Is chlamydia easy to treat? Which doctor treats chlamydial infection? How to heal forever


Chlamydia is one of the most common diseases. This disease can be asymptomatic. Chlamydia disease is provoked, not only affects the organs of the genitourinary system, but also provokes infertility. Often, a negative effect on the heart, blood vessels, joints, teeth, and eyes is also noticeable. Women and men suffer from chlamydia.

Why is chlamydia dangerous for women?

The consequences of chlamydia in women are varied. This disease can provoke infertility if therapy is not started on time. Many women do not know whether chlamydia is completely treated or the infection will remain in the body forever. To minimize the likelihood of negative health consequences, when the first signs of infection appear, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. If you start treatment on time, there is a chance to prevent such a serious complication as infertility.

Chlamydia infection in women and infertility

Is pregnancy possible after chlamydia and how dangerous is this virus? If this infection has been diagnosed in a woman, it can cause a profuse discharge of a clear or yellowish tint. The chlamydial virus will be manifested by a burning sensation, painful sensations in the lumbar region, perineum, lower abdomen, and the pelvis begins to disturb. A symptom such as swelling may also appear.

The most severe consequences of chlamydia in women are infertility. The uterus also suffers from exposure to the virus, a scar or adhesion may form on its surface. The negative impact will be on the entire body. Due to the fact that the fallopian tube suffers (obstruction, inflammation develops), pregnancy with chlamydia becomes impossible. However, this case is not the rule: there is always a chance of conception. If an ectopic pregnancy occurs, an abortion is performed.

Even a pregnant woman must be examined for the presence of infection. If this dangerous virus is identified, treatment is prescribed, stopping the inflammatory process, otherwise the child will suffer. A pregnant woman should constantly come to preventive examinations with a doctor in order to establish the development of possible complications in time. Chlamydia trachomatis is determined in women after certain tests.

Urogenital chlamydia and tumors

Urogenital chlamydia is a form of infection that is transmitted during sexual contact. The dangerous bacterium Chlamydia can prevent pregnancy, and peritonitis, endometritis, adnexitis, endocervicitis, tumor and respiratory type of diseases can develop. If a pregnant woman is infected with the virus, the newborn child often suffers from conjunctivitis and pneumonia.

Chronic chlamydia in women and vision

What are the consequences of chlamydia in women? If an infection has been diagnosed, the insidious disease can affect almost any part of the body. When the eyes are damaged, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs. Vision is impaired. Noticeable irritation, redness - symptoms of conjunctivitis. Then the form of the disease is specified, and it is called Reiner's disease - a scientist who noted changes and malfunctions in the work of other organs, the cardiovascular, nervous, genitourinary, musculoskeletal systems.

Chlamydia disease and internal organs

It is very important to prevent problems in the work of internal organs. Perisplenitis (inflammation of the spleen capsule) often develops. Photos in specialized medical journals will help you understand what chlamydia looks like. A woman, a man, a child can suffer from the reproduction of bacteria with reduced immunity. Nuances:

  1. With the progression of the disease, which began with urethritis, cervical canal, uterine appendages (implicit signs), then the state of health worsens sharply.
  2. Further, the heart (myocarditis), its valves, kidneys and lungs are affected.
  3. A characteristic moment is the undulating course of the disease with exacerbations and relatively calm periods.

It seems that the main thing happened: the treatment of chlamydia is over. But does this mean that now you can live as before - what if the infection lurks somewhere in the body? By appearance and even by the well-being of a person, it is impossible to understand whether he is completely healthy. Therefore, to evaluate the effect of the treatment of chlamydia is the most important task for the doctor and the patient himself.

How is it determined that a person has finally recovered, what joys of life (alcohol, sex, sports) are allowed immediately after treatment, and is it possible to give birth to a healthy child after treating chlamydia?

In this article, we answer in detail the most important questions about life after chlamydia.

Recovery check and tests

Is it possible to stop drinking antibiotics if the symptoms of chlamydia have disappeared?

- No! The course of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor must be completed. Only then can the infection be completely cured. After the first portions of the medicine, the patient may feel better, but not all chlamydia will die!

The catch is that chlamydia exists in the body in two forms: one for life outside the cell, and the other for reproduction inside it.

  • bacteria outside the cage do not cause bright symptoms, but are not afraid of antibiotics.
  • Chlamydia inside the cell, on the contrary, do more harm, but also become vulnerable to the drug.

Therefore, in order to destroy bacteria, one must wait until they penetrate the human cell - and then strike.

But usually, chlamydia enter the cells not at the same time, but in “teams”. Because of this, in most cases it will not be possible to drink an antibiotic once and kill all pathogens. The doctor calculates the course of drugs so that each detachment of chlamydia that has entered the cells receives its portion of the antibiotic at a certain time. That is why the medicines must be drunk to the end - even if the state of health has improved quickly.

Can chlamydia return after treatment?

Does immunity remain after chlamydia?

- No, people do not develop strong immunity to either urogenital or other types of chlamydia. Although antibodies to the disease remain in the blood after a course of treatment, they do not provide real protection and will not cope with a reinfection without the help of drugs. Antibodies to the disease disappear a few months after recovery from chlamydia. This phenomenon is called non-sterile immunity.

Is it possible to get chlamydia again?

— Yes, re-infection with chlamydia is possible. Antibiotics and other medicines do not provide protection against chlamydia "in reserve". Therefore, it is necessary to remember about the prevention of chlamydia: use condoms correctly and without exception (if we are not talking about a proven and only partner), regularly undergo examination and treatment - your own and your sexual partners.

Antibiotics and other drugs do not provide protection against chlamydia "in reserve", so you need to remember about the prevention of chlamydia!

In addition to condoms, you can use various topical antimicrobials - before and after sexual intercourse. But it is important to remember that, unlike a condom, these products do not provide such good protection, so they cannot be used as the only method of contraception.

- Can there be inflammation after chlamydia treatment?

What to do if a person has been treated for chlamydia, but the symptoms remain? After treatment for chlamydia, all patients are recommended to take control tests. To check whether the causative agent of chlamydia remains after treatment, you can do a blood test and bakposev. This is especially important if, after treatment for chlamydia, a person has discharge, burning in the urethra, or discomfort in the genitals.

If in such a situation chlamydia is not confirmed, it is necessary to be examined for other sexually transmitted infections that can cause similar symptoms. The fact is that often people become infected with several venereal diseases at once. If, before treatment for chlamydia, the doctor did not take into account such a risk and did not advise the patient to be tested for other sexual infections, then after therapy, unnoticed diseases will remain and will progress. We talk about simultaneous infection with different sexual infections.

How do you know if chlamydia is completely cured?

- To check whether it was possible to completely cure chlamydia, you can use a special analysis - sowing. To do this, take a scraping from the mucous membrane of the organ that was affected by chlamydia. The resulting material is placed in a nutrient medium where chlamydia can grow and multiply. If chlamydia were in the scraping, then you can see them in the crop in about a week. If there are no viable chlamydia in the culture, it means that the patient no longer has them in the body.

Tests that help make a diagnosis before treatment - PCR And ELISA— not as good as controls as seeding. The fact is that the genes of chlamydia (which determines PCR), and human antibodies to them (determines ELISA) can be present in the body even after a successful cure - when all bacteria are dead. Therefore, the results of these analyzes do not say anything concrete.

An exception to the rule is if there are a lot of antibodies. This signals that the infection is likely to continue. Therefore, some doctors recommend taking tests for antibodies to chlamydia for control. However, this method is inferior to seeding in terms of accuracy and can only be used if seeding is not possible for some reason.

Also, for analyzes before treatment, the method of direct immunofluorescence is used ( mutual fund): special luminous marks are attached to the surface of chlamydia, clearly visible under a microscope. But after treatment, this method is also unable to answer the question of whether the detected microbes are alive.

- When should I take repeated tests after chlamydia treatment?

- Control tests are usually taken in two approaches: immediately after treatment and then after another 1-3 months. However, according to some doctors, tests after three months do not make sense. When, after treatment for chlamydia, control tests are taken later than 3 months, they can already show not the “remnants” of the past chlamydia, but re-infection.

- What to do if the control tests showed that chlamydia remained?

- If there is chlamydia in the culture after treatment, then it is necessary first of all to figure out whether it is an untreated old chlamydia, or a new infection.

If the patient's permanent partner is healthy and the patient also had no casual relationships, then most likely we are talking about a relapse of chlamydia. In this case, repeated treatment is necessary - possibly longer and with other drugs. Before choosing a drug, the doctor determines which antibiotic will work best for chlamydia in a particular patient.

Alcohol and sex after treatment

Can I drink alcohol after chlamydia treatment?

- Yes, after the treatment of chlamydia there is no strict ban on alcohol. But we are only talking about moderate consumption of alcohol! After antibiotics, the liver can be weakened, and drugs are often prescribed to restore it. Therefore, it is highly undesirable for the liver to be given an additional blow with a large amount of alcohol.

When can I have sex after chlamydia treatment?

This means that sex should not be practiced until follow-up tests confirm complete recovery.

If a partner has untreated chlamydia, then sexual intercourse should be stopped until both partners are completely cured

pregnancy after chlamydia

- Are there possible problems with pregnancy with undertreated chlamydia?

- Yes, untreated chlamydia in women is a common cause of infertility, ectopic pregnancy and miscarriages, because it can lead to inflammation and the formation of adhesions from the connective tissue in the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes).

- Is it possible to give birth to a healthy child after getting rid of chlamydia?

- Of course you can. But for this, both partners need to be treated conscientiously and in a timely manner - i.e. before serious complications in the genitals begin. Only then there are chances to become parents of a healthy baby. Remember: you can not delay the treatment of chlamydia.

When can I get pregnant after chlamydia treatment?

- You can start planning a pregnancy only when the couple has passed control tests for chlamydia and their results are negative. If something is wrong in the analyzes, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations and continue treatment, if necessary. So - to postpone pregnancy until complete recovery.

What to do if chlamydia is found during pregnancy?

- If chlamydia is detected in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to drink antibiotics against this infection, which are allowed during gestation. There are drugs that do not have a harmful effect on the fetus - they will help prevent infection of the fetus and membranes.

If the infection has already been transmitted to the fetus (signs of intrauterine infection are visible on ultrasound), then the more it is necessary to be treated with antibiotics in order to avoid disruption of the growth and development of the fetus.

What happens if chlamydia is not treated during pregnancy?

- Untreated chlamydia in a pregnant woman can lead to premature birth and infection of the child with chlamydia - either directly during pregnancy or at birth.

Infection of the fetus during pregnancy interferes with its growth and development, and can even lead to the death of the child or premature birth. A child born with an intrauterine infection is weakened, suffers from chlamydial pneumonia, and has a low body weight. Infection with chlamydia in newborns during childbirth also threatens with the development of pneumonia and chlamydial conjunctivitis (eye damage).

Infection of the fetus during pregnancy interferes with its growth and development, and can even lead to the death of the child or premature birth.

Despite the fact that chlamydia is a rather serious infection, it is not the end of a healthy and fulfilling life. With proper and timely treatment, chlamydia can be completely eliminated. However, immediately after treatment, you can not "relax" - a very important step in the fight against chlamydia is to control the cure. Therefore, when the course of medication is over, you need to follow all the additional instructions of the doctor, pass control tests, and only then return to your usual life.

One of these diseases is chlamydia, a very dangerous disease, as it can be asymptomatic for a long time and have irreversible consequences for the health of an adult and a child.

To ensure their safety, each person needs to know what is chlamydia and how to treat it?

Basically, infection occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse. are extremely rare, since these bacteria are not able to live outside the host cells. It is also possible to infect a child from a sick mother during childbirth.

The incubation period for the development of bacteria ranges from seven to thirty days. It all depends on the specific organism, on how strong the resistance of its immune system is. During this period, no symptoms may not appear.

In medicine, there are two types of the disease. Depending on the time of infection, chlamydia can occur in:

  • acute form - with such a course, only the bottom of the urethra is affected;
  • chronic form - with this development of the disease, the entire genitourinary tract is completely affected.

In men, when infected, along with the urethra, the prostate gland or seminal vesicles are affected.

Women with infection feel the symptoms of other diseases of the urinary tract.

In a newborn child with a disease, a lesion occurs, and the nasopharynx.

Important! When a person becomes ill, antibodies to these bacteria are not formed. That is, even with complete cure of the disease, the risk of re-infection remains.

What danger is the disease

The greatest danger to human health are all sorts of complications that develop during infection.

Among women complications are manifested by the following diseases:

  • cervicitis;
  • urethritis;
  • increased hemorrhagic cystitis;
  • endometritis or the development of inflammation of the endometrium in the uterus;
  • the process of inflammation in the Bartholin glands;
  • various inflammations in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes develops;
  • chronic pain occurs in the area of ​​the pelvic organs;
  • infertility;
  • there is a risk of developing inflammation in the liver.

Among women, infected during gestation, the following problems may occur:

In men The consequences of infection are diseases such as:

  • Urethritis;
  • orchiepididymitis;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Infertility.

In a newborn baby the following diseases appear:

  • the likelihood of health problems in a premature baby;
  • conjunctivitis, according to statistics, develops in every second newborn who was born to an infected woman;
  • various infections of the nasopharynx;
  • - an inflammatory process in the lungs, which is in the nature of an infection;
  • otitis.

Is the disease curable

Often patients ask whether chlamydia is treated or not and why is chlamydia incurable? The statement about the incurability of the disease is erroneous, because it is possible to get rid of chlamydia.

Effective treatment of chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia trachomatis) is possible if it is detected at an early stage.

Then you can get rid of it in one or three weeks. This is possible thanks to an effective course of special medications and the advice of an experienced specialist.

It is much more difficult to determine how to cure chlamydia when the preliminary course of treatment was incorrect.

If not properly treated, the disease progresses to a chronic stage.. This is due to the fact that with prolonged drug treatment in an organism weakened by antibiotics, its immune-compensatory reserves are simply not depleted.

When receiving results with a positive test for chlamydia, each patient asks the following questions: what and how to treat chlamydia and is it possible to cure chlamydia forever?

Effective therapy for chlamydia is quite possible with a properly selected treatment regimen and the use of drugs in combination.

Before starting therapy, it is imperative to visit a specialist in order to make a correct diagnosis. Without high-quality preliminary diagnosis, therapy is unacceptable.

Important! The course of treatment for chlamydia will be effective and will bring results only when both sexual partners are examined and treated.

Symptoms of chlamydia and methods of its diagnosis

If chlamydia is present in the body, then the following manifestations are possible:

If any symptoms of chlamydia appear, treatment should be started immediately to avoid possible complications.

Chlamydia is not diagnosed by smear examination. According to the results of this analysis, the specialist can only assume the presence or absence of chlamydia in the body.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to go through a number of other surveys:

  1. cultural sowing, also known as sowing on MS-sow medium, is the fundamental method that gives the most truthful picture of the presence of these bacteria in the body. The procedure is quite time-consuming and lengthy, but the results obtained in the end are the most accurate.
  2. ELISA And REEF methods - will allow not only to accurately diagnose, but also, with a positive result, to determine the stage of the course of chlamydia.
  3. DNA diagnostics (PCR) - this method allows you to 100% detect chlamydia present in the body. The method is effective even when the number of bacteria in the body is minimal. According to the results, not only the existing, but also the previously transferred infection is determined.

Important! In practice, chlamydia develops in the body with fairly normal total smear results in eight out of ten patients.

How to get rid of chlamydia

After the procedures for determining chlamydia in the body are carried out, it is necessary to receive recommendations from an experienced specialist on what and how to treat chlamydia.

The doctor will determine how to treat chlamydia and prescribe the right course of therapy.

Self-medication is unacceptable, because it can provoke dangerous complications. This is due to the ability of bacteria to adapt to drug treatment. They also have the ability to hide from medications.

A medical worker develops a course of treatment for chlamydia. Treatment is selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of a particular organism.

Mixed therapy is always prescribed during treatment. It includes the following:

  • a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • certain nutrition;
  • a variety of immunostimulants that support the immune system during the period of the disease and thereby help to transfer it in a milder form;
  • multivitamin complexes;
  • refusal of sexual intercourse;
  • complete exception.

For local effects and symptom relief, a specialist may prescribe antibacterial ointment from chlamydia.

How to treat: Dosing regimen

Often patients ask the question: is it possible to cure chlamydia completely the first time? This is quite possible provided timely diagnosis and treatment.

The main emphasis in treatment is placed on antibacterial drugs. Depending on the specific type of infection and its form (acute or chronic), the specialist sets the duration and single dose of their intake.

To determine the specific drug for treatment, it is necessary to make an antibiogram. This will determine the degree of influence of a particular drug on bacteria.

As a rule, a similar scheme for the treatment of chlamydia is used:

A group of drugs against bacteria Name of the drug Single dosage How many times a day to take Number of days of admission
TetracyclinesDoxycycline0,1 2 7
macrolidesErythromycin or Erythrocin 500 mg4 7
Azithromycin or Hemomycin 500 mg1 1
Josamycin and Clarithromycin 750 mg3 7
FluoroquinolonesOfloxacin300 mg2 7
Levofloxacin500 mg1 10-14
Lomefloxacin400 mg1 10
Spiramycin3 million units3 7
Sparfloxacin200 mgon the first day 2, from the second 1 7
Ciprofloxacin500 mg2 7
Norfloxacin400 mg2 7-10


Do not immediately start treatment with drugs from the fluoroquinol group. These are drugs of the reserve group and are prescribed only when all other antibiotics are ineffective or the form of chlamydia is chronic.

Even after a course of antibiotic treatment, it is not always possible to defeat chlamydia, but satisfactory tests should not reassure you either. Of course, it is the latent or mild symptoms that create difficulties in the early diagnosis of chlamydial infection, but it is possible to cure it without the development of bacterial carriage, only this will require the help of experienced specialists. Patients, when a venereal infection is detected, try to get by with dubious home methods, which only complicates the course of the disease and translates it into a chronic form that is difficult to treat.

If chlamydia is detected in one of the family members, not only sexual partners are examined, but also all relatives living with the carrier in the same area. Chlamydia can also be transmitted through close household contact. Joking with chlamydial infection is dangerous for health, because it is she who most often provokes the development of inflammation of the appendages, adhesive processes and infertility.

How does chlamydia present?

Despite the difficulties in diagnosing chlamydia, certain manifestations of the disease can still be seen. In men, the symptoms of chlamydia are more pronounced than in women. A few weeks after sexual contact, the first signs of the disease appear:

  • Burning, pain when urinating
  • Clear discharge from the urethra, especially in the morning
  • Erection disorders.

Men with chlamydia often present with prostatitis, impaired spermatogenesis, and infertility. In women, chlamydia often leads to inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes,. Especially dangerous is the latent form of infection, which poses a real threat to the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn fetus. During childbirth, 40-50% of newborns become infected with chlamydia. For children, such an infection can result in the development of chlamydial pneumonia (with a high probability of mortality), conjunctivitis, respiratory arrest, and encephalopathy.

Women in the presence of chlamydia may complain of mucopurulent discharge from the genital tract, painful urination, abdominal pain, aggravated during menstruation. If a patient suffers from chronic cystitis, candidiasis, then she may perceive the symptoms of chlamydia as an exacerbation of existing infectious diseases and not rush to go to the clinic.

We can cure chlamydia!

Treatment in addition to antibiotics may include the use of:

  • Antifungals
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Immunostimulators
  • Local remedies that relieve itching, burning, swelling and reduce the amount of discharge from the urethra and vagina.

The success of treatment depends largely on the patient himself. Patients should follow the prescription of prescribed drugs and medical recommendations as accurately as possible, and when the first symptoms of pathology appear, immediately undergo a series of diagnostic studies and treatment procedures. At the initial stage, chlamydia is treatable with properly selected antibiotic therapy. The main thing is not to waste time and seek medical help in a timely manner.

Our specialists

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How to cure ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasmosis is by far one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. But ureaplasma can be transmitted to newborn children during childbirth, with close household contacts. However, the insidiousness of the microorganism lies in the latent course of the disease. Sometimes ureaplasmas are in the human body for years, without giving obvious signs of infection, while the person is an active carrier of the disease and can infect his sexual partners and people with whom he closely communicates in everyday life.

How many patients, having seen a positive result for the presence of chlamydia, begin to rush about in fear and look for the answer to the questions: "Is it possible to completely cure chlamydia? Are chlamydia curable?"

I would like to immediately console the patients infected with the Chlamidia trachomatis virus that there is no lethal outcome from this sexually transmitted disease. This is not such a terrible disease as syphilis, which affects the brain in severe cases. These microorganisms, represented by several serotypes, behave much more modestly in the body, but their activity becomes especially noticeable when immunity is weakened or the desire to become pregnant. This infection is hidden, which is why doctors often hear the question of a protracted illness, is it possible to cure chlamydia forever.

Doctors say with confidence that chlamydia is curable, but you can think about a speedy recovery only if you go to the clinic in a timely manner. Some patients hear only the first part of the answer, so they are in no hurry to start treatment, and then wander endlessly from one specialist to another in the hope of finding out if chlamydia can be cured when the disease has already acquired a chronic form. And again, the answer will be in the affirmative, because even chronic chlamydia is cured completely, only more efforts will have to be made to get better.

Is this a life sentence?

There is an opinion that no matter how much you treat chlamydia, anyway, at the slightest failure in the body, the infection is again detected and the disease remains forever. Based on such statements, some patients refuse to treat the disease, believing that chlamydia is incurable. So why do some still have to draw such disappointing conclusions and go through the pitch hell of treatment for the Chlamidia trachomatis virus for a long time and completely to no avail?

Patients who find themselves chlamydial infection in the early stages of the development of the disease can forget about the disease within 1-3 weeks. To do this, it is enough to undergo a course of effective treatment from an experienced specialist who helps people with the answer to the question: is chlamydia completely cured? It is more difficult to cure someone who falls into the hands of such a specialist who illiterately draws up a course of therapy. Then, instead of the supposed improvement, the transition of the disease to a chronic form is observed.

With prolonged treatment, the immune-compensatory reserves of the organism weakened by antibiotics are completely depleted. In such cases, it is possible to cure chlamydia only by adding immunomodulatory drugs to the main complex of drugs to fight viruses.

You should not set yourself up in advance for a sad outcome of treatment and think that chlamydia is incurable. It all depends on the desire to become healthy. Even a bad doctor who failed to overcome the disease the first time can be replaced.

How to defeat the disease forever?

What kind of malicious words are not thrown by patients against such tiny microorganisms as Chlamidia trachomatis. Infection, filth, abomination, rubbish... This list can be even more extensive, because the number of infected patients is added every day, and the complications from the infection become more and more. Despite the huge amount of information about the disease, only after discovering an infection, everyone tries with the hope to find out whether chlamydia is completely cured or this scourge will be mentioned in every test result all his life, trailing behind like a tail.

There are cases when microorganisms are very resistant to the most powerful drugs used in the treatment. But even in this case, there is no doubt whether chlamydia is cured forever, because by choosing a comprehensive treatment regimen, it will be possible to get rid of the infection in several courses.

Remember, chlamydia can only be completely cured if all sexual partners who have been in contact with an infected patient are also treated. In order to permanently get rid of chlamydia, both spouses need to undergo treatment at the same time, but at the same time, each must receive their own prescription from a doctor in order to purchase medicines individually for themselves. In no case should treatment be carried out without diagnosis. Sometimes these bacteria coexist with other intractable sexually transmitted diseases.

A one-time contact may not always end in a disease that everyone is so afraid of. But in order to exclude the disease in the future, it is imperative to use a condom or other barrier methods of contraception during intimate contacts with people who cause mistrust, although it is best to have a permanent sexual partner, then you will not have to wake up in a dream with fear, thinking whether it is possible to cure chlamydia ?

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