Individual love horoscope for the month. Monthly love horoscope for zodiac signs Love horoscope for every month

In order for things to go more efficiently and issues to be resolved faster, you need to know which days are favorable. All the most important things should be planned for them. You can find out favorable days using the lunar calendar. […]

Fortune telling by cards is a very old form of fortune telling. It was brought to us by nomadic gypsies who mastered this type of prediction in the East.

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  • Many people think that the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog began on January 1, but this is absolutely wrong. The fact is that according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar, the New Year does not have a fixed date of celebration. He […]

  • According to the eastern horoscope, the patron of 2018 is the Yellow Earth Dog. Astrologers predict serious changes in the lives of many people, and they will take place without unnecessary difficulties. However, it is important to know […]

  • The beginning of the year is not only the most fun and joyful time, but also very important. After all, during this period, programs and tasks are laid down that will develop over the course of twelve months. To […]

  • New Year's holidays are a time of magic, gifts and, of course, fun. Many people want to drink themselves into unconsciousness and do whatever their heart desires, just to forget about the dull everyday life and strict […]

  • Thousands of books have been written about zodiac compatibility. Since ancient times, the task of astrologers has been not only to calculate the horoscopes of individual people, but also to see how they fit in with others. This information was important [...]

  • Love horoscope for January 2018 . At the beginning of the year, Uranus will return to direct motion. The influence of Uranus determines unexpected meetings and acquaintances. A period of extravagant situations and plots in relationships for all zodiac signs. There will be two Supermoons in January 2018 - January 2 and January 31. The supermoon on January 31 will also be a total lunar eclipse. At the end of the month there is a conflict period. Control your emotions and extinguish conflicts immediately.

    Love horoscope for February 2018 . Mars is in transit through the sign of Sagittarius. A time of bright, interesting meetings and acquaintances. A romantic meeting or acquaintance on a long trip is possible. The eclipse corridor will last until February 16, 2018, when a partial Solar eclipse occurs. The main problems and issues in relationships will be resolved after the completion of the eclipse corridor.

    Love horoscope for March 2018 . Jupiter - March 9, 2018 - turns into retrograde motion in the sign of Scorpio. A critical period in relationships, in love. New meetings and separation with the previous partner are also possible. Mars moves into the sign of Capricorn - March 17, 2018. The time is favorable for starting a stable, sustainable relationship - with the prospect of creating a married couple.

    Love horoscope for April 2018 . Saturn returns to direct motion in the sign of Capricorn - April 18, 2018. A good time to start new relationships, build productive partnerships for all zodiac signs. A favorable period for building your own house, cottage, or purchasing a plot of land.

    Love horoscope for May 2018 . The key event of May 2018 will be the transition of Uranus into the sign of Taurus. This influence determines the beginning of a period of vibrant, exciting relationships. Under this influence, love comes at first sight and becomes unforgettable.

    Love horoscope for June 2018 . Neptune turns into reverse motion in the sign of Pisces - June 19, 2018. A month of spiritual insights, an intuitive feeling of partnership, love. Mars turns into reverse motion - June 26, 2018. The period of Mars's retrograde motion is two months - until August 27, 2018. During these two months, it is not recommended to sort things out, find fault with trifles, or everyday problems in relationships. A long-term conflict is possible. There is a possibility of the return of a former partner or a lost love.

    Love horoscope for July 2018 . Jupiter returns to direct motion - July 10, 2018. A new period of joint social and professional growth in creative couples begins. The eclipse corridor opens with the Solar Eclipse - July 13, 2018. In this corridor we will take stock of the 9-year period of our lives and open up new perspectives. Total Lunar Eclipse – July 27th. A conflict period for all zodiac signs. Emotional self-control is required.

    Love horoscope for August 2018 . Uranus turns into reverse motion - August 7, 2018. Difficult period in relationships. It is necessary to be calm about outbursts of feelings and increase the level of mutual understanding with your partner. Solar eclipse - August 11, 2018 - completes the eclipse corridor. Mars returns to direct motion - August 27, 2018. Many pressing problems and issues in the development of relations will begin to be resolved from the second half of August.

    Love horoscope for September 2018 . Saturn returns to direct motion -

    September 6, 2018. Mars enters the sign of Aquarius - September 11, 2018. A period of intense, expressive relationships. A good time for couples to participate in joint large-scale projects and endeavors. Saturn in Capricorn dictates the strategy for developing relationships. With an active, active manifestation of the couple, the period suggests good circumstances in the financial sphere.

    Love horoscope for October 2018 . Pluto returns to direct motion - October 1, 2018. A good time for lovers who are planning the birth of a child. Favorable period for conception. You can clarify individual risk factors and find out the likely gender of your unborn child from your personal astrologer.

    Love horoscope for November 2018 . Jupiter moves into the sign of Sagittarius - November 8, 2018. A new period in the development of relationships. Taking relationships to a new level. The prospect of starting a family and having children for all zodiac signs.

    Love horoscope for December 2018 . A month of summing up the results of the year. The bright, intense energies of 2018 suggest good results and the creation of a base for new family and partnership projects and endeavors. 2019 is a favorable year for new love among representatives of fire and air signs.

    An individual love horoscope for a month is a personal astrological forecast compiled for you personally for the development of events in the field of love and romantic relationships for every day of the month. The online calculation analyzes the influence of planets on your life, in which the starting point is the date of your birth - it is at this moment that your natal chart is formed. From this time on, your destiny begins to unfold, which is deciphered and described by your love horoscope.

    When compiling your individual love horoscope, the coordinates of your place of birth are also taken into account, which, in combination with the date and time, ensures a unique forecast - a real professional horoscope - calculated using the transit method. By drawing up your monthly love horoscope using our online calculation, you will receive information about your personal future, as well as useful recommendations for eliminating possible problems in your personal life, advice on what you need to pay special attention to in order to build a strong and reliable relationship with your loved one.

    An individual love horoscope for a month is compiled for you free of charge, online, without registration. You do not have to send or confirm your mailbox and phone number, send SMS to dubious numbers - you will receive the calculation result immediately.

    Instructions for filling out the form

    To get your individual monthly love horoscope:

    1. Type your name in the field (it will be indicated in the text of the monthly love horoscope).

    2. Indicate the date, month and year of birth.

    3. Indicate the exact time of birth. If the time is unknown, select 12:00.

    4. Select the time zone of your place of birth from the list.

    5. Click the “Get Horoscope” button.

    In the first half of spring May 2019, Aries may occasionally experience misunderstandings in their relationships with loved ones. To prevent this from causing scandals, direct your activity and sensuality in the right direction. Moreover, May is incredibly lucky for those Aries who have insufficiently established relationships and who are still in

    Amorous affairs will develop in the last month of spring 2019 for Taurus the way these people themselves wish. In the second half, you will definitely want some variety in life; do not hesitate to tell your loved one about your fantasies. And in the middle of the month, it is likely that your doubts about the fidelity of your chosen one will be confirmed. AND

    In amorous affairs, men and women of the Gemini sign will experience, as they say, peace and quiet and God's grace in May 2019. Enjoy happiness, enjoy life!

    The exception would be if there were some secrets. Now this “skeleton” will just fall out of the closet. May for Gemini is

    In the personal life of men and women of the zodiac sign Cancer, changes are quite possible in May 2019, as well as an unexpected turn in its course or development of events.

    But it is possible that this will pass on an emotional level. For example, your chosen one will understand that you have long wanted to explain what the relationship depends on.

    In household

    Changes are long overdue in the personal life of both married and still single Leo. The circumstances are quite favorable. If you are still looking for your ideal, you should count on meeting such a person at the most unexpected moment for you.

    Sublime feelings and poetic inspiration will not flare up immediately. At first meeting

    The person you love most at the beginning of the month will want to hear from you verbal assurances of love and devotion. The first half of spring May 2019 is suitable for relaxing together or participating in various types of entertainment events. Your charm and wit will be appreciated.

    Family and marriage will require Virgos

    During the first half of May, Libra should work hard to resolve the problems that are brewing at home. The main source of unrest is the lack of funds. This should be dealt with first. Solve all economic issues together.

    At the end of May, under no circumstances give each other a reason to be jealous. Your soulmate

    Women and men of the Scorpio sign will be subjected to a serious test of strength in May 2019. These people can be unsettled by even minor everyday problems or lack of funds.

    Look for these causes of conflict within yourself. It may be better to direct the energy in a peaceful direction, for example, preparing a family holiday. Take advantage of parenting advice

    In matters of the heart in the last month of spring 2019, Sagittarius is unlikely to experience any disappointment. In a partner you will appreciate the ability to stand on your own two feet and at the same time the ability to understand all your dreams.

    Feel free to let your emotions out this month—your partner will appreciate it! Give

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