Amir. The meaning of the name, character, features. Meaning of the name Amir for a boy Muslim name Amir

Meaning: order

Meaning of the name Emir - interpretation

The noble male name Emir is of Arabic origin and means “chief”, “commanding”, “lord”. Such a deep and majestic meaning directly affects the character of the individual. The name is popular in Muslim countries. It can be heard especially often in Turkey. In some countries it is similar to the name Amir. In ancient times it was used as a title for military leaders and supreme rulers. The emirs are patronized by the planet Mercury, and their talisman is emerald and agate.

Years later

From early childhood, Emir understands his importance. He behaves like a little prince, is overly inquisitive and self-willed. It is difficult for parents to cope with this state of affairs. Over time, the boy will outgrow the state of childhood uncontrollability and his psyche will transform. As Emir grows up, he will acquire a share of arrogance, but his actions will always be balanced and fair. Boys with this name cannot have a simple character. Activity, practicality, courage, determination are his main features.

Emir is a responsible and strong person who rarely needs support. He is not at all interested in conflicts and quarrels. Since childhood, the owner of this name has behaved like a little prince. Whether this is due to the parents who dreamed of a long-awaited heir, or the influence of the “crowned” name, the fact remains. With age, he becomes independent beyond his years, reserved, proud and sometimes even arrogant. Emir has all the necessary qualities for a true defender and warrior: a sense of responsibility and justice, courage, courage, and a decisive character. He is very strong in spirit, but this does not mean that such people become adults and independent early.

The Emir becomes more independent. He has a somewhat complex character. Not all the guys want to accept Emir’s desire for superiority. You can notice that from time to time he keeps himself apart from his peers. Restraint and pride become key characteristics during adolescence. Leadership qualities are very pronounced. At this stage of life, a teenager needs to clearly and correctly explain the correct truths about kindness, friendship, and helping loved ones. This will help direct energy in a peaceful direction, because the warlike component of nature can make itself felt at any moment. He likes to be paid attention to, shown signs of attention, and expressed admiration.

Unfortunately, the owner of this name is not always inclined to finish what he starts. Therefore, his ideas do not always receive worthy implementation. Having matured, he learns to subtly sense the sources of enrichment, and therefore most often has a well-paid job and is able to run a business. The Emir is best suited for management activities, religion, military affairs, and economics.

As an adult, Emir becomes very interested in financial well-being. Constantly looking for ways to make money. Chooses only highly paid jobs. We must pay tribute - he achieves his goals. Emir has well-developed intuition, and in combination with intelligence and leadership qualities, this is a guaranteed success in business.

The main thing is not to quit what you started. It is precisely this quality that owners of a noble name periodically sin. He knows how and loves to take care of himself - this gives the owner of the name Emir real pleasure. Always fashionable and stylish, neat and principled. In relations with women, a person with this name is as noble as in relations with family and friends. Despite the fact that he dreams of seeing next to him a girl who is ideal in every sense (and who doesn’t dream!), he will never pettly reproach his lady of his heart for certain imperfections.

Amorous and flighty in his youth, he usually feels the need for marriage and family only in adulthood. For Emir, family is sacred. Under no circumstances will he wash dirty linen in public. No matter what happens between household members, outside his own walls he will not stoop to a stormy showdown. In general, the bearer of this name does not tolerate scandals, preferring to resolve conflicts peacefully, and in this regard, showing real miracles of diplomacy.

Emir's character

Positive character traits include nobility, activity and speed of reaction. He cannot tolerate vulgarity and carelessness. Personality strengths are discipline, fairness, courage, resourcefulness and independence. It is thanks to such qualities that Emirs become strict but talented leaders.

Emir has all the necessary qualities for a true defender and warrior: a sense of responsibility and justice, courage, courage, and a decisive character. He is very strong in spirit, but this does not mean that such people become adults and independent early.

From childhood, arrogance and pride are manifested in the character. Authoritarianism is strongly expressed. It is this that prevents you from building relationships with colleagues or subordinates. A few more character weaknesses are the inability to concentrate on one goal.

Unfortunately, the owner of this name is not always inclined to finish what he starts. Therefore, his ideas do not always receive worthy implementation. Having matured, he learns to subtly sense the sources of enrichment, and therefore most often has a well-paid job and is able to run a business.

Emir's fate

The direction of life's path depends on the chosen road. If, in adolescence, parents and teachers manage to direct energy in a peaceful direction, then fate will turn out well. It will contain success, love, and prosperity.

The second option is not so rosy. Arrogance, the desire to be an overlord and leadership qualities can be destructive. What kind of warrior the Emir will become depends largely on his own choice - he can be either “good” or “evil”.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

The Emir will never work where he does not like. If the game is worth the candle, the activity promises high profits, he is ready to forget about sleep and rest for a long time. Such perseverance is very enviable. The Emir achieves particular success in business, military affairs or in leadership positions.

He best manages to realize his capabilities and needs in economics, management, religious and military activities. However, in order for fate to work out in the best way in these areas, the Emir simply needs to learn to concentrate on one specific task, develop perseverance and the ability to bring everything to the end.

Marriage and family

The Emir takes marriage very seriously, considering it sacred. In the family, he shows amazing abilities to diplomatically resolve any conflicts. He will never discuss what is happening in the family with friends. Children are a real outlet. Spending time together, helping with homework, playing - all this is real family happiness. It is recommended to choose women named Amina, Karina or Maya as a spouse.

Having married, Emir puts his family first in life. There is never a stormy showdown between him and his wife. He prefers to solve everything quietly and peacefully, for which his other half is immensely grateful to him. However, this does not mean that his chosen one can relax and go with the flow - and she needs to do a lot to ensure that their fate develops in the best possible way.

Sex and love

In his youth, Emir simply basks in female attention. He is so flighty that there is no need to even think about the possibility of marriage. Only with age comes the desire to settle down and start a family. In love, a man named Emir will become a real stronghold of romance for his chosen one.

He knows how to express feelings beautifully and nobly, experiencing them deeply and sincerely in his heart and soul. The woman who becomes his chosen one will be conquered by courtship. She will only have to reciprocate. There is only a small requirement - the woman you love must be ideal in all respects.


Visiting doctors for owners of this name is real torture. They are very bad patients, but good health allows them to ignore the need to make visits to medical institutions. This feature persists throughout life. However, already in old age, when age-related changes appear and trips to doctors become a necessity, the Emirs become more tolerant, at least outwardly.

Such a unique nature requires special pedagogical correction. If the boy is not explained in time “what is good and what is bad,” it is quite possible that he may direct his energy in the wrong direction. And since Emir has well-developed leadership qualities, this is doubly dangerous.

Interests and hobbies

A great love for animals does not pass without a trace. This becomes the reason why a cat or dog almost always lives in the Emir’s house. He loves animals and enjoys training and raising dogs. He prefers to spend his free time paying attention to music or watching movies.

Since childhood, the owner of this name behaves like a little prince. Whether this is due to the parents who dreamed of a long-awaited heir, or the influence of the “crowned” name, the fact remains. With age, he becomes independent beyond his years, reserved, proud and sometimes even arrogant.
Emir has all the necessary qualities for a true defender and warrior: a sense of responsibility and justice, courage, courage, and a decisive character. He is very strong in spirit, but this does not mean that such people become adults and independent early.

The meaning of the name Amir is translated from Arabic as “chief”, “manager”. Translated from Tatar - “commanding prince”, in Pakistan this name is “prosperous”, translated from Hebrew - “top of a tree”.

Origin of the name

According to one version of the origin of the name Amir, it is believed that it originates from the word “emir” - head of state, prince, ruler. According to another version, the name comes from Arabic. The name Amir is Muslim, Arabic, Pakistani and Jewish.

Characteristics of the name


Amir looks like his father; he has copied his behavior since childhood. And if a boy grows up without a father, he begins to imitate his older brother or grandfather. From a very early age, he is drawn to older men; he needs male education. The complex character of the boy is subject only to a strong male hand.

Little Amir is growing up as an active and energetic child. Develops well mentally and physically. He is often disobedient, capricious, and even somewhat cruel.


By nature, Amir is a little shy, likes to spend time alone, he does not like it when anyone violates his personal space. Outwardly, he looks like a practical and pragmatic person, but Amir’s inner world is fraught with romance, sensitivity and peacefulness. He will always come to the rescue, knows how to understand the essence of the problem and gets rid of the cause, not the consequences.

Such a contradictory character of Amir emphasizes his bright individuality. He will never sacrifice his interests for the sake of illusory ideals. This person stands firmly on his feet and knows his benefit in any situation.

A person with this name is open to others, self-sufficient, extraordinary and reasonable. The bearer of the name Amir is characterized by ambition, vanity and some cynicism.


The name Amir fully reveals the essence of an eastern man, symbolizing courage and courage. He is assertive, brave and energetic. A heightened sense of justice will not allow him to commit a vile act or deceive anyone. You can trust this person unconditionally and be sure that he will never betray. Amir is an honest and generous person who enjoys unquestioned authority. Purposeful, demanding and energetic, he can become a good leader. He is demanding not only of others, but also of himself.

Can become a philosopher, scientist or religious figure.

Personal life

The tendency to command can cause quarrels and conflicts in family life. He will treat his wife with reverence, but will not stop showing his authority. Amir will be a wonderful caring father for children.

Name compatibility

The middle name Rustamovich suits Amir.

To create a family, good compatibility with the names Milana, Karina, Malika, Marina, Sofya. Relationships with Antonina, Ekaterina, Nadezhda, Amina, Elvira, Yana and Elina will be less successful.

Name day

Famous people

This name was glorified by Indian film star Aamir Kham and boxer Amir Khan Zab Judah.

One of the most popular origins of the name Amir is Arabic. Linguists tend to trust the version that the meaning of the name Amir comes from the form Emir, which was popular early in the East, which was considered royal. In Arab countries, Amir was considered a separate prefix that complemented the highest titles and army ranks. The meaning of the name Amir in translation from the Tatar version is “commanding master.” The name Amir, which means “prosperous” in Pakistani, is often used among Jews.

The name is endowed with some duality. The meaning of the name Amir may differ in Islam and in Hebrew culture. “Proclaimed,” which is what the name Amir means to Jews, has the most common interpretation in Muslim culture.


The meaning of the name Amir for a boy is to imitate his father in everything. He tries to exactly copy his behavior. If a boy does not have a father, he imitates his brother or another authoritative man whom he sees often. To shape the character of little Amir, male education is extremely important, since only a man can cope with it.

Little Amir is an active and energetic child. He shows curiosity, but often disobedience can be seen in his behavior, sometimes even cruelty. At the same time, shyness can be seen in his behavior. He enjoys spending time in his own company and creating personal space, isolating himself from people and the world around him.

Amir Khan (boxer)

Studying at school is going well. The child has high academic performance, he strives for self-education and development of erudition, therefore he gains an advantage over his peers. In his studies, he shows diligence and stubbornness. Despite the fact that this boy is slightly proud, outwardly he gives the impression of a quite stern-looking and slightly daring boy, who under this mask hides sensitivity and romance, a willingness to always come to the aid of other people. For a boy, the meaning of the name Amir lies in the love of pets. In general, this child is characterized by his kindness, which he shows in everything and to everyone.

This child is distinguished by a unique statement, so from childhood it is necessary to form the moral and ethical values ​​of the future man. Due to the influence of bad company, he may early become addicted to bad habits. The right approach to parenting will help turn Amir into a good and worthy guy who will get along well with others.

For a boy, the name Amir is always a desire for perfection. This shows his leadership qualities, he likes to be the best in everything, for this he becomes as diligent as possible.

Business and career

The name Amir, the meaning of the name and the fate of this person allow him to successfully realize himself in the field of science and art. His high erudition, large store of knowledge, well-developed intuition and excellent natural charisma allow him to become an excellent religious figure who is ready to lead the masses. Areas such as sports or politics are also good for this name. The meaning of the name Amir can be traced to its implementation in the armed forces.
If a guy starts planning for the future from a young age, he can turn into an excellent leader who will perfectly understand the obligations assigned to him. In order to become a good leader, he needs to develop perseverance, perseverance and attentiveness.

The name Amir, which means “leader” or “manager”, is endowed with natural enterprise. His brain tirelessly reproduces new ideas that he is able to bring to life. The main thing is to single out one or two worthwhile ideas from the variety of ideas and focus on their implementation. This person has a great sense of benefit, so he usually always successfully makes financial investments. He is able to create a completely successful business thanks to his assertiveness, determination, deliberate actions and good reputation.

Personal life

According to the meaning of the name, Amir is a rather impulsive, temperamental person, in whom there is simply an excess of passion. If he likes a girl, then he will show her all possible exquisite courtship. His chosen one will not be deprived of compliments and various gifts. While Amir is interested in the girl, he is gentle and gallant with her. But his feelings for her can fade away just as quickly as they flared up.

The high sexuality that the name Amir means makes him a wonderful lover who gives his partner maximum pleasure. When a guy decides to get married, he remains faithful to his chosen one and will never betray her. It also happens that marriage occurs spontaneously under the influence of events, emotions, and the feeling of falling in love. But more often than not, even such a marriage works out well. He loves his wife and children very much, tries to pamper everyone, buys them gifts. He will have a strong family with a woman who is able to create home comfort and maintain an atmosphere of warmth, care, and tranquility.

The meaning of the name Amir, the character and fate of a man comes down to the birth of children. His happiness largely depends on their number. He likes to take care of them, educate them and pamper them. He will treat his wife not only with love, as a woman, but also with respect, as the mother of his children. Although outwardly Amir does not look like an emotional father, he approaches raising children thoroughly and demandingly. Starting a family is a very important step for him. He takes full responsibility and guarantees his wife full protection, solves her problems, provides for her family, and protects her interests. It is very important that the wife sincerely supports her husband and also listens to his orders. Therefore, a pliable, flexible, quiet and calm woman is suitable for Amir.


According to the meaning of the name Amir in Arab countries, men who wear it are distinguished by their courageous and strong character. This is true, because the name gives the owner all the basic character traits that are characteristic of a true man.

An adult man named Amir has a very contradictory character. He combines kindness and sensitivity with cruelty, which he knows how to show when he wants. This person does not create illusions and does not have his head in the clouds, he does not sacrifice his interests for the sake of dubious undertakings, he is able to stand firmly on his feet and make any situation beneficial for himself.

With the name Amir, which means “prince” or “chief,” the whole essence of Eastern people is revealed. The man is a vivid embodiment of courage and bravery, distinguished by his courage, assertiveness, justice and undying energy. He is not capable of deception or meanness due to a well-developed sense of justice.

According to the meaning of the name, Amir is a wonderful and reliable friend who can be trusted. Friends never doubt him and know that he will not betray. This is a fairly authoritative person who is respected by friends. Despite his demanding nature, he is very generous and good-natured with his friends.

Positive character traits - practicality, activity, high mental abilities. He is distinguished by his undying optimism and creativity. The meaning of the name Amir is characterized by practical qualities and ingenuity, which allows him to navigate well in any new, unknown and difficult situations. This man's grip is called the tenacity of a pit bull. He always takes the situation into perspective and shows composure in critical situations.

Amir's negative qualities include conflict and secrecy, and pronounced vanity. These qualities sometimes cause a lack of friends. The man also likes to constantly argue, prove his point of view, and is distinguished by his temper. He tries not to talk about his plans and intentions, keeping everything inside himself. To achieve the goal, he can even show deceit.

The secret of the name Amir

Agate talisman stone

The origin of the name Amir is combined with astrological and earthly talismans:

  • Patron planet - Mercury;
  • Zodiac constellation – Virgo, Gemini;
  • Lucky shades are mixed colors;
  • A favorable plant is basil, from trees - walnut;
  • Totem animals – monkey and fox;
  • Talisman stone – agate, emerald.


Women named Milena, Karina, Malika, Kira, Alesya, Arina, Yulia, Varvara, Irina, Elina are suitable for marriage with a man named Amir, which means “prince”.

Amir has poor compatibility with girls named Olesya, Natalya, Svetlana, Daria, Elizaveta, Margarita, Diana, Elena, Marina, Victoria, Nadezhda, Christina, Evgenia.

Your name is more than just a set of characters. But it contains deep meaning. It is important to know the interpretation of your name. What does the name Amir mean? What is the origin and history of the name Amir?

Meaning of the name Amir

Amir - lord, ruler. The name has ancient roots and is revered among the Chechen people. The zodiac sign that patronizes the name is Virgo, Gemini. Both of these signs indicate the instability of the energy of the owner of the name. Amir is prone to duplicity; he tries to defend, first of all, his personal interests.

The planet that commands the main events in Amir’s life is Mercury. This planet is in charge of the processes of destruction, chaos, and war. She betrays Amir's temperament to be hot-tempered and merciless.

Amir is better off choosing mixed colors for his wardrobe. He will be impressed by both bright and pastel colors. The tree that will become Amir’s talisman is a nut. The plant that will bring him luck is basil. Amir's patrons in the animal kingdom are the monkey and the fox. The stones that will become talismans for him are agate and emerald.

Origin and history of the name Amir

The name is of Muslim origin, but is considered Chechen. Historians have several versions of his origin, but are inclined to believe that the name Amir means the ruler. A man who leads the people and troops.

The saint of the same name is absent from the Catholic and Orthodox traditions. That's why he doesn't celebrate his name day. But for Muslim people this is not a problem. The name did not become widespread in Europe. Used only in rare cases.

The character and fate of Amir

It is worth highlighting Amir’s positive character traits:







The meaning of the name Amir determines all his positive character traits, since they should be inherent in a real ruler. But even as a true ruler, he is prone to isolation and secrecy.

It is also worth highlighting his other negative character traits:

Hot temper;



Due to negative, pronounced character traits, it is very difficult for Amir to make friends. He very rarely makes concessions. Always tries to be ahead of others. But he chooses negative methods to achieve his goal. He can quarrel even with the closest people if the matter demands it.

For Amir, the number seven is considered lucky. She patronizes a man in all his endeavors. Amir may seem overconfident. Strangers will consider him a cynic. But only close friends know how talented he is.

He can have a lot of interests and hobbies from an early age. Amir does not seek to prove to others that he is better than them, this is just the way it is. He will become a wonderful leader, if he can restrain his negative emotions.

He has been restless since childhood. Because of this, his studies suffer. Parents begin to sound the alarm and scold their son for not being able to sit focused for a second. To all the admonitions of his elders, Amir simply shrugs his shoulders. His pranks sometimes cost his parents dearly. He is very cocky at school. Constantly gets into fights. It creates problems out of the blue.

Teachers consider him not a promising student, but if Amir decides to devote his life to his favorite business, and most likely it will bring him a lot of money, he will achieve everything himself.

Amir has a strong bond with his mother. He is very dependent on her opinion. If Amir really wants something, he can beg her for it for a long time. A mother adores her disobedient and difficult son. The father is often very strict with Amir. This can even lead to the boy running away from home at an early age. Amir will soon return home as his mother will miss him very much.

Amir does not see the point in understanding the intricacies of the souls of loved ones; it is easier for him to bombard them with ultimatums, get offended and stop communicating, than to understand the causes of the conflict. It is this character trait that does not allow Amir to build relationships with colleagues and subordinates. He does not know how to lead wisely and calmly, just as he is not able to unconditionally obey the instructions of his superiors.

Amir has many bad habits. He strives to grow up early, so he tries on adult life quite early. Begins to imitate elders. Copy their bad habits. If Amir falls in love with sports, it will bring discipline and order into his life. Parents should try many sections, the main thing is that the boy enjoys playing sports.

Amir can connect his fate with law enforcement and the army. This will give him the opportunity to influence the fate of other people, to subjugate them to his will - Amir loves to do this. This kind of work will bring him pleasure.

Amira's love

Amir's character and destiny determine his destiny in personal relationships. Amir's love for his mother also determines the type of woman he chooses as his wife. She will be very similar to his mother. She will be a real beauty, smart, strong woman. Despite his obnoxious character, Amir will want to feel protected at home.

Amir does not tolerate betrayal and will not betray his beloved. He will be ready to shower her with gifts and spend every minute of his free time with her. To which Amir’s beloved will respond only with affection and attention to him.

Amir loves children very much. He wants his family to have many children. He himself is ready to provide his large family with everything necessary. A wife will always feel the support of a caring husband.

She will feel needed. This polarity in Amir’s character is explained by the innate qualities of his temperament. If he learns to curb his temper, it will be much easier for him to come to an agreement with others, with colleagues. He will spend much less energy and vitality in order to achieve results. In any case, Amir is destined to become a great man.

The beautiful, unusual, sonorous, but at the same time sharp and daring meaning of the name Amir embodies all the advantages and disadvantages of a real oriental man. Truly masculine, not suitable for any girl, this name for a child will be a symbol of masculinity and courage.

Such is the fate that boys so named very often grow up in the company of their mother, without a father, and this situation in the family leaves its imprint on the interpretation of this name. Little Amirchik is growing up energetic, active, active, which is very good for a boy and for his development.

But his energy often borders on disobedience, and even some cruelty, which is especially manifested in contradiction to the opinion of his mother. Yes, he attaches importance to her words and comments, but still he does it in his own way, which causes her justifiable indignation.

It is very important for this wayward boy to instill an example of decent male behavior from childhood, so it is important for the mother to provide him with communication with older male relatives if she is raising the child alone.


The imprint of “orientalism” is always present in a mature man, which means that he knows how to give compliments, court, and, in general, woo the girl he likes. But his passion often passes as quickly as it flared up.

The secret of the name Amir is that he categorically does not accept intrusion into his personal space, to which he attaches great importance; he is much more comfortable being alone, only periodically letting women into his life.

The characteristic of the name Amir is such that he makes too strict demands on his chosen one, and if she does not strictly obey him, then he will simply leave her alone. Even having found his “one”, for whom he is ready to move mountains, he will still put pressure on her, therefore, trying to maintain a relationship, a girl often has to step over her moral principles.

Sex with the owner of this name is always good, since the man considers it his duty to please not only himself, but also his partner. But he does this not out of great love, but purely technically, without any special feelings - just so as not to lose face, because he attaches great importance to his experience in the eyes of his partner.


In family life, it is difficult to get a warm expression of affection from the so-called spouse, but this feeling definitely exists, and is very strong. He just doesn’t like ostentation, and attaches importance only to actions with which he can provide his wife and children with a decent existence.

He can be harsh and even rude with his wife, but this does not mean either disdain or cooling towards his wife. He simply perceives her disobedience as a personal fiasco, and may even become depressed about this. He loves children very much, of which there are often quite a lot in his family. He will do everything so that they do not need anything, but there is not much warmth and tenderness in his relationship with the children.

Business and career

Amir always succeeds in his professional activities. He attaches great importance to his success and authority, which means he will do everything to achieve unprecedented heights in his specialty. But mental work does not appeal to him, so you will not find a person so named among scientists.

Aamir Hussain Khan is an outstanding Indian actor, producer, and film director.

He has an extraordinary mind, excellent memory, and the ability to build strategic plans. That is why, when starting his own business, he very rarely burns out or suffers defeat.

Origin of the name Amir

The meaning of this short, sharp, but nevertheless sonorous name is ruler, commanding. Arab countries, where the rulers of the emirate were called Emirs or Amirs, are where this word originated.

Its etymology echoes the title Emir, as mentioned above, and the Emir, in turn, is the owner of the emirate. History contains many facts about the people named so. For example, in Muslim states in ancient times, the prefix -amir- was added to the name of any ruler, military leader, whose name refers to the noble ones.

Characteristics of the name Amir

Masculinity, endurance, poise are the main features of Amir. His character personifies most women's idea of ​​an ideal man. But despite such significant advantages, the owner of this eastern name has both pros and cons.

Disadvantages include the frequent inability to complete what is started. This man’s brain is like a generator of ideas that are generated with enormous frequency. Because of this, he grabs onto everything in a row, and after chasing several birds with one stone, he ultimately achieves nothing.

Amir Khan is a British professional boxer.

But this negative quality is more typical of a young guy, and having become a mature man, he becomes a symbol of consistency, determination, and consistency in actions. He attaches importance only to those undertakings where intuition tells him there is great benefit. It is precisely the monetary component of business that he has a special flair for.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – emerald, agate
  • Name day - the name does not apply to the Orthodox, so the day of the angel is not celebrated.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign – Virgo, Gemini

Famous people

  • Amir Damar Cocu is a successful footballer from Sudan, a defender in the Al-Merreikh club and the Sudanese national team.
  • Amir Khosrow Dehlavi - famous Persian and Indian poet, scientist and musician

Different languages

Hot Arab countries are the area where the name Amir comes from. Everyone knows the country - the United Arab Emirates, and the translation of the word "Amir", or in other words - "Emir" - the ruler of the emirate, king, prince.

It is impossible to say that this sonorous name is universally popular; it is most often given to oriental boys. Therefore, there is no need to talk about how this word is translated into other languages, since only a small number of nationalities have its analogue.

The most important, perhaps, is the Arabic language, in which this word is written using Arabic script -أمير‎‎, and is pronounced the same way as in Russian. Using the Latin alphabet it can be written Amir, and its pronunciation will also not change.

The meaning of the name Amir in Chinese and Japanese is also missing, but in Japanese go can be written using the hieroglyphic pronunciation of Russian letters: Karinkishi.

Name forms

The presence of only two syllables in the name Amir gives little room for flight of fancy, but still loving parents manage to come up with derivatives from it. For example, they affectionately call their son Amirushka, Amirchik, another diminutive is Amirka, which is just as often used as the previous two.

In short, this man can be called Ama, or even shorter Am, but still he prefers to use the abbreviated World, or better yet, the full one. Variants of this name in Arab countries are Emir, and the declensions of this word obey all the basic rules of the Russian language.

The meaning of the name Amir is Muslim, less often Jewish, therefore it is not used in Orthodoxy, and according to the church calendar one cannot find any mention of individuals named so. Therefore, if you are planning to baptize your baby, the priest will give him an Orthodox name, the name day of which is closest to the boy’s date of birth.

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