Lyubov and Anatoly Rudenko. Lyubov Rudenko: biography, personal life and photo of the actress. Meeting with Tatyana Arntgolts

Anatoly Rudenko is a famous domestic actor, who has dozens of leading roles in popular films. Let's see how the artist's creative life developed, how did he manage to achieve such fame?


Anatoly Rudenko was born in the Russian capital on October 7, 1982 into an acting family. Anatoly’s mother, the famous actress of the capital’s theater named after. Mayakovsky is remembered by film lovers for his roles in the films “The Life of Klim Samgin”, “Taiga”, “Vacation at Your Own Expense”.

The actor’s father, Kirill Makeenko, also devoted many years to working in the theater, but currently he works in an antique store. Even his grandmother (Dina Soldatova) and grandfather (Nikolai Rudenko) were artists in Anatoly’s family.

Film debut

Anatoly Rudenko, while still very young, often visited Mosfilm with his mother, attracting the attention of famous directors. One day he was offered to try his creative abilities and audition for Ryazanov Eldar’s film “Hello, fools!” The tests were difficult and long, but the boy was still approved. The filmography of Anatoly Rudenko began with this picture. Thirteen-year-old Tolya got the role of Mitrofan - a precocious boy who loves to smoke and drink beer, look at men's magazines and communicate with older girls. The debut was very successful, and at the presentation of the film, Eldar Ryazanov himself said that Anatoly has enormous creative potential. But, despite this, Rudenko did not strive to become a professional actor.

Years of study. First successes

After graduating from school, Anatoly decided to enter the University of Tourism. However, my mother did not approve of her son’s choice and made every effort to dissuade him from this idea and persuade him to be creative. The future actor, realizing that this area was really interesting to him, entered the Shchukin School.

During his student years, Rudenko starred in the youth series “Simple Truths,” in which he played Dima, a Karpov high school student. Roles in other films soon followed: “The Fifth Angel,” where the actor played Vladimir Telnov in his youth, and “The Thief,” where his stage hero was Artem Berestov.

Before the end of his studies at the school, Anatoly managed to star in the popular series “Kamenskaya-2”, playing two roles in it simultaneously: Gradov in his youth and Gradov’s son, as well as in the series “Poor Nastya”, where he played the role of Lieutenant Alexei Shubin.

Work in the theater

In 2004, Anatoly Rudenko successfully graduated from the Diploma performance of the future movie star “Apricot Paradise”. Soon the young man received a debt to his homeland, Rudenko gave back in the ranks of military artists where, after service, he continued his work.

In this theater, Anatoly was involved in many performances, but the productions “Man of La Mancha” and “School of Love” brought him the greatest popularity. In addition, Rudenko worked in an enterprise. As the actor himself says, theater is more interesting to him than cinema, although it was films that made him a real star.

Film roles

Anatoly in life is an honest, kind, sweet, charming and sincere person. That’s probably why he gets entirely positive roles in films. Films with Anatoly Rudenko are most often pleasant melodramas about love with a happy ending. In the television series “Dear Masha Berezina,” Rudenko played the aspiring young photographer Stas - a sympathetic, cheerful guy, always ready to help his loved ones. The character is unusually charming, and therefore it is not surprising that after this series the number of Anatoly’s fans increased several times.

Rudenko also had the chance to play the equally bright hero in the television series “Two Fates.” A kind and sympathetic guy, Petya Yusupov, will survive the betrayal of friends, great love, and various difficulties and adversities, but in the end he will still find his gold mine.

But at the same time, among Anatoly’s heroes there are characters of a different type. So, for example, in “Kamenskaya” he played such a bastard. The actor’s rather interesting work was a small role in the film “And Still I Love.” The driver Sergei, played by Rudenko, at first glance, is a modest, good guy. But, finding himself in a difficult situation, he commits deliberate meanness and frames Vera, the main character of the film, thereby actually ruining the girl’s life. Sergei realizes the gravity of his action, suffers greatly from this, but cannot find the strength in himself to honestly admit everything.

Latest roles

The filmography of Anatoly Rudenko includes more than 40 roles in various films. Thus, he played leading roles in such films as: “Guardian Angel”, “The Story of a Prisoner”, “Duel”, “Travel Ticket”, “Together”, “Two Fates”, “The War Ended Yesterday”, “Two Tickets” to Venice”, “Boomerang from the Past” and others.

Among the latest works (for 2013-2014) we can note: “The Shores of My Dreams”, “Bouquet”, “The Road Home”, “I Leave You Love”, “Spiral”, “Wait for Love”, “Scouts”. The creative biography of Anatoly Rudenko is full of bright and interesting events.

Personal life

Anatoly has been looking for his true love for many years and has finally found it. At first, the actor’s lover was Tatyana Arntgolts, Rudenko even wanted to marry her. But the famous actress considered that their relationship was impossible due to the constant workload, and as a result the couple broke up.

Rudenko also had a serious relationship with Daria Poverennova, a woman much older than himself. But their wedding was not destined to take place. Despite the fact that the lovers had been dating for 4 years and were already living together, Anatoly left Daria, meeting on his way the one and only whom he now proudly calls his wife.

Anatoly Rudenko and his wife Elena Dudina met on the set of the film “The War Ended Yesterday.” At first, the lovers kept their relationship a secret, because at that time Anatoly was living in a civil marriage with Daria. But, as you know, everything secret becomes clear.

According to the actor, he is absolutely happy with Elena and cannot imagine his life without her. The wedding of Rudenko and Dudina was modest; only those closest to them came to congratulate the newlyweds. Soon after the wedding, Anatoly Rudenko and his wife became happy parents, and a charming baby was born.

And now Anatoly Rudenko is not only a famous actor, but also a loving husband and a caring dad.

We all know this man, at least we have seen him on television in one of the famous TV series. Although the love of his life is the theater, but since there are more offers to act in films, he has to combine work in the theater with work in cinema.

Anatoly Rudenko born in Moscow into an acting family. My parents are actors, and so are my grandparents on my mother’s side. The boy played his first role when he was 13 years old. It was the movie "Hello, Fools!"

Since Aunt Anatoly was the head of a travel agency, the guy dreamed of entering the Institute of Tourism. But his mother insisted that her son continue the family dynasty and go to study as an actor. This is how Anatoly Rudenko became a student Shchukin School. While still studying, he began actively acting in films.

The actor was called up to serve in the army, and he still serves in the theater of the Russian army. For Anatoly, the theater always came first; he didn’t like acting in films so much.

The guy gained popularity in 2005, when the TV series “Two Fates” was released. Rudenko played the role of Petya Yusupov. He didn’t really want to play this character, since he was very good, kind and well-mannered. It is difficult for viewers to believe in the reality of such a character.

But in the continuation of the series, the actor was unable to play because he was in the hospital with broken ribs. He had a bad sled run in the mountains and crashed into a tree. If it were not for the timely help of doctors, then everything could have ended much sadder.

In 2008, the actor starred in such films as “Redhead” and “Yesterday the War Ended.” These were successful projects.

On the set of the film "Simple Truths", and later while working in the film "And I still love", Anatoly Rudenko courted Tatyana Arntgolts. They lived together for two years. But it didn’t come to a wedding, since both of them were constantly filming and traveling, so the relationship fizzled out.

From 2007 to 2010, the young man was in a relationship with Daria Poverennova.

Everything had already reached the wedding, but on the next set the actor met Elena Dudina. Even at their first meeting, they liked each other. At the time of their acquaintance, both Anatoly and Elena were in a relationship.

Both were involved in the filming of the film “The War Ended Yesterday,” so there was practically no time left for a romantic relationship. People stayed at the site until late almost every day.

Very soon the couple began to live together. Exactly a year later, Anatoly proposed to his beloved. Both wanted the wedding to take place in an unusual place. Anatoly dreamed of celebrating his wedding in a castle, and Elena - in nature near a reservoir.

The future wife was in charge of organizing the celebration. In 2012, the lovers got married in the small Italian town of Manchese.

Only the closest relatives and friends were invited to the celebration. There were about twenty guests in total. Elena's parents gave the newlyweds a honeymoon trip to the Maldives.

In the same year, the couple had a daughter, Milena. As the parents themselves say, she has her father’s appearance, and her mother’s character: strong-willed, purposeful, courageous.

Due to their busy lives, spouses often come home after midnight. Therefore, whenever possible, they try to go somewhere and spend time together. They love seaside holidays.

Grandmothers adore their granddaughter. But since Anatoly’s mother is constantly busy on filming and in the theater, Elena’s mother helps to nurse her granddaughter more. The couple has an excellent relationship with each other's parents. Anatoly loves his mother-in-law, and Elena treats her mother-in-law very warmly. Such an idyll reigns in their family.

Photos of the actor and his wife appear infrequently on Instagram, but even they show how warm the relationship is in the family.

We invite you to enjoy the song “Don't make noise, don't worry, oak tree” performed by Anatoly Rudenko. Excerpt from the film “The War Ended Yesterday.”

Since the times of Soviet cinema, viewers have known the work of actress Lyubov Rudenko. This wonderful woman will be discussed in our article.

Actress's childhood

Lyubov Nikolaevna Rudenko was born in Moscow on October 22, 1959. She inherited her acting talent from her parents. Lyubov's father, Nikolai Rudenko, was an actor at the Comedy Theater, and her mother, Dina Soldatova, was an actress at the Moscow Touring Comedy Theater. Lyuba's aunt (mother's sister) - Irina Soldatova - worked at Our heroine studied in a special school as a child, participated in school productions and studied French in depth. Thanks to her parents' acting profession, Lyubov spent a lot of time behind the scenes of the theater, watching the numerous rehearsals of her mother and father. At the age of eight, Lyubov Rudenko made her debut in the film “Basket with Fir Cones” by K.G. Paustovsky, where she starred in the title role.

Studying at GITIS

When Lyubov graduated from school, she decided to enter GITIS. And this did not surprise her close people. I managed to get in the first time (course of Andrei Aleksandrovich Goncharov). Before admission, Lyuba’s mother, who doubted her abilities, asked GITIS teacher V. Tarasenko to audition her daughter. He agreed. After listening to the girl, Tarasenko was pleased. He advised me to enroll in a theater institute, which is what our heroine, Lyubov Rudenko, was going to do. Her biography as an actress begins after graduating from theater in 1981. After this, Lyubov began her creative activity. She worked at the Moscow Academic Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky. By a lucky coincidence, the main director was. Despite this, Lyubov auditioned along with other aspiring actors. Everything ended successfully for our heroine.

First filming

Actress Lyubov Rudenko preferred acting in the theater to acting in films, so she did not have as many roles in films as she could have had. One of our heroine’s bright and memorable works was “Vacation at Your Own Expense,” filmed in 1981, where she played a secretary.

In the fairy tale film “Vasily Buslaev” (1982), Agnia was played by Lyubov Rudenko. The actress’s filmography begins with these successful works. This was followed by the Soviet film “The Life of Klim Samgin.” In it, Rudenko played Evdokia Streshneva. The directors worked based on the novel by M. Gorky.

On the set of this film, Lyubov met talented actors Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Mikhail Gluzsky, Elena Kryuchkova. This film was the last work in Soviet cinema for our heroine.

Crisis of the nineties

The nineties made not only Lyubov Rudenko, but also many other famous actors forget about Soviet cinema. Despite this, our heroine continued to work in the theater, on the radio, in dubbing, and even gave concerts, since she had a good voice since childhood. She performed romances and folk songs.

Filmography of the actress

The year 2000 breathed new life into Russian cinema. Lyubov began to be invited to film shoots. The first successful project was the film “Taiga. Survival course." In it, Rudenko played Lyudmila Timofeevna - one of the main roles. This was followed by the series “Secret Sign - 2” (Mother Anna), “Firefighters” (Lolita), “Diva” (Milady).

Lyubov Rudenko starred in the films “Fool”, “Where You Are” (Olga’s Mother), “Little Fox”, “Boys”, “Web of Lies”. Also her works: “How we quarreled...”, “Carousel”, “Harmony of Desires”, “Family People”, “Women’s Happiness”. The viewer can enjoy the creativity of our heroine by watching the films “Bachelors” (Sonia’s mother), “Urgently to the room” (Sveta), “Everyday life” (Film No. 1), “Travelers”. She also starred in the films “Ticket to the Harem”, “Demons” (Praskovya Ivanovna), “Lie Detector for Sale”, “Kukotsky’s Case” (Valentina), “Samara Town” (episode). Rudenko played in the films “Poltergeist Trap”, “This Bitter Sweet Revenge”, “Return of the Battleship” (Violet), “Firefighters” (Lolita), “Next 3” (registry office employee). The list continues with the works “Your Cross”, “The Last Temptation”, “Metamorphoses of Love” (short film), “Don’t Wake a Sleeping Dog”. The filmography does not end there: “Murder of a Witness” (Lyuba), “Kolobrod”, “Nikolai Podvoisky” (episode) and “Vasily Buslaev” (Agnia).

Theater works

Lyubov Rudenko played in the plays “The Lizard” (Mother-in-Law), “Ivan Tsarevich” (Milolika), “Children of Vanyushin” (Avdotya). She also worked in the productions “Marriage” (Arina Panteleimonovna, aunt), “Divorce like a woman” (Sylvia), “How we quarreled...”, “Victoria?..” (Francesca), “Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat” and others.

Personal life

Lyubov’s first marriage was to actor Kiril Makeenko. In their marriage they had one son, Anatoly. The boy followed in the footsteps of his parents and also became an actor. He starred in several famous films: “Poor Nastya” (Alexey Shubin), “Redhead” (Sergei), “Two Fates” (Petr Yusupov).

When our heroine was fifty years old, she and her husband divorced. This happened because of her excessive independence and because of her habit of deciding everything herself, as Lyubov Rudenko herself admits. The actress (you see the photo in the article) had not lived with her husband for about five years at the time of the divorce. In total, their marriage lasted twenty years.

The husband was the first to file for divorce. At that time, he was already living with another woman who worked in a bank. Love didn’t worry, she took everything calmly and breathed a sigh of relief. After the divorce, our heroine bought herself a one-room apartment, began to take care of herself, visit salons, and even lost weight. The former spouses do not hold grudges against each other, but maintain friendly relations. They were together at the wedding of their only son, for whom their breakup was a real surprise.

Our heroine met her next love on the set. He worked as a cameraman and immediately impressed with his skill. The couple began to communicate. It got to the point that they talked for five hours a day on Skype. Despite the age difference (he is younger than her) and the fact that he was married, their relationship worked out. This did not become an obstacle in love. Although at that time he no longer lived with his wife. The lovers had the same perception of reality, many common themes and hobbies. With him, our heroine felt care and attention that she had not experienced with her ex-husband. Lyubov did not dare to declassify the name of the new chosen one. But it was with him that our heroine felt like a truly happy and weak woman.

Anatoly Rudenko is a young Russian actor whose biography and personal life interests many of his fans. Anatoly’s family also consists of actors, so they did not consider any other professions for their son. He was born on October 7, 1982. His mother, Lyubov Rudenko, and father, Anatoly Rudenko, are also famous actors who have played leading roles in many films and TV series for their work. From his youth, Anatoly decided to follow in his father’s footsteps, and he was not mistaken.

From a young age, the actor attended the Mayakovsky Theater with his parents and spent a lot of time behind the scenes. His mother actively acted in films, attracting the attention of her little son. And then the time came when Rudenko also decided to follow the example of not only his parents, but also his grandparents. Initially, after graduating from school, the artist wanted to try his hand at the Institute of Tourism, but then, after some time of reflection, his parents’ genes still prevailed. The son decided not to upset his parents and entered the Shchukin School.

Since childhood, Anatoly has always heard that a career as an actor is the best thing that can happen in his life. His parents and grandparents, Dina Soldatova and Nikolai Rudenko, were also actors, so the boy seemed to have no other choice. But the guy had a strong position since childhood, despite the fact that he spent a lot of time with his parents on set, such a career did not impress him. He wanted to do business. His aunt set a good example, and from childhood the boy wanted to follow not in the footsteps of his parents, but to imitate his aunt.

Anatoly lived with this thought throughout his school years; he never tried himself as an actor, despite the fact that his parents were confident in him. But when the time came to decide on his future and career, Rudenko recently changed his mind about connecting his life with the tourism business, and entered the theater school, as his parents wanted. He understood that, being a famous actor, fulfilling his childhood dream would be much easier, more convenient and faster.

Rudenko Anatoly: r movie work

From the biography of Anatoly Rudenko, one can understand that he followed the path of his parents, devoting himself to filming films, which helped him build his personal life. The first role that the boy was entrusted to play at the age of 13 was the film “Hello, Fools!” Here Anatoly had the main role, which he coped with perfectly. He had to play the role of Mitrofan, who was a young guy who loved to drink, smoke and look at magazines.

Still from the series “Simple Truths”

The actor was not immediately hired for this role; he had to show his abilities for a long time, as a result of which the place for the main role was approved. It was very difficult for the young actor, but he tried to overcome his upbringing, learned rude behavior and played his role 100%.

After some time, Rudenko will very often recall working with Ryazanov, which made him a real actor, allowed him to gain enormous experience, with the help of which he was able to realize himself as an actor.

Still from the film “The War Ended Yesterday”

Ryazanov proudly said that the debut was successful, the young man feels very confident in front of the camera, he has amazing acting abilities that are impossible not to appreciate.

During his studies, Rudenko received roles in films more than once, including:

  • "Fifth Angel"
  • "Thief".
  • "Simple Truths"
  • "Poor Nastya."

Each role in these films and TV series made Anatoly more and more famous and popular. Since he has had cute, attractive appearance since childhood, he very quickly gained fans who were ready to watch films with any plot, where Anatoly played the leading role.

Actor on the set of the film “It’s Just Beginning”

In 2004, Rudenko joined the army, just after completing his studies, and immediately ended up in the academic theater of the Russian Army. The young actor gained the greatest popularity thanks to the serial series “Two Fates”. There he played Peter Yusupov. Frankly speaking, the actor did not like the role, because he had to play an overly positive character, which he was not in real life.

Despite this, the role for Rudenko was successful and successful, he was given the first star page. From this moment on, his creativity begins to actively develop, he plays only positive characters, despite the fact that he wants to get a negative role, to stop being a good boy for his viewers. Over time, his dreams come true, the actor will play a role in the series “Kamenskaya” and “Still I Love,” which gave him the opportunity to meet Tatyana Arntgolts, who filled his life for some time.

Anatoly Rudenko (see photo) wanted to build his personal life with a worthy wife who would have a similar biography and also act in films. Unfortunately, or fortunately, it was not Tatyana who became her. They separated from her after several years of civil marriage.

Anatoly Rudenko in the film "Scouts"

In total, Anatoly’s work includes a lot of roles in films and TV series, among the most recent we note:

  1. Broken threads.
  2. Red Queen.
  3. Spiral.
  4. It's only begining.
  5. The last cop.
  6. In the name of revenge (release date 2018).

Anatoly is confident that every year his popularity and demand are only growing, the most famous directors are interested in him and are only offering him leading roles.

The actor has been working towards this for a long time, and now he can truly say with confidence that he was able to realize himself as a professional and sought-after actor.

Theater is a second life for Anatoly Rudenok

While at the Russian Army Theater, Anatoly played in the play “Apricot Paradise”, from that moment he began to receive various roles in other performances, where he could really show all his talent. The greatest popularity, which the actor is proud of to this day, brought him the performances “Man of La Mancha” and “School of Love”.

The actor tries very hard to demonstrate his talent as much as possible, to convey to the viewer all those feelings and experiences that were initially set by the plot. And everything works out for him, proof of this is the many fans and spectators of the performances, as well as constant invitations to new roles.

In the theater, Anatoly played many roles, and among the most popular are:

  • "Forever Alive"
  • "Nightingale Night".
  • "School of Love"

These roles brought Anatoly great popularity, as well as the opportunity to try himself in the form of different characters. Today, Anatoly devotes more time to cinema, but he also does not forget about the theater.

Personal life of Anatoly Rudenko

At a young age, the actor met the famous actress on the set of the TV series “And Still I Love” and “First Truths.” A romance began between the actors, which lasted 2 years.

The couple lived in a civil marriage, but Anatoly Rudenko never decided to take Tatyana as his wife and completely connect his personal life with her, this is shown by the actor’s active biography.

Tatyana really turned the young man’s head and was able to fill his free time with herself. It would seem that everything was fine with this couple, but things never came to a wedding. As Anatoly said in his interview, at that time he was not ready for a family relationship.

At that time, both Tatyana and Anatoly were actively developing their creative process, they were very popular actors, so they didn’t even have time for their personal lives. After breaking up with Tanya, the young man meets actress Daria Poverennova, who was noticeably older than him. Anatoly Rudenko also will not build a personal life with her; she did not become his wife and did not add to his biography with her long-term presence. Their passion and love lasted only 4 years, after which the couple realized that their relationship had no future. They broke up.

After a while, Anatoly finally managed to meet the only one who is his wife to this day. His wife was actress Elena Dudina, they met her on the set of “The War Ended Yesterday.” This acquaintance really radically changed the lives of the actors; their romantic relationship lasted very quickly. They did not advertise the wedding; they considered it necessary to hide this event from journalists and fans; they preferred a quiet painting that made them a family.

In 2012, Anatoly Rudenko’s biography was expanded; he and his wife really dreamed of children, and Elena gave the actor a beautiful daughter (see photo), since then his personal life has changed for the better.

The couple became a full-fledged family, in which children's laughter, love and mutual understanding reigned. The actor believes that this woman will make him the happiest in the world, help him realize all his plans, and become an even more sought-after actor.

Anatoly admits that before meeting his wife, his life was gray, gloomy and uninteresting, only she was able to open his eyes to real things and give him real happiness. Anatoly Rudenko considers his personal life only to be a child and a wife; he hopes that in the future the couple will have children who will fill their lives with new colors and will have the same biography.

The future artist was born in Moscow on October 7, 1982 into an acting family. Anatoly’s mother Lyubov Rudenko, a famous actress of the capital’s theater named after. Viewers remember Mayakovsky for his roles in the films “Meadow Flowers”, “Vacation at Your Own Expense”, “The Life of Klim Samgin”, “Taiga. Survival course." Anatoly's father Kirill Makeenko is also an actor who has devoted many years to acting in cinema and theater. In addition, Anatoly Rudenko is the grandson of famous theater actors Nikolai Rudenko and Dina Soldatova.

Anatoly grew up behind the scenes of the Mayakovsky Theater and on the Mosfilm film sets, where he often visited with his mother. And yet the boy did not immediately decide to follow in the footsteps of his parents and grandparents.

After school, Anatoly Rudenko planned to enter the Institute of Tourism. An example for the boy was his own aunt, who ran a travel agency. But the acting genealogy of the Rudenko family took precedence. Having weighed everything, the son gave in to his mother’s persuasion and entered the Shchukin School.


Anatoly Rudenko’s film debut took place as a child: at the age of 13, the boy passed the casting for Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Hello, Fools!”, and successfully played the first role. The audition turned out to be difficult and long, but the young actor was approved. Anatoly got the role of Mitrofan, a boy broken beyond his years who loved to drink, smoke and look at men's magazines. All this was alien to a well-bred boy from an intelligent acting family, but talent ultimately won.

In the future, the actor will remember working with the director, claiming that cooperation with Ryazanov allowed him to gain experience, which was later useful to the artist.

“Eldar Aleksandrovich is used to working with professionals. For me, this was my first experience of filming a movie, because I knew practically nothing and had no knowledge of acting. But the director never got irritated, did not shout, and tried to calmly tell me everything. Sometimes he resorted to the help of other actors, asked his mother to explain professional things,” Rudenko said in an interview with media representatives.

The debut turned out to be successful. Eldar Ryazanov himself, having seen how young Rudenko worked in front of the camera, noted that he had excellent acting skills.

Best of the day

In 2004, Anatoly Rudenko graduated from the Shchukin School and was drafted into the army. The creative guy was immediately assigned to the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, where Anatoly works today.

While still studying at Shchukinsky, Anatoly Rudenko began participating in filming. First there were “Simple Truths,” then roles in “The Thief” and “The Fifth Angel.” In “Poor Nastya” the artist played Alexei Shubin.

But Anatoly Rudenko woke up famous after the release of Vladimir Krasnopolsky’s series “Two Fates,” where the artist played the role of Pyotr Yusupov, a hero he didn’t really like, since Yusupov was incredibly positive.

Nevertheless, the role was successful, and the creative biography of Anatoly Rudenko received the first star page. Now the actor was recognized on the street, and directors offered new images.

New films with Anatoly Rudenko appear regularly: he appears in TV series and films almost without interruption. The artist recalls that at the beginning of his career, the images offered by directors were extremely positive. And I wanted to play different people, including those with complex characters and a negative image. And Anatoly received such an opportunity in the series “And Still I Love” and “Kamenskaya”.

Among Rudenko’s latest films are the series “Heart is not a Stone”, the films “Together”, “Two Ivans”, “Spiral” and others.


The artist's main love is theater. At the Russian Army Theater, Anatoly Rudenko played in the graduation performance “Apricot Paradise”. In the same theater, Anatoly was involved in a huge number of productions, but the performances “School of Love” and “Man of La Mancha” brought the artist the greatest popularity. The artist’s performance can also be seen in the performances “Nightingale Night” and “Forever Alive”. Rudenko also plays in an enterprise.

Anatoly admits that cinema made him famous, but he prefers theater.

Personal life

On the set of the series “First Truths”, and then while working on the film “And Still I Love,” Anatoly Rudenko met Tatyana Arntgolts. The girl managed to turn the head of one of the main characters-lovers of Russian cinema. The young people dated for six months, but things never came to a wedding.

According to the actor, at that time he was not ready for a family relationship. And there was very little time to live together: both Anatoly and Tatyana are in-demand actors.

Soon Anatoly Rudenko met with actress Daria Poverennova, who was much older than him. The flared feeling united the couple for 4 years. However, the relationship fell apart and the couple separated.

Nevertheless, Anatoly Rudenko met the only one whom today he proudly calls his wife. Rudenko's wife Elena Dudina is also an actress. Together the couple starred in the film “The War Ended Yesterday.” Meeting on the set developed into a romantic relationship. Rudenko and Dudina did not advertise the wedding; the event was celebrated in a narrow circle of relatives. In 2012, the actor became a happy father - Elena Dudina gave birth to his daughter Milena.

The actor believes that this marriage is the happiest event in his life. The wife helps the artist prepare for his roles. The personal life of Anatoly Rudenko before meeting Elena was gray, as the artist himself admits, but his wife changed the situation radically.

They say about the actor that in life Anatoly is an honest, kind, charming, sweet and sincere person.

Anatoly Rudenko now

In 2016, Anatoly Rudenko took part in the television project “Ice Age”. The actor’s partner was Margarita Drobyazko, a famous Lithuanian figure skater who has won medals at the European and World Championships more than once. TV viewers liked this creative tandem. Fans of Anatoly, discussing the success of their idol on ice on Instagram and other social networks, said that the actor needs to participate more in this kind of television projects.

In 2017, the Russian press reported that Anatoly Rudenko and Gosha Kutsenko closed their business due to the crisis. As some leading online publications report, such a decision was not easy for friends, because prominent representatives of the cinema tried to save their business, rent new premises, and create favorable conditions for further work, but this was not possible.

The gift shop “Yagodki Tsvetochki”, which celebrities opened in February 2016, went bankrupt. It is assumed that the actors donated part of the funds to charity.


1996 – Hello, fools!

2003 – 2004 - Poor Nastya

2005 – Cherub

2008 – 2009 - Redhead

2009 – Boomerang from the past

2009 – Loop

2010 – The war ended yesterday

2011 – Travel ticket

2012 – Only about love

2012 – Case of investigator Nikitin

2013 – Two Ivans

2013 – Scouts

2014 – The Road Home

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Sun-dried melon is a great healthy snack or dessert option. You can serve it for lunch, take it with you on the road, or just have a snack...

Every beginner who begins fortune telling on a Tarot deck must follow the general rules for performing layouts. Following these principles...

Ramen consists of wheat noodles in a broth, on top of which a variety of additives are placed: pork cooked in a special...
There are people who believe that tarot cards are a means to find out what the future holds. There are people who consider Tarot cards to be a guide...
Incredible Facts One of the most pleasant sounds to our ears is laughter, and the strongest laughter is often caused by tickling. Parents...
04/17/17 327 067 6 For everyone who paid for a university, kindergarten or driving school. This year the tax office will pay me 33 thousand rubles. This...
The vast majority of people on our planet are afraid of tickling. In this issue we will talk about why this happens and why...
The fern is edible in two forms: bracken and ostrich. The latter often grows in apartments and houses as an ornamental plant...