Career horoscope for November Taurus. Love horoscope for the sign of Taurus for November. Taurus, what are they like?

The Taurus horoscope for November 2017 warns of a high probability of loss of authority. It is very important this month not to start quarrels, not to participate in dubious matters, and not to cooperate with people who have a controversial reputation. It is recommended to moderate your pride and communicate with people as equals, regardless of their social status or material well-being.

Self-discipline and self-control will help Taurus get away with it. If you treat others in a friendly manner and avoid dubious events, November 2017 will not bring any unpleasant surprises. By ignoring the advice of astrologers, you can not only lose authority in the eyes of your partners, bosses, and colleagues, but also suffer material losses.

Love horoscope Taurus for November 2017

Single Taurus people can meet their soulmate in November. Young girls and boys are especially lucky to have high-status, wealthy partners. The end of autumn is conducive to romantic relationships and gives a lot of opportunities, so you should use your trump cards, go out into the world and attract attention to yourself in every possible way.

In November 2017, family Taurus will be able to strengthen their relationship with their significant other. In the second half of the month, a romantic mood will persist. To give your loved one moments of joy, you should remember the actions with which you managed to surprise at the beginning of the relationship. Joint walks and dates will refresh your senses.

Favorable days for love in November 2017 for Taurus: November 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 27.

Financial horoscope Taurus for November 2017

The Taurus horoscope for November 2017 recommends maintaining smooth, neutral relationships with partners and colleagues. Teamwork is encouraged. Success in business depends on trust between performers. In no case should you insist on your own, but at the same time it is unacceptable to follow someone’s lead. In business, compromise, mutual respect, and proper distribution of labor are important.

Favorable days for money in November 2017 for Taurus: November 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 19, 20, 26, 27, 29, 30.

Health horoscope for the sign Taurus for November 2017

In November, Taurus is advised to take care of their limbs. Fractures and injuries can haunt you both at home, at work, and on the road. Safety is the main thing at the end of autumn, so it is better to give preference to comfortable clothes and shoes with non-slip, smooth soles.

It also wouldn’t hurt to cleanse your body and check your kidneys and liver. Taurus needs to limit the consumption of heavy, fatty foods and avoid alcoholic beverages. If the liver and kidneys make themselves felt, treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the disease may become chronic.

(November 2017)


In November, you will be able to relax and indulge in the pleasures you have long dreamed of. Your life will resemble a holiday, as you will often receive invitations to visit. Try to take advantage of worthwhile offers, as in society you will learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself.

November will be a productive and calm month for Taurus. You will be able not only to realize yourself, but also to show your best qualities to achieve your desired goal. Even if at first it seems to you that everything is going against you, try to pull yourself together and go straight towards your chosen goal. The fact is that the progress of business will depend only on your perseverance, determination and activity.

Some Taurus will be overwhelmed by the whirlpool of events and rapid career growth, while others will be able to enjoy achieving results and spend time and money on pleasure. The result will be completely in your hands, so you will be able to take advantage of the situation for your own personal gain and achieve success without putting in excessive effort.

The only thing that can overshadow your happiness this month is troubles on the personal front. Most likely, your significant other will show inattention or other people will interfere in the relationship. Try to stand up for yourself and avoid rash actions that could harm your relationships and reputation.

Many Taurus will face betrayal and intrigue. Evil tongues can damage your good name, so you may find yourself at a disadvantage. Try to behave with dignity and find excuses for your own behavior if you want to stop the flow of troubles. You will not only be able to get out of this situation with dignity, but you will also be glad that the troubles will soon end. And your enemies may be at a disadvantage if you can stand up for yourself.

Taurus Woman: Horoscope for November 2017

In November, representatives of the sign will be able to be in society more often and allow themselves to shop for not the most necessary, but beautiful things. Suddenly, you will have a lot of free time, and you will be able to perfectly realize yourself in what you love. To have luck on your side, be active. An energy boost will help you not only easily cope with everyday activities, but also find time for communication and hobbies.

In November, you will not only be often invited to holidays, but you will also be able to receive guests at home or visit restaurants and clubs more often. This will allow you not only to expand your own knowledge, but also to learn a lot of new things about friends and acquaintances. Creative Taurus women will be able to receive many interesting offers, one of which will be very profitable. Try not to miss your own chance to make a breakthrough in your career.

You will be glad that circumstances in your personal life turn in your favor. Your loved one will show you the proper attention and love that you have been waiting for for so long. However, personal happiness can be fickle.

Pay attention to dreams and signs - they will tell you what could actually cause your troubles. Perhaps someone else is trying to interfere in the relationship. Try to get as much information as possible on this issue in order to correctly calculate your own actions.

Taurus Man: Horoscope for November 2017

Taurus men will be able to ride the wave both in their personal lives and in their careers. Your contacts with others will expand and you will be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things. If previously things did not move forward, despite all your efforts, then November will provide you with the opportunity to advance in your career and activities.

Success will be facilitated by acquaintances and family ties that will help you take significant steps in your activities. Try to prove yourself in various activities and show your best strengths. If you want to get a position or get paid more, go for it. In the foreground this month you will have various acquaintances and communication with pleasant people. Try not to miss your own chance.

Closer to the second half of the month, representatives of the sign may feel tired, lazy and blues. At this time, the risk of colds increases. If you want to recover quickly and avoid complications, try to spend more time in the fresh air, but don’t forget about warm, high-quality, natural things. They will help you avoid complications and not get sick even on the coldest day of autumn.

Love horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

On the personal front, luck will be unexpected for Taurus. You will be able to take the initiative and get what you want very quickly, even if it seems that winning the heart of a loved one is like getting a star from the sky. Thanks to the positive influence of the planets this month, you will be able not only to achieve reciprocal love, but also to express your feelings in poetry, prose, or show concern for your loved one.

Free representatives of the sign will be able to show their best qualities and win over many people. Some will openly show their interest and sympathy towards you. If you want to find a mate, try to take a closer look at those who are in the shadows. Perhaps luck awaits you there.

Taurus lovers will be able to receive the long-awaited location. Many will decide to get married or propose living together to their significant other. The main thing is to rely on your own feelings and act according to your intuition. Pay attention to signs and dreams - they will help you navigate the situation.

For family representatives of the sign, luck will smile at the end of the month. You will be able not only to solve many of your problems, but also to cope with a difficult situation easily and simply. Relationships with your significant other will become warmer if you show sensitivity and do not behave rudely and inattentively. Try to pay attention to what is bothering your significant other. Then you can find common ground again.

Financial (money) horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

The last month of autumn will thoroughly pamper Taurus with money. You can not only earn good money, but also learn to plan your income and expenses so as not to limit your own desires too much.

At the beginning of November, you should not limit your needs. A cup of coffee with dessert in a good restaurant will perfectly lift your mood for the whole day and help you feel cheerful for the whole week.

If you want to make a large purchase or sell an unnecessary item, the best time to do this is mid-November. At this time, you can unexpectedly receive money that will help you feel more attractive, more energetic and brighter. Some Taurus will be able to purchase the necessary goods for their health.

At the end of November, you better save on small items and sweets, as this can greatly harm your figure. To feel more energetic, try to choose very warm and high-quality items in the store. It's okay if you decide to update your wardrobe. This will help you not only create a new look, but also not catch a cold during the cold days of November.

Work and business horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

This month, your working relationships and team climate will depend only on your initiative and patience. It is important for representatives of the sign to show interest, especially if you have just gotten a job. Being active will allow you to understand the essence of the work and not miss important points that will allow you to find shortcuts to career heights in the future.

Those representatives of the sign who work in the creative profession will also have successful relationships. You will not only receive new orders, but you will also be able to earn decent money if you show initiative in business. Try to do what interests you, even if some people are too lazy to get up in the morning and go to work.

Your relationships with colleagues may be tense this month. This will be due to their increased demands and the intrigue that is unfolding behind your back. Even if you are not directly related to the events, trouble can come to you too. Try to show restraint and composure, and, if the situation requires, to prove your own rightness to others.

Health horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

Taurus will have good health in November only if they pay attention to physical exercise and water procedures. A pool, sports and swimming will not hurt you, especially if you feel in a situation of chronic stress. Limiting sweets won't hurt either, although sometimes it's worth allowing yourself dessert with coffee.

Pay attention to proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. It is in November that Taurus risks gaining a couple of extra pounds due to a decrease in physical activity. However, strict diets will not bring any benefit. It is better to eat less than you are used to, but fully. Otherwise, you risk slipping and eating more than you planned.

If you don’t want worsening chronic diseases, don’t go out in cloudy weather without a warm scarf made of natural wool. Otherwise, you risk catching a cold not only in your throat. Try to be careful about your own health. Then luck will be on your side, and you will be able to do a lot for your development, career, activities and personal life.

What's ahead? Is it possible to calculate and know the future? How are human destinies connected with the destinies of the Universe? Today these questions do not seem wild and prejudice. As one great Taurus said: “There are many things in the world, friend Horace, that our wise men never dreamed of” (W. Shakespeare, “Hamlet”). But the sages who have devoted their lives to the study of cosmic secrets do not dream of miracles, they are cognized by them.

Together with the faith and personal experience of ordinary citizens of the Universe, questions of the relationship of everything and with everything are the subject of serious scientific research. Among the many ways to look into the future and predict fate, astrology has long and firmly occupied an honorable place. The earth has not yet passed from one house to another, and experienced stargazers are already drawing a map of the future. The horoscope for November 2017 for Taurus has already been compiled, and the famous sorcerer Pavel Globa and the dear sorceress Vasilisa Volodina give their interpretation, along with nameless fortune-tellers.

According to astrology, a person’s fate consists of several parameters. The location of the stars at the moment of birth imparts to him certain qualities, collectively called character. Character largely determines fate. What interesting fate has in store for those born under the sign of Taurus in the last month of autumn, the Taurus horoscope for November 2017 will tell you.

According to the laws of astrological science, the study of the future begins with the general characteristics of the sign.

Taurus, what are they?

Taurus are famous for their perseverance, patience, determination... Love of order and the desire for perfection organically coexist with thriftiness, prudence and patience. At the same time, they are stubborn and not inclined to compromise. They rely only on themselves. They think for a long time, but once they make a decision, they bring their plans to completion. Before acting, Taurus will look at all the pros and cons. They must see real benefits in achieving their goals.

Here are some traits of representatives of this sign:

  1. Taurus are true to themselves, their opinions, their word and their partner.
  2. Calm, balanced and even slow.
  3. Taurus cannot be suspected of ardor or recklessness. Courage and swiftness are also not about them.

The strong influence of Venus affects Taurus’ ability to love and be loved. In love and marriage, they remain faithful and demand the same from the person close to them. Despite their conservatism, they love and know how to amaze and delight in personal relationships.

The aesthetic sense characteristic of Taurus is manifested in everything: the love of art is naturally expressed in the ability to dress and look impeccable.

When communicating with Taurus, you should be careful: Taurus's straightforwardness of character and love of truth can discourage a gossip lover from idle chatter for a long time. Taurus people are often focused and silent. It is extremely difficult to get them to open up.

The positive qualities of Taurus, such as responsibility, loyalty to their word, hard work and perseverance, are sometimes exploited by more dexterous people from their environment. But woe to the one in whom Taurus recognizes a manipulator! In anger he is like an angry bull. Everything as befits a true son of the Earth.

Venus and Jupiter endow Taurus not only with a strong nature, but also with physical strength. Almost all Taurus have, if not beautiful, then attractive appearance.

With an unhealthy lifestyle, especially due to overeating, people can become obese.

The health of Taurus is at risk due to laziness and addiction to earthly joys. Taurus people get sick rarely, but for a long time and severely.

Giving up bad habits and sensible exercise will help Taurus maintain physical beauty, health and longevity for a long time.

Among the disadvantages are a tendency to laziness and a craving for sensual pleasures.

The sphere of activity of Taurus is connected with their natural inclinations, the priority of which is the desire to satisfy desires. Desires most often revolve in near-Earth orbit, that is, they do not go beyond the boundaries of earthly joys. Hence their attraction to professions that bring financial profit and success in life. Taurus are friendly with numbers, so they perform well in professions that require mathematical precision and calculation.

Working on the land, in the garden, growing flowers, and the like are also included in the professional interests of Taurus. The earth gives its children the ability to build, grow and decorate. Therefore, Taurus are excellent housebuilders and householders. People who control everything in their hands are also Taurus. Craftsmen, golden hands, craftsmen capable of making something from scrap materials - these are all Taurus!

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their culinary abilities.

It is also impossible not to mention Taurus, who left a noticeable mark in literature and art, for example, about the aforementioned great English poet and tragedian William Shakespeare.

The gravity of the Earth does not prevent Taurus from being successful in show business. They are witty and this quality makes them excellent entertainers, TV presenters, and teachers.

“I want, that means I can!” - the life motto of a typical Taurus.

The focus on life of wonderful Taurus gives a strong impetus to action and increases self-confidence and stellar support.

In addition to the English poet and playwright William Shakespeare, the cohort of great Taurus includes the ancient Greek sage Socrates, the Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the Pope and the last Russian Tsar Nicholas Romanov. Vladimir Lenin and Sigmund Freud are also part of the company of famous Taurus. Popular contemporaries include Russian pop star Philip Kirkorov, actress Tatyana Samoilova, American divas Penelope Cruz and Jessica Alba. In short, there is room for the dreams of young Taurus to run wild. Dare and become worthy successors of the glorious galaxy! Stars to help!

How does Taurus live in the year of the Fire Rooster?

The Taurus horoscope for November 2017 begins with a description of the relationship of the cosmic ruler to the sign.

The brilliant and Bright Rooster does not argue with the earth sign and treats its representatives quite favorably. Moreover, all horoscopes at the beginning of the year foreshadowed significant changes for the better for those born under this sign in 2017.

If you believe the predictors, Taurus this year had to endure many eccentric tricks of fate. After all, change is always stressful.

The main event of the year, and perhaps of the whole life, will take place at the end of the year, or, more precisely, just in the month of November.

But everything is in order. After all, talking about stellar paths does not tolerate fuss, just like Taurus.

Pavel Globa and Vasilisa Volodina about Taurus in 2017

Charming Vasilisa Volodina finds harmony in the stars and predicts a fateful turning point.

Globa warns family Taurus about difficulties in relationships with children, which, however, will be successfully overcome at the end of the year. It promises personal happiness to single people. In general, in his opinion, this year is favorable for representatives of the sign. Health, love and financial success can fall on them from the sky, the main thing is not to be afraid of this storm of stars, not to get confused and not to do anything stupid.

Vasilisa Volodina also talks about the beneficial influence of the Rooster on Taurus. She, like Globa, promises them cash income. Warns of possible disagreements in the family. For single people, it portends success in their personal lives.

Both interpreters remind us of the dangers of overload and the benefits of proper rest.

What secret does November keep?

“It’s already autumn…” - which of the promises has come true, and which is standing at the door, will be revealed to Taurus by the horoscope for November 2017.

Like the annual forecast, the horoscope for Taurus for November 2017 promises its heroes a wonderful gift!

Carefully! There are also pitfalls! Don't forget to be careful. Provocations are possible that can cause an explosion of uncontrollable emotions, fraught with loss of composure and control. Such an incident can significantly tarnish one’s reputation. Sages and experts on star maps advise not to tempt fate. Respect for the law and reverence for the legal code can protect against possible complications.

Romantic adventure and true love

In November, fate prepared true love for Taurus as a gift. The meeting can occur precisely at this time, when their charm and attractiveness increase.

Horoscope for November 2017 Taurus promises that a love affair begun this month can develop into a long-term and happy union.

Forewarned is forearmed!

The November 2017 horoscope for Taurus from Pavel Globa offers options for implementing the stellar scenario.

The astrologer will catch Taurus being suspicious, which can hinder new acquaintances, so he recommends that they turn their gaze to their inner state, hear themselves and understand their true desires. Business qualities may well be rewarded with financial profits, of course, if all legal formalities are followed when concluding transactions.

Advanced training as the key to future success

Regarding career growth, the astrologer advises not to rush. This November, it is advisable for Taurus to start improving their professional skills. This may be useful to them in their future career growth. In addition, there is a high probability that payment for training can be made at the expense of the employer, or the company will find another way to encourage Taurus who want to continue their professional education. In a word, the stars are for Taurus to work tirelessly on themselves, then the heavens will come to their aid!

The star mediator convinces Taurus not to be lazy and not to waste themselves on trifles, then they will be able to find a way out of any difficult situation.

Love, health, money

Family Taurus will enjoy simple home joys, without offense or conflict.

Single Taurus may meet their ideal or renew a relationship with a former lover.

November 2017 is dangerous for the health of Taurus due to excessive physical activity. An expert on the celestial spheres pays attention to the state of their cardiovascular system and recommends the consumption of vitamins to strengthen the immune system. For some representatives of this sign, vitamin therapy is a remedy against autumn melancholy.

The astrologer warns Taurus that sitting for a long time at the computer and watching television can adversely affect the vision of representatives of this sign.

In general, the advice of astrologer Pavel Globa resembles a consultation with an astral psychotherapist.

Star program for Taurus Men

A calm and confident Taurus man loves beauty and comfort. He seeks and finds pleasure in life. In business he pursues profit. In a relationship there is pleasure and fidelity. Combines the qualities of practice and romance. Women feel good with him. In the fair sex he is looking for an interesting life partner, a beautiful and gentle housewife.

The November 2017 horoscope for Taurus men predicts that husbands and fathers will resolve domestic conflicts with the help of developed intuition and a philosophical outlook on life.

Taurus men who still do not have a soulmate will have a fateful meeting this month. The opinions of both Pavel Globa and Vasilisa Volodina agree on this.

For Taurus men, both married and single, the stars promise great changes in November. There will definitely be conflicts, but overcoming them will reveal all the best qualities of the sign.

In the last month of autumn 2017, Taurus will receive from heaven an unexpected but desired gift that they did not even dare to dream about!

Development of a life scenario for Taurus women

Attractive, pretty and sociable women are born under the Earth sign. They are distinguished by common sense and the ability to create comfort. The Taurus woman strives for material wealth, but this does not prevent her from remaining desirable and romantic. She knows how to be economical and prudent, which makes her a good housewife. But this same quality, with insufficient attention to the spiritual sphere, can narrow the horizon and limit its natural abilities. However, with proper development, the Taurus woman can achieve great success.

Forecast for Taurus women from Pavel Globa

For the Taurus woman, the horoscope for November 2017 from Pavel Globa is distinguished by impartiality and calmness. The stellar mediator himself seems to personify heavenly providence - cold and unforgiving. However, his even tone also contains encouraging notes.

Taurus mothers will experience quiet family joys in November. She will be able to please all family members. Comfort and prosperity in the family will create a good atmosphere. The unmarried and currently single representatives of the sign will have their finest hour. Heaven is favorable to the structure of their personal life. You just need to not be afraid of yourself and your desires.

Some Taurus women may experience health problems. This applies primarily to those who are overly passionate about business, work and career, or have a bad habit of eating their excitement with sweets. In November, excellent health throughout the year will require special attention. Energy potential may be reduced and the body will need rest.

A soft female perspective on fate

The horoscope for November 2017 for the Taurus woman from Vasilisa Volodina differs from the forecasts of Pavel Globa in its purely feminine attitude towards heaven, providence and women themselves.

Vasilisa Volodina's forecasts resemble mystical prose. You'd think she not only interprets the star's scenarios, but also tries to influence them!

Start your life from scratch!

The first advice that the astrologer gives to Taurus women is an unequivocal recommendation to close all past affairs and start life from scratch in November. Her forecast is written by decade. She foresees that Taurus women may discover new talents in November. Ladies who give themselves up to inspiration have a chance to become famous. The finest hour awaits Taurus women in the last ten days of the month.

November is the month of surprises! This motif is repeated in all horoscope forecasts for November 2017 for Taurus women. Surprise, gift of fate. Luck. Finest hour. Cinderella's Ball. This is how horoscopes are written without skimping.

Good luck catching the bird in flight!

But at the same time, the horoscope for November 2017 for the Taurus woman from Vasilisa Volodina warns ladies against starting new projects. In November, it will be enough for them to take their job responsibilities more responsibly. We need to raise the level of organization and self-discipline. You can't be late for work, for example. No more.

Thrifty and moderately prudent Taurus women do not need to be taught to save money for a rainy day. The love passions awaiting them at the end of November, one must think, will not overshadow their characteristic prudence. Although, who knows? Vasilisa Volodina promises the characters in her horoscopes an exciting and favorable trip in the last days of November.

The stars promise love

The love horoscope for November 2017 for the Taurus woman agrees with all previous forecasts in that the main event of this month will be LOVE! Love with a capital letter! In the transcript, the predictors explain that Taurus women will have a happy meeting with the one destined for them by the Universe. That is, with your soulmate. There is a version about the resumption of a love relationship with a former lover. Some horoscopes specify that the meeting will take place on a trip. And the person you meet will turn out to be a foreigner.

Surprises await all Taurus in November

To summarize a small astrological study dedicated to the fate of Taurus in November, we can say: the stars do not sleep, they control and observe. Astrologers are also vigilant and, using methods only available to them, help the children of the Earth to know themselves, see their path and find their destiny.

The year of the Fire Rooster is coming to an end, very soon Taurus will be able to test in practice the truth of the horoscope for November 2017 Taurus.

Let's remember its main provisions: in the business sphere, Taurus will achieve success subject to friendly interaction and partnership based on personal connections. Among the risks is the influence of disharmonious Mars, harm from which can be avoided if you do not go beyond the law.

Taurus's finances will sing merry songs in November, because Mercury patronizes cash receipts.

Husbands and fathers, wives and mothers of Taurus will be pacified by home comfort and peace in the family. The former disagreements will give way to care, support and mutual understanding.

Everything is fine in the Taurus star house, but the greatest joy awaits them in their personal lives!

In November, the sexual attractiveness of the sign will increase. The patronage of Venus and Jupiter will create favorable conditions for a happy meeting. Taurus just needs to be in the right place at the right time. This is possible, because the compilers of horoscopes were quick to warn them about this! Don't ignore their advice. Listen to the voice of the stars and be happy!

In November 2017, Taurus will be characterized by laziness, and laziness on an exaggerated scale. Your usual work enthusiasm will become part of your distant past, and nothing will remind you of it. Instead of striving forward and only forward, only one desire will come from you (the desire to come home as quickly as possible, lie down on the sofa, turn on the TV, or go on another journey through the vastness of the World Wide Web). By the way, in November the Internet will notice a lot to you (for example, real trips, shopping trips, as well as live communication with those people who sincerely want to communicate with you).

Simply put, dear Taurus, you will spend the end of this fall in the status of a kind of lazy recluse who does not want to leave home at all. True, household chores will also not receive much attention from you. Oh, how creatively you will find more and more explanations for your laziness! Your marriage partner will gradually have to come to terms with the fact that next to him there is such a “lazy seal”, unable to take part in household chores. It’s good that your family has not been afraid of such trials for a long time, and as soon as you or your beloved partner go into catastrophic laziness mode, the remaining “side” voluntarily takes on all the responsibilities. This will happen in November. You will be given complete peace and the opportunity to be completely idle, and this is the time when your beloved partner will iron, wash, do shopping, tidy up your common living space, do homework with the children, and so on ad infinitum.

Unfortunately, absolutely no one will support the lazy moods of lonely Taurus. It will be strange for your friends to watch how you, from an eternal partygoer and the main highlight of any party, suddenly turned into an inert and sedentary person. The worst thing is that you give up sports, and this will have a very detrimental effect on your figure! Meanwhile, you won’t care what those around you think and say about you (in fact, their opinions didn’t really bother you before!). In general, the opposite sex is unlikely to show much interest in you in November 2017, but you yourself will not strive for new acquaintances, live communication and flirting.

Everything related to your career, dear Taurus, needs to be discussed in more detail. In November 2017, you will slow down your career growth, and all again due to your catastrophic laziness. Of course, you won’t allow yourself to completely disregard your official duty (it’s not for nothing that you are considered a true professional at your place of work!). You will perform those tasks that are included in the range of your daily duties not with an “excellent” rating, but with a solid “B”, and this will be enough (and not only for you, but also for your senior management). Remembering your past achievements, your boss will not reproach you for being too inert in business and not very proactive.

Taurus people involved in the field of free enterprise will entrust the management of all their affairs to some reliable person in November. If his integrity does not cause you the slightest doubt, there is nothing terrible in such a scenario (lie quietly on the couch while your faithful “deputy” negotiates with creditors, “knocks out” a new order for your company and resolves conflicts among the staff). But! If you still don’t have a proven candidate for the role of manager, it’s a big mistake to trust such serious powers to the first person you meet! First, think over this issue many times so that your November laziness does not become the reason for the bankruptcy of your enterprise!

Attention, the Taurus horoscope for the month of November 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

Horoscope 2017 Rooster: 2017
Horoscope 2017 Rooster: 2017
Horoscope 2017 Rooster.

The main task in November for Taurus is to reliably and thoroughly strengthen their own rear. The time is quite positive and favorable for this, but it is important for representatives of the star constellation to realize that in order to achieve their personal goals they do not always need to “go over their heads.”Horoscope for Taurus for November confidently determines that it is self-will and selfishness that will become the main obstacles on the way to the dacha of the representative of Star Trek. If the latter do not replace their own anger with their own mercy, then in the next moments of life they will have quite a difficult time. And at some moments, many representatives of the star constellation will awaken aggressiveness in their souls; such a quality will be able to destroy the tightly established current connections. Taurus will have to clearly control his own behavior, because the overall well-being in the immediate future depends on him.

The time is quite rich in communication, but it is important to realize that November refers to difficult periods of life, so you should not particularly hope for the seriousness and emotional participation of your opponents. Moreover, it is important for Taurus to be wary of slander from various interlocutors. Some colleagues may plot intrigues and other unpleasant actions in secret from the Star Trek representative. This circumstance can significantly negatively affect the professional sphere of life of a star representative. Of course, troubles can be avoided if Taurus behaves warily and as seriously as possible.

It is also important to note that problems may also develop in the personal life of a representative of the star constellation. As in the field of professionalism, the main cause of significant trouble will be hidden in the slander of gossips and negative personalities.Love horoscope for Taurus for November 2018 strongly asserts that it is important for representatives of the star constellation to be especially wary of the fair sex, while this basis applies to both men and the beautiful women themselves. Troubles in personal life can arise not only from certain actions of a woman, but also due to the presence of such in the fate of the latter.

Emotionally, the month may seem quite difficult for representatives of the star constellation. But such circumstances will begin to arise due to the irritability and incomprehensibility of Taurus’ actions. If the latter does not stop putting pressure on others with his character, then the consequences of such behavior can become very sad. A star trek representative risks being left completely alone unless he dramatically changes his own attitude towards everyone around him.. In this case, if negative circumstances and situations “loom” like a menacing cloud on a representative of the star constellation, then the latter needs to remember about people who are much worse off in real life than themselves. Mutual assistance and sincere support will help eliminate troubles for a loved one, and raise self-esteem and self-respect for the zodiac representative himself.

Horoscope for November 2018 for Taurus woman

If there are problems in the personal life of a beautiful representative of the star sign, then the autumn period is not the best time to improve and resolve everything. It is ideal to devote this time to strengthening partnerships, but not in romantic ways, but in everyday life. For example, spouses can start rearranging the house. A joint discussion of the future interior will help partners establish both order in their own home and their own broken relationships.

During the month, single ladies will receive various offers relating to both their personal life and the professional sphere. It is not recommended to hope for something extremely serious; a more permanent time is yet to come.

Horoscope for November 2018 for a Taurus man

As for the entire stronger half of the zodiac representation, the material sphere of fate will now be more important to her. Men will be interested in her because closer to the very middle of the autumn month they will have large expenses planned, which can lead to complete devastation of their wallet.

But men will not only be concerned about money and finances; against the backdrop of the instability of natural regimes, they may have global problems with their general well-being.Health horoscope for Taurus will advise you to take care in advance of effective prevention of various ailments. But, if the disease does visit Taurus, then it is important to immediately begin appropriate treatment.

Love horoscope for November 2018 for Taurus

From the beginning of the autumn month, many representatives of the star constellation will be drawn to romanticism and open flirtation. They will enjoy increased attention from all representatives of the opposite sex, which will instill in the souls of Taurus special confidence in themselves and in their personal abilities. But you shouldn’t count on a particularly serious relationship now; of course, you can flirt and have a great time in your free time. If Taurus manages to meet the ideal person for them, then it is important to think several times about the correctness of their step.

This is a very busy month for family partners. . They will experience all the delights of partner life. Due to the aggressiveness of a representative of the zodiac, global problems may arise, so you need to, for your own good, overcome this negative quality in your character.

Health horoscope for November 2018 for Taurus

With the onset of the first frosty days, chronic diseases may worsen among zodiac representatives. To prevent this from happening, it is important to start preventive treatment in a timely manner. In the same case, if the disease nevertheless visited Taurus, the latter should immediately seek the right help from specialists, but self-medication should be avoided.

Financial horoscope for November 2018 for Taurus

The stars strongly warn that you should not get carried away with spending now.Finance horoscope for November 2018 for Taurusassures that the star trek representative has a major purchase planned ahead, so the latter’s stable financial situation will come in handy now.

Many representatives of the constellation will have to work hard, but all their work will soon pay off in full. If Taurus is faced with the question of changing his permanent and long-term place of service to another, then there is no need to rush into taking responsible steps. In general, the month is so unstable and difficult for Taurus that it is better for the latter to avoid any changes for now.

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