Educational project ice cream how it is made. Research work "cooking ice cream at home". Technical equipment of the process

Ice cream production equipment: production technology + 3 types of ice cream business + necessary equipment for organizing activities + calculation of profit from the business.

Ice cream is one of those products that will always be in demand. It is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Almost every store always has this product in stock in a large assortment. It is not surprising that the production of this delicacy will bring considerable profit.

Do you want to try your hand at this field? It remains only to buy ice cream production equipment and start earning.

Due to the variety of manufacturing processes, the many options for raw materials, opening such a business is possible even at home. This will keep costs to a minimum.

Starting a homemade ice cream business

Before starting an ice cream business, you need to carefully analyze the segment of this market in your city. All factors should be taken into account: the presence of competition, demand, sales market, etc. If the conditions are favorable for the start of such activities, then feel free to get down to business and start production.

For starters, in order not to spend large sums of money on equipment, you can try making ice cream at home. The simplicity of the process allows you to start small. Moreover, the ingredients will need a minimum amount.

It should be understood that home-made ice cream production is a “trial” option. Such a business is able to cover the needs of family, friends, neighbors. A frozen dessert is not something you can sell online and deliver to customers (although there are exceptions to this rule).

Standard recipe for ice cream production:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 300-350 g of sugar;
  • 2 servings of vanilla;
  • 5-6 pcs. eggs.

Your first customers will be your friends and family. Gradually, improving the taste and production technology, you can think about reaching a wider audience. Thus, you will get regular customers, because at home ice cream is made from natural products, and this is a significant plus for your business.

To begin with, you can cook in small portions, for example, for children's parties, parties, etc. It also does not hurt to place an ad on the Internet.

All that is required from the equipment for the production of ice cream is a mixer, a couple of bowls, a spacious refrigerator and molds for solidification. With a minimum of equipment available, you can cook up to 5 kg of a delicious product in a few hours.

In addition, by improving your professional skills, you will be able to set up the production of ice cream cakes.

summer ice cream business

The organization of a seasonal business has always been considered a good way to earn money, an investment in which quickly pays off in a short time. This type of activity includes the production and sale soft ice cream. The main advantage of such a project is good demand and the minimum amount of equipment required.

The main ingredients for making soft ice cream are milk and a variety of additives. From the equipment you will need only one apparatus that produces a delicious dessert.

This is a fairly new type of activity in our country, so the competition is not so high, which contributes to a good income. The summer period is especially favorable for such a business. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the purchase of equipment and the right choice of a place for sale.

1) Where is the best place to sell soft ice cream?

The essence of the production of such a product lies in its instant sale, since soft ice cream is not intended for packaging. The most passable places are the best place to sell. It can be supermarkets, cinemas, shopping centers, embankments. In addition, sanitary requirements and rental fees are not so high.

It will be sufficient to purchase a health book for the seller and a small tent with equipment for organizing a business.

2) Soft ice cream production technology.

The preparation of such a dessert takes a minimum of effort and time. The whole process is to pour the mixture into the equipment and immediately get the finished ice cream. You just need to mix the milk mixture with water, after which the product instantly freezes. It remains only to pour ice cream into a waffle cup from a special valve in the machine.

From the raw materials for the preparation of soft ice cream, it is necessary to purchase special dry mixes. A variety of flavorings in the form of syrup will also be useful. This will not only increase the range of products, but also attract more customers. Due to this, by the way, you can increase the cost of some varieties of ice cream.

3) Equipment for the production of ice cream.

Since the human factor is practically not involved in building this business, it is worth paying special attention to the purchase of high-quality equipment (freezer) for the production of soft ice cream.

There are no problems with the acquisition of such a device. On the Internet, they are presented in a large assortment. The main difference between different freezers is the volume of products produced per hour.

Of course, it is impossible to accurately calculate how much ice cream you will sell per day. Therefore, the best solution would be to purchase a device that can produce about 20 kg / h. Such equipment belongs to medium power freezers.

Apparatus for the production of soft ice cream also differ in the set of functions, equipment and dimensions. At the initial stage, a standard freezer with minimal functionality is also suitable. But don't buy the cheapest one.

Such equipment is mainly intended for cafes and restaurants where ice cream is not the main product. The minimum price for a machine that is designed to organize a summer business is from 100,000 rubles and more.

If there is not enough money to buy such a device, then you can consider purchasing used equipment or renting it, which is also not bad.

The following brands are considered the most popular manufacturers of freezers for the production of ice cream:

  • star food,
  • Taylor,
  • Carpigiani and others.

To increase the range of products, you can think about preparing milkshakes. To do this, you need to additionally purchase a mixer and a shaker. The purchase of such equipment will cost 40,000 - 50,000 rubles.

4) Profit calculation.

In time, perhaps the most important point is profit forecasting.

Let's start with the most important! To purchase raw materials and equipment for the production of ice cream, it will take about 170 - 180 thousand rubles. This price includes a medium power freezer. Add to this amount the payment of rent and the salary of the seller. The total will be 200,000 rubles.

Now let's calculate the profit from sales of ice cream of our production:

  • Using one package of milk formula costing 300 - 500 rubles makes it possible to prepare 60 portions of soft ice cream, 100 g each.
  • Let's say one serving will cost 25 rubles.
  • Based on this, our revenue will be 1000 - 1200 rubles.

If you sell ice cream with fillings, then the price per serving will be 2 times higher, which significantly increases earnings.

We can say with confidence that in the first 1.5 - 2 months we will be able to fully recoup the money spent on equipment. The remaining summer time you will receive a net profit.

But that's not all! You can sell a sweet dessert in autumn and spring. A good option would be to rent an ice cream machine to some cafe at the end of the season, because. there, the demand for this dessert, although at a low level, but lasts a whole year.

Creation of your own mini-workshop for the production of ice cream

At first glance, it may seem that the production of ice cream is a very difficult task in terms of the technological process. But this is not so, because the main work is performed by special devices. However, it is necessary to understand all the subtleties and the sequence of preparation of the product.

1. The process of ice cream production itself.

In short and simple, ice cream is a sweet frozen product, which is made by mixing and whipping all the ingredients.

Consider in turn all the stages of ice cream production:

But the biggest difficulty is not in the technological process.

Every ice cream tastes different. For a business to be successful, you need to make really tasty ice cream that customers will like. To do this, you should invite a qualified specialist to the team, because no company will reveal to you the secret recipe of its product.

The main ingredients that are used in the production of ice cream are as follows:

  • milk;
  • sugar;
  • butter or cream;
  • flavorings (chocolate, vanilla, jelly, jam).

In order to reduce the cost of the final product, many entrepreneurs use substitutes for natural products, namely ice cream mixes. The taste of such a product, of course, is reduced. But the price of ice cream is also becoming much lower, which attracts many consumers.

2. Necessary equipment for the production of ice cream.

The bulk of the cost of opening most enterprises goes to the purchase of equipment. To make ice cream, you need to create a whole production line of several machines. Let's make a rough estimate of the cost of equipment for the production of ice cream.

The main devices and their cost:

NameImageCost, rub.)
Total: 3,995,000 rubles
Containers for mixing ingredients 520 000
Butter melting furnaces 290 000
Various filters 35 000
Equipment for homogenization 300 000
Pasteurizer 600 000
freezer 1 350 000
Finished product containers 600 000
Shut-off valves 300 000

Consequently, the total cost of all equipment will be almost 4 million rubles. Add to this the costs of freezers, packaging machines, rent of premises, salaries of employees, etc.

As a result, the minimum amount will be almost 6 million rubles.

The following video will help you decide on the choice of equipment.

Experts conducted a comparative test among freezers for ice cream.

We look and choose!

3. Where to sell finished products?

Even before you have established production and are ready to sell a product, you need to find distribution options. It is difficult for a young business to compete with well-known brands, but it is quite realistic.

The best selling points for your products are supermarkets. The fact is that for large shopping centers it is very important to have an extensive range of goods. Especially if it is a local manufacturer with a lower price for products. Do not forget about small shops, which also do not refuse a new product.

To enhance the development of your brand, hire a promoter on staff who will travel to stores and offer your product.

As for the home production of ice cream, it is unlikely that such results will be achieved in terms of sales and the sales market, since your products will not have a license and quality certificates.

If we talk about the profitability of such a business, then it is purely individual for each entrepreneur. It all depends what kind of ice cream making equipment are you willing to purchase, what range of products and in what volumes you are going to produce, and on many other factors.

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, it is better to try with the production of ice cream at home. This is much less cost and a small share of risk. So you can build up a clientele, learn in more detail about all the intricacies of the production of a sweet dessert.

In addition, you can come up with a new recipe for delicious ice cream that will help you further expand your business.

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Gysina Alisa

Project Manager:

Vostrugina Elena Alexandrovna


MADOU Kindergarten No. 27 "Bell" of the combined type Kumertau Republic of Bashkortostan

Author project in the preschool educational institution on the topic "Ice cream at home" the goal was to study the variety of types of ice cream, its composition, on the basis of what was studied, to find out whether it is possible to make ice cream at home.

More about work:

In the presented short-term project "Ice cream at home" a reference description of information about the history of ice cream is proposed, a variety of types of ice cream and methods of its preparation are considered, simple ice cream recipes for self-fulfillment are proposed.

The result of the project activity in the form of a short-term project in the senior group of the preschool educational institution "Ice cream at home" was the practical work of pupils in finding and choosing an ice cream recipe and making it at home. In the appendix to the research work, a step-by-step photo report of the practical activities of children is presented.

This work (project) will be useful for preschool teachers in organizing project activities with pupils of the kindergarten preparatory group, as well as for parents of children of preschool and primary school age.

1. The history of the origin of ice cream.
2. Types of ice cream and methods of its preparation.
3. Making ice cream at home.
4. Interesting facts about ice cream.
List of used literature


Ice cream- this is the most famous dessert in the whole world, the most favorite delicacy for any child. I don't know about you, but it makes me feel good all day long! That is why I decided to learn everything about ice cream and try to make it at home.

The relevance of research . The composition of classic ice cream includes, first of all, milk, which means that ice cream contains about a hundred substances valuable for the body.

The question arises: Is ice cream good or bad? What is the exact composition of it? What types of ice cream are known?

Object of study

Subject of study : making ice cream at home.

Purpose of my research : to study the variety of types of ice cream, its composition, on the basis of what has been studied, find out whether it is possible to make ice cream at home.

Research objectives.

  1. Learn the history of ice cream.
  2. Find out what types of ice cream exist.
  3. Make ice cream at home.
  4. Find out interesting facts about ice cream.

Research hypothesis A: I guess I can make ice cream at home.

Research methods Keywords: study of literature, analysis, experiment, comparison.

1. The history of the origin of ice cream

For the first time, ice cream began to be prepared in those countries where hot and cold areas adjoin. These are the southern, mountainous regions. The first ice cream was made in China over five thousand years ago. The delicacy of rich nobles consisted of a mixture of snow and ice with pieces of fruit.

The first mention of ice cream in Russia refers to Kievan Rus. The hostesses served finely planed frozen milk. In the villages on Maslenitsa, they were treated to a mixture of frozen cottage cheese, sugar and raisins. The first ice cream machine appeared in Russia only in the nineteenth century.

The mixtures mentioned above (then with sugar, when it became more accessible) our distant ancestors prepared themselves or bought and served on " cake to the great joy of the children. In many villages, cottage cheese was mixed with sour cream, raisins and honey for Shrovetide.

Then figurines of animals and birds were molded from the mixture. Products were exhibited on the porch in the cold - here's homemade ice cream for you.

The business of making and selling ice cream is promising for many reasons, the main of which is the great demand for products. It will not be a discovery that both adults and children love this cold delicacy, and in every grocery store it is necessarily presented in a large assortment. So why not buy ice cream making equipment and start your own profitable business in the industry? The variability of technology, as well as the variety of raw materials and equipment, allows you to start even home production, while spending a minimum of money.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 5000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

When drawing up a business plan for the production of ice cream, it is important to start with an analysis of a specific market. The fact is that the competition in this segment is quite high, and it is better to abandon the idea if a dozen such enterprises have already been opened in the region. And if the niche is represented by a small number of production workshops, then you can safely proceed to the implementation of your plan.
What nuances will an entrepreneur have to take into account so that the production and sale of ice cream in Russia will bring him a tangible profit? And just the planning of further activities is especially important, given the difficult situation in the economic market. Here it is worth really assessing your strengths and financial capabilities. It is hardly worth it for a beginner to spend money thoughtlessly, making an impressive investment in a large-scale enterprise. The best option at first is a mini workshop that sells products on the local market.

Features of seasonal business on.

Raw materials and technology for the production of ice cream

General technological scheme for the production of ice cream

The technological line for the production of ice cream, despite the fact that we are talking about a food product, is not at all complicated, because the main operations at the enterprise are carried out by machines and devices. But even in this case, every entrepreneur must thoroughly study the whole process.

Ice cream production technology is as follows:

  • Preparation of raw materials.
  • Mixing in a certain proportion of the necessary components.
  • Mass filtration.
  • Pasteurization of the mass and its homogenization.
  • Cooling of the "semi-finished product".
  • Mass freezing.
  • Ice cream hardening.
  • Ice cream packaging.
  • Cold storage of the product until shipment.

Ice cream can be of various types, and therefore, in the conditions of its mass production, different raw materials are also used. Not a single operating enterprise will open its recipe, and therefore, you will have to “invent” your own product, characterized by excellent taste and attractive appearance. Without specific knowledge in the field of food production, it will be difficult to do this - you cannot do without the help of a qualified specialist.

The quality of each component must be strictly checked at the entrance.

Ice cream production as a business will be profitable if the assortment is expanded to the maximum. But for many types of products, the following ingredients are mainly used:

  • milk,
  • dairy products (, whey, cream)
  • sugar,
  • vegetable fats,
  • fillers (cocoa, chocolate, jelly, toppings, nuts, jams, etc.)

To reduce the cost of the product, and, accordingly, its market price, many enterprises use not only substitutes for natural ingredients (vegetable fats, emulsifiers, milk powder), but also dry mixes for ice cream that are completely ready for industrial processing. Such mixtures are presented on the market today in a large assortment. But to expect, in this case, excellent natural taste from the final product, of course, is not necessary. But there is also a demand for such products, since it costs less than other types.

The enterprises use wafer sticks, wooden sticks, and plastic containers as additional raw materials.

Technical equipment of the production workshop

Popsicle stick production line

The main cost item in many business areas is equipment. And this project is no exception. To buy an ice cream production line, an entrepreneur will have to invest at least 2,500,000 rubles. And we are talking about a line with a capacity of up to 1000 kg per shift. But less productive equipment is also not particularly pleased with the low price. For example, a line with a capacity of up to 500 kg of finished product per shift costs about 1,500,000 rubles on the market. You can reduce such an impressive amount by buying each ice cream machine separately or by purchasing used machines.

For the manufacture of quality products, the following items of equipment will be required:

  • mixer,
  • filter,
  • pasteurizer,
  • homogenizer,
  • holding container,
  • freezer.

We presented only the main machines needed directly to obtain the finished product. In addition, the workshop will have to purchase a packaging machine and freezers for storing ice cream. It turns out that the price of ice cream equipment will increase by at least another 500,000 rubles.

And it is the expensive equipment of the ice cream shop that stops many entrepreneurs from implementing this project. But there is another way to do business.

Why not set up a home business?

A fairly simple technological scheme for the production of ice cream makes it possible to do business even at home. By preparing a delicious treat right in your kitchen, you can earn a decent income by selling the finished product first to your friends, and then, when the “fame” of quality products goes on, to everyone.

It is possible to gain a permanent “client base” in the shortest possible time, since ice cream of our own production is prepared from natural ingredients, and everything natural, due to the dominance of the counterfeit market, is now very much appreciated by consumers. And all that is needed to make a quality dessert is a mixer, a spacious refrigerator, a couple of pots, molds for solidifying the finished product. Possessing such a simple inventory, in just a few hours you can cook up to 10 kg of ice cream.

"Hot" recipe for homemade ice cream: milk - 1 l, sugar - 300 g, vanillin - 2 bags, eggs - 6 pcs.

Practice shows that the production of natural ice cream at home can bring a decent profit if you put the business on stream. Information about the product being released can be placed on the Internet, attracting an interested audience. And having increased your skill level, in the future you can fulfill individual orders by preparing ice cream cakes.

Sales options for finished products

The ice cream mini plant will pay back all capital investments when all the products produced are immediately shipped to customers. It will not be easy for a novice entrepreneur to develop such a wide range of consumers, since he will have to “compete” with large brands. But even large hypermarket chains are interested in expanding the range. Therefore, finding buyers should not be a problem. But we also do not discount small shops and large food warehouses - they, too, may find it attractive to buy an inexpensive ice cream from a local manufacturer.

If finances allow, you can hire a sales representative who will promote the manufactured goods in the nearest outlets.

But mini ice cream production at home without registering activities and obtaining all quality certificates from supervisory authorities is unlikely to be able to enter such a sales market, since stores will not accept unlicensed products for sale.

Let's calculate the profit from doing business

The question of the profitability of the enterprise is strictly individual, since income will depend on sales volumes and the price of the product being sold.

But first, it’s worth talking about the investments that the organization of a mini-workshop will require. To buy an ice cream maker and other additional equipment, obtain all business permits and purchase raw materials, you will need at least 2,500,000 rubles. Reduce costs to approximately 1,800,000 rubles. You can buy a used machine. But there is no guarantee that they will work for a long time.

A home business, in the presence of all necessary household appliances, will require funds only for the purchase of all necessary components - no more than 5,000 rubles.

To calculate profit, we take the following data:

  • productivity - 500 kg / cm.
  • number of shifts per month - 22.

It turns out that an ice cream machine can produce ≈ 11 tons of finished product per month. If it is sold at an average wholesale price of 130-200 rubles/kg, the monthly revenue can be ≈1,600,000 rubles. But in order for us to understand how much the entrepreneur himself will ultimately receive, we subtract the variable costs that will be required for the further implementation of the process from this amount:

  • purchase of raw materials,
  • payment of taxes and wages to employees,
  • Payment of utility services,
  • fare,
  • room rental.

After repayment of all financial obligations, net profit will be at least 90,000 rubles. It turns out that the entrepreneur will be able to recoup all the investments made after 2 years. And these are good profitability indicators for a low-capacity workshop. And these are not optimistic calculations - this is an absolute reality that everyone can achieve.

At any enterprise (plants, factories), competent air supply, as well as water cooling, which is necessary in any technological process, is of great importance. For these purposes, special systems equipped with fans are used. Various pumps and fans are mini ice cream production equipment for stabilizing the temperature process in production. Special machines control the consumption of electrical energy and absorb the noise effect.

At any trade enterprise that sells food products, scales are used. Modern scales are an automatic device that accurately measures the weight of goods. The device is equipped with a display, as well as a special keyboard, due to which the PND processing equipment determines and displays the necessary information for the seller and the client. Scales can work from the electric network, or be charged from the accumulator (portable version).

In any office or enterprise, with the help of special devices, the optimum air temperature and air exchange are maintained. This is necessary to organize a comfortable workflow.

Freezers for ice cream

Among the varieties of devices, manufacturers use attachments for walk-behind tractors: hoods, air conditioners of various modifications, ventilation shafts with natural and artificial cooling. Ventilation can be exhaust, supply and mechanical.

Important: mini ice cream production equipment price

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At enterprises engaged in the production of food products, various machines are used that provide an automated work process. The installed automation can be classified into a copier for a jet lathe according to certain criteria. These are different groups of machines that differ in their functions. All technological operations can be classified according to the principle of the work performed, according to the device and methods of execution.

Enterprises that produce semi-finished products for sale in food supermarkets are equipped with special refrigeration units. Freezers are a manual roll forming machine tr 40, with the help of which finished products are stored for a certain time in warehouses. Ready-made semi-finished products enter the freezers through a special conveyor, which is equipped with a spiral belt.

The production and sale of soft ice cream is a profitable, entertaining process, but at the same time quite laborious. No, it won’t take much power from you, but you still have to regularly monitor many of its components. First of all, we are talking about raw materials for the production of the famous dessert. It must be fresh. And the stocks of ingredients for making soft ice cream must be constantly replenished, since they, naturally, are constantly spent. Of course, a huge share of attention should be paid to the soft ice cream machine itself. The freezer must be flushed regularly. And in the event of a malfunction, it should be immediately taken to the service.

Ice Cream Equipment

But, with all this, in a good situation, equipment for making ice cream, if it is of high quality, should last a large amount of time without causing much trouble and problems. But raw materials intended for soft ice cream require close attention. So, for example, mixes for soft ice cream. Even if you have been working with the same mix suppliers for a long time, still constantly try to try the dessert yourself. The party may be unsuccessful, or the composition may change.

In this matter, it is better not to expose your business to unnecessary risk. After all, your success depends on the popularity of the product you sell, so try not to let your customers down and sell them only delicious ice cream made from fresh raw materials. There are two types of ice cream mixes: dry and liquid. The advantage of liquid ice cream mixes is their ease of use. No need to bother with the preparation of the most basic raw materials, all that is required is to open a pack of liquid ice cream mix, and pour its contents into the hopper. If you are using, or are going to use a dry mix for making ice cream, then be sure to follow the proportions of the mixture and water. The recipe must be strictly followed, otherwise it can lead to a variety of problems, one of which may be a breakdown of the soft ice cream freezer. A mixture of a certain consistency must be poured into the hopper, without additional food additives and ingredients, such as nuts, fruits, toppings, etc. In general, there should be nothing but a properly prepared mixture in the freezer. By following these simple rules, you can ensure the long life of your ice cream maker. By the way, some mixtures involve the use of not water, but milk for breeding. Such raw materials are most often a low-quality product, because for a normal mixture, enough water is enough to make delicious ice cream. If the recipe includes milk, then most likely the quality of this mixture for making ice cream leaves much to be desired. The same ice cream mixes can be used for soft ice cream machines, batch freezers and even fried ice cream freezers. But at the same time, there are some differences from the first, already considered case, related to the use of mixtures in freezers for soft ice cream.


So, for example, for hard ice cream, for fried ice cream, the mixture may contain additional components, such as candied fruits, chocolate or coconut chips, jam, fruit pieces and much more. You can add any additives to the ice cream mix and safely use them in the batch freezer or fried ice cream freezer, this will not affect the condition of the ice cream making equipment in any way. But, if you still want to be engaged in the production of soft ice cream, but at the same time you have a desire to decorate it and flavor it with all kinds of flavorings, then this will also be quite realistic. There are even special machines for soft ice cream, which have in their configuration a nozzle with several containers designed for different toppings. So after the soft ice cream is in the cone or glass, you can bring it to the container with the desired topping, and you will get a very tasty and beautiful dessert.


But, do not forget about such an important ingredient for making both soft and ball ice cream - waffle cones. You also need to carefully monitor the quality of this raw material. Make sure your waffle cones are tasty and crispy, and of course, keep an eye on their expiration date. The differences between waffle cones for ice cream are in their dimensions. For example, a small cone can hold only one scoop of hard ice cream, while a large cone can hold three or even more. It is advisable to purchase waffle cones of different sizes. Toppings are also a popular type of raw material for making any kind of ice cream. They are special sweet sauces, original syrups with different flavors. Toppings will allow you to diversify and decorate the desserts you sell. And plus, toppings can also be used in the preparation of milkshakes. So, here is the main list of the necessary raw materials for making ice cream. As you can see, the list of required ingredients is quite small, but it requires constant attention and quality control. If you are thinking about an ice cream business, then on the pages of our website you can find everything you need. These are the raw materials discussed in this article, and the actual equipment for making ice cream. Milling cutters for soft, hard ice cream of various manufacturers and brands. As well as other related equipment, such as refrigerated display cases, necessary for a point with scoops of ice cream. Call, get up-to-date information on the models you are interested in and professional advice from our specialists. We are waiting for your calls and orders.



Ice cream production process and equipment for its production




Basic technology of ice cream production



Filtration of the ice cream mixture


Pasteurization of ice cream mixture


Homogenization of ice cream mixture


Equipment for the maturation of the ice cream mixture


Shop for the preparation of ice cream mixture up to 1250 kg/hour.

Batch technology


Ice cream mixture preparation line up to 5,000 kg/hour.

Continuous Technology






Ice cream- a delicacy product with a significant cooling effect, high nutritional, biological and energy value. Thanks to this, as well as excellent taste, it is very popular among the population, especially among children.

The global industrial production of ice cream reaches approximately 11 million tons per year.

The "precursors" of ice cream are fruit juices mixed with snow or ice, natural or sweetened, which were known in ancient times. So, in China, fruit juices were frozen about 3 thousand years ago, and Alexander the Great, during campaigns in Persia and India in the 4th century BC, used fruit juices with snow. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote about the consumption of frozen fruit juices in the 4th century BC. The same ice cream was prepared in the 1st century AD at the court of the Roman emperor Nero.

In Europe, ice cream in a more modern form became known at the end of the 13th century, when the Venetian traveler Marco Polo brought a recipe for this product from China. At the Italian courts, ice cream was considered one of the most delicious dishes.

Gradually, the secrets of ice cream technology become known in other countries. In 1660, the Italian Francesco Procopio opened an ice cream trade in Paris, and in 1676 an ice cream corporation was already established in this city, numbering 250 entrepreneurs.

Until the middle of the 18th century, ice cream was sold only in the summer, and in 1750 the successor Procopio de Buison began to make ice cream all year round. Soon other ice cream makers followed his example, and dairy products were also used to make ice cream.

The first mention of the sale of ice cream in the United States dates back to 1777, and in 1851 the American J. Fussell organized its wholesale production in Baltimore, and then in other cities.

In Russia, ice cream first appeared on the menu of the royal court. The book "The Newest and Complete Cookbook", published in Moscow in 1791, gives instructions on how to make ice cream from cream, chocolate, lemons, currants, cranberries, raspberries, oranges, egg whites, cherries. In 1845, a merchant Ivan Izler was granted a patent for an ice cream machine. However, the beginning of the industrial production of ice cream in our country is considered to be 1932, when the first ice cream shops were created in Moscow at the city dairy plant and refrigerator No. 2. In 1932, these two enterprises produced 20 tons of ice cream, in 1937 the USSR produced 300 tons of this product, and in 1940 the total output was 82 thousand tons. During the Great Patriotic War, almost no ice cream was produced. Already by 1950. pre-war production was blocked, and in 1989

Equipment for the production of ice cream.

in our country it was produced about 750 thousand tons, or per capita 2.7 kg per year.

Ice cream is produced according to complex technology in specialized factories or in workshops at dairies and cold storage plants, and delivery to the distribution network and sale using dry ice or refrigerated vehicles and counters with mechanical cooling. Such ice cream is called tempered. If necessary, hardened ice cream is stored for several months in refrigerators. Its temperature upon release from the enterprise should be -12 .... -14 ° C, and the optimal temperature for the use of hardened ice cream is minus 9 ° C.

Ice cream- a whipped sweet food product made from milk, dairy and cream products, butter, whey, buttermilk, products with a complex raw material composition, oils, fats and proteins of non-dairy origin with the addition of other ingredients and substances or from water, sugars and / or their substitutes with the addition of other ingredients and substances by freezing.

Under production conditions, hardened ice cream is made. Food service establishments produce soft ice cream, which resembles cream in consistency.


Preparing the mixture

The preparation of an ice cream mixture generally consists of the steps of preparing an aqueous phase and mixing the fat fraction and solids of the mixture in a flow or batch process. For mixing raw materials in the preparation of mixtures for ice cream, universal heat-exchange tanks, cheese-making baths, long-term pasteurization baths, tanks for heat treatment of milk and other tank equipment are used. Baths equipped with a steam bubbling jacket and a high-quality mixing device can also be used for pasteurization and cooling of the mixture. The water phase of the ice cream mixture - milk and / or water is preheated to a temperature of 40..45 ° C using plate heaters or other available heat exchange equipment. For the production of solids and fats, devices such as dispersers are used. Depending on the productivity of the mixture preparation area, appropriate equipment is used to automate and simplify the process: screw lifts, oil melters, bunkers, etc.


After preparation, the mixture is filtered. Typically, two-section capacitive filters are used. The filtration process is fundamentally necessary, because. the subsequent equipment critically perceives the undissolved lumps of dry substances present in the mixture, not to mention burlap and other "results" of the enterprise's production activities.


Pasteurization of the mixture on a plate pasteurization-cooling unit is carried out at a temperature of 80 ... 85 ° C with a holding time of 50 ... 60 seconds. When pasteurizing in capacitive heat exchangers of periodic action, the following modes are used: 68 ... 72 ° C, exposure 25 ... 30 min; 73-77°С, exposure 15…20 min; 83-87°С, exposure 3…5 min.


Needed to stabilize the emulsion. It is carried out at a temperature close to the temperature of pasteurization. The greater the mass fraction of fat in the mixture, the lower the homogenization pressure. In the production of ice cream, it is recommended to use a two-stage homogenization. Depending on the type of ice cream mixture, the following homogenization modes are used - from 7 to 12.5 MPa for the first stage and 4.5-5.0 MPa for the second stage. The use of the process of homogenization of the ice cream mixture allows to achieve the required degree of overrun and good consistency of the finished product.


After homogenization, the mixture is cooled to t 2...60°C. For this purpose, plate pasteurization-cooling units, plate and shell-and-tube coolers, VDP, cream-ripening baths, etc. are used. The mixture is cooled first with running water, then with ice water with t 1 ... FROM.

Storage and maturation

The mixture is sent to tanks or cream-ripening baths, where it is stored at t 4 ... 6 ° C for no more than 24 hours, at t 0 ... 4 ° C for no more than 48 hours. Storage is an obligatory stage of the technological process only for ice cream mixtures prepared using gelatin (stabilizer). Such mixtures must be kept at t not higher than 6 ° C, 4 ... 12 hours.

Freezing the mixture

During freezing, the mixture is whipped (saturated with air), partially frozen. Continuous or intermittent freezers are used. The mixture enters the freezer with t 2…6°C, t of ice cream at the outlet should not exceed -3.5°C, except for ice cream produced using eskimogenerators. The overrun of ice cream is 40..60% depending on the type of ice cream and the freezer used.

Hardening and rehardening of ice cream

After freezing, ice cream is immediately subjected to further freezing (hardening) as soon as possible. Packaged ice cream is hardened in a stream of air at t from -25 to -37°C in special freezers, as well as in metal molds in eskimogenerators. The temperature of ice cream after hardening should not exceed minus 12°C. Additional hardening is carried out in hardening chambers or storage chambers for 24 ... 36 hours. Hardened ice cream is placed in a storage room.

Equipment for the preparation of a mixture of ice cream

Currently, the preparation of an ice cream mixture can be divided into two technologies: batch and mixture preparation in a stream.

Batch technology

Portion technology is widely used in the production of ice cream mixtures at small and medium-sized enterprises, where the line capacity is from 100 to 1250 kg / hour for the finished mixture. The essence of the technology is the preparation of an ice cream mixture from the main components - a liquid phase, dry substances, a fatty phase in capacitive heat exchangers with simultaneous stages of creating a dispersed emulsion and pasteurizing the mixture. To solve this problem, long-term pasteurization baths, universal tanks, modified cheese-making baths, specially designed baths with a steam jacket and an appropriate type of mixer are used.

Usually, for the continuous operation of the entire chain of the ice cream production workshop, a cyclic mixture preparation scheme is used by installing from two to four or more capacitive heat exchangers.


    Low cost of capacitive equipment;

    Non-critical requirements for the qualification of personnel serving the production technology;

    High reliability due to low level of automation and simplicity of designs.


    The practical inexpediency of using batch technology with high requirements for the quality of the finished product;

    Production inefficiency with a line capacity of more than 1250 kg/h;

    Excessive energy consumption.

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Ice cream production

Getting high-quality ice cream in the realities of the dairy business is unimaginable without the use of high-tech equipment with program control. Take a closer look at the modular lines for the production of ice cream from the MilkTech company: the rational use of raw materials and energy resources will bring the enterprise to the European level of profitability in the shortest possible time.

The range of complete equipment for the production of ice cream includes devices for the preparation of the technological mixture, tanks for product ripening, permanent ice cream machines, as well as filling and hardening systems for different formats of ice cream production - in cups and cones, on a stick, etc. ice cream varies in the range of 150-300 liters per hour.

Ice cream production line

Industrial technology for making ice cream

The industrial method of obtaining ice cream is a strict sequence of production operations:

  • acceptance and primary processing of milk;
  • production of a technological mixture and thorough mixing of the components;
  • filtration for undissolved sediments;
  • pasteurization;
  • homogenization;
  • cooling and aging of the mass;
  • freezing;
  • packing;
  • hardening and additional hardening of the final product.

Compact plants for the preparation of mixtures are characterized by high functionality, mobility and ease of operation. Pasteurization tanks are equipped with automatic temperature monitoring units with the possibility of collecting and archiving data.

The industrial production of ice cream implies strict adherence to the standards set forth in the technical specifications for each individual variety. Depending on the composition of the technological mixture, there are basic and amateur types of ice cream. The recipes of the main varieties, in particular ice cream, milk and cream ice cream, are developed on the basis of a milk mixture; amateur varieties suggest the presence of a fruit and berry or flavored filler.


Sets of equipment for the production of mixtures

Technological lines for the production of ice cream of basic and amateur varieties show differences in configuration. The ingredients of the milk mixture enter the mixer in strict order: first - liquid components, then - condensed milk and freeze-dried dairy products. Flavoring and aromatic fillers are added last. Fruit and berry purees are prepared in digesters and crushed on mashers.

The volume of liquids is controlled by dosing pumps, loose ingredients are measured by weight bins. Compliance with the requirements of technical specifications adopted in the production of ice cream of one kind or another is monitored by software.

In order to improve the solubility of dry ingredients, the mixture is heated to +35…+40°C; undissolved residues are removed using cylindrical filters. Mixing of components is carried out in cream-ripening and pasteurization tanks; stabilizing additives are introduced at the pasteurization stage. As a rule, ice cream production lines are equipped with a series of tanks for long-term pasteurization of mixtures.

To prevent settling of fat during freezing, the mixture is pressed in homogenizers at the end of the heat treatment at a temperature close to the pasteurization mode. When using gelatin, additional time is allocated for the maturation of the mixture - from 4 to 12 hours, but not more than a day.

Next, the matured product is transported to the freezer - an installation that combines the functions of whipping and cooling. When beating, crepitation bubbles appear, the diameter of which should not exceed 70 microns. After freezing, ice cream is packaged and subjected to hardening - a specialized procedure for intensive cooling of the mixture from -5 ... -1 ° C at the outlet of the freezer to -18 ° C.

Production equipment

Proper hardening perfects the consistency of the finished product and prevents the formation of massive ice crystals.

The integrated CIP wash system facilitates the maintenance of key components of ice cream production lines and reduces water costs by circulating the wash solution in a closed loop. CIP-washing modules can have manual, automatic and semi-automatic control; the process is visualized on the touch screen in real time. The composition of the solution is controlled using concentration sensors and dosing pumps.

Permanent ice cream makers

For the manufacture of ice cream and other cold desserts in restaurants, bars and cafes, instead of freezers, automatic ice cream makers are used, which do not require prior exposure of the mixtures in the freezer.

The design is formed by two containers: inside the whirl container, a stainless steel ice cream bowl with paddles is built in to evenly distribute the ingredients. A refrigerant is poured into the whorl, which guarantees rapid and deep cooling of the mass during the rotation of the bowl or the container itself.

Continuous ice cream makers are available in two forms: mini models for small mix volumes with a single stick and double sticks with higher capacity.

Complete set of popsicle production lines

Technological lines for the production of popsicle ice cream (briquette on a stick), implemented by MilkTech, are designed to produce from 500 to 5000 commodity units per hour. Depending on the recipes used, it is possible to include automatic icing machines, dispensers and filling machines in the package.

Popsicle filling and packaging equipment is represented by linear and rotary machines of various capacities, capable of working with a wide range of materials. The maximum capacity of the rotary installation reaches 8000 popsicles per hour; when using more advanced linear installations, productivity increases to 75 thousand units per hour.

Request information about equipment

Do you want to know more about this equipment, order it or visit a dairy with working equipment?

Submit an application

This business best to register as to work freely with major suppliers and buyers. The code OKVED - 10.52- Production of ice cream. This is followed by the choice of a taxation system and registration with the Pension Fund.

You need to get permission from the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you need to organize work in accordance with GOST 31457-2012("Ice cream milk, cream and ice cream"), equip the room in accordance with the requirements SanPiN, provide contracts with sanitary and communal services (disinfection, garbage disposal, etc.) A fire safety system must be installed at the plant.

Registration and permits require an investment of 1000-1100 dollars.

Corporate identity development

You should start with Rospatent and develop a corporate identity. This is the product name and packaging design by which your product will be recognized. The work of the designer and the registration of the mark cost at least $900.


The factory occupies an area of ​​about 200 square meters, including all premises (production, utility and household premises, warehouse). Mandatory requirements:

  • Ceiling height 3.5 meters;
  • Electrical network 380V;
  • Water supply and sewerage;
  • Availability of access for transport.

You need to pay about 1500-1600 dollars per month for rent. The repairs will cost about $1,000 more.

Ice cream production technology

There are several manufacturing methods, but the future product, in any case, goes through a series of mandatory operations.

How it's done?

The technological process includes the following steps:

  1. The raw mass is mixed and filtered;
  2. The mixture is then pasteurized and homogenized;
  3. After that, it is cooled and sent for storage and "ripening";
  4. The most important process is freezing. The mixture takes on a creamy appearance, cools, is saturated with air and increases in volume;
  5. After freezing, the ice cream is saturated with flavors (chocolate, nuts, jams, etc.);
  6. Packing. The almost finished product is dosed (eg into cups, waffle cones);
  7. hardening. This is a short-term freezing in a hardening chamber with a low temperature: -25 ... -37 degrees. Advanced lines can carry out filling and hardening at the same time due to the combination of the conveyor, eskimogenerator and extrusion equipment in one stage.
  8. Packing in corrugated boxes or cardboard boxes. After packaging, the goods are stored in refrigerators, providing a temperature of -20 degrees.

Common technologies

Most often, the ice cream production line uses the batch or continuous method. Portion is suitable for small volumes of products, but inferior in terms of efficiency and rationality of using equipment, as well as as a finished product.

Continuous allows you to get from 1250 kg of mixture per hour, requires qualified personnel, economically consumes electricity. Automated lines are used to eliminate errors and make the product of better quality.

Ice Cream Equipment

Focusing on small volumes (300-400 kg of product per shift), the plant needs to be equipped with:

  • Mixer of components (about 5 thousand dollars);
  • Filter (350-400 dollars);
  • Oil Melter ($3,000);
  • Homogenizer and pasteurizer (total cost approximately $7600-7800);
  • A container where the final product is infused and matures ($ 6000-6200);
  • Shut-off valves (three thousand dollars);
  • Pumps (about $ 3,000 for three pieces);
  • Freezer (13-15 thousand dollars);
  • Packing machine (8-9 thousand);
  • Refrigerator for storing products (1600-1800 dollars)

The best brands of equipment

Most low-cost devices "give out" only one type of product. The purchase of a new line will cost 45-50 thousand dollars. A good selection of machines and ready-made lines is offered by:

  1. "Progress";
  3. "Ice Bureau";
  4. Altezoro;
  5. "Master Milk".

Cars from the domestic company Progress have proven themselves well. Freezers can be purchased as part of the line, or you can find them separately, because this is the most important part of making a cold treat. The most popular manufacturers are American, Chinese and European:

  • Altezoro;
  • Nemox;
  • Innova;
  • Huangshi Dongbei Refrigeration CO, LTD;
  • ocean power;
  • spaceman.

The best and recognized brands are Carpigiani, Taylor, GelMatic, Electro Freeze, Frigomat.

Refrigerators should be chosen from reliable foreign companies, like Polair and Liebherr, or domestic Profholod, Mariholodmash, Sever.

Raw materials for ice cream production

Making ice cream based on natural milk is practically a thing of the past, now it is quite an expensive pleasure. Quality is made on the basis of animal fats. Additives in it should be as small as possible. Its cost is rather big, so it is unlikely to cope with the competition.

A standard set of components for a mid-range product:

  1. Milk (skimmed, whole, dry whole, condensed);
  2. Dairy products (whey, cream, butter);
  3. Sugar and sweeteners (xylitol, sorbitol), vanillin;
  4. Vegetable fats;
  5. Emulsifiers and stabilizing additives (gives splendor and airiness to a cold treat). These are gelatin, pectin, xanthan gum, agar, etc.;
  6. Glaze and other flavoring additives (berries, nuts, seeds);
  7. Flavors;
  8. Citric (E 330) and malic (E 296) acid;
  9. Food colorings (carotene, juices);

The ice cream production process implies that approximately 9,000 kilograms of raw materials will be needed to produce a ton of product. Dry mixes, toppings, icing and other ingredients can be purchased from specialized companies: Ice Dream, Nord, Dolse Rosa, Spoom, SZRK.


To organize work in two shifts, you will need to hire at least 10-11 people. This is a manager, a shop manager, a sales manager, a technologist, four workers, two loaders, a cleaner. We outsource bookkeeping. The salary fund per month will be $ 4,000.

The food business requires all employees to have health books and to go to work in uniform.

Costs and profits

Capital expenses for opening an enterprise (documents, premises, equipment) will amount to 50 thousand dollars. Monthly costs (rent, wages, raw materials) - 8-9 thousand. In two shifts, you can produce about 500 kg of goods at a wholesale price of $ 2-3 per kg. This is about $ 25,000 profit per month, net income - 17 thousand.

First you need to study in detail, ice cream, and find potential buyers. This will allow you to quickly pay for your business and avoid the downtime of expensive equipment. The case is very promising and leaves room for expanding the range and increasing sales.

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