Taoist health practices for men. The most effective Taoist practices for men Bian Zhizhong 10 Taoist exercises for health and longevity

Stress, overwork, poor nutrition, insufficient hours of sleep, bad habits - all this does not have the best effect on a woman’s body and her intimate health. For most women, the muscles of the lower back, abdomen and pelvis are constantly tense. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is impaired, which leads to various diseases and sexual problems. The worst thing is that we often do not know how to relax these muscles at will. Therefore, even being aware of the problem, they are not able to cope with it.

However, you can learn to control your intimate muscles. And this is available at any age!

Women's Taoist practices - read about their benefits

By restoring the tone of your intimate muscles, you:

  • get rid of various gynecological problems (inflammatory processes in the genital organs, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, etc.)
  • you will feel more energetic and cheerful;
  • you will look younger and more attractive;
  • delay the onset of menopause, reduce symptoms of PMS;
  • increase the sensitivity of the vaginal walls, increase your sensuality and sexuality;
  • You will be able to experience multiple orgasms and give incredible pleasure to your partner.

In addition to exercises for training intimate muscles, Taoist practices for women include:

  • breathing exercises;
  • meditation;
  • physical exercise;
  • self-massage.

By doing all this together, you can get an incredible result in a short time!

In addition, Taoist practices can be practiced at any time, whenever it is convenient for you. The main thing is systematicity and accuracy in performing women's Taoist practices. The books we recommend will help you with this!

Women's Taoist practices: books

We offer the top 7 books dedicated to Taoist sexual practices. With their help, you can master all the secrets of sexual kung fu and become an unrivaled lover for your man.

1. Ling Bao “Lecture Course of Sister Fu, or the Secret Feminine Doctrine”

The book is a monograph on women's Taoist sexology and offers many ancient sexual practices. All exercises are described in great detail, and their action is explained from the perspective of modern medicine and physiology. This book will be useful both for those who are almost unfamiliar with Taoist practices and for those who have been practicing them for a long time.

2. Bian Zhizhong “10 Golden Taoist Exercises for Health and Longevity”

The author of the book has collected the best Taoist practices - 10 golden exercises for women and men, with which you can preserve beauty, sensuality and health, including sexual health. All exercises are simple and can be performed by people of any age.

3. Mantak Chia, Maniwan Chia “Taoist secrets for improving female sexual energy”

This book is a detailed practical guide to mastering women's Taoist practices. The exercises offered in the publication will allow you to preserve and increase sexual energy, get stronger orgasms and experience the incredible sensations of intimacy with your beloved man.

4. Nathini Shanti “Women’s Taoist practices: Preparation period”

It is difficult to remain feminine, inspiring and gentle in a world that lives by male rules. However, in this book you will find ways that will help you combine feminine qualities and professional success. The techniques proposed in the publication are described in simple and understandable language; performing the exercises is easy and convenient.

5. Lisa Piterkina, Ji Xiaogang “Taoist secrets of the art of love”

A woman filled with energy attracts men more than a conventional beauty. But where to get energy and how to increase it? The answers lie in Taoist practices. For the author of this book, Lisa Piterkina, the Chinese master Ji Xiaogang, whose techniques she retells, became a guide to the world of Taoist secrets.

6. Mantak Chia “Healing Love. Improving Sexual Energy"

The ability to manage your sexual energy and use it wisely is equally important for representatives of both sexes. This book offers exercises to fill with sexual energy for women and practices for transforming sexual energy into the power of creation and creativity for men.

7. L. Bing “Secrets of love. Taoist practice for women and men"

Taoist “bed secrets” allow you not only to significantly improve the quality of your intimate life, but also to improve your health. In this publication you will find many recommendations for increasing pleasure from sexual contacts, as well as the prevention and treatment of female and male diseases.

Almost all of the above books dedicated to women's Taoist practices can be read online. However, if you prefer paper editions, finding them in bookstores will not be difficult. And of course, you can master Taoist practices, 10 golden exercises for women, in classes at the Academy of Private Life.

Taoist exercises are very popular among men in the modern world. This practice helps you discover new facets of yourself, better feel your own body, and keep your emotions under control. Sexual life begins to play with new colors, various diseases in the sexual sphere are cured.

Intimate life is very important for a man’s health. However, now the strong half of humanity often develops various diseases and abnormalities. Pathologies can develop for a variety of reasons, depending on lifestyle, work, alcohol consumption, poor diet, and hormonal changes.

As a result, changes occur in the reproductive system. They have a direct impact on the quality of sexual life. The body is gradually depleted, and recovery takes much longer. There are 10 golden exercises for men that have been used by Taoists since ancient times.

Regenerative Source

You should stand straight, lower your arms, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. You should completely relax and direct your gaze in front of you. Then you need to take a deep breath and rise onto your toes, then sharply lower onto your heels. You need to repeat the exercise 16 times. Then you should relax and sway a little, as if giving freedom to the perineum.

Eight diagrams

The right hand rises forward and describes a semicircle above the head, then moves it along the body, then takes a step forward and bends the arm. Next you need to do the same actions with your left hand. After this, step back with your right foot. You need to do 16 movements.

Flight of the roc bird

With this exercise you can get rid of fat deposits. Useful actions are somewhat similar to the flight of a bird. Her hands describe the number eight in the air, as if she were lying on her side. You should stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. You need to bend your knees a little, and then raise your hands and use them to describe the number eight. The left hand should be the main one here, and the right hand should repeat the movements. Then you need to switch hands and repeat this exercise 16 times.

Turtle retracts its head

Why is practice necessary? With the help of this exercise, the nervous system is strengthened, diabetes is treated and excess fat is eliminated. You need to stand up straight, straighten your body and pull in your stomach. Then you should raise your arms to chest level, palms down. The left hand draws a semicircle near the stomach and falls into place, but in this way, as if holding the ball.

Then you need to take a step forward, shift to your right leg, and bend your left at the knee. After this, you need to lower yourself onto both legs and repeat all the actions with the other arm and leg. When both feet are on the ground, pull your neck and head into your shoulders with all your might. The exercise is done 16 times.

Swimming Dragon

You need to describe three circles in front of you using your hands. First, squeeze your thighs very tightly and place your legs next to each other. The fingers should be squeezed. Next, you should tuck your chin in and think about the youth and beauty of your body.

Swimming frog

You need to squeeze your thighs tightly and put your legs next to each other. Smile and pull your chin up. Lower your hands and clench your fingers. Then you should raise your arms so that your palms are near your chest. Then sit down halfway and start moving as if swimming in water. You need to describe two semicircles with your hands, then straighten up. This should be done 16 times.

Phoenix spreads its wings

Qigong exercises are aimed at achieving calmness and increasing vital energy. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your arms so that they hang freely. You should relax as much as possible and think about the good. Then you should raise your hands as if they were holding a ball.

Then the left one needs to be raised up and to the left, and the right one needs to be lowered down and to the right. The left foot steps slightly to the left, the person becomes in the archer's pose. Hands need to be returned to their original position. And then repeat all the above steps with your arms and legs in reverse order. The exercise is repeated 8 times.

Taoist practices should be repeated together, but you can limit yourself to only a few of them.

Exercise deer

This exercise is aimed at the sexual health of men. You need to press on the base of the skull with your middle fingers and feel the hollow there. This point should be massaged 49 times. The left and right hemispheres of the brain are then maximally activated. Next, you should inhale through your nose and hold your breath. Then exhale.

The pelvic floor must be vigorously strained and then pulled up. Also at this time you should take a breath as deeply as possible and hold your breath for fifteen seconds. After this, you need to slowly relax your whole body and exhale. Energy flows will enter the human reproductive system through the brain and spine.

You need to constantly hold your fingers as if in a fist, wrapping them around your thumb. Feet should be placed comfortably and firmly on the floor or ground. The rest of the body should be kept in an upright position. You can relax your fingers a little only while relaxing the whole body. This exercise must be done 21 times in the morning and evening, immediately after waking up and before going to bed.

Noble husband

In Taoism, the concept of a noble husband cannot do nothing. A man is obliged to take a direct part in social activities and constantly strive to achieve professional success. A noble husband is aimed at developing the personality of a person as a whole, achieving self-improvement and unity.

Taoism fully allows you to achieve this state of unity of soul and body, peace and well-being.

Taoist practices and exercises contribute to the maturation of a man’s personality, his recognition and achievement of success in life, both personal and professional. When practicing Taoist practices, a man will be able to make a woman happy, discover unknown facets in himself and properly raise his own offspring, which cannot but have a beneficial effect on the future life of the children.

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But before we move on to studying energy exercises that will help you become more sensual and magnetic, I want to inform you that Lisa Piterkina is conducting a unique open webinar “Sensuality on the verge of mysticism.” At the webinar you will learn a lot of interesting things (why the flexibility of the mind is more important than the flexibility of the body, how to fulfill your desires using Taoist practices, study the “magic dictionary” of the mystery woman and learn how to always remain desired and seductive).

Women's Taoist practices

Five forms - exercises to increase sexual attractiveness.

This system is a type of qigong, it is called “Five Forms”. The system consists of 5 energy techniques that, when used regularly, will significantly increase your energy level and help open the channels through which the energy necessary for quality sex flows. The exercises are performed in the form of rhythmic tapping of vital points and channels.

How to tap:

It is performed with both hands. Tapping is done with palms slightly covered with bent fingers. Essentially, strikes are made by the lower part of the palm, closer to the wrist, as well as the 4 upper phalanges and the knuckles of the bent fingers. The sequence of exercises is very important, since each of them continues the process begun by the previous one.

The number of beats per minute ranges from 60 to 120, their frequency is slightly less than a second. All exercises are performed in a standing position - feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees (until you feel relaxed, there should be no tension). It is important to control the state of relaxation throughout the body and concentration on the process of working with energy. It is important to understand that energy goes where your attention is directed. Do all the forms with pleasure, and not by forcing yourself and trying to do everything as quickly as possible.

Five forms. Women's Taoist practices.

Form No. 1. Fold your palms into two relaxed fists and tap the area under your navel. There is the lower diantian - the first energy center. Apply blows one after another alternately, frequency is approximately 120 beats per minute. This tapping will serve as a signal for the body to open the sexual chakra.

Form No. 2. Leave your palms slightly folded into a fist or fold them into a boat (whichever is more comfortable for you) and tap the junction of the legs and torso. Try to choose a point in the middle of the line that connects the outer and inner thighs through the groin. It is at the same level as the pubic bone. Apply blows with both hands, synchronously, the number of blows should be 60-90 per minute.

Form No. 3.Stretch your arms along the seams and tap the lateral surface of the thigh, exactly the point that is opposite the outstretched hand (also from 60 to 90 beats per minute).

Form No. 4. Place your left hand behind your back over the area where your kidneys are located. The hand should lie on your back with the back of your hand, and the palm itself should be directed outward. At the same time, it should remain half-covered with your fingers, as if folded into a relaxed fist. Once you have your left hand in the correct position, bring your right hand behind your back, placing it directly above your left hand so that your fists are in the center of your back, on your spine, one above the other. Start moving your fists along your back in different directions, and then towards each other, until they connect in the starting position. Tapping should be moderately intense, but not sharp, but calm, bringing pleasure.

If this form seems difficult to you, then at least just rub the lower back area with the knuckles of your fist, making sure that the right fist is always above the left.

Form No. 5. With a relaxed fist of your right hand, strike the point of your left hand. This point is located on the wrist - at a distance of the width of one phalanx of the thumb (about 1.5 cm) from the palm. Do 60-90 beats per minute and then switch hands. If you doubt whether you have found the right point, you can tap the point where the pulse is usually felt.

Now you know the secret Taoist exercises for maintaining youth and attractiveness for many years. After you start practicing them, not only your sensuality will increase, but also your partner’s impressions of intimacy with you will intensify, they will become brighter and more intense.

Your energy channels will open and you will be able to feel a hitherto unknown feeling of endless love and joy. After all, it is precisely such a joyful and fulfilling woman that every man dreams of!

And, I repeat, don’t miss Lisa’s new seminar “Secrets of Extra Sex. Sensuality on the verge of mysticism" and learn many other interesting secrets! All information - HERE .

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Taoist practices are intended for women. They help awaken sexual energy, learn how to use it and reveal femininity. These techniques are quite easy to learn and bring good results when used regularly.

Secrets of the ancient Taoists

The entire concept of Taoism is based on the concept of sexuality. Taoists believed that sexual health was especially important for a person. This type of energy helps to attract all kinds of benefits into life.

It is worth noting that sexuality from the point of view of Taoism is not only an attraction for men, which will be their primitive instincts. This includes self-love, the ability to enjoy life in all its manifestations, the ability to easily receive the necessary benefits and accept them with gratitude.

Important Taoist secrets, without knowledge of which it is useless to try sexual practices:

  1. It is necessary to develop self-love. You must learn to fully love and accept yourself, then you will be able to experience similar feelings to those around you, and also receive a return from them. Easy to say, harder to do. It is necessary to engage in special studies and meditations in order to completely destroy complexes, blocks and attitudes in the subconscious.
  2. Among the most effective exercises is proper breast massage. It helps to unlock a woman’s sensual potential, activate the heart chakra, improve health and learn to love the world in all its manifestations.
  3. Also, all exercises are based on the correct abdominal breathing technique. In ordinary life, we are used to breathing with our chests, but this is not true. As you inhale, you need to let air into your stomach. This helps fill all the most important female internal organs with oxygen and energy.

10 golden exercises

Choose any of the exercises and start practicing regularly. After a couple of weeks, you will notice changes in your well-being and psycho-emotional state, which will certainly affect everything that happens in your life.

Exercise “Restoring Source” - cleanses the body of negativity and fills it with positive energy. What to do:

  1. Stand up, place your feet firmly on the floor, and let your arms dangle freely along your body.
  2. Relax, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathing should be abdominal - this is important.
  3. Hold your breath for a minute. After this, shake yourself off with your whole body. Imagine that you come out of the water and want to shake off all the drops from yourself.
  4. The Eight Diagram exercise improves concentration and brain health. What to do:
  5. Stand up, close your eyes, breathe. When you feel relaxed enough, start the exercise.
  6. Raise your arms very slowly, bend your legs slightly.
  7. Then start making an infinity sign (number 8) in the air with your palms. As you do this, try to feel how your body is filled with a powerful stream of light from a source located above your head.
  8. When you feel full enough, slowly lower your arms, breathe and open your eyes.

The exercise “Flight of the Roc” “works” for weight loss. It removes psychological pressures that cause you to “eat” problems and become addicted to food.

What to do:

  1. Stand up and breathe with your eyes closed.
  2. Place both hands on your chest. Feel how your heart chakra is filled with the energy of love and acceptance, how your palms become increasingly warm.
  3. Then begin to make a figure eight in the air with your right hand, and leave your left hand at your chest. After some time, change hands. The number of repetitions should be the same.
  4. When finished, take a breath and open your eyes.

The “Turtle Retracts its Head” exercise strengthens the nervous system and helps quickly relieve stress and emotional tension. What do we have to do:

  1. Get into your usual starting position, close your eyes, breathe and try to relax as much as possible.
  2. Place your palms together and place them in front of your chest.
  3. Start making circular movements with your hands clockwise from your chest towards your stomach. Feel how energy fills your body, feel the flow of heat and light that enters through the crown and moves down.
  4. When you feel enough, end the meditation. Take a breath and open your eyes.

Watch a video with techniques for performing other Taoist exercises from the “golden” list:

The “Swimming Dragon” exercise strengthens the spinal column and helps remove deposits of salts and toxins from the body. What do we have to do:

  1. Stand in such a way that your back remains perfectly straight and your feet are pressed tightly together. Press your palms to your body, lift your chin and smile.
  2. Close your eyes, relax. Breathe, feeling how with each exhalation you are immersed in an increasingly calm and comfortable state. Feel completely safe.
  3. Bend your elbows, placing your palms on your chest. The elbows rest tightly against the body. Begin to massage your chest softly and smoothly, feeling the heart chakra fill with warmth, vital energy of love and acceptance.
  4. Feel what your body wants to do. If you want to dance, dance, sway from side to side, sway. Let your body do whatever it wants.
  5. As you move, you will feel how tension goes away and you are filled with calm energy. When you have enough, stop, breathe and open your eyes.

The “Swimming Frog” exercise has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and eliminates the psychosomatic causes of diseases in this area.

  • Then sit down, place both hands on your chest and begin to swing, imagining a powerful fireball spinning inside you. The energy from this ball gradually spreads throughout the body.
  • As you swing, try to tense your hips and extend your neck to the most comfortable position.
  • At the end of the meditation, stop, lie down again, and stay for a while in a state of calm and fullness. Then you can open your eyes.
  • Practice the exercises regularly, and very soon you will feel very energetic, full and attractive.

    For the sake of health and longevity of people around the world

    Life is a precious gift and everyone wants to be healthy and live as long as possible. In my youth, I was lucky enough to meet the abbot of the Huashan Taoist school, who taught me exercises that give health and longevity. I have been doing them regularly for 40 years now and they have brought me great benefit. Even now, on the threshold of my 70th birthday, I am healthy, full of strength and energy and do not feel my age at all. I always wanted these exercises to become the property of many, but the rules of the Taoist monks are strict, and all my life I have been practicing the exercises, avoiding prying eyes.
    In recent years, many works by Chinese and foreign authors have appeared in the press, addressing issues of maintaining health and longevity. In one of the medical journals, I accidentally came across an article by my friend Gu Daifeng " Exercise that strengthens male strength (Duoxiannang)."

    This was part of one of the Taoist exercises I knew. The results were described so temptingly that many would probably want to do this exercise. But I knew that before doing this exercise, I needed to do others, warming up and preparing. Otherwise, instead of positive results, negative ones will appear. I couldn't find anything about preliminary exercises in the magazine, so I decided to publish them myself. Thus, three Taoist exercises were published to prepare for the already famous Duoxiannang.
    After this, I received many letters from the magazine's readers, thanking me and reporting the wonderful results obtained with these exercises. Now I could no longer hide my knowledge. The Taoist exercises are the precious heritage of the Chinese nation, and all the Taoists of the Huashan school have already died. I was about 70 myself. I need to hurry. If I do not talk about these exercises, then all the efforts of many generations of Taoists who developed this technique and passed it on to new generations over many centuries will be in vain. With the support of Dr. M. S. Niu, a famous American biologist of Chinese nationality, Xiu Renhe, former president of the Guananmen Hospital, Zhang Dian-hua, former director of the Acupuncture Research Institute, Tao Jiashan of the Physical Culture and Sports Commission (Beijing), and also other people, I put all the available materials in order and compiled a book from them.
    I thank all those who helped me during my work - Taoist friends, colleagues, students and Messrs. Sun Tao and Wu Tsong-hai from Hong Kong. This book is the result of collective creativity, and all of us who took part in this wish one thing - to help all people achieve good health and longevity. The natural law of life is birth, aging, illness and death. Who can avoid this? Nobody.

    In the course of development, human beings acquired intelligence and developed the ability to think. After this, Homo sapiens began searching for means that would allow him to maintain health and live as long as possible. However, we still do not know a way to avoid old age and death. However, in the process of struggling with nature, man learned several basic laws of life and got the opportunity to delay old age and death for some time.
    Someone remarked: “Life depends on movement.” Various types of sports therapy have become popular - running, ball games, swimming, cycling, etc. In order to engage in such sports, you need to make significant muscular efforts, but not everyone is capable of this. Many people have problems with their circulatory or respiratory systems, and if they engage in active sports, they will begin to choke, their pulse will be too fast and uneven. For them, active physical exercise is a heavy burden. In addition, incorrect movement can lead to injury. Often, athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor grow old and die early. You need to play sports on a specially equipped site, and this will require a lot of free time. Is there any simpler, but no less effective way to prolong your youth? In this book I will tell you about such exercises for health and longevity - the secret knowledge of the ancient Taoists.

    In ancient times, there were many different Taoist schools and movements, and each school practiced its own way of achieving health and longevity. The exercises you will learn about in this book were developed by monks from a school in the Huashan Mountains. Taoist monks passed on this knowledge by word of mouth for many generations, never trusting their secrets to paper. Exercise involves both action and inaction and serves to improve the health of both the external and internal organs of the body. These include qigong (breathing exercises), massage, jujitsu (gentle movements), as well as harmonizing vital energy and mouth breathing. These exercises also have a distinctive feature that makes them unlike any other health complex - this is “xiadan (lower abdominal) work.”
    Why this particular part of the body? Xiadan is a term used by the Taoist school of the Hua Shan Mountains. In traditional Chinese medicine, it refers to the kidneys, an internal organ related to the genitourinary system.

    According to the ancient concepts of Chinese medicine, it is the kidneys that are the internal source where vital energy is accumulated and where, therefore, the source of life is located. The processes of growth, development and aging of the human body are closely related to the functioning of the kidneys. Those who have this organ healthy and working well live longer and get sick less. Anyone whose kidneys are weak and work poorly grows old and dies early. In general, the root cause of health or illness, early or late aging of a person lies in the strength and vitality of his kidneys. That is why Chinese doctors have always emphasized how important it is to take care of the health of this internal organ.

    After special research, scientists found that the ancient Chinese term “kidney” corresponds to modern Western medicine concepts relating to the hypothalamus and the gonad system. Modern medicine has discovered that the internal genital organs produce hormones that play an important role in ensuring the normal functioning and development of all other organs of the human body. Aging occurs when there is a change (decrease) in the secretion of sex hormones. Advances in gerontology suggest that in the near future a person will be able to regulate the activity of the nervous system and the secretion of sex hormones and thereby prolong their youth by an average of 50 years.
    Historical documents contain information that back in the 11th century, the Taoists managed to obtain a fairly pure concentrate of sex hormones (in those days they were called qiushi and were extracted from human urine).
    Taoists used qiushi crystals to treat diabetes and other diseases caused by disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands. British scientist James Needham proved that this amazing discovery was actually made by the Chinese 800 years before it became known to Western medicine. In 1889, a bold experiment was carried out in France: the doctor injected himself with an extract from the testicles of dogs or pigs (subcutaneous injections, 1 mm at a time, for 2 weeks). After this, within 4 weeks he observed a significant improvement in his physical condition. This French doctor even announced that "I found a means of returning youth."

    These days, many people take various “anti-aging” pills, which contain male and female sex hormones and various vitamins that help the body resist aging.

    “Hormonal” cosmetics, which have recently flooded the market, contain hormones that are absorbed by the skin. Once in the human body, they accelerate the metabolic process in skin cells, as a result of which the skin becomes softer, more delicate and elastic.
    In the Soviet Union, experiments were conducted on transplanting testicles from young monkeys. It was believed that this could rejuvenate the human body. The experimental results did not provide convincing evidence of the truth of this assumption.

    However, all the rejuvenation methods that I listed above - medications, injections and transplants - bring only temporary results and are far from ideal. Each person's body has its own unique characteristics. The state of health, biological functioning, nutrition, hygiene and various habits." All this is uniquely combined in the body of each of us. And the hormones that control these processes must be in balance. It is now known how fragile this balance can be and how An incorrectly prescribed medicine can disrupt the hormonal balance, the secretion of hormones, or the functioning of various glands. The result of hormonal imbalance will be diseases. A slight hormonal imbalance is fraught with diseases of the internal secretion organs.
    Recently, German scientists published the results of their research, which states that the human liver often cannot process synthetic hormones that are found in many medications. This can lead to obstruction of the bile ducts and cause bile spillage. Human transplantation of animal organs threatens even greater complications.

    The best producer of human hormones is the human body, so it is best and safest to simply help the body itself restore the disturbed hormonal balance. For this, the ancient Taoists developed their healing exercises. These exercises include a variety of movements that include squeezing, rubbing and massaging the genitals, which leads to self-regulation of the endocrine glands and an increase in the amount of sex hormones. Doctors who treat according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine have the expression “strengthen the back and heal the kidneys.”
    Since medicine has already discovered the enormous importance of hormones in the human body, a serious study of the heritage of Taoist healers will be a new milestone in people’s fight against old age and disease. For centuries, Chinese Taoists have explored various ways to improve health and prolong life. But not so long ago, Taoist medicine was not taken seriously at all by the materialistic West. She was called anti-scientific and simply ridiculed. However, with the development of medicine, people gradually began to understand that ancient knowledge, which they arrogantly called “nonsense and deception,” is in fact no less effective than modern developments. Only now have we realized that the knowledge that the Taoists passed on from generation to generation is a precious heritage of civilization and now the time has come to pay close attention to it and put it at the service of all humanity.
    Taoist exercises have many variations. However, I have selected for this book only a few of the simplest and most effective exercises that are not at all difficult to master. They are based on one general principle - to normalize the biological functions of the human body, improve the health of body cells and activate cellular metabolism, stimulate the production of sex hormones, blood circulation, cleanse the main and auxiliary energy channels of the body, regulate the functioning of internal organs, increase resistance to disease, normalize general metabolism and thus prolong your youth and restore the strength of the body.
    Ancient scientists said: “To stay healthy, you need to move,” and “A healthy body will not allow disease to approach itself.”
    The greatest results from these exercises will be obtained by elderly and elderly people, sick or weakened people, those who are overweight, as well as those who suffer from diseases caused by dysfunction (or weakening) of the reproductive system and internal secretion organs. As noted by Chinese doctors who have already adopted these exercises, their effectiveness cannot be compared with the effectiveness of medications.
    In order to perform Taoist exercises, you do not need a separate spacious room. You can do them in the yard or in the bedroom or even during a break at your work place. These exercises do not require vigorous action and are easy to remember. After just a few days of training you will feel the first results. Every day you will become more energetic, healthy and strong.

    Brief instructions

    The exercises for health and longevity discussed in this book have been secretly practiced by Taoists of the Huashan school for several hundred years. Once upon a time, Taoist monks taught this gymnastics to the imperial family. Emperors, their wives and concubines indulged in excesses and at the same time wanted to maintain their health. In the palace, the exercises were called "Exercises for a Long Life." They were so effective that they were well paid and became the “jewel of the monastery” for the Taoists.
    These exercises cannot be classified as martial arts or qigong. They require no effort or willpower. Their goal is to use calm, gentle movements to stimulate blood circulation in the area of ​​the shadan ( xiadan(1)).
    In martial arts, tai chi(2) and qigong(3) external results are emphasized and energy is concentrated in the chest or mid-abdomen, whereas Taoist exercises focus on internal changes and energy is concentrated in the lower abdomen. As a result of stimulation of the gonads, metabolism improves and the hormonal system is adjusted.
    The exercises can be performed in seven different positions: standing, sitting, squatting, kneeling, crawling, rotating and lying down. Each of them, in turn, is divided into seven stages. Here's a diagram where you can see how all these poses relate to each other:

    Pose "standing"- preparatory, base for all other poses.

    Position "lying down"- the basis and essence of all exercises, while all others ("sitting", "kneeling"etc.) are intended for those who have already reached an average or advanced level of skill. Beginners cannot perform them.
    However, I want to note that none of the experienced Taoists ever neglects the preparatory or additional pose. It is believed that six postures (starting from the position"standing" and ending "spinning") must be performed in order, step by step.
    Having reached the pose "spinning", you need to start the next cycle of exercises again in the position"standing".This repetition is reminiscent of climbing a mountain along a serpentine road, when each stage begins a little higher than the previous one. Looking for short and fast ways up is always self-deception.
    Despite the fact that all positions except the pose"lying"are not basic, they contain enormous power. For example, exercises in the pose"standing", which I present first, can help many sick and weakened people gain health and strength. Beginners should clearly understand:
    These exercises serve to preserve and strengthen health, they have nothing to do with martial arts. The main purpose of martial arts is to train a person to fight. Slow, relaxed movements in martial arts lead to failure. Those who want to win a fight must master a variety of techniques and deception movements that disorient the enemy. Taoist exercises serve only to strengthen the body. Any tricks and deceptions are useless here.

    All seven poses are closely related, although they can be performed independently of each other. Each pose distinguishes between two sets of exercises - one for men and one for women - both of which can be performed as a single exercise. You can not include all poses in the exercise, but only those that are most suitable for your condition, goals or conditions. Beginners should start from the position"standing".

    This pose is the foundation of all others. First you need to master it and practice for at least 3-5 minutes every day until the body gets used to the exercises and obvious results begin to be felt.
    In the following articles you will be introduced to some exercises for this first pose.

    (1)Xiadan- the area that includes the pubic area and the gonad system. Exercises enhance the activity of the genital glands. At the same time, a number of biological processes are launched in the human mechanism that increase vitality.

    (2) Traditional Chinese system of slow, gentle exercises that promote health.

    (3) A general term for various types of meditation and therapeutic exercises in China since ancient times.

    Longevity and health

    Exercise 1. Regenerating source (strengthening the kidneys with the help of breathing)

    This exercise returns youth to the body and strengthens the kidneys.

    Initial position:stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the body. Relax, look straight ahead. The mind is free of thoughts (Fig. 1.1).

    Start:inhale deeply while rising onto your toes and straightening your shoulders. For those who are just beginning to practice Taoist exercises,

    It's better to breathe only through your nose. After some time, with regular practice, even beginners will be able to breathe through both their nose and mouth, and also use their lower abdomen to inhale more air (Fig. 1.2). As you exhale, try to pull in your stomach a little, bend your knees and lower yourself onto your heels (Fig. 1.3). Take 16 breaths.

    Hold your breath for a minute, then shake your whole body. Relax all your muscles, stand straight, arms hanging freely along your body, knees slightly bent. Now begin to shake yourself, vibrating your whole body, every muscle and joint.

    At the same time, men should wiggle their testicles (testicles) slightly in the perineum, women should keep the vagina slightly open. Bend your fingers slightly. As you straighten your fingers, you should feel them swelling. You need to shake for about one minute, i.e. there will be about 164 vibrations (Fig. 1.4).

    Note!You will be able to perform this exercise correctly only when you feel how all the muscles of the body vibrate.
    After shaking, place your feet shoulder-width apart and distribute your weight evenly

    on the soles of your feet, bend your knees slightly. Relax and open your mouth slightly. The arms hang freely along the body. Now begin to rotate the shoulder joints: while the left shoulder makes a circular movement forward, up, back and down, the right shoulder makes a circular movement in the opposite direction - back, down, forward and up - and also makes a full rotation.
    This must be done 16 times (Fig. 1.5; 1.6). Use your entire body to move your shoulders. The shoulders, in turn, move the arms. Rotation of the upper body leads to compression of the internal organs, due to which they more actively absorb fresh air and quickly get rid of used air.
    While rotating your shoulder joints, do not try to breathe in any special way. Trust your body and breathe freely, in time with your movements. After prolonged training, by doing this exercise, you will even be able to hear

    sound from the movement of air in the lungs. Compression of the stomach and intestines can lead to rumbling in the stomach and the release of gas. At first, you should not try to do this exercise for longer than we recommend here. The “rounder” the shoulder movements are, the stronger the effect will be. Once your body gets used to the exercise, you can put more force into the shoulder movement and increase the range of rotation as much as possible.

    Results.The purpose of this exercise, the first in our cycle, is to help the body absorb fresh elements and get rid of used ones, learn to manage internal organs, stimulate energy and blood circulation, which will increase the vitality of the body. This exercise is the basis for all subsequent ones.

    In addition, it is indispensable for diseases of the spine and shoulder joints, gastric disorders and painful menstruation. It can be especially recommended to those who want to strengthen their body, improve the functioning of the reproductive system, and change body weight. Beginners should take this exercise very carefully, repeat it 2 times a day, 3-5 minutes each once.

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