Does it hurt to pierce your nose? Jewelry for piercing. How to pierce a nose for a piercing? At home How to pierce the nose in the middle at home

If you pierce your nose and insert an earring intended for this into the hole, it is easy to change your everyday look. And the stores offer original and exceptional nose jewelry that goes well with any outfit.

#7 ways to pierce your nose

Common nose piercing options include:

  • bridge, when the nasal tissue is pierced;
  • puncture of the lateral part of the nostril, which is carried out both in one and in 2 wings at once;
  • nasallang - a way to pierce the nose in the septum and wings;
  • "Austin Bar" is a puncture of the tip of the nose horizontally;
  • piercing of the nasal tip is done from the nostril upwards without injuring the nasal septum;
  • the septum is performed by piercing on the septum without involving the wings in the process;
  • The septrile looks like a puncture on the bottom wall with the jewelry coming out of it with a downward direction.

These options are the most safe for the skin. It is permissible to do both 1 and several piercings at once, it all depends on the desire of the patient.

How is piercing performed (3 steps)?

At first glance, it is not difficult to pierce your nose at home. However, holding an event within the native walls is fraught with trouble due to unprofessionalism, the lack of the necessary sterility and tools for the procedure. Therefore, it is better to go to professionals.

The doctor, before piercing the nose of the person who applied for the manipulation, is obliged to make sure that the patient's blood clotting is normal, that he does not have chronic heart disease, cold symptoms and temperature.

The manipulation itself is performed with a special gun or a special needle. The doctor first disinfects the work area with an alcohol-containing antiseptic and marks the puncture site with a dot.

Then the specialist inserts the selected carnation into the gun, places the instrument strictly at an angle of 90 ° to the skin surface and makes a puncture with a single movement.

With this method, a puncture of the nose is accompanied by a slight tingling sensation. If a special needle is used for piercing, the sensations during the manipulation are much more painful.

As a rule, patients wish to pierce on one or both sides of the nose, or on the cartilage that delimits the nostrils.

Since it is impossible to pierce the nose without injuring the cartilage tissue, it takes time to heal after the piercing.

The maximum period reaches 12 weeks. But if after the operation a bruise of the nose occurs or the owner of the earring wants to remove / insert the jewelry before the hole heals, the closing of the wound with a cloth will take longer.

If a nodule appears near the puncture point - granulomas, a hot compress should be applied to the damaged area 2 times a day.

It is made from a napkin (made of paper) soaked in hot water and kept until it cools.

When caring for a puncture, you should adhere to the implementation of 5 rules:

  • in rare cases, touch the piercing with clean hands;
  • 3 times a day, wash in the place of the hole obtained with an aerosol from rhinitis Salin (USA);
  • when applying cosmetics, avoid getting it into the injured area;
  • do not replace the jewelry that the specialist has placed until the healing of the puncture wound is completed;
  • do not place on the sofa, bed face down.

When caring for a piercing, the following recommendations are also mandatory:

  1. Remove crusts with a cotton swab soaked in salt water and applied to the wound for a while. Scabs should not be torn off to avoid infection.
  2. Gently blot the cleaned piercing dry without rubbing.
  3. When wiping your face every day, do not use a towel - microbes accumulate on it. Sterile gauze wipes will help out, with which you need to blot your face.
  4. For faster healing, include the intake of B vitamins with zinc.
  5. Do not remove the jewelry for more than 24 hours in the first 6 months, so that the hole does not close. It will prevent the fast overgrowth of the hole in the first month and the wearing of a backup earring if the previous one suddenly came out.

Following simple rules for caring for a piercing will prevent trouble.

How to pierce your nose at home?

For those who are not afraid of the possible negative consequences of a self-made piercing, tips on the procedure will help.

For her, you will need supplies purchased at the pharmacy:

  • aseptic or alcohol-containing liquid;
  • sterilized latex gloves;
  • cotton pads;
  • retainer;
  • disposable needle with catheter.

Piercing your nose at home will help the passage of stages.

  1. The upcoming piercing is marked with a dot set with a ballpoint pen / marker.
  2. Disinfect clean hands with an aseptic / alcohol-containing liquid and put on gloves.
  3. Disinfect the skin in the area of ​​the upcoming piercing.
  4. In case of piercing on the side of the nose using the septum or bridge method, a retainer is placed outside and inside the nose.
  5. The needle is quickly inserted through the hole in the retainer with a precise movement. Let's allow a nostril piercing from the left side to the right side or vice versa, but always from top to bottom.
  6. Without removing the needle from the hole, insert the edge of the earring clasp into the catheter, then slowly and carefully insert the jewelry into the pierced point and snap it into place.
  7. Re-treat the area with an aseptic / alcohol-containing solution.

Only if you follow the instructions to pierce your nose will turn out without trouble. But the vast majority of doctors advise to refrain from the procedure of self-fulfillment and entrust it to a specialist.

Earrings for piercing

Such jewelry, compared with rings or bars, is not so traumatic. There are 3 types of piercing earrings: magnetic, studs and nostrils.

  • Studs are similar to the ear studs of the same name. They are available with and without a clasp, easy to insert / remove.
  • Nostrils look like earrings of a special arched shape without a clasp - they are held by bending. The earring is inserted/pulled out by screwing into the hole.
  • Magnetic jewelry does not require a nostril piercing. Any product has a magnetic fastener, due to which it is held in the intended area. The disadvantage of such jewelry is that it does not hold very securely, therefore it is recommended to be worn on special occasions.

When choosing jewelry, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the material of manufacture in order to exclude allergic manifestations in the owner of the earring. In addition, the material affects the exterior and durability of the piercing jewelry.

  1. Stainless steel- hypoallergenic and the best material for studs, so these jewelry are ideal for recently made piercings.
  2. Titanium and gold- expensive and non-allergenic materials. But alloys with their inclusion can provoke an allergic reaction.
  3. Silver although relatively cheap, but high-quality metal is not very suitable for nose jewelry after a puncture. This is due to the fact that with excessive moisture it becomes gray.
  4. Metalloid materials(nylon, teflon, bone) do not contain any metal. Therefore, it is permissible to buy jewelry from them for those who are allergic to metal.

In order not to be disappointed in the piercing, you need to carefully select the decoration in the nose.

Question answer

All sensations are tolerable. Soreness is practically absent if pricked with a special gun.

Experts do not advise to carry out such a procedure even with masters who do it at home. And it is better to refuse independent holding. The fact is that due to lack of experience, you can harm yourself.

Initially, it is worth putting the earring in peroxide, let it stay there for about 5 minutes. You need to wash your own hands. The puncture site is treated with a disinfectant (the old earring does not need to be removed yet). Next, the old accessory is removed and the new one is put on. For ease of sliding, Levomekol is used.

What complications are possible (7 troubles)?

When performing a nose piercing, the integrity of the skin is violated, which increases the risk of unwanted manifestations.

Problems also arise due to non-compliance with the piercing technique. But for the most part, this happens if the master does not have the necessary qualifications or if the patient is endowed with low blood clotting.

Complications after piercing are manifested:

  • severe bleeding of the wound;
  • the occurrence of inflammation in the cartilage, which is fraught with its decay;
  • injury to the nasal septum with difficult piercing;
  • inflammation in the tissues;
  • the transformation of otitis media into a chronic form;
  • the formation of lesions on the nasal mucosa during fixation of straight nostrils;
  • causing damage to the nerve in the puncture zone.

When should you go to the doctor (5 reasons)?

What signs in the postoperative period should alert? It is worth considering going to the doctor if the following troubles occur:

  1. An increase and darkening of redness in the puncture zone after 2-3 days, which is possible if an infection enters the puncture.
  2. The formation of a painful bump in case of penetration of staphylococcus bacteria into the wound. This threatens the accumulation of fluid and pus inside.
  3. Discharge from the opening of secretions of white, yellow, green tone - this indicates an infection in the puncture. The sensation of an unpleasant odor is a sign of infection of the wound.
  4. Pain that does not go away or gets worse a few days after the procedure is often caused by an infection in the piercing area. Pulsation in it is caused by severe inflammation and suppuration.
  5. Fever/chills is a cause for immediate medical attention. Most likely, such complications are caused by severe infection in the puncture.

Disturbing manifestations cannot be ignored. Especially if at least 1 additional alarming symptom is added to the main ones.


What is the pricing for nose piercing services in the capital and cities of the Russian Federation? The cost of a nose piercing in Moscow varies between 1000-2200 rubles.

The operation is performed both with the simultaneous acquisition of the jewelry proposed by the specialist, and without it. The price also depends on the technique of the event, which is why it increases.

  • In Voronezh, a nose piercing with a needle and an earring will cost the patient 1,200 rubles.
  • In Novosibirsk, a nose piercing is possible at an average price of 800 rubles.
  • In Petrozavodsk, it is offered to get a nose piercing for 700-1000 rubles.
  • In Yekaterinburg - the most inexpensive nose piercing service worth 600-800 rubles.

The cost of the nose piercing event does not include the price of the decoration.

I was an informal teenager, I was drawn to piercings. I perforated my ears, I wanted my tongue, but I was afraid, it hurts a lot, and my father threatened me that he would pull out my piercing along with what I would pierce xD
But the Wishlist just didn’t burn out, I decided to pierce my nose. I decided to do it myself. I was 15)

I bought a syringe with a thick needle, took an ampoule of novocaine and alcohol from my mother.
I bought an earring not curved, but a carnation.
After holding a cotton swab with novocaine on the nose for a minute (which somehow did not help), she treated everything with alcohol and proceeded.

The needle was introduced smoothly, quickly and sharply with the nose will not work. At first it didn’t hurt at all, but when it got to the cartilage, unpleasant sensations appeared. Not even pain, but just somehow unpleasant, and the cartilage crunches) D For those who want to prick their nose, but are afraid of pain, you can check for yourself what kind of pain it is. Just press on the wing of the nose with your nails from the inside and outside, such a pain.

When the point of the needle began to appear from the inside of the nose, all that remained was to push the game farther so that the hole was not too narrow for the earring.

Well, when I made a hole in it, by the way, there was not much blood at all, only the hole itself was filled.

It was necessary to insert an earring. This was the most difficult stage, because I didn’t have any special tools, I just randomly “poked” this carnation into the hole.
I did it a whole hour! I spent an hour at the mirror to insert it. But she somehow could not find a way out from the inside. Then I decided that the mucosa was already overgrown, I made a new hole. That is, outside in the same, but inside there was already a new hole. And I began to try again, and after about 40 minutes it worked out, then I was already freaking out and screaming.

When I finally got it, I processed everything again and the case was completed.

After the puncture, neither the next day nor afterwards, there was no redness, no suppuration, nothing of the sort, everything looked as if I had been with him for a long time. I moved it every day, the first week it was painful, and after a month I could already insert another earring. Although many friends who pierced in the salon complained of redness and inflammation. And I have nothing.

In no way am I pushing anyone to pierce themselves with something! Although I think that something more serious can only be pierced in the cabin ..

With a pierced nose, I have been for a very long time, until the age of 18, I successfully hid it from my father, but then I slept))

I constantly lose earrings, which I did not have only. They are lost in the soul, then in a dream)

Now I’m lost again, I can’t buy anything to like)
Even if you do not wear an earring for several days, then it somehow retracts and looks like an ordinary slightly enlarged pore.

Now my weakness for piercings has burnt out, of course, but I like my neat nose piercing. And my young man too) I consider him successful)

The question of whether it hurts to pierce the nose is asked by every person who wants to decorate his body. The disadvantage of piercing is pain not only during the puncture, but also at the time of wound healing. But different areas on the human body and face have different degrees of innervation. An equally important role is played by the method of piercing - manually or with a gun, as well as the use of an anesthetic.

Nose piercing features

Despite the popularity and apparent simplicity, nose piercing brings some problems. Nose piercing is the most popular type of piercing not only among the female half, but also among men. There are several ways to pierce and wear jewelry:

  • The standard way is to pierce the wing of the nose. The earring is inserted into the hole in the curl of the right or left nostril.
  • Nasal septum. Cartilage puncture, as well as tissue under the nasal septum under the tip of the nose.
  • Tip of the nose. Vertical or horizontal soft tissue piercing.
  • Nose bridge. Piercing of the skin fold in the region of the bridge of the nose.

The procedure should be carried out only by a professional in conditions of absolute sterility. Before the start of the session, the specialist must inform about the contraindications to the puncture:

  • acute course of diseases;
  • the presence of skin diseases;
  • severe disorders of the immune system;
  • incoagulability of blood;
  • the presence of sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • diabetes mellitus in insulin-dependent form;
  • chronic diseases affecting the functioning of internal organs;
  • taking hormonal drugs, including birth control pills.

Important! Hiding the presence of any pathologies is prohibited, as this can cause serious complications.

Earrings that are installed at the puncture site must necessarily meet certain requirements. This is very important, as the decoration interacts directly with the wound. You should choose those decorations that:

  • amenable to sterilization;
  • easy to care for;
  • made of hypoallergenic material;
  • have a simple removal mechanism;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • have an aesthetic appearance.

With the right choice of both jewelry and the master, problems should not arise.

Does it hurt to pierce

The most sensitive area is the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. For the majority, even the smallest effect on the mucous membranes and skin of the nose and upper lip provokes reflex lacrimation and severe pain.

For some, the puncture procedure is completely painless. It all depends on the individual pain threshold, so it’s simply impossible to say exactly what a person will feel. No less important is the skill of the person making the puncture.

Can pain be reduced?

It is possible to reduce pain when piercing the nose with the help of ordinary ice. To do this, ice cubes are taken, wrapped in cloth and applied for 3-4 minutes to the skin where it is planned to make a puncture. After this time, if the nose is numb, you can do a piercing. If there is still sensitivity, then hold the ice again.

The key factors are the skill of the nose piercer and the reduction of anxiety. The level of anxiety is lowered by the fact that the master does everything correctly. It is important to contact a trusted and reliable salon:

  • the room must be clean;
  • all tools, swabs, gloves must be disposable;
  • buy jewelry only in vacuum packaging and after opening sterilize by placing it in an alcohol solution for several minutes.

If the client has an increased sense of anxiety, then a non-narcotic sedative of natural origin, such as Glycine or Valerian, can be taken. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited, as alcohol tends to thin the blood. This causes bleeding.

Use of anesthesia

To reduce sensitivity, application anesthesia is used. This method involves the local application of an anesthetic to the tissue. Acriol Pro is a new cream for this type of anesthesia. But most of the time it's not needed.

Instructions for use reads:

  • apply the cream in a dense layer on the skin area;
  • cover with a bandage, press the edges tightly so that the cream does not come out from under the film;
  • wait an hour;
  • remove film.

After that, you can proceed to the nose piercing session.

How to get rid of pain after the procedure

Most infections are due to dirty hands. That's why it's important to wash your hands with soap and water before touching your piercing.. The wound should be washed with soap and water. If swelling and pain are observed, then Ibuprofen should be taken. But if bleeding occurs, then this drug should not be taken, as it will increase bleeding. Instead, it is better to take Paracetamol.

It is forbidden to use Aspirin, as NSAIDs prevent platelet aggregation and prevent blood clotting. Once the bleeding stage has passed, Ibuprofen is the best remedy. If necessary, as soon as the swelling subsides, replace the earring with a smaller one.

Puncture care and possible consequences

The recovery period for a perforation site depends on its type and complexity. The wound on the wing of the nose is most quickly restored, it takes about 4 weeks. Other species need a longer time - from 6 to 8 months. But it is important to know how to properly care for a puncture, how to handle it.

The rules for caring for perforation are as follows:

  1. Do not touch the puncture site with dirty hands to avoid infection.
  2. Treat the wound with a cotton pad soaked in saline. Do compresses until the crust is eliminated.
  3. Doctors advise to instill drops containing sea water into the nose. Excellent options are Aqualor or Otrivin.
  4. Gently blot the perforation site with napkins, as the towel may catch on the earring.
  5. To speed up healing, lubricate the pierced area with lavender oil.
  6. It is forbidden to peel off the crust, otherwise you can infect the infection. This will cause complications.
  7. It is possible to remove the earring only after the wound has completely healed.
  8. Cosmetics should not be applied to the piercing site.

In the first six months, it is not recommended to remove the earring for more than a day to prevent the puncture from tightening. The hole is tightened depending on the characteristics of the body. Hook piercings should be worn as late as possible to allow the wound to fully heal and form.

If you do not follow simple rules, then a piercing of the nose can provoke complications. They can also occur if the puncture technique is not followed. The most common are:

  • nerve damage;
  • the appearance of otitis media of a permanent nature;
  • severe bleeding;
  • acute inflammatory process in the cartilage;
  • damage to the nasal septum;
  • soft tissue inflammation;
  • mucosal damage by direct nostrils.

Inflammation of soft tissues is accompanied by swelling, fever, compaction at the puncture site. In this case, you need to seek qualified help and receive competent treatment.

If we consider the question of whether it hurts to make a puncture in the nose, then it all depends on the human body. Much depends on the pain threshold, the skill of the nose piercer, instruments, anesthesia and, of course, the psychological attitude. Many argue that a nose piercing is no more painful than an ear piercing. But in order to avoid complications, suppuration, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene..

Nose piercing has several varieties. But the most fashionable are the punctures of the left or right nostrils (as you like), or the partitions between them. In African countries, nose piercings are also often made in the region of the bridge of the nose, but this type of piercing has not yet gained popularity in our latitudes.

How to make a nose piercing at home?

Nose piercing is a procedure that is much more complicated and meticulous than. First of all, determine which part you want to pierce. To do this, imagine yourself with a piercing. But, if the choice is made, it's time to buy jewelry. Fortunately, there is no shortage of this product in the country. Various products used for nose piercing are in abundance in every jewelry store, tattoo parlor, and also on the Internet.

Types of jewelry for nose piercing

However, there are three main varieties of these jewelry: a barbell, a ring and a “stud”. To choose the right size of the product, it is better to consult a specialist. Go to a piercing salon and ask for advice.

Usually, employees of such institutions, regardless of whether you will pierce your nose with them or somewhere else, kindly share their knowledge and almost always this is a free consultation. But, in any case, the first decoration should not be heavy and bulky. Buy a small product for now, and when the wound heals and a canal forms, replace it with something more presentable (but not earlier than six months later).

Please note that some metals are allergic. Most often it is nickel and chrome. Jewelry made of steel and titanium has proven itself well because it almost does not oxidize and does not rust. Traditional metals are also suitable: silver, platinum, gold and copper.

Allergy to metals mainly manifests itself in the form of a rash, reddened and cracked skin around the puncture site, the formation of small bubbles. If at least one of these symptoms is detected, you should immediately remove the jewelry and rush to the clinic for an appointment with an allergist.

It is definitely better if the first piercing is done by a professional: quickly, accurately, with anesthesia and under sterile conditions. But if you are not afraid of pain, then a nose piercing at home is generally a matter of minutes.

The main thing is not to panic and act with concentration. It will be more convenient to pierce one of the nostrils on your own. Please note that piercings are best done in spring or autumn when there is little dust in the air. And the summer heat, which causes excessive sweating, will interfere with the healing of the wound.

It is also worth bearing in mind that the skin of the nose should be healthy and clean. It is not recommended to make a puncture on inflamed, acne-prone skin, as there is a high probability of infection entering the wound from the focus of inflammation.


If you still decide to do the nose piercing yourself, then sterility is the key to success. Therefore, stock up on sterile gloves, and sterile cotton, a dropper system or a sharp needle. In principle, you can pierce your nose with any needle or even a pin (if you first rinse it with alcohol and boil it), but the needle from the dropper is quite sharp and has a plastic tube.

Therefore, in the pharmacy you need to buy alcohol (for disinfection), Miramistin solution (the most suitable antiseptic for piercing treatment). You will also need boric alcohol, calendula tincture is also suitable, and for safety net - an ointment with antibiotics. It is also advisable to buy a nose clip.

How to pierce your nose at home

In salons, nose piercing is usually done with anesthesia, but at home it’s better not to risk it by doing an injection in the nose yourself. You can use an anesthetic aerosol, but the safest thing in this case is to use the tried-and-true old-fashioned method and attach an ice cube to the future puncture site.

From the cold, the skin will become numb and partially lose sensitivity, but at the same time it will become denser. And that means it will be harder to pierce. Be prepared for the fact that the ice will only partially dull the pain. However, the puncture procedure will take no more than one moment. You can also be patient.


In order for the puncture to be made in the right place and the nose would not have to be perforated several times, turning it into a sieve, you should mark with a marker at the point of the future piercing. This little detail will help you quickly and efficiently complete the work you have begun. In front of the mirror, put a dot on the skin of the nose and make sure that this is where you want to wear the jewelry.

If the mark is slightly lower or slightly higher than the desired location, do not be nervous, just wipe it off with a cotton swab and repeat the procedure again. In this matter, do not rush, because the piercing will remain with you for many years. In addition, the nose is in the center of the face. If an unsuccessfully pierced ear can be disguised as a hairstyle, then such a manipulation will not work with the nose. Here the proverb "measure seven times ..." will work perfectly. But the result will be perfect.

Before piercing the nose, you need to calm down so that your hands do not tremble. Then, in front of the mirror, put the needle to the point drawn on the skin and pierce the nostril with one sharp movement. But be careful not to overdo it. If the needle goes too deep, it will injure the nasal septum.

Remove the needle from the wound, insert an ornament instead of it and fill it with an antiseptic. That's all. Operation was successfully completed. Treat the puncture site with Miramistin 2-3 times a day until complete healing. There is another type of piercing that is very popular among young people called smiley. But we talk about this in our other article ""

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Body piercing is a minimally invasive surgical procedure for piercing the skin to decorate with earrings. Many people want to have a high-quality even puncture, but not many are willing to pay for it. The temptation to get pierced at home is great, there are detailed instructions on the Internet, and the pharmacy sells all the necessary tools for the procedure. If desire is greater than fear, you can take a risk.

Required Tools

More and more fans of piercing decide on the home version of the procedure.

Necessary tools and consumables:

  • The marker is sterile for marking.
  • Surgical disposable gloves.
  • The clamp is surgical. It is necessary for capturing and fixing the skin fold, helps to reduce the rush of blood and anesthetize the place of the future puncture. Thanks to the tongs, the hole will be even and at the correct depth.
  • Needle. Experts advise to purchase special needles for piercing. They have laser sharpening, which makes the procedure almost painless and fast due to the sharpness of the tip. They are made of surgical steel, have a cavity inside for setting jewelry without removing the needle from the wound. If it is not possible to purchase a special kit, a drip catheter is suitable.
  • Antiseptic solution: hydrogen peroxide 3%, Chlorhexidine, medical alcohol, Miramistin.
  • Cotton wool is sterile.
  • Ointment for local anesthesia.
  • Decoration.

Each pharmacy has a complete set of these tools on sale, except for laser sharpened needles.


Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to process the instruments for the purpose of disinfection. In salons, they are sterilized in an autoclave, a household option is boiling for 15-20 minutes and aging in alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to disinfect the earring.

How to make a navel piercing at home?

  1. Wash your hands, put on sterile gloves and treat with an antiseptic.
  2. Clean the skin of the navel with medical alcohol, wait for it to dry. If necessary, treat the cavity inside with cotton swabs.
  3. Make a markup: put two points where the needle enters and exits. The distance between the second point of the navel and the navel is 1 cm. An important condition: the marks must be even vertically and horizontally, check with a mirror.
  4. Apply an anesthetic ointment or hold an ice cube for a couple of minutes.
  5. Position the clamps so that the marks are visible in and through the holes. Pull back the skin a little.
  6. With your main hand, insert the needle into the skin. Entrance through the middle of the lower clamp, exit through the middle of the upper.
  7. Without removing the needle, insert the tip of the jewelry into the hollow part of the catheter or needle. Pull it through the hole. Tighten the locking ball tightly.
  8. Wash your hands and treat the wound with an antiseptic.

It is not dangerous to prick the navel, there are no nerve endings and arteries in this place, but when capturing a thin fold, the risk of rejection is high.

Instructions for the procedure of nose piercing at home:

  1. Decontaminate tools and jewelry. A 0.9-1 mm needle is ideal for work, but you can prick your nose with a sewing needle or pin.
  2. Treat the area of ​​​​the future puncture with alcohol inside and out.
  3. Make a mark.
  4. Give anesthesia if necessary.
  5. Grasp the skin area with a clamp and slightly pull or lift.
  6. Take a deep breath and insert the needle into the mark.
  7. Do not pull out the tool, insert the decoration into the hollow part and pass it into the channel. Fix.

Nose piercing should be done strictly according to the instructions and in places where there are no partitions.

What is the safest way to get a lip piercing?

  1. Prepare sterile instruments. Place in close proximity to a mirror on a clean sterile gauze.
  2. Wash your hands, put on sterile gloves.
  3. Clean the puncture site with alcohol inside and out.
  4. Make a markup. Two points are set for the entry and exit points of the needle.
  5. Pinch the marked area with forceps to reduce pain and make the puncture even. The lip is retracted.
  6. Insert the needle from the inside out.
  7. Insert the earring through the catheter or cavity in the instrument, fix it.

For the procedure at home, the upper bridle - smile and the lower one - anti-smile, monroe, madonna and other options are suitable, where blood vessels and nerves are not affected.

Rules for processing and caring for a puncture

Care is an important component of a successful result. Follow the recommendations of experts:

  • Treat twice a day and with each entry of dirt with antiseptic solutions.
  • Do not wet the first few days, do not visit the bath, sauna. open water before healing.
  • Do not remove the earring until the channel is completely tightened.

Common consequences are inflammation and suppuration. If frequent treatments do not help, see a doctor.

How piercing is contraindicated for performing at home

There are dangerous piercing options that are forbidden to be done on your own.

  • An intimate puncture is the most difficult, the popular Prince Albert, Christina, can lead to a deterioration in the health of the genitourinary system.
  • Piercing your own tongue means risking the loss of taste buds and the ability to speak correctly.
  • An incorrectly pierced nipple can cause problems with lactation, a woman will not be able to feed.
  • Eyebrow. Possible rejection due to insufficient depth or problems with the facial nerve.
  • Ear cartilage. You can prick the ear at home only in the lobe, industrial, day, tragus and other options should be performed by a professional.
  • Neck, clavicle in front, chest. In these areas, a planar piercing is made, microdermal is installed. It is impossible to perform the procedure on your own, certain knowledge and tools are required here, otherwise rejection will begin.

It is difficult to make the right piercing and choose jewelry for it yourself from the photo with instructions, so it’s better to contact the salon. If it is not possible to perform a puncture for a fee, a snag earring will come to the rescue. Piercing snag at home is attached to glue, suction cup or magnet.

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