The human papillomavirus causes cystitis. Treatment of cervicitis caused by HPV. Treatment with folk methods

Attention. In this section, you can read the answers of Dr. Markov I.S. to patients' questions on the topic "Papillomavirus infection". If the answers do not help you, then You can apply directly to the Markov clinic in Kyiv or get an individual internet consultation. Our clinic specializes in the treatment of infectious diseases, including papillomavirus infection.

Question 1. Hello. A couple of days ago I had a DNA test done at the lab. I was diagnosed with papillomavirus HPV type 18 (18305 g / ml), mycoplasma (5630) and ureaplasma (32165). I went to get checked simply because everyone around me is sick with something. Decided to play it safe. But such a result was not at all expected. There are no symptoms and never have been. Sexual partner, too - half a year. It turns out that I have been suffering from all this for quite a long time. Whether it is possible to cure it or only to heal and how? Can these diseases be treated together or in any order? How long does it take to heal? I also heard that ureaplasma causes many diseases. Whether the rest of the infections are caused by ureaplasma or is it some kind of combined bouquet.

Answer 1. You did not specify the biosubstrate from which this “bouquet” was isolated. If we proceed from the fact that this is a scraping of epithelial cells from the urethra or cervical canal (the rest is not correct), then the situation is as follows. There is no specific conservative treatment for HPV. Therefore, papillomas, when they appear, are removed surgically; sometimes topical ointments and preparations with an antiviral effect (eg, zovirax cream) are used. The virus, which infects more than 90% of adults, still remains in the body for life. Mycoplasma and ureaplasma are generally not subject to antibiotic treatment in the case when they are asymptomatic and do not cause clinical problems (urethritis, cervicitis, adnexitis, etc.). Therefore, you, first of all, should see a gynecologist. In the absence of clinical problems (as can be seen from your question), these infections usually do not need to be treated.

Question 2. Dear doctor, something in the form of warts popped up on my genitals. What is this?

Answer 2. Genital warts are usually papillomavirus infection. She's also contagious. Therefore, if your sexual organ is still being used for its intended purpose, be sure to use a condom for now. Warts must be removed surgically by a cosmetologist, and after that you can use Zovirax ointment in the morning and evening for 5-7 days.

Question 3. Hello. I contracted the human papillomavirus. Later, doctors discovered cervical erosion and said that this virus provoked its appearance. Cytological analysis showed that I have squamous epithelial dysplasia with hyperkeratosis. I am very afraid that I will now have cervical cancer. In March 2004, I was treated with Panavir intravenously. At the moment, the doctor advises once again to pierce the course intravenously, although another doctor said that it is absolutely impossible to do this, since too little time has passed and this is harmful to the immune system. What do i do? I am shocked, because doctors say that there is a high probability of developing cervical cancer and that treatment should not be delayed. Advise, please, at least something! I'm in a panic.

Answer 3. Stop, stop, stop. Just don't panic. Hello! A lot of different viruses live in a person for life, most of which are potentially oncogenic to one degree or another. But our immune system tightly controls their activity and does not allow us to feel like masters in our house. So let's go in order. Dysplasia, which occurs quite often in women of reproductive age, in most cases is really associated with herpes or papillomaviruses (HPV - HPV). But only neglected and untreated diseases in patients with irreversible immunodeficiencies can transform (and even then, not always!) into oncopathology. Today, dysplasia, incl. associated with HPV respond well to treatment. Therefore, firstly: what is the result of treatment with Panavir for you? What is left of your dysplasia? Is the virus re-detected in a scraping by PCR? If the treatment needs to be repeated, then it is hardly worth using the drug again, which did not give a tangible result. Bacterial cultures are advisable, as a more common cause of dysplasia may be a bacterial infection rather than HPV. Secondly, the use of antiviral drugs, if really necessary, is possible at any time - the risk to the immune system in this case is less than the risk of leaving a viral infection without treatment. Thirdly, once HPV enters the human body (and this is more than 80% of adults), it will remain in it forever. There are no drugs in the whole world, and it is unlikely that they will ever appear that would completely remove these viruses. Therefore, the meaning of the ongoing antiviral treatment is to eliminate the clinical manifestations of this infection, i.e. dysplasia associated with the activity of the virus. If the virus is no longer detected during the PCR study, and dysplasia remains, then local methods of treatment are usually used, including urogenital dysbacteriosis, and often simultaneously with antiviral treatment. And, fourthly, strategically: if the opinion of 2 doctors does not coincide, a consultation (not virtual!) of one or more specialists is necessary, a council, in the end, to make an agreed conclusion. This is a classic decision-making in such situations, and not only in gynecology.

Question 4: My partner and I have been diagnosed with HPV. Is it possible to have sex without a condom during the treatment of one of the partners? And is it even possible to have sex without a condom with this partner, provided that only one is being treated.

Answer 4. The answer is yes - yes it is possible. Because the activation of HPV is usually associated not with infection, but with a decrease in the level of the body's immune defense against its own virus, which, after the first infection, remains in the human body for life.

Question 5. Hello! I am 21 years old. Last week I was diagnosed with human papillomavirus. Moreover, the doctors said that I have a great many papillomas, both near the entrance to the vagina and on the walls of the vagina. I think that I have been sick for about 3.5 years, because. I remember one papilloma near the entrance to the vagina for a long time, I just didn’t know what it was, and I thought that everything was fine. 2 weeks ago I started having pain near the vagina, like a burning sensation. And yet - the labia and the entrance to the vagina are swollen! Slightly, but clearly increased! I asked the doctor - they told me that this is possible due to ovulation. But I didn't notice this before. 1. What could it be? (swelling around the vagina). 2. My period goes with a cycle of 50 days. This is fine? Could this have something to do with the disease? 3. Is there a danger to the reproductive organs due to HPV, considering that I may have been sick for 3.5 years? I am very afraid of cancer or something else, I really want children! 4. I had such burning pains about 1 time in half a year for the last 3.5 years, but they lasted 2-3 days. This time 2 weeks! Could these pains be related to something else? Or is it a sign of HPV?

Answer 5. Hello! 1) Your consultant doctor is probably right and it is more related to the menstrual cycle. 2) A cycle of 50 days at 21 years is not normal. You are shown an examination by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, including ELISA to determine the level of sex hormones. 3) It is necessary to treat HPV, but this virus does not pose a direct threat to the birth of a child. 4) Swelling and pain can hardly be considered a typical symptom of HPV. I believe that you are also shown bakposev from the urethra, vagina and cervical canal for bacterial flora, which causes such complaints much more often.

Question 6. Good afternoon! The doctor found that I have human papillomavirus (v.16412). He prescribed a course of treatment and did electrocoagulation. I have been on treatment for a little over a week (course - 2 weeks) (metronizadol, nystatin, doxycycline, derinat, polyoxidonium injections). But as I had a strong burning sensation at the entrance to the vagina, it remains so. And this has been going on for 3.5 weeks! And if I leave the house somewhere for more than 2 hours, then the pain is so strong - even climb the wall. I also want to write all the time. The doctor said that the cause of frequent urination is most likely cystitis. But what is the cause of the pain? What could it be? What diseases are accompanied by such pain? The doctor says it's because of the HPV. But the course of treatment will soon end - but nothing has changed! Here are the test results: Handed over a week ago: HPV 16 - negative. HPV 18 - negative HPV 16,31,33,35H,58,52,67 - negative HPV 18,45,39,59 - negative HPV 6, 11 - negative Handed over 4 months ago a smear: mycoplasma - negative. chlamydia - negative ureaplasma - negative. HSV1/2 - negative gardnerella - negative trichomonas vag. - negative candida - negative. The doctor said that everything was fine with the smear (I did it 4 months ago, that is, when there was no pain yet, but I have been sick with HPV for almost 4 years). I beg you, help me - I have been forced to stay at home for 3.5 weeks, I can’t go out anywhere.

Answer 6. I can only repeat once again that you are shown cultures from the urethra, vagina, cervical canal, as well as urine for bacterial flora, which often causes such complaints. This flora, as a rule, belongs to the intestinal group, is a by-product of the previous use of antibiotics, and therefore cannot be cured with their repeated appointment (as in your case). Sowing 4 months ago is not suitable for assessing the condition.

Question 7. Is it true that HPV (56 and 35) is not treated? Is it forever? What does it threaten?

Answer 7. HPV 16, 20, 35, etc. can be found in more than half of adults. These viruses will indeed be in the human body for life, as well as herpes viruses. But usually in a latent form. And they need to be treated only in cases of development of clinical problems, with HPV - the appearance of warts or condylomas. Today, there are both operative and conservative rather effective methods of treating papillomatosis. If you have clinical problems, and not just “terrible” test results, you can contact me for an appointment.

Question 8. During the course of pregnancy, genital warts appeared, which disappeared on their own after childbirth (as if charred and burned). Question: Is treatment necessary and what kind of genital warts when planning the next pregnancy?

Answer 8. No, there is no need for treatment. In a latent form, the human papillomatosis virus is present in more than 50% of women, but does not need treatment. Although during the next pregnancy, and then with age, papillomas (condylomas) may appear again as a manifestation of a decrease in immunity that occurs during pregnancy or age. During pregnancy, the fetus is not threatened by warts.

Question 9. Hello! My husband and I were diagnosed with papillomavirus type 6. We have been treated, now the results are negative, but it is impossible to remove this virus from the body, right? What analysis should be done to detect the virus? As far as I know, type 6 is not at risk (oncology), is that true? And that question torments me almost every day. And the second question - in addition to HPV, ureaplasma, candidiasis, gardnerellosis were also found in us (I'm not sure if the spelling is correct). All have been cured. But could these diseases lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes? We are planning a pregnancy, but nothing has been working for more than six months, I asked the gynecologist if it was worth checking the tubes, she said that these diseases do not cause adhesions. Is it so? We really want to have a baby! Thank you in advance, looking forward to your reply!

Answer 9. Hello! Papillomaviruses are indeed constantly present in the body in most adults. Their activation is associated with various risk factors that lead to weakened immunity. Only active forms of the virus that cause clinical manifestations need treatment. Latent forms do not need treatment and any additional diagnostics. Potential oncogenes are almost all viruses that enter the human body, even the influenza virus. Incl. don't bother yourself with these thoughts. Just live. Past STD infections do not lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, especially since this diagnosis has not been confirmed for you. Six months is too short a time to conclude “nothing works”. While there is time, it is advisable for you to undergo a complete examination for all TORCH infections, which, although they do not prevent the onset of pregnancy, can easily interrupt such a desired and hard-won one or lead to the birth of a sick child.

Question 10. Hello! I'm on the site for the first time. I don't even know if this is a good question to ask. I have some formations on my big lips. Looking through the book, I decided that most of all it looked like warts. Analysis for PCR papilloma viruses type 16,31,33,35 showed that nothing was found. The gynecologist prescribed Betadine suppositories and prednisolone ointment. But I still don’t understand what I’m flying. She never made a diagnosis. Maybe you need to get tested for all the other papilloma viruses (there seem to be about ten of them), and where can this be done cheaper? What kind of illness could this be? And what should my husband and I do: we have not been sexually active for a week so as not to infect him. But since we do not know what is the reason, when will it be "POSSIBLE"? Please advise. Thank you in advance.

Answer 10. Hello! Consult another gynecologist and if these are really warts (genital warts), then you do not need to undergo an additional examination. P.h. in 100% of cases it is papillomavirus infection. They can be removed mechanically in beauty parlors by cryo- or laser destruction, followed by the use of local antiviral treatment. Prednisolone ointment is in any case not needed. It is POSSIBLE to live with your husband, but before removing the condiloma - with a condom. The likelihood of recurrence of rashes is estimated at about 50/50.

Question 11. Good afternoon. I have been diagnosed with papillomavirus. I was treated. Husband is not. I was cured - it is difficult to persuade my husband not to treat. He says that since nothing hurts, it means that he has nothing. The question is - is it true that papillomavirus does not manifest itself in men and does not lead to any serious consequences? That men are more likely to be its carriers? And one more thing - if he takes an analysis (and he has not yet taken an analysis, we concluded that since I am sick, then he is), is it necessary for him to come to the laboratory or can he bring the material for analysis. If so, which one? In general, papillomavirus is treated completely? Or sits in the bowels and waits in the wings? And can it be that the analysis does not detect the virus, but it actually exists? Thanks for answers.

Answer 11. Good afternoon. The human papillomatosis virus (HPV) is secretly present in the body of almost every adult. It is impossible to remove this virus from the body - it simply goes into a latent (dormant) state and, when the immune system is weakened, it can become aggravated again. It is subject to treatment only in the presence of clinical manifestations: papillomas, condylomas. Incl. Your husband was right - he did not need to be examined or treated. Doctors often unreasonably exaggerate the oncological danger of this virus, simply frankly intimidating women either out of ignorance or out of commercial interests. Forgetting at the same time that even the flu virus can theoretically cause cancer.

Question 12. Good afternoon, such a question: I was diagnosed with genital warts. I live with my sexual partner for half a year (before that I was a virgin), he has no manifestations. Is it possible that he is only a carrier of the virus, should he be tested and treated. Thank you, best regards, Julia.

Answer 12 Hello Julia. Most adults (about 70%) are asymptomatic carriers of this virus. Therefore, it is possible to take tests and even more so to be treated only if there are clinical manifestations. Activation of chronic HPV infection is usually associated with the state of immunity, and not with a fresh infection.

Question 13. Dear doctor, please help me to understand. My partner was found to have papillomavirus 18 and 52 (PCR - scraping), as well as cytomegalovirus - blood PCR was negative. and IgG antibodies - the result is positive: 30 (norm: negative< 10). Мои анализы ПЦР соскоб на папилломавирус (все типы) и цитомегаловирус - отрицательны. Подскажите, пожалуйста, сдавать ли мне повторные анализы на папилломавирус и делать ли анализы на ЦМВ по крови (антитела и ПЦР). Мы не так давно с парнером вместе, незащищенных половых актов было около 5. Должны ли у меня быть в любом случае эти вирусы, но только они еще не проявили себя в организме или при хорошем иммунитете я могла еще не заразиться? Заранее Вам благодарна за ответ.

Answer 13. HPV and CMV are normally present in almost all adults. Therefore, neither you nor your partner in the absence of clinical symptoms (and you do not report anything about them) do not need to be re-examined for these viruses. You can live on without special protection: these viruses are not a reason to use a condom. Your cytomegalovirus and other TORCH infections will need to be remembered before planning a pregnancy, not before.

Question 14. Good evening! I passed the PCR tests, found ureaplasmosis and papillomavirus 18, 66. Tell me how long the treatment can last and how dangerous these diseases are. Best regards, Julia

Answer 14. Hello Julia. In the absence of clinical symptoms of HPV, treatment is not necessary. And ureaplasma does not need to be treated with antibiotics at all - this is a manifestation of urogenital dysbacteriosis. Therefore, if these are accidental findings, then you can relax and not listen to the passions that ignorant doctors usually scare patients with.

Question 15. Hello, please advise. My sister (she is 18) years old, for a year now, inside the labia minora, either papillomas or condilomas have been jumping up as she is told. At first it looked like one small wart, and after it was removed by a dermatologist, they become 2-3. Now she is told that these condylomas or papillomas (the doctor himself does not know what it is) are due to erosion of the cervix and cauterization should be done, then these rashes will pass. Please explain to me how this can be related to erosion and what effective method this phenomenon could be cured. Thank you very much in advance, you very often helped me out with your advice, do not disregard this time, please.

Answer 15. Hello. These are not interconnected things: erosion and condylomas. The most effective way to remove warts remains surgical. Repeated relapses are possible if a more superficial removal is performed or immunity is reduced. Sometimes topical application (especially after surgical removal) of Laferon 3 million powder mixed with 0.5-1.0 g of traumeel ointment is effective. Very often, warts disappear on their own as suddenly as they appear. To a nulliparous girl, erosion is cauterized only in cases of its sufficiently large area. This decision is made by the attending gynecologist.

Question 16. Hello! I have a question - I want to get pregnant in a few months. But I have warts (pendulums) on the inner surface of the labia minora and, it seems, at the entrance to the vagina and urethra. They are small and there are a lot of them. My husband doesn't have them yet. Does he need to take any drugs to avoid their appearance? And what do they do to me? Is it enough to just remove them? Or do I need to take something else so that the virus is not transmitted to the child through the blood? And what is the most effective method for such condylomas? So, in order not to go broke - it is very expensive to remove one thing at a time, and they are small, some are like pimples only. Which method is less painful? And how many months before a planned pregnancy do they usually need to be removed? And then suddenly they appear again.

Answer 16. HPV does not pose a special risk to the baby during pregnancy. The husband does not need to take anything: he is already infected with this virus, but due to immunity, there are no clinical manifestations. Those small formations that you call "pimples" in general, apparently, are not condylomas - these are subcutaneous glands, superficially located. You don't need to touch them. The most effective way to remove real warts remains surgical. Repeated relapses are possible if a more superficial removal is performed or immunity is reduced. Sometimes topical application (especially after surgical removal) of Laferon powder 3 million (contents of 1 ampoule) mixed with 0.5-1.0 g of traumel ointment (from Arnica herb) is effective. Very often warts disappear on their own without treatment. Although the virus remains in our body for life until the next immunological "non-disease", when it can reappear.

Question 17. Hello! My husband's papillomas (small thin growths) began to appear on his neck, and recently they have been very active. I have nothing. Tell me, please, how can I remove them and what drugs to take to maintain immunity?

Answer 17. Papillomas are removed in beauty parlors with liquid nitrogen or laser coagulation is performed. No special immunostimulating drugs should be taken, because their appearance is usually not associated with a weakening of general immunity, but reflects a decrease in the specific immune response to the virus that causes them (HPV).

Question 18. Good afternoon! I'm asking for advice. I have been treated for condylomatosis for 2 months now. First, the gynecologist prescribed Proteflazid drops for me, then prescribed treatment with Laferon: 3 million units. - injections; 1 million units - mix with a cosmetic emulsion and apply directly to warts. The course was 10 days. They pierced me, I rubbed the cream. The effect was not bad, the warts became smaller, some disappeared, some disappeared, but many still remained. Immediately after that, I was prescribed injections of Echinacea, and now again Laferon, but only spreading. But I see that they do not become smaller, but they itch terribly. What should I do? Maybe you can recommend something else? And when will it be possible to live sexually again without the threat of infecting a partner? I have a feeling that this muck is already forever. Where is the guarantee that having removed the warts surgically, they will not reappear?

Answer 18. It is necessary to rearrange the cart and the horse: first remove the warts surgically, and then conduct a course of local treatment as prescribed by the doctor (this is the correct approach). There are no guarantees: this virus permanently settles in our body and, under certain conditions, can become active again. Sex life can be lived without delay: the restrictions were unreasonable. Your partner is up to 80% likely to have their own HPV. Therefore, a new infection, even if it occurs, is not particularly dangerous for him.

Question 19. Please advise which antiviral drugs and drugs that increase immunity should be used for candilomatosis. To prevent warts from "crawling out" again.

Answer 19. There are no such special preparations. A healthy lifestyle, less stress and overwork is the best preventive measure against candidiasis and our other eternal companions, incl. herpesviruses.

Question 20. Dear doctor! I was diagnosed with candidiasis, but the results of tests for the human papillomavirus showed nothing, nevertheless, there are many warts - on the labia majora, around the anus, and at the entrance to the vagina. I read that PCR diagnostics can accurately determine. How is this diagnosis carried out? I just took a swab for these viruses. Maybe it's not this diagnosis at all. Do I need repeat tests? Thanks for your reply!

Answer 20. If these are visually noticeable warts, then laboratory confirmation, including by PCR, is more of an academic nature and has no practical significance. The warts are caused by HPV, and this does not require additional proof. Removal is surgical, or rather cosmetic. When repeated, it is necessary to deal with immunity and, possibly, prescribe conservative treatment with antiviral drugs.

Question 21. Good afternoon. In the spring I underwent a course of treatment for papillomavirus (Laferon, Viferon). Did not help. In August, she took a course: laferon, roncaleukin, proteflazid, coenzyme, echinacea. I have dysplasia. Is this treatment correct? When can I take tests? Is it treatable at all? Is it possible to get pregnant with such a diagnosis? And, tell me, please, first you need to cauterize dysplasia, and then treat the papillomavirus, or vice versa? Can you have sex? Thank you.

Answer 21. Theoretically, the treatment is correct. It is not known, only whether it will help with dysplasia. If there is an inflammatory process caused by non-specific bacteria (not related to STDs), then with dysplasia, this inflammation must first be treated. Tests can be taken at any time. Normally, HPV is found in epithelial scrapings from the urogenital area in 70% of healthy women. The role of this virus in the etiology of dysplasia is often exaggerated. The virus cannot be removed from the body. It is possible to get pregnant with such a diagnosis. First cauterize, and then treat - locally. You can have sex. Please.

Question 22. Good afternoon. I have quite a few papillomas on my labia. I have been following proper hygiene rules and have had sex with only one partner for the past 2 years. For me it became a problem, there were complexes. Tell me, please, how to get rid of papillomas? With what it can be connected? How much does papillomas removal cost? Thank you. Victoria.

Answer 22. Good afternoon, Victoria. The appearance of papillomas is associated with a weakening of certain parts of antiviral immunity. It is necessary to get rid of papillomas mechanically - cryo- or thermal destruction, laser coagulation. These manipulations are carried out in almost all cosmetology clinics, the prices are low. After removal, topical antiviral ointments and creams can be applied (eg zovirax or laferon dry powder 3 million based on 0.7-1 g of traumeel ointment).

Question 23. Good afternoon! I am 22 years old, did not give birth, I was diagnosed with papillomavirus - HPV 18 type 305478 g / ml. I underwent treatment with Valtrex, Epigen, Viferon, but it did not give results, and cervical erosion did not decrease. Tell me, please, what to do? Irina.

Answer 23. Hello, Irina! A few moments. First, HPV is not always the cause of cervical erosion even when it is detected. This virus can also be found in women without erosion. Moreover, even after the erosion has been cured, it can be detected again. Therefore, it is advisable for you to additionally make bacterial cultures from the vagina, cervical canal and urethra - with a high degree of probability a non-specific bacterial infection (i.e. not sexually transmitted) will be detected, which, as a rule, is the cause of erosion. Secondly, Valtrex, an amazing drug in principle, is not effective against HPV - for this it is enough to read the instructions for the drug. Viferon in suppositories into the rectum is also not very effective. And finally, thirdly. If, after isolation and treatment of a nonspecific bacterial infection (but in no case do not use antibiotics! - it only aggravates erosion), the need for HPV treatment still remains, then you can try locally homeopathic traumeel ointment, mixed in a proportion of 1 g + 3 million interferon powder ( in Ukraine, for example - laferon). Some of my patients have had very good results.

Question 24. Hello! Please tell us more about papillomavirus. My results for this virus are 16,18,31,33,35 types "+++++". Help me understand what this means. I am planning to get pregnant in the next 2 months. Is there a real threat not to get pregnant or not to endure? I do not have any symptoms of this virus: there are no papillomas either on the body or in the vagina. Can this virus carrier be so asymptomatic? I have not been able to find information about the symptoms of this disease anywhere. If possible, describe the symptoms. And I'm also very interested: is there a risk of cancer? The results of the analysis indicated - "highly oncogenic". Thank you. Lina.

Answer 24. Hello, Lina! This virus (HPV) survives for life in the body of the vast majority of adults. It is completely impossible to remove it from the body. Conservative adequate treatment of HPV is an extremely difficult and thankless task, recurrence of infection is possible, and such treatment is indicated only in cases of progressive clinical manifestations, for example, in children with laryngeal papillomatosis. The isolation of this virus even from the area of ​​the eroded surface of the cervix is ​​not direct evidence that erosion is caused by this virus. As a rule, erosion develops with dysbacteriosis of the vagina and cervical canal and is supported by the bacterial flora, after which treatment (by no means with antibiotics!) Can completely stop. In the absence of clinical manifestations, HPV treatment (prophylactically) is not carried out at all. Science and practice do not know cases of adverse effects of HPV on the possibility of the onset and development of pregnancy. The virus carrier can and usually proceeds asymptomatically. All infected. The risk of cancer from HPV does not exceed the risk of dying in a car accident. Incl. live and drive to health! In connection with the planning of pregnancy, do not forget to undergo a correct examination for the main TORCH infections, which can really pose a threat to the fetus.

Question 25. Hello. I am 23 years old. Doctors diagnosed cervical erosion (5 years), then - leukoplakia, dysplasia. They said that at my age this disease is associated with the herpes virus or papillomavirus. Analyzes were not performed. They prescribed treatment for me and my regular sexual partner: epigen-intim, cycloferon, treatment for 2 months. Then freeze. How correct is the treatment, does this disease threaten the possibility of getting pregnant in the future, and is it possible to live sexually with a regular sexual partner during treatment? Thanks for the answer. Olga.

Answer 25 Hello Olga! The treatment that you have been prescribed is not dangerous, although it is hardly possible to cure these viruses with these drugs. But since you did not find them, then the treatment can be of such a symbolic nature. Further. Treating your partner is a completely unnecessary move and can be stopped without any damage. Cauterization of erosion in nulliparous women can lead to cervical deformity and subsequent problems with pregnancy. Therefore, it is carried out extremely carefully and sparingly. Viruses are not an obstacle to sexual activity, but with erosion, vaginal intercourse with any partner is not always desirable due to possible mechanical trauma to the cervix. Please!

Question 26. Please tell me, can Solcoderm help to remove large multiple condylomas?

Answer 26. Doubtful. It would be more adequate in the current situation (large size of the warts) to surgically remove the largest formations, followed by the use of a solution of solcoderm for smaller or newly appeared warts (which, unfortunately, cannot be ruled out).

Question 27. What is the best way to give birth with human papillomavirus infection? Caesarean section or naturally?

Answer 27. Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are not infections that threaten the fetus and newborns. Especially if there are no clinical manifestations and HPV was simply detected in a scraping. Therefore, in connection with this problem, there are no restrictions on the method of childbirth.

Question 28. Hello! How to recover from papilloma virus? Where do they come from (on the husband's genitals)? How will this affect me? What preventive actions do I need to take? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Answer 28. Hello! It is easy to recover from the clinical manifestations of HPV: it is necessary to remove them surgically (liquid nitrogen, electrothermocoagulation, laser) in any cosmetology clinic. Protecting yourself from this virus is almost impossible. It is present in an inactive form in the body of 70-80% of adults. It is transmitted from person to person through sexual or domestic contact. You do not need to carry out any prophylaxis: with a high degree of probability you already have it. But! As long as your immune system does not fail, it is not dangerous for you. HPV also does not pose a risk to pregnancy.

Question 29. Is it treated and how is the papilloma virus of a highly oncogenic strain? Is this related to cervical erosion? What is chronic cervicitis?

Answer 29. HPV of any strain is treated poorly, if we say that it is treated at all. Erosion, as a rule, has nothing to do with it. Chronic cervicitis is a chronic bacterial inflammation, usually caused by microbes of the intestinal group, and is one of the manifestations of urogenital dysbacteriosis.

Question 30. If papillomavirus (highly oncogenic) is not treated, then where is the guarantee that after some time cancer will not be detected or erosion will not end? In private clinics, prices are different and high, cryodestruction is approached differently. Some say that additional manipulations are needed, others say that it is useless, they have frozen it and that's it. About women's consultations, I generally keep quiet. Who to believe?

Answer 30. There is an expression that oncologists love very much: we will all die of cancer if we live to see it. Therefore, no one will give you any such guarantees. Approximately 50-70% of adults are healthy carriers of HPV, which does not require treatment. Cervical erosion is not an indication for HPV treatment. Do cultures from the urethra, vagina, and cervical canal to detect chronic bacterial inflammation (dysbacteriosis), which is the most common cause of erosion. It needs to be treated with probiotics without the use of antibiotics. After treatment of dysbacteriosis, a woman giving birth can be cauterized (cryodestruction) of erosion. If cauterization is carried out before the treatment of inflammation, a relapse is possible. Who to believe is a rhetorical question.

Question 31. Hello, doctor! Unfortunately, for 2 years, according to the results of PCR tests, I have been diagnosed with HPV type 16. The course of treatment with laferon + antibiotics and immunostimulants did not help, a repeated course with the use of cycloferon, epigen, acyclovir and cryodestruction of the canal did not give positive results. The partner is permanent, they underwent treatment courses together, his analysis is negative. During these two years, nothing worries me, there are no other infections in the body, the cytology is good. Tell me, is it really possible to develop uterine cancer in the presence of this type of virus in the body? How dangerous is it?

Answer 31. Hello! No more HPV treatment. This virus is normally found in the body of about 70% of adults and only in the presence of clinical symptoms (papillomas, warts) requires treatment. Does not pose a threat to pregnancy. And the oncogenicity of this virus, which has more biological than practical significance, is significantly exaggerated by doctors for involuntary or deliberate intimidation of patients. Potentially oncogenic even influenza virus, all herpes viruses and so on. Every day, neoplastic cells are formed in our body, ready to cause cancer (without any connection with HPV, mind you), and are immediately destroyed by our immune system. Do you know the favorite phrase of oncologists? We will all die of cancer if we live to see it. Let me remind you of a beautiful and most importantly well-aimed Ukrainian phrase: “don’t get caught!”.

Question 32. Please tell me, is it necessary to treat high-grade HPV if there are no symptoms, but I cannot get pregnant?

Answer 32. No, you don't.

Question 33. I am planning a pregnancy and just in case I have been tested for infections. Highly oncogenic HPV was found out, leukocytes are slightly increased. What treatment is usually prescribed and what are the prognosis? I read that he is not completely cured, but simply goes into a latent state. Is it eternal rechecks then? Or how? And most importantly, what if I'm already pregnant (it seems like I shouldn't, but my 2 previous pregnancies came from almost nowhere), what does this threaten? And will his latent state somehow threaten my desired pregnancy in the future?

Answer 33. You are just like Danaë who got pregnant from a sunbeam. Record your moves. Asymptomatic HPV infection, any, should not be treated. This infection does not threaten pregnancy at all. No more routine or emergency HPV tests are needed: 70% of healthy adults are HPV-infected and asymptomatic. In connection with leukocytosis, bacteriological cultures from the urethra, vagina and cervical canal are indicated and the subsequent treatment of urogenital dysbacteriosis, but without antibiotics! Get pregnant for health!

Question 34. Good afternoon! I have papillomavirus (high oncogenic). The following treatment was prescribed: Engystol 1 tab * 3 times = 1 month; laferon 3 million 1 time per day (every other day) = 7 injections; holiver 2 tab * 2 times a day = 20 days; immunal 1 tab * 2 times a day = 10 days; local suppositories Betadine 14 days then suppositories Laktoval 5 days. Write, please, whether the correct treatment was prescribed to me. I didn't give birth.

Answer 34. Good afternoon. You do not say what were the clinical indications for the treatment of this virus. The treatment you have been prescribed is not harmful. Although out of 10 cases of HPV detection, and even highly oncogenic (this is just a play on words), treatment is really indicated in 1-2 cases. P.h. up to 70% of adults are asymptomatic (i.e. do not get sick) carriers of this and other HPVs.

Question 35. The HPV virus, type 16, was discovered a year ago. The course of laferon and the course of boosting the immune system did not help, a course was prescribed with the use of cycloferon, acyclovir, epigen; was made cryodestruction of the canal, autohemotherapy. Cytology was normal both a year ago and now. Repeatedly after the 2nd course, the virus was not detected. The virus was not detected in the partner, the partner did not pass the course of treatment. Tell me the methods of contraception, is it possible to get infected through oral or anal sex? Will using condoms help during vaginal sex?

Answer 35. You can get infected with any type of sex without a condom. But this should not worry you, Normally, more than 70% of adults are infected with HPV. And while it is in a latent state and does not give clinical manifestations, it does not need to be treated. Therefore, try to answer the question: who are you going to save with a condom? You have a virus, although it is not detected, it is still in a latent form. With your partner - with a maximum degree of probability, too. Therefore, stop worrying about this issue and calmly plan your life further. The issue of HPV treatment should be approached more carefully: doctors very often pursue an aggressive policy and prescribe treatment where it is completely unnecessary.

Question 36. Good afternoon! I am 27 years old, never gave birth, had no abortions. For several years I have not been able to cure the papilloma virus. Initially, type 16 was identified, I underwent a course of treatment (neovir 2.0 intramuscularly, naxodine 500 mg, ofloxin 200, fluconazole 50 mg, wobenzin, traumeel were prescribed, procedures - a laser for blood vessels, a laser for the cervix, ultrasound with ofloxin , vaginal baths). After the treatment, I was tested for the HPV panel, the analysis showed that I do not have any type of virus. Since I was diagnosed (before treatment) with dysplasia of the epithelium of the cervix, I underwent cryogenic freezing of the cervix. A year later, I went to the doctor for a check-up (during this year after the treatment there were no sexual partners) and the papillomavirus was again detected, but already type 33. I underwent a course of treatment for a type 33 virus (Laferon 3 million 10 injections, Mycomax 150 mg, Proteflazid, Laferon 1 million - 10, Cycloferon miniment 5% 5.0, epigen-intim and procedures). After treatment, the virus remained again, cervical dysplasia is already grade 2. Now I am offered to go through the next course of treatment with Indinol again. Help or assist to understand, please, - whether it is necessary to continue treatment or the given infection it is necessary to treat somehow in another way? Thank you in advance for your response.

Answer 36. Good afternoon! Either we met at the clinic this week, or this is the law of paired cases that is typical of medical practice. I have already promised to clarify information about the drug Indinol. This is a food supplement that is introduced to Ukraine from Russia, with a widely advertised "antiviral and antitumor effect." First, among my patients, I could give dozens of examples of severe side effects of nutritional supplements. Secondly, there is the term "antiviral drug", which is also applicable to nutritional supplements, as the word singer is to a peacock. Thirdly, HPV in general, as a rule, does not need treatment in relation to gynecology - about 70% of women are healthy carriers of this virus. And it is simply impossible to “cure” this virus (and even more so with the antibiotics that you were prescribed), just like the herpes virus: it still remains in the body for life. "Passion" around HPV is inadvertently or purposefully pumped up by doctors.

Question 37. Hello! I have been diagnosed with high risk HPV. The doctor prescribed the following treatment for me: acyclovir 200 mg, 5 tablets per day - 7 days; cycloferon every other day - 10 injections, suppositories sys-feron. But the instructions for acyclovir say that it only treats the herpes virus. Tell me, please, what drug can I take instead of acyclovir for the treatment of papillomavirus?

Answer 37. Hello! HPV is found in the epithelium of the urogenital tract in more than half of the examined. HPV does not need special antiviral treatment. Moreover, it is simply impossible to cure this virus with the drugs prescribed to you - you correctly paid attention to the instructions for acyclovir. Monotherapy with interferons and their inducers has practically no effect on this virus. Six years ago, I registered the only patent in Ukraine and Russia for the conservative treatment of HPV using nucleoside analogs (from the group of anti-HIV drugs). But this is a cumbersome, lengthy and expensive treatment, and you have a completely different clinical situation. Fears about "high risk" are greatly exaggerated by doctors, even the influenza virus is potentially oncogenic. But we don't think about that when we get the flu. In the case of a clinical manifestation of HPV (papillomas, candilloma), they must be removed mechanically (cryotherapy, laser removal - at the discretion of the cosmetologist), and then you can use locally self-prepared ointment based on traumeel ointment with the addition of dry powder of recombinant iterferon (3 million laferon per approximately 1 g ointment).

Question 38. Hello, the doctor has diagnosed me as IDP (highly oncogenic) - positive. Tell me about this infection: how does it spread? How is she treated, and is she cured? how to live with it? how to lead the further sexual life? Is it possible to have children and how can it affect the period of gestation in a child? Thank you very much for the answer.

Answer 38. Hello. About 70% of adults are infected with this virus, while all of them are simply carriers of the virus. healthy carriers. HPV is transmitted in various ways, including sexually, although it does not apply to STDs. It is poorly treated and never completely cured. This is our life companion, as well as herpes viruses. In the absence of clinical manifestations, these viruses do not need to be “fighted” at all.

You can live with this virus quite calmly. There is a theoretical rather than a real practical danger of the clinical transformation of HPV into a neoplastic process - the formation of a malignant tumor. And all the labels at the expense of a “high” or “low” oncogenic type of virus have nothing to do with clinical manifestations and are invented by doctors in order to frankly intimidate ignorant patients. You can have a sexual life safely, no condoms or other methods of protection are required in connection with HPV. This virus does not threaten pregnancy and a newborn child. In the presence of erosion or dysplasia, it is first necessary to examine (bacteria) and treat urogenital dysbacteriosis (but without antibiotics!), And not HPV. And, mind you, all this is told to you by a doctor who is the only author of a patent in Ukraine and Russia for the conservative treatment of HPV. Incl. do not listen to anyone else, otherwise you can lose the meaning of life from fright. Such cases of medically induced depression in impressionable women and girls in my practice are not isolated.

Papillomavirus infection: human papillomavirus, papillomavirus treatment, papillomavirus and pregnancy.

Continuation. Chapter 7. Viral and chronic hepatitis


Hello! I really hope for an extensive answer and for your help! After the first intercourse, which took place on January 22, cutting pains began in the vaginal area both outside and inside, urination was 20 times a day more often with a small ebb, and all this was accompanied by hellish pains, As well as incontinence. I went to the gynecologist, he said after the first If this happens, it's a slight annoyance. He did not prescribe antibiotics, but something else (which is easier, furatodon or something like that) and lidocaine to puff outside. I took a double course of these *antibiotics* because everything passed very slowly. By March, there was no more pain, but it pulled (and still pulls the lower abdomen when urinating). I went to another doctor, she checked again, there were a lot of echoscopies, a check for ureaplasmos-negative. She said HPV, which will pass by itself and inflammation of the uterus, from which she prescribed warming up 5 times for 15 minutes (did not help). She did not prescribe medicines. A couple of weeks later, somewhere in my mouth, warts or papillomas jumped out (some bumps and the skin was deformed, about 15 pieces), my throat was covered in blood, I coughed, I was suffocating. I went to get tested for HPV and its types. 16 type. She changed the gynecologist again. He said that cervical erosion and inflammation, in a week they would cut off the skin, it seems, for analysis for cancer cells. He prescribed a weekly course of Doxycyclin STADA for inflammation. What should I do? What is there to be afraid of? And when examined by gynecologists, I have hellish pain. There are more questions: 1. Is HPV transmitted through saliva, When there are condylomas in the mouth and after they are removed? 2.Now I have a cross on any sexual relations forever? 3. And as I understand it, it is better not to give birth in the future if there was erosion? 4. Will there always be a risk of cancer?

Good afternoon. I advise you to pass an extended analysis for all viruses, fungi and bacteria using the PCR method and a general smear, since it is not entirely clear when and what was found in you. A general smear will show the presence of inflammation in the vagina. Judging by the clinical picture, you have developed acute. I will answer your questions in order. First, the human papillomavirus is always detected by PCR. Secondly, you need to visit a competent urologist with a PCR smear and a smear from the urethra - he will prescribe therapy for you based on the results of the examination. Thirdly, the main route of transmission of the virus is sexual, but a number of studies have shown that the virus can also be spread orally. Fourthly, HPV is quite successfully treated first by the destruction of genital warts, and then by immunomodulatory drugs (Viferon, Isoprinosine). You can and should give birth, the presence of erosion will not affect the course of pregnancy. HPV is the cause of erosion, so it is necessary to treat the virus first, and then remove erosion with gentle methods. For example, in nulliparous women, erosion is treated with cryodestruction - after this method, there are no scars on the neck. Type 16 is an oncogenic virus, that is, there will be a risk. But whether cancer will ever develop will depend on many factors, such as how quickly you treat HPV. I hope I answered your questions.

HPV type 56 is a dangerous papillomavirus that can cause the development of cancer cells in the body of men and women. The virus penetrates through the mucous membrane, microcracks on the skin, after infection, it stays in the brain for decades without visible clinical manifestations.

This type of virus occurs in 60% of the population, is transmitted through close contact with carriers of the disease. HPV is activated with a decrease in human immunity, papillomas and condylomas of various shapes and sizes appear on the skin.

Such an infection is transitive; when it enters the body, the virus does not manifest itself for a long time, until the protective function of the immune system weakens. To identify the disease at an early stage, it is important to regularly undergo preventive examinations and take tests to detect the development of oncology.

Causes of the progression of the virus

Human papillomavirus genotype 56 is dangerous and unpredictable, characterized by skin rashes and genital organ damage. It can penetrate to a healthy person during unprotected intercourse, during labor, through mucus during kisses, skin lesions, and so on.

HPV in men and women is activated under the influence of suppressing factors, the formations begin to increase in size, spread throughout the body, and at high risk they degenerate into oncology.

If a person is already infected, then there is a high risk of transferring the virus from one area on the body to another. Also, HPV of this genotype can be transmitted from mother to child during passage through the birth canal, but this risk is minimal.

In women, the manifestation of papillomavirus is associated with the action of the hormone estrogen, with hormonal disorders, it begins to actively degenerate, a large amount of estradiol accumulates, and genital tissues are damaged.

The human papillomavirus can manifest itself against the background of suppressive factors to weaken the immune system:

  • bad habits;
  • strong emotional upheavals;
  • overwork, stress;
  • chronic colds;
  • disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genetic inheritance.

When the virus enters the human body, it first passes along the nerve to the brain, then “freezes” for a long time, and when activated, it manifests itself in the form of rashes on the mucous membranes of intimate organs and various parts of the body.

Risk for men and women

Papillomavirus genotype 56 causes a genital infection in men and women, with its timely destruction, you can get rid of the risk of developing cervical cancer and other dangerous consequences.

This virus provokes the occurrence of erosion in a woman, is diagnosed in 40% of cases, and in men it affects the lower parts of the reproductive system. HPV DNA contributes to the development of various diseases of internal organs, activates viral, fungal, bacterial infections.

Clinical picture

In men, all types of human papillomavirus occur without visible signs, with the exception of the appearance of warts in the head and trunk of the penis. In a severe stage, the disease can spread to the urethra and urethra.

As for the manifestation of the virus in a woman, this is the growth of genital warts on the genitals, cervical erosion is activated, weight is sharply reduced, nausea, vomiting, and a slight increase in temperature to 37.5 degrees.

HPV of this genotype penetrates the patient's DNA and is most often detected during a gynecological examination. The virus does not always cause cancer, with a healthy lifestyle, preventive measures, treatment of genital infections, the risk of developing oncological disorders in men and women is reduced to zero.

Symptoms of the disease in an acute relapsing form:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding other than menstruation;
  • the appearance of blood after menstruation;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • burning when urinating.

You can’t call them characteristic signs for HPV, because cystitis, cervical erosion, inflammation of the cyst, and so on can manifest themselves in this way. Only a qualified doctor can accurately establish the diagnosis.

Diagnosis of papillomavirus

To identify the virus of genotype 56 in the human body, you need to undergo a special examination, take a blood test, appear for a visual examination (for men - a urologist, for women - a gynecologist).

Cytology smears are also taken, which can indicate the presence of cancer cells. Such diagnostics should be carried out by all women from 28 years old, women during menopause will not be an exception.

Treatment tactics

The stages of treatment will depend on the clinical picture of HPV development, but it is impossible to completely eliminate the virus from the brain and circulatory system without compromising human health.

Such patients need to be registered with the attending doctor, carry out preventive examinations in a timely manner, and, if the papillomavirus is reactivated, adhere to antiviral and restorative therapy.

Ways to treat HPV:

  1. Surgical methods, this method is rarely used, the consequences of therapy are severe bleeding, the occurrence of keloid scars. The removed tissue is sent for a biopsy, and the wound is sutured.
  2. Curettage technique - the growths are removed with a curette, after which electrocoagulation is prescribed, a dry sterile bandage is applied to the wound.
  3. Electrosurgery is used for minor skin formations, the consequences are possible relapses.
  4. Removal of warts and papillomas with liquid nitrogen.
  5. Laser surgery is a popular technique for the treatment of cervical erosion, removal of cervical neoplasia in pregnant women.

With genital lesions in men, conservative treatment, freezing or chemical exposure is indicated at the first stage, in advanced cases, surgical excision with a scalpel or laser.

Prevention methods

Preventive actions in the diagnosis of papillomavirus in women of type 56 DNA reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer, in the presence of growing erosion, patients need to visit a gynecologist several times a year.

An effective way to prevent the disease is vaccination with Cervarix, Gardasil, the effectiveness of the method is more than 95%, this procedure should be carried out by girls even before the onset of sexual activity, as well as those who are not carriers of the infection.

When a virus enters the body, certain rules must be observed:

  • carefully observe personal hygiene, avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • take multivitamin complexes to improve the immune system;
  • timely treat infectious disorders of the genital organs;
  • monitor the health of the digestive tract;
  • regularly check with a gynecologist (women) and a urologist (men).

It is impossible to completely cure HPV, but it is necessary to prolong life and improve health through preventive methods. It is important not to start the development of cervical erosion in women, especially during the reproductive period.

For men, papillomavirus is less dangerous, but the HPV virus of this genotype can provoke the development of a cancerous tumor. Treatment is complicated by the fact that the disease is most often asymptomatic, it can occur by chance, during the examination of the patient.


The combination of "erosion and HPV" scares the development of cancerous tumors. But the statistics are less terrifying, in 90% of women there is no trace of infection for several years after infection, only in 10% of cases, if there are stimulating factors, the virus can progress.

The mechanism of the formation of cancer cells is still not understood. It is important for patients to monitor the state of the immune system, avoid unprotected sexual intercourse and effectively treat various chronic diseases.

Information for women: any erosion, even congenital, can become a serious complication after an infectious disease is attached to it, and therefore it is highly undesirable to start a violation.

To date, there are highly effective vaccines that are designed to combat dangerous types of the virus, this method should be used before infecting the human body, and best of all, even before the onset of sexual activity.

Take care of your health from a young age and do not self-medicate!


Cervicitis is one of the most frequently diagnosed underlying diseases in the field of gynecology. Despite the fact that this pathology does not pose a threat to life, it can significantly worsen the quality of life of a woman.

Cervicitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the vaginal part of the cervix. The disease is not always manifested by severe symptoms, which contributes to the transition of the active phase to a chronic course. Prolonged sluggish cervicitis can lead to the formation of ectopia and hypertrophy of the cervical part of the uterus. In addition, chronic cervicitis often leads to the development of adnexitis and other inflammatory processes in the reproductive area in women.

The cervix resembles a narrow cylindrical tube up to four centimeters long and about two centimeters wide. It connects the uterine body and the vagina through the cervical canal, which runs in its center. The cervical canal is quite narrow and contains mucus-producing glands. This mucus helps the cervix to protect and prevent infection from spreading upward from the vagina.

Under the influence of adverse factors, the protective function of the cervix is ​​impaired. As a result, the pathogenic flora penetrates the cervical canal, causing the development of endocervicitis. If inflammation is observed in the vaginal segment, they speak of the development of exocervicitis.

Cervicitis can occur in different forms. Depending on the activity of the pathological process and the severity of its symptoms for a certain time, cervicitis is distinguished:

The chronic form of cervicitis is the result of untreated acute inflammation and is difficult to treat. In some cases, doctors treat such a pathology surgically.

Cervicitis develops due to damage to the cervical tissue by various pathogenic microorganisms. Depending on the nature of the microflora leading to inflammation of the cervix, two types of cervicitis are distinguished.

  • Non-specific. This type of disease is caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora of the cervix. Most often, with nonspecific cervicitis, microorganisms such as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, Candida fungi, E. coli are detected, which enter the cervical region along with blood and lymph.
  • Specific. This type of microorganisms include chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma, HPV, herpes, CMV, gonococci. Infection occurs mainly through sexual contact.

According to the degree of mucosal damage, cervicitis is isolated:

Cervicitis needs timely treatment, which is prescribed depending on the specific pathogen that caused the disease.

Causes and factors of occurrence

Cervicitis occurs when opportunistic and specific microflora is activated. However, in order for the inflammatory process to develop, the influence of the following negative factors is necessary:

  • traumatization of the tissues of the cervix during abortion, curettage, childbirth, the installation of an intrauterine device and a pessary;
  • neoplasms of the cervical part, which are benign;
  • weakening of the body's defenses;
  • concomitant gynecological pathologies, for example, ectopia, vaginitis or bartholinitis;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • long-term use of local contraceptives.

Most women diagnosed with cervicitis are in their reproductive years. Nevertheless, the development of the disease in women after menopause is not excluded. If there is no treatment for the disease, polyps, ectopia and adnexitis may occur.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of cervicitis are often absent. In general, the intensity of the manifestations of the disease is affected by the form of the course of cervicitis, which can be either acute or chronic.

Acute cervicitis occurs with severe symptoms.

  • Allocations of a pathological nature. Often, women are concerned about abundant mucous or purulent discharge, which may have an unpleasant odor.
  • Pain sensations. In the acute form, dull pain in the lower abdomen may be present. Bladder infections can lead to urethritis and cystitis.
  • Feeling of discomfort. Often a woman has itching, tingling in the vagina.

Among the visual signs of an acute form of cervicitis are:

  • tissue swelling;
  • hyperemia outside the cervical canal;
  • swelling of the mucosa;
  • areas of hemorrhage or ulceration.

In a chronic condition, the symptoms are blurred, aggravated by exposure to adverse factors. Unusual discharge, painful frequent urination and mild discomfort in the genital area can be systematically observed. During a gynecological examination, a slight swelling and growth of the tissue of the cervical mucosa, as well as replacement of the epithelium, are diagnosed.

Manifestations in cervicitis directly depend on the pathogen that caused the disease. For example, gonorrhea is always accompanied by acute symptoms, while chlamydia has a latent course. When infected with the genital herpes virus, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bcovered with characteristic ulcers, and HPV contributes to the formation of formations on the mucous membrane.

Diagnostic methods

Since cervicitis is characterized by asymptomatic progression, the disease is often detected in the chronic stage. Treatment in such cases is often ineffective. Detection of cervicitis at the beginning of the disease most often occurs by chance. Diagnosis of the disease is aimed not only at making a specific diagnosis, but also at determining the causes of the inflammatory process.

Cervicitis can be detected using basic diagnostic methods.

  • Visual examination by a gynecologist on a chair. In the process of a gynecological examination, the doctor uses a gynecological mirror, which allows you to see the changes characteristic of the disease: swelling, profuse discharge, pronounced color, growth and formation of the cervix.
  • Colposcopy. This is an additional research method, which is recommended in the presence of structural changes in the mucosa. For the diagnosis of background and precancerous diseases, an extended type of colposcopy is performed using special solutions. These substances are applied to the cervix in order to obtain a colposcopic picture of certain pathologies.

  • Oncocytology. Such a study is a smear to determine atypical cells and the inflammatory process. A chronic process is indicated by a change in the shape of cylindrical cells.
  • General smear. The laboratory method belongs to the basic diagnostics and is performed to assess the vaginal microflora. In an acute variety of pathology, an increased concentration of lymphocytes is observed, which ranges from 30 units.

  • Bacterial seeding. The analysis involves a detailed type of smear for the diagnosis of microorganisms that inhabit the vagina.
  • PCR - research. This diagnosis is necessary to identify the pathogenic microflora that causes specific cervicitis.
  • Ultrasound with a vaginal probe. Diagnostics allows you to visualize the structural changes in the cervix, which are observed in pathology.

The examination is prescribed on an individual basis, depending on the anamnesis, clinical picture and complaints of the patient.


In modern gynecology, cervicitis is treated with different tactics. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the factor provoking inflammation and concomitant diseases of an infectious nature.

Conservative therapy involves taking various medications and procedures. Cervicitis is treated:

  • antibacterial agents;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • immunostimulants and immunomodulators;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • hormone therapy;
  • antiseptics;
  • physiotherapy.

Cervicitis appears due to a decrease in immunity, in this regard, the pathology is also treated with good nutrition and moderate physical activity. After the treatment, it is necessary to restore the microflora of the vagina with special preparations.

Chronic cervicitis is often treated surgically.

  • Diathermocoagulation. The method is used mainly in patients who have given birth and involves the use of electric current.
  • Cryotherapy. The intervention is carried out with the help of liquid nitrogen, which freezes pathological tissues.
  • Laser therapy. Treatment involves the use of a dosed laser beam in women of different age groups.

Surgical treatment is carried out after drug therapy. A woman is not treated surgically when an active inflammatory process and genital infections are detected. A month after treatment, its effectiveness is monitored. The patient is recommended to perform a laboratory test, undergo a colposcopy and a general gynecological examination.

To avoid relapse, it is necessary to observe preventive measures:

  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • use a barrier method of protection;
  • avoid casual sex and surgical interventions;
  • treat infections of the genital organs in a timely manner.

If symptoms of a gynecological disease occur, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to undergo the necessary examination.

Treatment of cervicitis caused by HPV

  • Articles. Content management

    Overview of past events

    Functional diagnostics: exchange of experience

    Evaluation of HPV-associated chronic cervicitis as a risk factor for cervical cancer

    The aim of the study was to assess the risk of cancerous transformation of the cervical epithelium in women with HPV-associated cervicitis in order to determine ways to improve therapy. The dependence of the ratio of metabolites of 2-hydroxyestrone and 16-α-hydroxyestrone (2-ONE1/16α-ONE1) on the level of expression of the p16ink4α oncoprotein and the nature of the detected infection in 771 women with chronic cervicitis was studied. A correlation was found between low estrogen metabolite ratios, a positive p16ink4α reaction, and the presence of long-term persistent HPV infection. The obtained facts showed that the choice of therapy for HPV-associated cervicitis is possible by assessing the p16ink4α protein and the degree of impairment of estrogen metabolites 2-ONE1/16α-ONE1.

    Evaluation of HPV-associated chronic cervicitis as a risk factor for cervical cancer

    Aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of cancerous transformation of cervical epithelium in women with HPV-associated cervicitis to identify ways of improving therapy. The dependence of the ratio of metabolites 2-hydroxyestrone and 16-α-hydroxyestrone (2ONE1/16ONE1) the level of expression of oncoprotein p16ink4α and nature of infection in 771 women with chronic cervicitis has been studied. The correlation between low levels of estrogen metabolites, a positive reaction of p16ink4α and the presence of long-term persistent HPV infection were observed. The facts showed that the choice of therapy of HPV-associated cervicitis is possible through the assessment of protein p16ink4 and degree of violation of estrogen metabolites 2-ONE1/16α-ONE1.

    Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs occupy a leading position in the structure of gynecological diseases and are the most common cause of reproductive health disorders in women. A significant proportion of them are inflammatory processes of the cervix - endo- and exocervicitis. The increase in the prevalence of cervicitis is associated with an increase in the number of cases of atypical course of the infectious process, as well as with few and asymptomatic even in the acute stage. This often causes untimely therapy and the transition of the disease into a chronic relapsing process, which is difficult to treat with medication.

    Chronic cervicitis, along with inflammatory complications, can cause the development of infertility, miscarriage, premature birth, intrauterine infection of the fetus, postpartum purulent-septic complications, plays an important role in the formation of dysplasia and cervical cancer. In recent years, there has been a trend towards an increase in the incidence of cervical cancer in women in the age group up to 29 years.

    In the genesis of chronic cervicitis, an important role is played by nonspecific opportunistic flora. The frequency of cervicitis caused by bacterial infection is 40-50%, candidiasis -20-25%, 15-20% have a mixed infection. Cervicitis with chlamydial infection is found in 40-49% of cases, with trichomoniasis - in 5-25% of women, gonorrhea - in 2%. About 86% of women with chronic cervicitis are infected with human papillomavirus infection. The risk of cervical cancer associated with highly oncogenic HPV types and the lack of effective etiotropic agents for the treatment of this infection require the search for the most optimal choice of the drug or their combinations during therapy. In this perspective, it is very important to determine the oncogenic potential of the virus, since this is what determines the need for conservative or surgical treatment tactics.

    When human papillomavirus 16 and 18 serotypes interact with an epithelial cell, their genomes merge, which leads to the production of E6 and E7 viral proteins. There is an E2P kinase that ensures the passage of the cell from G 1 to the S phase of the cell cycle. Normally, it is inactive, being bound to the retinoblastoma suppressor protein (Rb). The E7 protein of the human papillomavirus, when interacting with the product of the retinoblastoma gene, leads to uncoupling of the E2F-Rb complex. The uncoupling of the E2F-Rb complex is controlled by the p16ink4α protein, preventing uncontrolled cell proliferation, which leads to its constant synthesis.. It is known that the p16ink4α protein appears during the methylation of suppressor genes and reflects genetic instability, which precedes cancerous transformation. Overexpression of p16ink4α and its accumulation in the cytoplasm makes it possible to detect precancerous conditions and the earliest forms of cervical cancer, which are often impossible to establish in another way.

    At present, the participation of estrogen metabolites in the development of neoplastic processes in the tissues of the cervix and in DNA damage is generally recognized. It has been established that during the persistence of HPV infection, the formation of the aggressive estrogen metabolite 16α-ONE1 occurs 200 times more often than 2-ONE1. As a result, strong covalent bonds are formed with estrogen receptors and, as a result, cell proliferation is enhanced. Numerous experimental and clinical studies have proven the need to maintain a balance between these metabolites, while the concentration of 2-ONE1 should exceed the concentration of 16α-ONE1 at least 2 times. Hence, the ratio of 2-ONE1 to 16α-ONE1 is a universal biomarker and a reliable diagnostic criterion for determining the risk and prognosis of the development of estrogen-dependent tumors.

    The purpose of the study was an assessment of the risk of cancerous transformation of the cervical epithelium in women with chronic cervicitis by determining the p16ink4α protein, the degree of impairment of 2-ONE1 and 16α-ONE1 metabolites, and determining ways to improve the treatment of HPV-associated cervicitis.

    A survey was conducted of 771 women aged 18-52 years with signs of chronic exo- and endocervicitis: the main group consisted of 547 patients with HPV infection, the comparison group - 224 with no HPV. All patients underwent a comprehensive examination, including general clinical methods: study of anamnestic and epidemiological data, general and gynecological examination and special methods: extended colposcopy, determination of sexually transmitted infections by PCR - chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, HSV, CMV, highly oncogenic types of HPV (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59) and low-oncogenic - (6, 11, 42, 44, 54), traditional and liquid cytology of smears from ecto- and endocervix , bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of the vaginal discharge from the cervical canal and posterior fornix, morphological examination of a targeted biopsy specimen, immunocytochemical examination of the p16ink4α protein in ecto- and endocervix smears based on liquid cytology, and determination of the ratio of 2-ONE1/16-αONE1 metabolites in urine using test systems ESTRAMET 2/16 ELISA (competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).

    Research results

    As a result of the examination of patients in both groups, it turned out that 61% of them had sexually transmitted infections: every third had an association with opportunistic microflora, and every second had a combination of 2 to 4 infectious agents.

    According to the results of PCR diagnostics, infection with high-oncogenic types of HPV in women of the main group without signs of cervical dysplasia was 67.8%, with low-oncogenic types - 49.6%. In the presence of CIN, the frequency of HPV isolation of high-oncogenic serotypes significantly prevails over low-oncogenic ones and amounts to 84.2% and 27.4%, respectively, which confirms the role of HPV in the formation of proliferative pathology of the cervix. Mixed infection with different types of HPV was recorded in 46% of cases. In 22% of women, 2 types of HPV were recorded, in 15% - 3 types, in 9% - 4 or more. Type 16 was most often detected - in 26.3% of cases, type 58 - 10.6%, type 18 - 8.4%, type 31 - in 7.8%, 33 - 6.1%.

    Analysis of the concomitant flora of the cervical canal showed that papillomavirus infection was more often accompanied by chlamydia ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, fungi of the genus Candida, gardnerella, gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods against the background of the absence or a sharp decrease in the content of lactobacilli (Table 1). It should be noted that in patients with HPV infection, infection of the cervical canal with pathogens such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, Trichomonas, HSV is much more frequent than in the absence of HPV.

    Microflora of the cervical canal in women with chronic exo- and endocervicitis with and without HPV infection

    Can papilloma cause the development of cervicitis, thrush and cystitis?

    There are diseases, the exacerbation of which is caused by the presence of the papillomavirus in the human body. Such diseases include cervicitis, thrush, cystitis and leukoplakia. In many cases, the appearance of these ailments is due to the weakening of the immune system, which is the main condition for activation and HPV. If detected in the early stages, they do not carry any special danger, but they can become chronic if the body is not given due attention.

    Cervicitis and HPV

    Cervicitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the cervix. This disease is quite dangerous in comparison with the rest, as it can cause serious complications in the absence of the necessary treatment. In many cases, cervicitis occurs without visible symptoms, especially in the early stages. If it is not detected in the early stages and treatment is not started, this can lead to erosive processes, and subsequently to infertility or cervical cancer.

    If the disease is in an acute stage, then it will be accompanied by such signs: purulent discharge, mild erosion of the cervix, periodic bleeding, dysuria, constant pain.

    HPV and thrush. Is there a relationship?

    Since the papilloma virus in many cases negatively affects the state of the human immune system, it can disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina. It is these changes that contribute to the appearance of thrush with HPV. The disease is caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida. With a weakened immune system, microorganisms are able to spread and even affect the uterus, therefore treatment is mandatory if this pathogen is present in the patient's body.

    The main symptoms include: white discharge with an unpleasant odor, constant itching and pain in the lower abdomen.

    HPV and cystitis

    When identifying human papillomavirus, you need to think about the state of other systems that are adjacent to the sexual one. Inflammation of the lining of the bladder can also be caused by HPV. Decreased immunity increases the likelihood of infection in the body.

    The disease is accompanied by a number of symptoms: frequent urination in small portions, accompanied by severe pain and burning; a feeling of a full bladder and constant urges, regardless of the time of day.

    The disease is treated quite easily if you consult a doctor when the first signs appear. Otherwise, complications and a long process of recovery of the body are possible.

    HPV and leukoplakia: how dangerous?

    Leukoplakia is a pathological process in which the epithelium of the uterus thickens. It manifests itself as a small convex formation of white or beige.

    At the initial stages, this disease goes unnoticed, there are no visible symptoms. Only at an advanced stage do whitish abundant discharge, pain and discomfort occur.

    Diagnosis and treatment of leukoplakia is very important, since their absence can cause the appearance of a malignant tumor in the uterus.

    With HPV, there is always a decrease in the body's defenses, and therefore the risk of other infections being added is quite high. To prevent the development of pathologies of other systems, it is necessary to determine the papillomavirus in a timely manner and treat it.

    MINISTRY OF HEALTH WARNING: “Papillomas and warts can become melanoma at any time. "

    Features of the treatment of HPV-associated cervicitis

    • KEY WORDS: human papillomavirus, cervicitis, sexually transmitted infections, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, p16ink4-alpha, Indinol, antiviral drugs, 2-alpha-interferon, Panavir, biomarkers

    In Russia, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs are often detected in women of reproductive age, with exo- and endocervicitis accounting for 41.9%. The chronic form of cervicitis occurs in every second gynecological patient and is characterized by an asymptomatic course, the impossibility of isolating an infectious agent and the difficulty of drug treatment.

    Chronic exo- and endocervicitis caused by HPV is of particular importance due to the high risk of developing neoplastic processes and cervical cancer. HPV is considered the most common of all sexually transmitted infections (STIs), with 82% among the sexually active population. More than 500,000 new cases of cervical cancer are registered annually in all countries, and more than 300,000 women die from this disease.

    When HPV serotypes 16 and 18 are infected, the viral genome integrates with the genome of the epithelial cell, which leads to the production of viral oncogene proteins. Influencing the cell cycle, the E7 protein causes uncontrolled proliferation of HPV-infected cells and overexpression of p16ink4-alpha. Overexpression of the p16ink4-alpha oncoprotein and its accumulation in the cytoplasm make it possible to detect precancerous conditions and the earliest forms of cervical cancer, which cannot be established in any other way. Thus, p16ink4-alpha is a reliable biomarker of transformation.

    At present, the participation of estrogen metabolites in the development of neoplastic processes in the tissues of the cervix and in DNA damage is generally recognized. It has been established that during HPV persistence, significantly more 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone (16-alpha-ONE1), which is an estradiol agonist and binds to estrogen receptors, is formed than 2-hydroxyestrone (2-ONE1), while cell proliferation is enhanced and expression occurs. the E7 gene responsible for tumor transformation of cells. The second metabolite (2-ONE1) does not have a proliferative effect and even contributes to the death of transformed cells. As a result, a vicious circle is formed when the 16-alpha-ONE1 metabolite creates favorable conditions for tumor development by stimulating the synthesis of the E7 oncoprotein.

    Numerous experimental and clinical studies have shown that it is necessary to maintain a balance between these metabolites, and the concentration of 2-ONE1 should exceed the concentration of 16-alpha-ONE1 at least 2 times. The ratio of 2-ONE1 to 16-alpha-ONE1 is a universal biomarker and a reliable diagnostic criterion for determining the risk and prognosis of the development of estrogen-dependent tumors.

    It is extremely important to determine the oncogenic potential of the virus in women with chronic cervicitis and HPV infection, since it is this that allows you to make a choice between conservative or surgical treatment tactics.

    The aim of the study is to study the possibilities of a differentiated approach to the diagnosis and treatment of chronic cervicitis in women with HPV infection, depending on the biomarkers of proliferation and carcinogenesis of the cervical epithelium.

    Materials and methods of research

    A total of 265 women took part in the study: 245 with chronic inflammation of the cervix and 20 healthy women. They were divided into three groups - the main group, the comparison group and the control group. The main group, consisting of 167 virus-positive patients with chronic cervicitis, was divided into two subgroups according to the nature of the course of the infectious process: the first included 77 patients with chronic persistent HPV infection, the second included 90 patients with transient HPV. The comparison group consisted of 78 women with chronic cervicitis and negative HPV results, the control group consisted of 20 healthy women.

    The patients underwent a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination, which included examination of the external genitalia, vagina, cervix in the mirrors, bimanual examination, colposcopy. With the help of bacterioscopic and microbiological methods, the discharge of the cervical canal was examined, and the determination of STIs was carried out using polymerase chain reaction (PCR): chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, highly oncogenic types of HPV (16th, 18th, 31st th, 33rd, 35th, 39th, 45th, 51st, 52nd, 56th, 58th and 59th) and low-oncogenic (6th, 11th, 42 th, 44th and 54th). Cytological methods were also used: traditional and liquid cytology of smears from ecto- and endocervix, histological examination of exocervix biopsy specimens, immunocytochemical study of p16ink4-alpha protein expression from exo- and endocervix based on liquid cytology, quantitative determination of estradiol metabolites 2-ONE1 and 16-alpha- ONE1, their ratio in the morning portion of urine by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) using the Estramet test system.

    Research results and discussion

    Examination of 245 women of reproductive age with verified chronic cervicitis (mean age 28.9 ± 0.62 years) revealed clinical features of the disease depending on infection of the exo- and endocervix with HPV. Analysis of HPV genotyping made it possible to establish the qualitative component of HPV testing of the cervix. Both in the first and second subgroups, the predominance of HPV type 16 was established (28.6 and 22.2%, respectively, p 0.05), then CIN I–III degree prevailed in patients of the first subgroup (39%, p

  • There are diseases, the exacerbation of which is caused by the presence of papillomavirus in the human body. Such diseases include cervicitis, thrush, cystitis and leukoplakia. In many cases, the appearance of these ailments is due to the weakening of the immune system, which is the main condition for activation and HPV. If detected in the early stages, they do not carry any special danger, but they can become chronic if the body is not given due attention.

    Cervicitis and HPV

    Cervicitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the cervix. This disease is quite dangerous in comparison with the rest, as it can cause serious complications in the absence of the necessary treatment. In many cases, cervicitis occurs without visible symptoms, especially in the early stages. If it is not detected in the early stages and treatment is not started, this can lead to erosive processes, and subsequently to infertility or cervical cancer.

    If the disease is in an acute stage, then it will be accompanied by such signs: purulent discharge, mild erosion of the cervix, periodic bleeding, dysuria, constant pain.

    HPV and thrush. Is there a relationship?

    Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: Papillomavirus is one of the most oncogenic viruses. Papilloma can become melanoma - skin cancer!

    Since the papilloma virus in many cases negatively affects the state of the human immune system, it can disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina. It is these changes that contribute to the appearance of thrush with HPV. The disease is caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida. With a weakened immune system, microorganisms are able to spread and even affect the uterus, therefore treatment is mandatory if this pathogen is present in the patient's body.

    The main symptoms include: white discharge with an unpleasant odor, constant itching and pain in the lower abdomen.

    HPV and cystitis

    When identifying human papillomavirus, you need to think about the state of other systems that are adjacent to the sexual one. Inflammation of the lining of the bladder can also be caused by HPV. Decreased immunity increases the likelihood of infection in the body.

    The disease is accompanied by a number of symptoms: frequent urination in small portions, accompanied by severe pain and burning; a feeling of a full bladder and constant urges, regardless of the time of day.

    The disease is treated quite easily if you consult a doctor when the first signs appear. Otherwise, complications and a long process of recovery of the body are possible.

    HPV and leukoplakia: how dangerous?

    Leukoplakia is a pathological process in which the epithelium of the uterus thickens. It manifests itself as a small convex formation of white or beige.

    At the initial stages, this disease goes unnoticed, there are no visible symptoms. Only at an advanced stage do whitish abundant discharge, pain and discomfort occur.

    Diagnosis and treatment of leukoplakia is very important, since their absence can cause the appearance of a malignant tumor in the uterus.

    With HPV, there is always a decrease in the body's defenses, and therefore the risk of other infections being added is quite high. To prevent the development of pathologies of other systems, it is necessary to determine the papillomavirus in a timely manner and treat it.

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