Women's viagra at home. Tips and recipes on how to make viagra at home. Preparation of Viagra from nettle

Problems of a delicate nature that both men and women face during intimacy often offset their feelings. To restore sexual desire, drugs and traditional medicine can be used.

Drinking a Viagra tablet at home will solve the problem. The invention of the drug makes it possible to raise or restore the rate of sexual energy. The medicine is based on the action of relaxing the musculature of the vessels, providing a better blood supply to the genitals.

The result of this action is a stable erection.

The price of the finished drug is not small, so homemade Viagra for men becomes an alternative replacement.

Operating principle

The presence of sildenafil in the preparation distinguishes a synthetic drug from natural components. It is this substance that provides a powerful effect from taking pills. Such a synthetic substance cannot be purchased at a pharmacy, which is why it will not work to create a full-fledged substitute for the drug at home.

If you make Viagra with your own hands, then it will not have a sufficient effect on the genital area, natural components do not cause an adverse reaction, and such a product will cost much less than its purchased counterpart.

Natural analogues

Homemade Viagra can be created based on the following ingredients:

  1. Ginseng, regular asparagus or celery;
  2. Seafood;
  3. Watermelons with lemon;
  4. Flower honey, walnuts and nettles;
  5. Quail eggs.

These products help increase arousal. When used correctly, libido will increase significantly. The combination of such components contributes to a multiple increase in the effect, so there is no need to buy a synthetic drug.

Popular recipes for creating Viagra at home, which are based on all sorts of decoctions or tinctures. To get the most effective action, it is necessary to adhere to a certain ratio of components.

To improve the quality of libido and achieve a stable sexual desire, it is not necessary to drink drugs. Natural aphrodisiacs can become their substitutes. Most of these products are available for every man at hand.

Positive effect on erection:

  • spices;
  • Bitter chocolate;
  • Olive oil;
  • Pine nuts;
  • Date fruits;
  • Cashews, as well as peanuts;
  • Bananas and strawberries;
  • Garlic with onions.

Pollen, artichoke blossoms, ginseng and aloe are strong aphrodisiacs.

Using these products in the diet, it is unlikely to achieve an instant result, but positive changes will be noticeable. To obtain the effect, the products should be mixed using their different proportions.

Modern herbal medicine

The homemade Viagra recipe, based on the use of love and orchid tubers, will stimulate the potency of a man. If impotence is observed, then a recipe from periwinkle tincture along with aralia can help (drink 8 drops twice a day for 4 days). Infusions of dubrovnik and forest anemone will also help to cope with the problem.

Traditional healers suggest using maple leaves in the form of fresh juice or decoction to enhance potency. This recovery option was invented in Germany and was used by the stronger sex in order to increase potency. The following scheme is used:

  • Drink 1 tbsp. l. infusion prepared from fresh or dry leaves in 250 ml of water;
  • Take the drink in a chilled state;
  • The effect of such Viagra is clear.

Therapy with the use of medicinal plants - phytotherapy. Today, sexology widely uses this option of recovery for men with spinal potency disorders due to depletion of the erection center, which is located in the lumbar part of the spinal cord.

Usually, such violations of potency occur against the background of back injuries, as well as after surgery on the spine, due to neoplasms, osteochondrosis and other similar conditions.

The basis of recipes for improving erectile function is the consistent use of sedatives, namely freshly brewed infusions of peony, motherwort, hop cones, valerian herb, hawthorn, and cyanosis. The course of treatment is designed for half a month. These drugs will help men cope with a similar diagnosis.

The next action is the intake of stimulant drugs that improve nerve conduction, stimulate the nerve centers. These products include aralia, ginseng, lure and rhodiola. Their action is similar to Viagra.

How to make Viagra at home? An excellent recipe is obtained by using ginseng infusion all year round. Home remedy (ginseng), which has the effect of Viagra, drink 10 drops before meals. A decoction of medicinal plants is prepared from fresh or dry raw materials in the amount of a tablespoon filled with hot water in a volume of 200 ml. Then you need to wrap the potion with a cloth. It is required to use the infusion in the amount of 0.25 cups inside up to 4 times daily before meals for half a month.

Before treatment, it is necessary to find out if there is an individual intolerance to the components. An allergic reaction may also be present to Viagra (sildenafil). To check this, you need to hold a small amount of decoction in your mouth without swallowing it for 2 minutes.

If there are symptoms of facial redness, intolerable itching, skin rash, fever, difficulty breathing, it is dangerous to take the drug.

Men's recipes

Nettle is used by folk healers for the treatment of many pathologies. This plant is also used to improve erections. Preparing a healing drink is quite easy:

  1. Raw materials in the amount of 50 g must be poured with a steep broth - 200 ml;
  2. Add 1 tsp to the broth. honey;
  3. Mix the components thoroughly and insist;
  4. Strain and consume one hour before sexual contact.

An excellent result is given by a tandem of nettle with fresh pomegranate juice.

Recipe from the East

The use of ginseng perfectly restores potency. The miraculous effect of the root of the plant has long been known to folk healers. This tool is sold by pharmacies, it is easy to order using the Internet. It takes several days to prepare a magical tincture. Homemade ginseng Viagra is prepared as follows:

  • Take 100 g of crushed root;
  • Pour the component with 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • Cool the drink, place in a cool place and leave for two days;
  • Cook the composition on low heat for another 4 hours;
  • 5 minutes before the end of the preparation of the drink, add 2 tbsp. l. honey and cinnamon;
  • Then remove the decoction in a dark place for another three days.

Take the drug twice a day, 100 ml. The effect of the reception will be strong and stable.

Available Ingredients

Getting a home remedy that enhances potency does not require expensive and inaccessible components, but it makes it possible to achieve a positive result. There are many options for the execution of recipes that allow you to use the ingredients that are available in every home.

It can be:

  • Lemon juice;
  • Thyme;
  • flower honey;
  • Bitter chocolate;
  • Asparagus;
  • Cinnamon.

However, when you need confidence in the result, it is best to apply proven recommendations on how to get an effective remedy yourself.

Watermelon is a delicacy for children and adults. The sugar pulp of the berry is tasty and extremely healthy. It strengthens the body, has a choleretic and diuretic effect. Due to the high content of microelements in the composition of the product, it is recommended by many nutritionists as a therapeutic diet for various pathologies. From a watermelon you can get an excellent drug.

Making a potency stimulant from a berry is quite simple:

  1. Medium watermelon (about 5 kg) cut into pieces, removing the peel;
  2. Squeeze out 1 liter of juice and strain it;
  3. Put the drink on the fire, bring to a boil;
  4. Pour in fresh lemon juice, mix thoroughly;
  5. Boil the drink over low heat, be sure to remove the foam;
  6. When the volume of liquid decreases five times, remove from the stove;
  7. Cool the drink, pour into a glass bottle.

Women's Viagra

Women also suffer from similar sexual disorders. To solve the problem, there are recipes that significantly increase the libido of beautiful ladies. You can also make homemade female Viagra at home.

To prepare a homemade love elixir, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • Figs;
  • dried apricots;
  • A glass of prunes;
  • The same number of walnuts (certainly peeled) and pitted raisins.

Finely chop the products, then mix thoroughly. We recommend using a wooden mortar instead of a blender for the procedure. Daily dosage for women - 2 tbsp. l. mixtures washed down with kefir.

vegetable juices

You can make a homemade female Viagra substitute if you use the juice of carrots, beets and cucumbers. Mix these drinks, taking them equally. It is required to drink the drug three times a day for a whole month, taking half a glass before a meal for half an hour. Cooked natural Viagra is guaranteed to help solve your own delicate problem.

However, a more effective result is the control of one's own health, the organization of proper nutrition, the rejection of all kinds of bad habits, the most active life.

The value of homemade Viagra

What to do when sex has become the norm only once a month, many hours of bed marathons have long been forgotten? Not only the partner is dissatisfied, but also you yourself with such a state, self-esteem is rapidly declining.

Fatigue and stress make it difficult to relax - this is the reason for most misfires that occur on the bed of love. Every second representative of the stronger sex who has reached the age of thirty is familiar with such a problem. Erectile dysfunction provokes other complications:

  • Psycho-emotional disorders (unmotivated aggression, depression, suicide attempts);
  • Family discord - intimate problems quite often end in divorce;
  • When trying to change the situation, using potent medications, complete impotence develops.

To prevent such unfortunate consequences, you should use the recommendations given in the article and experience the effect of Viagra, prepared only from natural products, without the addition of synthetic ingredients.

Such a potion will help correct the situation, prevent fruitless attempts to prove to your beloved your sexual strength. After using homemade Viagra, a man will be able to perform sexual exploits again, fully satisfying his partner and enjoying a full-fledged sexual intercourse himself.


There are many ways to prepare Viagra, which can alleviate the condition of a man suffering from sexual impotence. However, we should not forget that a positive result is guaranteed when a person always takes good care of his health, eats right and leads an active lifestyle.

Before recovery, you need to consult with a specialist to avoid unwanted effects on the body. Such recommendations will enable a person to improve the quality of his sexual life.

With age, intimate problems appear in representatives of both sexes, as a result of which one has to resort to medications. Currently, drugs that affect potency are widely represented on the shelves of pharmacy kiosks, but their cost leaves much to be desired. For this reason, many are interested in how to make Viagra yourself at home, which traditional medicine recipe is the most effective and how powerful the effect of the natural analogue is.

What is Viagra

Working on a new medicine for the heart, the scientists of the English company had no idea that they would create the first oral remedy to combat male erectile dysfunction. This helped to partially replace the previously used injections in the penis and other physiotherapy procedures. Tableted drug, has a different dosage, is used 15 minutes before sexual intercourse and prolongs male potency for a long time.

Viagra is produced in the form of diamond-shaped blue tablets. One side is marked with "Pfizer" and the other with "VGR 25", "VGR 50" or "VGR 100" depending on the dosage of the active substance of sildenafil represented by sildenafil citrate:

According to the instructions, the auxiliary components are: microcrystalline cellulose, calcium hydrogen phosphate, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate.


The active substance is absorbed through the small intestine and stimulates blood circulation. There is an effective flow of blood to the male penis. The cavernous bodies are filled with it, as a result of which there is an increase in erection, the duration of which sometimes reaches several hours. However, you need to know that although the drug has sexual arousal, it has contraindications for people suffering from heart disease. In addition, as practice shows, there may be a change in light perception with a predominance of blue.

How to replace Viagra

Sildenafil is not sold as a separate substance, so it will not be possible to reproduce a complete analogue of the drug for male sexual activity. However, do not despair, because nature is full of Viagra substitutes that have a similar effect. Proper use and combination with each other will allow them to become excellent natural aphrodisiacs. Before you make Viagra yourself at home, you can at the initial stage turn to the following products that have a good effect in the fight against impotence:

  • dark and bitter chocolate;
  • red pepper;
  • celery and asparagus roots;
  • caviar;
  • seaweed;
  • quail eggs;
  • natural honey;
  • seafood;
  • garlic;
  • paprika;
  • persimmon;
  • tomatoes;
  • truffles;
  • dill, etc.

How to make Viagra at home

Unlike a synthetic drug sold in a pharmacy, natural remedies prepared using natural ingredients at home not only have a beneficial effect on potency, but also strengthen the general condition of the body. Traditional medicine has more than one recipe for the preparation of a stimulant. Natural preparations are not so aggressive, but for a full-fledged sexual contact, any recipe below is enough.

When choosing how to replace Viagra at home, do not forget that the chemical composition of some components can cause an allergic reaction, so the choice of products must be approached consciously. Cooked Viagra has its own expiration date and is more likely to be stored in the refrigerator. Excessive use of the drug will not increase the effectiveness, but only affect the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

From ginseng root

Since ancient times, a well-known plant was famous for its healing properties for the whole organism. When preparing a tincture to increase potency, it is recommended to use a plant root prepared by yourself. If this is not possible, you can buy it at a pharmacy. Since it is not very difficult to make natural Viagra at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • grated dry root - 100 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon.

Bring the water to a boil and pour over the ginseng. Leave to cool, then move to a cool place protected from light. Two days later, the infusion is brought to a boil and continue to cook for 4 hours over low heat. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add honey and cinnamon. When the decoction is ready, it is placed in a dark place for three days. To restore male strength, take the elixir in half a glass twice a day.

From nettle leaves

Homemade Viagra for men, which is taken shortly before sexual intercourse, is easily prepared using ordinary nettle. You will need:

  • nettle fresh (can be dried) - 50 g;
  • water 250 ml;
  • honey - to taste.

Crushed leaves should be poured with boiling water and placed in a thermos for half an hour. You can add a spoonful of honey to a chilled drink for taste, and you need to take a natural substitute 40-60 minutes before the intended contact.

From walnut

To begin with, it is worth saying that nuts should not be abused - experts advise eating no more than 3 kernels of this product per day. You can make Viagra at home not only from walnuts, but also from pine nuts and even peanuts. The easiest way to prepare is to take a small amount of the product, pour plenty of honey on it and use it as a dessert every day. The combination of these two components helps to restore a weak erection.

from watermelon

The use of watermelon has a good effect on potency. Not knowing how to replace Viagra at home, you can refer to the following recipe:

  • watermelon - 5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;

The berry is peeled in such a way that its white part remains. The substance citrulline, similar in action to Viagra, is contained directly here. Then squeeze the juice or grind the watermelon in a blender. The resulting mass (about 1 liter of watermelon juice) is put on fire and brought to a boil. After that, lemon juice is also introduced here and left to boil over low heat until the volume of the mixture is halved. The resulting product is poured into a glass container and stored in a refrigerator. You can take a cocktail daily for 2 tbsp. l. before meals or an hour before intimacy.

Women's Viagra at home

There is a common stereotype that only men suffer from sexual dysfunction, but it should be noted that the fair sex also has similar problems, although this is rarely talked about. How to make women's Viagra at home without much difficulty? Since ancient times, aromatherapy has been used to increase arousal in women, which has proven its effectiveness repeatedly.

In addition, there are a number of products that are not only beneficial for the female body, but also do not have side effects. Among the available ones, strawberries and raspberries can be distinguished, whose aroma helps to relax. Do not forget about bananas containing bromelain, which has a beneficial effect on increasing sexual desire. You can also note figs, rich in potassium and folic acid, which activate female sexuality.

Dried fruits

Replacing Viagra for the weaker sex is extremely easy to prepare. You need to take the following available products in equal proportions, which will not be difficult to buy in any city:

  • prunes;
  • figs;
  • dried apricots;
  • walnuts;
  • raisin.

In order to prepare a female pathogen, it is necessary to finely chop, mix and grind the listed ingredients. Do not use a blender - it is better to take a wooden mortar. They take the prepared composition two tablespoons a day, and it is necessary to drink it with fermented milk products, such as kefir or fermented baked milk.

vegetable juices

Do-it-yourself Viagra for women is not only vegetables, nuts and fruits, but also juices, and vegetables are preferred, although, for example, juice from avocados, strawberries or bananas will be just right. As for vegetables, you can take cucumber, carrots and beets and run them through a juicer. The natural composition is taken for a month, drinking 100 grams half an hour before meals.


Improving erectile function in men is made possible by taking the well-known Viagra. However, the drug has its drawbacks, in particular, it is contraindicated in cardiac disorders. Therefore, the question of how to make Viagra at home is relevant. You can replace the drug with various products prepared accordingly.

In the article we will tell:

How does Viagra work?

Men often face potency disorders, which is usually the result of the influence of negative factors (stress, smoking, overwork). Many representatives of the stronger sex to eliminate erectile dysfunction resort to the use of a drug called Viagra.

The action of the remedy is aimed at eliminating the causes due to which the erection disappears, and sex becomes impossible or fleeting.

  • restoration of the functioning of the vessels of the male genital organ;
  • an increase in the duration of sexual contact;
  • reduction of rest intervals between acts;
  • enhancing the sensations of orgasm.

According to the instructions, the drug begins to act after 30-60 minutes, although it happens that positive changes appear much faster. This depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

Viagra is allowed to be taken once a day, and the initial dosage should be 50 mg.

It is worth remembering: if a man does not experience appropriate sexual arousal before taking the pill, there will be no erection after taking it.

Side effects occur in case of overdose, as well as in the presence of weak immunity and chronic diseases. Contraindications are represented by intolerance to the main substance, venous fibrosis, oncology, ulcers of the digestive organs, and cardiovascular disorders.

List of products that replace Viagra

Since not everyone is suitable for a medical drug, both in terms of indications and price, you should think about using products that have no less benefits for men's health.

Potency can be improved by using:

  • asparagus, celery, ginseng;
  • sea ​​fish and seafood;
  • bananas, watermelons, lemons, persimmons;
  • cinnamon, nettle, dill;
  • nuts, mushrooms;
  • honey;
  • garlic;
  • quail eggs;
  • dark chocolate.

How to make an analogue of the male drug yourself

Knowing that many products can have a beneficial effect on erectile function, men are trying to find recipes that allow them to get an effective substitute for the drug at home. In this case, the tool provides the maximum benefit to the body without any adverse reactions.

From ginseng

How to make Viagra from ginseng at home:

  • crushed fresh root (100 g) is poured with boiling water (0.5 l) and placed in a dark place for 2-3 days;
  • at the end of the period, the container with the contents is placed on fire for 4 hours;
  • flower honey (1 tablespoon) and a pinch of cinnamon are added to the broth (5 minutes before turning off);
  • the finished product is cooled, filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Method of application - 2-3 tbsp. l. in the morning and 100 ml 30 minutes before sexual intercourse.

From nettle

Such a vegetable aphrodisiac as nettle will help to strengthen male power. A healing decoction is prepared from it, and for its preparation it is better to stock up on fresh raw materials.

How to prepare Viagra to improve erectile function:

  • the plant in crushed form (50 g) must be poured with boiling water (250 ml);
  • the composition is supplemented with honey (1 tsp) and infused for a couple of hours;
  • the decoction should be consumed one hour before the intended sexual intimacy.

Despite the effectiveness of the remedy, it is undesirable to take it for gastritis with excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid and peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

from watermelon

Popular and beloved by many, the berry is distinguished by the presence of an analogue of sildenafil citrate - citrulline. Substance in the maximum concentration contains in a water-melon peel.

Recipe for men using a medium sized watermelon:

  • the berry is cut into pieces with the removal of the green peel and the preservation of the white part;
  • juice is squeezed (1 l), poured into a container and placed on the stove for 5 minutes;
  • the juice of 1 lemon is poured into the liquid, after which the fire is reduced, and the product is left to boil until a twofold decrease in volume;
  • when the composition has cooled, it can be poured into a jar and placed in the refrigerator.

The optimal dosage is 3 tbsp. l. one hour before intercourse. For preventive purposes, the solution is used twice a day for 1 tbsp. l.

Viagra, made by hand from watermelon pulp, is not suitable for men with gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, it is undesirable to drink the remedy on an empty stomach.

natural viagra from garlic

In the absence of contraindications, you can start preparing garlic tincture. The basis for the drug will be alcohol or vodka.

How to make a remedy that improves erectile function:

  • peeled garlic (300 g) is crushed with a meat grinder;
  • the resulting slurry is poured with alcohol (200 ml) and left for 3 weeks in a dark place;
  • then the product is filtered through cheesecloth, folded in several layers.

To avoid problems with potency, the tincture is taken 2-3 times a day, 10-15 drops.

As for contraindications, their list includes liver and kidney failure, high blood pressure and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

Dried fruits and nuts

Medical Viagra, if desired, is replaced by formulations made from various dried fruits, which are mixed with nuts.

For the mixture you will need to stock up:

  • figs;
  • dried apricots;
  • raisins;
  • prunes.

The ingredients are taken in an amount of 200 g each, while being carefully crushed. A day should be consumed 2 tbsp. l. the finished product, washed down with a glass of kefir.

If you systematically include dried fruits in your food, over time you can notice positive changes regarding male potency. However, do not forget that the mentioned products can affect body weight. Therefore, it is important to adjust the diet in order to prevent unwanted weight gain.


Scientists have conducted a number of studies that have shown that some types of juices can have an effect no worse than Viagra.

In particular, juices have a positive effect on potency:

  • pomegranate;
  • pumpkin;
  • beet.

In addition, it has been proven that these drinks are an excellent means of preventing diseases of the genitourinary system and help to permanently eliminate prostatitis. To achieve the desired results, the use of drinks should be regular, while they can be alternated.

It is also useful to combine juices from beets, cucumbers and carrots in equal proportions. Daily dosage - 3 times in half a glass 30 minutes before meals. Duration of admission - not less than a month.

Honey sbiten

The product is rich in macronutrients, tannins and ascorbic acid.

According to the recipe, do the following:

  • honey (3 tablespoons), lemon juice, dried mint (1 tablespoon) and a pinch of cinnamon are added to boiling water (1 l);
  • the mixture should boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes;
  • before taking the product is cooled and filtered.

If there are problems with erection, it is recommended to use no more than 600 ml of a pharmacy Viagra substitute per day. For preventive purposes, the daily dosage is reduced to 200 ml. Sbiten is taken daily for a long period.

The only contraindication is intolerance to one of the ingredients.

The value of homemade Viagra

A pharmacy drug designed to eliminate erectile dysfunction, although it is able to cope with the task, however, its administration can result in some negative reactions.

Moreover, the development of psychological dependence is often observed. Viagra is also a synthetic drug and is prohibited for certain diseases.

If we talk about homemade substitutes for the popular drug, their main advantages are:

  • low cost and availability of ingredients;
  • ease of preparation;
  • minimum side effects and contraindications.

Compositions made from products, although they do not instantly affect potency, they gradually strengthen the body, helping to prevent unwanted disorders.

Viagra for women at home

It is generally accepted that only men suffer from sexual weakness, therefore, natural analogues of the drug containing sildenafil are needed only by the stronger sex. Ladies also face problems in the sexual sphere.

Therefore, there is also female Viagra, which is prepared at home for women with a low level of libido. According to its composition, therapeutic agents are no different from those used by men. In other words, the above products can be used.

The value of homemade Viagra lies in its safety, effectiveness and almost complete absence of adverse reactions. If you correctly take ready-made mixtures and tinctures, you can significantly improve sexual relationships.

How to make viagra at home? Viagra is a drug whose active ingredient is sildenafil citrate, improves male erectile function. Despite the fact that it is sold in almost any pharmacy, its price is high, so it is only natural that many are trying to find an alternative to it. Recipes for making Viagra at home will help solve the problem.

It should be noted right away that we are not talking about how to prepare a chemical analogue, but about which recipes for potions will help to get the same effect and at the same time not cause harm to health.

Oriental Medicine Recipe

One of the most famous plants that have a beneficial effect on potency is ginseng. The fame of his miraculous action has long spread throughout the world. Ginseng root can be bought in pharmacies, ordered online. The preparation of the tincture will take several days, but the effect will be quite impressive.

How to make ginseng viagra at home:

  1. Grate 100 g of root.
  2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Allow to cool and hide in a cool and completely protected from light place for two days.
  4. Cook over very low heat for 4 hours.
  5. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add honey (2 tablespoons) and cinnamon.
  6. Clean again in a dark place for three days.

Take this composition should be twice a day for 100 ml. The result will be strong and stable, and the whole body will feel the positive effect.

Recipes from available ingredients

Making Viagra at home does not require only rare and expensive components, but allows you to achieve impressive results.

There are many recipes that allow you to use ingredients that can often be found at home. Thyme, lemon, chocolate, honey, asparagus, avocado, cinnamon, bananas, caviar, shrimp and many other foods are considered good aphrodisiacs. But if you need confidence in the result, then it is better to use proven tips on how to make an effective remedy at home.

Viagra from nettle

Nettle, quite often used in folk medicine, can also be an excellent source of male power. It is very easy and fast enough to make Viagra from nettle at home:

  1. Pour about 50 g of fresh nettle leaves with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Let it brew a little.
  4. Strain.
  5. Drink about an hour before the intended intimacy.

It would be nice to drink the resulting infusion with fresh pomegranate juice or a decoction of Rhodiola rosea, which will enhance the effect of the nettle drink.

viagra from watermelon

Both adults and children love to eat watermelon in the summer season. Its juicy sugar pulp is not only tasty, but also healthy. Watermelon has a choleretic, diuretic, tonic effect. Due to the high content of microelements, it is recommended in clinical nutrition for many diseases. At the same time, not everyone knows that it makes excellent Viagra at home. Consider a recipe that tells how to make a sexual activity stimulant:

  1. Medium watermelon (up to 5 kg) cut into pieces, remove the peel.
  2. Squeeze juice (1 l), strain.
  3. Put on fire, bring to a boil.
  4. Add the fresh juice of half a lemon, mix well.
  5. Boil over low heat, removing the foam, until the volume of liquid decreases by about five times.
  6. Allow to cool, pour into a glass container.

Take the resulting liquid an hour before a date or drink three times a week as a prophylactic. It is advisable to avoid taking on an empty stomach.

There are many recipes on how to make Viagra that can help men solve their delicate problem. But it should be remembered that the best result is achieved if a person is attentive to his health, leads a healthy lifestyle, eats right. In addition, it is absolutely not superfluous to consult a doctor in order to exclude possible side effects of home remedies on the body. These simple tips will improve your quality of life and sexual function.

Viagra is the most popular and studied drug for erection stimulation. Many men use it for the purpose. There are many analogues of the drug, but not everyone knows that the stimulant can be prepared independently. Consider how to make Viagra yourself at home, and what products are suitable for this.

Tableted drug to improve erection, the main active ingredient of which is sildenafil. It will not work to make a chemical analogue, and it does not make sense, because there are many similar products on the market at an affordable price.

Important! The goal of making homemade Viagra will be to create a similar effect through the use of beneficial ingredients.

You can also resort to natural homemade Viagra from folk remedies because the drug itself has many adverse reactions and some contraindications.

In the event that a man cannot use such pills, they can be replaced with homemade recipes.

Natural potency stimulants are ingredients such as ginseng, pumpkin seeds, seafood, herbs, nettles, nuts, sour cream and many others. If you combine them correctly, you can get an excellent substitute for Viagra.

Distinctive features of folk Viagra, prepared by hand:

  • does not contain chemical compounds, therefore it does not apply to medicines;
  • contains only known and natural components, therefore it is safe;
  • has no side effects, because you can exclude ingredients that may be allergic or other unpleasant symptoms;
  • has no contraindications, can be used as much as necessary.

Natural Viagra will not act instantly, like a tablet drug, but its regular intake will heal the body and increase sexual performance. The advantage will be that the purchased remedy has a temporary effect, and if you use the mind to prepare natural analogues of Viagra, you can gradually eliminate the problem with a weak erection.

What else can replace Viagra at home -:

  • ginger;
  • asparagus;
  • onion and garlic;
  • artichoke;
  • cherry;
  • avocado.

It is enough just to use these products daily to eventually feel a surge of strength and improvement in potency. Nutrition will be an important factor in a good erection, certain foods help increase libido and sexual arousal.

Seafood erection stimulant may include the following ingredients:

  • squids;
  • oysters;
  • shrimps;
  • crabs;
  • mussels.

To get a healing effect and increase potency, a man should add these seafood to his diet several times a week. Combined products can be cooked together, which will improve the effect, but the result will be noticeable when they are used separately.

Simple seafood recipes for male power:

  • baked oysters are poured with onion and lemon juice sauce, parsley and celery root are added;
  • steamed mackerel is poured with crayfish broth, beets or turnips serve as a side dish;
  • mussels are baked in the oven, seasoned with celery root, garlic sauce.

How seafood affects the male body:

  • increase the sensitivity of receptors in the genital area;
  • enhance sexual arousal;
  • rejuvenate and tone the body, saturating it with vitamins;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system, smooth out the effects of stress.

Seafood can be a good substitute for heavy meals that are poorly digested in the body of a man, contributing to the formation of toxins and toxins. It is important to exclude allergies to individual products.

What is a male power cocktail made of:

  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • dill, basil or cilantro to choose from.

Such a simple do-it-yourself Viagra recipe actually has a powerful stimulating effect. A cocktail of sour cream and herbs increases libido, has a positive effect on a man's sexual capabilities.

Another recipe for potency will be mixing beer with sour cream in a ratio of 3/1. This mixture should be drunk a few hours before bedtime. Other cocktails with the addition of sour cream are also recommended to drink 2-3 hours before bedtime or intended sex.

Drinking such a cocktail several nights in a row, one can note an increase in sexual activity and an improvement in erection. At the same time, you should not abuse drinks with the addition of beer, because alcohol can have the opposite effect.

Experts recommend combining natural remedies for potency with moderate physical activity and a healthy diet, which will significantly increase their effectiveness. Giving up bad habits will also help maintain male strength at a high level.

Walnuts with honey and yogurt are a great dish to boost. These ingredients will be useful when used separately, but the combination will allow you to feel their benefits as quickly as possible.

Grinding nuts into small pieces and adding them to white yogurt, you can get a delicious dessert. You need to eat it every day for a month.

You can use not only walnuts for cooking, but also pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts. They are useful for the whole organism, and traditional healers call them natural pathogens.

Benefits of nuts for men:

  • normalize the conductivity of nerve fibers;
  • enhance sexual arousal and sensations during orgasm;
  • contribute to the restoration of the normal hormonal background of the body;
  • improve the processes of spermatogenesis, preventing infertility;
  • contribute to normal hair growth, are the prevention of baldness;
  • enhance potency, increase endurance;
  • help the body to cope with stress more easily;
  • improve sleep, fight irritability, normalize mood and appetite.

To prepare an erection stimulant, you can also peel and mix a few pieces of hazelnuts, peanuts and walnuts. All of them are crushed in a blender, then poured with honey. Before use, add a few tablespoons of yogurt. You can eat such a dessert in a few spoons 2-3 times a day.

Exotic nuts will also be useful for male potency:

  • cashew - a source of vitamin K, contains arginine and zinc, which act as natural pathogens, are necessary for the normal formation of sperm, is included in the diet in the treatment of infertility;
  • pecan - contains a large amount of polyphenols and natural steroids, their use reduces the likelihood of prostate diseases and oncology;
  • nutmeg - can be used as a spice for tea, added to fish and meat dishes, because it helps to increase libido and emancipation;
  • almonds - contains minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on male potency, help normalize weight and increase stamina;
  • pistachios - regular use of these nuts leads to an increase in libido and improved sexual sensations in men, they also have a positive effect on the process of sperm formation;
  • brazil nuts - the composition contains arginine and selenium, which have a direct effect on improving potency by increasing the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is necessary for the onset of an erection, but you can eat no more than 3 nuts a day, the product can have a bad effect on production.

Nettle Recipes

Nettle Viagra is not inferior to other means to increase potency. For cooking, you need to pour a pack of raw materials with 250 ml of boiling water.

The tool is configured for about an hour. You can take it half an hour before sexual intercourse, adding honey. Drink the infusion should be completely. The approximate course of admission is 3-4 weeks.

Before you make Viagra at home, you should decide what kind of effect is required. If you need a persistent erection during the upcoming sexual intercourse, it is better not to consider homemade recipes.

Important! When organic impotence can not be limited only to natural stimulants, you need to take medications.

Useful video: How to prepare Russian Viagra


Folk recipes are similar to dietary supplements for potency, the instructions of which indicate that the effect occurs after the course of administration. To feel the effect of homemade Viagra, you should take general tonic for several weeks.

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