Folk remedies instead of viagra for men. How to make your own viagra for potency at home. Alcohol tincture of ginseng

Viagra is one of the most popular erectile dysfunction drugs. However, its use causes many negative reactions in the body. A person begins to have a headache, ringing in the ears, problems with the heartbeat and breathing. Due to the many side effects and the high cost of the drug, the question arises: how to make Viagra yourself at home.

The drug is effective, but has many side effects and contraindications.

Through its actions, Viagra improves the blood circulation of the male genital organs. Thanks to her, you can achieve and maintain an erection, thereby improving the quality of sex. After taking Viagra, the orgasm becomes brighter and richer, the recovery time decreases.

At the moment of sexual arousal, more blood enters the penis, due to which it hardens and enlarges. This is called an erection. After sexual intercourse, the blood begins to drain from the organ and the erection stops. If this does not happen for a long time, irreversible processes in the genital organ begin, requiring medical intervention.

However, not all men can take Viagra. It is forbidden for people with heart problems, anatomical abnormalities of the organ, and also taking nitrates. In the latter case, the simultaneous use of Viagra leads to a sharp drop in pressure, up to death.

An erection is based on the release of nitric oxide. This is achieved due to the main substance of the drug - sildenafil. The substance interacts with many drugs, so Viagra should be taken after consulting a doctor.

The drug is allowed to be taken only 1 time per day. Erection occurs after 1 hour. The effect of taking the drug lasts for 4 hours. The tool has one feature: it works only in the presence of sexual arousal.

Viagra has many side effects, so the initial dose is 0.5 tablets. Depending on the reaction of the body, it can be increased or decreased.

List of products that replace Viagra for men

Red meat increases the production of the male hormone testosterone

Since sildenafil, which is part of Viagra, causes a lot of side effects and has a number of contraindications, it is recommended to increase potency with food.

With erection problems, a man needs more protein, which is necessary for the production of testosterone. You can get it from meat and fish products. The meat should not be fatty, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Both fish and meat are best consumed boiled.

Protein is also found in eggs and dairy products. Vegetarians need to lean on legumes: soy, chickpeas, asparagus, lentils. Nuts should also be included in the diet.

For men's health, seafood is also beneficial, especially shrimp, oysters and mussels.

Vegetable oils, especially olive oil, have a beneficial effect on male potency. Of the vegetables in the diet, turnips, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, radishes, celery, as well as garlic and onions should be present. From greens and spices, basil, mint, tarragon, cilantro and parsley have a positive effect on potency.

Honey, chocolate, dried fruits and cocoa also have a beneficial effect. However, it is better to exclude the use of rich pastries, confectionery.

How to make an analogue of the male drug yourself

There are many folk recipes that can improve potency. Their advantage over tablets is that they do not have side effects.

Such recipes use honey, nuts, celery, nettle, ginseng, watermelon. The easiest way is to chop the nuts, mix them with honey. Use the product instead of snacks.

Many homemade Viagra recipes involve the addition of alcohol, so care must be taken when using them.

From ginseng

In the East, it is believed that ginseng root gives male strength, allowing you to lead a full sexual life until old age. The plant increases libido and improves sperm quality.

To prepare Viagra, you will need 30 ml of ginseng extract or 100 g of dried root. It is poured with 0.5 liters of warm water, after which it is insisted for 2-3 days. Take the remedy before meals for 1 tbsp. l. To make the effect more noticeable, you can add honey or cinnamon.

There are quite a few recipes for men on how to make alcohol tincture with ginseng. This requires 20 g of plant root and a glass of alcohol. The product is infused for 3 weeks in a dry, warm place, and then filtered. Shake the tincture before each dose. Use the remedy for 25 drops 3 r. in a day. It is recommended to drink it 30 minutes before a meal. The course of admission is 2 weeks. After this time, a break is maintained for 10 days, after which the course of treatment can be repeated.

Ginseng is also bred with vodka in a ratio of 2:10. Take 15 drops for a month. The minimum break in treatment is 30-40 days, then the course is repeated.

Oriental healers talk about the miraculous properties of ginseng - its root shape even looks like a person

From nettle

There are several options for preparing a remedy for improving potency using nettle. The plant is consumed dried.

For the first recipe, you need 50 g of nettle. You can dry it yourself, because the plant is widespread. Raw materials in a thermos are poured with 1 liter of boiling water, after which they insist for a day. The resulting drug is drunk per day. Thus, a fresh portion is prepared daily. To get a positive result for potency, a nettle-based remedy must be consumed for 1.5-2 weeks.

The second version of the nettle recipe involves the preparation of a more concentrated remedy. To do this, 100 g of nettle is poured into a thermos with 1 cup of boiling water, kept for 12 hours. After that, 2 tbsp. l. honey. The resulting portion is drunk during the day, divided into equal shares.

Nettle seeds also improve male potency. To prepare the tincture, you need 5 tbsp. tablespoons of seeds and 1/2 liter of wine, and preferably port. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, then cooled and filtered. This remedy is taken in 50 ml. 1 p. per day. This dose can be divided into 3 times, drinking 1 tbsp. spoon.

Nettle seeds mixed with banana pulp are also consumed. Seeds require 1 tbsp. spoon. The resulting product is eaten in 1 tbsp. l. in a day.

Homemade Viagra is prepared from the roots of the plant. They are pre-washed and crushed. Then 2 tbsp. spoons of roots pour 1 liter of vodka. Insist this remedy for 3 weeks, take 20 drops daily.

All parts of the plant are used

from watermelon

Watermelon is incredibly beneficial for erections. You can use its pulp fresh, or after cooking. Delicious marmalade and candied fruits are prepared from watermelon peel.

For marmalade, 2 cups of granulated sugar, peels and pulp are required. The peels are crushed with a meat grinder. All ingredients are mixed, and then simmered over low heat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Marmalade should become thick and viscous. Use it after cooling.

Candied fruits are easier to prepare. To do this, chopped white pulp is boiled in honey-sugar syrup. The ratio of ingredients should be as follows: 3 tbsp. pulp, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. Sahara. The crusts should become completely transparent during the cooking process. Use them after cooling.

The combination of watermelon and honey significantly strengthens potency, increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.

Another folk remedy with watermelon involves the use of fresh from its pulp. Lemon juice is also added to it. It is recommended to drink 1 liter of this drink daily.

This product can be kept on fire for 30 minutes without boiling. As a result, the amount of funds is reduced by 2 times. Drink it daily for 5 tbsp. spoons.

Viagra for women at home

Sometimes funds similar to Viagra are required by women. As a rule, in this way, ladies try to get a brighter orgasm and improve the quality of sex. Therefore, recipes on how to make Viagra yourself at home for women are also relevant. At home, they can apply the following ingredients:

  1. Spanish fly. This insect is quite common. In dried form, it is often used in folk medicine. The insect is collected and dried in May, or they buy ready-made powder. To prepare Viagra for women, the following ingredients are taken: 20 g of Spanish fly is poured into 1 liter of alcohol. The product is kept for several months in a dark place, after which it is consumed with meals or drinks.
  2. Egg, mustard and lemon juice. The stimulant is prepared from one egg, 1/2 tsp. mustard, 1 tsp. tomato paste and a little lemon juice. All ingredients are seasoned with hot red pepper, and pour 2/3 cup of red wine. The mixture is kept on fire until bubbles appear, after which it is slightly cooled, drinking it a little warm.

These funds are not difficult to prepare, and the effect will not keep you waiting.

Viagra is a very popular male enhancement drug. Every man at least once in his life used this drug. Such popularity is explained by the high effectiveness of the remedy, which is required by men. However, not all representatives of the stronger half can afford to buy Viagra, since its cost is quite high. In this regard, many men find recipes for homemade Viagra, which they then prepare on their own.

Can Viagra be made at home?

The main question that arises when making homemade Viagra for men is whether it is possible to make a remedy similar to Viagra from natural ingredients. After all, the drug Viagra, sold in pharmacies, is completely synthetic.

The main active ingredient of such a tool is. It is this component that expands the blood vessels in the body of a man, due to which the blood begins to intensively arrive in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe penis, filling its cavernous bodies. As a result, a man feels a strong erection that does not go away for several hours. Sildenafil is not sold in pharmacy chains or other retail outlets, so it will not work to make a remedy identical to Viagra.

Among natural products or plants, there is no component that would be similar in its action to sildenafil. You can only try to pick up products that enhance a man's sexual arousal. For a homemade Viagra recipe, you can use:

These products can be used to prepare light salads, decoctions and tinctures. Their minus lies in the fact that the products are not able to artificially create arousal in a man in his absence. As a rule, certain products or decoctions can only increase the already existing excitation and erection. Therefore, these funds are not suitable for men who have serious problems with potency.

How to make viagra at home?

There are several recipes that can help in the fight against erectile dysfunction, but you need to understand that natural remedies will not give the same result as Viagra, which has a chemical composition.

Today there are many drugs based only on the use of herbal ingredients. Such drugs are widely used as dietary supplements and have a very effective effect on the potency of men. That is why many people want to learn how to make Viagra at home from natural ingredients.

There are several recipes. As a rule, they are based on collections and combinations of plants and products that came to us from Chinese traditional medicine, which is still considered very effective. Sometimes some recipes for drugs from China are superior in their therapeutic effect even to drugs that have a chemical composition.

homemade viagra with nettle

The first recipe is based on the use of nettle. This plant can be found both in the garden, and you can buy a collection of nettles in a pharmacy.

  1. For homemade Viagra, you will need 50 grams of dried crushed plant.
  2. We fall asleep dried nettle leaves in a liter jar, and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Then add a tablespoon of honey and mix well.
  4. After the decoction has stood for a day, it can be consumed.

There are no restrictions on the dosage and intake of such a remedy; you can drink 2-3 tablespoons before each meal, as well as before sexual intercourse. Nettle raises the pressure well, and therefore the blood begins to circulate better through the organs of a man.

In addition, if you need to achieve the effect quickly, you can make a highly concentrated nettle decoction. To do this, it is necessary to fill a package of pharmacy nettle into a glass and pour boiling water over it. Then honey is also added to the glass. The resulting broth is left for 40-50 minutes to cool. Next, you just need to drink nettle Viagra about 40 minutes before the intended sexual contact.

Ginseng to increase potency

The healing properties of ginseng and its effect on male potency have long been known. It contains components that eliminate drowsiness, stimulate blood circulation in the body, as well as the functioning of the nervous system. It is known that in a certain dosage, ginseng is able to enhance the sexual arousal of a man. In addition, ginseng root is widely used in medicine and is used to treat various diseases.

Despite the large number of positive properties, ginseng root has a number of contraindications.

  • Firstly, it is not recommended to use it in the presence of individual intolerance, an allergic reaction to the agent can be strong and prolonged.
  • Secondly, it is forbidden to take ginseng and drugs with its addition to people who already have increased nervous excitability.

From the ginseng root, you can prepare an effective tincture to increase potency at home. True, it will take more than one day, but the effect will be worth it. First you need to purchase 100 grams of dried plant root and a bottle of ginseng extract at the pharmacy. In general, it is advisable to use an untreated plant root in the recipe, which is dried at home on its own. But, if this is not possible, you can purchase an already dry plant.

Next, the dried root and extract are poured with 0.5 boiling water and left for 2-3 days. In the resulting tincture, you can add honey, cinnamon or licorice for taste, and then take 4 tablespoons daily. Honey enhances the effect of ginseng, and in general increases the value of the resulting remedy. No wonder this product is included in most folk recipes.

Nuts and honey - a traditional recipe

Nuts have a positive effect on men's erection and are a natural Viagra. You can use any nuts that you like best, or mix different types of them. Nuts go well with honey. Using this mixture daily, a man will not only notice an improvement in erectile function, but also a general improvement in health and a surge of strength in the body.

Watermelon pathogen

You can also make homemade Viagra from watermelon. This recipe is cheaper and easier. However, watermelon has a number of beneficial properties for the body.

  • Firstly, it effectively cleanses the body of harmful substances and waste products.
  • Secondly, watermelon stimulates the work of the kidneys, thereby improving the outflow of lymph and eliminating congestion.
  • In addition, watermelon has a positive effect on male erection.

To make homemade Viagra, you will need a small ripe watermelon.

  1. You need to take its pulp and use a blender to bring it to a state of porridge.
  2. Then the juice of two lemons and a tablespoon of honey are added to the resulting mixture.

This combination has a high nutritional value for the body. A man after regular intake of the medicinal mixture will feel a noticeable improvement in the functioning of the whole organism as a whole and the reproductive system in particular.

A mixture of honey, watermelon and lemon juice should be put on fire and boiled for half an hour. The resulting product must be cooled, and then taken every day for 4-5 tablespoons.

Of course, unlike synthetic Viagra, the effect of folk recipes will not come after 15 minutes, but the use of such funds is absolutely safe. Men are advised to take natural Viagra daily, as its components have a cumulative effect and have a stronger effect with prolonged use. As a rule, patients note an improvement in their condition, strengthening of immunity, as well as an improvement in erectile function. The presented recipes can also be used as prophylactic agents.

Additional procedures to enhance erection

If a man does not know how to replace Viagra at home, or the presented recipes do not bring the desired effect, you can supplement folk methods with special procedures. For example, very popular. As a rule, they are used not only to enhance erection, but also to increase the penis.

The mechanism of action of soda is quite simple. Getting under the skin of the penis, it causes a rush of blood to the cavernous bodies, due to which the man notices a clear increase in the size of the penis and an increase in erection.

Soda scrubs are also often used for these purposes. You can mix the powder with honey. The resulting paste is gently applied to the skin of the penis, leaving the head intact. Then, with massaging movements, soda is rubbed into the skin of the penis. This effect well stimulates the blood circulation of the penis, as a result of which there is an increased flow of blood into the cavernous body and, accordingly, the appearance of an erection.

Baking soda should be used carefully as it can irritate the skin of the penis. In addition, small crystals of this powder can damage the delicate skin of the penis, so you need to rub the paste very carefully, without resorting to excessive exposure.

Thus, there are many ways to increase a man's potency and restore erectile function. It is not always necessary to resort to synthetic drugs to achieve the desired result. Sometimes even the most ordinary products carry a lot of useful substances.

Viagra is a well-known remedy for stone erection. Everyone has heard of blue pills at least once. But few people realize that you can make Viagra yourself, at home and without much effort. Moreover, such a tool will be devoid of side effects. Of course, in terms of efficiency, it will also be inferior to the world-famous medicine, but you won’t have to spend fabulous money.

How does Viagra work?

For those who are seriously thinking about how to make Viagra on their own, you should immediately clarify a few points:

  1. It will not work to create a characteristic blue pill that is sold in a pharmacy. It is manufactured in the factory using special equipment.
  2. When it comes to homemade Viagra, we mean the creation of a remedy that, in its effect, resembles the corresponding one.
  3. The effectiveness of such a medicine will be lower than the original tablets. Since ingredients are used to make homemade Viagra, they cannot compete with the chemical sildenafil, which is the main active ingredient of the famous ones.

It is this molecule that is responsible for the blockade of the cGMP-5-phosphodiesterase enzyme. As a result of such a reaction, an increase in the amount of nitric oxide occurs, which contributes to its filling with blood. As a result, almost immediately comes and.

A natural analogue of a well-known medicine can work on a slightly different principle. However, the end result is the same - an increase in potency.

Natural analogues

Speaking about the creation of natural Viagra, one should start with a study that can “boast” of the ability to positively affect “male power”.

Such foods are also called aphrodisiacs. They are relatively affordable (with the exception of some types), so creating at home is not difficult.

The most active are:

  • (flounder, mackerel, oysters).
  • with honey, .

With the right combination of these foods, and even just with their regular use, you can significantly improve the quality of potency for almost every man. To get the maximum result, it is important to know the appropriate Viagra recipe for home preparation.

Traditionally, various and mixtures remain the most popular dosage forms of natural drugs.

How to make Viagra at home: recipes

The most proven and popular recipes for making a "love potion" are:

  1. Honey tincture from. To create it, you need to pour 50 g of dried leaves into 300 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Leave in a cool dry place for 2-3 days. Then drink 2-3 teaspoons of liquid twice a day.
  2. Ginseng decoction. 100 g of crushed plant root is poured into 500 ml of hot water. Next, the product needs to be boiled for 10-15 minutes, let it brew for 3 days. Consume 4 tablespoons daily before each meal. You can add a little to the broth.
  3. . Another popular substitute for Viagra. All you need is to mix chopped walnuts with honey. It is necessary to consume 20-30 g of the mixture (in a ratio of 1: 1) twice a day. IMPORTANT! The use of this tool is not recommended.

How to make Viagra at home? This question is asked by at least half of men at least once in their lives. Of course, it is not customary to talk about such a nuisance out loud, however, according to the World Health Organization in Russia, every seventh representative of the stronger sex has problems "with a riser."

Various drugs that are sold only in pharmacies or on the Internet are available in our country, unfortunately, not for every man who has problems with potency. Firstly, they are very expensive, and secondly, not every man will follow them to the pharmacy.

A little about Viagra

Among the most popular drugs on the pharmaceutical market, there is no doubt Viagra. This unique tool allows you to raise the level of sexual energy, accelerate blood circulation in the pelvic organs and, consequently, improve the quality of erection.

However, like many pills, Viagra can provoke various side effects, has certain contraindications, and is also sold at a fairly high price. So, what to do so that you don’t spend cash and don’t blunder in bed?

From ancient times to the present day

Our ancestors, Slavs and Russians, hardly wondered how to improve potency. Many of them knew ancient drugs on herbs and roots, and some methods could be passed down from generation to generation. For the first time about a special recipe for “oud to hold” (in ancient times they spoke of oud as a male member), appeared in the chronicler Nestor, this event dates back to about the 9th century.

Since then, a lot has changed and happened in the world, but some recipes have survived to this day. Below we will look at the most effective, efficient and powerful methods that you can use instead of Viagra yourself at home, without spending a lot of money and without putting in much effort.

natural pathogens

So, what can be effectively used instead of Viagra to provide yourself with a stone erection for several hours?

  1. Recipe "Garlic". The simplest, truly folk remedy. You need to take 5-6 cloves of garlic, peel them and rinse in cold water. After that, brew in boiling water (use half a liter of liquid) and let it brew for several hours. The resulting broth can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month, but you need to drink it with caution and not more than 50 grams at a time, otherwise you risk damaging your stomach and intestines. By taking such a portion, you will not only significantly increase your immunity, but you will also be ready for long-term love joys.
  2. Nettle Viagra Recipe. This potion, like garlic, is very easy to make with your own hands. This does not require any special efforts: it is enough just to prepare a jar, grass and boiling water. Collect some nettle shoots (it is better to do this carefully and with gloves so as not to burn yourself) and make a tincture from them in the same way as in the first case.
  3. Recipe "Natural Viagra". You will need lemon, avocado, watermelon and bananas. These fruits must be chopped in any way, and then mixed evenly. Top with honey and consume shortly before the planned sex. Let this drug be very sweet, but it is good for health and will help improve erection.
  4. Recipe "Watermelon". Few people know that this giant berry is a great substitute for Viagra. African tribes have always known how to make this product, so they have always had polygamy in high esteem, where each of the spouses was sexually satisfied. There is nothing difficult in making this homemade tincture: you need to squeeze the juice from the fruit, dilute it with lemon and use the resulting liquid inside.

So, various plants and herbs are excellent substitutes for chemicals. Viagra for men at home is prepared easily and simply, and you can even combine several different recipes at the same time.

On our website you can also watch a special video, which shows in detail the processes of making tinctures from natural ingredients to replace Viagra.

What should you eat?

What can you do for women to surprise them and please them in bed! Instead of Viagra, you can simply eat some products that also help improve erection at home:

  1. You will never wonder how to make Viagra if you always keep nuts on the table. Walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are especially helpful. The last analogue of Viagra can even be called a product that completely replaces chemical and unnatural pathogens.
  2. Dates and bananas are great items from your local grocery store. By the way, they not only increase potency, but also increase the amount of sperm.
  3. We eat grass. You can eat greens just like that or chop them into a salad, it doesn’t matter. Plants such as celery, thyme, rue and parsley can be especially good substitutes for Viagra.
  4. Dark chocolate with a high cocoa content also has a beneficial effect.

Thus, there can be many remedies for potency, so experiment and choose the exact recipe that suits you best.

Especially for women

Although there is an opinion that women's Viagra is nothing more than a myth, the beautiful half of humanity also responds well to all of the above products. In addition, there are several recipes that are useful for women:

  1. Vegetable juices. Take cucumber, beets and carrots, make a drink out of them and mix thoroughly. Women need to drink this liquid 3 times a day for half a glass half an hour before meals. It is recommended to take the infusion for a month.
  2. Dried fruits. For this recipe, you will need figs, dried apricots, pitted prunes, raisins and walnuts. Thoroughly grind the entire mass of the ingredients prepared in advance and mix, for this it is easier to use a wooden mortar, rather than a blender. You need to take two tablespoons, and it is better to drink kefir.

So, despite the widespread belief that female Viagra does not exist, yet some products significantly improve the sexual functions of the fair sex.


Men for women are ready to go to great lengths, including in order to succeed in bed and please their beloved with quality sex. If until recently you had problems with this, but it was inconvenient to go to the pharmacy, and you didn’t want to poison yourself with chemicals, now you know how easy and simple it is to prepare Viagra at home!

Problems in the sexual sphere from time to time arise both in males and in beautiful ladies. To resolve the issue and establish sexual relations, many means and methods have been invented.

Modern medicine offers a huge variety of drugs that promote the activation of intimate relationships, however, not everyone and not always manages to use them. So what to do?

Making Viagra at home

Viagra is the most popular drug for increasing sexual desire. The action of this pharmacological pathogen is to relax the muscles of the genital organs, resulting in the expansion of veins and arteries and the acceleration of blood flow. Because of this, a strong and stable erection occurs.

However, in the absence of the possibility of acquiring such a pathogen, you can try to make its analogue yourself at home. It must be said right away that this is not about the chemical reproduction of Viagra, but about the recipes of traditional medicine, according to which drugs are prepared that are similar in their action to a popular pathogen and do not harm health.

Viagra substitutes of natural origin

It is possible to increase sexual desire and improve the quality of sexual life with the help of natural aphrodisiacs. Products that increase potency and affect libido are the following:

Of course, when using these products, you should not expect instant results, however, over time, you can feel some changes in your sex life.

To achieve the greatest effect, the above products can be mixed with each other in various proportions, while obtaining delicious natural libido boosters.

How to make viagra for men at home

There are several popular recipes for the preparation of the male analogue of Viagra.

Nettle. This plant is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Nettle can also be used to restore and strengthen potency in men. The recipe is quite simple: pour the grass (50 g) with boiling water (200 ml), add honey (1 tsp), mix thoroughly and let it brew. Strain. The prepared drink should be drunk about an hour before sexual intercourse.

The effect will be enhanced if you drink this natural pathogen with freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.

Watermelon. This berry is loved by many, however, few people assume that it can make an excellent male pathogen like Viagra.

A folk remedy prepared on the basis of watermelon will help stimulate sexual activity:

Use the resulting remedy 3 times / day after meals for preventive purposes or one hour before the onset of sexual intimacy.

how to make viagra for women

Problems associated with a decrease in sexual desire are also found in beautiful ladies. Therefore, traditional medicine has created recipes to stimulate sexual activity in women. There are several ways to prepare women's Viagra.

Dried fruits. To prepare a homemade aphrodisiac, you need to take dried apricots, figs, walnut kernels (200 gr), the same amount of raisins and pitted prunes. Grind all the ingredients, mix thoroughly, using a wooden mortar (not a blender) for this. Use 2 tbsp. l. / day, drink kefir.

Buckwheat honey. It is a fairly effective home remedy to increase libido in women. Buckwheat honey affects not only the sexual desire of the fair sex, but also the general condition of the female body, since it contains a large amount of amino acids and vitamins. To enhance sexual desire, you must take 10 ml of a natural product daily.

Greens and seafood, especially their combination also has a beneficial effect on female sexual function.

vegetable juices. Mix the juice of carrots, beets and cucumbers in equal amounts. Means to use 3 times / day for half an hour before meals for a month.

Lemon juice and nuts. It has long been known that daily consumption of nuts helps to increase female libido. To prepare the product, you need to chop the nuts and mix them with honey, add a few drops of lemon juice. Take 25 g / day.

Eleutherococcus. Significantly increases sexual desire tincture of Eleutherococcus, acting no less effectively than the popular Viagra. The remedy must be taken every morning, 25 drops / glass of water.

Folk remedies to increase sexual desire in men and women

To enhance sensitivity and get unprecedented pleasure from sex, it is worth preparing homemade Viagra, which can be used by both partners before sexual intimacy.

Ginseng. Take ginseng extract (30 ml) or the dried root of this plant (100 g), pour boiling water over it, insist for two to three days. Before use, add cinnamon, syrup and honey to the infusion to taste. Take 4 tbsp. l / day.

Nuts and honey. Prepare a handful of any nuts (pine nuts, walnuts, peanuts, etc.), add thick honey (3 tablespoons), mix. This remedy is a powerful stimulant, especially for men.

Watermelon. Using a blender, prepare a gruel from watermelon pulp, add the juice of 1-2 lemons, mix thoroughly. Add honey (1 tablespoon), put on fire and cook for 20-30 minutes. Cool the mixture and place in the refrigerator. Use 4-5 tbsp. l / day.

herbal viagra

Good analogues of Viagra are folk remedies based on herbs.

Ginger. Cut the root of the plant (50 gr.) into pieces and pour boiling water (0.5 l), insist. Drink as a tea throughout the week.

Juniper and lime blossom. Take a few sprigs of juniper and lime blossom, prepare a decoction. Use 0.5 tbsp./day for 5-7 days.

Blackcurrant, raspberry and cherry leaves brew like tea, drink 100 ml 2 times / day.

To enhance the effect of the use of natural aphrodisiacs, you can use essential oils to create a fragrant aroma in the room.

Essential oils containing aphrodisiacs:

  • lavender oil;
  • rosemary oil;
  • rose oil;
  • patchouli oil;
  • wheat oil.

All ingredients for making Viagra at home are quite affordable, so absolutely everyone can improve and exacerbate sexual relations, even people who are far from civilization. But despite the fact that there are a lot of ways to prepare Viagra at home, the main guarantee of a happy family and sexual life is an attentive attitude to one's health, proper nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle.

Although home analogues famous pathogen do not have side effects, since they are made from natural ingredients, before using them, it would still be useful to consult a specialist in order to exclude possible allergic reactions to individual components of folk remedies.

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