Swimming mainly affects the hematopoietic system. The benefits and harms of swimming in pools: positive effects on the body and lurking dangers. Swimming and illness

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Influencee swimming on the human body


swimming breathing cardiovascular

At present, our state faces quite acute problems of the health of the younger generation, educating children in the need for a healthy lifestyle, healthy leisure. These problems have been repeatedly discussed by the public, socialists in various fields of activity, and the media.

Without disputing the complexity and variability of the solution of this problem, in our opinion, the priorities should still be for the means of physical culture and sports. And in this regard, despite the knowledge, issues related to the initial training of motor skills and abilities are still relevant.

Among other mass sports, in our opinion, only swimming combines the possibility of a harmonious development of the body, a pronounced health-improving orientation, an important applied value, and the emotional appeal of the aquatic environment.

1 . INeffect of water temperature on the human body

The heat capacity of water is 4 times greater, and the thermal conductivity is 25 times higher than that of air. Therefore, the human body reacts much more strongly to the temperature of the water. Due to this reaction, changes occur in various systems. The body trains to endure temperature changes.

Human blood circulation in the aquatic environment varies depending on the temperature of the water and the duration of its exposure. So, when exposed to ice (0-13°C), cold (14-22°C) or room temperature water (23-29°C), and at low loads and warm (up to 32°C) water, the body's reaction proceeds according to following scheme: proprioceptors, reacting to temperature, increase the tone of peripheral vessels, narrowing them (to reduce heat loss by the body), as a result, the amount of blood that returns to the heart increases, which leads to increased work. As a result of overcoming dosed and feasible loads during systematic exercises, the heart muscle is strengthened (the heart actually trains).

When working in water above 32°C, the body reacts differently. Vasodilation occurs to prevent overheating of the body. A decrease in vascular tone increases peripheral blood supply, tissue trophism, and a decrease in the tone of muscle tissues leads to their softening (including scar and contracture tissues), a decrease in edema, and an increase in joint mobility. At a temperature of 36-37 ° C, pain sensations are dulled. These body reactions are effectively used for rehabilitation purposes, including when working with infants.

Staying in water, especially in combination with active motor exercises, is a good means of hardening (water temperature is not higher than 32°C for children and 29°C for adults). With systematic water exercises, the body is trained to quickly adjust to work in conditions that require an increase in heat consumption. The body, accustomed to systematically work with temperature changes, adequately responds to such changes in any situation without stress and a decrease in vitality.

The increased reproduction of heat during swimming requires the activation of metabolic processes, which in turn leads to an improvement in the growth and development of the body and the improvement of its life support systems. What is of particular importance in childhood, since the period of infancy (from 0 to a year) is characterized by the most rapid and significant growth and development of the body as a whole.

It should also be noted that for most people, water is cold, the temperature of which is below 15 ° C. For more hardened people - below 10 ° C. Finally, there are very hardy people who swim in water colder than 5°C. Immersion in very cold water can be a real shock to the body (hyperventilation is a common reaction to sudden immersion in cold water; as a rule, a person takes a spontaneous deep breath, and then cannot even out breathing for 1-3 minutes - breathes deeply and quickly, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, and an increase in blood pH). This can only be done by healthy people who are regularly hardened and have sufficient experience in swimming in cold water.

It is also important to note the fact that water has a stronger effect on the body than air. Thus, the action of water with a temperature of about 26°C is equated to the action of air with a temperature of about 5°C.

2 . Breathing technique

Breathing in swimming is based on the ability to inhale while above the water and exhale underwater. Although exhalation is not so important. The main thing is to be able to breathe while above the water.

There are only four ways to swim, but the basis of breathing is one - to inhale above the water. It would seem nothing complicated, but the fact is that during swimming, in addition to the fact that a person is actively moving, his chest works, overcoming water pressure, and it is clear that in order to take a breath, much more effort is needed, than in everyday life.

This explains why swimming is much more effective than running for developing endurance. In martial arts, swimming is often used to increase endurance. This method has not become widespread only because not everyone has the opportunity to swim regularly, and even in any season.

Learning how to breathe properly while swimming is difficult, but quite possible. You just need to control yourself all the time while breathing, and you need to breathe with effort. This means to inhale strongly, and while exhaling, exhale the air with all your lungs. After all, you need to keep an even rhythm of breathing, as this is very important.

After all, if you inhale as much as you need, and exhale more or less than it should be, this will be an incomplete breathing cycle, which of course gives a ragged breathing cycle, which in turn will not allow you to take a full breath. And it takes only a few such cycles to feel the lack of oxygen. And now, having swum only ten or one and a half meters, a person begins to suffocate.

Proper breathing when swimming: simple recommendations

* It is necessary to constantly monitor that the breathing corresponds to the movements, remaining even and rhythmic.

* Inhale should be twice as long as exhalation. That is, a short and powerful breath is taken, and the exhalation is twice as long as the inhalation.

* Be sure to hold your breath between inhalation and exhalation.

* To maintain a high swimming speed, you need to take deep rare breaths, performing several movements on the exhale. This is done because when you inhale, the speed decreases sharply, as the resistance of the water increases.

* And the last thing: no one is immune from getting water into the respiratory tract. But if you master the art of keeping an even rhythm of breathing, then it is quite possible to clear your throat without interrupting the process of swimming and without even knocking down even breathing.

3. Ozdorovalswimming effect

Swimming is one of the most effective means of promoting health and physical development of a person, from the first months of life to old age.

So the well-known American socialist in the field of health technologies, Kenneth Ku??r, calls swimming the second most effective type of aerobic exercise (after skiing), which also involves all the major muscles.

Also evidence of the health-improving effect of swimming are examples when children with a lack of physical development come to go in for swimming, weakened after suffering from illnesses and become famous athletes. So it was with Don Frazier, a three-time Olympic champion who came to swimming lessons after contracting polio. And the future champion of Europe and the USSR, Tina Lekveishvili, was brought by her mother to swim, worried about her poor posture.

Honored Master of Sports V. Kusluhin, world record holder M. Sokolova in the past tuberculosis patients.

In 1971, the International Swimming Federation (FINA) recognized swimming as an important additional source of health for infants and recommended that the medical committees of all national swimming federations be involved in the mass development of swimming among infants, organizing in their countries a wide popularization of the methodology for applying this effective health remedy.

4 . Effects of swimming on the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems

Swimming has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. The horizontal position of the body, as well as cyclic movements associated with the work of muscles, water pressure on the subcutaneous bed, deep diaphragmatic breathing and a balanced state of the body - all this contributes to blood flow to the heart and, in general, greatly facilitates its work. As a result of swimming, systolic pressure decreases, vascular elasticity increases, and the stroke volume of the heart increases.

Those who systematically go in for swimming have a physiological decrease in the pulse to 60 or less beats per minute. At the same time, the heart muscle works powerfully and economically.

So, as a result of swimming in the cardiovascular system, positive changes occur (in the form of an increase in the contractility of the muscular wall of the vessels and an improvement in the functioning of the heart), which lead to faster transport of oxygenated blood to the peripheral parts of the body and internal organs, which contributes to activation of the general metabolism.

The mechanism of the positive impact of swimming on the respiratory system is the active training of the respiratory muscles, increased mobility of the chest, pulmonary ventilation, vital capacity of the lungs, oxygen consumption by the blood. When swimming, the most distant parts of the lungs participate in breathing, and as a result, stagnation in them is excluded.

In addition, swimming with breath holding, diving, diving under water train resistance to hypoxia.

All of the above allows us to conclude that swimming is an effective means of strengthening and developing the respiratory system.

When swimming, a person is in a state of hydrostatic weightlessness, which unloads the musculoskeletal system from the pressure of body weight on it - this creates conditions for normalizing posture disorders, increases motor capabilities and promotes their development. The indicator of total mobility in the joints of swimmers is significantly higher than that of athletes of other socializations. Performing swimming movements with arms and legs involves almost all the muscles of the body, which contributes to the harmonious development of muscles.

It should also be noted that when practicing swimming, there is practically no risk of injury to the musculoskeletal system.

According to its dynamic characteristics, swimming is one of the available means of physical culture for people of different ages and fitness levels.

5 . The role of swimming in the metabolic process

Swimming requires a lot of energy. So, in just a two-hour workout, a swimmer can lose up to 2 kg of weight. Where does the released energy go? Part of it is spent on warming the swimmer's body, and the other part is used to perform swimming movements.

Energy costs are compensated by enhanced nutrition. Thus, swimming activates the metabolism. Naturally, fat people who dream of losing excess weight by swimming and not increasing their usual diet can easily fulfill their dream.

During swimming, many physiological processes in the human body proceed differently than on land, due to the fact that his body falls into unusual conditions. These conditions are determined by the fact that in water the human body is in a state of half gravity. Thus, when holding the breath on a full breath, the body itself easily floats to the surface of the water, and on a full exhalation, it sinks. In a state of half gravity, stimuli formed under new conditions act on the cerebral cortex from the side of the musculoskeletal system, heart, lungs and other organs. The responses of the brain also change. As a result, the depth of breathing increases, the activity of the cardiovascular system improves, metabolism is activated, etc.

In addition, the ongoing changes in the blood increase the protective properties of its immune system, increasing resistance to infectious and colds.

6 . The effect of swimming on the nervous and immune systems

Regular swimming lessons are a powerful factor influencing the higher nervous activity of a person.

The action of the temperature of water balances the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, improves the blood supply to the brain.

Water, gently flowing around the body, massaging the nerve endings in the skin and muscles, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, calms, and relieves fatigue. After swimming, a person falls asleep easier, sleeps more soundly, his attention and memory improve.

It should be noted that pleasant associations associated with swimming have a positive effect on the state of the psyche, contribute to the formation of a positive emotional background, which is so necessary in everyday life.

Having considered the health-improving effect of swimming on the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, and the musculoskeletal system, it should certainly be noted that, in addition, swimming is an effective means of hardening, increasing resistance to colds and exposure to low temperatures. In addition, the ongoing changes in the blood increase the protective properties of its immune system, increasing resistance to infectious and colds.

So, as a result of swimming, a versatile positive effect is exerted on the human body. For recreational purposes, swimming is available and useful for almost all age categories.

7 . Applied value of swimming

Nowadays, the ability to swim is a vital applied skill.

A large number of accidents on the water are due to the fact that people do not know how to swim. According to UNESCO, every year, out of every million people inhabiting our planet, about 120 people drown.

In Russia, about 25 thousand people die on the water every year. This is much more than in other local wars where modern weapons are used.

And such an indicator as the number of drowned people per 100 thousand of the population in our country is noticeably higher than in France, Germany, Italy, the Scandinavian countries, the USA, Japan, and Great Britain.

More than half of those who die on the water are people who cannot swim and violate the rules of behavior on the water. Anyone who cannot swim, being on the shore of a reservoir or in the water, endangers his life. In this regard, the priority application function of swimming is to save people's lives.

In this situation, mastering the skills and abilities of applied swimming in the conditions of a swimming pool becomes a priority. These conditions are characterized by water clarity, depth information, relatively small water surface area, and the presence of a swimming socialist. All this contributes to the effective mastery of the following skills and abilities of applied swimming: diving and moving under water, diving to a depth, searching for an object at the bottom without social equipment, moving through the water using applied swimming styles, transporting drowning people and providing them with first aid. help.

The ability to swim is necessary in professional activities related to the aquatic environment: fleet workers, fishermen, builders and maintenance personnel of hydraulic structures, workers of various water injections.

In addition, swimming is part of professional and applied training in the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


In conclusion, it should be said that it is necessary to follow the instructions and rules of behavior on the water

Choose the right time for classes and load. According to experts, it is better to swim twice a week for 25 minutes. Depending on the purpose of the classes, build a personal schedule. To relax, calm down, you need to take small breaks in the heats. For enhanced muscle training, try to swim continuously for 25 minutes, but with a change in styles. Follow the rhythm and correctness of breathing, inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose and mouth at the same time. Speed ​​does not play a special role in increasing stamina. If you want to relax, the most acceptable position is on your back, arms to the side, muscles relaxed, head slightly thrown back.

Swimming should be done no earlier than an hour after eating, so as not to provoke dizziness. Before the swim, you should take a cool shower, enter the water slowly so that a sharp change in temperature does not lead to vasoconstriction and, as a result, pain in the heart muscle. When the body has cooled and got used to it, you can completely immerse yourself in water. It is desirable that the water temperature is not lower than 20 ° C (in natural reservoirs). A lower temperature supercools the body and, if you are not a prepared "walrus", you can catch a cold and get sick.

Systematic visits to the pool provide an opportunity to significantly improve well-being, improve health. Swimming allows you to get rid of colds, leads to hardening of the immune system. Swimming is one of the main components of the prevention of diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis. Training of the musculoskeletal system in water allows you to strengthen your joints and ligaments, discipline your muscles, and improve your posture. There are special therapeutic pools where, under the supervision of a doctor, preventive procedures are carried out aimed at combating various diseases.


1. Vorobyov A.N. Sports family - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1987

2. Volkov V.M. On the problem of development of motor abilities // Theory and practice of physical culture. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1993. - No. 5-6.

3. Apanasenko G.L. The health we choose. - Kyiv: Knowledge, 1989

4. Axelrod S.L. Sport and health. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1988

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Gosteva Victoria

The report describes the history of the emergence and development of swimming, swimming styles. the importance of swimming in human life and practical work to identify the impact of swimming on the human body.




"Secondary school No. 18"

Research work on the topic:

Swimming and its effect on the body



student 4 "A" class

Gosteva Victoria


Romanova Natalya Ivanovna



Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………… 3

………………………………………. 4

II. Swimming styles………………………………………………………………………… 4

III. The meaning of swimming in human life………………………………………………...5

3.1.Features of the impact of swimming on the human body……………………………6.

3.2. Influence of swimming lessons on cardiovascular, respiratory

system and musculoskeletal system…………………………………………………..7-8

3.3. Influence of swimming lessons on the nervous and immune systems……………………...8-9

3.4. Influences of swimming on the formation of a personality……………………………………………………………………………9-10

3.5. The healing effect of swimming…………………………………………………… 10

3.6. Applied value of swimming………………………………………………………… 10

IV. Practical - experimental work to identify the influence of swimming

On the human body

4.1. The effect of swimming on the frequency of cardiovascular contractions……… 11

4.2. Comparative analysis of tests by physical indicators……………………… 11

4.3. Diagnostics of the emotional state by emotional-color analogy

Lutoshkina A.N………………………………………………………………………………………………11-12

4.5. Comparative analysis of academic performance ………………………………………………………………12

4.6. Test "Table Schulte" Test "Distribution and switching of attention"……….12-13

4.7. My Achievements……………………………………………………………………… 13-14

V. Results (conclusions) …………………………………………………………………….14

List of sources and literature…………………………………………………………..15



Relevance of the chosen topic:

At present, our state faces quite acute problems of the health of the younger generation, educating children in the need for a healthy lifestyle, healthy leisure. Among other mass sports, swimming combines the possibility of a harmonious development of the body, a pronounced health-improving orientation, an important applied value, and the emotional appeal of the aquatic environment.

Goal of the work:

To study the impact of swimming on human health and development


To study the special literature on the research problem;

Check in a practical way the importance of swimming in human life.

Assumptions and questions that were tested (hypotheses)

Let me know if it's confirmed hypothesis : swimming contributes to the comprehensive, harmonious, physical and psychomotor development of a person.

Conducting research (methods, techniques, means)

When working on the project, the following methods research: study of scientific and methodological literature, practical experiment, psychological testing, measurement of heart rate, survey method.

I. The history of the emergence and development of swimming

The ubiquitous finds of archaeologists indicate that people learned to swim a very long time ago. Rather, learning to swim was initiated by foraging and warfare. In 1515, the first swimming competitions were held in Venice. In 1869, the first amateur swimming school was opened in England. A little later, similar schools appeared in Sweden, Germany, Hungary, France, the Netherlands, the USA, New Zealand, Russia, Italy and Austria. At the end of the 19th century, there was a surge in the popularity of water sports, a prerequisite for this was the appearance of artificial pools. Swimming has been part of the Olympic Games since 1896. In 1899, a major championship was held among European countries, which was called the European Championship. In 1908, the International Swimming Federation (FINA) developed and fixed the main distances for holding competitions, as well as the procedure for conducting heats.

II. Swimming styles

In sports swimming, there are 4 styles:

Crawl the fastest type of swimming, which is characterized by alternating and symmetrical movements of the arms and legs. Each arm makes a wide stroke along the axis of the swimmer's body, while the legs alternately rise and fall.

Crawl on the back - a swimming style that is visually very similar to a regular crawl. The athlete also performs alternating strokes with arms alternately raising and lowering legs, but swims on his back and carries out a straight arm sweep over the water.

Breaststroke - a type of swimming in which the athlete performs symmetrical movements in a plane that is parallel to the water surface.

Butterfly - one of the most technically complex and tiring types of swimming.When moving with a butterfly, the athlete makes a wide and powerful stroke, lifting the swimmer's body above the water, and the legs and pelvis make wave-like movements. It is considered the second fastest after the crawl.

III. The value of swimming in human life

On this topic, I studied the literature using Internet resources, watched documentaries about swimming. I saw how even people with disabilities perform with dignity. People with serious illnesses swim and have no contraindications. Swim those who want to lose weight and those who just enjoy swimming. I saw that swimming has a beneficial effect on the human body and hardens it psychologically.

So, what does swimming mean in a person’s life and how does it affect his body? It became very interesting to me, and I decided to practically verify this. Moreover, I myself have been swimming for the fourth year. I have the first youth category.

From the literature it became clear that swimming is one of the most effective means of recovery. It is shown without limitation to almost all people of any age.
Ancient Indian philosophers identified 10 benefits of swimming that give a person: mental clarity, freshness, vigor, health, strength, beauty, youth, purity, pleasant skin color and the attention of beautiful women.

Swimming has a peculiar, inherent only to this kind of sport, effect on the human body. To stay on the surface of the water and swim a certain distance, you have to perform specific movements, the likes of which are not found in any other sport. Water has a high thermal conductivity (30 times more than air), which requires the body to increase energy expenditure when performing even light physical exertion. Therefore, swimming, of course, is one of the most effective sports in terms of health, a powerful means of preventing and even correcting incipient body disorders.

3.1. Features of the impact of swimming on the human body

The specific features of swimming are associated with physical activity in the aquatic environment. In this case, the human body is subjected to a double effect: on the one hand, it is affected by physical exercises, on the other hand, by the aquatic environment.

These features are also determined by the physical properties of water: its density, viscosity, pressure, temperature, heat capacity. The impact of water on the body begins with the skin. Washing the swimmer's body, the water cleanses the skin, thereby improving its nutrition and respiration. In addition, the skin is chemically attacked by trace elements contained in the water.

When swimming, the main muscular work is spent not on keeping a person on the water, but on overcoming the drag force.

Analyzing the physiological changes during swimming and its effect on the body, it is necessary to say about the swimmer's motor activity. It is determined by the horizontal position of the body, high resistance to movement, the development of specific motor automatisms and new coordination of movements, the strict sequence of work of individual muscle groups, the inclusion in the work of the predominant muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle (up to 70%) and legs when swimming.

Under the influence of training, swimmers develop muscle strength well.
In addition, the horizontal position of the body when swimming facilitates the work of the heart, improves muscle relaxation and joint function.
It is also necessary to dwell on changes in the blood. When a person is in water, the number of blood cells increases: erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin. This is observed even after a single stay in the water. After 1.5-2 hours after class, the composition of the blood actually reaches a normal level. However, the level of blood cells with regular exercise increases for a long time.

Summarizing, It should be said that swimming, due to the impact on the body, both motor activity and the aquatic environment, leads to physiological changes in almost all human organs and systems.

3.2. Effects of swimming on the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems

Swimming is no less beneficial for the cardiovascular system of the body. The horizontal position of the body when swimming creates easier conditions for the work of the heart. As a result of swimming, systolic blood pressure decreases, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, and the stroke volume of the heart increases. This, first of all, can be seen by the change in heart rate. In people who regularly swim, the pulse is 10-15 beats per minute less. The rhythm of the heart is optimized. Hypertension among swimmers is 2 times less than among representatives of other sports.

Swimming in sports ways harmoniously develops all muscle groups. Systematic swimming lessons and special gymnastics improve such valuable physical qualities as endurance, strength, speed, joint mobility, and coordination of movements.

After long swimming sessions, my physical fitness indicators have improved.

Exercises performed on land and water strengthen not only the muscles of the arms and legs, but also the muscles of the torso, which is especially important for formatting the correct posture in children and adolescents.

Due to the symmetrical movements and the horizontal position of the body, which unloads the spinal column from the pressure of the body weight on it, swimming is an excellent corrective exercise that eliminates such postural disorders as stoop, scoliosis, kyphosis.

Continuous footwork at a fast pace with constant overcoming of water resistance, performed in a supportless position, trains the muscles and ligaments of the ankle joint, helps to form and strengthen the children's foot. Great swimmers have very high mobility in the ankle joints and they can pull their toes almost like a ballerina.

Swimming completely excludes injuries of the musculoskeletal system, concussions, fractures and others.

Swimming is an aerobic type of physical exercise that causes an increase in the blood of children and adolescents of growth hormone - somatotropin - by 10-20 times. This contributes to the growth of the body in length, an increase in muscle mass, the mass of the heart and lungs.

Water pressure prevents inhalation, and when exhaling into water, it is necessary to overcome its resistance, which leads to an increased load on the respiratory muscles.

Swimming, the study of the technique of sports methods, like no other type of physical exercise, trains the correct type of breathing, while holding the breath on a full breath, the body itself easily floats to the surface of the water, and on a full exhalation, it sinks. It is impossible to swim crawl and breaststroke without taking a short deep breath and a long intense exhalation, due to the close connection of breathing with the cycle of arm movement. Swimming while holding your breath, diving, diving under water trains resistance to hypoxia, the ability to endure a lack of oxygen.

3.3. The effect of swimming on the nervous and immune systems

Staying in water perfectly trains the mechanisms that regulate the body's heat transfer, increasing its resistance to temperature changes.

Swimming increases the protective properties of the immune system of the blood - increasing resistance to infectious and colds. Hardening is understood as an increase in the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental conditions, and primarily to cold, to sharp temperature fluctuations.

The water in a reservoir, pool has a lower temperature than the human body, and is a cold irritant. If a person carefully, day after day, accustoms himself to the cold, then in the end he will improve thermoregulation, increase resistance to cold, change in temperature conditions, thereby reducing susceptibility to colds.

Swimming increases the intensity of metabolism in the body. For 15 minutes of being in water at a temperature of 24 ° C, a person loses about 100 kcal of heat.

Swimming requires a lot of energy. So, in just a two-hour workout, a swimmer can lose up to 2 kg of weight.

Where does the released energy go? Part of it is spent on warming the swimmer's body, and the other part is used to perform swimming movements.

Swimming improves the work of the vestibular apparatus, improves the sense of balance and is widely used in the training of astronauts.

Being in the water, a person experiences sensations, in many respects similar to the state of weightlessness, since the density of water is 769 times greater than the density of air. This circumstance allows a person to be in it in a relaxed anti-gravitational state, and in a peculiar - horizontal - position.

Systematic stay in the water during swimming lessons has a calming effect on the nervous system of the child, increasing emotional stability, providing a sound, restful sleep, relieves stress, and gives energy to the body. Swimming invigorates too sluggish people, and calms hot, irritable people.

Swimming is of particular importance as a means of active recreation for people of mental labor.

Many people perceive swimming as a pleasure and try to get out to the beach or pool more often. Scientists have proven that even a short, 5-minute swim several times increases the susceptibility of the senses, primarily such as vision and hearing. Increases sharply after swimming and attention.

That is why many great writers and scientists loved to swim and swim, finding additional sources of strength and energy in these activities.

3.4. Influences of swimming on personality development

Swimming has a beneficial effect not only on the physical development of a person, but also on the formation of his personality. Not all communication with water gives pleasure and joy, some are afraid to enter the water, fearing the depth. Psychologists have established that the main danger on the water is not actions in it, but a feeling of fear and fear of depth. Swimming classes develop such personality traits as purposefulness, perseverance, self-control, determination, courage, discipline, the ability to act in a team, and show independence.

Swimming requires from children not only the ability to pack a sports bag for training, but also to dry off after it, monitor their health, manage their personal time, combining classes at school and swimming sections. And the most important thing that gives swimming, however, like any other sport, is character. Sports character is formed, improved in the training process. But it is tempered and truly manifested only in competitions. Ability to strive and achieve goals. At first glance, this is difficult and impossible, but in fact, everything is easy to overcome, the main thing is to strive to perform training tasks with high quality, to conscientiously treat training.

Long swimming lessons, in addition to a slender, athletic figure and health, gives one more advantage. Without suspecting it, we receive, in fact, a sports education. Indeed, in the process of training a swimmer, almost all sports are involved: skiing, athletics, gymnastics, football, basketball, volleyball, water polo, and even weightlifting, and all this at a serious level.

Swimming gives not only health, a conscientious attitude to training, the high quality of exercise performance has its result on the sports lanes of the pool.

The disadvantages include one thing: due to the individuality of this sport, not everyone is destined to become champions. It's insulting, annoying, and perhaps not fair.

3.5. The healing effect of swimming

The amazing features of swimming include its extraordinary accessibility for everyone. There are cases when children with physical disabilities come to swim for purely therapeutic purposes - and become famous athletes.

It is important to start swimming and love it. And remember that, in principle, anyone can become a good swimmer.

3.6. Applied value of swimming

The ability to swim sometimes saves a person's life, insures him against accidents on the water.

For those who cannot swim or swim poorly, water is a dangerous element. It severely punishes those who overestimate their strength or underestimate the dangers associated with any walk on the sea, lake or river on a yacht or boat. The sea may suddenly rise up, you may suddenly fall into a whirlpool, convulsions may appear in cold water. And in each of these cases, a person who does not know how to swim often loses his temper, is exhausted and dies.

A huge number of accidents on the water every year occur due to the fact that people did not know how to swim. According to UNESCO, every year, out of every million people inhabiting our planet, about 120 people drown. As a rule, these are children and adolescents who are not taught to swim. To prevent this from happening, everyone must learn to swim, be able to come to the aid of a drowning person, and provide first aid.

II. Practically - experimental work to identify the effect of swimming on the human body.

2.1. The effect of swimming on the frequency of cardiovascular contractions

Heart rate was measured before, during and after exercise.

Most importantly, I needed to find out how quickly the body recovers after exercise.

The table shows that my body recovers quickly after swimming.

2.2. Comparative analysis of tests by physical indicators

A comparative analysis was carried out based on the results of the 2017/2018 academic year at the beginning and end of the year. This allowed me, with the help of control exercises, tests, to determine the level of development of individual physical qualities (the level of physical fitness). This table indicates the following indicators: types of exercises (running 30m, lifting the body from a prone position, long jump from a place, running 60m).

2.3. Diagnostics of the emotional state by emotional-color analogy Lutoshkina A.N.

At this stage, I will try to use the following technique: the diagnosis of the emotional state by the emotional-color analogy, the technique of A. N. Lutoshkin. Diagnostics of the emotional state according to the emotional-color analogy of Lutoshkin A.N., was developed on the basis of the existing specific connection between the choice of color by a person and his emotional state. Before and after swimming, the child is invited to choose a color from a certain range of colors that best suits his current state.

1. before… 2. after…

The results obtained are entered in the table.

Note: in the color range of the emotional state that is offered to the subject for his assessment, it is not indicated which color denotes a particular state. In the column “tonality of the state”, in accordance with the specified color, there was only a color bar, as a conditional designation of a particular state.

According to the test to determine the emotional state of students before and after swimming, the following data were obtained: the emotional state improved in all 15 lessons, i.e. the data of the results of the study using this method indicate that the emotional state has become noticeably better.

Swimming increases the mental performance of a person. This can be proved by my example, I will take academic performance as a basis.

2.4. Comparative analysis of academic performance

At this stage, I will compare my progress for 1, 2, 3 quarters of the 2017-2018 academic year.

2.5. Tests: "Schulte tables", "Distribution and switching of attention"

I proved it practically. I was tested before and after swimming and it turned out that after swimming my attention was much better (I had to show and say out loud the numbers from 1 to 25). A stopwatch was used to determine the time.

The "Schulte Table" test is used to determine the switching speedattention .

It is necessary to show and name out loud the numbers from 1 to 25 with maximum speed. To determine the time, a stopwatch is taken.

Test "Distribution and switching of attention"

It is necessary to alternately find and show black numbers in ascending order and red ones in descending order, for example, 1 - black, 25 - red, 2 - black, 24 - red, etc.

The test execution time as well as errors are recorded.

Analysis of the results was calculated according to the table.


5 points

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 point

lead time

2 min 40s - and less

2 min 41s - 5 min 30s

5 min 31s - 6 min 30s

6 min 11s - 8 min

more than 8 min

Number of mistakes

1 - 2

3 - 4

2.6. My achievements

And the most important thing that gives swimming, however, like any other sport, is character. Sports character is formed, improved in the training process. But it is tempered and truly manifested only in competitions. Ability to strive and achieve goals.

* Diploma "For the II place in the championship of the Children's Sports School in swimming among 2 classes at a distance

50m butterfly, 2015

50m breaststroke", 2015

* Diploma "For the III place in the championship of the Children's Sports School in swimming among 2 classes at a distance

50m breaststroke", 2016

* Diploma "For the III place in the championship of the Children's Sports School in swimming among 2 classes at a distance

50m butterfly, 2016

* Diploma "For II place in the championship of the Children's Sports School in swimming among 3 classes at a distance

100m breaststroke", 2016

* Diploma "For the III place in the match meeting in swimming ODYuSSh-5 (Sokol village) and ODYuSSh (Magadan) for the prizes of the Magadan regional public organization and the Swimming Federation of the Magadan region among students born in 2007-2008. at a distance of 100 m breaststroke”, 2016

III. Results (conclusions)

Thus, I personally experienced the effect of swimming on the human body and experimentally proved that it has a beneficial effect on the formation of the individual and on the whole organism.

I can say with confidence that constant contact with water hardens, is the best way to prevent colds, helps to develop willpower and physical endurance, creates excellent conditions for improving the functioning of the circulatory system, develops the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Swimming with "diving" improves mental performance, helps to cure diseases such as neuroses, neurasthenia, spinal injuries, the consequences of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, flat feet). In metabolic diseases, bronchial asthma and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, swimming is an indispensable means of healing. During swimming, the mechanism of thermoregulation improves, immunological properties improve, adaptation to various environmental conditions increases, it helps to lose weight and, in general, the ability to swim sometimes saves our lives.

List of sources and literature:

Bulgakova N.Zh. Meet swimming. M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2002. - 160p ..

Ivanchenko E.I. The science of competitive swimming. - Mn.: MPP Gosekonomplana RB, 1993. - 168 p.

Kaptelin A.F. Swimming for medicinal purposes //Health. - 1980. - No. 7. - S. 26-27.

Swimming. Textbook, ed. N.Zh. Bulgakova. - M.: FiS, 2001. - 398

Everything about swimming: for beginners and professionals

Swimming video



Study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature(reading informational materials, watching specially selected documentaries, systematizing the selected material, discussion);

Testing (diagnosis of the emotional state according to the emotional-color analogy of Lutoshkina A.N., test "Schulte's Tables").

Poll method : provides an opportunity to obtain information about the state based on their own indicators, about well-being before, during and after, about pain in the muscles, in the heart area, headaches, dizziness, pain in the right hypochondrium, especially when running, etc., about their aspirations and desires.

Methods of mathematical statistics:the calculation of the conditional indicator of the emotional state of the child is calculated according to the results before and after swimming for 15 lessons.

∑ (+) - ∑ (-)

A = ──────────, where

∑ (+) - the sum of all positive points;

∑ (-) - the sum of all negative points;

n is the number of students.

Heart rate measurement: carried out during and after exercise and allows you to assess the body's response to exercise. During light physical activity, the pulse of the student reaches 100 - 120 beats / min, during an average load - 130 - 150 beats / min, during a heavy load over 150 beats / min ..

before loading


70 bpm

66 bpm

64 bpm

68 bpm

during load

128 bpm

132 bpm

126 bpm


128 bpm

after load

72 bpm

76 bpm

70 bpm

74 bpm

72 bpm

T testing of indicators of physical fitness:

types of exercise


30m run

Lifting the body from a lying position

60 m run

standing long jump

Last name, first name





beginning of the year

final year

beginning of the year

final year

beginning of the year

final year

beginning of the year

final year

Gosteva Victoria


Swimming is a unique sport that everyone can practice, regardless of age and health status. In most cases, swimming in the pool, even at the amateur level, acts as an effective method of prevention and even treatment of many diseases.

When compared to other types of aerobic training, in which the body faces air resistance, this discipline will have the greatest effectiveness. Water, as an external medium, resists movement 12 times more than air. The load is carried out immediately on the whole body.

11 reasons why you should visit the pool

Swimming in the pool leads to the improvement of the whole organism, such activities improve mood and contribute to the formation of a beautiful physique. Let's take a look at the top 11 reasons why you should swim:

1. Improved muscle tone

During swimming, all muscle groups are worked out, since the participation of each muscle is necessary to maintain the body on the surface of the water. The level of physical activity depends on the type of swimming chosen, whether it be breaststroke, front crawl or butterfly.

  • The load received during training contributes to an increase not only in strength, but also in the endurance of muscle tissues.
  • Training in the pool is the best way to restore lost shape or acquire a developed muscle corset without putting a strain on the joints and intervertebral discs.
  • Efforts made during classes in the pool are safer than in the gym, since the water cools the body, and the alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles leads to a decrease in the degree of fatigue.

2. Development of mobility of the spine and joints

During swimming, unlike other sports, there is no load on the joints, and the likelihood of injury is reduced. When exercising in the pool, they are in constant motion, due to which their mobility and elasticity develop. Hand movements contribute to the development of the elbow and shoulder elements, and when rowing with the legs, the joints of the knees and hips.

Swimming is an effective method of treating joint diseases of various etiologies. Training is recommended for people with:

  • coxarthrosis (inflammation of the hip joint);
  • arthritis of the shoulder joint;
  • arthrosis of the knee joint;
  • violations of the mobility of the patella;
  • atrophy of the muscles of the lower leg and byrd.

3. Improve the condition of the spine

Swimming is of particular benefit to the spine, since during exercise the entire load is removed from the spinal column, due to which the vertebrae fall into place.

  1. With the help of swimming, numerous dystrophic and degenerative changes are treated.
  2. The curvature of the spinal column of mild and moderate severity can be corrected.
  3. An effective method of treatment and prevention of scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis.

Water supports the body, due to which the compression phenomena become less pronounced. Compressed intervertebral discs and their roots (hernia of the spine) are released, which is why people with osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic region feel a significant improvement in their condition and slight dizziness after swimming, which means that oxygen transport has resumed in the body.

4. Getting rid of excess weight

This is the most effective form of sports in terms of fat burning, allowing you to quickly lose weight and form a sports figure. The peculiarity of training is that the body in the water (both in the sea and in the pool) is forced to produce more heat in order to maintain the optimal temperature.

Intensive energy consumption is the main tool leading to weight loss. Scientists have calculated that each of the swimming styles has a specific energy expenditure per 10 minutes:

  • breaststroke - up to 60 calories;
  • on the back - up to 80 calories;
  • crawl - up to 100 calories;
  • butterfly - up to 150 calories.

Water produces a massage effect on the body, eliminating cellulite and sagging skin. In order for muscle growth to be effective and weight loss intense, it is necessary to conduct systematic training (2-3 sessions per week). Swimming styles should be alternated, constantly maintaining the body on the surface of the water.

5. Recovery from injuries

Being in the water for a long time increases the ability of the muscles to stay in good shape for a long time without the risk of overexertion. Therefore, swimming is chosen for the complex development of the ligamentous and muscular system and as a tool that allows you to recover as quickly as possible after an injury.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that during classes in the pool, muscles, ligaments and joints remain involved, but the load on them is minimal. This condition allows you to restore the functions of injured limbs or ligamentous nodes. This sport is used as a restorative method, which is included in the practice of physiotherapy exercises.

6. Strengthen the cardiovascular system

Swimming has great benefits for the work of the heart and the entire vascular system. During exercise, the body occupies an almost horizontal position, due to which it is much easier for the heart muscle to distill liquid tissue through the circulatory system. In the pool, the load on the heart valves increases, which leads to an effective training of the organ.

  1. The heart muscle becomes stronger, the volume of blood pushed out by the organ to the periphery increases. A swimmer's heart can contract up to 200 beats per minute, increasing the volume of blood pumped from 4 liters per minute to 40. This resource will better supply oxygen to the entire body, improving the nutrition of every cell of the body.
  2. Systematic training leads to a significant decrease in heart rate (in professional swimmers, the pulse is 40-60 beats per minute). This dynamics is due to an increase in the power of the heart muscle, pushing out more blood - its activity becomes more efficient. The heart with a reduced frequency of contractions during the rest period wears out less. For this reason, swimming is prescribed as a physiotherapy treatment for hypertension.
  3. Training develops endurance by increasing the volume of blood mass, which is accompanied by a decrease in fatigue, the disappearance of shortness of breath and dizziness during high-intensity exercise.
  4. Swimming has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, it is prescribed to combat varicose veins, hemorrhoids, heart failure, etc.

7. Improving the functioning of the respiratory system

Swimming requires a large amount of air, which in swimmers is coordinated with the movements of the arms and legs and is the main driving tool. For this reason, the lung capacity of swimmers, even at a non-professional level, is significantly higher than that of people who have nothing to do with water sports.

  • The pressure of the water on the lungs forces the air out completely and rapidly, making it difficult to inhale. This leads to the development of the pectoral muscles and the muscles responsible for the movement of the chest.
  • Since it is necessary to inhale the air as strongly as possible, the lungs of swimmers are fully developed, while in ordinary people they remain unused by 20-25%.
  • Deep chest breathing creates a large lung capacity, which can reach five liters. This fact allows you to increase endurance and prevent many respiratory diseases. In the course of systematic training, the vital volume of the lungs and their functionality increase.

8. Balancing the work of the nervous system

Swimming has a positive effect on the flow of nerve impulses in the body, balancing the processes of inhibition and excitation. Any water activity, including water polo, synchronized swimming, aqua aerobics, or even finswimming, is the best tool to strengthen the nerves.

  • Water relaxes, calms, relieves mental stress.
  • It has a positive effect on the course of mental processes in children, improving memory and attention. This sport disciplines, brings up responsibility and forms strength of mind.
  • It has a therapeutic effect in depressive conditions, insomnia, anxiety and phobias.
  • It is an effective prevention of cerebral palsy, nervous tic, Parkinson's disease.
  • It improves eyesight, promotes a good mood, increases vitality and, as psychologists have proven, develops self-confidence.

9. Strengthening the immune defense

Water treatments are an effective hardening tool that helps strengthen the immune system. Scientists have proven that if you swim in the pool in the morning, the risk of developing various viral diseases is reduced by 10 times. To improve health, any type of swimming is suitable, the main thing is to follow the regimen and visit the pool regularly.

  • Improves the barrier properties of the body, increasing its resistance to pathogenic environment.
  • Reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system of infectious etiology, both in men and women.
  • It is a good prevention of prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, vulvovaginitis.

10. Reducing the impact of stress on the body

During swimming, the body increases the production of endorphins (hormones responsible for a positive mood and well-being). Going to the pool relieves not only physical, but also psychological fatigue, which is why psychologists recommend swimming after a hard day's work. After working out for 30 minutes, you can notice an increase in vitality and a decrease in internal stress.

Swimming is a sport, the benefits of which extend to almost all body systems, increasing the overall tone of the body and helping it to relax.

Exercising in water is just as effective as exercising on land. An additional plus is the feeling of less stress during water workouts. At the same time, water creates a supportive effect, allowing you to work more carefully with specific muscle groups.

It is worth noting right away that the effect of swimming on the human body is estimated more than positively - and this is not unreasonable.

Swimming has a huge number of advantages:

  1. Helps burn calories and fat;
  2. Help to form a muscular and slender figure;
  3. They are an excellent remedy for stress, soothe, while filling the human body with energy;
  4. Swimming is a sport for everyone, since you can practice it almost from birth;
  5. This is the prevention of heart disease. If you exercise regularly, you can strengthen the muscles, increase the endurance of the body and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  6. Exercises in water help to improve the processes of blood circulation in the body, bringing the pressure back to normal;
  7. This sport does not cause "side effects" such as headaches, muscle ruptures, sore muscles, etc.;
  8. Due to the absence of an extra load on the heart, the work of the respiratory system improves and the oxygen supply of the body increases;
  9. Water helps to relax, cooling the body a little, because it does not overheat and the stickiness of sweat is not felt at all;
  10. This activity should be enjoyable. Most people take this pastime as contentment, trying to get out to the pool or the beach more often.

The benefits and harms of swimming

Swimming produces a complex healing effect on the human body and a positive effect on its figure. Water procedures in this sense are much more effective than simple aerobics. Since, performing exercises in the water, a person uses almost all muscle groups, resulting in a proportional addition of the figure.

Swimming in the pool helps to correct problems associated with the spine.

Bathing is effective in burning excess calories, strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, arms, buttocks, thighs, and shoulder girdle. At the same time, the joints acquire additional flexibility.

Swimming has a positive effect on the circulatory system, lowering blood pressure, which provokes a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular disease. It normalizes heart rhythms and blood circulation, improving the elasticity of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

It also has an effect on the nervous system, since when swimming, water acts on the body over the entire surface. By the way, it's no secret that frequent water activities are the best cure for insomnia.

Water is a natural simulator that helps to evenly distribute the load on the human body.

The benefits and harms of swimming are a far-fetched confrontation. But there are some downsides here as well. Artificial reservoirs can contain a huge amount of harmful bacteria.

An excess of chlorine in water also brings great harm to health.

Swimming is recognized as one of the most effective sports that has a relaxing effect on the body and also helps to burn calories. At the same time, it is considered one of the safest types - despite the risk of choking with water, convulsions and other things. Classes in the water easily provide a good rest, while effectively influencing the muscles.

  1. Aerobic exercise ensures good aerobic work of the cardiovascular system;
  2. Muscles become inflated and stay in good shape;
  3. Swimming is a great exercise for the body. All muscle groups in this process are aimed at the proportional formation of the human body;
  4. It effectively burns calories, although less than running, but there is no sweating;
  5. Large lung capacity;
  6. Joint mobility is increased. In water, the human body is 90% lighter than on land;
  7. Swimming promotes relaxation, allowing a person to completely relax and unwind;
  8. Improving the immune system. The temperature in the pool is approximately 25ºC and the human body temperature is 37ºC on average. This contrast increases the functionality of the immune system;
  9. Flexibility support. Swimming improves joint flexibility.
  10. Minimal chance of injury. It is one of the sports with the lowest risk of injury.
  11. Weight loss in a natural way.
  12. So, the advantages and disadvantages of swimming is a question that each person must decide individually, relying only on their own strengths and capabilities. But in principle, there are much more arguments in favor of swimming and they are quite convincing.

At the beginning of this year, I was faced with a choice - to constantly take drugs to lower blood pressure, or to seriously begin a set of measures to improve the body. On the eve of the New Year holidays on December 30, my blood pressure rises sharply to 200/120. After the hospital, I was diagnosed with arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree. After discharge, the pressure is kept within 130, 150 / 82-90

I am undergoing a course of massage of the spine and cervical region, and a course of treatment with an experienced osteopath, head of the Department of exercise therapy, manual therapy and massage of the RKHVV. The local therapist directs me to a recreational swimming in the Palace of Water Sports.

I go to the swimming pool three or four times a week. For a month, the pressure 116/66 returned to normal - after swimming 130/70 in the evening, the state of health and mood improved, sleep improved.


The benefits of swimming are so great that this activity can be attributed not only to the most popular sports, but also to therapeutic methods used in medicine and rehabilitation processes. If you are looking for an activity that allows you to combine business with pleasure, swimming is exactly what you need.

Swimming has a powerful beneficial physical and psychological effect on a person. By the way, swimming is one of those types of physical activity that is almost completely safe, the injury rate among swimmers is one of the lowest. The body, plunging into the aquatic environment, is optimally supported by water, the load is evenly distributed to all muscle groups and joints, there is no excessive load on specific joints or muscle groups (which sometimes leads to injuries).

In the process of swimming, the work of different muscles alternates, some tense up - others relax, this increases their performance, develops and increases strength. The smoothness and regularity of movements contributes to the stretching of the muscles and their lengthening, thereby they become stronger, stronger without increasing in volume. In water, static stress is reduced, the spine is unloaded, which contributes to the formation of correct posture. The lack of support for the legs and the constant active movement allows you to strengthen the feet and is an excellent prevention against flat feet.

Regular swimming significantly improves the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. The synchronous work of the muscles, coordinated with the respiratory movements, strengthens the respiratory muscles, increases the tone and increases the vital volume of the lungs. At the same time, the lungs consume the maximum possible amount of oxygen, which enters all organs and systems of the body.

The physical effect of water on the human body (reminiscent of a massage effect) allows you to increase the overall tone of the body, increase stress resistance, and relieve not only physical, but also mental stress.

Swimming is also one of the effective hardening procedures that significantly increase human immunity and improve the mechanisms of thermoregulation. As a result of this, the adaptive ability of the organism increases, allowing it to adapt to changes in the external environment.

The fight against excess weight will be very successful if you go in for swimming. 350w" style="margin: 5px 0px 5px 17px; padding: 0px border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; float: right;" title="What's the use of swimming?" width="300" /> За полчаса занятий можно избавиться от 260 калорий (именно столько содержится в 100 г или варенья). Плавание ускоряет обменные процессы и позволяет быстрее избавиться от жира.!}

Why is it good to swim from a psychological point of view?

Swimming, as a physical process, is also reflected in the human psyche, it has a beneficial effect on the process of personality formation. Swimming contributes to the development of such psychological qualities as: discipline, perseverance, courage, determination, strengthen willpower and develop social communication skills. Many people experience fear of the water element, having overcome it and completely immersed in water, having learned to breathe correctly and completely control their body with water, these people not only get rid of their phobia, but also become more emotionally stable, show remarkable self-control.

Why swimming has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system:

The swimmer's body is in a position close to horizontal, in this position it is much easier for the heart to push blood through the arteries to the periphery.
The density of water exceeds the density of air by about 800 times. Therefore, the load in the water during swimming occurs in almost anti-gravity conditions, which is favorable for the cardiovascular system. The water pressure exerted on the surface of the swimmer's body greatly facilitates the outflow of blood from the periphery to the heart.
The rhythmic contraction of muscles and deep breathing inherent in swimming helps to push blood from the periphery to the heart through the vein system (due to the movement of the diaphragm deep down, significant amounts of venous blood and lymph seem to be squeezed out of the liver and abdominal organs towards the heart, thereby facilitating the work of the heart and stagnation of blood and lymph is excluded, i.e. excretion of waste products improves).
Thanks to deep breathing during swimming, a good massage of the heart is carried out: during the respiratory movement, the lungs gently press on the heart, then, as it were, release it.
The absence of static voltage has a positive effect on the heart and vascular system.
Thus, swimming, as with any physical activity, increases the activity of the cardiovascular system, but this increase occurs in extremely favorable conditions. Therefore, swimming has practically no contraindications and is recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, improving the condition of the heart and blood vessels for people of all ages. Let's take a closer look at how swimming affects the heart, blood vessels and blood composition.
Swimming and heart

The heart is a powerful muscular pump that ensures the movement of blood through the system of blood vessels. In a minute, the human heart pumps about 6 liters of blood, in a day - about 8,000 liters, and in 70 years - about 175,000,000 liters of blood.

Regular swimming increases the functionality of the heart and makes its work more economical:

Increase in the strength of the heart muscle and the volume of blood pushed out per cycle
Working with extreme intensity, the swimmer's heart is able to develop a rate of up to 200 contractions per minute, and the volume of blood pumped into the aorta increases from 4-6 liters (typical for an untrained person) to 35-40 liters per minute. And this is the best nutrition and supply of oxygen to muscles and organs, the best overcoming of the load.

Decreased heart rate (HR)
Heart rate (pulse) is extremely individual and depends on age, body type, body weight, nutrition, health status, physical fitness, degree of fatigue, type of nutrition and other factors. The resting heart rate of an untrained adult is 55 to 100 beats per minute (average 60 to 80 beats). In trained athletes, the heart rate is 40-60 beats per minute. The less often the heart contracts at rest, the more powerful the heart muscle: the heart works in a more economical mode - more blood is ejected in one contraction, and pauses for rest increase, the heart has time to plentifully bathe in blood through a network of blood vessels. Consequently, less effort is spent and the heart wears out less. Regular swimming in aerobic mode leads to a gradual decrease in heart rate.
Let's do a simple calculation to show the scale of the savings. Let's take a person whose heart beats 65 times a minute at rest, which means that the number of beats per day is 93,600. As a result of systematic swimming, the resting heart rate dropped to 60 beats, which results in 86,400 beats per day. This means that the savings per day will be 7200 strokes, and for the year - more than 2.5 million strokes!

Increased physical endurance
When performing the same load in a person who regularly goes in for swimming, compared with an untrained person, the pulse, minute blood volume and systolic pressure increase to a lesser extent. This means that it will be easier for a trained person to overcome a heavy load and even an overload, since his heart pushes the amount of blood necessary for this into the vessels.
Swimming and vessels

Regular swimming lessons have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels:
increases the elasticity and contractility of blood vessels; the condition of the vascular wall and the exchange in its tissues improves. Due to the improvement of metabolism in the tissues of the vascular wall, the deposition of cholesterol is reduced. Swimming stops the development of varicose veins and improves the condition of the venous wall.

in people who regularly go in for swimming, the diameter of the arteries increases over time, blood pressure normalizes, remaining for many years the same as in youth.

Thanks to regular swimming, peripheral circulation is activated. Together with the main vessels, additional ones are included in the work (lateral or bypass branches of blood vessels that provide inflow or outflow of blood in addition to the main vessel), due to which the capillary bed in the working organs increases and their nutrition improves. The active collaterals of the heart muscle, preventing disturbances in its activity, are themselves maintained in working order, which serves as an excellent prevention of heart disease.
Swimming and blood composition

Swimming helps to change the composition of the blood. When a person is in water, the number of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin) increases. This phenomenon is observed even after a single stay in the water. 1.5-2 hours after swimming, the blood composition actually reaches a normal level. Regular swimming helps to increase the level of blood cells for a long time.

As a result of systematic swimming, the state of the cardiovascular system improves: the heart works more efficiently (its power and stroke volume increase) and economically (the frequency of contractions decreases), peripheral blood circulation improves, the state of blood vessels and nutrition of all organs and tissues improves, blood pressure normalizes. .
Swimming makes a huge contribution to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and vascular pathologies (including hypertension, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, varicose veins).

It is worth noting once again the fact that during swimming, the training of the cardiovascular system takes place in favorable conditions. Such a load is good for health and has practically no contraindications and age restrictions. In addition, swimming is good for other body systems.

Swim in good health, and may your heart always remain young and strong!

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