Spanish gold fly instructions for use. Everything you need to know about Spanish fly as the most common aphrodisiac. Contraindications for admission

Increasingly popular among women who dream of experiencing unforgettable sensations in bed with a man, and among men who want to excite their partner to the limit, women's Viagra is used, the instructions for which do not raise any questions.

"Spanish Gold Fly" (Spanish Gold Fly)- this is what female Viagra is called, the instructions for use say that it is enough to dissolve the drops in a drink and take it before sexual intercourse. Despite the fact that this tool appeared on the market relatively recently, its history goes back several centuries. It was first tested by representatives of the royal dynasty in France in the 18th century. At this time, it was in Paris that important scientific discoveries were made, research was carried out and innovative developments were carried out. In the 19th century, rumors about the miraculous Spanish fly also reached Russia, nobles and wealthy merchants bought this drug in large quantities directly from France. Rumor has it that it was thanks to women's Viagra that many political agreements were reached in those days.

What is the secret of the "magic" effect of "Spanish Gold Fly" on the female libido? It's all about a special component - cantharidin. This substance is secreted by female Spanish fly during the mating season to attract males. Thanks to additional additives and special processing of raw materials, at the output, manufacturers receive a herbal preparation that has an amazing stimulating effect.

Moreover, female Viagra helps to solve the problem of vaginal dryness, get rid of frigidity, feel a real orgasm, and repeatedly. How to take this remedy becomes known after studying a simple instruction. The drug is available in the form of drops that can be dissolved in juice, wine, water and other drinks without loss of taste. Some men even use "Spanish Gold Fly" unnoticed by their partner, adding drops to drinks during a romantic dinner, and then give their chosen one incredible pleasure in bed. The only thing to consider is that you should not add Viagra to strong alcoholic drinks - this can cause unpredictable consequences. After taking the drops, a woman feels soft relaxation, feels more attractive and sexy, her heart begins to beat faster, and passion overtakes her.

Stress, anxiety and nervous shaking today accompany almost every woman, negatively affecting her libido. Spanish fly (drops) will help to solve this problem. The instructions for use also contain information that the drug is based on extracts of the Spanish fly beetles of the blister family. The habitat of these insects is quite diverse - they are found both in Britain and in Siberia. The beetle has a bright green color of the wings, iridescent in the sun. Like most other insects with a warning bright color, the Spanish fly is poisonous, so you should not even try to make Viagra yourself. In the process of industrial production, special technologies are used, including the biosynthesis of the venom of these insects, which makes it possible to obtain a homeopathic product that is safe for health and has an exciting effect. As a result, Spanish fly contains cantharidin in the required dosage. How to use this tool at one time - this question worries many. It's simple - one sachet of Viagra contains 5 ml of drops, this amount is enough for one dose. It is not recommended to take the drug more than once per day.

A woman feels the effect of the drug in a few minutes - this effect is provided by the Spanish fly. The method of oral administration in the form diluted in a liquid ensures rapid absorption of the drug by the walls of the stomach. Blood rushes to the small pelvis, the muscles of the vagina come into tone, there is an abundant natural lubrication of the genital organs. The sensitivity of the intimate zone reaches its maximum point, and the woman is completely ready to receive multiple orgasms. Sometimes, a woman's sexuality increases so much that she can hardly control herself, almost lashing out at her sexual partner.

The positive effect of the application has not only a physiological, but also a psychological aspect. A satisfied woman notices that her mood and self-esteem have increased markedly, she feels attractive and sexy. With the help of a front sight, you can restore and increase the passion between spouses, which has been fading over the years, diversify family sex and make it much more vivid and emotional. The excitation of a partner has a positive effect on the self-esteem of a man, the quality of sex on his part improves naturally.

It is worth considering that taking the drug is undesirable for underage girls, as well as for the purpose of seducing a woman, against her will. It is not recommended to use the Spanish fly for heart disease, in the presence of serious gynecological problems, for pregnant women. In rare cases, the drug can cause unwanted side effects - redness of the face, shortness of breath, slight dizziness. As a rule, these symptoms are transient.

The production of drops, as a rule, is carried out by Chinese pharmaceutical companies specializing in the production of herbal preparations. Women's Viagra can be stored at room temperature.

To become sexually and liberated, to forget about frigidity and dryness of the vagina, women will be helped by drops of "Spanish Gold Fly", containing a specially processed extract of Spanish fly beetles. Ease of reception, speed and long stimulating effect - all this will make sex unforgettable and allow you to feel the previously unknown pleasure from sex.

The level of relationship between a man and a woman is highly dependent on sex. You can give a fur coat, a car or a diamond. But you can't buy feelings. It is impossible to fake an orgasm and still feel drawn to a person. Intimate moments should be accompanied by genuine passion. Therefore, we recommend at least occasionally using drops of Gold Fly (Spanish fly). Reviews of buyers and customers show that with their help you can not only get more pleasure from sex, but also restore the lost connection between partners. They are an extract from a natural aphrodisiac with a powerful stimulating effect.

What is an aphrodisiac?

An aphrodisiac is a component of natural origin that affects the human reproductive system. One of the most powerful and well-known is the female pathogen Golden Fly. Experts explain the strong effect of the extract by the fact that it works in two directions. Firstly, the drug directly affects the vagina and clitoris. Secondly, it triggers a biochemical reaction in the body, the result of which is the appearance of a sexual mood. The composition of the drops does not contain artificially synthesized substances. Therefore, they are quickly and easily absorbed, not rejected by the body.

Exciting drops Spanish Fly Gold

Exciting drops Spanish Fly Gold - modern scientific development. It has received recognition and approval in states that have a strict system of control and certification. In recent years, the drug has repeatedly participated in prestigious international exhibitions, where it has consistently become a winner and received awards. The product is completely natural and does not have a harmful effect on the body. At the same time, the degree of arousal that a woman achieves is very high. In the online store "ShopStoyal" the drug Golden Spanish Fly can be bought in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

Operating principle

Women's Viagra Spanish Gold Fly (Golden Spanish Fly) contains the active ingredient cantharidin. Once in the body, it penetrates through the walls of blood vessels and enters the tissues of the vagina with blood. Here, the active substance affects the receptors of nerve endings located in the erogenous zones. The same thing happens during sexual stimulation. Therefore, the brain, receiving signals from the nervous system, begins to act, as during sex.

In its pure form, cantharidin is a poison that can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to make the extract yourself. You can only use a ready-to-use preparation in which the active substance is specially processed and does not pose harm.

The drug Spanish Golden Fly causes powerful excitation of the reproductive system in women. This manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • nipples harden and swell;
  • the clitoris becomes overreceptive;
  • vaginal lubrication begins to be actively produced;
  • a blush appears on the face;
  • the girl begins to show increased interest in the partner.

Due to increased blood circulation, the body over the entire surface becomes incredibly sensitive.


The main advantage of the drug Women's Viagra Golden Spanish Fly Spanish Gold Fly is its high efficiency, the ability to excite a woman of any age, incl. being in menopause. After using drops:

  • the degree of climacteric syndrome decreases;
  • frigidity completely disappears;
  • the problem of vaginal dryness is eliminated;
  • there is an irresistible desire to have sex with a nearby man.

The drug also improves mood, helps to remove psychological barriers.

Who is the Golden Spanish Fly for?

Experienced sexologists know that sex is almost the determining factor influencing the relationship of spouses. As people age, the ability and desire to have sex decreases. This is especially true for women. Overwork, stress, busyness with household chores turn the girl from a passionate tigress into a frigid housewife. But not all is lost. If you use a female pathogen more often, passion will definitely return!

Mode of application

Golden Fly will help you get the most out of sex. To do this, pour the contents of the vial into drinking water or any drink, incl. alcoholic. The drug is a strong natural aphrodisiac. Therefore, the effect appears after 10-12 minutes. We recommend that you offer the lady to drink liquid about 15-20 minutes before the alleged intimacy. Do not use more than one sachet at a time. Re-admission is allowed after 5-7 days. With this mode, you can fully enjoy sex without harming the girl. Too frequent use of drops threatens to burn the mucosa, overexcitation, and disturbed sleep patterns.


Before ordering the Golden Spanish Fly, please read the list of contraindications. The tool can not be used for:

  • pregnancy;
  • feeding;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If you have any of these health problems, you should first consult with your doctor.

Side effects

Drops of the Golden Spanish Fly for women do not belong to medical preparations. This is an extract from a natural aphrodisiac (insect) that lives in the wild. It can be freely purchased without a prescription. Reviews of doctors show that when used correctly, no adverse reactions occur. In case of an overdose, a burn of the oral mucosa, nausea, vomiting is possible.

Where to buy the Golden Spanish Fly?

You can buy the Golden Spanish Fly in our online store. Thanks to direct deliveries, we have the lowest prices. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, drops can be ordered with courier delivery. To other cities we will send the Gold Spanish Fly by post cash on delivery.

How to buy a Golden Spanish Fly in the ShopStoyal pharmacy?

Buying a Golden Spanish Fly at the ShopStoyal pharmacy is very simple. To do this, you need to contact a consultant in an online chat or call by phone (numbers for different regions are indicated at the top of the page). You can also make a purchase from the shopping cart or purchase an item in one click.

Differences from a fake

Currently, unscrupulous sellers offering low-quality products have become more active on the market. We will tell you how to distinguish the Spanish Fly from a fake. Visually, you can determine only the simplest counterfeit. The fact is that scammers are trying to completely recreate the appearance of the original Gold Spanish Fly drops. Therefore, the most reliable protection is to buy from a certified seller who is trustworthy. One of them is the ShopStoyal online pharmacy. We have been working on the Russian pharmaceutical market for many years, and the main thing for us is to provide customers with quality products, maintain the anonymity of customers, and maintain the established reputation of a reliable supplier.


A dietary supplement based on an extract obtained from the fly beetle (or ash fly) is used as a means to enhance erection in men and to increase sexual desire in women. Reviews about the action of the drug are mostly positive, but it is worthwhile to figure out whether this aphrodisiac is suitable for everyone.

What is spanish fly

The most famous sexual arousal stimulant is the Spanish (or Spanish) fly. The action of this remedy is based on the influence of the poison of the beetle, which is obtained by extracting its digestive secretion and hemolymph. An insect from the blister family uses the strongest poison (non-protein substance cantharidin) for protective purposes, but a few centuries ago its special aphrodisiac effect was noticed. Strong excitation is a side effect of a toxic neuroleptic substance that paralyzes the nervous system.

In case of danger, bugs secrete a yellowish liquid from their mouths, which has a specific smell, which scare away potential enemies. Previously, dried parts of insects were used to increase libido, which were added to ointment, powder, incense. This method led to the fact that the dosage of the toxic substance was selected incorrectly and severe side effects appeared. Today, one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs is manufactured using safe technology and the risks of exceeding the allowable amount of fly venom are minimized.

Release form and composition

The natural preparation, which contains cantharidin as the main active ingredient, is available in the form of drops or powder. The bottle with a clear liquid has a dropper dispenser for precise dosing of the substance. The powder is presented in the form of sachets, each of which contains a single dose of the drug. The composition of Spanish fly may include additional components to improve the palatability and give a pleasant aroma.

How the drug works

Once in the body, the active substance acts on nerve cells, increasing their excitability. The central nervous system perceives the penetration of the poisonous secretion of the fly as a danger and increases blood flow in order to remove the irritant from the body. The genitals contain many nerve endings, so they are very sensitive to blood flow. The feeling of fullness in the pelvic area is perceived by the brain as a readiness for sexual intercourse.

The substance is excreted by the lymphatic system after 3-4 hours, and all this time the gonads produce secret-lubrication, which explains the increase in orgasm and the increase in the duration of sexual intercourse. To start the mechanism of excitation, it is not enough just to take an aphrodisiac. In addition, it is necessary to stimulate the part of the brain responsible for sexual desire, i. create a romantic atmosphere, make foreplay.

Instructions for use of the drug

The golden fly, if taken in the recommended dosage, helps with violations of the functions of the genitourinary system, weakening of libido, erectile dysfunction. Instructions for use of the drug contains recommendations for taking and a warning about side effects. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to dissolve 5 ml of Spanish fly in any drinks and drink it 10-15 minutes before the intended proximity. For those who are going to take the fly for the first time, it is advisable to try using a few drops to make sure there is no allergic reaction.

spanish fly for women

Tincture based on the poisonous secretion of the shanks is considered one of the most powerful female pathogens. A few drops of the fly, getting into the female body, begin to act very quickly. The effect after taking the drug is manifested in the appearance of a rapid heartbeat, increased sensitivity of erogenous zones, a rush of blood to the genitals. This state lasts for about 3-4 hours or until the woman achieves sexual release in the form of an orgasm.

spanish fly for men

The instructions for use of the drug indicate that drops or powder based on cantharidin have a similar effect on both the female and male bodies. Representatives of the stronger sex under the influence of an aphrodisiac experience increased sexual arousal. Dosed intake of fly no more than twice a week can restore erectile function in a natural way. A detailed description of how to take the fly can be found in the video reviews of the drug.


A powerful aphrodisiac contains cantharidin, the action of which is not selective, but complex. Spanish fly venom affects the entire nervous system of the body, and not just specifically on the genital area, so the instructions for use of the drug indicate precautions before taking the fly. Doctors do not recommend the use of drops or powder of the golden fly for children under 18 years of age and adults with:

  • any violations of the cardiovascular system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and during the lactation period;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of a chronic nature.

Spanish fly (Gold Fly) - the latest novelty of medical technology, designed to quickly boost during a romantic evening or a passionate night.

The drug promotes excitation, prolongs sexual intercourse, enhances sexual voluptuousness.

The product helps to overcome premature ejaculation, enhances sexual desire, relaxes the ugly muscles of the genital organs, and increases the duration of an erection. In order to keep your own reflexes under control when using a stimulant, you need to understand how the Spanish fly works, instructions for using which are provided below.

The remedy was first used by the ancient Greeks. The knowledgeable womanizers of those times mixed the stimulant drug into women for sexual attraction.

Ladies lost their minds from irresistible physical desire, their erotic fantasies became reality. Since then, the exotic aphrodisiac has been in demand as a great way to get aroused quickly.

Practical studies have confirmed almost 100% effectiveness of the product. The expected reaction appears 15 minutes after application. The state of excitation lasts more than 3 hours.

The main component of the stimulant was discovered while studying the reaction of artiodactyl mammals to a fly bite. Animals showed excessive playfulness. Then the insect's venom was tested on humans. The results of the experiment exceeded all expectations.

Spanish Fly Gold

It became known that the substance enhances sexual desire, stimulates the response to touch, increases the duration of sexual contact, and helps to experience an expressive orgasm. The information obtained by ancient medicine was used for several centuries. Pharmacists produced special tinctures from the poison of flies. During the development of modern scientific experiments, aphrodisiacs already known to us appeared.

The active substance of the stimulant, cantharidin, is extracted from the gonads of the blister beetle. Strong excitation is a consequence of the side effect of the neuroleptic, which paralyzes the general nervous activity of the body. Today, this extract perfectly fights male impotence and lack of excitability in women.

Women of all ages, when using the drug, note rapid breathing, an accelerated heart rate, increased breast volume, an increased amount of vaginal secretion, increased blood flow to the genitals.

Once in the body, the drug causes uncontrolled sexual desire.

Sexual pleasure is significantly increased due to the maximum narrowing of the vagina. An additional plus of an aphrodisiac is an increase in general sensitivity. Women hear the natural smell of men, react brightly and distinctly to their touch. These factors lead to strong and lasting sexual satisfaction.

Auxiliary components of the product tone the body without addiction and side effects. The drug activates blood circulation, increases the functional activity of nerve endings, guarantees the achievement of orgasm.

As well as in women, arousal in men under the influence of a stimulant is greatly enhanced. Taking an exotic remedy restores erectile dysfunction in a natural way.

Indications for use

Insect venom is collected, processed and sent to the consumer in the safest possible way. It is noted that the love remedy significantly exceeds the effect of Viagra.

The instructions for use of Gold Spanish Fly indicate the following indications for use:

  • frigidity;
  • lack of vaginal secretion during menopause;
  • lack of libido due to stress;
  • difficulty achieving sexual relaxation;
  • decrease in sexual desire against the background of gynecological diseases;
  • hypotonicity of the vagina after childbirth;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • loss of sensation during pregnancy;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • premature ejaculation.

Love remedy similarly affects the female and male body. Aphrodisiac benefits are as follows:

  • natural composition;
  • instant action;
  • the presence of vaginal lubrication;
  • fast and multiple orgasm;
  • increased blood circulation in the organs,
  • prevention;
  • body rejuvenation;
  • ease of use.

Mode of application

The instructions accompanying the Gold Fly preparation indicate a single dose of the agent. You must adhere to all prescribed recommendations. The drug exists in the form of drops and powder. The exact dosage of the Spanish fly is provided by a vial dispenser.

The powder is presented in disposable sachets. The drug is supplemented with flavoring and flavoring components. Aphrodisiac is used a maximum of 2 times a week.

An overdose threatens with serious complications. Using an exotic remedy, they monitor well-being. Deterioration of the condition requires stopping treatment and consulting a doctor.

Since the product stimulates the nervous system, the daily use of a love remedy is contraindicated.

Before use, the drug is mixed with water. Take a few minutes before a possible love contact. At the first application use half of the recommended dose. This allows you to track the reaction of the body, maintain health, and avoid unpleasant consequences.


Spanish Fly is compatible with all medicines. Exceptions are similar substances that stimulate sexual desire. An overabundance of pathogens threatens with dangerous side effects.

In the treatment of chronic pathologies of the genitourinary or reproductive system, the drug is recommended after consulting a doctor.

The pathogen can be taken with a small amount of mild alcohol. Strong alcoholic drinks reduce the effectiveness of the drug, harm health, cause strong negative reactions.

Due to the natural composition of the remedy for sexual desire, it is neutral in relation to other medicines. The love product works less intensively while taking psychotropic or sedative drugs.

When taking the drug, limit the intake of fatty foods. Preferably a small amount of healthy food. High-calorie dishes prevent the absorption of the stimulant, the expected effect comes later, the effectiveness is significantly reduced.

Side effects

An exotic remedy consists exclusively of natural ingredients, but exceeding the permissible norm or improper intake causes prolonged discomfort.

The individual reaction of the body is manifested by allergic edema, redness of the face, discomfort in the epigastrium, loss of balance, temporary loss of vision, pain in the lower abdomen.

To obtain a normal effect without compromising health, use only the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

The immoderate use of an aphrodisiac threatens with an excessive increase in blood pressure and prolonged. This is how cantharidin works. It is its uncontrolled volumes that bring a person to undesirable consequences.


An aphrodisiac acts on the nervous system of the body, so precautions must be taken before taking the drug.

Doctors prohibit the use of drops or powder in the following cases:

  • severe cardiac and vascular changes;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • individual intolerance to the components.

The sexual pathogen can not be used for six months after myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity.

At the time of Hippocrates, to enhance sexual desire, dried parts of insects were mixed with ointments, powders, and incense. Violation of dosages led to serious consequences. In the production of today's stimulants, safe technologies are used. The probability of exceeding the allowable amount of cantharidin is minimal.

Natural components do not cause physical and mental dependence, they are quickly excreted from the body.

An exotic stimulant is especially in demand in modern life.

Long-term marital relations, misunderstandings that occur, domestic conflicts, children's problems, night work schedule are factors that contribute to the separation of spouses from each other. Bright and productive sex is able to diversify a boring life.

Attentive loving couples periodically use stimulants, making intimate life bright and unforgettable. The Spanish fly medicine revives the subsiding desire and helps to look at the partner with different eyes.

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Overview of Spanish Fly:

Thanks to modern scientific advances, it is safe for health to use aphrodisiacs when following the instructions. The purchase of stimulants from a representative of the manufacturer guarantees strict quality control of production, enhanced supervision of technologists over the manufacturing process.

Spanish fly is one of the most proven natural aphrodisiacs, used since ancient times. The product is based on the substance cantharidin, which is extracted in the laboratory from the insect of the same name.

The stimulant for women is made in the form of drops that do not have a characteristic smell and taste, and are intended for dissolution in drinks. The causative agent of the Spanish fly drop very quickly and greatly increases a woman's libido and susceptibility to sexual caresses. It is necessary to use the Spanish Fly drug for women strictly according to the instructions.

A video after taking Spanish fly is not provided, however, to fully evaluate this tool, you just need to try it once. The product perfectly copes with libido disorders and sexual coldness, returning women the joy of bright sex.

Ingredients of Spanish fly for women

It is currently impossible to buy this product in pharmacies, however, our company is the official distributor and offers a certified Spanish fly at the best price. Previously, the product was used in veterinary medicine, but today its safety and excellent effect on the human body have already been proven.

The main active ingredient of the aphrodisiac is the non-protein natural poison cantharidin with a powerful stimulating effect. Modern technological processing allows you to completely eliminate the harmful properties of the component, while maintaining its effect on libido. Flies Spanish application is quite simple. For safe exposure, the substance is used in a strictly limited dose. To exclude allergies, it is enough to apply a few drops of Spanish fly on the wrist and check the reaction.

The action of the drug

Affordable price and excellent stimulating properties of the product ensured its wide popularity in the world market. Drops can effectively increase the susceptibility of the body, increase vaginal secretion and a woman's sexual desire, and have a beneficial effect on the speed of onset, intensity and duration of orgasm.

Spanish fly for women has a pronounced complex action, allowing a woman to fully concentrate on intimacy, relax well and maximize her sexual potential. The effect of the drug persists for the next eight hours from the moment of administration.

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