Consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism. Alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse. Their role in the degradation of personality


drug addiction alcohol addiction

It is no secret that alcoholism and drug addiction pose a very great danger to society. First of all, alcohol harms human health, alcohol consumption leads to the development of somatic and mental diseases, worsening the already sad picture of mortality. Accidents and injuries happen much more often with people who drink alcohol, alcoholics have low working capacity, work discipline suffers greatly.

The purpose of this work is to study the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction, to identify the main causes of its occurrence and methods of prevention. The object of study was the socio-psychological problems in society. The subject of study was the socio-psychological problems of alcoholism and drug addiction. Main goals:

Identification of the socio-psychological causes of the development of alcoholism;

Identification of the socio-psychological causes of the development of drug addiction;

Studying the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction among students.

1. Theoretical study of the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction

.1 Terminological consideration of the concepts of "drug addiction" and "alcoholism"

If we turn to the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, then we find the following definition in it: drug addiction is a disease characterized by an irresistible craving for drugs that causes euphoria in small doses, in large doses - stunning, narcotic sleep. However, terminological uncertainty arises as soon as it comes to drugs that do not belong to the opium group, because. among the drugs classified as drugs, only opiates and noxiron have a hypnotic effect. Other drugs in terms of their pharmacological activity are psychostimulants, psychotomimetics, etc. Currently, the term "narcotic substance" (drug) is used in relation to those poisons or substances that are capable of causing euphoric, hypnotic, analgesic or stimulant effects when they are used.

In addition, in the literature on the problem of drug addiction, there is a point of view that a drug is a substance that meets three criteria:

Medical criterion: this substance has a specific (sedative, stimulating, hallucinogenic, etc.) effect on the central nervous system.

Social criterion: non-medical use of the substance is on a large scale, and the consequences of this acquire social significance.

Legal criterion: the substance is recognized by law as a narcotic.

Figuratively speaking, a drug is a poison for the brain. Poisons that poison the brain (unlike their effect on other organs of the human body, such as the stomach) do not cause pain and negative emotions in a person, because There are no pain receptors in the human brain. In this effect lies the main attractive (and destructive) force for human physiology, the desire for an "unpunished" state of euphoria, hallucinations.

According to the strength of the impact on the human body, medical specialists arrange drugs as follows: the weakest of them is chocolate, followed by tea and coffee. The drugs mentioned above are rather stimulating. And then there are stronger - intoxicating drugs: nicotine, marijuana, opium, etc.

In the medical encyclopedia, alcoholism is defined as follows: it is a disease caused by the systematic use of alcoholic beverages, characterized by attraction to them, leading to mental and physical disorders and disrupting the social relations of a person suffering from this disease.

For the first time the term "Alcoholism" was used in 1849 by the Swedish physician and public figure M. Gauss to refer to the totality of painful changes that occur in the body under the influence of alcohol. In the modern sense, the biological and medical meaning of the term "Alcoholism" is inseparable from its social content. However, one should not put an equal sign between drunkenness (immoderate consumption of alcoholic beverages), as a form of antisocial behavior, and alcoholism, as a disease. Drunkenness breeds alcoholism, but is not a disease. Alcoholism is characterized by certain features that distinguish it from the so-called "habitual" or "domestic" drunkenness. Alcoholism, chronic self-poisoning with alcohol, most often in the form of vodka, entailing chronic catarrh of the gastrointestinal tract, deep damage to the liver and other glands, degeneration of blood vessels and especially the brain, which causes damage to the central and peripheral nervous system (neuritis - inflammation of the nerve trunks ), a shaky gait, a weakening of mental activity and a decrease in moral feeling, mental illness.

1.2 Socio-psychological aspects of drug addiction

Drug addiction is a disease resulting from the use of narcotic drugs that cause euphoria in small doses, and in large doses - stunning, narcotic sleep.

Drug addiction - one of the most destructive evils, has become widespread in many countries of the world, including Russia. Every year, several tons of transported drugs are detained at the borders of Russia, while the dose of "this" potion is milligrams. In the United States, about $14-16 billion is annually spent on drug control. Our numbers are much lower.

The main factors contributing to the spread of drug addiction in society are: unfavorable conditions of social life, the negative influence of the immediate environment, the uncontrolled nature of youth leisure activities, rising unemployment, the low level of social protection of people, etc. as a result of drug trafficking (for one invested ruble, the profit is at least one thousand rubles). The revenues of the domestic drug mafia in the second half of the 90s ranged from 8 to 20 billion dollars annually.

The economic and moral crisis of society has a negative impact on all groups of the population and, first of all, on young people. The results of the conducted studies confirm the fact that drug addiction is mainly a youth problem. This is evidenced by the age of drug addicts: over 65% are people under the age of 30 years. A drug addict not only destroys his health. Every year he puts ten to fifteen people on the needle.

Considering all this, it should be recognized that the spread of drugs is one of the main threats not only to the physical health of the nation, but also a threat to the national security of our country. The problem of drug addiction can be solved only by uniting the efforts of the whole society, various specialists (doctors, lawyers, psychologists, representatives of education). Drugs are substances officially included in the list of narcotic substances and narcotic drugs that have a specific effect on the nervous system and the entire human body, primarily in terms of relieving pain, developing special states of drug intoxication, altered consciousness, etc. Drugs are divided into the following groups:

.natural (natural) drugs and semi-synthetic drugs derived from them;

.synthetic drugs;

.strong drugs that, while not being a drug, can cause addiction and pose a health hazard, and can also be used as raw materials for the preparation of drugs;

.household and industrial chemicals.

The use of drugs causes in a short time the formation of a rigid dependence of the state of a person, his physical and mental well-being on the administration of the drug. A particularly serious disease develops - drug addiction. With drug addiction, the destruction and degradation of a person's personality occurs several times faster than with alcoholism. Formation, formation of drug addiction is characterized by the development of their three main features: mental dependence, physical dependence, tolerance.

Psychological dependence is a painful desire to continuously or periodically take a drug in order to experience certain sensations again and again. It occurs in all cases of systematic drug use, often after a single dose.

Physical dependence is a state of a special restructuring of the entire life of the human body in connection with the chronic use of narcotic drugs. It is accompanied by intense physical and mental disorders that develop immediately as soon as the effect of the drug stops. These disorders, referred to as drug "withdrawal" or "withdrawal" syndromes, are alleviated or completely eliminated only by new drug administration.

Tolerance is the appearance of adaptation, i.e. addiction to narcotic drugs, when there is an increasingly less pronounced reaction to the next administration of the same amount of them. Therefore, to achieve the same effect, the patient needs an ever higher dose of the drug.

The fact that a person uses drugs is irrefutably evidenced by three main signs: the presence of a strong craving for narcotic drugs; state of drug intoxication; Withdrawal syndrome - an extremely painful condition that occurs in drug addicts as a result of a sudden cessation of drug use, which is removed and alleviated only after the introduction of the drug. The attraction to drugs arises very quickly, in some cases even after a single use. A drug addict does not always immediately realize that he is mentally attracted to drugs, but no matter what he is doing, the thought of drugs and substances periodically and obsessively haunts him throughout the day. And if experienced drug addicts manage to hide the manifestations of drug intoxication, then they are not capable of hiding the attraction to the drug. The topic of conversation of these people is steadily returning to drugs, while they are marked by emotional arousal. The eyes are animated. Often there is a dreamy smile. They are completely addicted to stories about drugs. These conversations psychologically activate attraction.

In anticipation of taking drugs, these people experience excitement, which manifests itself in liveliness, restlessness, inability to concentrate on the work being done, and verbosity. If there is no drug or its intake is delayed for some reason, they experience dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with themselves and others, become irritable, incapable of prolonged physical or mental stress.

The state of drug intoxication in almost all types of drug addiction resembles alcohol (with the exception of those caused by preparations made from poppy seeds), but without the characteristic smell of alcohol from the mouth. A common sign of intoxication for all types of drugs is euphoria, i.e. high spirits, serene bliss, combined with slowing down or speeding up thinking. However, such a mood is mentally unstable and can suddenly be replaced by discontent.

Intoxicated people are lively, cheerful, sociable, talkative, talking loudly, importunate. Often there is sexual arousal. In some cases, there is lethargy, delay in the performance of some actions, numbness up to a complete shutdown, lack of response to appeal to them. Sometimes when using a large dose of the drug, a complete “loss of consciousness” occurs for a long time. Disorders of coordination appear. Movements become inaccurate, jerky, sweeping. An intoxicated person cannot perform precise actions, a small trembling of the fingers is characteristic, a violation of handwriting. The gait is unsteady, staggering is possible when walking, sharp deviations from side to side from the chosen direction of movement. Mimicry becomes pronounced. Speech is slurred, slurred ("porridge in the mouth"), slow, with sudden stops, inconsistent (easily jumps from one topic to another). Excessive gestures are observed, the ability to formulate judgments, solve logical problems and even perform simple arithmetic operations is reduced. The face of an intoxicated person resembles a mask (sagging lips, half-closed eyelids), the pupils are dilated regardless of the lighting, their reaction to light is sluggish. In this condition, as a rule, there is increased sweating, the pulse quickens or slows down, pallor or redness of the face appears.

When the effect of drugs comes to an end, drug addicts become lethargic, inactive, indifferent to the environment, remain in a drowsy, lethargic state, or fall into a deep sleep. In this case, waking them up even in the daytime is extremely difficult. With many types of drug addiction, there is a feeling of hunger, increased appetite, turning into voracity.

Chronic drug addicts have serious diseases of vital organs, primarily the cardiovascular system, stomach, kidneys, liver, and lungs. Developed impotence. In substance abuse with volatile substances, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is observed.

Many drug addicts are indifferent to their appearance, look sloppy, do not care about the cleanliness of the body and clothes. They have depression of will, decreased intelligence, inability to concentrate, fatigue. Drug addicts do not adhere to moral standards.

psychological examination of organizational and legal measures aimed at combating the spread of drugs, identifying factors influencing the spread of drugs among the population; - creation of social and psychological assistance services for people with drug addiction, people from their social environment; - together with medical workers, identifying people who use drugs, etc.

1.3 Socio-psychological aspects of alcoholism

The mention of drunkenness as a painful, problematic phenomenon is contained in the works of Hippocrates and Galen, however, a detailed consideration of alcohol addiction in science began in the middle of the 19th century. The term "alcoholism" was first introduced by M. Gauss in 1861. In his classic work "Chronic Alcoholism, or Chronic Alcoholic Disease". The author considered alcoholism as a disease caused by alcohol abuse and accompanied by corresponding changes in the nervous system.

Drunkenness is interpreted as immoderate consumption of alcohol, which, along with a threat to the health of the individual, violates its social adaptation. Alcoholism is characterized by a pathological craving for alcohol, accompanied by social and moral degradation of the individual.

To date, alcoholism is considered to be a complex disease characterized by biomedical, psychological and social components. As S.V. Dvornyak, “... alcoholism is not only alcohol itself, but also the reaction of a given organism to it, which is always individual. An alcoholic... even if he abstains long enough, remains an alcoholic, which is expressed in his alcohol dependence syndrome and will lead to an immediate breakdown as soon as he relaxes again.

As the main cause of alcohol dependence, many authors identify the euphoric effect of alcohol. M.I. Nizhegorodtsev divided the causes of widespread alcohol consumption into two main groups: general, predisposing, or root causes, and directly leading ones. The first group includes the following causal factors: material (economic, sanitary and hygienic); moral and cultural (household, professional and family conditions, cultural, legal, moral); consisting in the production, import and sale of alcoholic beverages; others (climatic and meteorological influences, racial, national, religious differences, gender, age). The second group included biological (heredity, physical and mental degeneration of the individual), mental (imitation, infection) and physiological.

Factors leading to the development of alcohol dependence can be divided into two main groups:

Causes that lie in personality anomalies and the characteristics of the individual's body (hereditary, constitutional, metabolic, psychological, and others);

The reasons inherent in the life of society (social, economic and socio-psychological).

One of the causes of alcoholism is the alcohol tradition of modern society. Alcohol has become an integral component of modern life, an element of social rituals, official and unofficial ceremonies, even a means of paying for services. It is generally accepted that alcohol consumption in a group is a derivative of the culture of this group, community.

Balesse identifies three factors that determine the spread of alcoholism among the population:

Support from the immediate environment in achieving life goals.

Society's attitude towards alcoholism.

Society's ability to fully replace the satisfaction derived from alcohol.

Among the reasons for the alcoholization of modern society are the ever-increasing psychological stress, the acceleration of the rhythm of life, the information overload of the modern city dweller, leading to stress, which he often tries to remove with the help of alcohol and other psychoactive substances.

Speaking about the social background of alcoholism, it should be borne in mind that in addition to the socio-economic prerequisites for its spread, there are also microsocial factors that play an important role in the formation of alcohol dependence. Direct and indirect external influence on the personality occurs, according to A.A. Bodalev, through three channels:

.The influence of a large society on a person.

.The influence of standards and normative expectations specific to the age, gender, national-ethnic, professional or other communities to which he belongs.

.The influence of a small group, which includes a person and with whose members he is in constant direct contact.

Thus, a small group, in particular the family and the immediate environment, also has a great influence on human behavior.

Studying the families of alcoholics, researchers noted deviations in the family hierarchy, violations of family relations that occurred during childhood and adolescence, future alcoholics, such as: family breakdown, parental alcoholism, antisocial, criminal behavior of family members, overprotectiveness, aggression, lack of tenderness, and so on. Further.

Speaking about the socio-economic and micro-social influence on the formation of alcohol dependence, we mean that a person is not only a product of certain social conditions, but also, according to B.D. Parygin, "the subject of social activity, social relations and changes". Therefore, alcohol traditions in society, the peculiarities of socio-economic and living conditions are not the only cause of craving for alcohol, but are only one of the prerequisites for the development of alcohol dependence, leading to alcoholism in the presence of certain personal, psychological and biomedical factors.

An important role is played by genetically determined, constitutional, as well as pathopsychological prerequisites for the emergence of addiction to alcohol. Summarizing various concepts concerning the genesis of alcoholism, Yu.P. Lisitsin and P.I. Sidorov classify them as follows:

Socio-genetic concept. Explains the nature of alcoholism by the peculiarities of social conditions and relations between people, alcohol habits of the microenvironment, industrial and economic relations.

Psychological concept. He interprets alcoholism as a non-specific indicator of the socio-psychological insolvency of the individual, the underdevelopment of his moral, value, need sphere.

Genetic concept. Shows the role of hereditary predisposition to alcoholism.

Genetotrophic concept. He explains alcohol dependence by hereditary metabolic disorders, which are based on an unusually high need for some foods necessary for the body.

Ethanol concept. The main cause of alcoholism considers the specific effect on the body of alcohol itself. According to this concept, people are divided into "alcohol resistant" and "alcohol resistant".

Adrenochromic concept. He explains alcohol dependence by violations of catecholamine metabolism, leading to constant mental stress, which depends on the ratio in the body of adrenaline and its decay products - adrenochrome and adrenolutin, as well as their predecessors. The more adrenaline in the body and the less its metabolites, the stronger the tension.

Endocrinopathy concept. Addiction to alcohol explains the primary weakness of the endocrine system, as a result of which its constant artificial stimulation is necessary for adequate emotional stimulation, especially in extreme conditions.

Psychopathological concept. Emphasizes the role of mental, predominantly characterological, personality traits in the formation of alcohol dependence.

Bioenergy concept. It comes from the fact that alcohol affects the water-ionic structure of the body, violating its stability. The use of alcohol leads to a loss of stability of the bioenergetic structures of the body and dependence on alcohol.

Speaking about the importance of social, biological and personal factors for the formation of alcohol dependence, we mean that all aspects of this complex problem is a systemic unity, being interconnected and interdependent.

The social aspect of the problem is to understand the complexity of the relationship between a person who consumes alcohol and different levels of his social environment.

moral aspect. As a result of the systematic use of alcohol, there is a rapid devaluation of a person's personality. Gradually, the moral basis of the regulation of behavior is destroyed in an alcoholic: it becomes directed exclusively at the immediate satisfaction of the need for alcohol. The values ​​of life, enshrined in traditional morality, are overthrown.

Psychological aspect. It is known that alcoholics can be found among any personality types and that the need for changes in the state of consciousness is characteristic of the human race in general. However, not everyone consumes alcohol, let alone become alcoholics. What drives some people to drink alcohol?

At the same time, if we consider alcoholism in a dynamic sense, then, as G.V. Morozov, I.G. Urakov, P.P. Shirinsky and others, “... at the initial stages of the disease, the actualization of craving for alcohol is most facilitated by family, household and production factors. As the disease worsens, with the actualization of the pathological craving for alcohol, the role of biological factors increases.

Alcoholism, being a complex humanitarian problem, affects various spheres of human life and society. Considering alcoholism in the social aspect, it can be concluded that the prerequisites and negative consequences of addiction to alcohol relate to a wide variety of socio-demographic groups. Being representatives of different gender, age, professional and other social communities, alcohol addicts are still united by a common problem that leaves an imprint on their lives, activities and relationships.

1.4 Prevention of alcoholism

There are measures to prevent alcoholism in healthy people and ways to prevent alcoholic relapses and breakdowns in people who have already been diagnosed with alcoholism.

In the most general sense, the prevention of alcoholism includes explanatory work on the effect of alcohol on the human body, the causes of the development of an alcoholic disease and its symptoms, the formation of a negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages, as well as some restrictive measures. This includes measures from the state, family, schools, medical institutions and psychologists.

The state should develop among its citizens a lifestyle that would exclude the use of alcohol in unacceptably large doses. To this end, various methods are introduced, and, above all:

control over the quality of produced alcoholic products;

restrictive measures that exclude the consumption of alcohol by minors;

strict restriction of places where one could buy and drink alcohol;

creation of an environment that excludes the use of alcohol in the production team;

administrative and criminal punishment of persons appearing in public places in a state of intoxication;

identification of drunkards who are potential alcoholics at work, apply individual measures of influence on them.

Particular attention should be paid to the education of the younger generation. Here explanatory work is mainly used in the form of conversations, lectures, wall printing. Young people must be aware not only of the harmful effects of alcohol and all the consequences of abuse, but also of laws aimed at combating drunkenness and penalties for this. However, prohibitive measures alone will not help in the fight against this evil. It is necessary to provide ways to spend healthy leisure time, which includes physical education, various kinds of circles, sports sections, hobbies, hobbies. Traditional religious denominations are of great educational importance. It is known that faith in God is incompatible with alcohol abuse, and therefore among true believers there are no drunkards and alcoholics.

The state and public organizations should participate in healthy leisure activities. To this end, a wide network of recreational and recreational activities should be used - sports palaces, stadiums, swimming pools, theaters and concert halls, popularization and accessibility of mass sports for all segments of the population.

Separately, it should be said about the prevention of alcoholism in people who are already addicted to alcoholic beverages, including those who have undergone anti-alcohol treatment. Here, further normalization of the human nervous system, prevention of various kinds of conflicts, as well as periodically prescribed courses of anti-relapse therapy, carried out in a narcological dispensary, are required. Relatives and relatives of a treated alcoholic, as he himself, needs to know that situations that provoke relapse and breakdown are quite possible, and therefore, in order to prevent it, it is necessary to create a calm atmosphere in the family, refuse to meet with former drinking buddies, sometimes even change the place of work and place of residence. Particular attention should be removed to free time so that it is always busy. In addition, in such treated patients, special psychotic states may periodically occur accompanied by irritability, insomnia, dreams about drinking, or a clear craving for alcohol. In this case, you must immediately contact a narcologist for the appointment of anti-relapse treatment. The system of prophylaxis also includes the treatment of all internal diseases (gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, etc.). It is necessary to constantly explain to the patient that he will never be able to drink moderately, and therefore even a glass of vodka, which can provoke a binge, is contraindicated for him. This is a difficult task, since many alcoholics sincerely believe that they can drink "like everyone else." The correct diet is also important, with the exception of long breaks in eating, because hunger increases the craving for alcohol, and satiety suppresses the desire to drink.

It also requires explanatory work, which includes individual conversations and lectures aimed at explaining the direct effect of alcohol on the body, as well as an explanation of all the symptoms of alcoholic disease. Of great importance is the personal example on the part of people, former drunkards, who have not consumed alcohol for many years, as well as the organization of interest clubs and sobriety societies.

1.5 Drug prevention

The entire adolescent and youth subpopulation, as a risk group in the broad sense of the word, is the object of general prevention aimed at counteracting the macrosocial factors of drug addiction. Individuals with mild forms of any deviant behavior, and possibly episodic substance users, but without severe painful symptoms, fall into the target group of selective prevention, which is aimed at behavior correction. Persons who abuse narcotic substances, but do not yet have the clinical status of drug addicts, are considered as objects of symptomatic prevention, which consists in long-term socio-psychological work.

Together, these areas of prevention correspond to the concept of primary prevention in the general medical sense.

General prevention

General prevention is the most widespread, it covers the entire subpopulation of adolescents and young people and is aimed at counteracting the most common causes of drug use (macrosocial factors). Such reasons include, first of all, sharp socio-historical, political or economic changes, which, as is known, inevitably entail an increase in the level of deviant behavior in society, including drug addiction. As part of general prevention, the following areas of work are being implemented.

) Outreach work, including the following areas:

a) Informing the public and representatives of target groups of prevention about the state strategy, the position of the authorities, as well as ongoing preventive activities in relation to drug addiction.

b) Formation of public opinion aimed at changing the norms associated with the behavior of "risk" and promoting the values ​​of normative healthy behavior.

c) Informing about behavior that is harmful to health, about the risks associated with drugs.

d) Encouraging adolescents to seek psychological and other professional assistance.

e) Formation of positive values ​​through the emotional sphere of adolescents.

) Development of adaptive skills necessary for adolescents to socialize and overcome life's problems;

a) Education of leaders of the teenage environment (volunteer work).

b) Programs for the formation of life skills.

Selective prevention

Selective prevention, in contrast to the general one, is aimed at young people and adolescents who demonstrate any behavioral disorders. The idea of ​​selective prevention is that initiation to drugs occurs mainly against the background of psychological or life problems that a teenager cannot cope with on his own, while behavioral disorders are their indicator. Thus, the goal of selective prevention is the early detection of psychological or life problems of a teenager before they lead to addiction to drugs, and the further implementation of measures for the socio-psychological correction of his behavior.

Symptomatic prophylaxis

Symptomatic prevention is aimed at people who already have experience of drug use, but do not yet have a clinical status of drug addicts. As a rule, drug use at this stage is manifested in characteristic behavioral changes: a decrease in academic performance, a narrowing of the range of interests, the appearance of indifference to parents, circle of friends and social environment, alcohol and toxic excesses, etc. Preventive measures for injecting drug users

Organizational shortcomings at the stages of preventive work described above lead to the formation of an extremely problematic social group - injecting drug users (IDUs), which largely determines not only the prevalence of severe forms of drug use in the territory, but also the prevalence of dangerous blood-borne infections, such as HIV and hepatitis C, sexually transmitted infections.

Representatives of this group usually do not fall into the field of view of the official health care system and the main form of access to it is through outreach work. Its goal is to establish a trusting relationship to provide assistance: informing about the risks of drug addiction and concomitant diseases, advising on their diagnosis and treatment, motivation and referral to medical institutions and social support.


A separate area of ​​drug addiction prevention is rehabilitation, which is required to restore the psychological and social skills of people who have undergone treatment. Its goal is to motivate the patient to completely and completely stop taking drugs - the prevention of a "breakdown". The last remark emphasizes the central problem of the entire rehabilitation - keeping the patient's behavior in the direction of recovery, for which it is extremely important to ensure the maximum possible accessibility for the patient of each of the stages of rehabilitation.

In addition to the traditional rehabilitation model, which includes the patient's successive stages of psychiatric, psychological and social assistance, there are prevention models based on initiation to religion and work.

The fundamental difference between the traditional and religious models of the rehabilitation process is that the traditional model implies the restoration of psychological and social skills and the return of the former drug addict to his usual environment as soon as he becomes ready for it. Programs based on a religious model come down to the withdrawal of a former drug addict from his usual social environment for an indefinite period, and can only be effective for people who are not focused on restoring their full-fledged social life.

2. Experimental study of the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction

The purpose of this study is to study the attitude of young people to alcoholism and drug addiction, and to identify the main reasons for the development of these problems. To conduct the study, a questionnaire of students from one of the Russian universities was used. A total of 24 people were interviewed, including 14 boys and 10 girls. The average age of the respondents is 20 years. All respondents are students of the Shuya State Pedagogical University.

Analyzing the data obtained as a result of the study, we can conclude that the majority of young people drink alcohol: 86% of boys and 90% of girls. As can be seen from the data obtained, the percentage of girls who drink alcohol is higher than the percentage of boys.

The main reason for drinking alcohol is the so-called "For the company". It can be concluded that the reason for such an extensive use of alcohol is the influence of society, in particular friends.

To the question "How often do you drink alcohol?" the most popular answer was the option - "Only on major holidays." This answer was given by 33% of students. The option "Whenever there is a desire" was written by 10% of respondents.

This answer, most likely, was influenced by the attitude of modern society to alcohol. Unfortunately, what has recently been observed is that drinking "for fun" during the holidays is becoming commonplace. It is believed that a small portion of alcohol will improve appetite and help cheer up vacationers. But people are not interested in the other side of the problem - the harm of alcohol and the direct addiction to it and the emergence of alcoholism.

According to the results of the survey, the main purpose of drinking alcohol is to relax. Modern youth sees in alcohol a means of relieving stress, relaxation and improving mood. 10% of the respondents answered that they were craving alcohol, 15% found it difficult to answer this question. The remaining 75% answered that they did not experience any particular cravings for alcohol.

None of the young people see the positive aspects of drinking alcohol. According to young people, the reason for the increase in alcohol consumption is its general availability and low prices. Attempts to renounce problems and forget about failures also lead to a “bottle”. Many believe that urgent action must be taken to combat this problem.

From all of the above, you can see that absolutely all respondents know about the dangers of alcohol and talk about the need to combat this problem. And yet, many of them continue to take alcoholic beverages and consider it quite normal.

When asked about taking drugs, only four responded that they had used drugs. Moreover, they all tried once in their lives and immediately quit, without anyone's help. For this they were the reason for their own consciousness. Absolutely everyone believes that it is necessary to fight drug addiction.

Everyone sees only negative aspects in the influence of alcoholism and drug addiction on student performance. According to the respondents, these problems are the cause of poor progress in academic disciplines and further expulsion of students from educational institutions.

According to the results of this study, many boys and girls drink alcohol, although they are aware of all its harm. It remains unclear why they do not want to give up alcohol. It eases the tension a little that many still see and realize the harm of drugs and refuse them. Alcohol for young people is becoming an integral part of their lives. What is the reason is not clear.

Based on everything that was said earlier, we can conclude:

.Alcoholism in the youth environment is taking on a large-scale character. Young people do not understand or do not want to understand the seriousness of the problem.

.The attitude of society towards alcoholic beverages is becoming more and more indifferent, and in some cases even positive. Alcohol is becoming an integral part of society. Not a single holiday, not a single meeting takes place without alcohol.

.The main reason for drinking alcohol is not family problems, not interest in them, but the influence of friends and peers.

.Everyone understands the harm of drug addiction and most of them refuse drugs. However, there is still a risk that the problem will spread. As with most cases, young people remain the most affected.

.A large selection and availability of alcoholic and narcotic drugs is one of the factors in the development of these problems.

.It is necessary to take urgent measures to eliminate these problems on the part of the state, society and each person separately.


In conclusion, it is necessary to draw conclusions on the work performed.

The problem of alcoholism and drug addiction is currently a branched complex of social pathologies that affect the normal functioning of society.

Along with medical and social workers, the state as a whole, civil society and various public institutions are solving this problem. One of the ways to overcome this plague is effective prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, illustrative examples of the social and medical consequences of alcohol and drug use also effectively affect the minds of young people.

The problem of alcoholism and drug addiction is extremely urgent for our country. As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat, therefore, in addition to treating the disease, which is currently ineffective, it is required to eradicate the causes of this problem. A relatively simple way out of this situation would be a radical increase in the price of alcoholic beverages, which would reduce their availability. As for drugs, the situation here is much more complicated. Today the problem of drug addiction is unresolved both in the world and in Russia.

Thus, summing up, we can say that the purpose of this work was achieved: the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction was studied, the causes of their occurrence and methods of prevention were identified.

The opinion of young people regarding the use of alcohol was also investigated. As the study showed, the opinion of young people towards alcoholic beverages is quite positive, which in essence is a prerequisite for the degradation of the younger generation of Russian society.

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According to the terminology of the World Health Organization (WHO): drugs are drugs that cause mental or physical (or both) dependence.

Substances that cause alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse can collectively be called narcotic substances, since, despite the difference in the mechanism of action, the course of diseases proceeds quite similarly.

A healthy person who first joins a narcotic dope usually does not experience euphoria. There is a violent reaction of rejection and signs of poisoning: headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness. In addition, there are other reactions that depend both on the specific characteristics of the drug and on individual tolerance. Coughing, palpitations, cold sweats, hallucinations, anxiety and even fear of death may appear, which often turn into oblivion and sleep. However, with subsequent drug use, these phenomena disappear and the first stage of the disease sets in.

Alcohol, nicotine and other addictive substances affect the nervous system in different ways. Nicotine disrupts the work of the nerve nodes of the autonomic nervous system, alcohol affects the brain, a number of drugs disrupt the nerve conduction of the diencephalon, etc. But all these substances are capable of disrupting the work of the emotional centers. In some cases, they cause a state of detachment and tranquility, in others - a state of fun, euphoria, and such a state later becomes a human need.

The second feature of alcohol, drugs and substances that cause substance abuse is that with repeated consumption they can be included in the metabolism. In this case, the metabolism is disturbed. That is why, in the advanced stages of the disease, deprivation of alcohol, a drug, or a substance that led to substance abuse causes severe disorders in the patient, not only mental, but also unbearable bodily headaches, pain in the lower back, spine, and joints. For each substance, these sensations are different, the common thing is that they arise when a person is deprived of the usual potion.

Alcoholism It is a form of chemical addiction that differs from drug addiction in that alcohol is a legal substance. The most important feature of alcoholism is that a sick person cannot come to the conclusion that he needs to completely stop drinking alcohol and never return to it.

Alcoholism is a disease of chemical dependence with the same features as drug addiction, and affects all spheres of human essence.

Alcoholism is a disease:

  • 1) primary, i.e. not a symptom or consequence of another disease;
  • 2) progressive;
  • 3) chronic (long-term);
  • 4) incurable;
  • 5) fatal.

The "prelude" of alcoholism is drunkenness - at first moderate, then chronic. At the same time, ethyl alcohol is constantly present in the human body, it is converted in the process of metabolism. Alcohol entering through the digestive tract breaks down to poisonous acetaldehyde and has a devastating effect on cells and organs.

One of the main symptoms of the disease is its denial (denies both the patient and relatives). The disease is incurable, but it is possible to delay its development and improve the condition if the patient is willing to take responsibility for his recovery and change himself.

Alcoholism is caused by the abuse of drinks containing ethyl alcohol. Usually alcohol acts in rather large doses, calculated in tens of grams. Alcohol is primarily a nerve poison, but it also affects other organ systems. It disrupts the permeability of cell membranes, causes a restructuring of enzyme systems, excites or inhibits entire ensembles of nerve cells, disrupts the functioning of the liver and kidneys. At the level of the whole organism, alcohol affects the function of the heart and blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, disrupts the regulation of organs and human behavior. Under the influence of alcohol, energy metabolism is also significantly rebuilt. In patients with alcoholism, ethyl alcohol is used as an energy substance, and glucose is processed into fat. Hence the obesity of the heart and adjacent blood vessels. The heart of alcoholics may be large, but weak performance.

Alcohol destroys liver cells, and in fact it produces ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid - the main source of energy in the body), detoxifies (neutralizes) poisons and much more.

Alcohol is especially harmful to a growing body. Those doses that are acceptable for an adult can be fatal for young people. Alcohol intoxication occurs in them more often and faster. With brain damage, irreversible phenomena can occur that can lead to disability and death.

Alcohol abuse leads to personality degradation, makes a person mentally unbalanced. 70% of crimes against a person are committed while intoxicated. These are the most severe social consequences of alcohol dependence.

In recent years, the consumption of low-alcohol drinks and beer has increased significantly. But beer addiction can also lead to serious consequences for a number of reasons. Firstly, beer is made using the so-called artificial (cultural) yeast. And the components of this yeast cause damage to the human brain, lead to oncological diseases - this has been proven by studies by scientists from the USA, Canada, and Germany. Secondly, frequent and excessive consumption of beer leads to fatty liver (medics have an expression - "beer liver"), then there is the accumulation of fats throughout the body, i.e. obesity sets in. These processes are enhanced by leading a sedentary lifestyle, in urban environments.

Addiction- this is a serious disease caused by the abuse of narcotic substances and the acquired pathological dependence of the body on sedative, intoxicating, visionary substances (drugs). And having appeared once, the mechanism of dependence on drugs operates constantly.

After the collapse of the USSR, many of Russia's borders with the former fraternal republics became transparent and conditional. As a result, a flow of drugs poured from Afghanistan through Kazakhstan (the border with Russia is 7,500 km) into Russia. As a result, the mass distribution and use of drugs of all kinds began, which took on the scale of a national disaster.

Drug addiction is a disease. Children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely than other people to become ill with alcoholism and drug addiction. The presence of heredity proves that in a sick person, in the process of drinking alcohol or drugs, changes occur at the biological level. Drug addiction or alcoholism cannot be cured by simply replacing the drug or alcohol with a drug. In the process of using drugs and alcohol, a person develops a mental defense that prevents him from seeing and correctly explaining what is happening to him.

The main defense against chemical addiction is denial. A sick person himself does not suspect what is happening to him, and even if he wants to stop using drugs, he cannot change what he has no idea about. The main change in the spiritual sphere is the loss of the meaning of life, the emergence of a sense of one's worthlessness. Drug addicts themselves note that drug use in itself becomes the only meaning of life. For them, this is more important than study, work, sex, relationships with loved ones and much more.

Most people who suffer from problems caused by drug use believe that it is enough to stop using them and life will get better. This is where the basic paradox of chemical addiction comes into play: in order to rebuild your life and recover, you must stay clean and sober, and the damage caused by drug use itself does not allow you to lead such a lifestyle. The most common consequences of drug use for physical health are diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, psychosis, epilepsy, etc. Depression, feelings of guilt, impotence, hopelessness, resentment and indignation develop. Spiritual qualities are violated: apathy appears, the loss of the meaning of life, a person begins to feel the hostility of the surrounding world.

The social consequences of drug addiction are the dependence of a drug addict on a drug seller, obtaining money not by labor, and sometimes even by criminal means. The treatment of drug addicts and the maintenance of their sick children is a heavy social burden. Moreover, drug addiction treatment is a long and expensive process.

substance abuse- a disease characterized by a pathological addiction to substances that are not considered as drugs.

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, substance abuse (drug addiction) means a state of periodic or chronic intoxication caused by a natural or synthetic substance that is dangerous for the individual and society. This condition is characterized by craving for the substance, a tendency to increase the dose of the substance, and a mental (and sometimes physical) dependence on the effect of the substance.

Drug addiction and substance abuse develop very quickly, growing out of a short-term habit of using mind-altering substances.

There are three main types of consciousness change:

  • 1) illusion. A person begins to perceive reality in an altered way;
  • 2) hallucination. A person begins to get sensations from something that does not really exist. There are visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory hallucinations;
  • 3) rave. This is an incorrect explanation of really occurring events, while false ideas about the structure of the world arise.

According to the type of impact, mind-altering substances are divided into three main groups:

  • 1) stimulants. These are cocaine and amphetamines, a number of medicines, derivatives of ephedrine, caffeine and nicotine, substances used to reduce appetite;
  • 2) antidepressants. These include sedatives and sleeping pills, all opiates (opiates and opioids) and alcohol;
  • 3) hallucinogens. These are LSD (used in the USA when testing on a "lie detector"), marijuana, "ecstasy", ketamine, some medications with side hallucinogenic effects, hallucinogens are also found in some mushrooms and cacti.

The use of any of these substances leads a person to addiction. One of the main causes of drug use and substance abuse, despite the detrimental consequences, is the development of chemical dependence.

Chemical dependence (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, tobacco smoking) is a primary, chronic, progressive and often fatal disease with hereditary, psychological and social factors influencing its development.

Substances that change consciousness affect the functioning of the systems of the human body, giving it a level of sensations that does not correspond to reality; when a person falls ill (drug addiction), then the use of drugs becomes not just a desire, but a need, because without drugs the necessary level of comfort is not felt.

The negative phenomena generated by the consumption of alcoholic beverages are fraught with great danger to society. The consumption of alcohol is primarily bad for people's health. Alcohol abuse contributes to the development of somatic and mental diseases, and this is one of the causes of mortality in the population.

The frequency of accidents and injuries among men who drink alcohol is higher than among the entire male population of the country. In alcoholics there is a decrease in working capacity, a deterioration in labor discipline. Drunkenness also causes a high crime rate. Drunk drivers and pedestrians are responsible for most road accidents.

Drug addiction, not to a lesser degree, but rather the opposite, than drunkenness accompanies crime, because, firstly, in order to seize drugs or the means to acquire them, drug addicts commit serious and especially serious mercenary and mercenary-violent crimes. Secondly, drug addicts often commit crimes under the direct influence of drugs on the psyche.

The relationship between drug addiction and crime is also manifested in the commission of illegal actions related to illegal drug transactions (manufacturing, storage, sale, purchase).

The study of the medical aspects of drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism allows us to talk about their common legal nature, and, as a result, about the unity of measures to combat these phenomena and prevent them.

Anti-drug propaganda in schools and other educational institutions should be carried out regularly and purposefully. Its main objectives are to warn young people about the harmful effects of drugs and to build drug resistance. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that recently drug traffickers have been trying to accustom young people to drugs by smoking ordinary cigarettes stuffed with narcotic substances. Thus, addiction to drugs goes unnoticed to complete drug addiction.

To understand why alcohol is dangerous, you need to understand how it moves in the human body. A drink containing ethyl alcohol and other equally dangerous impurities first enters the digestive system.

The oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, intestines - they take the first blow. The main volume of ethanol is absorbed into the blood in the duodenum. The walls of this section of the gastrointestinal tract are permeated with a large number of blood vessels.

Fats, proteins and carbohydrates are digested through the action of enzymes. This is necessary because of their complex structure and specific gravity.

Alcoholic beverages do not require a complex breakdown process, so a person who abuses alcohol on an empty stomach gets drunk very quickly. In this case, the damage will be more significant.

The maximum concentration of ethyl alcohol is fixed within an hour after its penetration into the body.

People who suffer from alcoholism have many reasons to be concerned. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to serious health problems, deterioration in the quality of life and degradation of the personality.

Heart, hematopoietic organs and blood vessels

Ethyl alcohol provokes a decrease in the tone of the veins of the arteries, which increases their lumen. In the first half hour, a person feels pleasant relaxation and calmness. Problems fade into the background, and mood improves. Unfortunately, this is a temporary effect.

After a certain period, there is a sharp jump in blood pressure caused by a spasm of blood vessels. The heart begins to beat faster, tachycardia occurs. As a result, peripheral blood flow worsens.

The compensatory capabilities of the cardiovascular system are undermined due to increased load. Increases the chance of internal bleeding and blood clots. The consequences include ischemia, acute thrombosis of the coronary veins, intoxication of the body.

Thanks to alcohol, anemia, hypoxia of the tissues of vital organs, macrocytosis (an increase in the volume of red blood cells), myopathy and leukopenia develop.

Respiratory system

What harms the abuse of drinks containing alcohol to the organs of the respiratory system?

Because of it, chronic diseases are exacerbated, the affected area of ​​​​which is the lungs. In this case, the breakdown products of ethanol, which have been converted into toxic fumes, are of particular danger.

The lungs begin to work faster than usual. This is due to the need to remove harmful substances from the body.

As a result, the surface of the mucous membranes is not sufficiently moistened, which creates favorable conditions for the vital activity of pathogenic microflora. The patient becomes more vulnerable to infectious pathologies. The risk of developing tuberculosis increases.

gastrointestinal tract

It is more difficult for the body of an addicted person to deal with toxins and toxins.

Partial dysfunction of the digestive system is expressed as:

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Violations of the acid-base balance.
  3. Constipation.
  4. blockage of capillaries.
  5. Lack of vitamins and organic acids.
  6. Increased permeability of the intestinal walls.
  7. An allergic reaction that provokes a rash on the skin, Quincke's edema.
  8. Nausea, vomiting.

Perhaps the formation of dysbacteriosis, acute pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, intestinal cancer. To prevent their development is possible only in the case of a complete rejection of alcohol.

It is advisable to undergo rehabilitation therapy in order to cure the complications caused by harmful addiction.

Nervous system

Why is alcohol so dangerous for humans?

There is no safe dose of ethyl alcohol. Even if you drink in moderation, a negative effect on the cerebral cortex cannot be avoided. The centers responsible for behavior are oppressed.

Alcoholic diplopia (double vision) appears, hearing suffers, neurons are destroyed. As a result, drunk people cease to adequately perceive the people around them and the situation. Their reactions are slowed down, and their actions become unpredictable.

These processes do not go unnoticed. The next morning after a feast, a person often suffers from headaches, weakness throughout the body, problems with concentration.

Damaged nerve cells do not recover, so over time you will have to get used to the difficulties caused by poor memory and the inability to concentrate. The consequences of regular consumption of alcoholic beverages include neurological disorders and mental illness.


Alcohol makes people look older than they really are. Ethanol and its decay products have a negative effect on the skin. Dehydration leads to a lack of nutrients and moisture. It gives impetus to degenerative processes that cause a change in color and texture, a decrease in elasticity, and difficulties in removing harmful substances through the skin pores.

excretory system

Alcohol is excreted in several ways: through the lungs, skin and kidneys. In the latter case, ethyl alcohol comes out unchanged. This is due to its effect on the antidiuretic hormone, which promotes increased excretion of urine.

Unfortunately, along with ethanol, substances that are necessary for normal functioning are washed out of the body. These include vitamins from group B, micro and macro elements. Violation of the acid-base balance provokes irritability, the appearance of edema, tremor, heart problems, convulsive syndrome.

Due to the regular use of alcoholic beverages, kidney stones are formed, nephropathy, necronephrosis, pyelonephritis develops. The inflammatory process, localized in the parenchymal organs, in the absence of timely treatment, can lead to renal failure.

Endocrine glands

The organs that make up the endocrine system are responsible for the chemical regulation of processes. They control the activity of the whole organism, so their partial dysfunction provokes the development of serious, sometimes incurable diseases.

Due to the penetration of ethyl alcohol, the glands that control sexual function suffer the most. The work of the adrenal glands is also disrupted. As a result, metabolic and regulatory processes undergo pathological changes. There can be no talk of normal human life. The consequences are often irreversible.

reproductive organs

Alcohol harms the health of not only those who drink, but also their unborn children. If a woman drank alcohol before or during pregnancy, the likelihood of having a child with mental or physical disabilities increases several times. They may develop in the future. The period of drinking and the amount of alcoholic beverages does not matter.

The eggs are formed even before the birth of the girl, therefore, during the life they are not updated. The more often the expectant mother drinks, the more "defective" eggs she has.

Men need to be careful too. Their sex cells change every three months. Before conception, it is recommended to abstain even from beer for this period. It often carries more harm than strong drinks.

Alcoholism provokes infertility, early onset of menopause, impotence. Alcohol is contraindicated during breastfeeding. Ethanol easily overcomes all barriers and enters the baby's body through mother's milk.


Harm from alcoholic beverages is not limited to the listed complications. The musculoskeletal system and immunity also suffer from ethyl alcohol. In general, the pleasure of drinking alcohol is not commensurate with the damage it causes. People who value life know this and do not neglect their health.

Drug addiction and alcoholism are varieties of human behavior associated with the formation of addiction and one way or another based on crime. Most of the crimes of varying severity are committed against the background of alcohol or drug crimes. Drug addicts commit crimes in search of the next dose and finances for its acquisition. And the turnover itself, the distribution of drugs in our country is a criminal offense.

But, above all, addiction to the use of alcohol and drugs causes great harm to the personality itself. The social consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism are extremely complex and varied. Their diversity is evidenced by the fact that this problem concerns representatives of all strata of society, regardless of social location, wealth and standard of living.

The social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction are terrible and concern both the person himself and the whole society.

The problem of alcohol and drug addiction is extremely complex and threatening to the entire nation. Only in Russia alone, according to statistics, there are 10-12 liters of pure ethanol consumption per person. This is due to the wide variety of alcoholic beverages and their availability on sale.

A liter of pure alcohol (absolute alcohol) contains 25 liters of beer or 2.5 liters of vodka.

The catastrophic situation of the problem of drunkenness and addiction to drug drugs is clearly indicated by the figures of annual statistics. Unfortunately, they tend to steadily increase. Check out the latest and very sad data from opinion polls.

What does alcoholism lead to?

Alcohol abusers:

  1. Moderate drinkers: 75-80%.
  2. Alcohol abusers: 9-10%.
  3. With a diagnosis of chronic alcoholism: 4-5%.

Drug users:

  1. Occasional drug users: 6 million
  2. Officially addicted: 60-70%.

Causes of pathologies

Experts, considering the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction in our country, identify several reasons of a socio-economic nature. It is these situations that become the main culprits for the revelry of deadly misfortune:

  • developed traditions, where alcohol is at the forefront;
  • growth in the sale of alcoholic beverages, their availability and variety;
  • calm and tolerant attitude towards those who drink among the environment;
  • a constant desire to relax without making any special efforts;
  • desire to get away from reality, escape from everyday troubles, problems;
  • lack of conditions for organizing and conducting cultural non-alcoholic leisure;
  • inability to take responsibility and search for the guilty anywhere, but not in oneself;
  • negative living conditions that require the constant intake of some kind of relaxing means.

Social consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism

According to the negative impact on the functioning of the body, alcohol is equated by narcologists with narcotic drugs. Both types of addiction primarily have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.. Like drug addiction, alcohol addiction leads to:

  • early disability;
  • premature death;
  • accelerated aging of the body;
  • the development of chronic, fatal pathologies.

Consequences of drug addiction

Alcohol addiction

In comparison with the non-drinking category of citizens, the death rate among dependent persons is 3-4 times higher. Pathological addiction to alcohol reduces the average life expectancy by 15-20 years. According to medical observations, the human brain, liver and heart suffer most from toxic and poisonous metabolites of ethyl alcohol.

Alcohol intoxication causes severe myocardial infarction. According to statistics, in 45% of cases, a heart attack was diagnosed on the basis of drunkenness.

Social Consequences of Alcoholism

In a person who is under the power of ethanol, speech functions slow down, an adequate perception of the outside world becomes dull. Alcoholics are not able to control their behavioral reactions, perceive external stimuli. They lose the ability to understand and listen to the people around them.

Ethanol significantly stops all neuropsychic reactions. This feature is extremely dangerous if a person is engaged in professional activities that require an increased reaction and work with dangerous mechanisms. Intoxication has already been the cause of many fatal work-related injuries and accidents.. Among them:

  • 20% domestic injuries;
  • 46% of injuries received on the street.

And all this is the fault of the brain drugged by ethanol. According to observations, drunkards are 40 times more likely to be diagnosed with various accidents.

Ethanol is especially harmful to young people. Statistics and studies have shown that alcoholism develops 8 times faster in adolescents. This is due to the immaturity of their body and the sensitivity of the nervous system.

Alcoholism is a severe chronic disease

That is why adolescents who are addicted to alcohol have a high percentage of suicide and behavioral deviations are more pronounced. In alcoholics, such personal qualities as politeness, tact, morality, and the ability to adapt to the environment fade. Disregard for ethics, aggressiveness and inadequacy come to the fore.

Drunkenness is inextricably linked with an increase in crime. According to all the same statistics, on the basis of intoxication, the following are committed:

  • robbery 55%;
  • hooliganism: 70%;
  • rape 50%;
  • robberies 60%.

Of the total number of persons who have committed illegal acts under the influence of alcohol, 80% are teenagers. Due to alcoholism, especially serious crimes are committed 4 times more often. And the total number of deaths in road traffic accidents among drunks is 6 times higher compared to non-drinkers.


In terms of the degree of social danger and the severity of the consequences, drug addiction leads the statistics of other vices that modern society suffers from. Drugs are terrible because they cause rapid addiction and strong mental attachment.

What do drugs lead to?

Regular consumption of narcotic drugs rapidly leads a person to complete mental and physical degradation.

The formation of drug addiction is based on the progressive and rapid narrowing of one's own range of interests to one single goal - to get and take the next portion of the drug. A person living in a constant drug frenzy is different:

  • sharp mood swings;
  • problems in speech functions;
  • a significant decrease in memory;
  • complete loss of performance;
  • an absolute lack of responsibility.

Consequences of addiction to drugs

The desire to get a vital dose often leads a drug addict to commit serious crimes. Specialists cannot even assess what economic and social values ​​drug addiction and its consequences lead to. After all, it is simply impossible to calculate and even approximately estimate the number of diseases caused by drugs. And also include here the whole number of consequences that accompany them:

  • crime;
  • job loss;
  • accidents;
  • early mortality;
  • suicidal attempts;
  • breakdown of family relationships;
  • detention in prisons and drug treatment clinics/hospitals.

The social cost of drug addiction is enormous. Keep in mind that this should also include assistance from social services to the sick and their families. The damage that drugs do to society is often irreparable. But what contributes to the spread of drug madness?

Reasons for the formation of drug addiction

Experts, considering and analyzing the problems of addiction, include the following situations as the main culprits that push a person into drug oblivion (by the way, many of them come from early childhood):

  1. Multiple concussions.
  2. Previous addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  3. Existing mental disorders/diseases.
  4. Uncontrolled access to parental finances.
  5. Chronic diseases transferred at an early age.
  6. The presence of alcohol addiction or drug addiction in one of the parents or close relatives.
  7. An incomplete family in which the parent pays little attention to the upbringing of the younger generation.
  8. Too early start of independent life, the desire to get rid of imperious parental care.
  9. Complicated childbirth. This includes long childbirth, the birth of a child with hypoxia, birth trauma.
  10. Indulgence in substance abuse. When toxic poisonous vapors no longer act on the body, a person switches to narcotic drugs.
  11. Connivance of parents and unwillingness to take part in the development of children. Situations are especially dangerous when a child has no sisters or brothers, and he grows up alone.
  12. Incorrect (distorted) ideas of parents about what education should be. This leads to a violation in the child's development and understanding of natural social roles.
  13. Severe, pathologically complicated pregnancy. An important role is played by infectious diseases transferred by the future mother, existing chronic pathologies, and severe toxicosis.

Under the influence of these factors, the human personality is deformed. At the same time, an inadequate assessment of reality and an abnormal system of life values ​​develop at the same time. What the regular consumption of drugs leads to can be seen in the photo of the consequences of drug addiction. These testimonies are horrifying and sometimes irreversible:

Before and after drug use

How is addiction classified?

Narcologists have a certain classification system for the stages of drug addiction formation. This structure is based on the analysis of the following forms of drug addiction:

  1. Social.
  2. Psychic.
  3. Physical.

social dependency. It begins to mature even at the stage when a person is simply among people suffering from drug addiction. At this time, a person only accepts and "trying on" the style of behavior of drug addicts, their attitude to life and drugs, any external attributes of drug existence.

At the stage of social dependence, a person does not yet use, but is already internally ready to become a drug addict and join the already familiar environment.

An important sign of this stage in the development of pathology is the existence of a certain group of people, which pushes the person to start using drugs. A person, following the rules accepted in that environment, becomes a drug addict himself.

mental addiction. This step, leading to the complete degradation of the personality, begins immediately after a person becomes intimately acquainted with any drug. Such a pathology is manifested in the increased desire of the addict to return to that state of joyful euphoria that he experienced while under the influence of the drug.

Drugs help a person get rid of emptiness, worries and negative emotions. A person who feels dullness, joylessness in everyday life, tormented by a mass of unresolved problems, seeks to quickly escape into the world of drug euphoria, where there is no place for troubles and problems.

The desire to get rid of the oppression of existing troubles, emotional instability and psychological discomfort is so great that the person is no longer able to refuse further use of the drug.

physical addiction. This stage of the formation of drug addiction develops already against the background of long-term use of drugs. At this stage, the human body is no longer able to function normally without the drug. Drugs are actively involved in metabolic processes and become an integral part of them.

At this stage, the addict gets acquainted with withdrawal. Withdrawal syndrome manifests itself differently for each addict. For some, it passes in a mild and almost imperceptible form, while others suffer from unbearable physical ailments. Features of withdrawal also depend on the type of drug consumed and individual characteristics of the individual.

But the main danger of the social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction lies in the fact that these pathologies have a direct impact on the next generation. What awaits children, youth, what future will they have if these horrific manifestations of modernity are not eradicated? Only complete deliverance from alcoholism and drug addiction will give confidence in the prosperity of our nation.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are two problems of our society and an individual, an individual family. In our time, the most dangerous problems of society are the abuse of alcohol and drugs. These problems seemed to concern only those who became drug addicts or alcoholics and members of their families, but even at the level of society as a whole, it can be said that alcoholism and drug addiction are two causes of many problems and failures in a person, in a family, etc. d.

How is it that alcoholism and drug addiction take place in our society? Basically the problem is that people don't have enough information about what drugs and alcohol are. The correctness of the decision in a given situation depends on the knowledge and information that a person has. The lack of information or extra information that a person has is reflected in what decision a person will make in a particular case. A lack of information about alcohol and a lot of data that is not true can lead to global consequences.

A person believes that alcohol improves mood and can deprive him of complexes, make him more sociable. To some extent, this is true, but the real mechanism of this is that alcohol stimulates the body, it makes the heart beat faster, increases blood pressure, and the work of other organs increases, and this eliminates fatigue.

A general increase in activity contributes to an uplifting mood, because our emotions and actions are interdependent, and this is obvious, one has only to look at children who are enthusiastic, who have enough energy for a company of soldiers, and look at someone who, for example, came home from work, tired and exhausted, who despaired of climbing the corporate ladder, and by and large is depressed.

It may very well be that dancing improves mood in accordance with this pattern, because dancing is movement. Drugs work in the same way as alcohol. They are like a battery in a toy, and now this toy can walk and talk. The cheerfulness and energy of a drunk person are the movements and emotions of a robot that runs on batteries.

What other factors are fundamental to the existence of drug addiction and alcoholism in society?
Many analysts talk about unemployment, low wages, a lack of places to spend leisure time and a low standard of living. In other publications, one can find as reasons the availability of money for drugs, which allegedly contribute to drug addiction. But, you need to look and look for reasons in hotel people, their worldview, attitude to life, to themselves and to other people, in their ability to be happy and achieve their goals. After all, if the reasons are the same for everyone, then why do some people not become alcoholics? Perhaps it's something else?

The underlying reason people drink alcohol is to feel better. Alcoholism and drug addiction are, so to speak, the consequences to which the wrong choice of means leads to feel better.

Alcohol and so-called "light" drugs (which are no less dangerous and no less poisonous than other drugs) are often used to relax, cheer up, create a light informal atmosphere, etc. These are the natural desires of man. But what does the use of drugs and alcohol lead to?In the end, alcohol and drugs remain the only thing that can somehow help a person so that he does not feel so bad mentally and physically. Alcoholism and drug addiction destroy a person, destroy well-being in families and in society, contributing to an increase in the number of accidents and crimes, mistakes and failures.

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