Acceptance of femoston. Why is femoston prescribed and how to take it. Indications for use

Being a mother is the most important mission of any woman. Perhaps all women and girls know about the maternal instinct. Whether it is now or a little later, a woman is aware of the need, the need to acquire the status of a mother.

Unfortunately, today's statistics are sad and such that more and more cases are recorded of the inability of women to take advantage of the function responsible for the birth of children.

As a rule, most doctors prescribe an examination to identify the cause of the inability to become pregnant. Medicines prescribed by doctors are all different. Some drugs belong to the category of anti-inflammatory drugs, some belong to the category of antibiotics.

In addition to such drugs, in the treatment of failures and disorders associated with gynecology and women's health, hormonal drugs are prescribed, how effective they are, has been proven in practice.

What is Femoston 2/10?

Femoston 2/10- a hormone related to drugs, the appointment of which is carried out with the presence of problems in conceiving a child.

Femoston is one of the drugs that contains a set of combined components that fill the composition.

Femoston contributes to the replenishment of this type of hormone, like estrogen.

The medicine is prescribed not only for menopause, problems with conceiving a child, but also to solve such a problem as dysfunctional bleeding of the uterus.

Therefore, this medicine eradicates two problems that have a significant impact on the condition and ability to perform a childbearing function in a woman's body. Tablets are divided into two parts for the convenience of the patient.

The dragees produced by the manufacturer differ in color. The package contains pink and light yellow tablets. One part of the tablets contains estradiol, while others consist of a complex of estradiol with dydrogesterone.

Effect on the body

When treated with hormonal drugs, changes often affect the patient's body weight and figure, some begin to recover. This is exactly what all women fear. What effect does femoston have on the body?

The drug has a low dosage, and is also designed in accordance with modern technologies with the provision of all possible problems. Side effects are very common during treatment.

- this is the component that forms the basis of the composition of femoston and is analogous to what is naturally produced by the ovaries of women.

This component helps to make up for the lack of estrogen in the body, if there is not enough production of the one that is.

This happens with the climacteric transition from a younger age, or with castration syndrome in full.

During the development of menopause or after surgery to remove organs such as the ovaries in women in full, the drug contributes to:

  • smoothness of the skin;
  • slowing down the aging of the skin;
  • slowing down baldness and hair loss on the head;
  • prevents osteoporosis;
  • other diseases.

Estradiol helps to get rid of the symptoms that occur during menopause:

  • profuse sweating;
  • sleep mode failure;
  • high activity and excitability;
  • dizziness;
  • exhaustion;
  • headaches and atrophy of the skin.

- a hormone that occupies an important place in the health of every woman. This type of hormone promotes the growth of the endometrium that occurs in women during the menstrual cycle in the second part.

It is when taking such a medication that the risk of the formation and further development of such a disease as hyperplasia or endometrial cancer is reduced.

This disease occurs, quite often, and this contributes to the formation of a malignant tumor. Against the background of the use of components such as progesterone, you can not worry about any negative consequences.

After all, these two hormones are effective in the treatment. Due to the composition of the drug, the risk of cancer, which is preceded by an increased level of a component such as estradiol, is reduced.

Main characteristics

Femoston 2/10- This is a medicine, the release of which is carried out in three forms. Femoston No1/10, No 2/10 and No 1/5 differ.

All three types of the drug are subject to production in tablet form. The drug is intended for oral administration.

It should be noted that the amount of dosage in all three drugs is different.

Let us dwell in more detail on the drug under the numbering Femoston 2/10.

This drug is to be produced in tablet form. The number of dragees is twenty-eight pieces. Upon opening the package, you can also notice the division of tablets into two types.

Tablets in the package differ from each other in color. One part of the dragee is presented in a pink tint, and the second part of the tablets is in a light yellow color.

The composition of any pink-colored tablet contains estradiol substances with a volume of two mg per tablet, and light yellow tablets contain two mg of estradiol with the addition of an additional ten mg of dydrogesterone.

The tablets do not differ in size and they do not differ in appearance.

The following substances are added as additional components to all tablets:

  • iron oxide;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • talc;
  • hypromelose and other components.


The contents of the pink tablets are somewhat different from the light yellow dragees.

The composition of the pink tablet consists of:

  • estradiol,
  • lactose,
  • hypromellose,
  • corn starch,
  • silicon dioxide,
  • magnesium stearate.

These components are classified as additional additives with the exception of estradiol. Estradiol is one of the active-type components in the contents of pink tablets.

The tablet, light yellow in color, also contains an active ingredient that combines estradiol with the addition of another, no less important substance, like dydrogesterone.

There are also auxiliary components that complement this drug:

  • lactulose monohydrate,
  • hypromellose,
  • corn starch,
  • silica,
  • magnesium stearate.
  1. Estradiol contained in the drug helps lower cholesterol levels.
  2. The component of the progestogen type in the preparation is dydrogesterone- is intended to stimulate the onset of the secretory type phase during the endometrial cycle. In addition, this supplement helps to reduce the risk of endometrial hyperplasia.
  3. Dydrogesterone does not have anabolic and other effects. To obtain the maximum effect, it is recommended to start treatment as early as possible before the onset of menopause.
  4. Estradiol is easily absorbed, which is important. After the drug enters the body, biotransformation occurs and is concentrated in the liver. Dydrogesterone is also subject to absorption from the digestive tract.

The substance is subject to biotransformation in full. The basis of the metabolic product is 20-dihydrodydrogesterone. Excretion from the body of metabolites is carried out through urination.

How to take the drug correctly?

Before taking any medicine, you need to know a competent treatment regimen with this drug. Each doctor should explain to the patient in advance about the procedure for taking the medicine.

Any instruction contains information on how to be treated with the drug. This does not mean that consultation is not required.

The effectiveness of drug treatment is explained by the fact that they contribute to the removal of the remaining parts from bleeding. Their accumulation is concentrated in the endometrium of the uterine cavity.

What to do if the patient forgot that it is necessary to take the medicine according to the doctor's prescription? Then you will need to drink the previously forgotten pill.

If there are already more than twelve hours from the last time of taking the pill, then the forgotten pill should be thrown away in order to avoid violating the treatment schedule.

On the following day, taking the medicine is necessary, as before. The next pill should be taken according to the doctor's schedule. It is not recommended to take several tablets at the same time in order to catch up. This can cause hormonal imbalance.

Femoston is designed for long-term use and can be used over long breaks.

If the treatment process is not effective and does not bring benefits to the patient, such a drug should be replaced with another one. Replacement of the drug is necessary with a more increased or reduced dose.

Examination before prescribing and using the drug

How to understand that Femoston is needed for treatment, what is the difference from other drugs? The prescription of the drug should be carried out exclusively by a highly qualified medical specialist.

Before use, you need to remember that Femoston is a hormonal drug and it is extremely important to follow the dosage.

How long can Femoston 2/10 be used?

For how long, perhaps, treatment with Femoston? How long can the drug be used? Femoston refers to drugs of hormonal action, the treatment of which is allowed throughout life.

If the desired result is achieved with the help of femoston, then the treatment can be continued according to the doctor's prescription.

Who needs such a drug?

Femoston is prescribed to women who are undergoing menopause.

If the doctor offers a hormonal drug as a treatment, then you should not refuse.

There are no reasons for fear. actually give life to people. Many people throughout their lives take hormonal drugs and live thanks to them.

Sometimes a hormone is the only solution to a problem.

Therefore, when prescribing femoston as a treatment, there is nothing to worry about for the patient.

Are there any consequences after the abolition of Femoston 2/10?

What awaits the patient when Femoston is canceled? The drug belongs to a hormonal type of drug and its effectiveness will be noticeable almost immediately, including after the abolition of treatment with this hormone.

  1. After the patient stops taking Femoston, it is possible that the problems that were previously treated will return again.
  2. There may also be a sharp deterioration in well-being and disruption of the mammary glands, as well as the endocrine system.

After hormone withdrawal, most women feel positive.

In the case of menopausal disorders, the problem is eliminated by the correction of drugs, the composition of which is filled with natural ingredients.

Femoston 2/10 during pregnancy

The most exciting question for many women is the possibility of treatment with this drug during pregnancy.

Are there any restrictions?

Femoston is an assistant in planning pregnancy, the successful passage of such an important period for a woman.

It is worth noting that during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, Femoston is contraindicated.


The rate of use of the drug is prescribed only by a doctor. The hormone is applied one tablet per day without any interruptions.

If you violate the schedule for taking the drug, if twelve hours have not passed since the last pill was taken, you can take the missed pill.

If more than twelve hours have passed since the last pill was taken, then the missed pill is not recommended to be taken and it is best to throw it away.

If the patient wants to increase or decrease the dose, then from the drug No 2/10 it is necessary to switch to No 1/10 or No 1/5.


The packaging of femoston contains, in addition to tablets, instructions describing the drug, as well as a number of contraindications. You need to study the instructions in order to understand to whom femoston is contraindicated, and to whom it is allowed.

Femoston is contraindicated to drink for those women who have already been diagnosed or there are suspicions of the appearance of formations belonging to the category of malignant neoplasms.

For diseases:

With extreme caution:

  • patients who have problems with the uterus;
  • with thrombosis and with various kinds of tumors;
  • with tumors of a benign type of liver;
  • with diabetes;
  • with epilepsy;
  • migraines and particularly severe headaches;
  • with lupus and bronchial asthma.

The list of contraindications is quite wide and not everyone can really start treatment with Femoston. The drug must be used strictly according to the instructions, as well as as prescribed by the doctor.

Attention! It is forbidden to independently begin treatment with this hormonal drug.

Possible side effects

What side effects can occur during treatment with Femoston?

Side effects associated with a violation of the reproductive system can be expressed as:

  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • opening bleeding;
  • pain of the pelvic organs;
  • changes if available;
  • violation of secretion;
  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands.

Also, side effects can be observed in the digestive system:

  • the presence of nausea, abdominal pain is not excluded;
  • cholecystitis;
  • violations of the liver;
  • malaise;
  • jaundice;
  • vomit.

Side effects can also be observed in the central nervous system, namely this:

  • headache;
  • migraines and dizziness.

There may also be disorders of the cardiovascular system:

  • possible thromboembolism;
  • in rare cases, myocardial infarction occurs.

Often, side effects are expressed by a rash, itching, urticaria, swelling, and allergies. It is also not excluded a change in weight, swelling, as well as exacerbation of various types.

Femoston and alcohol

What is the position regarding the use of alcohol and alcoholic beverages in the treatment of femoston? Is a combination possible?

  • The correct intake of the medicine should be carried out twelve hours before the patient consumes alcohol.
  • The use of the drug is allowed after nine hours from the moment of taking alcohol.
  • In the case when the treatment period does not last long, then it is recommended to give up alcohol in order to avoid risks, as well as various troubles.

You can not use this drug with alcoholic beverages, abuse alcohol during treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

With regards to interaction with other possible drugs, it is worth noting that drugs that enhance the activity of microsomal liver enzymes help to reduce the effect of the hormone femoston.

Speaking about drugs of this type, such as ritonavir, as well as nelfinavir, it should be noted that there was no significant effect.

In addition, they do not interrupt the action of the drug Femoston.

Preparations, the basis of the composition of which consists of St. John's wort or only a small part of St. John's wort, help to accelerate the leaching of a partial volume of the components of the Femoston preparation, contribute to a weakening of the effect, but also a therapeutic effect.

Femoston's analogs 2/10

Almost every medicine has analogues.

This drug does not have analogues containing in its composition exactly the same substances of the active type in a similar dosage volume.

It is worth noting that in the domestic pharmaceutical market it is possible to find similar drugs that have little difference and have approximately the same composition.

It is available to use drugs such as:

  • Angelique,
  • Activel,
  • indivina,
  • Climodien.

If the main problem is the failure to eliminate the menopause syndrome, then you should not take these active and rather potent hormones like femoston at all.

You can replace them with other cheap active nutritional supplements, the composition of which is filled with exclusively natural ingredients.

At a concentration of 1 and 5 mg, respectively. As auxiliary components are used: lactose in the form of monohydrate, methyl hydroxypropyl cellulose, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, macrogol 400, magnesium stearate, iron dyes (yellow oxide E172 and red E172), titanium dioxide (E171), Opadry orange.

Tablets have the same composition. Femoston Conti 1/5.

IN tablets Femoston 1/10 white color is used as an active component estradiol . The concentration of the substance is 1 mg / tab. Each gray tablet Femoston 1/10 estradiol And dydrogesterone contained in a ratio of 1:10 (1 mg estradiol for 10 mg dydrogesterone ).

In pink tablets Femoston 2/10 contains as an active ingredient estradiol at a concentration of 2 mg / tab. In light yellow tablets estradiol And dydrogesterone contained in a ratio of 2:10 (2 mg estradiol for 10 mg dydrogesterone ). Auxiliary components: lactose in the form of monohydrate, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, Opadry (respectively, white, gray, pink and yellow).

Release form

The dosage form of the drug is film-coated round, biconvex tablets with a diameter of 0.7 cm. The tablets differ in color depending on the concentration of the active substance / substances, each of them has the marking “379” on one side.

On tablets Femoston 1/5 the letter “S” is engraved on the other side. Tablets are available in calendar packs of 28 pieces.

Tablets with a higher concentration of active substances are packaged in calendar packages as follows:

  • 14 white tablets 1 mg + 14 gray tablets 1 mg + 10 mg (Femoston 1/10);
  • 14 pink tablets 2 mg + 14 light yellow tablets 2 mg + 10 mg (Femoston 2/10).

pharmachologic effect

Anticlimacteric estrogen-progestogen for “calendar” (sequential) reception.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Femoston is combined hormonal drug used to eliminate symptoms of estrogen deficiency and treatment of DMK - dysfunctional uterine bleeding .

  • hyperhidrosis;
  • tides;
  • involution of the mucous membranes and skin, and especially the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract (in particular, the vaginal mucosa, due to which the woman begins to experience discomfort during sexual intercourse);
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of bone mass or (especially if certain risk factors are noted, long-term treatment glucocorticosteroids in the recent past, early onset menopause , asthenic body type, smoking, etc.).

Also estradiol helps to reduce concentration general and low-density LP, while simultaneously increasing the concentration of high-density LP.

Action gestagenic component of the drug dydrogesterone - is aimed at stimulating the onset of the secretory phase of the endometrial cycle, and also reduces the risk carcinogenesis And endometrial hyperplasia, associated with influence estrogen .

Dydrogesterone does not provide androgenic estrogenic , glucocorticosteroid or anabolic action . For maximum preventive effect (HRT), treatment is recommended to start as soon as possible after the onset of menopause .

After taking p / os, estradiol is easily absorbed. The biotransformation of a substance is carried out in liver , the products are estrone And estrone as sulfate . Estradiol And estrone glucuronides eliminated from the body mainly in the urine.

Dydrogesterone also rapidly absorbed from digestive tract after receiving p/os. The substance is completely biotransformable, the main product metabolism - 20-dihydrodydrogesterone. breeding metabolites carried out mainly with urine.

Half-life dydrogesterone - from 5 to 7 hours, its main metabolite - from 14 to 17 hours, the substances are completely excreted after 72 hours.

Indications for use

The use of Femoston is indicated for hormone replacement therapy to eliminate the phenomena caused estrogen deficiency in women in postmenopausal period .

The medicine is prescribed no earlier than six months after the last menstrual bleeding.

Prophylactic administration of the drug is advisable to prevent the development osteoporosis after the onset menopause . The drug is prescribed to women who have an increased risk of fractures and who are contraindicated in the use of other drugs intended to prevent bone loss.


The drug is not prescribed:

  • women who have been diagnosed in the past malignant estrogen- or progestogen-dependent tumors , as well as if there are suspicions of these diseases;
  • patients diagnosed or suspected;
  • at vaginal bleeding unspecified nature of origin;
  • at untreated hyperplasia (pathological growth) endometrium ;
  • with a currently detected or noted in the anamnesis venous thromboembolism (including but not limited to DVT and PE);
  • if the patient has some thrombophilic disorders (including when thrombophilia associated with deficiency antithrombin , coagulation protein C or its cofactor protein S );
  • at thromboembolic diseases of the arteries , including including or (both in the active stage and in cases where the disease has been transferred in the recent past);
  • with active disease liver , and also, if the patient has not recovered after the illness biochemical parameters of the liver ;
  • at porphyrin disease ;
  • if known about individual intolerance estradiol , dydrogesterone or auxiliary components of Femoston;
  • children and adolescents under 18;
  • during pregnancy (both established and if pregnancy is suspected);
  • during lactation.

Side effects

The category of side effects that often occur in connection with the use of Femoston include: pain (headaches, in the abdomen, in the pelvic area), nausea, migraine attacks, flatulence, leg cramps, increased sensitivity and / or soreness of the mammary glands, metrorrhagia, the appearance of bloody vaginal bleeding after the onset of menopause, asthenia, weight loss/increase.

With a frequency of 1/1000-1/100 in the course of clinical studies, phenomena such as:

  • vaginal candidiasis ;
  • depression;
  • size increase uterine fibroids ;
  • change libido ;
  • increased nervousness;
  • DVT, PE;
  • dizziness;
  • disease gallbladder ;
  • backache;
  • allergic reactions on the skin, accompanied by itching, rashes;
  • ulcers on the cervix ;
  • the appearance of cervical discharge;
  • peripheral edema.

In rare cases (with a frequency of 1/10000-1/1000), drug therapy was accompanied by:

  • intolerance to contact lenses;
  • functional disorders liver , which often appear as asthenia , malaise, abdominal pain, jaundice ;
  • an increase in the curvature of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • premenstrual tension syndrome.

In isolated cases, the drug can provoke the development chorea , hemolytic anemia, stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular purpura, vomiting, erythema nodosum or polymorphism, melanopathy, or chloasma(often persisting even after discontinuation of the drug), angioedema , hypersensitivity reactions, worsening porphyrin disease .

In addition, in connection with the treatment estrogen-progestogen drugs women sometimes develop neoplasms (benign, malignant or unknown etiology), increase in size progestogen-dependent tumors , appear fibrocystic lesions of the mammary glands , the concentration increases triglycerides in and concentration thyroid hormones ; develop arterial hypertension , acute blockage arteries , peripheral vascular disease, (against the background of pre-existing hypertriglyceridermia), cystitis-like syndrome , urinary incontinence; aggravated, symptoms appear.

Femoston tablets: instructions for use

Most often, Femoston is taken on days strictly defined by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of a particular menstrual cycle . In the absence of menstrual bleeding, the tablets should be taken on the expected days when they should have started. At amenorrhea observed during the year, the drug can be started at any time.

Instructions for use Femoston 1/5

The drug is intended for continuous use: tablets are taken p / os, one per day (optimally - at the same time), without being tied to the time of eating. The duration of one cycle is 4 full weeks (1 package No. 28 is designed for one cycle). There is no need to take a break between cycles.

For relief of symptoms menopause the drug is started with the minimum effective dose. Treatment begins with the appointment of Femoston 1/5. Considering the timing menopause, the severity of the symptoms accompanying it and the effectiveness of therapy in the dosing regimen may be adjusted.

If necessary, the transition from another having in its composition estrogen And progestogenic components of the drug for sequential (or cyclic) administration, the patient should complete a full four-week course and only after that proceed to treatment with Femoston 1/5 (reception can be started on any day). There is no break between cycles.

The scheme of application of the drug Femoston 1/5 Conti is similar to that described above.

Instructions for use Femoston 1/10

Femoston 1/10 tablets should be drunk regardless of the meal time. Estrogen as part of the drug is intended for continuous daily intake during the first two weeks of the cycle.

Progestogenic the component is added in the last 14 days of each four-week course.

Treatment begins with taking white tablets according to the scheme: 1 tablet 1 time per day (at the same time) during the first 2 weeks of the cycle. Further, following the instructions on the package, they begin to take gray tablets (also, one per day).

There is no need to take breaks between 28-day cycles.

Sequential combined HRT begins with the appointment of Femoston 1/10, in the future, if necessary, the dose is adjusted taking into account the clinical results of therapy.

To switch from a similar drug, you should complete the full cycle of treatment and only then start taking Femoston 1/10 tablets. You can do this on any day.

Instructions for use Femoston 2/10

estrogen component of the drug should be taken continuously, progestogenic the component is administered from the 15th day of the 28-day cycle.

This means that in the first 2 weeks of the cycle, the patient should take 1 pink tablet per day, and, starting from the 15th day, following the instructions on the drug package, switch to taking yellow tablets.

Usually starting dose estradiol - 1 mg, therefore, sequential combined HRT is started with Femoston 1/10 and, if necessary, they eventually switch to a higher dose.

The transition from other drugs to Femoston 2/10 is carried out only at the end of a full four-week cycle (on any day).

How to take Femoston in case of missing the next dose?

If a woman misses the next dose of the drug, the pill should be taken as soon as possible. If more than 12 hours have passed after the pass, then the course is continued by taking the next tablet from the package (you do not need to drink the missed one).

Taking a double dose to make up for a missed dose is not advisable, as it is associated with an increased risk of breakthrough bleeding and the appearance of spotting vaginal discharge.

How to take the drug to patients of different age groups?

There is no sufficient experience in the use of Femoston for the treatment of patients over 65 years of age.

There are no indications for prescribing the drug to children and adolescents.


Cases of overdose with Femoston have not been recorded.

AND estrogenic , And progestogenic the components of the tablets are classified as low-toxic substances.

Theoretically, an overdose can provoke an increase in the severity of such side effects as: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness.

It is unlikely that any specific symptomatic treatment may be required due to an overdose (including overdose in children).


Femoston drug interaction studies have not been conducted.

However, it is known that some drugs may affect the effectiveness estrogen And progesterone .

For example, anticonvulsants (eg. phenytoin or ) and antimicrobial (including nevirapine , or efavirenz ) drugs enhance the biotransformation of these substances, which is associated with their ability to induce those involved in metabolism medicinal product enzymes of the cytochrome P450 system .

Ritonavir And nelvinavir , which are potent inhibitors of CYP isoenzymes 3A4, A5 and A7, in combination with steroid hormones , contribute to the activation of these cytochromes.

Phytopreparations , which are based on St. John's wort (Hypericum) perforatum, can stimulate biotransformation estrogen And progestogens due to the ability to act on the CYP 3A4 isoenzyme.

There is evidence that more actively flowing estrogen metabolism And progestogens provokes a decrease in the clinical effectiveness of these substances and affects the profile of uterine bleeding.

In its turn estrogens can disrupt the process of biotransformation of other substances due to competitive suppression cytochromes of the P450 system , which take part in the processes of biotransformation of the active substances of drugs.

This should be kept in mind when assigning estrogens in combination with drugs with a narrow therapeutic index, including fentanyl , , theophylline , cyclosporine .

Such combinations can cause an increase in the plasma concentration of these substances to a toxic level. Therefore, it may be necessary to carefully monitor the drug over an extended period of time, as well as dose reduction. cyclosporine, tacrolimus, theophylline and fentanyl .

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

The optimal storage conditions for Femoston tablets are to maintain a temperature of no more than 30 degrees Celsius. The drug must be stored in its original packaging. Keep away from children.

Best before date

The drug is suitable for use within 36 months after the date of issue.

special instructions

The drug is recommended to be used only in the presence of symptoms that have an adverse effect on the quality of life. Treatment is continued until the benefit of using the drug outweighs the risk of side effects.


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

The generic (structural analogue) of Femoston ⅕ is Femoston Conti 1/5.

Drugs with a similar mechanism of action:,.

Klimonorm or Femoston - which is better?

Deciding which drug from the combination group estrogen-progestin drugs you should choose whether the doctor takes it based on the data received from the patient about the period of age-related hormonal changes.

It is believed that the drug Klimonorm gestagenic the component is present in the most optimal concentration, which allows you to effectively control the cycle and provides the necessary level protection of the endometrium from the hyperplastic effect of estrogen .

At the same time, it is possible to maintain favorable effects due to the influence of estrogen on the state cardiovascular system and lipid metabolism . In addition, contained in Klimonorme potentiates action estradiol for the treatment and prevention osteoporosis .

Another important feature levonorgestrel is its almost 100% bioavailability, thanks to which it is possible to maintain the stability of the effects of the drug.

Moreover, the severity of the effects remains unchanged regardless of the woman’s diet, whether she has digestive tract diseases , as well as activities hepatic system , which plays a key role in the processes first pass metabolism of xenobiotics .

Bioavailability dydrogesterone , which is part of Femoston, is 28%, and therefore its effects are subject to fluctuations (both inter- and inter-individual).

Angelique or Femoston - which is better?

Experts believe that there is no particular difference between these funds. The main difference between the drug and Femoston is that, as gestagenic component it includes at a concentration of 2 mg / tab.

Use with alcohol

In the manufacturer's instructions, the interaction of Femoston with alcohol is not described.

During pregnancy

The use of Femoston is contraindicated if it is known for sure that the woman is pregnant, and also, if there is reason to assume pregnancy. It is also contraindicated to take the drug for women who are breastfeeding.

In some cases, the drug is prescribed during pregnancy planning. The indications are:

  • deficiency conditions. estrogen and manifested by insufficiency of the first phase (that is, conditions in which, by the end of the first (follicular) phase menstrual cycle the thickness of the endometrial layer does not exceed 7-8 mm);
  • infertility caused by hormonal imbalance.

Too thin endometrium can cause a violation of the luteal phase and, as a result, the fact that a woman cannot become pregnant.

Concentration estradiol in tablets intended for use during the first 2 weeks of the cycle, such that the drug, unlike contraceptives, does not suppress ovulation , while modeling the first phase menstrual cycle and stimulates cell division and growth.

Taking pills containing estradiol added dydrogesterone, in turn, provides secretory transformation inner layer of the uterus necessary for normal implantation eggs in case of fertilization and pregnancy. Thus, Femoston 2/10 allows you to normalize the disturbed menstrual cycle .

Femoston 2/10 when planning pregnancy is taken from the first day of the menstrual cycle, one tablet per day for 4 full weeks. Do not stop treatment before the entire package is finished, as this can provoke a hormonal imbalance, manifested by breakthrough bleeding of varying degrees of intensity and leaving no chance of pregnancy.

Women who, when planning pregnancy, take Femoston should further strengthen the luteal (second) phase of the cycle, therefore, from the 14th day of treatment, the patient is prescribed to take the drug in combination with (or its equivalent).

As gestagenic component in Duphastone present dydrogesterone , and this allows you to enhance the positive effect of therapy on the female body and condition endometrium .

Duphaston take one tablet twice a day for a full two weeks.

Can I get pregnant while taking the drug?

Pregnancy that occurred during the period of Femoston use is an exception. As a rule, the chances of getting pregnant after taking the drug for several cycles are considered more realistic, and this usually occurs after stopping treatment.

In extremely rare cases, it is possible to use the remedy against the background of an already completed pregnancy, when a woman needs support endometrium . However, such a decision can only be made by a qualified specialist.

Reviews about Femoston

A considerable number of reviews about Femoston 1/5 Conti have been left on the forums. Like reviews of Femoston 2/10 or 1/10, they are quite contradictory. As a rule, in the reviews, women describe the experience of using the remedy for menopause or when planning pregnancy .

Those who were satisfied with the treatment, as the advantages of the drug, note that it is quite well tolerated and rarely causes side effects, quickly normalizes the condition, stopping the unpleasant symptoms of the onset menopause , and improves overall well-being, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, restores the cycle in case of violation, and is convenient to use.

Negative reviews are associated with the occurrence of unwanted side effects (depression, rash, excess weight, edema, decreased activity, joint pain, etc.), as well as the lack of the expected effect.

Referring to the doctors' reviews of Femoston 1/10, 2/10 or 1/5, which are based on the results of clinical studies, we can conclude that the drug is a highly effective tool for the treatment and prevention of conditions that have developed due to premature exhaustion ovaries .

At the same time, all patients showed good tolerability of the tablets. Studies have established a pronounced positive effect of therapy on the general well-being of women and, in particular, on blood lipid profile .

Against the background of the treatment, a significant increase in the indicator of maximum oxygen consumption and an increase in dydrogesterone bone-protective estrogen Femoston component.

Thus, doctors confirm the need for early initiation and differentiated choice of hormone replacement therapy in women with "off" ovarian function .

Femoston price

Price Femoston 1/5 in Russian pharmacies from 870 rubles. Buy Femoston Conti 1/5 can be an average of 900 rubles. Price Femoston 2/10— from 790, Femoston 1/10- from 795 rubles.

Instructions for use:

Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics of Femoston

Femoston is a combination drug used for hormone replacement therapy. The active substances are estradiol and dydrogesterone. As auxiliary preparations are used: colloidal silicon dioxide, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, corn starch.

Estradiol is identical in its biological and chemical properties to the natural human sex hormone. With the help of estradiol in the body of a woman, the estrogen deficiency that occurs due to menopause is replenished, while simultaneously providing therapy for the psycho-emotional and autonomic symptoms of menopause: dizziness, "hot flush", increased sweating, sleep disturbance, skin involution processes, increased nervous excitability. Estradiol helps maintain the tone and elasticity of the urinary tract. Also, estradiol is a prophylactic against osteoporosis and fractures, contributes to the preservation of bone tissue.

Dydrogesterone is a progestogenic drug that ensures the onset of the secretion phase in the inner mucous layer of the uterus, thus reducing the risk of hyperplasia and the development of carcinogenesis. Dydrogesterone does not have androgenic, estrogenic, glucocorticosteroid or anabolic activity.

The combination of estradiol and dydrogesterone in Femoston gives a low-dose regimen of hormone replacement therapy.

According to the feedback received as a result of research, Femoston helps to prevent bone loss in the period after menopause caused by estrogen deficiency.

Estradiol after oral administration is easily absorbed. The drug is metabolized in the liver, forming estrone and estrone sulfate. It is excreted mainly in the urine.

Dydrogesterone is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Completely metabolized. The main metabolite of dydrogesterone is 20-dihydrodydrogesterone. Complete elimination of the drug occurs after 72 hours.

Instructions for use Femoston and dosage

Femoston is taken one tablet, once a day, regardless of the meal.

Femoston 1/10 - in the first part of the 28-day cycle, consisting of 14 days, white tablets containing 1 mg of estradiol are taken. In the second half of the cycle, gray tablets containing 10 mg of dydrogesterone and 1 mg of estradiol are taken.

Femoston 2/10 - in the first part of the 28-day cycle, consisting of 14 days, pink tablets containing 2 mg of estradiol are taken. In the second half of the cycle, yellow tablets containing 10 mg of dydrogesterone and 2 mg of estradiol are taken.

For patients whose menstrual cycles have not stopped, it is recommended to start using Femoston on the first day of the cycle. For patients who have had more than one year since the last menstruation, Femoston can be started at any time.

Indications for the use of Femoston

Like its analogues, Femoston is used as a hormone replacement therapy for disorders caused by natural menopause or menopause that occurred as a result of surgery. And also as a prevention of postmenstrual osteoporosis.

Contraindications to the use of Femoston

  • suspected or diagnosed breast cancer;
  • suspected or diagnosed malignant estrogen-dependent neoplasms;
  • suspected or confirmed pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • porphyria;
  • liver disease;
  • intolerance to the components of Femoston.

Caution must be exercised in persons receiving hormone replacement therapy in the presence of the following conditions: arterial hypertension, endometriosis, uterine leiomyoma, thrombosis and the risk of their development, diabetes mellitus, benign liver tumor, cholelithiasis, migraine, systemic lupus erythematosus, renal failure, epilepsy, otosclerosis .

special instructions

If there are signs of a deterioration in liver function, migraine-like attacks, a pronounced rise in blood pressure, pregnancy, Femoston should be stopped. If the development of thrombosis is observed during therapy with Femoston, the instruction recommends discontinuation of the drug.

According to the data of the studies, with long-term use of Femoston analogs from hormone replacement therapy drugs for more than 10 years, there is a slight increase in the diagnosis of breast cancer.

Like its analogues, Femoston is not a contraceptive, if necessary, it is recommended to combine it with non-hormonal contraceptives.

Overdose with Femoston

The reviews received about an overdose of Femoston show that among the possible symptoms may be: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness. For the treatment of an overdose of Femoston, the instructions recommend symptomatic therapy.

drug interaction

When taken simultaneously with drugs-inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, such as: rifampicin, phenytoin, rifabutin, carbamazepine and barbiturates, the effect of Femoston may be weakened.

Natural herbal preparations containing St. John's wort can have a stimulating effect on estrogen metabolism.

Pregnancy and lactation

Side effects of Femoston

From the digestive system are possible: flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea, very rarely - vomiting.

From the reproductive system are possible: breakthrough bleeding, soreness of the mammary glands, pain in the pelvic area; rarely - dysmenorrhea, cervical erosion, changes in secretion, premenstrual-like syndrome.

From the side of the central nervous system: migraines, dizziness, depression, nervousness.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: rarely - venous thromboembolism, extremely rarely - myocardial infarction.

Possible manifestations of dermatological and allergic reactions: rash, itching, urticaria.

According to reviews, Femoston can give side effects in the form of: vaginal candidiasis, changes in body weight, breast carcinoma, peripheral edema, changes in the curvature of the cornea.

Terms and conditions of storage

Femoston should be stored out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Femoston is a hormone replacement therapy drug that is used to correct various natural changes or after intervention in a woman's body. This may be the onset of menopause or removal of the ovaries.

Femoston ensures the supply of missing sex hormones to a woman's body and, thus, maintains the normal state and functioning of various organs and systems.

Here are some tips for taking Femoston 1/10, 2/5 and 1/5.

Femoston for endometriosis

For the purpose of treatment, only Duphaston at a dosage of 1 tablet 2-3 times a day from the 5th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle. The appointment of cyclic hormone therapy (Femoston, other drugs) for endometriosis is not recommended.


Femoston 1/5 is prescribed only for postmenopausal women - women over 50 years of age in the absence of independent menstruation for at least 1 year.

In the first 6 months of taking the drug, scanty spotting is possible, which will stop on its own. Menstruating women are prescribed only cyclic forms of the drug - Femoston 2/10 or 1/10.

After removal of the uterus and ovaries

In the case of surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries, continuous hormone replacement therapy is necessary at least until the age of natural menopause - up to 51-52 years.

Refusal to take hormonal drugs is accompanied not only by a deterioration in well-being, but also by the rapid early development of "diseases of old age" - atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, arterial hypertension, etc.

If an operation was performed to amputate the uterus (the cervix was left), it is better to switch to the so-called monophasic regimen of taking hormonal drugs - the drug Femoston 1/5. This form of Femoston contains low doses of hormones (2 times less), moreover, it is safer after such an operation.


With age, the synthesis of estrogens in the ovaries of a woman gradually decreases. A drug Femoston 1/10 contains a minimum dose of estrogen.

As long as the level of one's own hormones is maintained at a sufficient level, at the end of each package, a menstrual-like reaction occurs.

When the level of estrogen synthesis in the ovaries falls significantly, the menstrual-like reaction to the background of taking the drug stops.

The cessation of menstruation against the background of the drug serves as a signal of the onset of menopause and the possibility of taking HRT without menstruation - the drug Femoston 1/5. Before switching to monophasic mode, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and do an ultrasound.

Duration of admission

  • There are no restrictions on the duration of taking drugs.
  • There is no need to take breaks in treatment.
  • The duration of treatment is determined only by the pathology for which you are taking hormonal drugs.

Femoston skipping

Skipping tablets of oral contraceptive preparations is dangerous for the termination of the contraceptive effect of the drug and the onset of an unwanted pregnancy. That is why the manufacturers of these drugs carefully prescribe in the instructions what to do in case of missing a pill.

Femoston is a drug for hormone replacement therapy, so skipping a pill does not have such serious consequences.

If you miss a Femoston tablet, you need to take a tablet on the same day (when you remember about it) and the next one according to the schedule.

It is not necessary to take 2 tablets of the drug at the same time. Do not forget that skipping pills reduces the effectiveness of hormone therapy.

Took 6 months. .At the end of the course, there are no periods again., Plus being overweight.

I didn’t cope with my hot flashes, but I felt the side effects in the form of extra kilos. When pineamin was pricked, this was not the case and the tides were gone. Now I will decide on the reverse replacement, I do not like this effect.

I was prescribed the drug "Femoston", because my endometrium did not grow well. Because of this, a history of 6 miscarriages. After 3 months of taking Femoston, the endometrium grew by 4 mm. But what confuses me is that as soon as you stop taking the drug, the thickness of the endometrium becomes the same again. Maybe it's all individually, but this drug did not help me personally.

This drug did not suit me initially, I took it for the first time, gained weight, pain in the lower abdomen, aches in my back, a feeling that I was all water. Illness, As soon as I stopped taking the puffiness, the weight went away, my back stopped hurting, After a month of break I decided to try again. The drug didn't work for me.

Advantages: They are not here

Flaws: many side effects

Once again I came to the gynecologist, having examined me on the armchair, she began to ask what other doctors had prescribed to me before ... She listened carefully and prescribed me duphaston + femoston (when she prescribed this, she learned from me that I had femoston they didn’t prescribe before, she said that like: “you drink, and suddenly something works out, but if not, then I’ll prescribe something else.” I was alert, but I bought femoston for 1,000 rubles and duphaston for 600, drank duphaston, let the monsters go, drank a pill on the first day of the monsters, immediately sprinkled her lips with white small dots, her lips tightened up that she couldn’t smile, it began to burn her lips, then pimples went on her face, monsters are just like bleeding, you just stand and have a puddle under your feet for 3 days

I drank another pill on the second day, it got even worse, I threw out Femoston and did not go to this gynecologist anymore.

I want to get pregnant, I can’t do it for 5 years, but I can’t rape myself, and you won’t look without tears, now I don’t know how to treat my lips from these sores. In short, doctors put experiments on us, maybe we're lucky, but really, in order to find out the cause, pass all the tests, and then prescribe, they can't. I'm terribly angry at them ... although maybe all the flaws that I have from the inside came out ??? I don’t know what to think, but I’m afraid to take another pill, and everything will get worse. so I threw 1,000 rubles in the trash can.

General impression: femoston is terrible.

A gynecologist prescribed Femoston to me. Having taken the drug for 9 months, I had a stroke at the age of 39. An MRI did not reveal any pathologies of the cerebral vessels. Now I will be treating all my life. I am observed by a neurologist, a hemostasiologist. (I myself currently work in a medical center, BUT I AM NOT A MEDICAL) Never smoked or drank alcohol. And as the doctors said, the case of stroke and heart attack after taking femoston in Russia is far from being a single one. So draw your own conclusions...

I am now 43 years old. I was diagnosed at the age of 39. Femoston was prescribed. Femoston is my nightmare, I drank it for 3.5 years, I generally understood hormones, this is not mine. one doctor can’t, I mean with pains in the head, if you have a migraine, don’t drink hormones in any case, or if it’s contraindicated .. I stopped drinking it. The gynecologist said that I would be off hormones for about half a year.


The tides have receded


Acne on the face, skin eczema, liver problems, +13 kg in 6 months, irritability

43 years old, hysterectomy. There were weak hot flashes after the operation, 10 days after taking the hot flashes stopped, the head began to hurt, it became irritable, liver problems. For 6 months I gained 13 kg, at 4 months of taking itchy red spots formed on my hands, which turned into a crust, the skin on my hands became like sandpaper, and my face was covered with acne. She stopped drinking the drug, after 14 days the skin rashes stopped, but the hot flashes began again. It would be better if I didn’t start this drug, there’s nowhere to go from menopause, this is nature, I will take non-hormonal drugs to reduce hot flashes.

General impression: Weight gain and skin rashes



Dangerous for life

One of my friends, after the successful removal of the endometrial polyp by surgery, after 1.5 months at the control appointment, the doctor in a paid clinic (which gave a referral for an operation to remove the polyp) prescribed the hormonal drug Femoston in order to prevent the formation of new polyps. At the same time, she had no complaints about the cycle or anything else. Prior to this, she had never taken hormonal drugs. A few days after taking it, she began to have strange tingling in her legs, from the fourth day of taking it, strange dizziness and nausea in the morning, and by the 9th day of taking it, she found that she had gained 5 kg. She went to the doctor to say she wanted to stop taking the drug. But the doctor warned that you should not stop taking the drug in the middle of the package. Hormones are a serious thing. But she stopped taking this medicine after drinking 9 pills in the middle of her cycle. There were no bleeding

Then for several months the duration of the cycle was 21 days instead of 28-29. Now everything is fine. No polyps were found 6 months after the operation. Failed to lose weight. Now she is very sorry that she trusted the doctor so much and started drinking a hormonal drug, the intake and interruption of which caused a hormonal failure in the body.

There are a lot of side effects in the instructions, up to violations of the liver, the development of breast cancer. Be careful. Now many doctors prescribe this drug without taking a blood test for hormones. In her case, no blood tests for hormones were given. It seems to me that this drug can be taken only if there is no other way out (only in an emergency critical case), when the side effects will be justified by the benefits that it will bring. And so, it is better to look for other alternative methods of treatment (traditional medicine). For example, when there is not enough progesterone hormone, you can take a decoction of raspberry leaves in the second phase of the cycle. And doctors do not warn that if you start taking hormonal drugs, it is very difficult and dangerous to get out. And the longer you drink, the harder it is to get out of the race without problems.

Doctors prescribe this drug with their eyes closed in the case when they are interested in monetary profit (since they receive interest from sales) and if they do not want to look for the true cause of the disease, which means: "we got rid of the patient's problems with pills" or, as in our case, prescribe medicine so that the patient comes every three months for a follow-up appointment. We will prescribe a medicine for you so that a new polyp does not grow. All this is wonderful! And no one even sees that a tumor in the chest can grow from the use of this drug. So, read the instructions in the preparations before use and be vigilant that the benefits are greater than the harm.

General impression: One hell of a mess


convenient reception scheme


Price (too expensive)

swelling occurs

hormonal drug

weight gain

cycle does not regulate

Another disappointment

I have already shared my experience with the use of hormonal drugs, which I have been trying to treat cycle disorders for several years. Attempts were unsuccessful, the treatment had only a temporary effect.

As another experiment, the doctor prescribed me the hormonal drug "Femoston 2/10", which was supposed to make up for the lack of hormones, which, according to the analysis, I did not have enough for the normal functioning of the body.

The doctor prescribed to take the drug according to the instructions, and since it contains half of the tablets of one color and the other half of the other, no difficulties arose.

The package contains 28 tablets, which is equal to the length of a normal cycle.

I took a pill every day for 3 months, like the previous ones, then I was prescribed an ultrasound scan and either I continued taking the pills or they prescribed something new.

When using Femoston, no positive results were observed, except that once I waited for those very days and the endometrial layer became a little thicker. Minus - my weight increased and swelling appeared.

The pills were canceled and others were prescribed to me, but then they did not bring any benefit. So for several years my cycle has been jumping, but I don’t want to conduct such experiments anymore.

Neutral Feedback

A good drug (it removes hot flashes and sweating), but not mine - I have intolerance to it - gastritis worsens. It is definitely easier with Pineamin, the stomach does not spoil, and it copes with my menopause problems, maybe not so quickly, but somewhere in a week or two after the start of treatment.

I was prescribed femoston and wessel duet and inofert before IVF, it hurts my lower abdomen, either the uterus pulls or the ovaries, who has such side effects, does it make sense to pee? I read that a polyp on the uterus can grow, I already removed it once, I'm afraid ....

Tingling and swelling of the legs, combed under the knees. Is it possible to throw in the middle of the package. I accept half a year

The gynecologist, due to irregular menstruation after an artificial termination of pregnancy, prescribed Femoston for me. The drug helped me restore the cycle, after a 3-month break, I got my period. And then they began to come regularly, right on the day. The medicine is packaged very conveniently, each tablet is numbered, which excludes taking the wrong pill. Among the shortcomings of Femoston is its price. Almost seven hundred rubles. for one package. And it became painful to go through menstruation with him, severe abdominal cramps. I had to take painkillers. And the blood loss increased a lot, I did not have time to change the pads.

I am undergoing a course of hormone replacement therapy with Femoston. I can say that the drug gives a lot of adverse reactions that change all the time. I already had headaches and joint pains, breast tenderness, apathy, dizziness, nausea and lack of appetite. That is, my body literally goes on the list. But the doctor says that other drugs are even worse, so I endure. But the situation is very unfortunate.

I am 50. I have been taking femoston 1-10 for 2.5 years. Here are some observations. during the reception, cholesterol said from the norm to 8.3. Doctors advise taking statins. Before menstruation, a short-term thrush comes out. Frequent headaches. migraine type. The gallbladder generally refuses to work, constipation, the blood has become thick. And for some reason, the spine hurts brutally. And now the pluses. all the symptoms of CLM disappeared. menstruation resumed, the mood is positive, I look young. It hasn't improved, quite the opposite. Decided to jump off the pills. But it wasn’t there - literally a week later all the symptoms returned. I rummaged through the entire Internet looking for expert advice on the abolition of HRT. Did not find.

I am 52 years old. Half a year ago my periods stopped. I tried to fight hot flashes, strong heartbeat, heart pain, anxiety, irritability. I took homeopathic medicines, nutritional supplements, heart drops for heart pain. They didn’t disappear, you can even say C grade. I made a decision on hormone replacement. I was examined by a doctor, they prescribed Femoston 1/5. Today I took the last pill from the first package. it is good, the hot flashes have disappeared, the heartbeat does not bother. Another question is when the bleeding will stop, and is it normal? Tomorrow I will start taking the second package.


Quality drug


Used this drug for only one cycle. I did not have any side effects in the form of nausea, chest pain, dizziness, etc., which is usually observed when taking hormonal drugs. True, it was not possible to adjust the cycle to the length that was necessary, menstruation began on the 25th day of taking the drug, and should have started after taking the last pill, that is, on the 28-30th day of the cycle. In addition, after taking this drug, my stomach and pancreas began to hurt a lot, and I switched to another drug.

Of the negative points, the price of the drug can be noted, in our country it costs almost 700 rubles, and if it is prescribed to drink for a long time (5-6 months), then the treatment will cost a pretty penny, although for my health, money should not be spared.

My friend has been taking this drug for 5 years already, she was prescribed by a doctor for hormone replacement therapy during menopause, all the unpleasant symptoms in the form of hot flashes, fatigue, dizziness disappeared and now they live, as they say, a full life.

Take only as directed by your doctor!!!

General impression: Ambiguous

I have been taking Femoston 1/5 for 3 years as HRT for menopause, so I have studied all the pros and cons. I share information. So, the pluses are excellent health, skin, hair, sex life does not suffer, protection of the heart and blood vessels, prevention of osteoporosis, prevention of colon cancer, weight is normal.

Minuses- the risk of strokes, the risk of cholecystitis, asthma, blood clots, breast cancer (a little higher, do not be alarmed). Accordingly, you should not take it if you have or may have a hereditary liver disease, blood clots, breast cancer, uterine fibroids, stones in the gallbladder, migraine, convulsions. In general, we go to the doctor, take tests, do an ultrasound, and if everything is normal, we drink Femoston and prolong our youth. In any case, the doctor will leave the decision up to you.

Positive reviews

I’m 54 drank climonorm for five years ... I switched a year ago for three months to Femiston 1.10. Then I drank Femiston 1.5 .... Now I’ve been drinking half a pill for three months. I want to stop drinking Zsht altogether. Let's see what happens. Now I have thick blood. The weight is normal. I feel pretty good.

I drank femoston first 1/10, then 1/5, no side effects, on the contrary, the hot flashes went away, I began to sleep well, my mood is normal. Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's bad, it just doesn't work for you.

I am 46 years old Femoston 1/5 I have been drinking for 6 years. I feel great, for all the time I haven’t improved and I look great.

I am 53 years old and have been drinking femoston for 4 years. I immediately experienced great relief, good sleep, a calm nervous system, there were no hot flashes, but after a few months of taking it, back pain appeared that could not be treated, just a continuous pain of the spine and all bones. There was severe dizziness, a cyst appeared mammary gland, pain in the region. liver. I tried to stop taking it with the consent of the doctor, it didn’t work out, everything returned and it became difficult to live, I started drinking again, there are still colic in the footsteps

Girls, I drink femoston 3rd pack. Everything seems to be the same as before. I'm not getting better, acne does not bother me. After the 2nd package there was a delay, I suspect that there was ovulation on the 26th day of admission. One obvious plus at this moment is a very increased libido, in the middle of the cycle you constantly want sex! In general, I do not feel worse from him! Even something better!

And, one day, not quite perfect for me, I felt unwell. The head was terribly dizzy, the noise in the ears and in the head, it became unbearably hot, suffocation, pain in the lower abdomen, and so on.

What to do?! I call my gynecologist and in the evening I go to her for a consultation. When she found out that I ignored hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and did not buy Femoston 1/5, she was not just surprised, but shocked that I was afraid that I would gain weight and did not buy this drug. She explained to me that this is not only a vital hormone for postmenopausal women, but also the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Which is very dangerous in that a person's density decreases and the structure of bone tissue is disturbed. This leads to fractures, the first signals are a disease of the joints, which already exists in me ... I was in shock! I left the gynecologist's office with a heavy heart, on the way I went to the pharmacy and bought Femoston 1/5. I paid 943 rubles for the package, there are 28 tablets in a blister, they are in cells that the manufacturer (by the way, produced in the Netherlands) is prudently marked by the days of the week. Therefore, it is convenient to take the drug Femoston 1/5, it is impossible to make a mistake. But the instructions indicate that it is desirable to take it at the same time every day, I set the alarm and take it according to the instructions.

I did not observe side effects from taking Femoston 1/5, although the fear was huge. After reading a lot of reviews, I again and again listen to the body, except for pain in the legs, or rather, in the veins, I don’t feel anything. The instructions say that thrombosis may develop, which also scares me. But after a month of taking Femoston 1/5, I can say that I did not gain weight, only my breasts increased in size (this has its plus).

I felt better, the pain in the lower abdomen stopped, the tinnitus disappeared, the fever and hot flashes also left me alone. Thanks to the drug Femoston 1/5, I got rid of the symptoms of menopause, which honestly scared me. The downside is the cost of the drug, but if it works so well on my body, then I agree to pay that amount. Then I will observe and listen to the body and add my feedback.

I have been taking Femoston 1/5 for over 4 years. During this time, insomnia, profuse sweating and hot flashes stopped. The psychological state has improved - depression has passed, there is no psychosis and constant tearfulness. During the period of using Femoston, I recovered greatly and my legs began to swell. But this, compared to what happened to me, is complete nonsense. So I'm happy with Femoston 1/5

4 years ago I had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) with preservation of the appendages. Last year there were still follicles, there were no manifestations of menopause. This year, the ultrasound showed that the follicles are gone. And for about a year I have been worried about hot flashes, sweating, poor sleep (I wake up at night, do not sleep, or wake up at 4-5 o'clock, as if I had a good night's sleep ...). In the sanatorium I got an appointment with a somnologist - a doctor, a specialist in sleep disorders. She found sleep complaints natural at my age, but advised to drink FEMOSTON 1/5. Literally in the first week, all the above symptoms disappeared: no ebb and flow, I don’t sweat, I sleep without waking up until the morning, my mood is very cheerful, even, my work capacity is high, no blues. I drink one tablet in the evening, the second month.

True, since I am not taking femoston as prescribed by a gynecologist, I made an appointment with him to consult on the further use of the drug, take tests and check some body parameters.

But FEMOSTON has significantly improved the quality of my life!

Good afternoon. Irregular menopause started around 42. Then worse. at 44 they were gone for six months. I am generally against hormone therapy. I always thought that the body should cope on its own, or it should be so. But by 45, hot flashes and mood swings with depression, dryness, constant knocking down of microflora began to torment. In addition, there are multiple fibroids and fibroadenoma of the mammary gland and incipient endometriosis. In general, I got tired of everything and went to the doctor. Femoston was prescribed15. I have been taking it for six months without a break. Not immediately, but without exception, all negative symptoms returned to normal. Especially the tides that tormented me before. Feels like in my youth, nothing bothers me and life goes on normally. Since I am a skeptic, I am pleasantly surprised by the therapy. I hope you don't have to increase the dosage. Everything suits me. It is only necessary 1-2 times a year to take tests for hormones, ultrasound of the mammary glands and the genitourinary system. So far I recommend this product. If something changes I will write.

Femoston is a drug that can be used by ladies of any age. My daughter and I drank it to restore the menstrual cycle. There were no side effects. My menstruation began as expected on the 28th day, my daughter did not much earlier - the 25th day. My mother takes femoston tablets during menopause. She also tolerates it well. Disappeared unpleasant symptoms of menopause - bouts of fatigue, irritation, headaches. Grandma is blooming! We didn't find any cons!

Hormones are hormones, but it happens that without them it doesn’t work. Women's health must be protected at any age. The price of the drug is somewhat high, but it is consistent with the result. You need to drink the drug for several months. All health!

Effective drug without weight gain

Review is not for advice to drink pills. Only by doctor's prescription! Hormones are no joke. I am writing because I myself have shoveled the Internet in search of effectiveness and possible side effects.

My acquaintance with this drug began after a strong weight loss. Against this background, the menstrual cycle disappeared for more than a year. This state of the body is extremely dangerous! The destruction of bones and, in general, all functions begin. I went to the doctor with this problem. The gynecologist first prescribed Duphaston, if they don’t go on it, then you need to drink Femoston in a row for at least six months + gain weight to normal and eat well. Expensive, of course, 1 pack costs 800 rubles, but health is worth it. There was no result on the first medicine, I immediately started drinking it. There are 14 pink and 14 yellow tablets in a blister. It is convenient that you only drink them once a day.

I drank steadily for 28 days. About 3-4 days before the end, weak discharge began. But, most importantly, they were. How glad I was that the cycle began to recover. After the end of the course at 6 months, CDs come regularly in a normal amount.

Of course, I was very worried that I would gain weight, I read so much about hormone therapy. horror. But these are weak hormones that do not harm the body. And the only thing I added was water on yellow tablets, and on pink everything returned to normal. Didn't find any more clues. Only appetite increased, within reasonable limits.

There are no pills to taste, although there is no point in chewing them, but suddenly someone is interested.

If you have been prescribed Femoston 210, do not be afraid to drink it!

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