What hormones to take with a delay in menstruation. Hormonal failure in women: symptoms, signs. Delayed menstruation and amenorrhea No menstruation what tests to take

Hormonal imbalances can cause a variety of symptoms. A woman may have abnormal menstrual cycles, nervousness, and men may have erectile dysfunction. Hormones are responsible for balancing the entire body, both physically and mentally. It is important to know why a hormonal failure occurred in women, symptoms, signs of delayed menstruation. Personal health and the proper functioning of all organs depend on a timely examination.

Hormonal disruptions - menstrual irregularities and amenorrhea

Hormonal disorders produce various symptoms. In women, the most common symptoms are menstrual irregularities, problems with pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances can also suggest a mood disorder, acne, skin discoloration, excessive weight gain or weight loss. Hormones affect every process in the body.

  • The cause of abnormal menstrual cycles and pregnancy problems may be polycystic ovary syndrome. In the course of the disease, an imbalance of hormones occurs.

This results in an imbalance of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates follicle growth, and luteinizing hormone (LH), which controls the release of eggs from the follicle. Consequently, the ovaries have increased the number of immature follicles and a small follicle, and no ovulation.

As a result, the corpus luteum cannot be formed, which does not lead to an increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood. Deficiency of this hormone is responsible for irregular menstruation. This also leads to an overproduction of androgens - male sex hormones.

The treatment of this disease is complex. If the patient is obese or smokes cigarettes, losing weight and giving up bad habits is recommended. In addition, you may need to include birth control pills.

Hormones depend on each other. Thus, one cannot overlook the same levels of estrogen without paying attention to other hormones such as progesterone and thyroid hormones.

  • Another cause of menstrual irregularities can be thyroid disease. Hyperthyroidism can lead to deficient, infrequent bleeding, and even amenorrhea. Treatment for hyperthyroidism includes the use of antithyroid drugs, the administration of radioactive iodine, or thyroidectomy.
  • Similar problems cause the adrenal glands - Cushing's syndrome. It is a disease in the process of the adrenal cortex secreting excessive amounts of steroid hormones or glucocorticoids. If the disease is caused by corticosteroids after their use, then it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose under the supervision of a physician.

In other cases, it may be necessary to have surgery to remove the adrenal gland or to use drugs to help block the release of cortisol. In contrast, Cushing's disease is an overactive adrenal syndrome that is the cause of pituitary disease. Then the only treatment for Cushing's disease is the surgical removal of the prostate.

  • Menstrual irregularities can also be caused by excess prolactin (hyperprolactinemia), and treatment depends on the cause. Hyperprolactinemia can occur due to strenuous lifestyle, weight loss, and sometimes excessive physical activity.

If the delay in menstruation occurs regularly, then you should definitely visit a qualified specialist for a diagnosis. After all, the optimal cycle for a healthy woman should be 28 days. In some patients with hormonal disruptions, it varies within 40-50 days.

Decreased libido due to hormonal disorders

Hyperprolactinemia can also cause decreased libido in women and men. In women, the cause of a decrease in libido may be an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. Properly in the first phase of the ovulation cycle, estrogens predominate, which causes even more desire for sexual intercourse. After ovulation in the female body, an increase in the hormone progesterone occurs, which reduces libido.

The decrease in sexual desire is also affected by hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's disease (chronic thyroiditis). In both cases, you should take synthetic drugs that balance the level of thyroid hormones in the body.

Excess prolactin, estrogen-progesterone and thyroid imbalances can contribute to frequent mood swings. Disorders can also manifest themselves in the form of irritability, nervousness, a woman easily falls into anger and even depression. This happens, for example, at a time when there is a decrease in estrogen levels. In this case, herbal remedies can be used, and if they do not help, the doctor may decide on hormone therapy.

Other symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

When prolactin levels are elevated, acne can occur on the face and neck and even the upper back.

  1. On the other hand, abnormal levels of estrogen in the body can cause blemishes and discoloration of the skin. This is due to the stimulation of melanocytes to increase the production of dye, which is the direct cause of skin spots.
  2. In contrast, an excess of androgens - male hormones - leads to an increase in the production of sebum, which accumulates in the pores of the skin.

Increased levels of androgens in the female body can also lead to hirsutism, which is manifested by the presence of dark hair in places characteristic of men. For example: on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, lower back and face. In a milder form, there may be the formation of a mustache, in an intense form - dark hair on the arms and legs.

The cause of excessive obesity may be insulin resistance. This condition is manifested by the body's sensitivity to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.

In the process of insulin, the pancreas needs to produce more than the standard amount intended to keep the blood sugar at the desired level. Excess insulin makes it difficult to burn fat. In addition, a large amount of insulin causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and they cause a constant feeling of hunger.

Treatment of hormonal failure and delayed menstruation

If you are experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, it is best to inform your gynecologist-endocrinologist, who will recommend the appropriate drugs based on individual indicators.

For women with an increase in the male hormone androgen and constant cycle failures, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives aimed at increasing estrogen. These drugs include:

  • Androcur.
  • Chloe.
  • Diana-35.
  • Femoden.
  • Jazz.
  • Janine.
  • Yarina.

The treatment regimen depends on the initial data. For successful therapy, long-term treatment is used.

Tablets can be used to regulate prolactin and progesterone:

  • Duphaston.
  • Norkolut.
  • Utrozhestan.

Often, biphasic therapy is used, which includes different drugs. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should be tested for the level of hormones in the blood. It is recommended to take it on a certain day of the cycle.

  1. The level of prolactin, FSH and LH is usually indicative on the 3rd-5th day of the cycle.
  2. Testosterone and cortisol - 8-10 days of the cycle.
  3. Estradiol and progesterone - 21-22 days of the cycle.

Therapy may also be selected to reduce weight. When we eat food, leptin levels increase. Then the appetite subsides and we feel full. Deterioration of leptin can lead to the development of obesity.

Weight gain that is not due to dietary errors can also be caused by hypothyroidism. This is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too little thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones have a strong effect on metabolism - they are necessary for burning fat. Accordingly, the deficit is detected with weight gain.

On the other hand, significant weight loss for unexplained reasons may be the result of hyperthyroidism. Patients are constantly hungry, even at night, but still lose weight for several months.

It is important to study comprehensively all the symptoms of hormonal failure in women, signs, delayed menstruation. Only in this case it is possible to stop the violation and bring the state of internal organs back to normal.

The main "female" hormones are estrogens, progesterone, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating. In addition, often doctors prescribe an analysis to determine the level of prolactin.

What tests should be taken to study the content of female hormones

During a gynecological examination, doctors often prescribe a referral for the study of the level of sex hormones, and not without reason. The fact is that most of the diseases of the female reproductive system are either caused by hormonal imbalance or provoke its appearance, so it is necessary to find out what the level of sex hormones is. But many women do not know what tests to take for female hormones and when. Regardless of what the doctor has prescribed, it would be desirable and useful to understand this issue on your own.

Hormones are amazing substances on which everything depends. Literally everything. We want to eat or, we feel attraction or dislike for someone, we get scared, we rejoice, we enjoy chocolate or our favorite music ... A mother experiences a surge of tenderness for a newly born child, a couple, embracing, forgets about a quarrel ... What is it: feelings and desires ? Undoubtedly. But human feelings and desires are controlled by hormones, and every emotion, need, desire is just a combination of several of them. Biochemistry - everything is simple here.

In the human body, these substances are produced by endocrine glands. These include the following anatomical structures:

  • hypothalamus;
  • pituitary;
  • epiphysis;
  • thyroid;
  • adrenal glands;
  • ovaries in women, testes in men;
  • thyroid and parathyroid glands;
  • thymus;
  • paraganglia;
  • pancreas.

If we talk about sex hormones, namely they are the topic of this article, then you should be interested in the ovaries. And also the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands, since they also take part in secretion.

Female hormones include estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin. It is they who each regulate the work of the reproductive system in their own way. And their level wants to find out the gynecologist, who issues a referral for analysis.


They can be called hormones of femininity. Why in plural? Because under this name three female sex hormones are combined:

  • estradiol;
  • estrone;
  • estriol.

Estrogens ensure the development and growth of the reproductive organs, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, a feminine figure, and the manifestation of sexuality. In addition, they regulate the menstrual cycle, stimulating the maturation of the egg - their highest level is observed just before ovulation.

After the release of the oocyte, the level of estrogen decreases to rise with the start of a new cycle.

All three hormones are produced by the ovarian follicles and, to a lesser extent, by the adrenal cortex. A small amount of estrogen is produced by adipose tissue. And regulate the synthesis of the pituitary and hypothalamus. However, these two glands control the production of all hormones.

If a woman has, it can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • irritability, mood swings;
  • headache;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased libido;
  • fragility of bones;
  • sleep disorders;
  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • amenorrhea.

But the excess of hormones harms the body. Women can also gain weight, suffer from irritability and insomnia, headaches. Possible nausea, engorgement and hair loss, acne, swelling. Naturally, the menstrual cycle will also be disturbed.

If a woman has the above symptoms, she should be tested for estrogen levels. It can be performed on any day of the cycle, preferably on an empty stomach, like many other tests. There are no specific training requirements.

Reduced production of these hormones is observed with a strict diet, insufficient body weight, excessive physical activity. As for diseases, these are diseases of the pituitary and hypothalamus, dysfunction or hypoplasia of the ovaries, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex.

An increase in estrogen in the blood can indicate disorders such as tumors, polycystic ovaries, neoplasms of the adrenal cortex, cirrhosis of the liver, and some diseases of the uterus. In addition, such an imbalance can be caused by the intake of OK, dietary features.

Follicle stimulating hormone

As mentioned above, under the influence of this substance, the entire first phase of the cycle passes. Active production of FSH is observed for a short time in newborns, then - during puberty. In women of childbearing age, FSH levels peak at ovulation.

With a decrease in the concentration of the hormone below normal, a woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • lack of ovulation;
  • scanty and irregular periods;
  • reduction, atrophy of the mammary glands;
  • atrophy of the external genital organs;
  • infertility.

If FSH is elevated, then this is manifested by bleeding that is not associated with menstruation, as well as the absence of menstruation.

A decrease in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone causes obesity, polycystic ovaries, less often - dysfunction of the hypothalamus.

An increase in the concentration of FSH is caused by ovarian dysfunction, tumor diseases of the pituitary gland.

Blood for hormones is taken either on 3-8 or on 19-21 days of the menstrual cycle, they do it on an empty stomach.


This substance is called the hormone of pregnancy, since it depends on its content in the body whether a fertilized egg will attach to the wall of the uterus, and whether a woman can bear a child.

Progesterone is actively produced by the corpus luteum, which is formed after ovulation.

Its main function during this period is to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fetal egg. Under the influence of progesterone, the tone of smooth muscles (organ walls) decreases, and the mucous membrane loosens. If conception occurs, then progesterone begins to be produced by the placenta.

In addition to the main function, this hormone is also responsible for the accumulation of subcutaneous fat by increasing appetite and increasing the absorption of nutrients from consumed foods (intestinal function slows down due to the same relaxation of smooth muscles).

If the progesterone level is too low, then the main problem that arises is miscarriage and infertility. A fertilized egg either cannot attach to the wall of the uterus, or a short time after conception, the pregnancy fails.

In addition, there is a long cycle with painful and long periods, dizziness and headache, vaginal dryness, mood changes.

If a woman has had miscarriages or has reason to suspect infertility, progesterone levels may need to be measured. When it is reduced, therapy is required.

There are many reasons why progesterone levels decrease. These are disorders in the work of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and ovarian diseases, including infectious, inflammatory diseases. Often, a decrease in progesterone production is associated with insufficiency of the corpus luteum, which, in turn, is provoked by increased physical exertion.

With an excessive content of progesterone, the work of the intestines is first of all disrupted: constipation, bloating, and flatulence appear. Weight increases, women get tired faster, become irritable, complain of migraines and headaches. In addition, hormonal imbalance is manifested by greasiness of the skin, acne, pressure surges can disturb, mood depression, and drowsiness are observed. In a word, almost all the symptoms of pregnancy.

Why can progesterone rise? These are various tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands, cirrhosis of the liver.

How to submit correctly? There are no special requirements, like other hormone tests, it is taken on an empty stomach. Be sure to take it on the 19-21st day of the menstrual cycle.

luteinizing hormone

This active substance is produced by the pituitary gland when the concentration of estrogen rises. Together with FSH, luteinizing hormone stimulates the release of a mature egg from the follicle.

With a decrease or increase in LH levels, there is a lack of menstruation or scanty, short bleeding, decreased libido, infertility, miscarriages. In adolescence, low LH levels are manifested by growth retardation and sexual development.

As a rule, the cause of a decrease in LH levels is congenital genetic pathologies and developmental disorders, but obesity, bad habits, taking certain medications, stress, and operations can also provoke this. Naturally, the level of LH decreases during pregnancy, this is the norm.

The concentration of this hormone can be increased by prolonged physical exertion, stress, disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland, polycystic disease, and ovarian exhaustion.

On what day should I go to give up if I was sent for analysis? Usually this is done on 3-8 or 19-21 days.


What hormones to take if there is not enough milk after childbirth? Or, on the contrary, milk is secreted, albeit in a small amount, but there was no birth, and there is no pregnancy. In this case, you need to examine the level of prolactin - it is he who is responsible for the production of milk. In addition, prolactin ensures the onset of orgasm, reduces pain sensitivity.

The hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, in addition, it is also synthesized by the embryo, since protection from the effects of the maternal immune system may be required, and prolactin provides it.

It is necessary to donate female hormones, or rather, blood for their study, if you suspect both an increase and a decrease in prolactin levels.

In the first case, the woman does not ovulate, therefore, infertility is diagnosed. Miscarriages may occur, and amenorrhea is a common symptom. There is a release of milk from the nipples, hirsutism, frigidity, disruption of the thyroid gland, osteoporosis develops.

Causes of increased prolactin: disorders in the pituitary gland, hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, prolactinoma, polycystic ovaries, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, vitamin B6 deficiency.

The lack of prolactin is manifested by the absence or small amount of milk after childbirth, early miscarriages, cycle disorders, hirsutism, edema, migraines. The reason for the decrease in this hormone can be diseases of the pituitary gland, TBI (traumatic brain injury), prolongation of pregnancy, heavy bleeding.

In any case, hormones need to be analyzed so that it does not take long to identify the cause of the symptoms. The procedure is carried out on any day of the 1st and 2nd phases of the cycle, as usual, on an empty stomach.

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Tests for female hormones are tests that help treat infertility and other diseases in women. It is always important to be aware of your hormone levels. But the process of passing the relevant tests is not so simple. There are a lot of different studies, indications for their conduct, as well as the conditions that a woman will have to comply with. One of the most important questions is to clarify at what time the analysis for female hormones is taken. When to take it? Under what conditions? Is there any preparation for this procedure? And, in general, what circumstances require appropriate research? Understanding all this is not so difficult, if you clearly understand that there are a lot of tests for female hormones. And everyone has their own rules.

The cycle is an important part

The first nuance that is important for every girl to understand is the concept of the monthly cycle. What it is? It is this component that will help you figure out which day to take hormones (female).

The monthly cycle is the period between the onset of two critical days. That is, this is the time that begins on the first day of a woman's period. It ends with the first day of the next critical days. A kind of guideline by which a woman can understand how much is left before the next menstruation.

From a biological point of view, the monthly cycle is the period of maturation, life and death of the follicle. In the body of a woman through the same (or close in value) periods of time, certain changes occur.

It is by the menstrual cycle that they will be guided when taking tests for female hormones. When to submit them? What kind of research is to be done in this or that case? About all this further.

Indications for delivery

It is worth paying attention to the fact that any tests are handed over for one reason or another. It's just not worth it to think about this issue again. What female hormones need to be taken under certain circumstances? The first step is to understand in what situations it is worth thinking about this issue.

To date, tests for female hormones are taken at:

  • problems with weight (loss or gain);
  • problems with the skin (pimples, acne);
  • heavy and painful menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • improper sexual development;
  • growth retardation;
  • endometriosis;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • the presence of diseases of the female genital organs (not always);
  • pregnancy (already occurred);
  • amenorrhea;
  • other diseases (doctors themselves will prescribe studies if they are needed).

Accordingly, there are a lot of reasons for the delivery of female hormones. Analysis is also enough. And for everyone, as already mentioned, you will have to remember your rules and deadlines. What female hormones need to be taken in this or that case?

List of hormones

To understand this, you need to carefully study the complete list of hormones. Not all of them are required to be taken in one way or another. Sometimes just a few studies are enough. What female hormones are present?

Among them are:

  • luteinizing hormone (LH);
  • prolactin;
  • estradiol;
  • progesterone;
  • testosterone;
  • DEA sulfate;
  • DGA-S;
  • TSH (thyroxine total and free);
  • cortisol;
  • TK-free;
  • antibodies to TSH.

All these are hormones that have to be taken in certain situations. You could say basic. What needs to be checked and in what situations? What hormones are taken by women with certain diseases? For example, with problems with weight or during pregnancy planning.

Excess weight

Metabolic disorders in humans are very common. If you conduct a thorough examination of the body, it turns out that the whole thing (mostly) in hormones. That is why it is important to understand what tests to take for girls suffering from dystrophy, for example. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. What hormones (female) to take with weight gain or a sharp decrease?

The following studies are currently recommended:

  • cortisol;
  • ACTH;
  • testosterone;
  • T4-free;

For primary diagnosis, the first two tests are enough. Additionally, thyroid hormones are required. Testosterone and LH are usually given to men. But for more information about the origins of weight problems, women can also take them.


But what if you want to cure infertility? Then you have to go through a long path of tests, treatment, diagnosis and medical consultations. What female hormones to take when planning pregnancy or problems with conception?

Here it is best to conduct a complete diagnosis of the body. Therefore, all the previously listed hormones will have to be taken. In addition to them, an additional analysis is prescribed for 17-ketosteroids. This is another type of female hormone that plays a very important role.

Accordingly, it is better to think about how exactly they pass the tests. Which hormones to investigate in this or that case is not so important. Indeed, with real health problems, the patient will eventually bring the results of all studies. What do you need to know about when to take certain tests?


FSH is a hormone found in both men and women. The beautiful half with the help of it receives the production of estrogen in the body, and also thanks to it the growth and development of the follicle occurs. In fact, FSH is responsible for ovulation. In men, this hormone is used for the growth of spermatozoa. The strong half of society can not think about the day of the analysis. His men are able to spend at any time.

Does the girl need to be examined to obtain results on the content of FSH in the blood? Here are several options for the development of events. It is best to check the timing with your doctor. But, as a rule, you can be examined for FSH:

  • from 3 to 8 days of the cycle;
  • from 19 to 21 days of the menstrual period.

Blood is donated on an empty stomach. The presence of secretions during the period of taking the analysis for FSH is normal. Although some doctors advise waiting for the end of critical days. Problems with donating blood for FSH can occur in women with irregular cycles. They are offered examination for 3-8 days.


LH is a special substance that is produced in the body through the pituitary gland. In women, it causes ovulation. Due to this hormone, the follicle matures and is fully prepared for fertilization. As a rule, its maximum content in the blood is observed directly during ovulation.

It is clear what hormones need to be taken for women's health, or rather, to find out the causes of certain problems. But when should you see a doctor? LH in the blood is best determined in the same periods as FSH. That is, an appropriate analysis is given either at the beginning of the cycle (3-8 days), or closer to the end (19-21 days inclusive). The rest of the time, the information content of the study may not be as accurate as required.

If we talk about men, then, as in the previous case, they can donate blood for an analysis of the content of LH in the blood at any time. The main condition here is the delivery of biological material on an empty stomach.


What's next? The next hormone is prolactin. It is extremely important when planning a pregnancy. It promotes ovulation. Prolactin also ensures the production of milk in a nursing woman. Accordingly, if a newly-made mother is worried that she does not have enough milk, this particular study can be carried out.

The main rule to remember is to take female hormones on an empty stomach. In the case of prolactin, another important condition is added. Which one? The person must be calm. It is recommended to be at rest for at least 30 minutes before taking blood for analysis. That is, to get the most accurate result, you need to be rested.

On what day to take female hormones, namely, for the content of prolactin? The exact period is not set, as is the case with LH or FSH. But there are some restrictions. The thing is that it is required to take it exclusively in the 1st and 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle. This is approximately no later than 14 days after the start of menstruation. At the last stage of the cycle, the test is not informative.


It is clear which female hormones need to be taken in one case or another. As already emphasized, it is required for the most complete picture of the state of health to be checked for all hormones. The next analysis is the content of estradiol.

In girls, this particular substance is produced at the moments of maturation, or rather, during the period of stay in the body of a mature follicle. A kind of signal of the onset of ovulation.

On what day to take female hormones of this type? Doctors take a similar analysis throughout the entire monthly cycle. When planning a pregnancy or treating infertility, it is recommended to pay special attention to analyzes on the 12-15th day of the menstrual cycle. The thing is that ovulation occurs approximately one day after estradiol reaches its peak. In some cases, you will have to wait 36 ​​hours. Estradiol is a female hormone. What tests to take in addition to all the previously listed? And in what period of time? An experienced doctor will help you figure this out. It is better not to experiment on your own.


The main female hormones are not so difficult to pass. The main thing is to choose the right moment. Only then will the results be informative. The next hormone is progesterone.

Produced exclusively by the corpus luteum and placenta. Directly affects fertilization. Due to progesterone, the fertilized follicle is attached to the uterus. Also, this substance has an effect on the further preservation of pregnancy.

These women's what day to take? It is best to do the appropriate analysis towards the end of the menstrual cycle. More precisely, they conduct a study on the 19th day. And no later than 21 days of the monthly cycle. The rest of the time, progesterone is not checked.


Next comes the hormone, which is extremely important for both men and women. This is testosterone. But it is worth considering that these are not female hormones. When to take a testosterone test? It is noted that you can do this on any day. Both the woman and the man.

You should understand for yourself that testosterone is an exclusively male hormone. And it is not included in the list of women. The beautiful half of society gives it up just because testosterone helps determine ovulation. And if its concentration in the blood is disturbed, a miscarriage may occur. Accordingly, this is extremely important.

DEA sulfate

The following study also occurs in both men and women. The thing is that DEA sulfate is produced by the adrenal glands. As in the previous case, these are not female hormones. When should I test for DEA sulfate?

There are no exact time limits. A girl can donate blood for analysis at any time of the cycle. But it is recommended not to see a doctor during menstruation. In this way, errors in the received data will be avoided. Which male and female hormones to take for a complete diagnosis of the body? The list of studies has been presented previously.

By the way, too high a concentration of this hormone in a girl is a clear cause of infertility and ovarian dysfunction. Accordingly, in case of problems with conception, it is recommended to start taking tests with this particular hormone.


T3-free is produced under the influence of TSH. It is produced by thyroid cells. There are both men and women. Prevents hypoxia in the unborn baby. When planning pregnancy or its onset, it is recommended to find out the levels of T3 and T4 in both parents.

On what day of the cycle is this analysis given? There are no direct instructions for this. So, you can apply for research at any time. It is best to calm down and rest for some time before taking the test. The rest period, as a rule, should last at least half an hour. It is best to conduct research at the beginning of the cycle.


The next hormone is T4. Like T3-general, it is produced under the influence of TSH. It is noted that initially the concentration of this substance in the blood of a healthy person is higher than T3. Responsible for heat transfer, oxygen absorption by the skin, and also increases the metabolic rate in the body.

For rent at any time. There are 2 conditions - this is a preliminary stay at rest for some time, as well as a hunger strike for at least 8 hours before taking biological material for further research. Accordingly, if a person is interested in when it is better to take female hormones (tests), then it is recommended to contact the laboratory in the morning. And start taking the test in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.


TSH is an extremely important hormone. Along with T4 and T3, it helps prevent hypoxia in the unborn baby. It is a component of both the female body and the male. It helps to eliminate anemia in both the mother and the fetus.

Before testing for this hormone, it is recommended to limit the intake of medications. You should also contact the laboratory only after a period of hunger strike.

The main female hormones that must be taken in certain cases are already known. But the delivery periods for all studies are different. TSH can be taken at any time. As in all other cases, it is recommended to refrain from the study during the critical days. The exact moment of donating blood for TSH is determined by the attending physician. Sometimes the concentration of a given substance is observed in dynamics. Most often, an analysis for TSH is taken on the 5th-6th day of the cycle, after the end of the critical days.


Before planning a pregnancy or treating certain diseases (they were listed earlier), you need to donate female hormones. Or rather, the blood on the concentration of certain hormonal components in a girl in the body. There is a hormone called cortisol. It occurs in both men and women. Produced by the adrenal cortex during stress. Helps stimulate the brain. Thanks to cortisol, the body copes with this or that stress.

When is the test for this hormone taken? All this is decided on an individual basis. But most often, girls are assigned a study on the content of cortisol in the first half of the menstrual cycle. You can take it for 3-5 days, as well as for 7-9. Although the second option is the best. Your doctor may suggest taking the test at different times of your menstrual cycle. It's not worth giving up. If you want to bypass a medical consultation, it is best to contact the laboratory for blood donation on your own until the 9th day of the new cycle, inclusive.


17-keteosteroids are a metabolic product of male hormones. Allows you to assess the state of the adrenal glands. For pregnancy, this is an extremely important component. In men, the study is carried out at any time. What about women?

It should be clear for yourself that special rules apply to 17-keteosteroids. The thing is that women will have to think carefully about when to take this analysis. Why?

Unlike all previously listed studies, 17-keterosteroids are determined by urinalysis. Accordingly, the girl should make sure that there are no impurities in the urine. You can not take the analysis during the period of menstruation. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. It is advisable to contact the laboratory on the 5th-7th day of the cycle. Urine must be morning.

In order for the analysis for 17-keteosteroids to give the most accurate result, a few weeks before it is recommended to limit, and it is better to completely exclude the use of medicines and drugs. And give up bad habits, namely, do not smoke or drink alcohol at least 3-4 days before the test. This will help improve the accuracy of the results. When is it better to take tests for female hormones and male hormones in one case or another? It all depends on the specific study.


DHA-S is a thyroid hormone. Not very important for skin problems or weight problems, but for pregnancy and its planning is an extremely serious study. It's not just female hormones. On what day should I take an analysis for DGA-S?

Antibodies to TSH

When to take female sex hormones? If we are talking about antibodies to TSH, it is recommended to contact the laboratory to donate biological material (blood) at any time during the menstrual cycle. After all, this component is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland. Not exactly a "sex" hormone, but it is extremely important for planning pregnancy, treating infertility and other diseases.

As practice shows, usually antibodies to TSH are observed in dynamics. It is recommended to donate hormones at the beginning of the cycle (2-5 days), in the middle (12-14) and at the end (21-22 days of the cycle).


Now it’s clear what male and female hormones can be. When to take them in one case or another is also no longer a mystery. It is worth paying attention to the fact that girls can prepare a small memo for themselves. It will help you navigate the timing of the analysis.

From the foregoing, it can be understood that biological material for the presence of a particular concentration of hormones must be taken in the following periods:

  • the beginning of the menstrual cycle (up to day 5): FSH, TSH, T3, T4, LH;
  • middle of menstruation (from 7 to 9 days): cortisol, testosterone, DEA-S, ACTH, 17-OHP;
  • the end of the cycle (from 19 to 26 days): estradiol, progesterone.

In any case, it is best to consult a doctor before taking certain tests. Only an experienced specialist will be able to accurately set the date for donating blood or urine for the presence and concentration of female and It is highly not recommended to solve such issues on your own.

The memo will help you roughly navigate the timing of the tests for male and female hormones in the body. Not only during pregnancy, but in all other cases. It is better to take tests for female hormones in the morning.

Any delay in menstruation may indicate the onset of pregnancy (even if the woman assumes that this is impossible - there was no sexual intercourse, reliable contraceptives were taken).

In some cases, a delay in menstruation can be triggered by other reasons:

  • acute inflammation
  • severe emotional shock
  • no ovulation in this cycle or late ovulation (due to hormone therapy)
  • a functional ovarian cyst - a follicular cyst, a non-ovulated follicle (LUF syndrome) or a corpus luteum cyst (which can sometimes "live" longer than usual, thereby delaying the onset of menstruation).

Home pregnancy test

In the morning portion of urine, it is indicative only from the first day of delay. False negatives are more common than false positives.

If negative:

Ultrasound with a vaginal probe

If the ultrasound picture of the mature second phase of the cycle (thick mature endometrium, corpus luteum in the ovary):

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Blood for beta hCG

  • if negative - wait for menstruation, it will be soon.
  • if in doubt, retake after 48 hours. With a developing uterine pregnancy, the indicator will increase by 2 times.

If there is no picture of the second phase on the ultrasound, then this is not pregnancy, and it is far from menstruation. This is ovarian dysfunction, you need to go to the gynecologist with it and figure it out - whether to wait or help with vitamins, herbs, hormones, etc.

If positive:

If a home pregnancy test is positive, a vaginal ultrasound should still be done to understand the location of the pregnancy (uterine or extra-) and its viability (heartbeat/no). When the test is positive, pregnancy is already always visible on ultrasound with a vaginal probe. The heartbeat is visible from 5 weeks (from 1 day of the last menstruation with a regular cycle). Frequent ultrasounds at any stage of pregnancy, including early ones, are absolutely harmless. Much more dangerous are the extra days lived with an undiagnosed ectopic or missed pregnancy.

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Influence and changes of hormones in different phases of the menstrual cycle

The phases of the menstrual cycle and hormones are closely interrelated, and in each of them in the female body the ratio between hormones will be different.

Any correlation disturbances between these or other active substances will cause pathological conditions.

A cycle is a change that occurs over equal time periods. In a woman, the normal menstrual cycle is clearly divided into phases.

Female hormonal system

At the initial stage, the gland - the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, begins to produce FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone. It stimulates the ovaries to produce an egg.

The pituitary and hypothalamus are important organs that regulate the activity of the hormonal system. The work of the ovaries and the normal hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle depend on their well-coordinated work.

The formation of estrogen biological structures is carried out from their precursors - testosterone and androstenedione.

The female body converts them into estradiol, which at the cellular level is transformed into estrol and estriol.

Female sex hormones affect the functioning of such organs as the mammary glands, uterus (including its mucous membrane), fallopian tubes.

During pregnancy, their work is restructured in such a way that they begin to provide for the needs of the embryo.

The features of a normal menstrual cycle are uninterrupted, coordinated work of all organs of internal secretion.

Thanks to the activity of the pituitary gland, follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormones (respectively, FSH, LH) are formed.

It depends on these hormones whether an egg will come out of the ovarian follicles and whether it will be viable.

It depends on the state of the uterine mucosa whether it can accept a fertilized cell (zygote) and ensure its normal development.

Hormones throughout the menstrual cycle

There are several types of female sex hormones, on which the normal course of the cycle and the course of pregnancy depend.

Estrogen hormones include estrone, estradiol, and estriol. They are responsible for the presence, severity of secondary female sexual characteristics, the normal function of the female reproductive system.

All types of estrogens are involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Their action extends not only to the genitals, but to the entire body.

The strength and stability of bone tissue depend on the level of hormones, since they contribute to the retention of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

Any hormonal fluctuations in menstrual disorders contribute to the fact that this tissue will be fragile and will not be able to ensure the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Estradiol in some cases poses some danger to the woman's body, since an increase in the amount of such a hormone leads to the fact that oncological processes can begin in the cells of the reproductive system.

Changes in the hormonal background associated with excessive activity of estradiol contribute to the fact that menstrual function becomes irregular and disorders may appear:

  • endometriosis;
  • fibroadenoma;
  • mastopathy;
  • polycystic;
  • myoma.

For a woman, a decrease in antitumor immunity is dangerous, that is, a decrease in the body's ability to resist changes that cause cancer.

Another hormone that plays an important role in the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle is progesterone. It begins to form only if the follicle has matured and burst, that is, a corpus luteum has formed in its place.

It is an estrogen antagonist, produced for fertilization and implantation of the egg.

The imbalance of hormones during menstruation is reflected as follows:

  • there are disorders of menstrual cycle;
  • headaches and pains in the mammary glands appear;
  • manifested premenstrual syndrome.

Violations in the hormonal balance provoke a change in mood in a woman, she becomes more irritable, and also prone to colds.

She may exacerbate other chronic pathologies.

Menstrual first phase of the cycle

At the beginning of each menstrual cycle, the body prepares for a possible pregnancy. The cycle can be divided into several phases.

The total duration of one cycle in the body is 4 weeks (28 days).

In some women, the norm may decrease to 21 days or exceed this number, reaching up to 35 days.

Permissible deviations cannot exceed 3 days, because otherwise we can talk about the instability of the cycle and the fact that pathological processes develop in the body.

If any deviations in the cycle and discrepancies in the normal duration of each phase appear, the woman should immediately consult a doctor.

The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation.

Its normal duration is from 3 to 7 days. If pains appear at this time, then they will be most noticeable in the initial days.

The pain is caused by the fact that the hormones of the first phase lead to the activation of the rejection of the mucosa, which was formed earlier.

Follicular or proliferative

In the second stage, bleeding stops. Proliferation begins when the pituitary gland begins to produce follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH.

The hormones of the follicular phase, in particular FSH, contribute to the active production of follicles, which are vesicles filled with a clear liquid. Each follicle contains an immature egg.

The main task of FSH is to stimulate the maturation of the egg in the middle of the cycle.

When the follicular phase occurs, the rate of hormones must exactly match the ratio between FSH and estrogen.

At the beginning of menstruation, the amount of estrogen is small, but with each subsequent day its content increases.

As the follicles form, one becomes dominant and leaves the ovary with the egg.

Estrogen contributes to the fact that in this menstrual phase there is a rapid saturation of the endometrium with blood.

This is necessary so that after fertilization the egg is fixed in the endometrial layer.

At this time, a small amount of sparse mucus is secreted in the genitals, which, unlike other secretions, is sticky.

In such an environment, spermatozoa can move quickly and remain viable for several days.


During the periovulatory period, the amount of estrogen increases.

Immediately before the release of the egg in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the content of luteinizing hormone rises, and ovulation (the release of the oocyte from the follicle) occurs.

You can confirm ovulation using an ovulation test, it is easy to do even at home.

The release time of the oocyte depends on how well the hormones responsible for ovulation work. In each menstrual cycle, this may occur on different days.

Occasionally, there may be slight soreness during oocyte release. This is normal, as well as the absence of any pain.

A sure sign of oocyte release is an increase in basal body temperature.

Luteal or corpus luteum phase

The menstrual cycle and hormones are closely related, after the oocyte leaves the follicle, it begins to move towards the uterus.

Remains viable for a day, and sometimes up to 5 days. Therefore, a few days before ovulation and after are considered the most favorable for fertilization.

After ovulation, the activity of the follicle begins to change, it secretes another hormone - progesterone.

The production of the substance is initiated by the luteinizing hormone. This menstrual phase of the cycle is also called the luteal phase, or the corpus luteum phase.

Thanks to progesterone, the forthcoming preparation of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) for the implantation of a fertilized oocyte (zygote) begins. In the same menstrual phase, estrogen production begins.

Just before a period, there may be signs of premenstrual tension (also called premenstrual syndrome).

Some women feel pain in the lower abdomen, irritability or depression.

If fertilization does not occur during this menstrual phase of the cycle, then the amount of progesterone and estrogen decreases.

A low amount of these substances in the blood leads to the fact that the excess mass of the mucosa begins to shrink and separate. This is how menstruation begins.

When pregnancy occurs in the body, menstrual activity changes and another hormone is produced - human chorionic gonadotropin.

It maintains the high activity of the follicle, continues to produce sufficient amounts of progesterone and estrogen. These hormones are necessary to prevent rejection of the fertilized oocyte.

If the egg is fertilized, the next menstrual cycle does not occur. The corpus luteum continues to produce estrogen and progesterone until a full-fledged placenta is formed.

The activity of these hormones is combined with the activity of chorionic gonadotropin. The normal course of pregnancy will depend on the healthy state of the placenta.

Description of the phases of the menstrual cycle by day, and when to take tests for hormones?

The activity of the reproductive system of a woman can be painted by day:

  1. The first 4-5 days - menstruation. There is a release of blood (about 100 cm³), the first phase of the menstrual cycle continues.
  2. In the next 6-14 days, the body prepares for a possible pregnancy.

This is manifested in an increase in the amount of FSH produced in the follicles, which affects the production of estrogen.

In this phase of the cycle, the growth of the epithelial layer of the endometrium begins. Its duration can vary from 7 to 21 days.

  1. On the 14-15th day, the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle begins.

At this time, the most estrogen is produced, causing the follicle to rupture. These days are the most favorable in terms of fertility.

A woman can determine the moment of ovulation by measuring the basal temperature - it will be slightly elevated.

  1. On the 17th day, the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle begins. The duration of the second phase of the cycle is from 12 to 16 days. During this period, the uterus prepares to receive a fertilized egg.

If all these phenomena occur otherwise, then the woman develops a menstrual disorder.

You need to know what tests are recommended for hormonal failure in order to determine the state of health.

The following tests must be taken if menstruation is delayed:

It is also possible to conduct the following studies:

  • conducting a home pregnancy test;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and abdominal organs, ultrasound using a vaginal probe;
  • in doubtful cases, the patient is referred for magnetic resonance imaging.

All of these examinations must be carried out in accordance with the rules for preparing for them.

The menstrual cycle is a complex process, and every woman is different.

If a woman knows all its subtleties, then she will be able to detect the presence of adverse changes in the body in time, begin their treatment, thereby preventing dangerous gynecological pathologies.

What tests should be taken for hormones during menopause?

climacteric syndrome

Around the age of 45, a woman's sex hormones begin to reduce menstrual function. They stop the production of elements and substances that conduct cyclic changes in the uterus, endometrium, and subsequently completely end the reproductive age.

The lack of the necessary constancy of menstruation also occurs with various pathologies of the genital organs and the endocrine system that require treatment, physical exhaustion and pregnancy, therefore it is not entirely an indicator of the onset of menopause.

Menopause is diagnosed by determining certain hormones in the blood. During this period, they should have a certain amount and ratio that differs from the previous one. Preventive studies on hormones in menopause will indicate the choice of therapy for the symptoms that appear:

  • Unexpected hot flashes to the upper body (shoulders, chest, face) from one to even several dozen times a day.
  • Obsessive perspiration, with profuse sweating, and chilliness. These symptoms cause significant discomfort. Sweating at night leads to a nervous sleep, which leads to poor health and fatigue during the day.
  • Feelings of anxiety, headaches, nervousness, mood swings. Hormones control emotions, vary the mood from inspired to the exact opposite - broken and downcast.
  • Vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse - a lack of estrogen affects the elasticity of the vaginal walls and the amount of natural lubrication of the mucous membranes.
  • Urinary incontinence with sudden movements, coughing, laughing. Muscle tissues lose their ability to provide proper tone, including the bladder.
  • Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by degenerative processes in the bones.

Analysis for menopause

To determine whether a woman is worried about the proximity of menopause, a hormonal blood test will help. During this period, tests for three female sex hormones are considered evidence: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and estradiol:

  • FSH is produced by the pituitary gland and is responsible for regulating estrogen synthesis in the ovaries.
  • Estradiol - the most active sex hormone (derivative of cholesterol), encourages endometrial cells to actively grow, reduces the resistance of the uterine vessels at the initial stage of pregnancy, increases blood flow in it.
  • LH is responsible for several processes in the body: egg formation, ovulation, stimulates the formation of the corpus luteum.

Having passed these three tests for hormones, you can definitely establish the presence of menopause and choose hormone replacement therapy. If there are indications, the doctor also prescribes other studies of reproductive function, blood tests for thyroid hormones, biochemistry, testosterone, prolactin, progesterone.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then studies may be prescribed to determine the cause of the complicated course. For this, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs is performed. A smear is taken for cytology, osteodensitometry and mammography are performed.

Analyzes and studies can be carried out even with normal health, since this period is characterized by serious changes. They often lead to diseases that are best diagnosed as early as possible.

Basic requirements for donating blood for analysis

At the first symptoms of menopause, it is necessary to donate blood to determine the cause of the fading of ovarian function and, as a result, a violation of the menstrual cycle. In order for the test results to be as accurate as possible, you need to exclude a few days before the procedure:

  • physical exercise;
  • drinking alcohol and cigarettes;
  • taking medication;
  • drinking strong tea and coffee;
  • sex.

Blood is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Do not give blood during menstruation. When menopause occurs, special attention should be paid to hormones, a blood test can tell about their more accurate state.

When to take

Hormonal tests are given on a certain day of the menstrual cycle, otherwise the result will not make sense. Tests such as LH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin, and thyroid hormones must be taken on the fifth to seventh day. The last meal should be no earlier than 8-10 hours before.

Another thing is donating blood for progesterone. This analysis is carried out only in the middle of the second half of the menstrual cycle. It is taken on an empty stomach, on the 22nd day. If the menstrual function is not preserved, hormones can be taken on any day.

Norms of indicators

After 35 years, ovarian function gradually slows down, less frequent ovulation occurs. Around the age of 45-50, it stops, the amount of estrogen decreases, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in progesterone levels. A decrease in the level of female sex hormones leads to the fact that the pituitary gland is activated, their hormone produced - FSH in the blood rises. High levels of FSH increase LH production. The levels of these hormones completely block ovulation, the ovaries gradually lose their sensitivity to sex hormones. Cyclic changes do not occur, menstruation stops.

The effect of hormones in menopause depends on the lifestyle, temperament of the woman, her daily diet, heredity and diseases, but the average figures depend on the results of the tests obtained. The severity of the menopausal syndrome depends on the ratio of FSH and LH in menopause, with low numbers (0.4-0.7), its manifestation is stronger.

Estradiol is one of the most active hormones produced in the female body. In addition to the production of eggs, it is also responsible for good mood and sleep, the condition of the skin and hair, and reduces the possibility of atherosclerosis. The level of estradiol in the blood significantly affects the well-being of a woman, its high level has a positive effect on the body.

Wrong lifestyle and bad habits, such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle, fatty, sugary foods and excessive alcohol consumption, reduce the level of this hormone. A low content of estradiol negatively affects the bone structure and mucous membrane of the body, resulting in frequent hot flashes and tachycardia. On the emotional background, it affects in the form of depression, frigidity, apathy, severe irritability, headaches and chronic fatigue.

The normal value is considered to be in the range of 6-82 ng / ml. Speaking about the high level of the hormone (more than 82 ng / mg), it is worth noting that its excessive increase indicates the presence of possible abnormalities in the body: malfunctioning of the liver, a benign tumor in the female reproductive organs or breasts, problems with the thyroid gland, persistence of the follicle, endometriosis , follicular ovarian cyst, obesity. This requires additional research.

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