What medicines are painkillers. Painkillers. Painkillers for toothache

Painkillers are essential medicines. Severe pain can be an absolute surprise for everyone, even a healthy person. Toothache, headache, back discomfort - this is a completely incomplete list of problems that people can experience. Painkillers can help relieve discomfort.

List of popular painkillers

The use of the drugs described below must be used with caution. Necessary choose the right tablets because these medications may not be suitable for some people. Moreover, this applies to the diagnosis, since the use of an analgesic for pain in the abdomen, heart and other organs can greatly complicate the definition of the disease. In addition, pain is considered only a signal of the body about existing problems, getting rid of a painful symptom does not mean getting rid of the disease, it is also necessary to eliminate the cause of the problem.


Aspirin has a pronounced analgesic effect. In addition to relieving high fever, this drug can be used for many diseases because the tablet has an anti-inflammatory effect. Effectively used to relieve pain in the joints, muscles, perfectly eliminates high body temperature and headache.

Aspirin is a fairly strong pain reliever, because the use of these tablets implies compliance with certain rules. The medicine should not be used by children under 16 years of age. The same situation is with pregnant women and nursing mothers. The presence of diseases of the kidneys and liver need great care when using. The drug can be used for no more than a week, the dose should be checked with a doctor.

The medicine has side effects, which are represented by nausea, vomiting and pain in the abdomen. Sometimes the drug leads to dizziness. During an overdose, the risk of bleeding and tinnitus increases.


Analgin is used to relieve unpleasant symptoms in many cases. Joint pain, headache and toothache, the presence of bruises, injuries and associated discomfort - pills can effectively help in these cases.

Today, analgin is part of many painkillers. This substance relieves pain by suppressing the activity of the centers responsible for this symptom. The impact is partial, but enables a person to get noticeable relief.

As in the preparation described above, Analgin has other actions in its arsenal. The drug increases heat transfer, and the presence of an anti-inflammatory effect allows you to eliminate diseases. Also, the medicine is suitable during fever, with colds and febrile conditions.

Analgin is not used to treat pregnant and lactating women. Also the use of tablets for children under six months is prohibited. It is advisable to use the drug for the treatment of adults. Long-term alcohol consumption and kidney disease are also considered a contraindication.

Side effects are expressed in the form of a decrease in blood pressure, the development of allergic reactions and impaired renal function. This is possible in cases where the medicine is not suitable for the person or the possible dosage is exceeded.

Paracetamol and No-shpa

No-shpa is an antispasmodic drug. It is used in the presence of pain in the stomach, intestines and head. Tablets are also used in situations where the symptom appeared as a result of menstruation in women or in diseases of the urinary system.

It is undesirable to use the drug for children under the age of 7 years, as well as for women during lactation. A factor requiring careful intake is the presence of cardiac, hepatic, renal failure, as well as pregnancy. Side effects occur in rare cases. They are usually associated with the development of allergies and nausea, lowering blood pressure, increased heart rate. If the tablets are used correctly, they will provide a high degree of safety and effectiveness.

The effectiveness of paracetamol is also quite high. The drug is used as an anesthetic and antipyretic, it is quite safe to use. An anesthetic drug is required for neuralgia, during muscle and joint pain syndromes, with toothaches and headaches.

Tablets are prohibited for use in cases where there is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as severe kidney disorders. Pregnant women in the 3rd trimester and children under a month also cannot use this medicine.

The product does not combine with alcohol at all. The duration of use should not be more than a week. The side effect is associated with the risk of acute liver failure and the development of allergies.

Ketanov and Nurofen

Nurofen contains the active ingredient ibuprofen. The drug is manufactured in the form of tablets, suspensions, gels and suppositories. Nurofen has an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, relieves pain from colds and fever. The tool allows you to get rid of headache, joint, muscle, toothache and other types of pain.

You should not resort to using the drug at the same time as Aspirin, Analgin and Paracetamol. You can not use the drug to treat pregnant women who are in the 3rd trimester, and children under 7 years of age. Women during lactation, the drug is not prescribed.

Nurofen has many contraindications These include the following conditions and diseases:

  • Renal failure.
  • The defeat of the digestive tract of the ulcerative type.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the liver.

The dosage of the drug must be observed, the product requires careful handling. With prolonged use of the drug and overdose, there may be side effects. These include diarrhea, weakness, vomiting, headache, nausea, and low blood pressure.

Painkillers are also represented by such a powerful drug as Ketanov. Often he applied after operations, with the development of pain of osteochondrosis and oncological nature. The drug is also effective for colic, discomfort that appeared in the process of muscle injury. Ketanov is used for a short time. The dose must be strictly observed. It is undesirable to use the medicine for more than 2 days.

The drug is not without side effects. In the process of consumption of funds, the following phenomena may appear:

  • Nervous state.
  • Frequent heartbeat.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Nausea.
  • Pain in the abdomen.

It is understood that an overdose of the drug can cause the above symptoms. In addition, the patient has drowsiness and difficulty breathing. Signs of overdose require immediate medical attention.

It is forbidden to resort to the help of the drug when a person has a bleeding disorder, stomach ulcer and kidney failure. Pregnant and lactating women, children under 15 years of age are also required to refrain from using the medicine.

Diclofenac and Mig 400

Diclofenac is made in gels for pain relief and suspensions, which are required for injections, but there is also a tablet form of the drug. The tool makes it possible to get rid of muscle and joint pain, is used for injuries and associated painful symptoms.

The list of positive effects of tablets includes anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous action. It is used in the treatment of children who have reached the age of 7 years and more. As in the cases described above, the drug is forbidden to be given to women who are in the 3rd semester and during lactation.

Side effects are associated with the appearance of allergies, but it manifests itself very rarely. A drug is highly secure, and its effectiveness in eliminating pain in articular and muscle localization has an excellent indicator.

Mig 400 contains ibuprofen. Elimination of pain with the help of this remedy is effective during the painful inflammatory syndrome. The drug helps in such cases:

  • Toothache.
  • Pain during menses.
  • The development of migraine and headaches.
  • The presence of a symptom in a feverish state.
  • Pain in the joints and muscles.

Like other painkillers, Mig 400 is not used for pain in young children, lactating and pregnant women, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers. Care must be taken when using medication if a person has the following characteristics:

  • Diseases of the blood.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Heart failure.
  • Kidney diseases.

Elderly people also need to accurately and correctly determine the dose of the drug. This is a must perform with the participation of a doctor. An overdose of the drug can lead to weakness, anxiety, the development of an allergic reaction and an increase in blood pressure. Sometimes there is dizziness and shortness of breath. The presence of these symptoms indicates the need to stop using the pills and visit the doctor.

Painkillers must be used after consulting a doctor. It is necessary to carefully consider the presence of side effects and the use of drugs. Compliance with the dosage makes it possible to achieve effective and positive treatment.

Specific pain medications

This group of drugs is indirectly analgesics, and people who are far from pharmacology and medicine are unlikely to be able to draw an analogy between painkillers and these drugs. Specific analgesics officially belong to the group of anticonvulsants. And even in the instructions for use it is indicated "Anticonvulsant" or "Antiepileptic".

But against the background of a certain anticonvulsant effect, drugs of this group effectively reduce postoperative and other types of pain. In addition, they reduce sensitivity in severe wounds, for example, after breast removal operations and other invasive interventions that are characterized by damage to the peripheral nerves.


This drug effectively blocks the release of neurotransmitters that have excitatory effects. Clinical studies have determined the role of gabapentin in the treatment of neuropathic and chronic pain, which is associated with the ability of the drug to reduce the sensitivity of the spinal cord, including after traumatic or surgical tissue deformation.

Gabapentin is advised to prescribe to patients after surgery, including to reduce the dosage of narcotic analgesics. Proven excellent efficacy of gabapentin for pain relief during severe headache, and pain, which is associated with a spasm in the brain vessels. In pharmacies, gabapentin can be found under the names Gapentek, Gabagamma, Neurontin, Catena, Egipentin, Tebantin, etc.


Pain reliever that has properties similar to gabapentin. The main difference is the longer half-life, in this regard, it is the drug of choice for the relief of acute pain, especially for the elderly. Indications include postoperative pain, fibromyalgia, and neuropathic pain. The original pregabalin is manufactured by Pfizer in the USA and is called Lyrica. In addition, there are generics on the market: Prabegin, Algerica, Pregabalin Canon, Pregabalin-Richter and Pregabalin Zentiva.

So, as you can see, painkillers are represented by a huge range of different means. Need to select the drug individually, since the peculiarities of the state and health of a person require attention to them. Failure to follow the rules for the use of painkillers can create side effects or more significant consequences. In this case, the drug should be stopped taking and immediately consult a doctor.

The pain of a person overtakes suddenly. Most often, a person is not ready for the manifestation of pain. The question arises where it came from and what to do. The feeling of pain takes possession of consciousness, an attack of fear begins and a feverish search for a solution on how to relieve the pain.

Only by relieving the pain syndrome, the person returns to his former state and mood. As a rule, tolerable pain passes quickly and is soon forgotten. If the pain becomes unbearable, and after a temporary relief it nevertheless returns, the person's life rhythm is disturbed.

In this case, urgent action must be taken to improve. Pain signals the presence of an ailment in the body. The intensity, duration, and cause of pain affect the need for prompt action regarding medication.

Pain- This is the body's ability to signal problems inside. There are two types of pain: physiological (acute) and pathological (chronic).

Physiological pain is determined by a small long process and manifests itself at the moment of perception of sensations by painful endings. It has a clear place of detection, manifests itself under the influence of mechanical, thermal and chemical factors.

pathological pain is formed and characterized by a longer time for the development of an existing pathology in the body. Pathological pain may be congenital due to an underlying disease or acquired after.

Pain sensations are weak, constantly reminding of themselves, over time you get used to them. Pain can manifest as headache, chest pain, abdominal pain, pelvic pain.

Headache is a common occurrence. Tension pains, migraine, hypertensive and sinus pains are more common.

Tension pain appear from overvoltage. The pain lasts several hours, perhaps days, squeezes and squeezes the head from all sides. Sources of tension headache are stress, improper diet, sleep disturbance, prolonged work at the computer, etc.

Migraine accompanied by throbbing pain in the temples. Migraine affects creative and purposeful people, teenagers. Migraines can be triggered by changes in the weather, strong smells, bright lights, foods, menstrual cramps, etc.

For hypertension pain affects the increase in blood pressure of the cerebral vessels, appear in the occipital part. There are pains due to psycho-emotional stress, excessive consumption of salt and alcohol, etc.

sinus pain characterized by aching painful sensations at the locations of the cheekbones, forehead or bridge of the nose. Any slight movement of the head increases the pain. Pain is the result of a disease of the nasopharynx.

Chest pain is a consequence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, lungs and nerves.

Disease of the musculoskeletal system manifested in violation of blood circulation in blood vessels, nutrition of nerve endings, muscle spasms. Osteochondrosis can provoke an attack by pinching a nerve.

You can recognize the disease of the spine and joints by the following signs: musculoskeletal stiffness that has arisen, pain when bending and unbending the knees and elbows, pinching and pain in the neck, backache.

Angina pectoris is a heart failure
, during the illness, pain usually occurs during physical exertion and after, but weakens after a while. The pain impulse can be given to the left arm, neck or back.

During a heart attack, there is compression of the chest, there is a feeling of tightness. Other symptoms appear: pallor, sweating, weakness, numbness of the arms and legs, dizziness.

May cause pain in the digestive system abdominal organs. The reason may be in gastritis, appendicitis, ulcers, renal colic, liver failure. Constant pain in the abdomen is considered dangerous.

The first signs of diseases of the digestive system are discomfort, heaviness in the abdomen, bitterness in the mouth, constant thirst, diarrhea and constipation, the appearance of blood from the rectum, sudden weight loss, manifestations of weakness and malaise.

The most common types of lung disease: bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy.

Bronchitis characterized by bouts of severe nocturnal coughing, causing acute pain.

Pneumonia - This is an internal inflammation of the lungs that occurs and develops due to infection. Characteristic features are manifested in shortness of breath, cough, chills, fever.

With pleurisy on inhalation and exhalation there is severe pain in the chest. Pleurisy is a disease of the outer lining of the lungs. Keeps a small body temperature and does not go astray.

Intercostal neuralgia or thoracalgia causes excruciating pain, the symptoms of which are often confused with pleurisy. Neuralgia is a disease of the nerve. Pain causes an inflamed nerve, shortness of breath appears, inhalation and exhalation become painful and difficult.

Pain in the pelvis cause the organs of the small pelvis and urinary system, cause adnexitis, cystitis.

Classification of painkillers

Painkillers differ in chemical composition and mechanism of action. They have different forms of release: tablets, capsules, suppositories, injections, ointments and gels.

Painkillers also differ in chemical nature and pharmacological properties: narcotic and non-narcotic drugs.
Analgesic, analgesic - a drug designed to relieve pain - analgesia.

Analgesics are narcotic and non-narcotic

Narcotic analgesics- these are drugs whose action affects the depression of the central nervous system.

Narcotic analgesics are divided into:

  • Opioid receptor agonists(morphine, promedol, fentanyl)
  • Agonist-antagonist and partial opioid receptor agonists (pentazocine, butorphanol, buprenorphine)

Non-narcotic analgesics- these are medicines that do not have a significant effect on the central nervous system, are effective for mild intense pain, and are not addictive. They are considered safe, but care must be taken when using.

Non-narcotic analgesics are divided into:

  • Salicylic acid derivatives: acetylsalicylic acid, sodium salicylate.
  • Pyrazolone derivatives: analgin, butadione, amidopyrine.
  • Aniline derivatives- phenacytin, paracetamol.
  • Derivatives of alkanoic acids- ibuprofen, flurbiprofen, diclofenac sodium.
  • Anthranilic acid derivatives(mefenamic and flufenamic acids).
  • Other- Pirosicam, Dimexide, Chlotazol.

By action:

Biochemical action:

  • Acting on the focus of pain (blocking the production of prostaglandins).
  • Blocking the transmission of pain signals in the brain.

Narcotic action:

  • Opioid (narcotic) analgesics- relieve severe pain, mainly affect the peripheral and central nervous system, can cause psychophysical dependence, an overdose can be fatal, so the storage and use of opioid analgesics is under the criminal responsibility of doctors.
  • Non-opioid (non-narcotic) analgesics are used to lower the temperature.

Anti-inflammatory action:

  • Non-inhibiting inflammatory processes (antipyretics).
  • Depressing inflammatory processes (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Strong painkillers

The use of potent painkillers for acute unbearable pain can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. Such drugs are taken prudently, observing the dosage and taking into account individual intolerance.

Among these drugs, you should choose:

  • Acecardol- used to prevent myocardial infarction, unstable angina, ischemic stroke.
  • Voltaren- a medicine against pain of a non-rheumatic nature, improves the functional state of the body, reduces pain during movement and swelling of the joints.
  • Ibufen- reduces body temperature, swelling, pain.

Strong painkillers without prescriptions

Strong painkillers can be purchased at pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. These drugs may relieve attacks or relieve symptoms, but they do not completely cure.

These funds include:

  • Meloflex- is prescribed for osteoarthritis, Bechterew's disease, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Ketorol- suppresses any pain syndrome, applicable for neuralgia and sciatica.
  • Papaverine- used for spasm of smooth muscles, bronchospasm, renal colic.
  • Nimesulide- reduces platelet adhesion, thins the blood, is an antioxidant, relieves fever, suppresses inflammation and relieves pain.
  • Ibuprofen- used in the treatment of moderate pain syndrome, febrile syndrome in infectious diseases, diseases of the spine and joints.

Narcotic painkillers

The most potent painkillers are a group of narcotic drugs. These drugs are used when experiencing intense and unbearable suffering after injuries and operations.

They block the transmission of signals in the brain and spinal cord, help relieve anxiety and panic. Use them in emergency situations with extreme caution.

Although the use of drugs in this group has an effective return and, like no other drugs, they are able to cope with pain, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe them in any other cases.

Drugs are highly addictive psychophysiological dependence appears, as well as a lot of side effects. Medicines are dispensed by prescription only.

Narcotic drugs are prescribed that can provide effective pain relief by a doctor in case of severe flour, which has no other means of influence. Careful care for the patient and faith in recovery is an important component in the treatment of the disease.

The use of painkillers

Narcotic drugs are used in emergency cases:

  1. With malignant neoplasms that cause prolonged, severe attacks.
  2. For burns to stop pain.
  3. During childbirth by caesarean section.
  4. For pain due to chest trauma.
  5. For heart attacks.
  6. Premedication for anesthesia.
  7. As a pain reliever after surgery.

For example, PropHydrochloride, Fentanyl, Morphine, Buprenorphine, Codeine.

Non-narcotic drugs are used for any manifestations of pain with caution in the following cases:

  1. Mig 400, Pentalgin, Citramon, Relpax, Sedalgin Neo, Sumatriptan - used to relieve headaches.
  2. Aspirin, Ketoprofen, Paracetomol, Nurofen, Bareltax, Spazmolgon - used for colds, as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic.
  3. Analgin, Tempalgin, Caffetin - used for pain syndrome of moderate and mild severity.
  4. Ketanov, He took, Tramal, Dolospa, Trigan - are considered effective against toothache, pain after surgery, pain from muscle injuries, colitis, neuralgia.
  5. diclofenac, Celebrex, Arcoxia is an effective joint pain reliever.
  6. Drotoverin, No-shpa, Ditsetel - tools that are indispensable for pain in the gastrointestinal tract, spasms.

In everyday life, a person experiencing pain shock engages in self-treatment, limiting himself to identifying the localization of pain without finding out the possible reasons for the duration of pain sensations, and does not allow the possibility of developing an ailment and side effects.

Tips and special cases:

  1. Suddenly, in the evening, an adult had a sharp and stabbing pain when inhaling and exhaling, sleep is disturbed because with each change of position during sleep, the pain intensified. There was fear, such symptoms for the first time, analgin + aspirin do not help. The temperature on the thermometer was 37.4 degrees. In the morning it was decided to go to the doctor.
    There was shortness of breath while walking. The feeling of pain in everything caused discomfort. The doctor made a preliminary diagnosis: pleurisy, prescribed antibiotic treatment with Sumamed. The pain for three days not only did not go away, but even more intensified.
    A chest x-ray showed no pathology. The doctor makes the following diagnosis of thoracalgia. This is followed by an appointment in the form of Movalis injections. Five days after the injections, the pain receded.Thanks doctor!
  2. The teenager developed pains in the lower abdomen on the right, the temperature rose to 37.2 degrees, nausea. Paramedics diagnosed appendicitis. In the emergency department, the surgeon immediately ruled out the possibility of appendicitis.
    In the children's department, where the child was assigned, a full examination was carried out. Ultrasound showed the presence of a bend of the gallbladder, respectively, after examination for FGS, gastritis was revealed.
    Local doctors refused to prescribe treatment. I had to turn to a gastroenterologist who prescribed Trimedat and Gaviscon double action. After long-term treatment, the child's condition improved.
  3. Pafter a leg injury in an adult, constant sharp and pulling pains, advised in the pharmacy to try Nimesil powder.
    The drug really has a potent analgesic effect. Then after the insertion of dentures there were aching pains, this remedy also helped.

Do not self-medicate - consult a doctor!

When a person has any physical suffering, then the pain wants to be removed as soon as possible. The patient hurries to a nearby pharmacy to choose an effective painkiller, but the range of modern drugs is so huge that it is very difficult to find a medicine.

Analgesics are pain relievers that can eliminate or relieve pain. Their impact is not accompanied by impaired motor function or loss of consciousness. These painkillers are divided into narcotic (containing morphine) and non-narcotic. The second group of analgesics is divided into several subgroups:

  1. Derivatives of salicylic acid. These include: Aspirin, Sodium salicylate.
  2. Pyrazolone derivatives. This is Analgin, Amidopyrine.
  3. Derivatives of propionic acid. These include drugs such as Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen.
  4. Derivatives of anthranilic acid. Mefenamic acid, Flufenamic acid.
  5. Derivatives of acetic acid. The most popular: Indomethacin, Tryptophan.
  6. Aniline derivatives (anilides). These are Phenacetin, Paracetamol.

Narcotic painkillers

This is a group of drugs with analgesic action, which reduces the vegetative accompaniment of pain, but causes drug dependence. A narcotic pain reliever may consist of a natural alkaloid (Codeine, Morphine) or a synthetic compound (Fentanyl, Promedol). The most effective analgesics of this group are:

  1. Methadone. Synthetic long-acting alkaloid. It is used as an analgesic and in the treatment of opiate or heroin addiction.
  2. Omnopon. An opioid combination medicine that comes in ampoules as a solution. Use with the strongest pain syndrome of any origin.
  3. Morphine. Strong drug. Released in the form of a solution. It is prescribed for severe injuries, heart attack, angina pectoris and other conditions caused by pronounced pain.
  4. Promedol. Semi-synthetic opiate. The solution and tablets are prescribed for pain of severe and moderate severity. Causes rapid addiction.

cheap pain pills

Many people cannot afford to buy medicines at a high price. Any pharmacy chain offers a choice of inexpensive painkillers that also effectively relieve pain of various etiologies. These include:

  1. Ibuprofen (Mig, Nurofen). Reduces the symptoms of the inflammatory process, lowers the high body temperature. Especially successfully anesthetizes the joints.
  2. Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol). It has a pronounced antipyretic effect. Works great for headaches and toothaches.
  3. Ortofen (Diclofenac). Reduces swelling, joint pain, quickly reduces inflammation after injury.

Powerful pain reliever

The most powerful painkillers are the narcotic group. Given the danger of addiction, their independent use is strictly prohibited. Affordable and safe drugs for pain relief of strong action:

  1. Acecardol. NSAIDs (antiplatelet agent). It proved to be excellent for anesthesia during a heart attack, angina pectoris. It is prescribed for viral infections.
  2. Voltaren. Non-steroidal drug of pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic action.
  3. Ibufen. Non-narcotic analgesic. It is widely used in acute viral infections, influenza and in pediatric practice.

Strong painkillers without prescriptions

Pharmaceutical companies offer many pain medications that are available without a prescription. It should be remembered that self-medication is not safe, since drugs do not treat the underlying disease, but only relieve symptoms. OTC medicines are antispasmodics and NSAIDs, which are sold at different prices. The most powerful over-the-counter painkillers:

  1. Meloflex. Solution for intramuscular injections. Does not affect the progression of the disease. Designed to reduce inflammation, reduce pain.
  2. Ketorol. It is used to suppress the pain syndrome of any localization.
  3. Papaverine. Good pain reliever for headaches. It has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, so it quickly removes pain syndromes during menstruation, cystitis, pancreatitis.

Modern painkillers

In recent years, medicines of a new generation have been widely used in medicine. These include a group of selective drugs NSAIDs. Their advantage is the fact that they have a selective effect and do not harm healthy organs. List of modern painkillers:

  1. Nimesulide. It is successfully used to treat back pain, removes inflammation and hyperemia.
  2. Flamax. It has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiaggregatory effects. It is indicated for pain syndromes of various origins.
  3. Celebrex. Assign for back pain, postoperative, musculoskeletal and other pain syndromes.

Pain-relieving anti-inflammatory drugs

The group of non-steroidal drugs in the rating of painkillers is considered the most harmless. The drugs have a powerful anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. The name "non-steroidal" emphasizes that, unlike glucocorticoids, they do not contain synthetic steroid hormones. List of known analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs:

  1. Metindol. NSAID, which is more effective for pain syndromes of the spine, joints, after injuries or operations.
  2. Nalgezin. Quickly reduces the level of inflammatory hormones in the blood. It is prescribed for different types of pain syndrome: myalgia, viral diseases, sciatica and others.
  3. Salofalk. NSAIDs. It is indicated for ulcerative colitis, exacerbation of Crohn's disease.

Painkillers for joint pain

In the complex treatment of joint pain, painkillers are used. Pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system is often unbearable, so you can not do without drugs. The most effective painkillers for joint pain belong to the pharmacological group of NSAIDs:

  1. Koksib. Available in capsules. The medicine shows itself best in the treatment of osteoarthritis and arthritis.
  2. Arcoxia. Assign for symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gouty arthritis. The drug is effective after dental surgery.
  3. Brufen. It is indicated for damage to tendons and ligaments, inflammation of the joints of various origins, feverish conditions, lumbago, after sports injuries and accidents.

Learn how to choose painkillers for joint pain.

Painkillers for back pain

Every person experiences back pain. The modern pharmaceutical industry does not stand still, and every year it produces the most effective medicines that help fight pain. Popular pain relievers for back pain:

  1. Revmador. A strong pain reliever from the group of non-narcotic analgesics. It is used when degenerative diseases of the spine and joints are accompanied by pain.
  2. Finalgel. Classification - NSAIDs. It is intended for local use during inflammatory diseases of the joints and back, sprains, injuries (closed) of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Fentatin. A drug used to treat unbearable pain. Available in the form of a crystalline powder. Designed for subcutaneous injections.

Painkillers for oncology

In cancerous conditions, drugs are prescribed that can relieve pain caused by tumor growth or cancer. Begin therapy with non-narcotic analgesics, then move on to weak or (if necessary) strong opionates. The main painkillers for oncology:

  • anti-inflammatory: Aspirin, Paracetamol;
  • steroids: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone;
  • type 2 inhibitors: Celecoxib, Rofecoxib;
  • Opiates: Morphine, Hydromorphone.

The use of painkillers

You should not take pills for every pain syndrome. Often you can do without medication, for example, when the head hurts after sleeping or with mild abdominal cramps during menstruation. The use of painkillers is justified when the cause cannot be eliminated, because they have a temporary effect. Uncontrolled intake of drugs leads either to health problems or to addiction. If painkillers are prescribed by a doctor, then they must be taken according to the scheme that he prescribed.

The price of painkillers

Medicines that relieve pain are now easy to find in any pharmacy. Another thing is if you need expensive and not very popular drugs. Then they can be ordered from the catalog and bought in the online store. In this case, drugs can be even cheaper. Approximate price for painkillers:




Price in rubles

Analgin tab. 500 mg

Ketorol solution 3% 1 ml.

Voltaren tab. 50 mg


Arcoxia tabl. 90 ml

How to choose painkillers

It is not always necessary to believe advertising and buy expensive medicines. Often a time-tested drug is much more effective. Before you buy a medicine, you must read its annotation. If the medication is intended to relieve joint pain, then it will not help with migraines. The question of which pain reliever is better is not correct, since each type of medicine relieves a certain problem. In addition, any type of analgesics can not be taken for a long time and often. This leads to stomach ulcers and bowel problems.

Pain accompanies a person all his life. Accidentally hit the jamb - it hurts, cut himself, fell, dropped something heavy on his leg - again a pain syndrome of varying degrees of intensity. And if in these situations the pain is only the result of our clumsiness and ineptitude, passing over time (the bruise disappears, the cut heals), then in case of serious illnesses, in 99% of cases it is necessary to visit a doctor. Remember, painkillers do not cure. They only relieve a symptom, possibly a serious illness, glossing over the clinical picture.

Varieties of pain syndrome

Any ailment to which the body reacts with pain is a reason to contact a competent specialist. Painkillers are divided according to the mechanism of action on the body, so it is necessary to understand that with discomfort in the heart area, analgin will not help, just as nosh-pa will not relieve pain in the joints.

  1. Cardiac. Often associated with an attack of angina pectoris. In this case, nitroglycerin helps. If after taking two tablets with an interval of 10 minutes the condition does not improve, call an ambulance. Classical painkillers in this case are powerless.
  2. Joint/vertebral pain is most common in people of all ages. Self-treatment in such a situation is dangerous, since pain is only one of the symptoms of a disease associated with degenerative-dystrophic processes in cartilage and ligaments. Most often, NSAIDs are prescribed to relieve pain.
  3. Renal colic is associated with the movement of stones. It is dangerous to take painkillers on your own. An ambulance call is required.
  4. Hepatic colic requires immediate medical attention, as gallstones can block the bile ducts, making it difficult or completely blocking the flow of bile. In this case, the clock counts.
  5. Menstrual pain - occurs in 85% of women of childbearing age. They are associated with various diseases of the female genital area, of which approximately 50% are endometriosis - a disease with an incomprehensible etiology, but delivering a lot of inconvenience to the beautiful half of humanity, up to the hospital. Nevertheless, 90% of women prefer to take a couple of pills, lie down and return to their usual way of life again without visiting a doctor. In each case, certain painkillers are taken, often combined (with antispasmodics).

  6. Headaches are another kind of discomfort when it is at least stupid to go to the doctor. Every second person thinks so, trying to immediately take an anesthetic pill and quickly forget about the problem. This kind of pain is most often stopped by pills without the advice of a doctor.
  7. Gastrointestinal pain is a symptom of a formidable disease. In such cases, uncontrolled intake of analgesics is dangerous, since peritonitis, perforation of the wall of the stomach or intestines, a cancerous tumor, and other painful conditions that require the intervention of a specialist and a comprehensive examination may be hidden behind the pain syndrome. If the pain is associated with an exacerbation of gastritis, antacids containing aluminum and / or No-shpu (antispasmodic) are taken. Taking NSAIDs for pain relief is prohibited.
  8. Most often used to relieve muscle pain. They relax tight muscles, relieving pain. Additionally, external agents are used in, gels, creams based on NSAIDs.

Thus, self-administration of painkillers is possible, but undesirable, for menstrual, headache and joint pain. In other cases, drugs that relieve pain are not actually analgesics, but at the same time enhance their effect.

Types of painkillers

All analgesics are divided according to the type of effect on the patient's body. They can change the biochemistry of the body, affect or not affect the patient's consciousness, remove inflammation or relieve fever:

  • Altering biochemistry - they act directly on the focus of pain (do not allow prostaglandins to be produced) or do not allow pain signals to pass into the brain.
  • Influencing / not affecting the patient's consciousness - narcotic analgesics (the most powerful painkillers) or non-narcotic.
  • Having / not having an anti-inflammatory effect - the former effectively relieve inflammation (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), the latter lower the temperature well.

Non-narcotic analgesics are divided into several subgroups - salicylic acid derivatives, pyrazolone derivatives, aniline derivatives, alkanoic acid derivatives and others.

Narcotic painkillers

Among the most common are morphine, codeine - natural, fentanyl, promedol, tramadol - synthetic. Most narcotic analgesics cannot be bought in pharmacies. The exception is products containing codeine in small doses. These are combined drugs:

  • No-shpalgin. In addition to codeine, the composition includes drotaverine and paracetamol.
  • Nurofen plus - codeine + ibuprofen.
  • Panadeine/Paracodamol - codeine + paracetamol.
  • Parcocet - codeine + caffeine + acetylsalicylic acid + paracetamol.
  • Pentalgin N / Peralgin. These tablets have a complex composition, which, in addition to codeine and caffeine, includes phenobarbital, naproxen and metamizole sodium (analgin).
  • Prohodol forte / Solpadeine - codeine + caffeine + paracetamol.

Morphine-based drugs are prescribed for oncological diseases, complex surgical interventions, to alleviate the condition of hopeless patients. The principle of action is a change in the patient's condition. After an injection of morphine, he falls into euphoria, his sense of fear disappears, the pain threshold rises, and a clear sedative effect is observed. All properties of narcotic analgesics, except for relieving pain, are undesirable, in addition, repeated injections are addictive, and after withdrawal, an abstinent state occurs.

The narcotic painkillers listed above with codeine work great for algomenorrhea (painful menstruation), headache and toothache, sciatica, osteochondrosis and other diseases accompanied by pain.

Narcotic painkillers require a doctor's prescription.

Non-narcotic painkillers

This is a fairly large group of drugs, different in chemical composition and the nature of the effect on pain. The full name of such substances is “non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs”.


A bright representative of this group is the familiar aspirin or salicylic acid. In addition to a pronounced analgesic effect, it well reduces fever and stops the inflammatory process. As any has a number of contraindications and side effects. Other products based on acetylsalicylic acid - Thrombo ACC, Holikaps, Salicylamide, Cardi ASA, Aspicor, Aspirin cardio and others.

Among other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Nimesulide (Nise), Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, and others should be noted. All of these drugs combine three properties - relieve pain and fever, stop inflammation. But the latter property prevails in them. Therefore, such funds are allocated to the group of NSAIDs themselves. NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase, resulting in a decrease in the production of prostaglandins - substances that cause inflammation and pain (pain mediators).

Analgin and Butadion

Metamizole sodium or the well-known Analgin is a derivative of pyrazolone. In a number of European countries, it is prohibited for use, as it has many side effects. Analgin relieves fever and relieves pain, but it does not affect inflammation in any way. Another pyrazolone derivative is Butadione. This is a highly toxic drug, so it is prescribed in extreme cases and for a short time.


The most famous of aniline derivatives and the safest of all painkillers. It has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect, but does not affect the focus of inflammation. Compared to NSAIDs or products containing codeine, significantly less pain relief. It tends to stop the negative effect of aspirin on the gastric mucosa. In therapeutic doses, it is relatively safe, therefore, complex preparations based on Paracetamol are often prescribed to relieve fever and pain in children.

Complications and side effects

All pain pills have many side effects and contraindications. Therefore, self-medication in any situation is not approved by doctors. Long-term use of drugs from any group of painkillers can lead to unpredictable consequences. If the patient's history contains severe diseases of the vessels and heart, lungs and bronchi, liver, kidneys and other organs, you should not self-medicate and take the first pills that come to hand to relieve pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Such painkillers adversely affect the gastric mucosa, therefore, are contraindicated in gastritis, ulcers, erosions. They are not recommended for ordinary and aspirin asthma, liver and kidney problems, heart failure, hypersensitivity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, pregnancy and lactation. NSAIDs are not given to children under 12 years of age, it is forbidden to use up to 16 years.

Among the side effects are allergic reactions, bleeding in the stomach / intestines, the development of thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. A single dose is allowed to relieve severe pain in any case after eating - it will soften the effect of the drug on the mucous membrane. Aspirin also has a negative effect on the stomach, so it is also recommended to take it after meals.

Pyrazolone derivatives

Analgin and Butadion, with prolonged use, provoke a drop in the level of leukocytes (leukopenia, agranulocytosis) and platelets (thrombocytopenia). In the first case, immunity decreases and harmful bacteria freely enter the body, in the second, blood clotting is disturbed, and the likelihood of bleeding increases.

It is forbidden to take metamizole sodium derivatives for a number of diseases, including bronchial asthma, liver and kidney dysfunction.

Pregnant and lactating women analgin / butadion is contraindicated.

Aniline derivatives

Paracetamol has few contraindications. These are alcohol dependence, impaired liver and kidney function. Pure paracetamol is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Among the side effects with prolonged uncontrolled use are thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, renal colic, and allergic reactions.

Even the best painkillers are not safe. Don't play with your health, get regular check-ups, and see your doctor at the first sign of pain. This will prevent the development of many serious diseases. Remember, there are no good medicines without side effects that quickly relieve severe pain.

In the life of any person there are moments when, for one reason or another, he is faced with pain. Analgesics come to the rescue. Analgesics are medicines that dull or completely remove pain syndromes. Such painkillers are divided into two types - narcotic and non-narcotic. Every type of analgesic has a certain range of effects on a person. Painkillers have differences in dosages, composition, scope, but their common factor is that they are all aimed at eliminating the pain itself, but not its cause.

On sale you can find a large number of painkillers manufactured by various pharmaceutical companies. But how to make the right choice?

  1. Grodzisk Pharmaceutical (Poland)
  2. Ranbaxy (India)
  3. Reckitt Benckiser (UK)
  4. FSUE "MEZ" (Russia, "Moscow Endocrine Plant")
  5. Berlin-Chemie (a pharmaceutical company founded in Germany, but at the moment the company has become multinational and its factories are located in Italy, Spain, Russia)
  6. Sintez JSC (Russia, "Joint Stock Kurgan Society of Medical Preparations and Products")
  7. Organika JSC (Russia, Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk)
  8. Micro (Russia, Moscow)

People's rating 2017 - 2018 of the 8 best painkillers.

The best painkillers (opioid narcotic type)


Recommended for mild to moderate pain. The main component is ibuprofen, which stops the process of prostaglandin synthesis (prostaglandins are active substances in the body that are not a conductor of pain, but increase the sensitivity of nerve receptors). The content of codeine in small doses (narcotic substance) also affects the nerve receptors, with the help of which an analgesic effect occurs. In addition, the drug helps well in the fight against inflammation, reduces high fever.

Indications: pain of various etiologies (in the joints, headaches, rheumatic pain), neuralgia.

Release form - tablets, suppositories, suspensions, gel.

Of the advantages of "Nurofen" can be noted:

  • a children's series was produced (with minimum dosages for each age group);
  • a variety of forms (tablets, suspensions, suppositories, gels);
  • has a composite approach (fights pain, reduces temperature and inflammation);
  • has instant absorption (pain syndromes recede after a quarter of an hour).
  • there are contraindications;
  • possible side effects (all kinds of skin reactions, sleep disturbance, etc.).


A powerful pain reliever based on trimeperidine. With the help of this substance, the sensitivity of nerve cells decreases, as a result of which the conductivity of impulses decreases, and the pain subsides.

Promedol is found in tablets and injections.

Advantages of an analgesic:

  • quick response to pain relief (15 minutes);
  • not dangerous for newborns (use during labor, as an effective drug that relieves pain and stimulates sluggish labor);
  • is a moderate antispasmodic.

The pain reliever is in demand:

  1. During a bone fracture, to prevent shock due to pain, for anesthesia.
  2. In oncology.

But such an effective pain reliever is not without its drawbacks. When using the medication, you may experience: dizziness, weakness, slowing down of the speed of psychomotor reactions, ringing in the ears, convulsions, swelling at the injection sites. Rarely - hallucinations, confusion. Promedol is a prescription drug that is addictive. It should be taken exactly according to the doctor's instructions. After receiving a certain dose of the drug (tablets or injections), the pain condition disappears for only a couple of hours.


This pain reliever is treated when feeling moderate or severe pain. It is not as effective as codeine or morphine, but has a fast and lingering effect.

Tramadol is found in tablets, capsules, injections, suppositories and drops.

  • variety of release forms;
  • quick and lasting effect;
  • good tolerance;
  • does not affect breathing, blood circulation, gastrointestinal tract activity;
  • solves cough problems.
  • develops dependence and addiction;
  • occasionally possible: dizziness, nausea.

The best non-narcotic painkillers


Doctors recommend this pain reliever for severe pain, as the drug has a powerful analgesic activity. It contains ketorolac, which effectively inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins.

Indications: oncological pain, dental pain, trauma, menstruation;

They come in the form of a solution and tablets.

The advantages of the drug include:

  • potent analgesic;
  • found application in many areas;
  • does not entail addiction;
  • fast action (15 minutes).

Ketanov is similar to opioid analgesics.

  • contraindications (pregnancy, age group under 16, asthma, ulcers, and others)
  • side effects are likely (lethargy, palpitations, increased sweating and nightmares)


A medicine that relieves sensations of pain of moderate and mild severity. It will help with inflammation, and will moderate the fever. Based on dexketoprofen.

Release form - injections and tablets.

  • exhibits a collecting effect (aimed at various inflammations, as well as an excellent antipyretic and analgesic);
  • rather fast impact (after half an hour the pain subsides);
  • the action of pain relief lasts up to six hours;
  • good tolerance.
  • not applicable for long-term treatment;
  • there are contraindications (increased bleeding, lactation, ulcerative colitis, etc.).


The pain reliever belongs to one of the more productive non-narcotic opioid drugs. There is a similarity with morphine (by the strength of the effect and the duration of the effect), but unlike it, it is effective in smaller doses.

Indications for use: postoperative and postpartum condition, severe pain of various etiologies. Applicable during the treatment of oncology. Widely used in the process of childbirth.

Release form - ampoules.

  • quickly and effectively fights pain;
  • dependence (when compared with other opioids) is extremely rare;
  • action lasts up to 4 hours;
  • has an antitussive effect.
  • contraindications (traumatic brain injury, acute heart attack, pregnancy, age group up to 18 years);
  • with constant and long-term use, addiction develops;
  • sold by prescription.
  • side effects (lethargy, dizziness, nausea; in rare cases - confusion, palpitations, anorexia, allergic reactions).

Recommended for use in mild to moderate pain (anti-inflammatory non-steroidal painkiller).

The main component is sodium diclofenac, which inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins.

It is used for: bruises and sprains, various inflammations, headache and toothache, and in many other cases.

Release form - tablets, injections, gel.

  • has an antirheumatic effect;
  • aimed at collecting action (relieves: inflammation + fever + pain);
  • the duration of the analgesic effect lasts up to 6 hours;
  • a fairly quick effect (after 30 minutes after taking the pain begins to dull);
  • low cost;
  • increases joint mobility;
  • easily and quickly removes all kinds of edema and swelling (during postpartum and postoperative recovery).
  • possible violations in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia
  • contraindications (arthrosis, neuritis, stomach diseases, lactation, etc.).


Specialists prescribe this anesthetic for moderate pain symptoms, spasms and various colic (renal, intestinal),

after operations. Three active substances are based on Bral: Pitophenone (has a myotropic effect, that is, it relaxes the muscular walls of blood vessels), Metamizole sodium (reduces fever and moderates pain), Fenpiverinium bromide (affects smooth muscles, making it less tense).

Release form - tablets, injections.

  • medicine of a combined nature (relieves pain, relieves spasms, reduces temperature, is aimed at the inflammatory process);
  • approved for adoption by children older than 3 months;
  • side effects are expressed very rarely;
  • affordable pricing policy;

This drug can also be used for the onset of a fever due to inflammation or a cold.

  • there are contraindications (pregnancy, low blood pressure, etc.);
  • cannot be treated for a long time.

What pain reliever to buy

  1. If the pain is mild and you need a quick pain reliever, then Nurofen is the best choice for this role. Especially if a child needs help, since Nurofen has a wide selection of children's analgesics (candles and suspensions for babies from three months old and small children's tablets with a special dosage for children from 6 years old).
  2. If the pain is very pronounced, then Promedol will help.
  3. If the pain is severe, but there is no time or desire to go to the doctor for a prescription, then Ketanov will cope with the problem perfectly. A non-narcotic, non-steroidal pain reliever that also fights inflammation well.
  4. If you need a medicine for pain of an acute or chronic nature (postoperative period, trauma, oncology), then Tramadol will cope with this task.
  5. Dexalgin is suitable for reducing mild to moderate pain.
  6. If you need a strong painkiller, but a non-narcotic class, then Butorphanol should be chosen.
  7. If you need to relieve pain syndromes associated with pain in the back, joints, as well as in the elimination of pain in the postoperative or postpartum period, Diclofenac will help.
  8. A medication that removes mild to moderate pain - I took it. The medicine works well for colitis, spasms, neuralgia. Also, the drug can be given to children from the age of three months.
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