After the regulon, menstruation does not begin. Cancellation of Regulon: rules for the cancellation and restoration of the female cycle. What should be done

Article outline

Regulon is an oral contraceptive used to prevent unwanted pregnancy, to treat hormonal disruptions, menstrual disorders. It is prescribed for uterine myoma in the initial stages of development. This is a hormonal remedy, so situations are possible when menstruation after the abolition of Regulon comes with a serious delay.

To understand why there was a delay and what needs to be done, you need to know the principle of the drug, the features of its administration.

The principle of operation of Regulon

The main active ingredients of Regulon are progestin, desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. The composition of the drug provides the following effect on the body:

  • prevents unwanted conception;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • minimizes the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
  • eliminates uterine bleeding, which are provoked by improper functioning of the sex glands and hormonal disruptions.

Menstruation is controlled by the pituitary gland, when this gland begins to work incorrectly, the cycle can be disturbed. The drug Regulon has a depressing effect on the production of the hormones LH and FSH, which are produced by the pituitary gland. The egg matures more slowly, and the spermatozoa have a barrier to penetrate into the uterine cavity. Hormones affect the fallopian tubes, due to the decrease in the functionality of which, the speed of movement of the egg in them decreases.

Due to the reduced level of LH and FSH, the maturation of the germ cell slows down, the corpus luteum does not form and the follicle does not break. For the same reason, an insufficiently thick layer of the endometrium is formed. On average, it is 1 cm, but against the background of taking pills, it decreases to 4 mm. Even if the fertilization of the egg has occurred, it will not be able to attach to the endometrium. Such a thin layer will not provide the fetal egg with the necessary number of vessels for nutrition.

How to take

In order not to provoke the development of serious complications and consequences, the remedy should be drunk correctly.

It is necessary to start drinking Regulon from the first day of menstruation. You can not use additional methods of protection. If the start of the course of administration fell on the 2nd-5th day of menstruation, the tablets must be combined with other methods of contraception for another week.

If menstrual flow has been going on for more than 5 days, it is useless to take Regulon, to start the course you need to wait until new periods come.

You need to drink 1 tablet per day, preferably at the same time. Such a regimen reduces the likelihood that several germ cells will mature at once due to hormonal failure. The maximum spread of time between taking the drug should not exceed 1 hour. Hormones should enter the body regularly so that there is no sharp drop in their concentration. If Regulon tablets are taken at different times, their contraceptive effect is reduced and additional protective equipment must be used.

You need to take the drug for 21 days in a row, then a 7-day break is made. This week will be spotting. Exactly one week later, you need to start taking a new pack of the drug, even if the critical days have not yet ended.

How to quit taking

It is important to follow the rules for using the drug, to stop taking it correctly so as not to provoke unpleasant reactions from the body. You need to consult with a gynecologist and, on his recommendation, choose the best time to give up Regulon. Throwing tablets should be especially carefully thought out if they are prescribed to obtain a therapeutic effect. The treatment regimen provides for a certain duration of taking the drug. Violating it, you can harm the therapy and not get rid of the problem.

Throwing Regulon at half a pack is prohibited, you need to finish the package, and do not buy a new one. Otherwise, there may be violations of the menstrual cycle, which will need to be restored for a rather long period. This is fraught with uterine bleeding.

It is necessary to refuse to take Regulon according to a clear scheme developed by the attending physician. It takes into account the individual characteristics of the organism, the purpose of prescribing the remedy and the duration of the intake.

Cycle while taking the drug

With the correct intake of the drug, critical days begin during the period of its withdrawal, that is, when a woman drinks the 21st tablet and stops taking it for a week. For the first three months, the female body adapts to the action of the tablets, at which time intermenstrual spotting may appear. There is no need to be afraid of this, and even more so, one should not abruptly stop taking a contraceptive, since such manifestations in the first months of taking are a variant of the norm. To make sure that the daub is normal, you can additionally consult with your gynecologist.

It is necessary to consult a doctor when, after the completion of taking the package, there is no menstruation.

The reasons may be in the individual characteristics of the body, in hormonal imbalance, in pregnancy, especially if there has been a violation of the drug regimen. A delay in menstruation when taking Regulon can be provoked by a sharp decrease in body weight, a violation of the diet and stressful situations.

The cause for concern is the abundant regulation that does not end in a week, as well as the situation when menstruation began while taking the drug. Then you can not refuse the pills on your own, but be sure to consult a doctor.

The establishment of a normal menstrual cycle occurs on average for three months, when the hormonal background is completely leveled. A woman has a feeling of lightness, PMS symptoms disappear, especially severe pain. After taking the drug, they cease to cause discomfort. The duration of critical days, their intensity may decrease.

The drug can cause side effects: bleeding, general deterioration of the woman's condition. With such symptoms, you need to see a doctor.

Changes after the cancellation of Regulon

When a woman takes Regulon, the required dose of hormones enters the body from the outside, so the ovaries and adrenal glands gradually stop producing hormones on their own. As soon as the drug is abandoned, the woman's body again begins to get used to the new hormonal status. This provokes a delay in critical days or a change in the menstrual cycle.

The lack of hormones leads to a deterioration in the condition of the hairline, nails and skin, and rashes may appear. Menstruation may become more abundant and prolonged.

After the withdrawal of the drug, the pituitary gland, whose activity was previously inhibited, first begins to work in a normal mode, and then redoubles its efforts. A double dose of sex hormones can be sent to the ovary, which also affects their work. In this case, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly. This feature of oral contraceptives is often used in the treatment of infertility.

How long do periods come

When a woman stops taking Regulon, menstruation should begin in a few days.

If more than 10 days have passed, and the critical days still do not start, you need to seek help from a doctor. The reason for the delay is not always the withdrawal syndrome or the onset of pregnancy.

Absence of menses

The main reason that after the abolition of Regulon there is no menstruation is the onset of pregnancy. The reproductive system begins to work with a vengeance, increasing the chances of conception. If there is a delay in menstruation, and the test is negative, the doctor may consider other reasons for this phenomenon.

  • Amenorrhea, menopause. It can occur against the background of improper functioning of the endocrine system, both in women on the threshold of menopause, and in patients of childbearing age.
  • Myoma, polycystic ovaries.
  • Oncology.
  • urinary tract infections.

If a week has passed after taking the last tablet of Regulon, and menstruation does not begin, you need to consult a doctor, self-medication is prohibited.

What to do in case of delay

If after stopping the drug, menstruation does not come, the first thing to do is take a pregnancy test. If it is positive, then you should not worry about the effect of the drug on the fetus, since Regulon cannot harm the embryo in any way.

If the test is negative, you need to go to the doctor, during the visit a number of studies can be carried out to determine the cause of the delay.

  • Collection of anamnesis. The patient is asked in detail about her intimate life, about the frequency of taking the drug and the daily fluctuations between taking the pills. A woman should talk about her sexual partners and the likelihood of infection with various pathologies.
  • Gynecological examination. During the examination, the doctor can determine pregnancy by the color of the uterine cervix and its density, by the size of the pharynx. By the method of two-handed palpation, cysts in the ovaries can be determined. During the examination, swabs are taken for microflora and cytology.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The study confirms the presence of pregnancy, helps to identify cancerous tumors, cystomas, fibroids, polycystic ovaries, and other formations in the reproductive organs.
  • An analysis of hormones will help determine the presence of amenorrhea and develop a treatment regimen.
  • To determine extragenital diseases, other types of examinations may be prescribed that will establish the cause of the menstrual cycle.

Menstrual irregularities after the abolition of Regulon should not be afraid, with proper care from taking the drug, the cycle will be restored within a few months.

The appointment of oral contraceptives today is not only a way to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy, but also one of the methods for treating hormonal failure and other diseases of the reproductive system. Regulon has established itself as an effective tool that copes with the tasks. You can not take the drug without a doctor's prescription. The gynecologist must conduct the necessary tests so that there are no side effects in the future. A woman should know how the drug works, how many days after Regulon is canceled, menstruation comes. These nuances are important for maintaining the health of the fair sex.

The action of the drug

Regulon is an oral contraceptive consisting of ethinyl estradiol (estrogen component) progestin, desogestrel. The drug is prescribed for contraception, for the treatment of hormonal imbalance in the body. It is effective in the treatment of PMS, dysfunctional bleeding of the uterus.

The drug inhibits hormones produced by the pituitary gland, which affect the normal. The production of follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormones is suspended under the action of gestagens. As a result, ovulation is inhibited, the sperm cannot enter the uterine cavity.

Ethinylestradiol thickens, changes the composition of the mucus secreted in the cervix. The spermatozoon enters an aggressive environment, it cannot penetrate into the uterus. At the same time, the maturation of the egg is inhibited, the corpus luteum cannot develop normally, and there is an obstacle to rupture of the follicle. The endometrium develops in an insufficient size. In a woman who does not take COCs, the thickness of the endometrial layer normally reaches 1 cm. If oral contraceptives are taken, the layer thickness is not more than 4 mm.

If the sperm and the egg manage to connect, despite the barriers that have appeared, the fetal egg simply cannot attach itself to the uterine cavity, it will not receive the necessary nutrition from the thin endometrium. The action of Regulon extends, affects the fallopian tubes. Their contractility decreases, which causes a decrease in the rate of passage of the egg.

How to take

Regulon, like all oral contraceptives, should be taken correctly. This will eliminate the occurrence of undesirable consequences. Reception begins from the first day that began. Subject to this rule, a woman does not need additional contraception during intercourse.

In some cases, the first tablet should be taken during menstruation on days 2-5. In this case, you need to additionally take care of the means of protection. It is better to use the barrier method for another 1 week. It is forbidden to start taking Regulon if 5 or more days have passed since the end of menstruation. In this case, the reception is transferred to the beginning of the next cycle.

Every day at about the same time you need to take 1 tablet from the blister. The established schedule prevents the risk of developing hyperovulation - a condition in which, against the background of a hormonal surge, several eggs can mature. The difference in the time of taking the tablets should not be more than 1 hour. Gynecologists recommend setting alarms until you develop a precise habit.

If the pill was not taken on time, you need to drink it as soon as the awareness of being late has come. If the missed period exceeds a day, you need to leave the forgotten pill, take the next one, but additionally use barrier contraception during sex.

You need to take 21 tablets without a break, then take a break for 7 days. Menstruation begins during this period. The next pack should be started to drink in a week according to the same scheme, even if the menstruation has not yet ended.

How to complete the course

Before you stop taking the drug, you need to consult a gynecologist. Reguon can be prescribed for therapeutic purposes, so it is not always possible to stop taking it at any time.

It is forbidden to stop taking the drug in the middle of the pack, you need to finish drinking all the pills, refusing to continue using the pills after that. If you ignore the recommendation, you can provoke, which will then recover for a long time. It cannot be ruled out in such a situation.

A gynecologist will help you safely finish taking the medicine by developing a special scheme for a woman. This takes into account the general state of health, the purpose for which the drug was prescribed, the total duration of its administration.

Periods while taking medication

When taking Regulon, menstruation begins during the withdrawal period, when the woman drinks the last 21st tablet and takes a break for 7 days. During the first 3 months, the body adapts to the drug, may be observed. This is not a reason for a sharp refusal to take pills and is considered the norm. For prevention, you can visit a gynecologist.

If a week has passed after taking the last pill and it is observed, you should consult a doctor. The reason may be hidden in the individual reaction of the body, hormonal failure. Pregnancy cannot be ruled out if the regimen of taking the drug has been violated.

Fear should cause a state when, at the usual time, there is an abundance of secretions. It is forbidden to stop drinking pills on your own, you must first consult a gynecologist, find the cause of the problem.

Normally, menstruation with Regulon is established within 3 months, there is a complete adaptation of the body, the hormonal background is leveled. A woman notices relief, the complete disappearance of PMS symptoms, the intensity of pain during this period decreases. may decrease, as well as abundance. In the presence of side effects, deterioration of the condition, bleeding, you need to consult a doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Changes in the body after discontinuation

While taking Regulon, the body receives hormones from the outside, as a result, the work of the ovaries and adrenal glands is gradually inhibited, because for some time they were deliberately suppressed. After the drug is discontinued, a hormonal failure occurs, and a restructuring of the reproductive system begins. There may be a delay in menstruation, failures in the cycle.

An insufficient amount of the required hormones in the body leads not only to menstruation disorders. The condition of hair, nails worsens, the skin becomes dry, rashes often occur. The nature of menstruation changes. They can be long.

There is another nature of changes in the body after the abolition of the contraceptive. When the oppression of the pituitary gland stops, it begins to work first in the same mode, and then with a vengeance, sending all the hormones produced directly to the ovaries, which have also been in a “sleeping” state for a long time. As a result, they are activated, strengthening the work. During this period, the chance of getting pregnant increases, which women often strive for. Oral contraceptives are an effective tool in the treatment of infertility.

Delay after canceling Regulon

Many women experience unstable periods after the abolition of Regulon. This is often due to a hormonal imbalance, called withdrawal syndrome. It is impossible to exclude the onset of pregnancy, because the pituitary gland and ovaries begin to work twice as actively. The possibility of fertilization will increase significantly.

In addition, the delay after taking Regulon can be caused by:

  1. Amenorrhea, . This pathology occurs in 3% of women taking the drug. This category includes those who are on the verge of menopause and girls of childbearing age. Pathology develops due to improper functioning of the hormonal system.
  2. If menstruation should begin, but there is a delay, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovaries cannot be ruled out.
  3. Oncological diseases can be the cause of the absence of menstruation.
  4. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system can provoke a delay.

Normally, menstruation should go a few days after taking the last 21st tablet of Regulon. If there is a delay, you should consult a doctor to find the cause of the problem. Self-medication, ignoring the situation can cause the development of pathological processes in the body. The gynecologist will help to establish the reasons for the delay in menstruation, sometimes ultrasound, examination and a course of vitamins are enough.

Regulon is an effective contraceptive with a therapeutic effect. The drug is prescribed only by a gynecologist, the doctor also determines the discontinuation of the intake. Self-medication, violation of recommendations for taking the drug can adversely affect the reproductive health of women.

Regulon is an oral hormonal contraceptive. The drug is used to treat hormonal dysfunctions, such as menstrual disorders and uterine fibroids in the initial stages. Hormonal drugs can provoke the absence of menstruation. To understand why the drug provoked the opposite effect, you need to study its composition and understand the principles of the effects of the components on the body.

Regulon - hormonal contraceptive in the form of tablets

How the drug works

Composition of Regulon:

  • progestin;
  • desogestrel;
  • ethinestradiol.

Regulon is intended for contraception and treatment of violations of the monthly cycle, elimination of PMS, uterine bleeding provoked by ovarian dysfunction or unstable hormonal levels. The pituitary gland of a woman produces hormones that are responsible for menstruation. With its unstable work, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. The active components of Regulon have a depressing effect on the letheinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland. This contributes to the inhibition of ovulation and creates a barrier for the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. Hormones inhibit the function of contraction of the fallopian tubes, which significantly reduces the rate of egg movement through them.

The estrogen element of the drug contributes to the thickening of the mucus in the cervix and changes its qualitative composition. The environment in the cervix becomes more aggressive, contributing to the death of sperm.

A decrease in luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones slows down the complete formation of eggs, prevents the standard formation of the corpus luteum and rupture of the follicle, while the endometrial layer is formed in insufficient quantities. The standard thickness of the endometrium is 1 cm, and during the course of taking Regulon it does not exceed 4 mm. A fetal egg, even in the case when the egg and sperm have passed all the previous stages of protection, cannot be strengthened in the uterus, because the absence of a normally developed coendometrium does not allow the number of vessels necessary to feed the egg to form.

Features of taking the drug

Often, patients complain that they do not have menstruation after and while taking Regulon. The most common reason is the wrong intake of the drug. The contraceptive should start drinking from the 1st day of menstruation. With this technique, no additional use of condoms is required. If the patient starts taking from 2-5 days of menstruation, condoms should be used for 7 days. You can not start taking Regulon if 5 days have passed since the beginning of menstruation.

Tablets should be taken at the same time, once a day. The risk of hyperovulation is reduced, when, against the background of a surge of hormones, not one, but several eggs are formed. The break time between taking 23-25 ​​hours. If you are not sure that you will take your pills on time, set an alarm. If you miss one tablet, you should take it if the missed time does not exceed 24 hours, otherwise the missed tablet should be left and continue taking it as usual, using condoms during intercourse.

There are 21 tablets in a pack. After 3 weeks, you need to take a break for a week. It is during this period that menstruation should begin.

The drug should be taken at the same time of day

How to stop taking a contraceptive

Very often, the reason that there is no menstruation after taking Regulon is the incorrect end of the drug. Before giving up a contraceptive, you should visit a doctor and consult whether it is possible to cancel the appointment now, especially if Regulon was prescribed for medicinal purposes, or you decided to plan the birth of a child.

If the patient cancels the reception in the middle of the cycle, without finishing the pack to the end, this will necessarily entail certain consequences.

It can be severe uterine bleeding or the complete absence of menstruation for a long time. If after the end of taking the drug there is no menstruation, then it will take a long time to restore the cycle.

Cancellation of the drug should occur according to the scheme drawn up by the gynecologist. This scheme will be different in each individual case. It is based on:

  • goals;
  • personal characteristics of the body;
  • course duration.

Violations of the menstrual cycle when using the drug

Each has its own monthly cycle and it does not change with the start of the use of an oral contraceptive (OC). During the course of taking medications on a hormonal basis, the body of each woman will react individually, therefore, menstruation after taking 21 tablets may not come immediately. In the first 3 months of taking the drug, cycle disturbances may occur until the body adapts and begins to function normally in the required mode. If after taking Regulon there is no menstruation for 10 days from the end of the pack, you should consult a doctor.

The reasons for this deviation from the norm can be varied.

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Violation of the diet, severe weight loss.
  3. Stress.
  4. Intoxication. Vomiting or diarrhea after a woman has taken a pill.

The delay will be observed when the hormonal background changes, due to the onset of pregnancy, or during the redistribution of hormones during stress. Often, fertilization occurs when Regulon is not taken correctly. Even if the tablets were not missed, taking them at different times with an interval of an hour can provoke the appearance of hyperovulation. In this case, one of the eggs reaches its destination on time, and the second comes out at the end of menstruation without the cover of a hormonal agent and is quickly fertilized.

The most unpredictable factor is intoxication. Subject to the rules of use, vomiting and diarrhea (in case of malfunction of the pancreas) do not allow hormones to spread into the plasma. This happens when 40 minutes have passed from the moment of taking the pill to vomiting or with severe diarrhea lasting more than a day.

Severe stress provokes the release of hormones into the bloodstream, disrupting the cyclical and already familiar rhythm of the body. A sharp weight loss, the most severe diets can provoke the absence of menstruation. Adipose tissue produces the female hormone estrogen. Women with too low weight very often turn to doctors with complaints that they do not have periods. Fertilization with insufficient weight also does not occur, the body is not able to provide the embryo with the right amount of nutrients necessary for its full development.

The work of the body after the cessation of the use of OK

To understand why there are no periods after the cancellation of OK, you need to understand the principles of hormone production before and after their use. At the end of taking Regulon, the body needs another restructuring. The ovaries and adrenal glands practically do not work during the period of taking the drug, because the body receives the necessary hormones from the outside. The production of hormones is reduced, and the organs need time to restore their work, so there may be no periods for a couple of months.

In addition to the failure of menstruation, the withdrawal of the drug provokes other changes:

  • hair loss, deterioration of their structural composition;
  • violations of the restoration of epidermal cells (dryness, peeling, itching).

The menstrual cycle can change a lot. Firstly, the volume of blood loss increases, and secondly, the timing changes. If earlier menstruation lasted 2-3 days, then after the end of the course, 5-7 days can last.

This is the first version of the body. After stopping taking OK, there is a second option, which is observed in most patients.

With prolonged inhibition of the functions of the pituitary gland, the organization tries to work in the same mode even after the abolition of hormones. The pituitary gland, without receiving a feedback, begins to stimulate the additional production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.

Strengthened work of the pituitary gland improves the functionality of the ovaries. With such a coordinated work of the organs, the likelihood of pregnancy increases. OK can cure some types of infertility.

After discontinuation of the drug, hair may begin to fall out.

No menstruation after a course of Regulon

It is necessary to consult a doctor if there is no menstruation after the end of the course. Not only the withdrawal syndrome, but also pregnancy can cause a delay. The reasons for the absence of menstruation after discontinuation of the drug are presented below.

  1. Amenorrhea - menopause. This pathology is extremely rare. Only 3% of premenopausal women and young girls fall into the risk group. Violations are caused by dysfunction of the endocrine and hormonal systems.
  2. Polycystic ovary or uterine cystoma.
  3. Oncology.
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature.

Final part

If there is no menstruation after the end of the course or while taking OK, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. First of all, an obstetric examination of the cervix is ​​performed, which allows you to determine the size of the ovaries and possible pathological formations on them.

Then an ultrasound is prescribed and a blood test showing the level of hormones. An additional examination may be prescribed, which will determine extragenital pathologies. If there is no menstruation, you do not need to self-medicate. Sometimes additional vitamins and treatment are needed to recover from OCs.


Hello! I am 21 years old. In April 2012 I was admitted to the hospital with a mild form of anemia, I was not operated on, I was cured conservatively. After that, the doctor prescribed regulon for half a year. Instead of six months, I drank for 9 months, but all this time I had intestinal spasms consistently in the mornings. Every morning for two minutes, quite strong and bloating. Sometimes every other day, a couple of times there were weekly "breaks". At the same time, I didn’t know before that it should be taken strictly by the hour and just drank in the evenings, and when I found out, I began to drink every day at exactly 10 pm. THIS was the last 2-3 months of taking regulon. As soon as I began to drink them exactly by the hour, a week and a half before my period, some strange discharge began. They were clearly not bloody, and you can’t even call them spotting - very similar to thrush, but as if reddish-brown in color, sometimes pale pink. This went on for several days - literally drop by drop a day, then it stopped, and after a week or two, during a seven-day break, normal periods came. Later, I heard not very good reviews about regulon and stopped drinking it (by that time I had already finished the pack). I went to the gynecologist, she prescribed Yarina or Logest, they have good reviews about them, and they cost 2 times more than regulon. She also prescribed drops and suppositories for thrush, although I forgot to ask about the discharge. But the problem is that I already have a big delay, so I can’t start drinking them. I drank the last pack of regulon in the twentieth of December, then there were monthly periods at the end of December, the numbers 27-29 began approximately, and now a month has passed, and new ones do not come. I haven’t had such a huge delay yet. By the way, those discharges that I wrote about above (as if colored thrush) just recently stayed for several days, as usual. I also thought that menstruation will come soon, but they are all gone. 2 questions - can there be a delay due to the abolition of regulon or am I pregnant? (prevented PPA, sex is not very often). - what kind of strange discharge that bothered me for several months, could it be? Thank you

Good afternoon. What is the cause of anemia - bleeding? Perhaps there is a chronic inflammatory process, which also causes menstrual irregularities. this is a COC containing 30 mg of ethinyl estradiol, by the way, like Yarina. But Logest contains 20 mg of estrogen, and is more suitable for you by age. When taking COCs, it is enough to approximately adhere to one time, this is not important. You need to be tested for sex hormones and urogenital infections, as well as (the condition of the endometrium). Examine also a thyroid gland and hand over a blood on sugar. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.


yes, my follicle burst and the bleeding was inside. the presence of a chronic inflammatory process can be indicated by the discharge that I have? I have never had any other cycle disorders, by the way, my period came right on the day I wrote to you. I read on the Internet that this happens to many people after the abolition of COCs .... after regulon, the stomach stopped hurting, bloating disappeared. I just wanted to choose Yarina, she seems to be similar to beauty contraception, at least the instructions say that she is prescribed for acne, some write that her breasts are pouring, and now I'm losing weight, and my chest has lost a little weight ((( but since you advise Logest more for me, I will choose it.

Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive used for planned contraception. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle and reduces the severity of PMS symptoms. However, in some cases, the completion of the drug is required:

  • if a woman wishes to become pregnant;
  • if a woman does not have an active sex life;
  • if the side effects of Regulon began to bother;
  • if additional barrier contraception is needed;
  • if a woman becomes pregnant while taking Regulon.

Medical indications for stopping birth control pills:

  • liver disease;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • varicose veins;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the organ of vision;
  • upcoming operations.

After giving up the contraceptive within 2-3 months, the reproductive function of the woman is restored, that is, the connection between the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries is resumed. Gradually, the ovaries begin to function: an egg matures in them, ovulation occurs, and then, if pregnancy has not occurred, the corpus luteum remains. This whole process is accompanied by the release of its own hormones.

A healthy woman who took the drug for contraception should not have negative consequences after its withdrawal. But each woman is individual, and one cannot be absolutely sure that there will be no side effects. The rate of resumption of ovulation processes after the end of taking the contraceptive depends on the properties of the drug, the age and health of the woman, and most importantly, on the duration of the drug.

Regulon Cancellation Rules

To complete the drug, you need to drink all the tablets from the package, completing the next menstrual cycle. Abrupt cancellation of Regulon in the middle of the cycle is undesirable, but is allowed in case of such alarming symptoms as:

  • high blood pressure;
  • pain in the legs;
  • dyspnea;
  • jaundice;
  • skin itching;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea or vomiting.

After 3-4 months of taking Regulon, the woman's body recovers very quickly. After the end of the last package of the drug, you can plan a pregnancy without taking a break.

If a woman took the drug for 6 months or more, then it will take 2-3 months to restore childbearing function. Due to long-term use of the contraceptive, the endometrium is exuded (atrophied). Less likely under these conditions.

After prolonged use of Regulon for 5-15 years, careful withdrawal of the drug is necessary with a gradual decrease in the dose of hormones, under the guidance of a gynecologist.

Note! Taking Regulon leads to a deficiency of folic acid, therefore, after discontinuation of the drug, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of this vitamin.

The menstrual cycle after the abolition of Regulon

At the end of taking the drug, the menstrual cycle is restored within 1-3 months. It is possible that the symptoms of PMS (headache, weakness, irritability) will reappear, the pain syndrome will resume, or these manifestations will become less pronounced. It all depends on how strong these manifestations were initially.

At first, periods may be scanty, their volume does not increase much after giving up the contraceptive. But after three months, the volume of discharge normalizes and becomes the same as it was before taking the drug. The duration of meager periods in the first 1-3 cycles ranges from 7 to 14 days.

In the event that a woman stops taking the contraceptive in the middle of the package, smearing brown discharge is possible for up to two weeks. They are provoked by a sharp drop in the level of sex hormones in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

In general, in the first three months the body is rebuilt, and both meager (which happens more often) and are possible. The reason for contacting a gynecologist should be too long scanty discharge (more than 2 weeks) or heavy periods, accompanied by weakness and pain in the lower abdomen.

When to wait for menstruation after the abolition of Regulon?

After drinking the last pill from the package, menstruation should begin within 1-3 days, if the contraceptive has not been taken too long (6 or more months). And after a long course of birth control, it is possible to delay periods for several months until the body begins to produce its own hormones again.

Why is there no menstruation after the abolition of Regulon?

Sometimes withdrawal bleeding does not occur. After long-term use of COCs, the female body needs time to resume the production of its own hormones. Pregnancy cannot be ruled out as the reason for the absence of menstruation. If pregnancy is not confirmed, and there is no menstruation for 3 or more cycles, then this is probably a manifestation of secondary amenorrhea.

Secondary amenorrhea develops against the background of ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome in 0.7% of women. This small percentage includes women who, most often, before taking Regulon, already had menstrual dysfunction. Another reason for the development of secondary amenorrhea: taking reserpine, phenothiazine or narcotic drugs in conjunction with taking Regulon.

The mechanism of ovarian hyperinhibition is to block the synthesis of GnRH by the hypothalamus and the development of hyperprolactinemia.

Ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome is confirmed by the results of ultrasound (multifollicular ovaries and hypoplastic endometrium, no more than 4-5 mm) and the results of a study of hormones (FSH, LH and estradiol levels are below normal).

Scanty periods after the abolition of Regulon

Scanty periods a few days after giving up COCs, this is a normal reaction of the body to the changed hormonal background. If pregnancy develops while taking the drug, then it can also first manifest itself as scanty bloody discharge.
Bloody discharge after the abolition of Regulon

Bloody discharge after the withdrawal of a hormonal contraceptive is a withdrawal syndrome, which is a normal reaction of the female body. Allocations can go up to 14 days. Their duration depends

  • on the age of the patient: the older she is, the longer the spotting goes;
  • on the duration of the drug intake: the longer the intake lasted, the longer the discharge is observed.

Brown discharge after canceling Regulon

After the abolition of Regulon, brown discharge may be observed, and this is a normal reaction of the body. A small amount of blood, particles of atrophied endometrium and platelets give the discharge a brown color.

Bleeding after discontinuation of Regulon

Against the background of prolonged inhibition of ovarian function, the vessels that feed the walls of the uterus become thinner. When hormone levels drop and menstruation begins, these vessels can become severely damaged and cause breakthrough bleeding. Such a side effect of the drug, subject to the rules of admission, is rare. But if a woman stops the drug in the middle of the pack, breakthrough bleeding is more common.

Stomach hurts after Regulon is canceled

Pain in the lower abdomen after completing the COC course may be associated with increased ovarian work after a long break. This side effect of the drug goes away as normal ovarian function returns.

Pregnancy after the abolition of Regulon

If a woman has been taking a contraceptive for 3-4 months, then she can become pregnant in the first month after completing the course. In this case, pregnancy is often accompanied by the fertilization of two eggs and the birth of twins.

With a longer use of the contraceptive, it is recommended to wait until the normal menstrual cycle is restored (up to 3 months), and then plan a pregnancy.

Valentina Lyapunova, therapist, specially for the site

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