Why do you dream of seeing yourself as an old woman? Seeing a grandmother in a dream, why do you dream about a grandmother? Complete interpretation of dreams. What happened to do

There are two types of old people: some are evil and harmful old men, others are sweet and sincere old men. You want to communicate with the first ones as little as possible, avoiding them when you meet. You can chat with the latter for hours without noticing the time and without thinking about problems. Why they are so different is a philosophical question that requires a long analysis of destinies and characters. We will not dwell on this. I propose to talk about why old people come to us in our dreams. Do you know, for example, why the old woman dreams? I don’t, but the dream book knows, so I’ll definitely check with it after such a dream! Are you with me? Then let's begin!

"Baba Yaga" in the modern world

I dreamed of a scary old woman in a black headscarf - a sign of a long illness. Knowing this, be sure to take preventive measures, Miller’s dream book advises, and the disease will pass by.

If you dream that an evil old woman is screaming at you and threatening you with a stick, some kind of danger threatens you, the dream book warns. Do not get involved in any dubious activities in the near future.

If you dreamed of a witch in black torn clothes sending curses at you, a series of troubles await you at work. It is likely that the best outcome will be to take a vacation.

A scary, unfamiliar old woman asking you for alms means losing money. Be vigilant, the dream book advises, you may probably be robbed.

To have a dream in which a fortune teller lays out cards, predicting your future - success and recognition in the team awaits you.

"God dandelion"

Seeing a sweet old lady in a white scarf and beautiful clothes in a dream means joy and fun with your family.

Dreaming of a kind witch collecting herbs means a quick recovery from illness for the sick, and good health for others.

If you dreamed of a granny in a white wedding dress, your long-forgotten plans and dreams will come true soon, Miller’s dream book prophesies.

Seeing a cheerful old woman laughing merrily in a dream means profit. Financial replenishment or the acquisition of something valuable awaits you.

Nightmares about death

I dreamed of a scary old woman in black clothes and with a scythe - to a long and happy life, as strange as it may seem. Miller's dream book sometimes gives interpretations that are directly opposite to the symbols in a dream. This dream confirms this.

Seeing in a dream an angry gray-haired old woman throwing stones, dirt at you and wishing you death means big problems in achieving your goals.

Dreaming of a dead old woman in a coffin means bad news and news. The dream book recommends that in the coming days you do not give others any reason to suspect you of gossip and intrigue, then perhaps the bad news will not concern you.

If you dreamed that Death came to you and was choking you, this means an illness of the upper respiratory tract, the dream book warns.

Nothing is eternal under the Moon…

To dream that you are sitting at the bedside of a dying old woman or old man means getting rid of a heavy burden that has shackled you for the last few months. Perhaps you gave someone your word to remain silent about a bad deed, and now this is no longer necessary.

A sick old woman with a face covered in ulcers and ulcers is a sign that someone is trying to deceive you. But if you see yourself in the image of this old woman, then you are lying.

You dreamed that your grandmother, who in real life was still alive, died - she will live for many years in peace and health, but if you saw in a dream the death of an already deceased relative, you will soon be able to pay off your debts.

Help for the elderly

If you have a dream in which you help a blind old woman cross the road, you will have a pleasant walk or even a trip in the company of a person you like.

If you dreamed that an angry old woman with a stick, shouting at the children running around her, asks you to calm the children down, this means envious gossip. You have annoyed one of your enemies, and now he is weaving intrigues against you and spreading gossip, the dream book warns.

To see in a dream how an unfamiliar old woman asks you for help - in reality one of your friends will also need help soon.

In a dream, you help an old woman in a black widow's robe prepare food for a funeral - for a drunken feast, which may end in a morning headache for you. Do not overdo it with drinking, the dream book warns.

What does it mean when an old woman dreams, the dream book believes that such a dream does not always have a positive interpretation. It is very rare to find people who claim that they never dream of anything. Dreams means the dreams that come to us during a night's rest are often positive in nature, but it happens that it can also be very unpleasant. How many times have we not wanted to get up because we have such exceptionally pleasant dreams, and how many times because of them a person has broken down with a wild cry in the middle of the night! It also happens that if we think about something for a long time, we think about various decisions, then this matter or event may also appear during sleep. What could it mean if we see an old woman in black in a dream or if she seems scary to us? Is it a positive or negative prediction? Let's look in the dream books.

Why does the old woman dream - Freud's Dream Book

So, the meaning of the dream in which the old woman appears has an overwhelmingly positive connotation. Thoughts associated with an elderly woman, who after a while, albeit over our heads, should inspire us that a grandmother is a person serving with good advice, wisdom and life experience - that is, the same as in real life. If we dream of a sweet old lady, this may mean that in the subconscious we are looking for peace, tranquility, consolation. In other words, everything that grandmothers most often give to their grandchildren.

Seeing an old woman in a dream - Miller's Dream Book

In turn, if in a dream we see ourselves and talk with our grandmother, we can expect quick success or the realization of previously set goals.

When it comes to the meaning of a dream in which we see an old woman doing housework (such as cooking or baking) it can mean that we need the right advice from a wise person on a very important matter. However, it is important to take the words spoken by the old woman in a dream seriously and take into account the advice he gives us.

Seeing a kind old woman in a dream - Vanga’s Dream Book

It also often happens that a kind old woman dreams of people whose childhood was far from ideal, or who had to say goodbye to their grandmother at a very young age. The meaning of the dream may symbolize hidden desires, or longing for a specific person. When we dream of the figure of the old woman herself, this image of her can be considered as a reflection of her state of health and serenity. If the skin is good, happy and smiling, she is dressed in light clothes - then we can be absolutely calm about his well-being.

I dreamed of an old woman in black - Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If an old woman in black has a tired face, in a dream you see that her body is weak and very small, or, even worse, dressed in dark clothes, then pay attention to the illnesses lurking in her, or the general weakness of her body. Unfortunately, the dream book also contains less pleasant information about old women who appear in our dreams. It happens very rarely, but for this figure to be presented as a sharp, persistent, or, conversely, a mischievous person who wants to negatively influence our lives. In any case, the appearance of an old woman in black in a dream cannot be accidental, so get ready for changes.

Dreaming with a deceased old woman - Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Much more often the character of a deceased old woman who was very close to our hearts may appear. Then you should be very careful and careful in many continuations. We need to pay attention to the dangers that lurk around us. The character of a deceased grandmother who appears in a dream can also symbolize an impending misfortune.

Why do you dream about grandma? There are quite a few versions, as this is one of the most common dreams. But knowledgeable dreamers recommend distinguishing what kind of old woman visited you in your slumbers. And start from this when solving the dream.

Native or foreign?

An unfamiliar granny who appears in a dream warns about the recklessness of your actions. Perhaps they will gossip about you and even accuse you unfairly. Try to calmly understand the situation.

If the old woman is very old, then she can foreshadow a series of minor failures and losses. Try to take them calmly so as not to miss really important opportunities. If the grandmother in the dream is also pretty drunk, you should give up risky actions and ill-considered steps. Otherwise, the consequences will not be in your favor.

However, if in a dream you comb and style an old woman’s hair, this is an omen of joyful days, prosperity and happiness. Such a dream can predict the purchase of a new home, a prestigious profession, or rapid advancement on the career ladder.

The grandmother usually appears in the role of a good adviser. It is imperative to listen to her words and do exactly as she advises. This will be the best way out in a difficult situation. If your grandmother scolded you in a dream, it means that you got involved with the wrong company. Try to avoid bad influences.

What does a dream involving a deceased grandmother mean?

It portends radical changes in fate, both positive and negative. She seems to warn against hasty decisions.

If your late grandmother visits quite often, perhaps you should visit her grave and remember a loved one.

It is also important what mood the deceased grandmother is in your dream. If she laughs and is happy, that's a good sign. But if he frowns or cries, difficult times come. And swearing with her actually suggests that the life of a sleeping person is going downhill.

A dream where a grandmother dies predicts quick news from loved ones. This news can be sad, or it can also be quite good, for example, about the success of relatives whom they have not seen for a long time.

If in a dream you recognize your deceased grandmother as alive, this portends good luck in business. This can be success both in your career and in your personal life.

Seeing the grave of a still living grandmother does not actually foreshadow her imminent death. Such a dream, on the contrary, suggests that she will live in good health for many years.

If in a dream you visited a cemetery where your beloved granny is buried, most likely you regret missed chances and are nostalgic for the days of your serene youth. Don't hold on to the past too much, let it go and boldly look towards the future.

What else do dream books say?

The answer to the question of why grandmother dreams is given by many dream interpreters. The choice of interpretation may depend on the emotional coloring of dreams.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream involving a grandmother hints that if difficulties arise, you need to seek advice from wise, experienced people.

Combined dream book

If you meet an unfamiliar old woman on the road, it means that you will receive too little reward for a job well done. And to see a dream about a grandmother being weak and sick means powerlessness in the face of life’s adversities.

Dream Interpretation of Smurova

A grandmother unknown to you dreams of problems at work and failures in your personal life. You can't fix them, you can only wait it out. But if this grandmother died, it is, on the contrary, good luck and prosperity. It's even better if you dispose of the corpse quickly. Then success will not be long in coming.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dreamed of an intimate conversation with your beloved granny, this is a very good sign; it foreshadows the fulfillment of desires.

Dream book for the whole family

A conflict with people dear to you is predicted by a dream about a crying grandmother. According to this dream book, a grandmother appears in a dream to warn about something unexpected. And seeing yourself in the role of a granny is always a surprise.

Danilova's Dream Interpretation

To rejoice in a dream about meeting with a grandmother who has already died is a sign of victory over adversity and life’s difficulties. And to see yourself nursing your grandchildren is a sign of unusual insights and extrasensory discoveries.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

The appearance of a grandmother in a dream is a sign of family happiness.

Miller's Dream Book

If your dreamed grandmother kissed you, expect troubles, problems in the workplace, and possible worsening of diseases. And if you yourself kissed your grandmother on the forehead, the dream book interprets this as a harbinger of separation from someone close. The hugs of your beloved granny predict good health and longevity.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Grandmother comes into your dreams at the moment when you need to warn or bless. It helps you make the right choice.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous psychoanalyst also explains why grandma dreams. A girl who has such a dream is usually embarrassed by her appearance, thinks that she is ugly, and is afraid of being left without a man. A woman is afraid of impending old age. A young man is not confident in his sexual capabilities, and an adult man regrets missed chances.

Electronic dream book

Grandmother promises the fairer sex constancy in love, and gentlemen, on the contrary, betrayal of their beloved.

Dream Interpretation Old Woman

Some dreams can be truly frightening. But sometimes, they simply show that part of their own soul that the dreamer is afraid to discern in himself. This is how an old woman can become an old woman from dreams. Sometimes she personifies enemies, occasionally - herself. But often it is the image of a messenger. Whether you receive good or bad news in a dream depends on what kind of woman you saw.

If you dreamed of an old woman, you should first of all think about the fact that our days on this earth are limited. In the case when it appears in the form of death, it means that the dreamer is dismissive of his own safety and is inclined to take risks where it is not necessary.

To understand why the old woman dreams, you need to remember the following moments of the dream:

By analyzing these points, it will be possible to get a deep interpretation of what the old woman is dreaming about.

What does a dream about an elderly woman mean?

Such an image does not arise often, and such dreams could be classified as iconic. But only if the dreamer does not have a disgusted attitude towards old people and a panicky fear of age-related changes. If the dreamer belongs to such categories, then such a dream is an ordinary annoying nightmare that means nothing.

For the rest, you need to try hard to explain why the old woman is dreaming. On the one hand, this is an image of negativism, complete nihilism and denial of life. On the other hand, she is a woman wise by experience, an ancestor, the image of the ancient goddess Mother. The interpretation of the dream will depend on her appearance, the place where you met in the dream, and communication.

Where did we meet?

If you dreamed of an old woman in a black dress

This is what the modern dream book says: an old woman in a long black dress, seen in a dream, speaks of the machinations of enemies. If she points you in the direction, and you know exactly this place, then that is where the danger is coming from.

Seeing such a woman at home is also not good. You will soon receive sad news. You may have to care for an old, sick relative.

Decrepit woman in the house

If you dreamed of an unfamiliar gray-haired scary woman in your own house or apartment, this is a bad sign. Most likely, you will be betrayed by the person you trusted most. But we are not talking about adultery. It's more of a matter of honor.

  • Seeing a woman in black on your bed in a dream is bad. The dream means a long-term illness and treatment in a medical facility. If you feel unwell right now, consult a doctor for preventive treatment, you can avoid complications.
  • I dreamed of an evil hag trying to break into the door - rudeness. You will have to face it on the personal front. Perhaps someone will tell the secrets of your intimate life.
  • Seeing an old woman in the kitchen at the table means an early meeting with relatives. If she was angry and dressed in black, you’ll see her at the funeral dinner. And in white - at a gala dinner or wedding.
  • Dying in your bed - most likely you will have to part with what was not so dear to you. Don't be afraid to change your wardrobe or haircut at this time. And even if the beloved decides to leave, it’s for the best.
  • Seeing an unfamiliar hag sit on your chest and strangle you in a dream - you can become a victim of your explosive nature. Don't be surprised if, in the process of erupting anger, you lose your voice or get an acute attack of suffocation.

Meeting in an unfamiliar place

Where did we meet

Meeting a decrepit old woman in a place unfamiliar to you means getting news. If she is angry and scary, the news will be bad. A pretty, sweet woman in bright clothes means receiving good news.

  • Seeing a hag threatening you with a stick on the road means you will be provoked into emotional and wrong actions.
  • If you dreamed of a pleasant, bright woman who asked you for water or bread, this is a good sign. In this image, the bright part of the subconscious often appears, which will suggest a way out of a difficult situation. By remembering her words and applying them, even metaphorically in life, you can achieve what you want.
  • To be frightened by the fact that it appeared on the road as if by itself is an unforeseen incident.

What did she do

Her very appearance in a dream can indicate impending events, changes, or the receipt of news. But if you managed to remember her actions, then you will decipher a hint on how to behave in new conditions.

  • If you asked to be transferred across the street, you will experience difficulties in your new position.
  • A sloppy, angry, scary hag in a black dress hurls curses and threatens with a stick - a series of troubles that will fall on you. To minimize the impact of other people, do not make major decisions and avoid traveling.
  • An amazing, unknown, gray-haired old lady was baking pies in your kitchen - family comfort and well-being. It is possible to receive an inheritance.
  • A dying woman asked for something - you will have to solve the problems of other people, although this will be to your detriment.

Own feelings

To analyze such dreams, it is important to analyze your own feelings experienced during the dream, as well as immediately after waking up. If the old woman you saw left a clear negative mark, frightened you, or prophesied terrible troubles and death, be prepared for all sorts of troubles. Many of them will not depend on you in any way. But in the near future you should not succumb to provocations or make serious decisions.

Seeing that she is pleasant and you want to talk to her. After sleep, blissful warm sensations remain, as if after communicating with a close soul mate - this is very good. Perhaps your subconscious has always possessed the knowledge that you now so need and this dream is just a way to make it available for daily use.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why is the old woman dreaming?

Goddess, joy // gossip, lies, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing the Old Woman, how to unravel the symbolism

It portends a serious illness of one of your relatives. If you dreamed of an old woman with a stick, it means that you will overestimate the support of your friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Old Woman from your dream

Depending on appearance and behavior - evil, illness, danger; good news, joy. In black - the angel of death, karmic punishment; initiation into spiritual secrets.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about an old woman?

If someone sees an elderly woman in the image of a young woman, and, moreover, in a cheerful mood, his affairs will be arranged in accordance with the desires of his heart; and if he sees her with a gloomy face, he will be limited in his means of living, and he will suffer grief and need, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book


Lies and gossip.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Displeasure and anxiety await.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Benevolent mentor, benefactor; listen to the advice of your elders and parents. Evil, unpleasant, you have ill-wishers. Be careful with the stick and don’t get hooked by unkind people. Familiar old man, old woman, check your relationship with old people you know. Maybe they need help, or, on the contrary, you are wasting your energy in vain, “pulling” them on yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Lies, gossip.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Old woman: interpretation of the image

With cats - Captivity, hardship, slavery.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why does the Old Woman dream?

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Old Woman dreamed

A symbol meaning decadence, final point, stop, regression, dying. This image is undoubtedly negative, symbolizing the implementation of a vampiric takeover to the detriment of the subject.

The dream that you had on the 22nd carries a lot of useful information: it can foreshadow a new round of development of serious illnesses and suggest possible ways of healing in its plot, talk about upcoming changes in your financial situation and warn about what steps in business you should not take. undertake.

Old woman as interpreted by experts

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