What to do if pancakes stick to the pan. Why do pancakes stick to the pan? Let's find out together! Why do pancakes burn in a frying pan and how to avoid it

Pancakes are such a tasty, but at the same time ordinary dish that few people think: is it difficult to cook? Making the dough is a pleasure, but frying the dessert is not the easiest thing! It happens that pancakes burn, stick to the frying pan or do not turn over even with experienced housewives! What is it like then for those just starting to cook? But don't be upset about it. There are not many reasons why pancakes turn out lumpy. You just need to figure them out and avoid making these mistakes next time. The article explains why pancakes stick to the pan, and also provides a recipe for which they always turn out perfect.

Why the dough burns and sticks: the most common mistake cooks make

Of course, every housewife wants variety. It is impossible to cook pancakes according to one recipe all your life. And so, when preparing the dough, the housewife does everything according to the rules, measuring the food with spoons and glasses. She has already heated up the frying pan, greased it with oil, poured in the dough, but the pancake just won’t turn over. Why? Because she has no experience and doesn’t know what the consistency should be. Remember that for regular thin pancakes the dough should be similar to sour cream. When adding flour, do not follow the recipe exactly, as different types of flour thicken the pancake batter differently. Focus on thickening the consistency.

Ways to fix the error:

  • If the dough turns out to be too thick, then you need to pour into it the liquid with which it was prepared (water, kefir or milk). It is advisable to heat the liquid or bring it to at least room temperature before adding.
  • If the dough is too runny, feel free to add as much flour as needed until a creamy mixture forms.

Do I need a non-stick pancake maker if the dough sticks to the pan?

Unfortunately, even experienced pancake bakers are not always able to cook perfect pancakes. But don't be upset, you just need to reconsider the recipe. You cannot add foods to the dough “by eye” or by taste (we are not talking about spices). For example, if you overdo it a little with soda, the pancakes will stick to the pan. When turned over they tear. And the lack of such an important ingredient as an egg will make the dessert loose and unattractive.

And this can and should be corrected, but the test should not be lost:

  • First, add the egg, mix the pancake mixture thoroughly and fry the pancake. If you think it is a bit pale, add another egg.
  • Is the situation not improving? Fixing this error requires a lot more work. Prepare another batch of pancake mixture (but don’t put soda in it anymore!) and mix it with this one.

In order to spend less time fiddling with correcting defects, it is better to do everything immediately according to the recipe.

What to do if the pancakes don’t come off or the frying pan is to blame

Indeed, sometimes the frying pan is to blame for spoiled pancakes. If you bought a new device for frying pancakes, but you can’t fry them on it, then don’t worry.

You just need to heat it up:

  1. Pour salt onto the new device so that the bottom cannot be seen.
  2. Add forty grams of baking soda to this powder.
  3. Mix everything and distribute evenly throughout the device, then turn on the heat.
  4. When you see the powder begin to change color (usually a creamy color), turn off the heat and remove it from the pan.
  5. Rinse the dishes under running cool water.

Never wash a pancake pan with rough or wire wool. Try not to use soap solutions when washing it.

But if you are going to buy a new frying pan, then it is better to purchase a special one for frying pancakes or with a non-stick coating. Because they will not stick to it, even if you do not smear it with oil.

What to do if pancakes burn and stick to the pan

For most housewives, the first pancake comes out lumpy (this is good, if only the first). This happens because they lack patience. The pan for frying pancakes should be hot. In order not to torment yourself, turn on the heat when you just start stirring the dough (if the recipe does not require it to stand for some time). The frying pan must first be heated simply, and then with a thin layer of oil. Add the pancake when you see the pan starting to smoke.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan: maybe there is not enough oil

Nobody wants to gain weight, so they add critically little oil. It’s good if you have a frying pan for pancakes (at least don’t use oil at all!), but if you don’t, then the dessert will burn. To fry thin pancakes, it is enough to lubricate the device with a napkin dipped in oil, but to fry thick ones you will need more. If you still do not want to break your diet, then add olive oil to the dough itself and spread a thin layer of vegetable oil on the frying pan. This will not harm your figure much, especially if you consume dessert in the first half of the day.

Recipe for “perfect” pancakes that don’t stick to the pan


  • seven hundred and fifty milliliters of milk;
  • three pieces of chicken eggs;
  • fifty grams of granulated sugar (if you don’t have a sweet tooth);
  • fifty grams of sifted flour;
  • ten grams of baking soda;
  • lemon (you will need a spoon of its juice);
  • salt to taste;
  • thirty milliliters of sunflower oil.

How to cook:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt.
  2. Whisk everything until a foamy mass forms.
  3. Add flour little by little, stirring all the time.
  4. Pour in the milk and mix everything.
  5. Add like this: one hundred grams of flour, one hundred grams of milk - mix everything (so that the dough is not hard). If you see lumps remaining, don't be discouraged. At the end (when everything is added) you can mix the mixture with a mixer.
  6. Add everything else and mix with a mixer.
  7. If you think that the dough is too liquid, do not add flour to it - it should be like that.
  8. Grease the pan with oil and fry on the middle window.

Non-stick pancakes (video)

Pancakes stick: a simple, quick way (video)

If you can't get your pancakes off, don't despair. Just take a closer look at your actions to find a mistake in them, correct it and avoid it next time. First, learn how to bake pancakes, the recipe for which is easy and simple, then take on more complex dishes.

Many people love pancakes, of course - this simple delicacy can be made in a matter of minutes, and the food consumption is minimal. But sometimes housewives encounter difficulties during the cooking process. What to do if the pancakes don’t turn out well - they burn, tear or taste bad?

The main thing is not to get upset. It is better to learn more about the possible causes of failures and ways to eliminate them.


As a rule, pancakes fail due to mistakes made during the mixing and frying stage. Let's take a closer look at the most common problems.

"Rubber" pancakes

The phrase “rubber pancakes” means their excessive rigidity, which becomes more noticeable after cooling. Why is this happening?

Possible reasons:

  1. Too much flour. Thick, heavy dough, especially if there is little baking powder in it, will make the pancakes “rubbery” or they will not turn out at all. If you notice that the mass is thicker than necessary, you can add a little water at room temperature while stirring it.
  2. Excess eggs. To avoid spoiling the pancakes, follow the recipe proportions.
  3. Errors when mixing ingredients. Over-beating eliminates micro-air bubbles that create looseness. This will change the batter for the worse and make the pancakes tough. If there are lumps, they are carefully broken up with a spoon.
  4. The dough was kneaded only with water. Whey, milk or kefir in moderate quantities are required.
  5. The milk was too fatty. An undesirable effect is possible when adding a high-fat dairy product. Therefore, such milk is diluted with water before adding to the dough.

Pancakes burn

Sticking and burning pancakes are a fairly common problem. But it's not difficult to deal with.

One of the reasons is a lot of sugar in the dough. If you added it “by eye”, you should try adding less.

As practice shows, pancakes burn less often if the frying pan is thick-walled and made of cast iron or aluminum. The effect is achieved due to the fact that when frying, a fatty film is formed on the surface of these materials. It is advisable not to wash a cast iron frying pan; just clean it dry, wiping it with a soft cloth and salt.

If you have a Teflon coating, you can prevent burning by pouring a little boiling water into the dough before frying. Also, the rule for any frying pan is to use it only for pancakes and heat it well beforehand.

Also, pay attention to the amount of frying oil. Pancakes should not float in it, but a dry frying pan increases the chances of burning, so you need to add oil periodically. If it has already been added to the dough, topping is needed only for the first 2-3 pancakes.

Using fresh lard instead of butter gives good results. To prevent the pancakes from sticking, lightly grease the hot frying pan with a piece stuck on a fork. The action is repeated before each new pancake.

It is important to note that if the pancake is already stuck, it is not enough to simply remove it before continuing frying. The pan needs to be washed, reheated and greased.

Pancakes are too dense

Pancakes may harden if you do not grease them with butter or sunflower oil after baking. A small amount is enough.

Other reasons are lack of oil in the pan and frying for too long. For pancakes, medium gas on the burner is optimal.

In addition, during the frying process, ready-made pancakes should be kept covered (under a plate or lid). Wrapping the filling in them immediately after baking will also keep the product soft.

Pancakes are tearing

Pancakes often tear when turned over. The reasons may be trivial - an inconvenient frying pan (high sides) or lack of skills.

But more often pancakes break due to improper mixing of the dough. It should not be too liquid or too thick; excess baking powder (special or regular soda) will also cause pancakes to tear. It is advisable to add vegetable oil (2-3 tablespoons), this will prevent the pancakes from burning and tearing when turning over.

To ensure that the gluten in the dough can swell and fully hold it together, do not start cooking right away. It needs to sit for at least 15 minutes.

The technique of frying and flipping pancakes also affects the result. Firstly, the frying pan must be hot, to check this - spray water on it. Hissing indicates readiness for work. In special frying pans, to simplify the task, there is an indicator in the center that changes color when heated.

Secondly, so that the pancakes do not tear when flipping, their diameter should be slightly smaller than the frying pan. This makes prying them off with a spatula much easier.

Third, choose the right moment to turn over. If the top side is no longer liquid, and the edge of the bottom begins to brown, the time has come. Make sure that the pancake comes off easily and carefully turn it over with a spatula; you can additionally hold it with a table knife so as not to crush it.

Pancakes turn out tasteless

If you want fluffy pancakes, it is better to knead the dough in water. But the optimal taste is obtained by adding milk. Those who do not like fried pancakes should add a minimum of sugar.

How to avoid mistakes?

And finally, some more useful tips. In order for the pancakes to turn out perfectly, you need:

  1. Check the freshness of all products and do not use spoiled ones.
  2. Gently heat the milk and dilute it with water before adding it to the dough. It is better if it is natural and not dry powder.
  3. Do not add or put in small quantities ingredients that are not related to the main recipe - cocoa, chocolate chips, chopped nuts, etc. Due to their excess, pancakes can tear and stick.
  4. Avoid using powdered eggs, and beat fresh eggs well first.
  5. Dissolve salt and sugar in water and add it to the mixture as a liquid.
  6. Don't forget to sift the flour before adding it to the dough.
  7. Eliminate lumps if they formed during kneading.
  8. Know that oil is always poured last into a ready-made mixture.
  9. Pour the batter into a medium-sized or small ladle so that the pancakes do not turn out too large and thick. In this case, uniform distribution of the mass in the pan is achieved by quickly shaking it in different directions.
  10. Have a separate pan for pancakes, not used for cooking other dishes.

If your pancakes fail and tear, or their taste leaves much to be desired, you need to analyze the recipe, kneading and baking technology. Usually this is enough to detect and eliminate the “weak spot”. Everyone has failures, but we hope that our tips will help turn your pancakes into a culinary masterpiece.

Useful video about why pancakes stick to the pan and tear

Baking pancakes at home, sometimes, turns out to be not an easy task; baking in the hands, sometimes even of experienced housewives, can be too capricious. For example, “why do pancakes burn” - not everyone will answer this question, however, without knowing the true causes and ways to solve the problem, you definitely won’t be able to make delicious baked goods. Read more about cooking secrets in the article, because proven recommendations will help prevent culinary failures.

Burn in a frying pan: 5 main reasons

If you are going to cook your favorite homemade pancakes in a frying pan for the first time or have already done it, but it didn’t work out, then the first thing you need to do is find out the reasons why the unwanted burning occurred.

There are not many significant reasons, but every housewife should know them.

The dough does not have the right consistency

Very often, pancakes burn when the batter is too liquid, but burning can also occur when the pancake batter is thick.

Pancakes made with thick batter not only burn, but also turn out quite tough.

Unleavened dough

Wrong pan chosen for baking pancakes

A baking pan must be made of a certain material. A cast iron or aluminum frying pan with a thick bottom is best suited for preparing delicate, thin pancakes. Read more about how to choose the right cookware in the next article.

The frying pan is not hot enough. A poorly heated pan will not produce good pancakes; they will begin to stick, burn and tear.

Poorly greased frying pan

Ungreased or insufficiently oiled pan. A dry pan that is poorly moistened with vegetable oil will cause the pancakes to brown too much.

To avoid pancakes burning in a frying pan, you need to have in your culinary arsenal effective tips that can help at any stage of cooking.

Pancakes burn: what to do and how to fix it

Having considered the possible reasons why pancakes burn, it’s time to move on to ways to eliminate this problem.

If you don’t know what to do to prevent pancakes from burning, then here are some simple recommendations that can be considered instructions for action for any housewife.

Adjusting the consistency of the dough

We make the pancake dough to the desired consistency (about the same as good thick homemade sour cream). If you didn’t make the dough correctly, don’t be upset, try to adjust it a little.

  • Add flour to the batter (determine the quantity depending on the consistency of the resulting mass).
  • Add a little liquid to the thick mixture (it all depends on what you use to cook the pancakes: milk, water, whey, etc.).

Vegetable oil for dough

Add odorless vegetable oil to the dough. Determine the amount of oil according to the cooking recipe you are using, but do not overdo it.

When you add butter to the dough, do not forget to mix it.

Do the same when frying pancakes: periodically, until you have used up all the dough, stir it so that the oil that accumulates on the surface is evenly distributed throughout the dough mass.

Heat of the frying pan

We bake pancakes at home only on a well-heated, greased frying pan. Read more about the temperature for frying pancakes in the next article.

  • Heat the frying pan until the first “smoke”, only after that grease it with oil and start baking pancakes.
  • Do not pour oil into the pan, do not allow the baked goods to float in it.
  • It is enough to grease the bottom and sides of the heated pan so that the pancakes can bake and brown well.

Do not cook pancakes in a new frying pan, do not bake them on a “dry” bottom, completely without oil, and do not use Chinese-made pans. Only aluminum and cast iron, in extreme cases, enameled or non-stick coated.

  • Melt a piece of lard in a frying pan. If you use this method, you no longer need to grease the frying pan with oil before each new portion of dough. In this case, lard will serve as a non-stick effect; lubricate the bottom with it after each pancake.
  • Rub the bottom of the pan with half an onion, then heat the pan, then grease with fat/vegetable oil.
  • Fry the salt in a frying pan. This method is very effective in preventing homemade pancakes from burning.

As you can see, there are not many reasons why pancakes burn, so every housewife can fix the problem. A little experience and practical advice at hand - and your baked goods will always turn out to be a feast for the eyes.

Bon appetit!

Surely you have encountered an unpleasant situation when pancakes for some reason stuck to the frying pan. Our advice will tell you what to do in this case.

Preparing the dough correctly

If you want to figure out why pancakes stick to the pan, then pay attention to the ratio of products and dough composition.

Pancakes will no longer stick to the pan

The classic recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 4 cups sifted wheat flour;
  • 2.5 glasses of milk or water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 20 g yeast.

Try this recipe first and then use it to prepare more complex dishes.

Experienced housewives have not used measuring cups for a long time and mix products in random order. In this case, the dough may turn out too thin or thick. The fix is ​​simple: just add a little flour or water.

The quality of the dough is affected by the absence of eggs, which act as a kind of glue. If you want to make pancakes less fatty, then do not give up this product, but replace it with egg whites.

Insufficient amount of oil in the dough and in the frying pan is another answer to the question of why pancakes stick. In addition, the use of vegetable and animal fats will improve the taste of the finished product.

Pancake pan

Our mothers and grandmothers did not know what a pancake frying pan was, and therefore they baked their favorite treat using ordinary cast iron dishes. But nowadays you can find thin pans with a special coating that protects pancakes from sticking. Try using specialized cookware to protect yourself from unnecessary problems in the future.

But if you don’t want to get rid of battered frying pans, then you can solve the problem in another way:

  • First you need to rinse the pan thoroughly and dry it completely. After that, put it on the fire, pour half a glass of salt and a couple of tablespoons of soda on the bottom;
  • heat the cookware until the contents change color. After this, throw away the soda and salt, rinse the frying pan and wipe with a soft cloth.

Your cookware is ready for use, now you can safely fry pancakes on it. Just remember to reheat it and then pour two or three tablespoons of vegetable oil into the bottom. In the future, do not use hard brushes or metal sponges to wash it.


Sometimes pancakes tear and stick due to the wrong consistency of the dough. It may turn out too liquid or, conversely, thick. A simple way to dilute a thick dough is to add to it the liquid with which it was kneaded: water, milk, kefir, etc. And if the dough turns out to be too liquid, then try adding a little flour. All ingredients in the dough should be at room temperature, and in order for its components to mix well, the dough should be allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes.


If pancakes are baked with milk (or kefir) alone, they often burn. In this case, you can add water to the dough. Dilute the milk by a third or half with water.


Sometimes pancakes don't turn out well due to too much sugar. The bottom of the pancake is already starting to burn, but the top does not have time to bake. And when you have to turn such a pancake over, it naturally breaks. So don’t try to make the pancakes sweeter, but try to follow the recipe.


To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan and tearing, experienced housewives recommend having a separate pan just for pancakes. It is preferable that it be cast iron, but a good non-stick frying pan will also work. You only need to wash such a frying pan with water, without using dishwashing detergents and, especially, a dishwasher.


The first pancake often turns out “lumpy” due to the fact that the pan is not warm enough. Therefore, it is necessary to warm it up in advance and strongly, and then add oil and reduce the heat to medium.


The most common reason why pancakes stick to the pan and tear is the wrong amount of oil. There shouldn’t be too much of it, as this can cause the pancakes to burn, but it shouldn’t be too little, otherwise the pancakes will tear and stick to the pan.

  • First add 2-3 tablespoons of oil to the dough.
  • Be sure to grease the pan after the 2nd or 3rd pancake, and if the pan is new, then after each one.
  • Remember to grease the sides of the pan, not just the bottom.
  • There are now special brushes or spatulas for lubrication, but our mothers and grandmothers used improvised means. We pricked half an onion or potato on a fork and used them to evenly distribute the oil throughout the pan.
  • Instead of vegetable oil, experienced chefs recommend using a piece of lard.
  • If too much oil has accumulated in the pan, it must be removed. To do this, take a small spatula, wrap it in a napkin and secure it with an elastic band.

shoulder blades

There are housewives who turn pancakes over with their hands, saying that this is the only way the pancakes don’t tear when flipped. The method is really convenient if you are not afraid of getting burned. Using a spatula, you can separate the edges of the pancake and then quickly flip it over with your hands. And to prevent it from getting too hot, you can work with culinary gloves. If this extreme option is not for you, use a wide spatula with a long handle.

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