How can you trick your brain? How to fool a lie detector? Is it possible to fool a polygraph? Polygraph in forensics Who was able to fool a lie detector

Darina Kataeva

Even the first thoughts about taking a lie detector or polygraph test cause unpleasant feelings, thoughts and emotions in people. And terrible excitement appears. It is noteworthy that such Innocent people also experience anxiety. How to pass a polygraph test correctly and what you need to know about the features of passing it? How does a lie detector work and what does it react to? How can you fool a polygraph and not get burned?

Lie detector: principle of operation

Nature is multifaceted and complex, which is why psychologists, developers and scientists are constantly striving to find the best way to identify any kind of untruth. The presence of such a device would significantly improve people's lives: criminals would always receive punishment, and innocent people would be free. Back in the Middle Ages, China had a way to check for lies. The guilty person was given dry rice to chew before being sentenced. It was believed that when a person was very nervous, his mouth was dry, so he could not swallow rice. If this happened, the blame was clear.

Over time, testing methods changed, people began to use modern technical innovations, and this progress contributed to the emergence of the first polygraph. Its inventor is considered William Marston, who in 1913 began to actively research the psychology of human lies.

A polygraph is a device that is based on the results of measuring body parameters at the time of the test. Graphs and diagrams are examined and then the result is recorded.

The first polygraph worked and produced results based primarily on the subject's blood pressure. However, this device did not show entirely accurate results. Nevertheless, Marston's achievement contributed to the emergence of a new polygraph in 1921. Its developer was J. Larston. This polygraph is similar to the modern one, since its results were based on measuring a person’s respiration, pulse and blood pressure. The amazing accuracy of the results marked the widespread use of the polygraph, especially in the field of criminal offenses.

Although the Chinese technique of “chewing rice” is now considered funny, in fact, modern polygraphs are similar in principle to it. The device reacts and produces results based on measuring the state of the body at the time of telling a lie.

How is a lie detector test usually performed?

If a person knows nothing about a lie detector, what it is and how the test is taken, he nervous from the very uncertainty. The test, as a rule, takes place in a calm environment in the office, where nothing would distract the subject from answering the questions posed. The room is soundproofed, the experimenter is located behind so as not to distract the person with his actions and movements. You are allowed to answer questions with only two words: "Yes" or "No", no other options are given. Despite the apparent simplicity of the test, this procedure makes almost everyone worry - especially those who deliberately deceive the polygraph.

A typical test takes place in 4 stages:

Stage 1: preparation

The experimenter tells the subject about the rules for passing the test. This allows him to make sure that no incidents will occur and the person will not start doing actions prohibited during the test. All questions that will be asked are discussed, the polygraph is set up and the person is convinced that it works accurately and without any failures.

Stage 2: stimulus test

Each experimenter uses his own techniques to encourage the subject to tell the truth. Some people hang their office with diplomas, certificates and other documents that indicate the accuracy of the procedure itself.

Others conduct a mini-test with a card game. From the deck, a person is given the opportunity to choose one card and then return it to its place. The polygraph examiner then shows the cards of the deck one by one and you must answer “No” to each one, even to the correct card. The results are then assessed, and the test taker draws from the deck the card that the person lied on when it appeared. The test results are simply amazing; the person being tested begins to believe that he will be caught in a lie, and the person tests himself.

However, when conducting this test, it is important for the experimenter himself not to make mistakes, so he often marks the correct cards or uses specially designed decks.

Stage 3: question and answer

This stage is considered indicative. A person is asked prepared questions, which are divided into 3 types:

Neutral. These questions are basic: “Do you live in ...?” or “Your name is...?” In the process of data processing, the answers to them do not play a key role, but the experimenter draws conclusions about how focused and attentive the person is to what is being asked.
Significant. These questions are direct, and they primarily relate to the topic of research. If it is a theft, then the specialist asks: “Did you take this?” or “Did you participate in the theft?” It is believed that the perpetrator’s physiological reactions to such questions increase, his pulse quickens and his blood pressure rises, although this is completely invisible to the person himself. The innocent person’s reaction does not change; he speaks confidently, evenly and clearly.
Tests. This type of question is carefully thought out so that, however, it does not directly point to the crime itself. The questions are of a general nature. Here both the guilty and the innocent are confused, but the second category is trying to get out and lie even in this area. The tricky thing about these questions is that a negative answer to them is already a lie. For example: “During the first 15 years of your life, did you take something that didn’t belong to you?” Of course, a process immediately occurs in the person being tested in the brain that prompts him to say: “No,” although all people took something else in the first 15 years of their lives. This psychological maneuver allows you to achieve high results during the test.

Stage 4: final

Here the results are calculated and the polygraph diagrams are interpreted. Some people consider it necessary to tell the person about the test results.

Knowledge about the organization of the process can only affect a person’s inner peace during the procedure, but not its result

Is it possible to fool a lie detector?

Just as there is an art to detecting lies and deception, so even innocent people try to understand how the polygraph works in order to break the prejudice about its truth and truthfulness. But can a person fool a polygraph? Is it possible?

According to polygraph examiners, It is impossible to deceive this device. They are based on the following facts:

The polygraph evaluates all physiological processes of the human body simultaneously, while for the person being tested these parameters occur unnoticeably, because the conditioned reflexes of the body are involved. We cannot control blood flow in the capillaries or pressure. A person can only restrain himself in emotions and work on anxiety, but changing internal processes is beyond the power of even the most experienced deceiver.
Duration of the procedure. The test is divided into 4 stages, each of which is quite long. If at first a person is able to control himself, at the end, when the specialist begins to deal with the most important control and significant issues, the person being tested loses his vigilance and relaxes.
Not only the polygraph itself plays an important role. The specialist who conducts the study pays attention to facial expressions, gestures, tension and general behavior of the person being tested. And even if he manages to deceive the “machine,” he will not be able to outwit a skilled psychologist!
Before the test itself, a person undergoes numerous checks for the presence of sedatives or other drugs in the body. During the preparatory tests, the experimenter even determines the psychotype and.
During the test sensors are used, who have proven themselves well even in the intelligence services. For example, a device for measuring electrical resistance of the skin.
When conducting and preparing tests, we use human anatomy and biology data. When we worry, blood pressure increases and blood flows in the capillaries. The sensors immediately display this on monitors.
Reviews from people. Numerous stories “How I tried to deceive the lie detector” begin quite convincingly, but their end is the same: “Where could I have screwed up?..”. Only mentally ill people can lie, however, this category of citizens is not allowed to take a polygraph test.

Can an actor fool a polygraph?

No matter how experienced an actor is, he remains a person with his own core personality. He still analyzes, draws conclusions, thinks about situations, so that if his vigilance is relaxed, an experienced polygraph examiner will detect the lies of the person being tested. Of course, it is possible to deceive a novice specialist, but when conducting serious investigations and criminal examinations, only professionals work.

In the process of passing the test, a battle between two talents, two psychologically prepared and developed personalities begins. But no matter how talented the actor is, he will lose in this unequal struggle. Only the polygraph examiner himself can fool the lie detector.

Is it possible to fail a test due to anxiety? Excitement is a starting point that is taken as the state of the norm, and from there the results are recorded. Therefore, even because of worries, it will not be possible to deceive the lie detector.

How to prepare for a lie detector test and pass it

Even innocent people begin to get very worried before the test, which is why they disrupt the planned procedure with panic attacks. Therefore you it is worth preparing for this procedure, even if you are not to blame for anything.

Understand polygraph work. If you know this information, it will be easier for you to prepare to pass the test.
Try not to think about the test at all. Avoid horror stories about his work. If you are not guilty, you have nothing to fear, since the lie detector shows the pure truth.
Take care of your physical condition one day before the test. Rest, get enough sleep, create comfortable conditions around you and think positive.
If you are taking any medications, be sure to tell an expert about this. Illness or regular pain medications may prevent the test from being performed correctly and accurately.
Research and understand the questions you will be asked. Don't rush anywhere, the test will last at least 3 hours, so it will not be possible to shorten the time!
Tell the truth. The test questions are where the hardest part comes, so prepare yourself for them and answer them sincerely.

Don't be afraid to be nervous. When taking a lie detector test, everyone gets nervous, so this condition is considered normal.


A modern lie detector (polygraph) is a high-tech precision device aimed at documenting the state of the human body when answering questions of varying complexity and essence. The rather long procedure consists of alternating questions from the examiner and answers from the person being tested using a polygraph. At the end of the test, the results obtained are interpreted.

Is it possible to fool a lie detector? Professional polygraph examiners claim that this is impossible - a person is not able to control body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, sweating, etc. for a long time.

March 31, 2014, 10:52

Hello, in this article I want to touch on the topic of deception on the Internet, how to avoid them and not become a victim of scammers. There are more and more users on the Internet every day, and along with them there are more scammers and ways to collect money from the population. Human greed has no boundaries, and this is exactly what scammers on the Internet exploit. What are the ways to cheat on the Internet to get your money:

1. Method of deception on the Internet SMS confirmation of registration

You found on the Internet a site that you liked, it could be a dating site, or a social network for adults, or just a site that contains some information that is interesting to you, in order to get to the information you need, you will be asked to register. At the end of registration, you will be asked to confirm your registration and send a message to a short number. If you fall for this, you are guaranteed to lose a tidy sum from your phone.

2. Method of deception on the Internet: A unique technique

buy for 500 rubles earnings from 1500 rubles per day. Who among us has not seen such a message, it probably came across to everyone, not with exactly the same content, but with similar content. It happens, pay 500 dollars and get 100,000 dollars, and this method will cost several times less than the final earnings. After you pay and receive this method, you will find out that what you just made can be sold to other people and on You can make money from this and the main thing is that you won’t undermine it, you bought it yourself.

3. A way to deceive you on the Internet if you are a rich heiress or heir

Such a letter may come to your email, of course, everything is official, you will be asked to respond to the letter if it is you. You will receive a new letter, you will start a correspondence, after a few letters you will be informed that the inheritance is very large and to quickly process it, you need to send a certain amount, then to issue an invitation, then to issue a visa, then for something else, if buy it, they will extract a tidy sum from you.

4. Cheating in online casinos

You will be given a presentation on how you can easily make money in a casino by playing roulette. Simple, uncomplicated bets on red and black. They will not ask you for money for this information, everything is on a voluntary basis, they will simply recommend you some casino, and it will be a legal casino, to which you will go through the affiliate link of the person who kindly shared this information with you. The fact is that it only takes 5 minutes for any casino to recognize that you are playing unfairly with them. The casino will take action. You will not be noticed, but they will transfer you to another table, where they will take out all the money that you have credited to the casino account, it seems fair to me, and the person through whose link you entered the casino will earn money from the fact that he brought you.

5. Scheme of deception on the Internet winning the lottery

When you navigate to sites, you see a message on the left or right side of the screen: You won the lottery, your IP address was selected by the computer and you became the owner of something, you will be asked to fill out a form, write a comment on the topic of how you feel, leave a phone number, to which you will receive a message with approximately the following content: To confirm your identity, reply to the SMS and if you respond and respond, then a whole correspondence will begin with you until you run out of money on your balance and if the mobile operator does not count the money from your balance on time, you will remain in debt to the mobile operator.

6. Deception in online stores

Moving through the Internet space, you go to a store with a good design, with cheap, and most importantly, high-quality goods. You see a really worthwhile item at a bargain price marked as a promotion, which is valid for just a few more hours, you rush to pay for it, everything works out successfully for you, you see a message that within 10-15 days your purchased item will be sent to you mail at the indicated place of residence. A week passes, two, three, but, alas, there is no product and there will not be any. You go to the address of an online store, either there is no trace of it, or the support service does not answer you. Therefore, be aware that every payment system on the Internet has email addresses of partner stores, use this database to avoid unpleasant life moments.

7. Method of deception on the Internet social networks

Many of you have probably seen a message on the status of some nice woman saying that money is urgently needed for the treatment of a small child who is terminally ill. You need money urgently, there’s no time to delay, the account number is attached, if you can’t help with money, give it a thumbs up or like, this is how scammers fish out money by playing on people’s pity. Therefore, if all this is true and you decide to help the poor child. Therefore, the message must include official addresses, telephone numbers of various guardianship and trusteeship authorities, public funds that can confirm this information; it was not yesterday that they found out that their child was sick, but requesting contact information from official bodies takes a few hours.

8. Method of deception with payment systems

You will receive a letter by email with the following content, that there has been a failure in the system and you will be asked to fill out a form where you need to indicate all your personal data and do not forget to indicate your card number with PIN code or ID address with password, indicated, sent, say goodbye with money. No bank, no similar payment system will send you a request, so contact your bank by phone or go to the official website to clarify the situation.

9. Method of cheating on the Internet during match fixing

I met someone like this in person, a person knocked on my friend’s door on a social network with something like the following sentence: Are you interested in match-fixing? I answered: “Yeah, look for fools!” He: - I'm serious, there is a result on the outcome of the football match. Me: - and how much are you asking? He: - 4000 rubles. Me: I pretend to laugh creepily with emoticons, let me test it out. He answered: he gives 2 teams of England 0:1 to win, that’s it. I go into the bookmaker's office, look, and in fact, in four hours the match is really going to take place. I believed him, but checked to my happiness. I couldn’t sleep half the night, imagining my brand new Porsche or Mercedes, if the information was correct, but I was lucky, the information turned out to be wrong. Why lucky? I immediately understood the scheme this swindler used: he knocked on people’s doors and offered to buy the result of a fixed match and told everyone a different result, and for some, this result worked. And he with full confidence paid the scammer 4,000 thousand for the next result. It’s so banal, this man made money from greed.

10. Method of deception on the Internet: phishing

Collecting data from English, on some Internet resource, you may be asked for your login and password from your social networks, which are necessary to activate registration, or enter your ID from an electronic wallet. But always remember that your payment system ID is the only way to get to your money. Never enter your data on dubious sites - this risks losing money or a page on a social network, etc.

11. Autosurfing is a way to cheat on the Internet.

This is a semblance of a box or a mailer, only on these projects, you will be asked to buy bots, which for a month will work for you on the site and earn many times more than their own value, for which you will pay with your own money and in the end you will not receive anything back. Another type of fraud on axleboxes, you will surf sites all month in pursuit of collecting the required amount for withdrawal and will not receive anything for the work done, so work on proven axleboxes, earn a pretty penny, but it’s stable.

12. A way to cheat on the Internet by blocking a virus

On some resource you click on a button with an interesting offer and catch a blocking virus, a window appears on your entire monitor screen, and you cannot do anything with it, it completely covers most of the screen. You will be asked to send an SMS to a number in exchange for a code to disable this window, for which money will be withheld from your phone number and you most likely will not receive the code. Therefore, you have no choice, you will have to reinstall windows, so use antivirus programs, they will warn you about an unreliable site.

13. Fraud at money exchangers

On the Internet you may need electronic money, those payment systems on which you do not have electronic money, this is due to the fact that payment systems usually do not cooperate with each other and in order to receive money you will have to use exchangers, and this carries certain risks . The fact is that you first transfer money to the payment system account specified to you in order to receive money from another system, so use trusted exchangers.

14. Method of cheating on the Internet on mobile devices

The number of mobile Internet users is growing every day. Therefore, while exploring the mobile Internet, you can go to an Internet resource where you like, some application that you want to download and, as usual, the application will request access to functions on the phone, almost all applications ask for such a request to work. Therefore, worry about this with your mobile operator in advance, disable the automatic SMS function, I lost, like, 1000 rubles due to this type of fraud.

15. Magic wallets

The essence of this scam comes down to the following. At one time, it was very common, you send some amount to the wallet number specified to you, and get back 2 times more. Perhaps you will be lucky once or twice, but you will be overwhelmed by greed, and you will send a good amount there, which is what the scammers are counting on and there will be silence in response, and perhaps you will not receive anything even with the first experimental payment. They don't joke with money.

16. Freelancers and web designers, working on the Internet without cheating

Deception of remote workers has a large number of options, advice for freelancers to act through specialized exchanges, although there are also competitions on them, for higher-paying work, so don’t really buy into various competitions, perhaps this is a scam.

17. Transfer the insurance premium

You have found a job for yourself on the Internet, this work is well paid and not labor intensive, for example, collecting pens at home, we have a big competition for work, if you agree, transfer 10 rubles in the form of an insurance premium for your agreement to work, your 10 rubles will be returned to you as soon as the staff is approved, what I can say about this type of fraud is that it is as old as mammoth bones, the entire business has been automated for a long time and is tens of times cheaper than human hands.

18. You have become the thousandth visitor to our website

You can come across such an ad when you go to another web resource, you are asked to fill out a form, respond in order to receive your winnings, do not forget to indicate your cell phone number and confirm the copyright holder of the number, as soon as you do this, money will be debited from your number and you will find , this is immediately after sending the SMS.

19. Typing

You have found a job for yourself at home, you are asked to do typing, from scanned pages that will be sent to you by mail, after completing the work, employers may disappear, be careful not to become a slave to scammers.

20. SMS fraud

In general, it is very common on the Internet, so never send SMS to short numbers from your phone, everything is done the other way around, a code is sent to you, and you enter it on the site.

21. Deception on the Internet based on advertisements for lost documents

Not long ago I encountered this type of fraud: I lost my documents. And, as many of us do, I turned to local television, where I placed an advertisement that I was asking for the return of my documents for a fee. The response did not take long to arrive and I received a call from unknown people who told me that they had my documents and would return them for a fee. To do this, I need to send them the amount to their mobile bank or Webmoney and after that a girl will come up to me and solemnly hand me my documents. To which, of course, I told them that under no circumstances and that I would only give them the money during a personal meeting. The fact is that the ads in the ticker were duplicated on the local television website, which served as bait for scammers.

22.………………………………… this make money without cheating on the Internet maybe, 21 ways I don’t know or don’t remember, but maybe you know about it, write in the comments, new ways of cheating on the Internet and we will transfer it to our list. Like, leave comments, let this article spread and make life easier for naive people. But you and I can now begin.


Fraudsters choose the right appearance. In most cases, the first and strongest opinion about a person is based on his clothes, grooming, and manners. By changing clothes, you can achieve a completely different perception of the same person. This is due to the fact that the high cost of clothing determines the social status of its wearer. And simply changing clothes automatically transfers anyone to another social group. A well-dressed person begins to be considered a politician, a big boss or a successful businessman. A person in a military or police uniform begins to be respected as a representative of authority. People in white coats have traditionally developed a trusting, almost friendly attitude, especially on the part of older people.

Deceivers inspire trust. To do this, they use various ways to lull the victim’s trust: they create an appropriate reputation, image, conduct the conversation in an honest, open tone, come up with some kind of legend, arouse pity. As a more subtle technique, they become a “double” of the person being deceived: they show obvious signs of attention, listen attentively, take an active part in the conversation and in the fate of the victim, and sympathize. For many potential victims, casual physical contact helps make them soft and docile. Which, by the way, is often used by gypsies.

In every possible way, scammers create the image of a simple-minded person - the impression that the victim is superior to them in intelligence, belittling their mental abilities, portraying a stupid smile and serving in everything. As a result, the deceived person loses his vigilance and believes that his opponent is simply not capable of deceiving him. Elderly people or minors are often used as fake dupes.

They distract attention. The technique is widely used by illusionists and cheaters. Based on the psychophysiological feature of consciousness: a person’s attention can only be on a limited number of objects. As a more complex technique, the victim is artificially increased in the flow of information given out, which is difficult for her to assimilate, but in which it is easy to get confused. Often, to ensure success, they wait until the person being deceived becomes tired, ill, or intoxicated, and his attentiveness is naturally reduced.

Use reflexes. Each person has developed a corresponding reflex in response to a certain irritation. If we consider an arbitrarily large group of people, it turns out that many have the same reflexes. For example, if you approach someone from behind and touch them on the shoulder, the subject will reflexively turn around. At this moment, his attention will be focused only on finding out who touched him. He will not notice if at this moment someone reaches into his pocket or cuts his purse.

The gender and age of the victim are taken into account. So, for example, it is easier to deceive a man if you build a deliberately false, but logically justified chain of reasoning. Women are deceived through her feelings and emotions. Young people are lured by the opportunity to get something that is not available to them for many reasons: good earnings, a prestigious position, social status, a beautiful woman, etc. It is easier to deceive older people by pretending to be social workers, doctors, or postmen.

Today it is very popular to test employees with a polygraph. Lie detectors have long been fashionable in the banking industry for personnel selection and in many other structures. Well, it's hard to argue with fashion. We need to keep up with her.

I’ll tell you about my personal experience of communicating with the polygraph operator and directly with this entertaining machine. Let's look at how you can fool a polygraph.

While people are deceived in general matters, they are never deceived in private ones.
Niccolo Machiavelli

The story of communicating with a lie detector or how I managed to deceive it

My first "meeting" with a polygraph

Before testing was carried out on me, from a technical point of view, I understood for myself that polygraph (lie detector) sensors should measure pulse, breathing rate, changes in the resistance to electric current of a person’s skin, when the skin sweats or not.

Also, perhaps, the activity of certain parts of the brain and blood pressure.

But this is unlikely, because... such a machine will be quite expensive. I think that in the post-Soviet space they almost always use average or the simplest from a technical point of view polygraph models. As always, ours save money.

Guess the word from the riddle:
Lie detector in a different way (8 letters)?

How I was "treated"

During this “honesty therapy” session, several sensors were connected to my body: on my finger, on my wrist, on my chest and on my stomach. Both on the chest and on the stomach, it’s clear why - men more often “breathe with the stomach,” the so-called lower breathing, when when inhaling, the diaphragm bends down, protruding the stomach. This is a lazy way of breathing.

Women breathe through their chest more often, because... under the diaphragm they bear children, and they cannot be pressed down. This is the upper way of breathing.

There is also a mixed type of breathing. Athletes are always taught to breathe physiologically correctly so that the lungs expand evenly when inhaling. However, I got distracted by physiology, which will only partially help us understand the work of the polygraph. In fact, everything is much simpler.

How testing happened

During the session you are asked questions. There is a pause of about 30 seconds between questions.

Questions must be answered immediately, without thinking for a long time. During the first questions, the operator calibrates the polygraph for a specific subject.

The operator needs to understand what is behind the deviations in the instrument readings when a person pauses before answering. Therefore, at the initial stage you will be asked both questions from the list on the operator’s computer and questions like: “Why did you think before answering this question?” or “What made you laugh?” etc. In such cases, I said that I did not quite understand the wording and tried to rephrase the question for myself.

How to behave during the test?

Do not forget that the operator who is sitting in front of you is a simple person and, like everyone else, he also sometimes has emotions. Simply, he is obliged to hide them from us, because... man is at work. But we know that. Show him that you are also a simple and, most importantly, adequate person.
  • If you are a beautiful girl, then it is hardly worth trying to arouse sympathy from the operator. The main thing is to show your adequacy and positive attitude towards this procedure. The operator should not think that something is annoying you or that you are afraid of something.
  • Be calm. Do not make sudden movements with your hands or head, do not roll your eyes, do not look around the room, do not ask questions. All this can provoke additional questions from the operator and increase your blood pressure and pulse. This is of no use to us at all!
  • After a trial set of questions, the actual testing session begins, which is recorded on a video camera. Keep calm. Look straight ahead. Focus your gaze on a neutral object: a wall or curtain. Oh, by the way, don’t wear anything bright to your session. Even a small red scarf can greatly affect your heart rate if it enters your field of vision.
  • Everything should be neutral. Preferred colors: gray, beige, pale green. Imagine yourself in an environment where you would be as calm and comfortable as possible.

    For example, I imagined a green clearing in the forest. The trees rustle, the birds sing. The sun caresses the grass. The voice of the operator asking his questions is a light, unobtrusive background. The question sounds, but you do not lose touch with your scene in the forest, you calmly contemplate the picture of pristine nature.

  • You answer, without thinking, what you need and again enjoy the sun in the clearing. It’s a pity that you can’t close your eyes during the session. It would be much easier to indulge in such auto-training.

My secret to cheating the infernal machine

You know, my answers plunged the operator into a little shock.
“What are you thinking about there?” he asked me.
I answer: “Yes, nothing special. Only about your questions." The session stopped.

The operator began to check something in the device. He turned everything on again and checked the sensors on me. We continued. All this time I remained completely calm. I tried not to think about the operator’s thoughts or concerns, so that my pulse or breathing would not change. You don't need to think about anything at all! This is the main thing! We hold tight to our scene in the forest and breathe evenly.

The session continued in the same spirit. Question answer. Pause about 30 seconds. I breathe a fresh breeze in the sun, in our family place in the forest, where my dad took us when I was still a child. Okay... Calm down... The forest is noisy...

I was asked about a dozen more questions, after which the operator stopped the session. Further, turning off his sensors, he asked how much I needed this work, whether it was interesting to me or not. In general, nothing particularly useful.

I wasn't silent either. Showed that I was a normal, ordinary person. I found out that the operator doesn’t really like the job, is planning to go to a travel agency, loves traveling, etc.

Manufacturers of modern lie detectors assure that neither liars, nor truth-tellers, nor professional actors, nor politicians can avoid an objective assessment during a lie detector test.
And only two categories of people will be able to deceive a lie detector: firstly, absolute scoundrels, and secondly, mentally ill people.
"What where When?". Brain-ring

The idea of ​​a polygraph originated many years ago. The impetus for its development was the research of the Italian physiologist A. Mosso. Such techniques made it possible for the first time in 1902 to prove the innocence of the defendant. Today, the polygraph is used to test applicants for positions, so you can often hear the question, how to deceive the polygraph?

What is a polygraph?

A polygraph is a sensor unit, which includes a set of sensors connected to a computer device. This is an inseparable complex of the apparatus and the psychologist. There are analog and digital types of devices on sale. The first of them have long occupied the niche of rare goods, and the second are popularly used when interrogating criminals, candidates for a position, or to find out.

How does a polygraph work, what does it react to?

A polygraph is a psychophysiological study. The device consists of:

  • sensors that monitor data on the psychophysiological state of the subject’s body;
  • A computer that records and processes data from sensors;
  • output device in the form of an oscilloscope, printer, monitor screen for displaying information received by sensors on a diagram.

The detector detects and records microstress in the subject. Sensors are attached to such places on the human body where the psychophysical state of the body and changes can be clearly identified:

  • breathing in the chest area;
  • breathing in the abdominal area;
  • electrical conductivity of the skin;
  • blood filling in peripheral vessels;
  • heart rate.

After the device is installed, the subject begins to ask questions. First, simple questions are asked to check the equipment. These could be questions about first name, last name, place of birth, marital status. The answer is given 15-20 seconds, which allows you to think before answering. Once the polygraph examiner begins to understand how the machine responds to “honest” answers, he is surprised to begin asking basic questions. During the procedure, the state of the body is recorded before the answer, during its utterance and after.

Why is a polygraph dangerous?

A polygraph is a medical-biological device capable of recording a psychophysiological surge and reaction of the human body. In order to successfully pass a lie detector test, you must not only master your emotions perfectly, but also control your heart rate and blood vessels. That is why the polygraph examiner, before conducting the test, always asks whether the subject has any health contraindications.

The device closely interacts with the subconscious: emotions, memories, experienced stress. This is the main danger of the device. Although it does not physically affect a person in any way, it can provoke the appearance of:

  • hysterics;
  • heart attack;
  • nervous attack;
  • epilepsy;
  • miscarriage;
  • asthmatic attack.

Who should not take a polygraph for health reasons?

According to the existing law on what diseases cannot be tested for a polygraph, citizens suffering from:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • colds with severe cough and runny nose;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • strong alcohol intoxication;
  • drug addiction;
  • deviations in mental activity;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • mental or physical exhaustion;
  • pain syndrome;
  • pregnancy (the fetus also experiences fear and anxiety, which is immediately recorded by the device);
  • epileptic seizures.

What should you not do before a polygraph?

An upcoming polygraph test causes stress and fear in many people, even if the person intends to tell only the truth. This condition occurs due to ignorance of the principles of operation of the device, fear of being caught in a lie. That's why many people ask how to prepare for a lie detector test, and what not to do before a polygraph:

  1. Do not try to predict the test questions, this may cause self-judgment and unnecessary anxiety.
  2. Relax, thanks to good health, physiological reactions will be as accurate as possible.
  3. Don't treat test day as something special. Start your morning with a run and a cup of coffee.
  4. Do not take any medications unless prescribed by your doctor, otherwise antidepressants will interfere with your test results.

Is it possible to fool a polygraph?

Is it possible to fool a polygraph? Yes, it's possible. When figuring out how to pass a polygraph without problems, this can be done, for example, by simply biting the tongue and causing tension in the legs, mentally counting sheep. Each of these actions will cause physiological reactions that will be immediately recorded by the device. Mental arithmetic will prevent the subject from fully comprehending the question asked, which will lead to an uncertain result.

History remembers the case of the unjustly convicted Fey Floyd. After failing a polygraph test, he was convicted of a murder he did not commit, and it was only several years later that the truth came out. Floyd decided to take revenge on his offenders and became a real expert in the field of polygraph testing. He taught prisoners who confessed to him that they had committed a crime how to deceive a polygraph, as a result of which most of the criminals were able to pass the lie detector and were found innocent.

Ways to fool the polygraph

There are several ways to fool a lie detector:

  1. Reduced sensitivity of sensory analyzers. To do this, drink some alcohol the day before the test. On the day of the test, your reactions will be somewhat slowed down, and the polygraph will not be able to give an accurate result.
  2. Medications. Before using them, it is important to know and understand your body’s reaction to “chemistry”. So, if a subject has taken psychotropic substances for the first time, he may, out of habit, begin to behave inappropriately, which a polygraph examiner will immediately notice.
  3. Non-chemical method. To do this, you need to not sleep for several days. But it is worth remembering that an experienced polygraph examiner will always notice such a condition.
  4. Control of emotions. It is important not only to be able to give the desired reaction to a question, but also to control facial expressions.
  5. Physiological reactions. For example, some, in an attempt to counteract the polygraph, came up with the idea of ​​​​putting a button in the shoe under the big toe. When pressed, the pain causes a false reaction.
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