Yarina plus menstruation ahead of time. Yarina: clear instructions. How to use Yarina for the first time

One of the most common side effects while taking contraceptives is the appearance of bleeding at the wrong phase of the cycle. They can be released in different volumes and have a different consistency, ranging from liquid and translucent to dark blood clots.

pharmachologic effect
Contraceptive and estrogen-gestagenic action.

Yarina tablets are no exception: every third woman taking this low-dose drug has experienced unusual bleeding in the middle or end of the cycle. In what situations is this symptom normal, and when should you sound the alarm?

Why does spotting occur?

Spotting discharge with blood impurities, which in everyday life is often called "daub", occurs in about half of women taking oral contraceptives. Most of them forget about this problem after one or two months, but in some cases, these discharges can remain for six months or more. The appearance of spotting bleeding is associated with the amount of hormones in a woman's body, and it is quite natural during the period of adaptation.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels are constantly in motion, rising in the initial phase and falling in the middle. Unlike the natural level of estrogen in the blood, its amount in modern oral contraceptives is constant and low throughout the entire cycle. Since the body believes that there is not enough estrogen, it begins the process of rejection of the endometrium ahead of time - hence the pink, bloody or brown discharge.

Allocations of this type can not only “smear”: sometimes they resemble ordinary menstruation, scanty and quickly ending. Regardless of the consistency, bleeding during adaptation to the drug cannot be too profuse, and also does not last longer than two or three days.

Most often, spotting bleeding occurs while taking microdosed drugs, such as Jess, Novinet, Mercilon and others. These contraceptives contain the lowest dose of estrogen, and sometimes the body may consider their amount insufficient even after the adaptation period is over. Low-dose drugs with a higher dose of estrogen are less likely to show this effect, so many women while taking Yarina may not notice spotting in themselves.

When else is spotting normal?

Uncharacteristic bleeding while taking oral contraceptives can speak not only about the adaptation of the body to a new level of estrogen. There are a number of other normal causes for spotting bleeding that don't require you to see a doctor!

At the start of a new package

When the break or placebo pill ends and the cycle starts again, the body can get rid of unnecessary endometrium for a few more days. After menstrual bleeding, part of the discharge may remain in the uterus, and leave it a little later: this phenomenon explains the bleeding two to three days after the end of menstruation.

During ovulation

Toward the middle of a pack of birth control pills, when ovulation should begin in the body, various types of bleeding may appear. In this phase of the cycle, the body requires the highest level of estrogen, and its lack can lead to premature rejection of the endometrium. It can be spotting or regular bleeding that resembles menstruation, but regardless of consistency, it never lasts longer than three days and is never too heavy.

With no break between packs

Birth control pills can be taken continuously to avoid menstruation at an inconvenient moment. Many women adjust their cycles in this way, removing periods from their schedule during vacations or important holidays. However, often with this administration of the drug, spotting, bloody or brown, occurs.

Such an effect can manifest itself both when taking Yarina, and while taking any other oral contraceptive: the specific drug is not important, this reaction depends on the body of a particular woman who is not ready to continue the cycle. This symptom can ruin a woman's plans, but it is not dangerous.

When is spotting dangerous?

In addition to natural, there are also pathological causes of bleeding while taking Yarina and other contraceptives. Some of them may not be dangerous to health, but they create the risk of unwanted pregnancy and even hormonal failure.

What could be the cause of pathological bleeding when taking OK?

Inappropriate drug

The most common cause of abnormal spotting is the wrong drug. If a woman has been taking pills for more than six months, but the unpleasant symptom has not disappeared, most likely, the dosage of the hormone in this remedy is not suitable for her, and a new contraceptive must be selected. Depending on the phase in which the spotting appears, the cause may lie in different hormones: discharge at the beginning of the cycle indicates a lack of estrogen, and at the end - a lack of progestogen in the body.

Decreased contraceptive effect

Bloody discharge when taking Yarina, which occurs at the wrong phase of the cycle, may indicate an insufficient level of contraception. Most often, it decreases due to missing pills: if a day or more has passed since the required moment of administration, and the pill has not been drunk, brown spotting bleeding may begin. If this symptom occurs, it is necessary to take care of additional contraception before starting a new cycle.

Also, the intake of alcohol and certain drugs can reduce the contraceptive effect, a complete list of which can be found in the instructions for oral contraceptives.


The appearance of bleeding while taking oral contraceptives may not be related to the drug in any way: often spotting occurs for completely different reasons associated with various diseases. The case may be in endometriosis, uterine fibroids, inflammatory and infectious diseases of various origins. Any of these diseases are accompanied by additional symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, burning, itching, or an unpleasant odor.


If you start spotting in the middle of your cycle but don't have menstrual-like bleeding at the right time, the cause may be early in your pregnancy. In addition to the absence of menstruation, this condition is characterized by swelling and pain in the chest, increased drowsiness, nausea, and general weakness. Taking oral contraceptives during pregnancy is very dangerous, so if you suspect that it could still come, you should do a test as soon as possible.

Most often, spotting while taking Yarina and other OKs is a completely natural phenomenon for the female body. But, if you suspect a pathological cause, immediately consult a gynecologist: you can’t joke with the health of the reproductive system.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Composition and form of release

A drug Yarina available in the form of film-coated tablets. The active substances that make up the drug are ethinylestradiol at a dosage of 30 mg, and drospirenone at a dosage of 3 mg. One package of the drug contains 21 tablets.

How does Yarina work?

Yarina is a combined remedy, as it contains two sex hormones - estrogen and gestagen. In addition, the drug is low-dose (low doses of hormones) and monophasic (all tablets contain the same amount of hormones).

Yarina's ability to prevent pregnancy is based on two mechanisms - suppression of ovulation (egg maturation) and a change in the properties of the secret (mucus) located in the cervix. The thick mucus of the cervix becomes an obstacle to the penetration of spermatozoa.

In addition, taking Yarina helps to establish the menstrual cycle (if it is irregular). Pain during menstruation decreases, bleeding becomes less intense (this fact reduces the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia).

Other beneficial effects of Yarina are antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic actions. The hormone drospirenone has this effect - it reduces fluid retention in the body, reduces swelling, so that body weight does not increase. The antiandrogenic effect is the ability of the drug to reduce the symptoms of acne (acne) and regulate the production of sebum by the skin and hair (reduces seborrhea).

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of tablets is the prevention of unwanted pregnancy.


Yarina should not be used for the following diseases or conditions:
1. Thrombosis of veins or arteries, and thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels by blood clots), circulatory disorders of the brain.
2. Conditions that can lead to thrombosis are angina pectoris, transient cerebrovascular accidents, uncontrolled high blood pressure, major surgery with prolonged bed rest.
3. Migraine, manifested ever before, or at present, accompanied by focal neurological symptoms (impaired vision, sensitivity, speech).
4. Diabetes mellitus, accompanied by vascular complications.
5. Smoking if the woman's age is more than 35 years.
6. Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), accompanied by an increase in triglycerides in the blood (currently or earlier).
7. Severe liver disease or liver failure, liver tumors.
8. Renal failure - severe form or acute course.
9. Hormone-dependent malignant diseases of various organs, including genital ones, present at the moment, or suspicion of them.
10. Bleeding from the vagina, the cause of which is not known.
11. Pregnancy, lactation or suspected pregnancy.
12. Hypersensitivity to substances included in the composition birth control pills.

Conditions for which caution should be exercised

There are conditions and diseases during which Yarina should be taken with caution. In such cases, the risks and expected benefits of taking the medicine in each patient are carefully weighed. These diseases must be reported to the doctor before prescribing the drug. These include:
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism).
  • Angioedema.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Elevated levels of triglycerides (such as cholesterol) in the blood.
  • postpartum period.
  • Diseases associated with circulatory disorders (diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, sickle cell anemia, Crohn's disease, etc.).
  • Diseases that occurred during pregnancy, or during a previous dose hormonal contraceptives.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, Yarina is contraindicated. If pregnancy is detected while taking the drug, you should stop the course and immediately consult a doctor. During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to take the medicine, since its components can change the composition and properties of breast milk, as well as reduce its amount.

Side effects

  • The most common side effect when taking oral contraceptives is the occurrence of irregular bleeding from the vagina. They may appear as spotting or breakthrough bleeding. Most often they occur within the first three months.
  • Other side effects associated with taking Yarina may be soreness, engorgement or discharge from the mammary glands, as well as vaginal discharge.
  • On the part of the nervous system, there may be changes such as headache, mood swings or depression, decreased or increased libido, migraine.
    Digestive disorders may present as nausea, abdominal pain, and, less commonly, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Sometimes when taking Yarina, intolerance to contact lenses appears, there are unpleasant sensations while wearing them.
  • Metabolic disorders are manifested by a change in body weight - more often an increase, less often - its decrease, fluid retention in the body.
  • Skin manifestations of hypersensitivity to the drug are represented by urticaria, rash, less often by the appearance of erythema nodosum.
  • Like others contraceptives with a hormonal composition, in rare cases, when taking Yarina, the development of thrombosis or thromboembolism is possible.


The most common symptoms of an overdose of Yarina may be nausea, vomiting, uterine bleeding in the form of spotting or metrorrhagia. In case of an overdose of the drug, and the appearance of its symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment is usually symptomatic.

How to take Yarina?

It is necessary to take the drug 1 time per day, each time at the same time, drinking a tablet with a small amount of water. For convenience, each tablet is marked with the day of the week on which it must be taken. The tablets should be taken in the order indicated by the arrow. When all the tablets are taken, it is necessary to take a break of 7 days. During these 7 days (most often on day 2-3) menstruation (or withdrawal bleeding) begins. After a 7-day break, start taking the next pack of the drug. Thus, the intake of each package will begin on the same day of the week.

The first package of Yarina

1. In the case when no contraceptive containing hormones has been used in the previous month, it is best to start taking Yarina on the first day of menstruation. From the package, you must select a tablet marked with the corresponding day of the week. Then you should drink them in the order indicated by the arrow. It is also allowed to start taking on the 2nd-5th day of the cycle, in this case, during the first 7 days of taking the tablets, additional methods of contraception (for example, a condom) should be used.

2. If it is necessary to switch to taking Yarina with other combined oral contraceptives, the first tablet is taken without interruption. Thus, if the previous remedy contained 28 tablets, Yarina's intake is started after the last active tablet is drunk, but no later than the day the last inactive one is taken. If the product contained 21 tablets, Yarina is taken no later than the next day after a 7-day break.

3. In the case of using a vaginal ring or hormonal patch, Yarina's intake is started on the day they were removed, but no later than the day the next ring is inserted or the patch is pasted.

4. If, before taking Yarina, products containing only progestogen (mini-drinks) were used, their reception can be interrupted on any day and you can start drinking Yarina. In this case, it is necessary to use a barrier method of protection during the first week.

5. When switching to Yarina from injections, an implant or an intrauterine device Mirena, pills are started on the day when it was supposed to make the next injection, remove the implant or intrauterine contraceptive. After that, for 7 days, in addition to Yarina, barrier methods of contraception are used.

In case of violations of the liver, the drug should not be taken until the indicators characterizing liver function (liver tests) return to normal.

Pi violation of the kidneys should be careful, as the drug is contraindicated in acute or severe renal failure.

Interaction with other drugs

There are a number of drugs that can reduce the effectiveness of Yarina. These include drugs:
  • for the treatment of epilepsy (such as phenytoin, barbiturates, topiramate, carbamazepine and others);
  • for the treatment of tuberculosis (rifampicin);
  • for the treatment of HIV infection (eg, nevirapine, ritonavir);
  • antibiotics (tetracyclines, penicillin, griseofulvin);
  • St. John's wort (used to treat depressed mood).
In turn, taking Yarina may affect the metabolism of other drugs (in particular, lamotrigine, cyclosporine).

You should always tell the doctor who prescribed Yarin what medications are already being taken. In addition, you should inform other doctors (including dentists) who prescribe other medications about taking Yarina. In addition, it is necessary to tell the pharmacist who sells medicines in the pharmacy about this.

In some cases, it may be necessary to use additional barrier agents to protect against unwanted pregnancies.

Special instructions for use

1. Before you start taking Yarina, you must undergo a medical examination to identify contraindications and restrictions on admission. The examination must necessarily include a general medical examination with measurement of blood pressure, pulse, determination of body mass index, gynecological examination, examination of the mammary glands, Papanicolaou test (examination of scraping of the cervical mucosa). Also, the doctor may prescribe other additional studies.

2. It is important to remember that when taking combined oral contraceptives, the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism increases. Therefore, before taking the drug, it is necessary to weigh the expected risk and possible benefit.

3. There is also evidence of more frequent detection of cervical cancer and breast cancer with long-term use of combined oral contraceptives. Perhaps this is due to a more thorough and regular examination of women taking them.

5. With Quincke's edema of a hereditary nature, the substances that make up Yarina can worsen the symptoms of this disease.

6. The effectiveness of the drug Yarina may decrease in three cases - when you miss a pill, indigestion, or as a result of interaction with other drugs.

7. It should be remembered that Yarina is not a means of protecting against infection with AIDS (HIV infection) and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Menstruation while taking Yarina

Menstruation occurs during a week break, most often on the 2-3rd day, approximately on the same day of the week (provided that it is taken correctly). If desired, it is possible to change the day of the appearance of menstruation. To delay the onset of menstruation, you should not take a 7-day break, but start taking the next pack of pills after the end of the current one. You can take the pills until the package runs out or, if desired, stop taking it on any day (then menstruation will begin). While taking the tablets from the second package, spotting or bleeding is likely. The next package of Yarina is taken after a break of 7 days, as usual.

To change the day of the beginning of menstruation, it is necessary to shorten the 7-day break in the reception. Thus, menstruation will begin earlier. If the break was less than 3 days, menstruation may not begin, but instead bleeding or spotting may occur while taking the next pack of Yarina.

Spotting or bleeding while taking - what to do?

Very often, when taking Yarina, spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur. Such bleeding or discharge is irregular and is not associated with a break in taking Yarina. Most often, discharge occurs during the first three menstrual cycles, and is a sign of the body's adaptation to the contraceptive. Therefore, you should continue taking Yarina using personal hygiene products. In the case when the discharge does not stop after 3 months, becomes abundant, or reappears after stopping, you should consult a doctor for an examination.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

When taking Yarina, the doctor must be visited regularly - at least once a year, for preventive examinations.

A doctor should be visited as soon as possible if the following situations occur:
1. With any changes in health, especially conditions in which the remedy is used with caution, or in which it is contraindicated.
2. If a limited seal appears in the mammary gland.
3. If necessary, take other medicines.
4. If there is a long immobility, bed rest - for example, as in the case of a cast or surgery.
5. When there is vaginal bleeding that is heavier or more profuse than usual.
6. In case of missing a pill in the first week of taking it, if there was sexual intercourse in the previous 7 days.
7. If menstruation did not occur 2 times in a row, or there was a suspicion of pregnancy.

Yarin's contraceptive pills have a special composition, which causes them an increased interest of gynecologists and their patients. This is a modern high-quality hormonal contraceptive that does not have many side effects of other combined oral contraceptives (COCs). It is produced in Germany by a large company Bayer Pharma.

The composition of Yarin includes two components for hormonal contraception - ethinylestradiol (estrogenic) and drospirenone (gestagen) in a low dosage (30 μg and 3 mg, respectively). The drug is a monophasic contraceptive, that is, in all the tablets of the package, the ratio of these active ingredients does not change.

Against the background of admission, the likelihood of pregnancy is the same as with other low-dose COCs. The number of unplanned pregnancies during the year among 100 women does not exceed 1. If the patient complies with all the rules for using the drug, the probability of conception approaches 1:500.

Hormonal pills Yarin prevent pregnancy by combining the following effects:

  • suppression of ovulation;
  • an increase in the viscosity of the mucus of the cervical canal, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus;
  • inhibition of cyclic processes occurring during the cycle in the endometrium; this creates conditions unfavorable for the implantation of the egg, even if it has been fertilized.

Thus, the drug affects many of the processes necessary for conception, so it effectively prevents pregnancy.

Additional healing effects:

  • restoration of regular menstruation;
  • reduction of pain during menstruation;
  • reduction in the amount of blood lost during menstrual or intermenstrual bleeding;
  • prevention of iron deficiency anemia in women;
  • reduced risk of ovarian and uterine cancer.

There is nothing unusual about Yarina's estrogenic component, ethinyl estradiol. It is necessary for the regulation of the ovaries. Its presence in the composition of the drug causes some typical side effects of COCs, for example, a tendency to thrombosis of the veins.

The peculiarity of the remedy is in its progestogen component. Drospirenone, unlike levonorgestrel and other similar substances, has additional activity:

  • has an effect similar to the drug spironolactone; that is, it is a weak diuretic that preserves potassium in the body, but at the same time prevents the appearance of edema and other signs of premenstrual syndrome;
  • does not cause an increase in body weight with prolonged use;
  • has an antiandrogenic effect: it prevents or treats acne, excessive oiliness of the skin and hair, hirsutism (appearance of hairs on the face).

These features determine the group of patients for whom Yarina is most suitable. They have the following symptoms:

  • swelling, irritability, migraine and other signs of premenstrual syndrome;
  • hirsutism phenomena - acne, excessive greasiness of hair and skin, the appearance of unwanted hairs on the face, seborrhea.

Indications for taking Yarina - the need for hormonal contraception. It can be prescribed even to young girls who have begun their menstrual cycle, without changing the dose and regimen. After menopause, when there are no cycles, you do not need to use Yarina.

To simulate the natural menstrual cycle, the drug is taken 21 days in a row, 1 tablet. It is advisable to do this at the same time of day, regardless of the meal. After 3 weeks of use, a break of 7 days is necessary.

On what day do menstruation begin when taking Yarin?

Menstruation starts in 2-3 days. Even if they have not stopped by the end of the week break, the 3-week course is started again. In this case, it is not necessary to open a new package, since the content of hormones in all tablets is the same. However, it is more convenient to start using the drug from the next package, so as not to get confused and prevent skipping the pill.

If menstruation does not end within 2 days after the resumption of the course of tablets, you should consult a doctor.

In the first months of using the drug, some women experience irregular spotting. Adaptation occurs within 3 months of use. If after that the regular cycle has not recovered, you need to contact a gynecologist.

It is especially important to consult a doctor in time if, after several normal cycles, irregular discharge reappears. In such a situation, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy and malignant tumors of the genital organs.

Pregnancy after Yarina may occur in the next cycle after the next menstruation.

About how to take Yarina for the first time, the doctor who prescribed it should tell. There are also detailed instructions in the instructions for use.

You can end your appointment at any time. If pregnancy is not planned, other contraceptive methods should be started.

If the patient forgot to take a pill, the resumption of the use of the medicine depends on how much time has passed since the necessary but missed dose.

The rules for resuming protection are determined by which week of admission the unplanned break occurred.

  1. Take the pill as soon as possible. If the patient forgot to use the drug on the previous day, then you will need to take 2 tablets at once (“forgotten” and another).
  2. Drink subsequent tablets as usual.
  3. Within a week after this, you must use condoms during sexual intercourse.
  4. It must be borne in mind that pregnancy can also occur if there was sexual intercourse during the previous week before missing the pill.
  1. The basic rules are the same as when skipping the 1st week.
  2. If the patient took the drug correctly before the unplanned break during the week, additional contraception is not needed.
  3. If during the week before the missed the drug was taken in violation of the regimen, as well as if more than one tablet was missed, it is necessary to resume the usual daily intake and use condoms for the next week.

At this time, the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy increases. However, if there were no violations in the regimen during the week before the admission, additional contraception is not needed. Otherwise, the patient chooses one of two options:

  1. Start taking the medicine as soon as possible, one tablet per day. In this case, do not take a break between packages. In this case, menstruation will not occur. Only small spotting may appear. After completing the next pack, take the usual week-long break.
  2. Do not take pills for a week, including the "missed" day. This will cause menstruation. After 7 days, start using the medicine from the new package. If after the abolition of Yarina there is no menstruation, it is necessary to consult a doctor, pregnancy may have occurred.

Vomiting or diarrhea in the first 4 hours after taking the pill is considered to be missed. In this case, you need to focus on the rules above, depending on the week in which this happened.

With the help of the drug, you can shift the timing of the start of the next menstruation. This property can be used in exceptional cases, for example, when traveling to the sea or before a responsible sports performance.

  • To prevent menstruation in the current month, Yarina is not canceled after taking the entire package. Immediately, without a week's break, the medication from the next package begins. It can be continued for the required number of days, up to 21. 1-2 days after the end of the use of the medicine, menstruation will begin. In addition, spotting or short-term menstrual-like bleeding is possible while using the second package. The contraceptive effect is not reduced.
  • To postpone your period a few days earlier, you should shorten the break between packs by the required number of days in advance. After the completion of the second package, menstruation will begin, that is, menstruation will come as many days earlier as the “free” interval between packages was shorter.

6 out of 100 women who take Yarina experience nausea. With the same frequency, patients have chest pain. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. You may need to select another contraceptive.

The most dangerous side effects are thrombosis, that is, blockage of arteries or veins.

In 1-10% of cases, the following side effects are observed:

  • unstable mood, depression, weakening of sexual desire;
  • migraine headache;
  • irregular bleeding from the vagina.

The development of thrombosis occurs in one in 10,000 women or less. In this case, such pathological conditions may appear:

  • thrombosis of the veins of the extremities;
  • thromboembolism of pulmonary vessels;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic stroke.

In large studies and in practice, conditions have been identified that may be somehow associated with taking Yarina, but occur extremely rarely when using this drug:

  • a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer (for patients older than 40 years);
  • an increase in the likelihood of liver tumors of a benign or malignant nature;
  • the appearance of erythema nodosum - rounded nodes, usually located on the front surfaces of the legs;
  • pancreatitis with a simultaneous high content of triglycerides in the blood;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased symptoms in hereditary angioedema;
  • dysfunction of the liver;
  • worsening of the course of diabetes;
  • ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease (intestinal disease);
  • chloasma (dark spots on the skin);
  • manifestations of intolerance, for example, skin allergic rash.

No negative effect on the fetus during early pregnancy was found. However, if this condition is suspected, the medication should be stopped.

For the drug Yarina there are such contraindications:

  • previous vascular thrombosis, including deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke;
  • transferred transient ischemic attack;
  • ischemic heart disease, including angina pectoris;
  • migraine with the appearance of focal neurological symptoms (impaired movements, sensitivity, smell, speech, etc.);
  • diabetes complicated by micro- or macroangiopathy (vascular damage);
  • factors that increase the risk of vascular thrombosis: atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease, high blood pressure, surgery with prolonged bed rest or limb immobility, and smoking in women over 35 years of age;
  • pancreatitis, accompanied by an increase in the level of triglycerides in the blood;
  • liver disease with altered liver tests (ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin);
  • liver tumors;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • a malignant tumor of the genital organs or the mammary gland, or suspicion of them;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • suspicion of pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • individual intolerance.

When the listed conditions appear against the background of taking Yarina, it must be immediately canceled.

This COC can be taken for fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and other non-tumor diseases of the genital organs.

Some medicines can reduce the contraceptive effectiveness of the medicine.

  • phenytoin;
  • drugs from the barbiturate group;
  • carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine;
  • rifampicin and rifabutin;
  • topiramate or felbamate;
  • griseofulvin;
  • products based on St. John's wort;
  • some medicines for the treatment of HIV infection.

Special rules must be observed when taking antibiotics such as penicillins (Amoxiclav, Oxacillin, Ampicillin and others) and tetracyclines (Doxycycline and others). During treatment with these drugs, as well as within a week after the completion of the course, it is necessary to additionally use condoms.

If during this week, when additional barrier contraception is needed, the pills from the package run out, immediately start the next one, without the usual weekly break.

The Bayer company, in addition to this drug, produces a similar one - Yarin plus.

What is the difference between Yarina and Yarina Plus?

Yarina plus contains another component - calcium levomefolate, which is the active form of folic acid. Its purpose is to reduce the risk of defects in the nervous system of the fetus, if pregnancy still occurs while taking COCs.

Such a medicine is prescribed to patients who receive an insufficient amount of folic acid.

Which is better: Yarina or other COCs (Jess, Janine, Qlaira, Regulon, Belara)?

It is better to get the answer from the gynecologist observing you, since all these drugs have differences in properties and are prescribed in different clinical situations:

Complete analogues in composition, cheaper than Yarina:

  • Anabella (Czech Republic) - 1400 rubles for 84 tablets;
  • Midiana (Hungary) - 740 rubles for 21 tablets;
  • Vidora (Spain) - 625 rubles for 21 tablets;
  • Modell Pro (Israel) - 691 rubles for 21 tablets;
  • Yamera (India).

The drugs Jess and Dimia practically do not differ from Yarina, except for the amount of ethinylestradiol in them - not 30, but 20 mcg.

Yarina is a rather expensive drug, so you need to make sure its authenticity. To do this, you should take a good look at the tablets from the package. It may contain 1 or 3 blisters of 21 tablets. Each of them has an even light yellow color, covered with a film sheath. On one side, a hexagon is extruded, in which the letters DO are located. You should not take the drug if its external characteristics do not correspond to those indicated, and also if it was sold at a price much lower than the average (about 1000 rubles for 21 tablets).

Based on materials from gynekolog-i-ya.ru

Many women are concerned about the nature of the menstrual cycle while taking birth control pills.

In this article, we will consider the main points of the effect on menstruation of drugs such as Yarina and Yarina plus.

Both drugs are monophasic (the ratio of hormones is the same for each tablet throughout the entire cycle) low-dose agent, consisting of a combination of two hormones:

  • Ethinylestradiol (30 μg) - an analogue of endogenous estradiol
  • Drospirenone (3 mcg) - has an antiandrogenic effect

The only difference is that in the Yarina plus blister there are an additional seven tablets containing calcium levomefolate (a biologically active formula of folic acid). This is a medicinal substance designed to eliminate folate deficiency in the female body.

On the topic of Yarina (Yarina plus) and menstruation, we will consider both drugs at the same time, because. the difference between them is insignificant.

On what day do menstruation begin when taking (after) Yarina and Yarina plus? Ideally, when taking hormonal contraceptives, the menstrual cycle is built clearly, like a clock.

When taking Yarina for 21 days, you drink active tablets, after which you take a seven-day break, in which withdrawal bleeding (menstruation) should begin.

When taking Yarina plus for 21 days, you drink active tablets, after which you start drinking 7 vitamin tablets, at which time withdrawal bleeding should also begin.

On the eighth day, you start drinking active tablets again. Withdrawal bleeding goes away. And so in a circle. This is ideal.

It often happens that at the beginning of taking hormonal drugs, your body needs time to adjust and get used to it (1-3 months). If at this time there are any minor deviations from the norm (small intermenstrual daub or small changes in the nature of the menses themselves), then this is basically normal.

However (even at an early stage of administration), if there are strong deviations from the norm, for example, menstruation does not end, they are too heavy (breakthrough bleeding) or they do not exist at all, then it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If, when taking Yarina or Yarina plus, there is no menstruation in a seven-day break, then the first thing you need to do is to exclude pregnancy. Buy a test or sign up for an ultrasound.

Remember that pregnancy and taking OK are incompatible!

Very often on the forums you can find questions like “I drank Yarina for 21 days, but no periods”, “I drink Yarina, but my periods do not start”, “I drink Yarina, there are no periods”, “After canceling Yarina there is no period”, “I stopped drinking Yarina, but no menstruation” and so on.

What is the reason for the delay in menstruation after the cancellation of Yarina? We consulted an obstetrician-gynecologist, and this is what she answered us:

“In the first months of taking the cycle can be unstable, because. the body needs to readjust. 1-3 days deviation from the schedule is quite normal. The main thing is not to stop drinking the pills, strictly following the intake schedule (if there are no other strong side effects), everything will even out over time. It is also advisable to exclude pregnancy and undergo an examination by a doctor. If this situation is repeated constantly or there are other problems of a menstrual nature, then a specialist consultation is necessary. Perhaps these OKs do not suit you.

If you have completely canceled the intake of OK and are not going to return to them, but after the cancellation, menstruation does not come, then the first thing, again, is to exclude pregnancy.

If you are not pregnant, then, most likely, this is a restructuring of the body to its natural cycle and hormone production. Give him some time. Everything should be back to normal.

If there are no periods for more than 1-3 months, then you may have anemorrhea (absence of menstruation for several cycles) against the background of the cancellation of OK. What to do? In this case, you need expert advice. Do not delay with this and go to the doctor.

If, after Yarina, the periods are very meager, this may mean that the body has not yet recovered.

If, while taking Yarina or Yarina plus, you have breakthrough bleeding (abundant, ongoing vaginal bleeding of a bright scarlet or light red color), then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If, when taking Yarina, the periods go for a long time, then it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. The experts themselves say that in the first months of taking Yarina (or any other OK), such a phenomenon as prolonged menstruation is typical.

Therefore, if you just started drinking Yarina, and your periods do not end, then track their character and your well-being. If there are any obvious deviations from the norm, then go to the doctor, for example:

  • if menstruation lasts more than a week, then this is already abnormal
  • if prolonged menstruation is repeated from time to time
  • if menstruation stably begins ahead of time (the package has not yet been finished drinking)
  • if menstruation does not end for a long time after the start of taking a new package

Don't be afraid to contact the experts. This is your health. With hormonal drugs do not joke!

If menstruation starts earlier (a week or a few days) once, then it was a hormonal failure. You need to finish drinking this package, because. you can’t stop taking OK in the middle, this can only increase bleeding.

If menstruation started prematurely not for the first time, then you need to contact your doctor and report a re-start of bleeding ahead of time, because repeated bleeding at the end of the package may indicate a lack of a progestogen component and requires the selection of a drug with a different progestogen.
Watch the discharge, if the bleeding is profuse and requires more than 1 pad in 1-2 hours, call an ambulance.

Yes, when taking OK, there may be intermenstrual spotting (brown or bloody spotting), in particular while taking Yarina or Yarina plus. This is one of the side effects of taking birth control pills. You should be prepared for these kinds of side effects if you are taking oral contraceptives. In time, everything must pass. If the spotting does not go away for a long time, then consult a specialist, you may have chosen the wrong drug.

“How to delay menstruation with the help of Yarina” is a fairly popular request on the Internet. If you need to eliminate menstruation between taking Yarina, then let's say right away that it will not be difficult to postpone the onset of menstruation, but often this technique cannot be used, because. you can harm your health.

To delay menstruation with Yarina, you need to finish one package, immediately start drinking the next one without interruption. Read more in the article:

According to potaskyn.ru

Taking oral contraceptives has a direct impact on the menstrual cycle and female reproductive function. Currently, OCs have replaced more traditional methods of contraception, so many drugs have appeared on the market. One of the most popular is Yarina, in connection with which many women and girls are interested in the question of how Yarina and menstruation interact with each other, what effect does the combined contraceptive have on the cycle that began with noticeable changes and is it reliable? One way or another, before you start taking such funds, you need to consult a specialist who will determine whether the body is ready to use OK. In the future, this will help to avoid many unpleasant consequences.

Oral contraceptives are recommended for women with regular cycles and healthy reproductive systems. The main task of such drugs is to mislead the body. Yarina, like other OK, makes the organs work as if ovulation has already passed. After the received signal, the mature egg does not come out. Accordingly, conception is impossible.

For many women, while taking Yarina, the periods are not so painful, they become more regular, and their duration decreases. In this regard, for many patients whose menstruation is very painful, gynecologists recommend taking hormonal drugs, since they somewhat reduce unpleasant symptoms and sensations. Thus, menstruation with Yarin should go as usual, with only minor changes.

So, in girls and women who started taking pills for the first time, slight bleeding may begin in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Usually they go in the first or second month, and then stop. To protect yourself from undesirable consequences, you need to consult a specialist if there is no menstruation for a long time.

If menstruation does not start the next month, you should visit a gynecologist. In cases where menstruation does not begin for two cycles, it is necessary to do a pregnancy test.

Perhaps such a cycle reaction to the drug is associated with some individual characteristics of the reproductive system. Then the course should be interrupted, and after the abolition of Yarina, menstruation will go as usual. One of the patients previously said that after she stopped drinking pills, the cycle returned to normal. This reaction was caused by the body's hypersensitivity to some components of the drug, so after Yarina the cycle was not normalized.

On what day of the cycle should I take the pills, can my period start earlier, do I need to take them for a whole month and in what doses? The answers to these questions are of interest to many women.

Stopping pills for 7 days does not reduce their level of action, but only if other factors have not reduced the effectiveness of the drug. These factors include certain incompatible medications or gastrointestinal disturbances.

Taking the drug on the twenty-first day after childbirth is indicated for women who, for some reason, have refused breastfeeding. The drug can be taken after a miscarriage or abortion. However, you can resort to this method of contraception only in cases where the pregnancy has not lasted more than twenty-four weeks.

You need to start the reception at a certain time. No additional precautions are needed if you start the course in the first five days of the cycle or on the first day of menstruation. It is best to take the remedy every day at the same time. This will make it easier because there is less chance of missing an appointment.

There is only one indication for taking pills - if a woman wants to protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy. There are much more contraindications to Yarina. It should not be taken if the patient has previously been diagnosed with:

In addition, you should not take pills for women who have previously experienced or continue to this day severe migraine attacks, acute renal failure, high susceptibility to one of the components of the drug. Do not take the drug to pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.

Some components of the tablets can have a strong effect on breast milk, so it must be excluded during the feeding period. So, doctors say that pills can reduce the amount of milk, as well as affect its properties.

Like any other medication, OC can also cause a number of side effects. At one of the women's forums, a reader wrote: “I have been taking Yarina for a long time. However, over the entire period, headaches have become more frequent, mood swings are observed. Advise what to do?”

And here are the comments about this by other visitors to the site: “I have been drinking Yarina for a month now. Gained two kilograms in weight. What to do in such cases? Should I stop taking the drug? Who had similar problems after Yarina and how do you get your period after the pills? Were there any failures? Or: “I accept Yarina plus four months. In the first month, menstruation was supposed to come, but after Yarina they were not. Then everything returned to normal. Tell me, how long can I take Yarina plus, since I plan to become pregnant in the future?”

Such changes are side effects. In each instruction to tablets there is a complete list of them.

The most common side effect is irregular bleeding of a different nature. And they go for more than one month. Some women go to the doctor and with the fact that menstruation does not come on time.

In rare cases, but still there is an individual intolerance to contact lenses. It becomes very uncomfortable to wear them.

Weight gain is caused by changes in the metabolic system. Most often, body weight increases, in rare cases it decreases. This happens due to the fact that fluid is retained in the body.

  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug manifests itself in the form of skin rashes;
  • periodic headaches may begin;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

In the case of vomiting and diarrhea, one should take into account the fact that the effectiveness of the tablets will be much reduced. Under such circumstances, the following recommendations for skipping pills should be followed.

The effect of the drug is reduced if the pill was missed for more than twelve hours. If the drug was not taken on time during the first seven days (that is, the first week), you must immediately take a pill, even when another immediately follows it. At the same time, additional protective measures will need to be taken over the next seven days.

The missed tablet in the second week must be taken immediately. It will be possible to save the effectiveness of the drug only if it was taken on time the previous week.

If in the second week of taking all the tablets were taken at the correct time, then in the event of a pass in the third week, the drug will not lose its effectiveness. But if mistakes were made earlier, then two scenarios are possible.

The pill is taken immediately, and when the package is over, you need to immediately start the next one, without making a seven-day pause.

The second option involves a temporary discontinuation of the drug. The pause can last up to seven days, and then the use of tablets must be resumed. During this break, withdrawal bleeding should occur. If not, pregnancy should be ruled out.

Young girls can take pills only after the onset of menstruation and under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Women after menopause do not need to take the drug.

Today, taking oral contraceptives is very popular, but few people think about the side effect. However, what effect do such drugs, in particular, Yarin tablets, have on the menstrual cycle? On what day after taking should menstruation begin?

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. So, in some women, the drug does not cause any changes, in others, on the contrary. Yarina refers to safe means. At the same time, before starting the course, you should consult a doctor and carefully study the instructions for the medication in order to take into account all the factors and exclude undesirable consequences after taking. You need to constantly monitor your health in order to control possible changes occurring in the body.

According to omesyachnyh.ru

Hello girls! Maybe someone came across - help! The doctor prescribed Yarin plus (there are 28 tablets, the last 7 of them, as I understand it, are vitamins) I started drinking the first package and now menstruation has come for 26 tablets, is this normal? And now how would I finish the packaging or start drinking a new one right away and leave those two tablets? I read the manual and didn't understand anything. After all, as usual, hormonal drinks are always drunk on the first day of menstruation, and they came now and what now to drink a new package or continue to drink the remaining three tablets. I really ask for help. Thank you in advance.

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Psychologist. Specialist from b17.ru

Psychologist. Specialist from b17.ru

Psychologist. Specialist from b17.ru

OK are drunk on the first day of menstruation only when you first start taking the very first pack. You drink 21 tablets, then a break for 7 days, at this time menstruation comes (more precisely, withdrawal bleeding), and again 21 tablets, a break for 7 days, etc. In Yarin plus during the break you drink 7 inactive vitamin tablets.
By the way, you can even not finish drinking your vitamins now, but start a new pack, this is allowed for the purpose if you want to move the beginning of your period so that they start earlier in the next cycle.

In the same place, everything is more than intelligibly written in the instructions. 21 active tablets and 7 inactive tablets. Menstruation begins after you finish drinking the active tablets. Those. you drank 21 pills and from 22 to 28 (not active pills) you should have your period. What actually happened to you.

You finish your last 28th tablet and start a new pack, even if your period has not ended.

Everything is fine, as it should be.

Gerdat, in the instructions, everything is more than intelligibly written. 21 active tablets and 7 inactive tablets. Menstruation begins after you finish drinking the active tablets. Those. you drank 21 pills and from 22 to 28 (not active pills) you should have your period. What actually happened to you.

You finish your last 28th tablet and start a new pack, even if your period has not ended.

Everything is fine, as it should be.

Gerda, thank you very much, I just kind of threw out the instructions that were in the package, but the one that is on the Internet is not written there. Thank you. You helped me a lot and put my mind at ease =)

When taking Yarina plus, a side effect is possible - blood in the urine?
I drink the second package, the doctor prescribed it as a continuation of the course of treatment (delayed menstruation). The second day I observe a reddish color of urine. And I can get to the doctor only in a week.
Beetroot can also give color, I just ate it, but quite a bit, if it’s from it, then it’s surprising that the color keeps like that, besides, this didn’t happen before from beets.

Good afternoon
And how to get out of taking these pills?
I just started taking them on the 2nd day. I plan to drink them for 3 months.
thanks in advance

Hello. I take Yarina plus the first week (the doctor attributed it, because I do not have regular periods). I always take them at 10 o'clock. evening, and yesterday I forgot to drink and drank today at 10:00. morning. I can today at 10 o'clock. in the evening I take the second pill (to get on my regimen) or do I need to drink it tomorrow morning?

if you forgot to drink at night, then in the morning be sure and again at night

Hi all! Please help me, the doctor prescribed Yarin plus said to drink for 3 months and quit and I can get pregnant. Has anyone encountered this effect?

This is how I got pregnant for the first time;) the ovaries rested after three months;) Yarina lowered male hormones and after that there was a good ovulation;))) only they did stimulation for me;) good luck

Good evening, I have a question. Do all the tablets in Yarina plus have a contraceptive effect? The instructions indicate that there are 21 active and 7 inactive tablets. The fact is, the next day after taking the 22nd (inactive) pill, my husband and I had sex. Tell me, is pregnancy possible in this case?

Should not. The contraceptive effect is supposed to be preserved during the break)

My period started when I didn't even drink half a pack. Because of which? It was the very first pack. I started the second one, and naturally, my period did not start again when taking inactive pills. When to expect them? What is it connected with?

Girls, help me, the doctor told me to start taking pills from the seventh day, do I need to start drinking from the first or from the seventh?!

In no case do not start taking from the first day. From the fifth day of the cycle. The doctor always prescribes this for me. There is an article on the Internet why not from the first day, look.

Hello Dear, please help me with advice, I was found to have an endometriosis cyst, the doctor did not immediately prescribe an operation, he said to drink Yarina Plus for 6 months, but the instructions do not say anything about treating endometriosis with these pills.

Hello! I drink Yarina +, tell me, when I stop taking pills, will there be any side effects? And after the course of admission, will I be able to get pregnant or will there be difficulties?

Good afternoon I am 20 years old, I have been taking birth control for almost a year. It all started with the fact that I constantly had brown discharge and my periods began to go very little. The doctor first did an ultrasound, said that I did not ovulate. after I passed on the hormones. At first she drank jess - they didn’t fit, then lindinet - there were no periods at all, now Yarina is a plus. There are no side effects, only menstruation is still very boring, barely, almost only discharge. This is fine? Tell me, please, is it possible that when I stop drinking them, then my periods will never come again and I will not be able to have children. My husband and I are planning a child in a year, I'm very worried. The doctor says that you can’t quit yet, it’s better before pregnancy.

Good afternoon, the situation is similar in me, but they were still happy with pills, candles, and then Yarina plus, ovulation is not much more likely to happen.

Hello! Please tell me if I can take Yarina Plus if I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism

Good afternoon. I have been drinking a simple Yarina for two years now.
Recently I started a new pack, I drank for 5 days, then I forgot for two days, on the third I remembered I took the missed pills, but brown dirty discharge began, then the styles stand out very loudly and the bolt back and pulls the lower abdomen. There is already one discharge tablet left in the pack, very strong, please tell me what it is ?

nothing is clear. now I'm on the 22nd tablet and my period has gone. drink further remaining in the pack or start a new one? I haven’t been drinking for 2 days because it’s not clear either in the instructions or on the internet

I have a completely different problem. all my life, menstruation went by the clock, I started taking Yarina + from the first day of menstruation. finished all 28 tablets, but there is no monthly. It's been a week now and they're all gone. how to understand this? is it bad? or wait?

and I went from day to day. now 3 days went stopped again 5 days went stopped and so the whole month. every week at an incomprehensible time they go and it is not known for how many days

This is possible, since addiction takes place in the first month, the body is rebuilt, they explained to me this way

Girls take Yarina plus a month, the monthly went only 3 days and not the same as usual, but brown discharge. Usually plentiful and go for seven days. Is this normal?! Thanks in advance

Fine. The discharge when taking OK is often darker than usual, less abundant, shorter.

These idiots suck. They also take pills. Everything is clear everywhere, nowhere is clear to her.
What's difficult? I drank ALL the packaging, the next day I started a new one, drank ALL, the next day a new one. Where is it difficult?

In the event that there are 28 tablets in a blister.
If there are 21 tablets in the blister, after 21 we take a break for 7 days and drink the next bliste from the same day of the week as the previous one.

hello, tell me, I'm 21 years old, I just bought Yarina Plus, do I have to wait for my period? Can't I start taking it today?

Check your menstruation. Take it on the first day.

I take the fourth pill to Yarina, I feel very sick, my head is spinning, my stomach pulls, my appetite is brutal, for the first time I vomited strongly. I don’t know what to do, stop or continue drinking. Please tell me. Is it possible to gain weight from them?

I take Yarina plus, today there will be the 11th tablet, starting from the 5th day of the cycle, I have already had brown discharge for 5 days, they are getting stronger
, at first they were white, is this normal or is it better to see a doctor?

Hello! I started drinking Yarina Plus after the menstrual cycle, after how many days will the tablets start to work? Or do they work if you start drinking them on the first day of the menstrual cycle? Or will they begin to act after the next menstruation has passed?

Hello! And tell me, can anyone come across ?!
I started taking Yarina + (one week has passed), but accidentally one tablet fell out. What to do in this case? Is this shift for one day very critical?!

Good evening. Tell me please, I just took Yarina (21 tablets) Now I want to start taking Yarina plus. I had my period (7 days), I needed to take a break or I had to start drinking Yarina Plus right away.

Good afternoon. Tell me please, I just took Yarina (21 tablets) Now I want to start taking Yarina plus. I had my period (7 days), I needed to take a break or I had to start drinking Yarina Plus right away.

good afternoon, Girls) Please help, the doctor diagnosed a tendency to polycystic, prescribed Irina plus, but I'm very afraid to get better, the doctor said that my appetite may appear, but I won’t get better from the pills, how should I be ((((I need your help

Can I drink Yarina plus after menstruation? M ended yesterday, and I just bought the pills today

Tell me, is it normal if the breasts fill up after menstruation, a week has passed somewhere, otherwise bad thoughts have gone.

Good afternoon The situation is as follows .. I have been drinking Yarina for more than 2 years, first regular, now Yarina +. During all this time I have not recovered, I have not gained extra pounds) And I thought that these pills are the coolest, because. Initially, I started drinking Lendinet, there was a terrible fatigue, nausea. So now, for the last 2 months, my temperature has been above 37, which rises during the day, and by night it subsides, and my head hurts because of this !! Already tired of running around hospitals, doctors do not say the exact diagnosis. As a result, today I visited another doctor who gave me a vegetative-vascular distance (I don’t know yet whether I was taking these pills or not) and recommended that I stop drinking Yarina + for at least a week, see what happens. Has anyone encountered such problems??

Girls, good afternoon! Tell me. I drink Yarina + (First package) drank 22 pills instead of 21.

So if you drink Yarina + there are 28 tablets in a blister, of which the last 7 are folic acid. You have all 28 of them and you need to drink, then immediately start a new package

Is it possible to switch from Yarina Plus to just Yarina - Yarina Plus has somehow become incredibly difficult to find in pharmacies, and the packaging is running out.
Are there any possible consequences, what is the difference between these drugs?

According to m.woman.ru

Modern oral contraceptives are one of the most reliable ways to prevent pregnancy. Like any medicine, pharmacists constantly refine and improve them. Each new generation of contraceptives is becoming more effective and safer for health. Today, such a tool is Yarina. The drug not only excludes the possibility of conception, but at the same time has a beneficial effect on the nature of menstruation. But despite the popularity of the contraceptive and active use, it may not be clear to all women how Yarina and menstruation are related, what the features may be during and after the course of administration.

How does it affect menstruation

The drug to prevent pregnancy is recommended for women with a regular cycle who do not have gynecological problems. Its main task, like another similar remedy, is to ensure that the female reproductive system functions as if ovulation has already happened. Thanks to the mechanisms that trigger the active substances of Yarina, the maturation of the egg is blocked, it does not separate, and, accordingly, conception does not occur.

Many women note that Yarina has a positive effect on menstruation: the associated pain disappears, the abundance of bleeding decreases, their duration is reduced, which prevents the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia and further complications. Therefore, for women with severe manifestations of MC, gynecologists can prescribe a Yarina course for therapeutic purposes to change its quality.

In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on well-being and appearance: it reduces the fluid content in the body, which relieves swelling, counteracts weight gain. Plus, the contraceptive is that it has an antiandrogenic property: it regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair - acne is eliminated, the manifestation of seborrhea is reduced.

In patients who have not previously taken pills, there are mild intermenstrual discharge. This usually happens in the first months of taking, and then disappear. But just in case, you should still see your gynecologist in order to prevent undesirable consequences.

While taking the contraceptive, irregular spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur. This usually happens at the beginning of the course, and after a while they disappear as the body gets used to Yarina. Therefore, it is advisable to evaluate their character only after the end of the adaptation period - usually this happens three months after the start of the course.

If menstrual-like bleeding continues or they occur after previously regular cycles, then it will be necessary to be examined to exclude pregnancy (which is hardly possible under the conditions of admission) or oncological pathologies.

  • Why there is no menstruation after Yarina

If OK was taken according to all the rules: without gaps, with taking an additional pill after vomiting or diarrhea, then conception is hardly possible. But if the bleeding lasts for two cycles, then it is better to protect yourself - visit a gynecologist and find out the cause. In this case, Yarina is not taken until there is reliable evidence of the absence of pregnancy.

It also happens that the problem lies in the reaction of the reproductive system to the constituent components of the contraceptive. In this case, you will need to interrupt the reception in order to induce menstruation after the cancellation of Yarina. The irritant will be eliminated and the cycle will be restored.

How to drink the drug

To achieve a guaranteed effect of the pill, you need to drink one tablet every day, without skipping, for 21 days and always at the same time. After the tablets in the blister run out, you will need to take a seven-day break from taking. During such a respite, menstrual-like bleeding should occur. This usually happens on the 2nd or 3rd day of the break. A week later, they resume taking the pills from the next blister.

A woman who was first prescribed Yarina, and before that no oral contraceptives were used, can start the course on the first day of monthly bleeding. A delay of up to 2-5 days of menstruation is allowed, but then, if a woman is sexually active, she is recommended to insure herself with other means of protection in the first week of taking Yarina.

If, before the appointment, the woman used any OK, then it is allowed to start the course with Yarina's tablets on the next day after the completion (or cancellation) of the previous one.

If protective equipment such as an intrauterine ring, a spiral and other similar medical devices were used, then they go to Yarina on the day they are removed.

What to do in case of skipping Yarina

It happens that a woman forgot or could not, for some reason, take a pill on time. If less than 12 hours have passed since the last procedure, then she should make up for the omission as soon as possible. Moreover, if the forgotten pill coincides with the next pill (according to the established schedule), she will have to drink two at once.

If a woman realizes herself much later, and more than 12 hours have passed, then the contraceptive protection weakens, and she will have to use other means of protection within a week after the resumption of the course.

If less than 4 hours have passed since the ingestion, and the woman has developed vomiting or diarrhea, then the active substances will not have time to be absorbed, their concentration will decrease, which will negatively affect the contraceptive effect. To make up for the lack, you need to drink another pill of Yarina.

If the trouble happened towards the end of the course, and the contents of the blister are over, the pill is taken from a new plate. And after a 21-day course, a weekly interval is observed.

How to drink pills after an abortion or miscarriage

It all depends on the period at which the abortion happened. If this happened for a short period (in the first three months of gestation), then the pills begin to be drunk immediately - on the day of the abortion. In this case, the need for additional barrier means is eliminated.

If a woman decides to use protection after childbirth or an interruption occurs in the second term of pregnancy, then the pills begin to be drunk after 3-4 weeks. If you take it later, you will need to use condoms for a week after the first pill you take. But if during these 3-4 weeks there were unprotected sex, you will either have to wait for your period, or get checked by a doctor to make sure that you are not pregnant.

How to change the beginning of the MC with pills

With the help of Yarin, a woman can change the day of the onset of menstruation. To delay them, they do not observe a week break, but continue to take the drug from the next package immediately after the end of the previous one. Moreover, it is allowed to drink the remedy until the second pack is over, and if necessary, interrupt the course when necessary. Then the bleeding will start. If a woman continuously takes Yarina, then during the second cycle of administration, spotting or scanty bleeding may occur.

When interrupting the course, you will need to observe a weekly interval and then continue to drink Yarina as usual.

When a woman needs to shift the usual schedule of the MC, she can independently postpone it for as many days as she wishes. To do this, you need to reduce the weekly break by this number of days. Moreover, the stronger the interval is reduced, the less likely the onset of menstruation during this period. That is, if the break is less than three days, then bleeding may not occur, but appear during the next cycle.

  • Delay after the cancellation of Yarina

Refusal of a contraceptive can provoke a failure in the MC in the form of a lack of menstruation on time. You should not panic right away, since the delay can be caused by a restructuring of the body after the cancellation of an external source of hormones. It will take him some time to return to their independent development. How many days or weeks this will take depends only on the individual characteristics of the female body. But if the period of absence is delayed, you will need to visit your gynecologist to understand the reason for what is happening.

Possible side effects during the course of Yarina

The drug is not in vain considered one of the most effective: in addition to a strong effect, it is very well tolerated. However, the possibility of side effects cannot be ruled out. Therefore, a woman needs to be prepared that the body will react negatively to the pills. The most common complaints include nausea and vomiting, discomfort in the chest - soreness and tension. Unwanted states are also in the form:

  • Frequent mood swings, depression, loss of libido
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Thromboembolism of arteries or veins
  • Bleeding of unknown origin
  • Acne, skin rashes.

In addition to these side effects, other negative manifestations are possible. Thus, there is evidence that after OK, tumors of the mammary gland or liver are more often diagnosed. In addition, other undesirable actions of Yarina are not excluded:

  • The occurrence of erythema nodosum
  • Hypertension
  • pancreatitis
  • Angioedema
  • Impaired glucose tolerance
  • Liver or kidney disorders
  • Pigmentation on the face.

If you feel unwell and have uncharacteristic symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. It is possible that Yarina simply does not fit, and the drug will have to be replaced with a similar remedy. But it may turn out that the contraceptive has nothing to do with it, and the negative symptoms simply coincided with the time of the course. Then you need to find out what affected your health, and eliminate the cause of the malaise.

Who is not allowed to take contraceptives

You can take a contraceptive for women who do not have health problems. Therefore, before you start taking Yarina, you will need to undergo an examination. The reason for the prohibition of contraception can be:

  • Current presence of thrombosis or conditions preceding it, predisposition to it (including mention in anamnesis)
  • Migraines (at the time of appointment or in the past)
  • Complications of blood vessels in diabetes mellitus
  • pancreatitis
  • Pathologies of the liver or violations of its work, tumors of the organ
  • The presence of hormone-dependent neoplasms
  • Pregnancy (confirmed or possible), GV
  • Individual susceptibility of OK components.

When you need an ambulance

When taking Yarina, like any drug, unforeseen reactions of the body can occur. Therefore, you should not hesitate to get medical help if a woman has symptoms:

  • Chest pain radiating to left arm
  • Unexplained bout of severe coughing, dyspnea
  • Unnaturally severe head pain
  • Acute hearing/vision impairment, diplopia
  • Speech dysfunction
  • Disorder of smell, taste
  • Fainting
  • Numbness of body parts
  • Pain and swelling in the legs.

With such symptoms, an ambulance should be called immediately to prevent tragic consequences.

Yarina's modern contraceptive is of higher quality than other predecessors. The drug not only protects women from unnecessary pregnancy, but also has a positive effect on the monthly cycle: it normalizes and eliminates painful syndromes. But in order for Yarina to help, all the conditions for admission must be observed.

Yarina - hormonal birth control pills. A distinctive feature of the drug is the absence of a large list of side effects, unlike other complex oral contraceptives.

The drug not only prevents conception, but also helps to establish the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation when taking Yarina should go according to a clear schedule, every 28 days.

Description and indications for use

The drug contains two main components: ethinylestradiol and drospirenone. They also provide hormonal contraception. Due to the fact that the ratio of active ingredients in tablets never changes, this drug is monophasic.

After using the drug Yarina, the likelihood of conception is the same as when taking other low-dose COCs. According to statistics, pregnancy occurs in one case out of 100. If the patient complied with all the requirements of the instructions, then the probability of becoming pregnant is reduced to 1:500.

Pregnancy is prevented by:

  • elimination of ovulation;
  • an increase in the level of viscosity of the mucus of the cervical canal, therefore the sperm cannot enter the uterus;
  • suppression of cyclic processes.

The drug has a strong effect on most of the processes that are needed for normal conception.

In addition to the main effects, Yarina also has a number of additional effects.

They consist in:

  • restoration of a normal menstrual cycle;
  • prevention of the development of iron deficiency anemia;
  • decrease in the intensity of menstrual bleeding;
  • dulling pain during menstruation.

There are not so many indications for the use of Yarina.

More often the medicine is prescribed for groups of women who have the following symptoms:

  • puffiness;
  • irritability;
  • frequent migraines;
  • acne
  • seborrhea;
  • high greasiness of the skin and hair;
  • unwanted facial hair.

The main indication for use is the need for contraception.

The drug is suitable even for girls whose menstruation has just begun. After the onset of menopause, the need for such pills disappears.

Scheme of application and admission admission

To get the desired effect, the tablets must be drunk for 21 days, without gaps. It is important to apply the medicine at the same time.

After the end of the first blister of tablets, between doses you need to take a short break of 7 days.

During such a pause, bleeding should appear, similar to menstruation.

Most often they occur 2-3 days after giving up the pills.

After the end of the week break, the second blister is drunk.

If a woman will take birth control for the first time, then the therapeutic course should begin on the first day of menstruation. A small delay of 2 to 5 days is possible. A woman who has already taken OCs can start treatment the next day after stopping or completing the course of the previous medication.

The resumption of taking pills after a missed one depends on when the last dose was. If the interval between doses is up to 12 hours, then take the medicine immediately as soon as the opportunity arose. In this case, additional contraception is not required.

With a delay between doses of 12 or more hours, the drug should be started only after 36 hours. The longer the interval between doses, the lower the concentration ability of the drug, therefore, the risk of pregnancy increases several times.

The week in which the break occurred also affects the schedule for resuming the drug. If this happened in the first week, then the pill is recommended to be taken as soon as possible. It is possible to take several tablets at once. Further, the scheme of contraceptive use is set to normal.

In the second week, the resumption scheme is the same. If before that Yarina was taken correctly, then additional contraception can not be used.

With a break in the third week, the risk of conception increases.

Exists Several options for resuming pills:

  1. You need to drink a contraceptive as soon as possible. However, there is no need to take a break between packs. In this case, menstruation does not occur, only light discharge is possible.
  2. You should stop taking the drug for a week. In this case, the patient begins menstruation. In a week it will be possible to resume reception. If, after discontinuation of the drug, there was no menstruation, you should consult a specialist, as this may indicate pregnancy.

It should be noted that if vomiting or diarrhea occurs within 4 hours after taking the pill, this is also a pass.

After it, you need to restore the reception mode according to one of the schemes.

Impact on the menstrual cycle

During the first months, the patient may experience bleeding, which will be irregular. It will take about three months to fully adapt the menstrual cycle. If during this time the cycle has not returned to normal, you should consult with a specialist.

You should also contact a gynecologist if, after several regular cycles, a failure occurs. In this case, you need to make sure that there is no pregnancy or malignancy.

With the help of Yarin, you can also change the timing of the onset of menstruation. However, this should only be done if absolutely necessary. To delay the critical days, the use of the drug should be carried out without a week break. Menstruation after Yarin will begin only on the second day after the cancellation of the remedy. During the period of use of the second package, small bleeding is possible.

To make your period a few days earlier, you can shorten the break between packs. When calculating how many days to shorten the course, one should be guided by the fact that after its completion I will immediately go to menstruation.

Possible side effects

According to statistics, 6 out of 100 women who took Yarina may feel nausea and chest pain. When such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a specialist. Most likely it will be necessary to choose another drug for contraception. The most dangerous side effect is thrombosis.

The following negative manifestations are very rare:

  • mood swings;
  • depression;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • periodic spotting;
  • migraine.

The frequency of such manifestations varies from 1 to 10%.

The following pathological conditions may develop:

  • ischemic stroke;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • myocardial infarction.

Thrombosis is observed in only one woman out of 1 thousand patients who took this remedy.

Rarely there are side effects such as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • increased risk of developing breast cancer;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • problems in the work of the kidneys;
  • the formation of dark spots on the skin;
  • exacerbation of diabetes;
  • allergic reaction.

If pregnancy is suspected, it is recommended to stop taking the drug, although no negative effects on the fetus have been identified.

Contraindications and symptoms of overdose

Yarina has a number of contraindications for use, which you should be aware of in order to avoid negative effects on the body.

Contraindications include include the following pathological conditions:

If at least one of the contraindications is identified, the use of such a contraceptive should be abandoned.

Serious consequences of an overdose have not been identified.

However there may be such negative manifestations as:

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • vomit;
  • nausea.

To eliminate such symptoms, there is no special antidote, therefore, in this case, only symptomatic therapy is carried out.

The drug Yarina is not only a good contraceptive, but also a tool that helps to establish the menstrual cycle. The drug can be taken only after consultation with a specialist.

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