Vibrations of the human body

What kind of person can be called conscious? If you remember what happened to you yesterday, then this is hardly enough. Mindfulness is more than that. You process not only the information that you see and hear, but also connect other senses, you know how to understand and analyze how the world around you affects you, and what you can give it in return.

It sounds a little strange and seems like something accessible only to selected people, who are usually called psychics. But what if we told you that each of us has a tool for connecting on the same wavelength with the outside world. And it is called very simply - human vibrations, or rather the new direction “Vibration Keys”. Want to know what they are and how to work with them?

Vibrations in the Universe

Usually all esoteric teachings are met very coldly by skeptics and lovers of scientific argumentation. But the doctrine of vibrations and their influence on the human body has long gone beyond the esoteric direction - today it is the most progressive theory of physics, string theory.

In addition to the theory of quantum gravity (it was started by A. Einstein), string theory became a real breakthrough in physics in the second half of the twentieth century. Its apologists claim that everything in the world consists not just of protons, neutrons and electrons, but of strings of different sizes and locations. The mass of each body is determined by the type and frequency of vibration of these strings. If you dig deeper, the theory explains where our Universe came from without a single source of energy, why each proton has one or another mass.

However, we are not going to initiate you into physics so deeply - it is enough that the Hadron Collider was built to confirm or refute this theory. Would such budgets be spent to determine the veracity of a “pseudoscientific” theory?

Let's return from the matter of space to our home planet. What does human vibration have to do with it, you ask? Things get even more interesting here. You and I also constantly vibrate. Even if we do not take into account the fact that our body may also be strings, our atoms absolutely emit vibrations.

Every body that moves and interacts with its environment resonates and vibrates. We hear sound vibrations and resonance, say, when we hit a crystal wine glass. But even after the sound disappears, the body continues to vibrate, we just don’t see it.

Now imagine how the human body vibrates: blood flows through the vessels all the time, the heart beats, signals are transmitted between the neurons of the brain along the nerve endings, and so on. It's all movement, and every movement creates a resonating effect. No matter how strange it may sound, we vibrate all our lives, and there is no escape from it. Everything around us vibrates - but how does vibration influence a person?

The influence of vibrations on humans. Why are you uncomfortable?

Did you know that over the past 20-30 years the percentage of stress has almost doubled? Many attribute this to urban living and global industrialization. But what if you look at it from the other side? Again, let's go back to physics.

There is a concept of “Schumann frequency” - it shows the frequency of the earth. The index was opened in 1986 and showed a stable frequency of earth vibration in hertz. At the time of discovery it was 7.6 Hz and has never changed. This is the frequency of our alpha waves - such vibrations are emitted by the human body in a relatively calm state of wakefulness (7-13 Hz). When we are on the same frequency with the world around us, we feel comfortable and well, we are less prone to depression.

But over the past ten years, the “Schumann frequency” has begun to rise. This suggests that the Universe is developing, its frequencies are becoming higher. This means that we also need to move to a new level. The lower the vibrations, the less a person can feel the world around him and understand what is happening around him. Soon, evolution will require a transition to the so-called beta frequency, at which the brain works sanely and without fog. This is a new level that will become for each of us the key to understanding our problems and the influence of the Universe on our lives.

Types of vibrations. Raising vibrations

Do we all vibrate the same, do our frequencies change as the Earth's frequency increases? Alas, no. Yes, the collective frequency is rising, but what does that mean?

It is believed that low vibrations of a person or surrounding objects are of poor quality; they characterize only the conscious level. We vibrate low when we are angry, nervous and irritable. These are the frequencies that are characterized by negativity. By the way, all “dead” food (meat) also has low vibrations, and healthy foods like vegetables and liquid foods have high vibrations. Interesting, isn't it?

What is good for us and good for those around us is high vibrations. For example, love gives vibrations of 150 Hz, and grief only 0.1 Hz. And these are not bare statements, but facts confirmed by special instruments during scientific research.

And if science does not deny the existence of vibration of all human organs, then physicists are unlikely to talk about the possibility of controlling one’s vibrations.

Vibrating keys

If we can control our emotions and indirectly change our vibration, can we control our inner “resonance” in a holistic way? To answer, you should look at the Tibetan monks: to understand a person, they adapt to him and his vibrations: they hold his hands and try to feel his pulse. This way you get on the same wavelength with them, and they can already tell you what exactly is wrong with you.

Problems with vibrations are reflected in all areas of life. This includes personal relationships, self-confidence and self-confidence, career success, etc. The zone with low vibrations is often directly related to the areas where you are experiencing problems at the moment or constantly. It is necessary and possible to work with problem areas by increasing human vibrations.

Working with a particular zone is possible using so-called vibration keys. Using them, you can consciously influence the level of vibration of the body - the higher it is, the more and more accurately you feel the world around you. People whose vibrations are high enough can “read” a person at one glance and know how to interact correctly with the Universe.

  • An increase in body vibrations is often reflected in the following manifestations:
  • Your wishes begin to come true - you just have to think about them.
  • You are left with a feeling of constant worry and fear about the future.
  • You feel harmony and find harmony.
  • Sleep becomes deep and sound.
  • Awareness manifests itself in confidence in the future, the chosen goal, you assimilate new information more easily, as you connect the highest levels of consciousness.

Since vibrations are a natural state of the body, learning to control them is quite possible and not as difficult as it seems. In this article () you can learn more about vibration keys, what they are and how to use them. And also get free exercises.

A disease based on pathological changes in the receptor apparatus and various parts of the central nervous system that occur during prolonged exposure to local and/or general vibration. The clinical picture of vibration disease may include polyneuropathic, angiospastic, angiodystonic, asthenic, vegetative-vestibular, polyradicular syndromes, functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and hearing loss. Vibration disease is diagnosed by a comprehensive examination of the patient with thermometry, capillaroscopy, electromyography, ECG, and cold testing. The choice of treatment tactics is based on the syndromes prevailing in the clinical picture of the disease.

General information

Vibration disease is occupational in nature. It develops among workers in manual mechanized labor associated with the use of impact or rotary tools. Most often, vibration disease occurs among workers in the mining, construction, metallurgical, ship and aircraft manufacturing, transport industries, as well as in agriculture. Occupations at risk for the development of vibration disease include: drillers, polishers, stone cutters, grinders, asphalt pavers, trimmers, tram drivers, etc. The clinical symptoms that manifest vibration disease depend on the frequency of vibration and its nature (general or local) and associated factors (noise, forced body position, cooling, etc.).

Causes and mechanism of development of vibration disease

The main cause of vibration disease is the effect on the body of mechanical vibrations - vibration. Vibration with a frequency of 16-200 Hz has the most unfavorable effect. Vibration disease develops faster when combined with vibration and other unfavorable working conditions. The latter include: the need to maintain an uncomfortable body position, noise, work in the cold, static muscle strain, etc.

Vibration affects all tissues of the human body, but nerve and bone tissue are most susceptible to it. First of all, vibration affects peripheral receptors located in the skin of the hands and the plantar surface of the feet. Mechanical vibrations also act on the vestibular analyzer receptors located in the ear labyrinth. High-frequency vibration has a noise-like effect on auditory receptors. It stimulates the secretion of norepinephrine, the excess of which leads to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. Low frequency mechanical vibrations (up to 16 Hz) cause motion sickness, which is observed among workers of various types of transport.

Vibration disease develops as a result of constant irritation of mechanoreceptors and deformation of Vater-Pacini bodies arising under the influence of vibration, which leads to overirritation of the higher located nerve centers (sympathetic ganglia, spinal cord, reticular formation) and disruption of their functioning. Dysfunction of the central nervous system in vibration disease is primarily expressed in a disorder in the regulation of vascular tone with the development of vasospasm and arterial hypertension. As a result of vasospasm, trophic processes are disrupted mainly in the tissues of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. Thus, vibration disease has the character of angiotrophoneurosis, which can become generalized.

Classification of vibration disease

Another leading syndrome that characterizes vibration disease from local vibration is polyneuropathy. In the early stages of the disease, it can manifest itself in the form of increased sensitivity (hyperesthesia), then in the form of a decrease in sensitivity (hypoesthesia). Moreover, depending on the severity of vibration disease, sensitivity disorders affect only the fingers or spread further to the hands or feet like “gloves” and “socks.” They are accompanied by trophic disorders in the form of hyperkeratosis, thickening and deformation of the nails, and less often - atrophy of the small muscles of the hand.

In addition to local symptoms, vibration disease from local vibration is accompanied by general malaise, increased irritability, sleep disturbance, dizziness, and diffuse headache. Possible heart pain, tachycardia, epigastric pain. Functional disorders of the central nervous system with which vibration disease occurs are manifested mainly by asthenia, neurasthenia and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Cerebral vasospasm may be observed. With combined exposure to vibration and noise, cochlear neuritis develops, leading to varying degrees of hearing loss.

Symptoms of vibration disease from general vibration

Vibration disease from general vibration develops in drivers, as well as in those working on various machine installations. As a rule, the onset of the disease occurs in the 5th-7th year of such work activity. Vibration disease from general vibration is characterized by a gradual onset with nonspecific vegetative-vascular disorders of a cerebral and peripheral nature. Short-term headaches, increased sweating, and pain in the limbs are observed. In the initial period, angiodystonic syndrome and a sensory type of polyneuropathy of the lower extremities are observed. Already in the early stages of vibration disease, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system occur. They are manifested by increased irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue and general malaise. Dizziness, tremor of the eyelids, trembling of the fingers of outstretched arms, and sometimes anisoreflexia (difference in tendon reflexes on the right and left sides) may be noted.

Vibration disease differs from general vibration by the predominance of vegetative-vestibular syndrome, manifested by nausea, motion sickness and non-systemic dizziness. Moderate vibration disease is often characterized by a combination of polyneuropathy of the autonomic-sensory type with polyradicular syndrome. With severe vibration disease, polyneuropathy is of a sensorimotor nature and is accompanied by discirculatory encephalopathy, less often by diencephalic disorders. In some cases, vibration disease is accompanied by a disorder of the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, and a disruption in the functioning of the digestive glands. In women, vibration disease from general vibration can occur with menstrual irregularities in the form of menorrhagia and algomenorrhea, exacerbation of existing inflammatory diseases (adnexitis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis).

Diagnosis of vibration disease

Vibration disease is diagnosed through the joint efforts of a neurologist and a therapist. Additional consultations with a cardiologist, vascular surgeon, gastroenterologist, and otolaryngologist are often required. During the examination, attention is paid to the color of the skin of the distal parts of the extremities, vibration and pain sensitivity are carefully studied, and the condition of the muscular, osteoarticular apparatus and cardiovascular system is analyzed. Thermography, electromyography, electrocardiography, capillaroscopy are used. A cold test is carried out, which involves immersing your hands in cold water. If the fingers turn white, the test is considered positive, and a delay in the recovery of skin temperature of more than 20 minutes indicates disturbances in the regulation of vascular tone and a tendency to vasospasm.

According to indications for vibration disease, examination of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out: gastric intubation, gastroscopy, ultrasound of the liver, as well as hearing testing.

Your vibration is the energy that you broadcast outward, as well as the energy that you attract to yourself like a magnet. You attract experiences into your life that vibrate in unison with the vibration you emit.

You can not recognize/see this, you can try to deceive yourself and shift responsibility to someone else... but in fact,
What you broadcast is what you get!

Your vibrational level determines your life experience.

High vibrations

When you vibrate at a high level, your
life is full of positive events, it flows easily and smoothly, no matter what you undertake, the “green” light is on everywhere.

You are in tune with the universal flow of energy, giving you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. You are in balance, in a good mood and full of strength to move in any direction.

Low vibrations

On the other hand, low vibrations attract
What stresses you out is manifested by everything that you DO NOT like.

Life seems like a heavy burden to you, draining
from you energy and resources. You feel disappointed and

10 Ways to Lower Your Vibration:

1. Negative emotions

Negative emotions such as fear, anger,
envy and greed dramatically lower your vibration level.

Moreover, if you experience a certain
negative emotion for a long time, for example, you are constantly irritated, with your own hands you open the “gates” to situations that provoke you to even greater irritation... followed by even greater irritation and, ultimately, fiery anger.

A vicious circle arises from which to break out
not easy.

On the one hand, emotions are strictly PROHIBITED
lock them in the body, suppressing them (this leads to very real physical

On the other hand, indulging in your negative state increases the chaos in your life.

What to do?

Allow yourself to LIVE the emotion inside and out, enjoy your anger or fear... and say STOP! Just shift your attention to something more positive.

Consciously switch yourself. Do things that give you joy rather than stress you out.

2. Negative thoughts

Negative thoughts flash through any person, regardless of his level of development.

The problem comes when you do this regularly, replaying a negative script or mental dialogue over and over again.

One short-term thought doesn't carry much weight...
But when you “think” the same thought over and over again, it turns into an independent energetic entity.

The negative wave you send is regularly fueled by your doubts, criticism, condemnation of yourself and others, as a result it gains strength and begins to act on its own. You would be glad
think about something more pleasant, but it doesn’t work out... Your thoughts take over the reins of your behavior.

To stop negative thoughts, any
practices and meditations aimed at liberation from thoughts and inner silence.

You can say NO to any annoying thought: “I already thought that thought!”

You cannot stop thoughts from appearing in your head, but you choose which thought remains in it.

3. Excessive self-criticism

But excessive attention from the Inner Critic undermines your self-esteem and makes you doubt your own abilities.
An evil critic forces you to compare yourself with others who are more successful, more successful, more…. (fill in yourself) people, and you are constantly at a loss: there will always be someone who has achieved more than you.

If you want to sharply lower your vibrations, start scolding yourself for EVERYTHING!

And you will immediately notice how quickly those around you will react to this, making claims against you without any particular reason.

4. Condemnation and rejection

Condemnation is a scourge for spiritually advanced people.

The more a person knows about how it should be, the more difficult it is for him to remain in the position of an observer and not compare people’s lifestyles with the “standard” he himself created.

Knowing is not enough! It is necessary to apply any information in practice and make sure that it is firmly registered inside as
a new line of thinking and new habits.

Practitioners know how easy it is to return to old, unconstructive behavior in a stressful or conflict situation... they know what they had to go through to strengthen their new vision.
Therefore, there is no judgment or rejection in them... they see the ESSENCE of the process and respect the results achieved by other people, no matter how small they are.

Judge not and you will not be judged!

5. Mess in the house

Rock music, scientific literature or “abstruse” conversations (analysis), horror stories, dying plants in the house and work in the garden (pruning, weeding, etc.), mass gatherings (meetings,
competitions, concerts, “works of art”), and, of course, rubble and dust in the house. And don’t forget about yourself, your beloved

DO NOT wash, DO NOT groom, DO NOT cherish)))) - the result is guaranteed!

6. Media

Selection of information stream: Television, radio
and the Internet, teeming with “yellow press” news of various kinds - from just gossip to the lowest dirt - is also an excellent way, if you wish, to slide vibrationally lower.

And here, without a conscious choice and the presence of an inner “man with a gun”, who can automatically obscure with his
With your body, your mind and attention are indispensable from all this dregs.

7. Your surroundings

It is quite possible that all of the above -
a stage long passed for you... But not for those around you!

If among your friends and colleagues there are gossips who like to gossip, backbite, complain or criticize, you are in the right place to fall, and fall low.

8. Heavy food

Everything that surrounds you vibrates at a certain
frequency Including food.

When choosing your diet, it is important to keep in mind that
a sharp transition from low-frequency nutrition (meat, mushrooms, sometimes dairy products, fats) to fruits and vegetables can be dangerous due to the mismatch between the vibration of the food consumed and the vibration of your cells.

Remember any hunger strikes or Orthodox fasts, when an unprepared person “flies away” and loses focus due to a change
usual diet.

Heavy and/or fatty foods are most often NOT
compatible with practices to expand your consciousness and raise your vibration... forcing yourself to starve or force-feeding yourself fresh fruits and vegetables is not worth it.

Listen to what your body is saying: it will tell you when it needs to ground itself with denser foods, or, conversely, switch to a vegetable diet.

Well, since we are talking about ways to LOWER your vibration in order to quickly achieve your goal, eat a lot of whatever you get
When cooking, swear and quarrel, charging food with negative emotions!

9. Obscene language

If you want to get sick and be left exhausted, swear
Foul language has such low
vibrations, which instantly punches “holes” in your energy field, through which any low vibration is effortlessly sucked towards you. Moths fly to the light, negative vibrations fly to the mat.

Draw your own conclusions.

10. Alcohol

Briefly about this: alcohol clouds your
consciousness, turns off awareness and transfers it to the lower astral layers, where dirt and emotional waste of the collective consciousness accumulate... Astral entities are looking forward to those who like to figure it out “for three.”
On the astral level, access to higher dimensions
your soul - CLOSED.

Now you know 10 ways to lower your
vibration, and I hope you realize that by doing the exact opposite, you
you raise it.

Chapter 1. Vibration and Mobility

We already said bioenergy is a vibrating path to health and a path to vibrating health. By “vibrating health” we mean not simply the absence of disease, but a state of complete vitality. Perhaps the term "vibrating aliveness" is more accurate, since vibration is the path to aliveness. The increase in body vibration that occurs during our experiments helps bring this state of health closer.

A healthy body vibrates continuously, regardless of whether a person is awake or asleep. Take a look at a sleeping baby and you will notice how a barely noticeable tremor runs through his body: different parts of the body twitch slightly, especially the face, and sometimes the arms and legs. The same thing is observed in adults. A living body is in constant motion, and only a dead body is in a state of complete rest. The mobility of the living body, which forms the basis of spontaneous activity, stems from a state of internal excitation, then manifested in movement. When excitement intensifies, the body moves more; when it subsides, it calms down.

As the vibration of the body increases, pulsation waves pass through it. They are well known to us: heartbeat, pulse, intestinal peristalsis. But, being in a state of complete relaxation or intense feeling, people often do not feel how the body is pulsating. When we are relaxed, with each inhalation and exhalation, waves of breath flow throughout the body. In cases of strong emotional arousal, waves of feelings pass through it. Similar pulsating waves are observed during sexual intercourse. However, we usually do not allow ourselves to completely relax, breathe deeper, or feel more intensely.

Vibration is due to the energy charge of the muscles and is similar to that which occurs in an electric wire when a charge passes through it. Lack of vibration indicates that the excitation flow or charge is lost or greatly reduced. You can better understand this phenomenon by imagining a car. As soon as we turn on the ignition, a strong vibration is felt, gradually turning into a uniform buzz. It will continue as long as the engine is running. If it stops working while driving, it will immediately become clear that it has stalled - the buzzing noise has disappeared.

The vibration of a machine or human body indicates the state in which it is located. When a car's vibrations are unusual, we know something is wrong. Strong body vibrations, more like shaking or trembling, are a sign that excitement or charge cannot flow freely. Just as rapids on a river indicate the proximity of a threshold or other obstacle to the flow, strong vibrations indicate that a flow of excitement is breaking through constantly tense muscles. If the tension is removed and the muscles are relaxed, the vibrations weaken, they become difficult to notice, they are perceived as a contented deep “rumbling”. Although, of course, it is better to experience concussions than to lose vibrations altogether. It happens that the body falls into a state of strong vibration due to an unexpected and strong charge. For example, we shake with rage or tremble with fear, we are shaken by convulsions during sobs and pulsations of love, but, despite the emotions, in these cases we are in a state of complete revival.

In a bioenergy work course, the participant's body is immersed in a state of vibration through special experiences described in this manual. Their purpose is to maintain a vibration that resembles a quiet and imperceptible “rumbling”, regardless of whether arousal increases or stress subsides. As a result of these experiments, we gain the ability to maintain a state of liveliness and pleasure longer. To cope with this, the ego must be securely connected with the body, become one with it, and be ready to fearlessly follow its involuntary responses.

As a result, we must obtain an individual whose movements and behavior are at the highest level of spontaneity, but still coordinated and effective. This is the beauty of natural natural grace.

Through this process, corresponding changes occur in the person's manner of thinking and judgment. When vibrations pass through the entire body, a person feels collected and whole. Evidence of this is confirmed by many patients. A sense of unity and integration leads to natural sincerity in thought and action. Along with bodily grace, a person develops a corresponding psychological attitude towards graceful existence. Such people are not only completely animated themselves, they seem to radiate this animation.

Bioenergy analysis is called bioenergy therapy. She helps people get in touch with their bodies. By mastering the experiments outlined in this manual, a person begins to feel how he is blocking or blocking the flow of excitation in the body, restricting breathing, awkwardly holding back movements and limiting self-expression; in other words, he destroys his liveliness. The analytical part of therapy helps to understand the cause of these largely unconscious limitations and blocks in terms of one's own childhood experiences. The person is helped and encouraged to accept and express their own suppressed feelings in the controlled environment of a therapeutic situation.

The goal of therapy is a revitalized body, an individual capable of full expression of pleasure and pain, joy and disappointment. The greater the liveliness, the easier it is for us to cope with increased anxiety in everyday life and in sex. Analyzing unresolved conflicts, releasing pent-up feelings and eliminating chronic muscle tensions and blocks are all aimed at increasing the ability to experience pleasure.

The pleasure of being fully alive in the body is expressed in a state of vibration. It represents the pulsation of the body and individual organ systems: for example, respiratory, circulatory or digestive; these are flowing sensations in the body, the cause of which is excitement. This is the sweet burning of sexual desire, a flash of intuition, a thirst for intimacy, contact and a thrill of excitement.

As we have already noted, vibration activity is a manifestation of the natural mobility of the body. It is inherent in spontaneous movements, emotional manifestations and unconscious functioning. Natural mobility is not controlled by either the ego or the will - it is independent. A living body pulsates and vibrates. As we age, our bodies become more and more static until they reach immobility - death. But premature loss of mobility is pathological. It occurs, for example, under stress. Depression is a pathological suspension of vital body functions, decreased mobility, sensitivity, and response.

In addition to the unconscious ones, we make a lot of conscious or semi-conscious movements, such as walking, talking, eating, etc. In an adult, both types of movements - conscious and unconscious - are correlated in such a way as to create the most effective and graceful behavior. This is the image we all strive for. But true grace cannot be learned. At school, models are taught to be a model, not a graceful, lively person. A pose may look amazing in a photograph, but in real life it will seem stiff and awkward because it lacks the main value - spontaneous movement of the body.

Grace is achieved by increasing the mobility of the body and stimulating self-awareness, striving for the highest level of self-control. The level of self-control can determine how graceful and kind an individual is.

One of the fundamental experiments bioenergy- the easiest and simplest. It is used to make the legs vibrate and to help the practitioner feel this vibration. Performing the experiment without first “warming up” may or may not cause vibration. In most cases, younger bodies respond faster. Older people, whose bodies have lost charge and are more rigid, sometimes do not immediately experience the vibration. However, after a series of other experiences that reduce the rigidity of the bodies, deepen the breathing and increase the energetic charge of the body (amount of energy, level of aliveness or conductivity of the bodies), their legs may vibrate.

Experiment 1. Basic (basic) grounding and vibration

Stand with your feet about 25 centimeters apart and your toes turned inward to lightly stretch your gluteal muscles. Lean forward and touch the floor with the fingers of both hands, as shown in the figure.

Knees slightly bent. The entire weight of the body should be on the feet, do not transfer it to the hands.

Rice. 2. Body position during the basic grounding and vibration experience

Relax your neck as much as possible and let your head hang freely. Breathe freely and deeply through your mouth. Watch your breathing carefully. For the duration of the experiment, forget about breathing through your nose. Allow your body weight to flow forward so that it rests on the front of your feet. The heels can lift off the floor a little, but only a little.

Gently straighten your legs until your hamstrings are stretched. The legs, however, should not be fully straightened, nor should they be locked.

Hold this position for about a minute.

Are you breathing freely or is something obstructing your breathing? If breathing is controlled, vibrations will not occur.

Do you feel vibrational activity in your feet? If not, try bending your knees slightly and then straightening them to the starting position. Repeat this action to give your leg muscles a chance to relax.

What is the nature of the vibrations? Are they weak or strong, uniform or choppy? In some cases, people literally jump, unable to contain their excitement. Has this happened to you? We will suggest doing this experiment again when you read the next chapter.

Ecology of consciousness: Each person, being a collection of vibrations of particles, molecules, cells, organs, has his own individual vibration frequency

Each person, being a collection of vibrations of particles, molecules, cells, organs, has his own individual vibration frequency.

The cumulative frequency depends on many factors: the state of the body, the quality of food; bad habits, hygiene, connection with the surrounding nature, climate, time of year; on the quality of feelings, purity of thoughts... and other factors.

A person with light vibrations is one who is constantly in a state of inner joy, calmness, peace, love, silence within himself.

He feels comfortable because he is in harmony with the world around him and himself. In a state of such balance, the body and all endocrine glands work harmoniously, and, accordingly, the organs, tissues and cells subordinate to them.

Negative feelings greatly reduce the frequency of a person’s vibrations: fear, envy, anger, greed... Any unseemly act, bad thoughts and feelings pollute the corresponding bodies, make them heavier, and the person begins to vibrate at lower frequencies. There are also expressions: “heavy soul”, “dirty thoughts” - this also speaks of low vibrations of the soul and thoughts.

The lot of those who “sound low” is to constantly encounter negative phenomena and negative situations in life.

The more love a person is filled with, the more free and joyful he is, the healthier his physical body is, the higher the harmonious overall sound of his vibrations. The totality of all these vibrations determines the inner sound of a person.

A state of joy and happiness occurs with a great revelation of spiritual qualities. A person has good health, excellent relationships with people, the necessary material support, and creative abilities are revealed. His condition extends to those closest to him, relatives, friends, brightening their lives, and can also have an impact on the whole World.

Being in this state, a person shapes his destiny, harmoniously interacting with the world and the Universe. He lives and enjoys life! He can also solve higher problems. This is the Creator man. As the frequency of vibrations increases, a person becomes more and more free, talents and untapped abilities appear, well-being, health and potential improve.

Signs of increased vibrations:

The amount of food needed is reduced. There is no feeling of hunger. This happens due to the fact that along with the level of vibrations, the energy potential increases... The body stops accepting heavy (low vibration) food.

The time needed to sleep is reduced. The feeling of lack of sleep disappears and vigor is present in the body all day...

Dreams become lucid, vivid and vivid, then disappear altogether. They are replaced by the experience of light in a dream. The line between dreams and reality is blurring...

The body becomes light, and volatile energy is felt in it. Wings grow behind my back...

We begin to feel people keenly. One look at a person or even a photograph is enough to feel their essence. We become more sensitive on the subtle plane. By raising our frequency level, we also begin to perceive higher frequencies of other people and learn much more about these people than they know about themselves...

The need for communication weakens or completely disappears, loneliness becomes pleasant. A feeling of completeness and self-sufficiency comes. There is an understanding that everything external is just a reflection of the internal. There is no need to look for what previously seemed to be in others, but not in you...

Fear and self-doubt disappear completely. They become no longer functional because... there comes complete acceptance of everything that happens. At a higher frequency level, the mind stops generating ideas of fear and uncertainty... as well as many other ideas...

The meaning of spiritual books once read becomes clear and understandable in itself. It's time to realize...

There is a feeling of absolute confidence in the correctness of the goal. There is no doubt left about where we are going and why. Intuition comes into play, which is never wrong...

Our impact on the environment is increasing. What we say or think begins to come true. This is what people used to call miracles. They begin to happen every second... This is how the energy potential manifests itself...

An experience of causeless joy comes from what is happening. This is the result of liberation from fears and self-doubt... A damn good feeling...

Sincere compassion awakens, a desire to help others, and opportunities for this appear. Again, very selectively, relying on my own intuition...

Glimpses of true existence arise. The desire comes to move without stopping and reach the end. There is a feeling that this is exactly what you have been looking for all your life, this is exactly what you have been waiting for, this is exactly what you are... And you will never stop being this! published

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