Biography of central television presenter on NTV. Takmenev Vadim Anatolyevich. Harmonious relationship with wife

Russian television journalist, multiple winner of TEFI awards.

Vadim Takmenev. Biography

Vadim Anatolyevich Takmenev born on November 14, 1974 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, into the family of a builder and the head of a kindergarten. Parents did not push their son to choose the profession of journalist. At a young age, he became seriously interested in the program “Vzglyad,” which was very popular among television audiences, and decided to write his first notes. So, as a sixth-grader, he began collaborating with the local “Fight for Coal” (later the newspaper changed its name to “Our City”).

At the same time, Vadim graduated from the school for young correspondents. Then in 1996 he received a diploma from Kemerovo State University, where he studied at the Faculty of Journalism, and immediately began working on radio and television.

Vadim Takmenev. Career

Vadim Takmenev While still a student, he was the author and presenter of a news program on the Kuzbass State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company until 1995, and a year later he moved to the Siberian bureau of the NTV television company. In 1997, at the age of 23, he headed the South Russian regional bureau of the NTV television company in Rostov-on-Don.

Vadim Takmenev: “I’ve definitely never been lazy. I remember how we worked in Rostov. Our bureau produced up to 300 stories a year. Business trips were two or three times a week. This is not my workaholism, this is how the system was. They tore their claws for the sake of the NTV logo - the green ball, which was the standard of the profession.”

When the Gazprom corporation bought the NTV channel, Takmenev, in the company of colleagues, worked as a special correspondent on air for programs on TV-6 and TVS (in Germany). In 2003, at the invitation of Leonid Parfenov, the journalist returned to NTV, where he worked as a special correspondent both in the channel’s news programs and the program “Namedni”, and received the “Symbol of Freedom” badge for professional excellence and a high moral note of journalistic work after the premiere of his film “You are welcome” .

In the 2000s, the journalist created documentary films and programs within the NTV channel "Welcome" about prisoners "Electroshock" about disasters at power plants, "Black September" about the tragedy in Beslan. Particularly popular programs of Vadim Takmenev are the film "The Secret Life of the Pope" about the hidden work of the Vatican and " I'm leaving" about the last years of the life of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Vadim Takmenev: “It seems to me that the crisis of the reporting genre on television is really big. I judge by the specific works of my colleagues in the regions. There are, of course, exceptions, but if you take almost any television company outside the Moscow Ring Road, you can see that people there have drowned in a swamp of unprofessionalism. Clumsy language, protocol layout, lack of structure and dramaturgy of the plot. You need to talk about the topic in a way that only a journalist can do, but they are trying to tell me about the event in the language of a fifth grader. Sometimes I have a sneaking suspicion that the women on the bench tell much more interesting stories than such journalists. I don't know what this is connected with. Maybe because now this profession is not prestigious financially.”

Vadim Takmenev- one of the authors of the series “Profession - Reporter” (since September 2004). Since 2007, he has appeared in the show “The Main Hero” on NTV as the author of the “Great Musical Adventure” column. Since August 2010, he began working as the presenter of the information and analytical program “Central Television,” which became the best program of the season according to the “Telepress Club” in 2011 and in 2016 was recognized as the best in its segment at the TEFI Award ceremony. Vadim's co-host was Anna Kasterova.

Vadim Takmenev is a multiple winner of TEFI awards (2005, 2014 and 2016). In total, the journalist has five treasured figurines.

As part of the Central Television program, which mainly covered the political life of Russia and abroad, Vadim Takmenev had the opportunity to meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin during the filming of a report for the Central Television program “A Day with the President.” The journalist also managed to talk with Alexander Lukashenko at the day of the meeting of the Belarusian president with representatives of the Russian media.

In addition, Vadim hosted the music show “Superstar” (2008) on the NTV channel, dedicated to pop figures of the not so distant past. Then the program began to air under the name “NTV Concert Hall”.

Vadim Takmenev: Some colleagues reproach me for going into showmanship! To such statements I would like to say: “Take it and try it yourself!” The first Superstar was gentle for me. Then the presenters were Zheleznyak and Zhigunov, and I improvised in separate monologues. But finding myself in the studio in front of the audience as a presenter with Lolita, I literally turned myself inside out. Showman is a separate profession. But you always need to develop. Moreover, there are a lot of opportunities to express yourself on TV. Both behind the scenes and on camera, in the studio. Why not expand your professional palette?

From September 2014 to the end of 2015, Takmenev was the author and director of the NTV news program “ Anatomy of the day", since September 2016 he took up " Results of the day».

At the end of 2014, the presenters of “Anatomy of the Day” and “Central Television” took part in the New Year’s evening of the NTV channel “Anatomy of the Year”. In addition to holding the festive event, the presenters also took part in a number of creative numbers in the show program. For example, Vadim Takmenev sang a duet with Taisiya Povaliy.

In February 2017, Vadim Takmenev became the host and co-producer of the international children's vocal competition “You are super!” " - a social musical project in which children from orphanages from all over the former USSR take part. On February 10, 2018, the second season of the project “You are super!” starts. "

Vadim Takmenev about the project “You are Super!”: “We announced the casting on air, and hundreds of orphanages responded to our call. We received about 800 applications in which the heads of social institutions write that they have talented children who do not have the opportunity, including financial, to take part in talent shows, of which there are now plenty on modern TV. Children can expect not only filming of the program and rehearsals. We will organize training for them according to the school curriculum and prepare a lot of surprises.”

Vadim Takmenev. Personal life

Vadim is married. He has two daughters - the eldest Polina and the youngest Agatha.

Takmenev owes his acquaintance with his future wife to a graduate of the philological department, Evgeniy Grishkovets. It was he who organized a party at the Lodge theater, where Kemerovo University students Vadim, who was then mastering the profession of a journalist, and Elena, who was studying to be a philologist, met. A year later, in 1995, they got married.

In 2014, Vadim Anatolyevich Takmenev was recognized as the best presenter of information programs on Russian television. A native of the Kemerovo region began his journalistic career while still a sixth-grader, and since then he has been constantly increasing his professional rating, in every possible way denying the role of luck in his own destiny.

Vadim Takmenev was born on November 14, 1974 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, far from the capital. His parents were far from journalism. My father worked as a builder, and my mother ran a kindergarten. Vadim loved watching TV, but most of all the boy was attracted not by cartoons or action films, but by the information program “Time”. He really liked reports from the scene, interviews and stories from correspondents. There was no television studio in which Vadim could try his hand at Anzhero-Sudzhensk at that time, but the city newspaper “Fight for Coal”, or, in local terms, “borbushka” (which is still published under the completely neutral name “Our city"). One day, sixth-grader Vadik Tekmenev went to the editorial office of the “fight”, surprising all the employees with the statement that he wanted to write. The result of the negotiations was the note “We are going to the circus,” under which Vadik for the first time saw his last name printed in typographic font. However, medicine could become a serious rival to journalism in Vadim’s life. His aunt worked as a surgeon, and the boy often looked into her office and read medical literature with enthusiasm. He tormented those around him with increased demands for sanitation and hygiene, but one day he was able to determine from the appearance of a classmate that he was developing hepatitis, and he himself called a doctor to see him. However, after finishing

school, Vadim became a student at the Faculty of Journalism at Kemerovo State University. In addition to university studies, he participated in many student events, in particular, he was a frequent visitor to the student theater "Lozha", which was directed by the famous playwright, and then a student of the philology department, Evgeniy Grishkovets. It was he who introduced Vadim to a beautiful girl Elena, who also studied at the philology department. Since then, Vadim and Elena have been together all the time, they have two daughters growing up - Agata and Polina.

Even before receiving his diploma, Vadim Takmenev began reporting for radio and television, then became the author and presenter of the Kuzbass OTRK news block. By the time he graduated from university in 1996, the young journalist already had enough experience to join the Siberian branch of the NTV channel, cooperation with which launched his successful television career. In 1997, Takmenev was transferred to work in Rostov-on-Don, where he became the head of the South Russian branch of NTV. Although such an appointment should have been considered as a promotion, for Vadim it was, first of all, a period of very hard work. The South Russian bureau created 300 stories a year, and correspondents had to go on business trips several times a week. However, in 2001, after a change in the ownership of NTV, Takmenev, together with a group of colleagues, moved to TV-6, worked as a specialist

a national correspondent for TVS in Germany, created reports for the “Itogi” and “Now” programs. Vadim Takmenev's return to NTV occurred in the summer of 2003 after the closure of the TVS channel. He received a personal invitation from Leonid Parfenov and began working in his rating program “Namedni”. In the fall of 2004, after the closure of the Namedni program, Takmenev became part of the team working on the Profession Reporter program. This program became the second version of Leonid Parfenov’s project with the same name, and provided half-hour films of an information and entertainment nature. However, one of Vadim Takmenev’s first films, called “You’re welcome,” was far from the entertainment genre. He talked about real prisoners awaiting pardon. The professionalism and high moral level of this work brought the journalist his first award - “Symbol of Freedom”. Takmenev’s films “Electroshock” (dedicated to an accident in the capital’s power grids), “Black September” (about the Beslan tragedy), as well as “The Secret Life of the Pope,” “I’m Leaving,” dedicated to the death of Boris Yeltsin and other works also caused a great resonance. In 2005, Vadim Takmenev was awarded the TEFI Prize as the best reporter.

Although Takmenev has repeatedly stated that he was not created for the show genre, in February 2007 he became a participant in the “Protagonist” program and a regular author of the “Big” column.

musical adventure." The format of this section was a report about a performer or musical group, which ends with a previously unperformed concert number. From the same year, Takmenev began collaborating with the Superstar program, creating short films about the stars represented in the program, who were shown before the start of their performances, then, together with the singer Lolita, he began to act as a presenter. In addition to his work in the show genre, Takmenev was the host of a live broadcast of Pugacheva and Galkin on the NTV channel in April 2012. In parallel with these projects, the famous reporter and TV presenter became. the author of a new program called “Central Television”, which began airing in 2013 and included reports on the most significant and most interesting events of the past week, interviews with political leaders and other significant people, “Central Television” was called the best Sunday program that could easily be done. compete with Parfenov’s “Namedni”, and Vadim Takmenev was awarded the TEFI Award as the best TV presenter in 2014. Since the fall of 2014, Takmenev began a new project on NTV - the evening information show "Anatomy of the Day", which includes a number of main areas related to politics, economics, natural phenomena, new trends, etc., and is broadcast live for different hourly belts

Host of “Superstar”, special correspondent of “Professions - Reporter” - about repairs, hypochondria and beloved daughters.


, host of the show “Superstar” on NTV
was born: November 14, 1974 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region
car: my Infiniti
book: “Three Comrades” by Remarque
movie: I don’t like comedies - any kind. Enjoyed watching "Schindler's List"
drink: coffee
food: Fish and seafood
hobby: photo
I bet you didn't know that... Vadim remains neutral in any dispute. Especially at home - when daughters quarrel.

- Now NTV shows documentaries of the best reporters. What topic will you not pass by?
- History is important to me, drama in a broad sense. Not tears, but emotions, when there is something to rejoice at and worry about. While still working at Namedni, I watched Pedro Almodóvar’s film Talk to Her. The picture shocked me so much that I filmed the first big story about people who fell into a coma, then in “Profession - Reporter” I once again returned to this topic with the same characters. The result is a story in time - a classic of documentary reporting. I’m also proud of the film about the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov,” for which I am still cursed in the navy. A 40-day voyage on a giant ship is difficult both physically, psychologically, and professionally. They didn’t let us film anything, we did everything on the sly. But the audience saw the truth - wounds, blood, sweat... It’s nice that my colleagues appreciated my work and gave me “TEFI” for it.
- But on the “Superstar” show you have a pleasant job - you’re in a white suit, surrounded by stars...
- You know, some colleagues reproach him: they say, he has gone into showmanship! To such statements I want to say: “Take it and try it yourself!” The first “Superstar” was gentle for me: then the hosts were Zheleznyak and Zhigunov, and I improvised in separate monologues. And when I found myself in the studio in front of the audience as a presenter with Lolita, it was not just a shock for me - I turned inside out. Showman is a separate profession. But you always need to develop. Moreover, on TV there are a lot of opportunities to express yourself - behind the scenes, on camera, in the studio. So why not expand your professional palette?

The fight for coal

- I was surprised to learn that you have been collaborating with an “adult” newspaper since the 7th grade. Did your parents arrange it?
- Parents have nothing to do with it. Father is a builder, mother is the head of a kindergarten. It's all about... the "Vzglyad" program. I then watched it as if glued. I wanted to try my hand. There was no television in our town, but there was a newspaper. It was called “The Fight for Coal.” Everyone called her “wrestler.” So I came there: “Hello, my name is Vadik. I want to write." The first note was called “We are going to the circus” - so funny, small, but with my signature. It is still kept at the university where I studied. When I come to visit my parents in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, I always come to this newspaper. Now it is called “Our City”. 20 years have passed, and there is still the same composition. I love these women, I spend several hours with them. We drink tea, get nostalgic - this is my alma mater!
- So you immediately decided on a profession, there was no hesitation?
- Not really. Until the 8th grade, I raved about the profession of a surgeon. My aunt, a doctor, took me to work. Her clinic consisted of one office. My aunt did teeth work there and removed appendicitis... Then my shift began. I, a little boy, became a terrible hypochondriac. He washed his hands endlessly and annoyed his relatives with questions: “Are yours clean?” The fear of getting sick or the search for symptoms has not gone away for me to this day. But not in the same shape as before. In the 6th grade, I correctly diagnosed a classmate. I saw a friend at school, examined his pupils and said: “You have jaundice. Go to the toilet and look at the color of your urine.” He waved it off, but my fears were confirmed. I called the doctor myself, and my friend was admitted to the hospital...
- Your career developed rapidly - at the age of 23, the head of the South Russian bureau of NTV. Four years later - already in Moscow. Are you lucky or a workaholic?
- I don’t know about luck, but I’ve definitely never been lazy. I remember how we worked in Rostov. Our bureau produced up to 300 stories a year. Business trips were 2-3 times a week. This is not my workaholism, this is how the system was. They tore their claws for the sake of this green ball (NTV logo - Telesem note), which was the standard of the profession.

Piercing is prohibited

- During your journalistic wanderings, did you meet your future wife?
- I met Lena at a party with Zhenya Grishkovets at the Lozha Theater. We were all studying at Kemerovo University then, I was at the journalism department, Lena and Zhenya were at the philology department. We talked with Lena for a year. Then they decided to get married.
- Were you already a wealthy groom - with an apartment, a car?
- I was studying then, but was already working as a news anchor. At first there was no apartment, but soon it appeared. Thanks to the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev. He unexpectedly called me himself, saying how come you are without an apartment, and offered an interest-free loan. That's how we bought our first apartment. And soon a Volvo car appeared.
- If you were making a film about yourself, without which puzzle would the picture be incomplete?
- Well, first of all, I would never make a film about myself. And the brightest and most pleasant puzzle is children. I have two girls: Polina - 12, Agatha - 10. The eldest is a flint, a girl with an iron character. And the youngest is just an angel, a gift from fate. Polina was born less than a year after the wedding. When I brought my wife to the maternity hospital, I was on duty at the door and in the first minutes after birth I was already holding my daughter in my arms and even participated in cutting the umbilical cord. Unforgettable feelings! But when Agata appeared, I, unfortunately, was on a business trip in Chechnya.
- Children are diapers, pacifiers, bottles. Were the babies babysat?
- With pleasure! I was ready to do everything. When I was at home, I was the only one who bathed the children. Getting up at night and rocking is also no problem.
- Probably spoiled the girls?
- Well, of course. When they were little, I brought them gifts in duplicate. The eldest, the cunning one, was always bartering for something with Agatha; it seemed to her that she was better off with her. Now I only bring it by order. I remember that while on a business trip in Singapore, the whole film crew was looking for a store that sold special anime dolls. Even in Moscow, the girls cleverly hinted to me that I should buy them. We found the store on the Internet, and as soon as we arrived in Singapore, SMS started pouring in: “Daddy, please!” The store ended up in creepy Chinatown. I was horrified when they told me the price - $400 per doll! But when I brought them to the girls, it was happiness!
-Who is a firm hand in your family, who is a gentle one?
“Our mother is both affectionate and strict, but she shows more firmness. She is always at home with the girls, and she has to fight with them, force them to do something.
- Polina is at a difficult age now - do you feel it?
- Constantly. I became interested in the youth movement of emo. Paints eyes black. We don’t prohibit it, we just say what we think about it. But there was also a serious case. Polina pierced her nose without asking. And she was punished. She dreamed of receiving an expensive Japanese doll for her birthday. I refused other gifts six months before, waited, but 20 days before my birthday I gave myself a gift. For which she paid - she was left without a doll.
- Did you take off the earring later?
- I took it off. But what difference does this make? Now, by the way, she wears the earring again.
- Do you load the girls to the fullest?
- They have a serious English special school, where the second language is German. Well, how is it different now? This is the time. When we go on vacation, the girls communicate with their peers in English and German.
- Do you spend your holidays with your family?
- The only way. My wife sometimes suggests going somewhere together. But I already spend little time with my children. During these winter holidays we had a trip to Germany. But I admit, all this is for the sake of the girls. I personally am fascinated by the exotic - Southeast Asia. We go there more often on vacation. For me this is a change of scenery.
- Did your spouse make the decision to stay at home and take care of the children herself or did you insist?
- It's her decision. My wife is an amazing literary critic, she studied brilliantly at the institute. He reads a lot and keeps me informed of events. She could teach. But he doesn’t want to waste his nerves on current schoolchildren. She somehow went to work, but it immediately affected the children. They easily fool the nanny. English has been launched. And the wife keeps the girls in her fist.
- Do you help your wife with housework? Can you cook dinner?
- I cook with pleasure. On a whim, without reading recipes. I open the refrigerator and improvise. I can do anything. I just don’t cook desserts. I stopped eating sweets when I gained weight at the age of 25 due to climate change. I looked terrible then. He weighed 120 kg, now 80. A photograph of those times hung in Ostankino for a long time. I asked to remove it a couple of times, and on the third I simply removed it and destroyed it...
As for household chores - no problem. We are currently renovating the apartment. I used to do this when my wife and the children went on vacation, but now, during a crisis, it is a necessary measure. A sewer burst in our house. And this resulted in the renovation of the entire apartment. And all the talk that it has fallen in price is nonsense. But I think we’ll get out...

Blitz survey

- If it’s a dream, then...
- A lot of them. At work, this is its own and impeccable television project. In my personal life - so that the children are happy. And... finish the repairs as soon as possible.
- If it’s a city, then...
- It depends on what for. For work - Berlin. For life - Oslo. For relaxation - Singapore.
- If it’s the time of year, then...
- If it’s work, then it’s not summer. Working in the summer is blasphemy.

Shcherbakov is still in great demand among directors, still performs his own hand-to-hand stunts, and is still considered the most filmed living Soviet actor.

Actually, a guy from a working-class family always dreamed of becoming a sailor. Until, at the age of 12, he was accidentally cast in the role of a brave boy in the film “Mandate.”

Since then, he no longer thought about anything else; after school he went to the theater. He has more than 200 roles over a 55-year career, almost four for each year. Hard workers, adventurers, policemen, criminals and a gallery of officers, unprecedented for our cinema, of all branches of the military and ranks.

The actor, who turned 69 this week, is still called the sex symbol of Russian cinema. And when singer Lyubov Uspenskaya needed an average “Russian folk macho” for her videos, she immediately chose Boris Shcherbakov.

Vadim Takmenev, host of the Central Television program: “First of all, I congratulate you on your birthday. You yourself have always said that you have never been famous for a healthy lifestyle. You drank, smoked, and all this ... "

Boris Shcherbakov: “And now I drink and smoke, I just know when to stop.”

Vadim Takmenev: “You have repeatedly admitted: “I love all women, especially beautiful ones.” But at the same time, I must say that you celebrated 45 years of marriage with your wife. Tell me, how does this fit together?

Boris Shcherbakov: “So how? There is such a wonderful word - love. She and I studied together at an art theater studio school. And in the second year, she and I had a passage where we had to kiss. We kissed and that’s it!”

Vadim Takmenev: “Your wife once admitted that you, of course, are not an ideal husband, not very faithful, but she always forgives you everything because she loves you very much. Have you heard such confessions of hers?

Boris Shcherbakov: "Yes".

Vadim Takmenev: “Are you calm about this?”

Boris Shcherbakov: “Of course, and she, too, thank God, takes it calmly. That’s why we’ve been living together for 45 years.”

Vadim Takmenev: “I can’t help but ask you something that you don’t like to talk about. But this is so important to hear when someone overcomes this serious illness cancer. Your wife, as far as I know, has been struggling with this disease for 12 years. Are you all right?”

Boris Shcherbakov: “Yes, thank God everything. We won".

Vadim Takmenev: “Do you have any personal, hard-won advice on this matter?”

Boris Shcherbakov: “Don’t give up and make every effort to make this disease go away. And we, thank God, didn’t catch it at the last stage, and that’s why we won.”

Vadim Takmenev: “Your friends claim that you saw a UFO?”

Boris Shcherbakov: "I do not know what it is. Tanyusha and I were flying from Odessa. I look at the sky and suddenly I see, you know, in Soviet times there was a quality mark, and it keeps getting closer, closer, closer, but does not go away. And I asked the flight attendant: “What do you think this is?” She says: “Maybe it’s a UFO.” Me: “Exactly!”

Vadim Takmenev: “I just have one question, was there a lot of alcohol on board?”

Boris Shcherbakov: “I was absolutely sober, there is no need to incriminate me here.”

Vadim Takmenev: “You are the record holder for the number of roles, and you had a huge number of partners on the set. Let's do a little test. We will display their photos on the screen, and you will try to describe them in one word.”

All of Shcherbakov’s partners received praise from his lips and only good characteristics. Only in the photo of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan did Boris laugh and react with one word: “”.

Vadim Takmenev: “Many of our viewers probably don’t know that you also voiced Hollywood stars such as Bruce Willis and Jean-Claude Van Damme.”

In the studio of the "" program, Shcherbakov saw a video with comic congratulations from these actors. And then the birthday boy received a surprise from his fan Vladimir Presnyakov, who performed the song “Butterfly and Moth”.

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Biography, life story of Vadim Anatolyevich Takmenev

Vadim Anatolyevich Takmenev is a Russian TV presenter, journalist, author of programs and documentaries.

Childhood and youth. Education

Vadim Takmenev was born in Anzhero-Sudzhensk (Kemerovo region) on November 14, 1974 in the family of a builder and the head of a kindergarten. Vadim became interested in journalism from an early age. In the 6th grade, the boy collaborated with the local newspaper “Our City”. And in the last grades of school, after school, Takmenev attended courses for young journalists.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Vadim Takmenev entered the Faculty of Journalism at Kemerovo State University. During his student days, the young man worked part-time as an author and presenter of news programs at the Kuzbass State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. In 1996, Vadim successfully graduated from the university and immediately, while both his diploma and knowledge were fresh, began to work.


In 1996, Vadim Anatolyevich got a job at the Siberian bureau of the NTV television company. Already in 1997, Takmenev became the head of the South Russian Bureau of the NTV television company in Rostov-on-Don. Soon the talented reporter was transferred to permanent work in Moscow. Vadim Takmenev worked in the programs “Itogi” and “Today”.

In 2001, after the NTV company was purchased by the Gazprom corporation, Vadim Anatolyevich got a job as a correspondent for the TV-6 (TVS) channel. From 2001 to 2003, Takmenev was also the channel’s own correspondent in Germany.

In the summer of 2003, the TVS channel was closed. Vadim, at the invitation of a journalist and presenter, returned to NTV. He worked in several information programs, including the author’s program “Namedni”.


In 2004, NTV started showing the program “Profession – Reporter”, the author and presenter of which was Vadim Takmenev. In 2007, Vadim Anatolyevich presented the documentary film “: I’m leaving.” Other documentaries by Takmenev include “The Life and Death of Zhenya Belousov” in 2010, “Country of 1520” in 2013 and “The Great Journey” in 2015.

In 2007, Vadim Takmenev was the author of the “Great Musical Adventure” column in the “Protagonist” program. In 2010, Takmenev began hosting the information and analytical program “Central Television”. In 2012, he hosted a special program “Direct Line, or Communication with the People.”

In 2014-2015, Vadim Anatolyevich was the author and director of the “Anatomy of the Day” program, and at the end of 2015 he hosted the Saturday talk show “50 Shades. " In January 2016, I started hosting “Results of the Day.” In February 2017, Takmenev became the host of the international children's vocal competition “You are Super!”

For his active and productive work, Vadim Takmenev was awarded three TEFI awards (2005, 2014 and 2016), the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree (2007) and the Symbol of Freedom badge for the highest journalistic excellence ( 2004).

Personal life

In 1995, Vadim Takmenev married a girl named Elena. Elena, a philologist by training, was Vadim’s classmate at Kemerovo State University. Before the wedding day, the lovers were together for a year.

Soon after the wedding, daughter Polina appeared in the Takmenev family, and a little later - daughter Agata.

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