vladychensky. Our film tells about the priest of the Bogorodsk region, Father Sergius Vladychensky. He was repressed, like many clergy in the 30s. About his fate, told to us by his grandson, we told in this film. The authors of the project are Ekaterina Simagina, Nina Korenkova, Klinshova Ksenia. Students of the 11th grade and K. V. Vladychensky helped in dubbing the film.

Documentary film from the cycle "Priests of the Bogorodsk Territory" "Father Sergius Vladychensky"

In 2009 we celebrated the 210th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin. A competition of mini-projects "While Pushkin lasts in Russia, snowstorms will not blow out the candle" was held in the city. I invite you to get acquainted with the winning project - the video clip "In Memory of Pushkin". Students of the 7th grade Tatiana Krasotenko, Kira Sudakova and Ekaterina Kuznetsova worked on the project.


Russian language project


Made by 11th grade student

MBOU CO "Alliance"

Polyarzh Maria Vladimirovna

Marininskaya Nadezhda Anatolyevna

Russian language project



Subject: Russian language.

Age of participants: 13-17 years old.

Duration: long (academic year).

Target: studying the vocabulary of students in grades 8-11 and determining the replenishment of the vocabulary of schoolchildren.

Purity of style depends on a thorough knowledge of the language, on frequent reading of good books, and on dealing with people who speak clearly. Its development is facilitated by a diligent study of the rules, ... choosing good sayings from books, ... diligence for a clean pronunciation in front of people who know and observe the beauty of the language.

M. V. Lomonosov "A short guide to eloquence" 1743

Project progress

    Determine the quantitative composition of groups of commonly used vocabulary in students' speech.

    Learn special words in students' speech.

    Study the slang vocabulary of schoolchildren.

    To study the slang of schoolchildren in grades 8-11.

    Determine ways to improve the vocabulary and speech culture of students

Final product.

Russian language - national language of the Russian people. In addition, it is the state or official language of some of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation.

Over 250 million people speak Russian, including 143.7 million in Russia, according to the 1989 All-Union Population Census, and 88.8 million in other states that were previously part of the USSR.

Vocabulary - is the vocabulary of the language. The branch of the science of language that studies vocabulary is called lexicology. Language as a developing phenomenon requires constant study, so we made an attempt to study thematic groups of words of students in grades 8-11 of a modern general education school.

An objectresearch - oral speech of students in grades 8-11.

Hypothesis: we assume that limited-use vocabulary prevails in the speech of students: slang, jargon are frequently used vocabulary of youth, and dialectisms and special vocabulary are all rarely used in the speech of modern youth.

Methods and techniques: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, questioning, collection of vocabulary, mathematical calculations.

    Dialect vocabulary

Dialect vocabulary includes words, the distribution of which is limited to a particular territory. They have phonetic, morphological and syntactic features, as well as specific vocabulary.

For example, let's take a dialect vocabulary that combines Russian and Ukrainian. The dialects that have developed in Ukraine are so peculiar in comparison with simple Russian dialects that they rather resemble a unique language that can serve both the Russian and Ukrainian populations and is equally understandable to them. Each locality has its own private dialect system.

But dialectisms also penetrate into the speech of students through communication with elders. In an official situation, a teenager tends to speak in a literary language, and among “his own” he switches to a dialect.

Passive possession of dialect vocabulary not only quantitatively increases the vocabulary of students, but also enriches it qualitatively: students, understanding the meaning of dialect words that are different in terms of the scope of use.

We conducted a survey, and as a result, it was revealed that dialect vocabulary is very rare in the vocabulary of students.

We tried to identify several reasons for the rare use of dialects:

Alone argue that dialectisms are more common in the speech of older people;

Other believe that these days it is not relevant;

Some do not know what dialectisms are.

In truth, pity the dialects! With them, some special taste and aroma leaves the tongue. However, they remained forever, recorded in special dictionaries. And if someone is interested, he can open such a dictionary and learn everything in detail about each of the Russian dialects.

    Professional words in the vocabulary of students

Special vocabulary of limited use includes terms and professionalisms.

Professionalisms - words and expressions characteristic of the speech of a team united by a profession.

Term - this is the scientific designation of the concept, and professionalism is a semi-official word common in the colloquial speech of people of a certain profession.

In the speech of parents, who are still engaged in different types of activities, there are names of different objects. Many words, having left the sphere of social production, continue to be actively used in the individual economy.

From the lexicon of parents, such words pass into the lexicon of children. As a result of the survey, some professional words were identified that students in grades 8-11 know and use.





Point of view



In the process of language development, the meaning of many words can change. Some meanings develop, others are lost. In this regard, the original value can be "forgotten".

3. Russian youth slang

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, which is limited not only by certain age limits, but also by social, temporal and spatial limits. It exists among urban student youth and individual more or less closed reference groups.

It is only a lexicon, which eats juices national language, lives on its phonetic and grammatical soil.

The flow of this vocabulary does not dry out completely, only at times it becomes shallow, and at other times it becomes full-flowing. Young people have created "systemic" slang as a linguistic gesture of opposition to the official ideology, the existence of which is limited not only by age limits, but also by social, temporal, and spatial limits.

Based on the survey, a small table of frequently used slang was compiled.

Youth slang


Hi Hello

Zenki, balls

Dude, man

Super, class, nishtyak


Unlike dialect and special vocabulary, slang is used most often.

4. Slang

Jargon, like dialectal, is characterized by limited use. It is a social variant of speech, called jargon, and is used in certain communication conditions.

Jargon is an affiliation of a social or other group of people, united by a commonality of interests, activities.

The slang words of students have a bright expressive and stylistic coloring, so they can easily turn into colloquial everyday speech, into vernacular.

The sources of the formation of slang vocabulary are different and most often it is replenished by borrowing. Abbreviations, truncated, phonetically distorted or completely reinterpreted words are widely used.

Also, on the basis of the survey, a small table of frequently used jargon was compiled.


What does

Head, tambourine




The one who is younger

Mobile phone


Some jargons quickly go out of use, others appear.

Slang vocabulary should not be the property of the speech of cultured people, but the everyday everyday speech of schoolchildren is full of jargon, and it is almost impossible to eliminate teenagers from the speech. It is necessary to understand in what sphere of speech communication their use is permissible.

5. Vocabulary classification

Principles of vocabulary classification:

By origin: primordially - Russian, borrowed

By degree of use: passive, active

Scope of use: commonly used vocabulary is opposed to limited territorially.

Sociological survey

    Is speech etiquette necessary?

    Does it offend you that a stranger refers to you as "you"?

    Does it bother you that speakers and members of the State Duma violate orthoepic norms?

    Is profanity allowed?

    Is censorship necessary in periodicals?

    Is a speech etiquette law necessary?

Poll results:

1.Students of 8 classes

question number

8th grade students believe that speech etiquette is needed, profanity is unacceptable, but at the same time, the majority does not offend if strangers address them as “you”. Only half of them are embarrassed if the speakers and members of the State Duma violate orthoepic norms.

2.Students of 9 classes

All respondents believe that speech etiquette is needed, but none of them are offended when strangers address them as “you”. Half of the respondents believe that profanity is acceptable, while the majority agree that a law on speech etiquette is needed.

    10th grade students

Students believe that speech etiquette is needed, but they are not offended when a stranger refers to them as “you”. A lot of people notice a violation of orthoepic norms. A third of students believe that profanity is acceptable. And two-thirds believe that a law on speech etiquette is not needed.

4. 11th grade students

Students read that speech etiquette is needed, at the same time, only one of them is offended when strangers turn to them with “you”. Only half notice the violation of orthoepic norms, but everyone agrees that profanity is unacceptable.

Conclusion from the survey

The survey showed that the lower the level of education, the less a person thinks about the culture of communication, and he has less vocabulary.

We were convinced that it is necessary to teach children speech etiquette and replenish their vocabulary.

Ways to fix

Students usually know more words than they actually use in their speech. They learn new words from many sources: as a result of reading, from the speech of the teacher, from adults. It is necessary to expand and enrich your vocabulary in every possible way. We suggest that you treat the language more carefully, remember that the word carries positive or negative energy.

The study of non-common vocabulary in the speech of students proves the presence in the vocabulary of schoolchildren of slang, dialect, professional, slang vocabulary. It is necessary to learn how to use this vocabulary appropriately in accordance with the situation of communication, to be aware of the impossibility of its use in normalized speech. To get rid of the negative influence of uncommon vocabulary, you need to know the norms of the Russian literary language well - the norms of pronunciation, stress, inflection, spelling .


    Speech etiquette is a historically changeable rule of communication. In recent years, there has been a significant change in speech etiquette for the worse.

    Speech etiquette is a mirror reflecting the level of a person's internal culture.

    A person with a high level of upbringing, who does not violate speech etiquette, is a role model. The people around him do not allow themselves to violate the norms of the culture of communication in his presence.

    In the youth environment, the simplification of etiquette relations is becoming a real epidemic.

    It is necessary to master speech etiquette from childhood, in the family, in kindergarten, and even at the university, already professionally guided in accordance with what speech situations will be the most typical in a person’s work activity, and in order to expand vocabulary, you need to read more works of art, study dictionaries, reference books, write essays, abstracts, use additional literature.


    Volina, V. V. I know the world, the Russian language / V. V. Volina. – M.: AST, 1998.

    Skvortsov, L. I. Jargons // Russian language: Encyclopedia. - M., 1979.

    Soboleva, O. L. Schoolchildren's Handbook. 5 - 11 grades. Russian language / O. L. Soboleva. – M.: AST, 2003.

    Sokolova, V. V. Culture of speech and culture of communication / V. V. Sokolova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1995.

    Ozhegov, S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language / S. I. Ozhegov. - M.: Russian language, 1994.

    Tekuchev, A. V. Methods of the Russian language in secondary school / A. V. Tekuchev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1980.

    Savko, I. E. Correctness of speech: lexical, phraseological, morphological, syntactic norms / I. E. Savko. - Minsk: "Harvest", 2008.

The section presents exemplary ones that you can choose to conduct an interesting study in any class of a general education school, both for an individual project and for group research activities.

Students can take any interesting topic of research work in the Russian language from the list below and, based on it, come up with a topic formulation that is more suitable for their hobbies and level of knowledge. When viewing the list, choose a topic that matches your abilities.

Topics of projects in the Russian language for grades 1, 2, 3, 4

The leader will help students of grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 of elementary school choose interesting topics for Russian language projects, change and adjust the topic to the specifics of the research work, and supplement it at their discretion. The topic of research work should correspond to the student's initial knowledge on the topic and at the same time allow him to acquire new knowledge in the area under study.

Topics of Russian language projects for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

For your convenience, all Russian language project topics distributed to students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of a general education institution. If desired, the student can choose the topic of research work on the Russian language from any section, and then expand or shorten it, adjusting to the specifics of his research project.

Below are the topics of research and project work in the Russian language that are not included in certain classes, some of them are relevant for any class. According to the recommendations of the leader, in this list, the student can choose an interesting topic of work that will be the most relevant and non-trivial among classmates.

Project topics in the Russian language (general)

List of topics of research papers on the Russian language:

Analysis of the semantic group "Color names of the car".
Letters that have disappeared from the alphabet.
Contribution of A.S. Pushkin in the development of the modern Russian language.
The influence of interactive communication on the written speech of students.
The question of the origin of the terms "Rus", "Russia", "Russian"...
Questions of language ecology in the modern world.
IN AND. Dal. Walking for the word. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language".
Outstanding linguists.
Life and work of "aliens" (loanwords) in Russian.
Book Tomorrow
Borrowed vocabulary in the names of maritime modes of transport.
Borrowed vocabulary in the names of flowers.
Is the writer deservedly forgotten ...
Why are aliases needed?
Borrowed words - good or bad for the modern Russian language.
Sound and meaning (on the example of the analysis of one or two poems).
The concept... in the works of Russian literature (the experience of compiling a dictionary).
Proper names in proverbs and sayings.
Names, surnames, patronymics in different languages ​​of the world.
History of cases. Prepositions and cases.
History of participles and participles.
Adjectives in place names.
Adjectives in the titles of works.
Adjectives in plant names.
Artificial languages.
The history of the origin of the Russian surname.
Studying the Russian language abroad as a way to familiarize yourself with the culture of Russia.
History of writing.
Proper names in proverbs and sayings.
How the Russian language lives in LiveJournal (in social networks...)
How to teach literacy in Russia.
How are the norms of stress observed by the inhabitants of our village.
What are the literary awards today.
Book yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Red speech proverb
Red speech phraseological units.
Who and why is hiding under the mask of a pseudonym?
Lexical components of the image of St. Petersburg in the prose of F.M. Dostoevsky.
Lexical components of the image of the Motherland in the lyrics of S. Yesenin.
Linguistic and aesthetic features of the Futurists' "verbalism".
Linguistic errors are all around us.
Linguistic geography. How many languages ​​are there in the world?
Literary places of our city
Literary communities of the Internet.
People and Manuscripts.
The place of the Russian language among other subjects in our school.
The place and role of neologisms and occasionalisms in the lyrics of V. Mayakovsky.
The name of objects of material culture (clothing, footwear, household items, etc.) in Russian and their connection with the words of the primary languages.
Our friends are dictionaries.
Non-verbal means of communication.
The name of human character traits in comparison with animals in Russian.

Topics of research projects in the Russian language

Some questions of the culture of speech of the modern Russian language.
Some aspects of the linguistic analysis of the joke.
New professions in the modern world and their names.
Nihilism and Nihilists. The emergence of the term, the originality of personality.
One-part sentences in the comedy by N.V. Gogol's "Inspector".
One-part sentences in the work of the poet Mikhail Mokshin.
Onomastics of the names of stores in my city.
Features of the language of SMS messages.
Features of precedent heading texts (on the material of the newspaper "Zapolyarnaya Pravda").
Features of the syntactic structure of M. Tsvetaeva's poems.
Peculiarities of the "skaz" language in the works of M. Zoshchenko.
Features of the language of "skaz" in the works of N.S. Leskov.
Where do adverbs come from?
Reflection of the pagan worldview of the Slavs in the language (phraseology, proverbs, sayings, onomastics).
Reflection of the names of Slavic pagan gods in the etymology of some words of the modern Russian language.
Representations of the ancient Slavs about time and their reflection in language and literature.
Representations of the ancient Slavs about color and their reflection in language and literature.
Origin of interjections.
The use of animal traits to describe a person's character.
Adjectives denoting shades of color in Russian.
The role of phraseological units in the Russian language.
The role of participles in works of fiction.
Russian language and its contacts with other languages.
The originality of the speech characteristics of characters in the dramatic works of A.P. Chekhov.
Declensions in Old Russian.
Slavic alphabets, their origin and relationship.
Empty words.
Word-building types of complex Russian surnames.
The current state of the issue of the origin of writing among the Eastern Slavs.
Phraseological units and idioms in Russian
Functioning of one-part sentences in texts of different styles of the Russian literary language.
The expediency of using borrowed vocabulary in the language of the media.
What is a good speech?
Experiments in the field of the word (on the material, fiction, journalistic literature, the language of the media and the Internet ...).
Emotions in pixels.
Etymology of words-exceptions from the rules of Russian spelling.
Advertising language.

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