Homeopathic remedy Zeel T for the treatment of osteochondrosis. Zeel T and Traumeel S. How are joint diseases treated? Traumeel s and purpose t treatment


Target T (Zeel T)

Pharmachologic effect:

A complex homeopathic preparation with a pronounced chondroprotective, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In addition, the drug stimulates the regeneration of tissues of the musculoskeletal system and enhances the formation of chondrocytes by stimulating their mitosis (division). The drug in the form of an ointment does not contain local analgesic drugs and local anesthetics, the analgesic effect of the ointment is due to the direct effect of the components of the drug on the primary link of the degenerative process. The mechanism of action and therapeutic effects of the drug Cel T are based on the pharmacological properties of the active components that make up its composition:

Sulfur is effective in various diseases of the joints. Sulfur in the body is part of chondroitin sulfate (a structural element of cartilage tissue).

Sius-organ active components of the drug help to slow down degenerative changes in cartilage tissue, improve microcirculation and enhance plastic processes, as a result of which some cartilage restructuring is noted.

Components of plant origin have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerative activity. In addition, plant components help reduce swelling around the affected joint, reduce pain, improve joint mobility, stimulate the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue, as well as soft tissues.

Biocatalysts (salts and acids of the citric acid cycle) and Nadidum contribute to the activation of redox reactions and the respiratory chain, the activity of which is reduced due to various reasons (including due to age or the use of antimicrobial and corticosteroid drugs).

Indications for use:

The drug is used as monotherapy or in the complex treatment of patients suffering from various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including:

Chondropathy, osteochondrosis, tendinopathy, polyarthrosis, spondylarthrosis, deforming osteoarthritis and other degenerative diseases of the joints and ligaments.

Lumbo-sacral disorders, cervical migraine.

The drug is also used to treat patients with rheumatic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including Reiter's syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis.

Target T is used in the treatment of patients who have suffered injuries and fractures of the spine, as a result of which adhesions and contractures have formed.

Also, the drug is used to treat metabolic osteopathies and heel spurs.

Application method:

Solution for injection Zeel T:

The drug is intended for parenteral use, in particular, the solution is administered intramuscularly, intradermally, subcutaneously, intraarticularly, periarticularly, paravertebral, intraosseously and at acupuncture points. The duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.

Adults and children over the age of 6 years with diseases of the musculoskeletal system are usually prescribed 1 ampoule of the drug 1-2 times a week.

Adults and children over the age of 6 years with diseases of large joints of moderate severity are usually prescribed 1 ampoule of the drug in each joint (no more than 2 joints) 1-2 times a week.

Adults and children over the age of 6 years with severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system are usually prescribed 1-2 ampoules of the drug 1 time per day.

Tablets Zeel T:

The drug is intended for sublingual use. The tablet must be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. Taking the drug does not depend on food intake. The duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.

Adults and children over the age of 6 years with diseases of the musculoskeletal system are usually prescribed 1 tablet of the drug 3 times a day.

Adults and children over the age of 6 years in acute conditions are usually prescribed 1 tablet of the drug every 15 minutes (but not more than 8 tablets), after which they switch to taking 1 tablet of the drug 3 times a day.

Ointment Target T:

The drug is intended for external use only. If the ointment is accidentally swallowed, the stomach should be washed out. It is recommended to avoid getting the drug in the eyes.

A small amount of ointment should be applied to the affected joint area 2-5 times a day. The ointment should be easily rubbed during application, it is also possible to use the ointment for massage. The ointment can be applied under a gauze bandage and administered with phonophoresis.

The drug can be used as a monotherapy, as well as in combination with other homeopathic medicines (Traumeel C, Coenzyme compositum, Ubiquinone compositum). To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the combined use of various dosage forms of the drug Cel T is recommended.

Undesirable phenomena:

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients, in isolated cases, the development of allergic skin reactions, including urticaria, pruritus and rash, has been noted.

When using the drug in the form of a solution for injection, it is possible to increase the symptoms of the disease at the beginning of therapy.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as plants of the Compositae family.

The drug in the form of tablets contains lactose, so it is not recommended to prescribe it to patients with lactase deficiency, galactosemia and glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

During pregnancy:

The drug can be prescribed by the attending physician during pregnancy, if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risks to the fetus. The drug does not have teratogenic, mutagenic and embryotoxic effects.

The drug can be prescribed during lactation by the attending physician.


At the moment, there have been no reports of an overdose of the drug.

Release form of the drug:

Solution for injections of 2.0 ml in ampoules, 5 ampoules in a blisters, 2 blisters in a carton box.

Tablets of 50 pieces in a plastic case, 1 plastic case in a carton.

Ointment 50g in aluminum tubes, 1 tube in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

The shelf life of the drug in the form of a solution for injection is 5 years.

The shelf life of the drug in the form of tablets is 5 years.

The shelf life of the drug in the form of an ointment is 3 years.


2.0 ml solution for injections Cel T (1 ampoule) contains:

Nadidum D8 - 2 mg,

Coenzymum A D8 - 2 mg,

Acidum alpha-liponicum D8 - 2 mg,

Natrium dietyloxalaceticum D8 - 2 mg,

Cartilago suis D6 - 2 mg,

Embryo suis D6 - 2 mg,

Funiculus umbilicalis suis D6 - 2 mg,

Placenta suis (hormone-free) D6 - 2 mg,

Symphytum officinale D6 - 10 mg,

Sulfur D6 - 3.6 mg,

Arnica montana D4 - 200 mg,

Sanguinaria canadensis D4 - 3 mg,

Solanum dulcamara D3 - 10mg

Rhus toxicodendron D2 - 10 mg,

Excipients: 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

1 tablet of Zeel T contains:

Symphytum officinale D8 - 0.15 mg,

Nadidum D6 - 0.03 mg,

Coenzymum A D6 - 0.03 mg,

Sulfur D6 - 0.54 mg,

Natrium diethyloxalaceticum D6 - 0.03 mg,

Acidum alpha-liponicum D6 - 0.03 mg,

Acidum silicicum D6 - 3 mg,

Embryo suis D4 - 0.3 mg,

Cartilago suis D4 - 0.3 mg,

Funiculus umbilicalis suis D4 - 0.3 mg,

Placenta suis (hormone-free) D4 - 0.3 mg,

Sanguinaria canadensis D3 - 0.45 mg,

Rhus toxicodendron D2 - 0.54 mg,

Solanum dulcamara D2 - 0.15 mg,

Arnica montana D1 - 0.6 mg,

Excipients, including lactose.

100g of Zeel T ointment contains:

Symphytum officinale D8 - 0.750 g,

Nadidum D6 - 0.01 g,

Acidum alpha-liponicum D6 - 0.01 g,

Natrium diethyloxalaceticum D6 - 0.01 g,

Sulfur D6 - 0.270 g,

Acidum silicicum colloidal D6 - 1.0 g,

Coenzymum A D6 - 0.01 g,

Placenta suis (hormone-free) D2 - 0.001 g,

Cartilago suis D2 - 0.001 g,

Embrio suis D2 - 0.001 g,

Funiculus umbilicalis suis D2 - 0.001 g,

Arnica montana D2 - 0.300 g,

Rhus toxicodendron D2 - 0.270 g,

Sanguinaria canadensis D2 - 0.225 g,

Solanum dulcamara D2 - 0.075 g,

Auxiliary substances, including ethyl alcohol.

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Was recently at Laura to check her tonsillitis. By the way, I had to complain that my shoulder hurt from a heavy load at the computer. The doctor, with the words "you can, of course, treat homeopathy in different ways," began to prescribe me Traumeel tablets . I say: "You will be surprised, but it was Traumeel that I started taking already. I know him well, and he is always in my first aid kit."

In general, I usually bypass homeopathy. With rare exceptions. Here Traumeel is just one of them. Traumeel and his partner Zeel. These are homeopathic medicines, the effectiveness of which has been demonstrated by research.

The red jars are Traumeel, the green ones are the Purpose. In the US market, since 2014, these drugs have been marketed under the names T-Relief™ and T-Relief Arthritis™. Traumeel it is more focused on relieving pain and inflammation (joint pain, muscle pain and any other), it is pain relief and joint regeneration in arthritis. The researchers note that in case of problems with the joints and spine, the combined use of Zeel and Traumeel is justified, because. they have a different type of effect on the mechanisms of acute and chronic inflammation inherent in degenerative diseases. The goal is for long-term treatment, Traumeel - at the beginning of the disease and during its exacerbation.

For those who are interested in more information, here are interesting publications:

N.B. The course of treatment with Zeel preparations (green) is at least 6-10 weeks. The longer the treatment, the greater the effect. Traumel - according to the state.

We do not swallow tablets! Under the tongue and keep it there as long as possible! Read carefully on the jars how to take. There is the initial dose and the usual. The initial dose, until the pain syndromes decrease, is 1 tablet every 30-60 minutes, but not more than 12 tablets per day. Then we switch to the usual dose - 3 tablets per day.

So calculate at least approximately how many jars you need per course.

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Traumeel - homeopathic complex, which has anti-exudative, decongestant, regenerating, analgesic, hemostatic, and immunomodulatory properties.


A drug able to stop bleeding and reduce swelling in soft tissues on damage, remove pain and swelling. Thanks to its regenerating properties, it is given in postoperative practice, with injuries and fractures. It activates the immune system, it is recommended for the treatment of the motor system, craniocerebral injuries, birth injuries and diseases of internal organs: pneumonia and the like. It is used for first aid during blows, burns, sprains.

Also first aid during cuts, anesthetic and decongestant. Doctors use for the postoperative period.

Forms of medicine and composition

The drug is available in different forms.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

  • Ointment - there are two types, 50 grams or 100, in an aluminum tube, twisted with a cap. Everything is placed in a special cardboard box.
  • Homeotoxic drops - are in a special bottle of dark glass, with a volume of 30 milliliters with a lid to control the first opening.
  • Tablets - in the form of white pencil cases, where 50 tablets. Each pencil case is placed in a cardboard box.
  • Ampoules - 2.2 milliliter solution in a glass ampoule, which is packed in a cell package, where 5 pieces are collected. So, from 1 to 20 packages are placed in a large pack.

The composition includes only natural herbal ingredients.

The difference between traumeel C and traumeel

There are two names: Traumeel S and original Traumeel. By appointment, the drug remains the same, but differs in form. Traumeel is available only in the form of a gel, and Traumeel C in other forms such as ointment, tablets, and so on. They differ in their basis, the gel is made on a water basis, and the ointment is fatty. The ointment acts longer in time, but the gel can be applied more often without residual greasy traces.

In Russia, only traumeel s exists.

Indications for use

  • Negative processes in the musculoskeletal system: myositis, etc.;
  • Post-traumatic conditions: burns, cuts, etc.;
  • Treatment of the respiratory system: bronchitis, sinusitis, and other lung diseases;
  • Oral cavity: gingivitis and periodontitis;
  • Eye diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes with the formation of pus: mastitis, fistulas, ulcers;
  • Microtraumatic consequences;
  • Hearing diseases: otitis media;
  • Skin diseases: boils, diaper rash, etc.;
  • Treatment of postoperative consequences;
  • Postpartum and post-abortion consequences of operations;
  • pain syndromes.


  1. Individual sensitivity to the drug;
  2. Tuberculosis;
  3. Multiple sclerosis;
  4. AIDS;
  5. Leukemia;
  6. Lactose intolerance;
  7. Diseases of the liver.

Instructions and dosages

Each of the forms of the drug is taken in different doses and is taken in different ways:

  • Drops are taken into the body, 10 drops 15 minutes before meals, three times a day, previously diluted in a teaspoon of water and kept in the oral cavity for about 1-2 minutes. During edema, 30 drops are taken three times a day. Accepted from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Ointment. Indicated for children from 3 years and adults. It is applied in a thin layer on the affected part of the body and rubbed two to three times a day. Reception time: 2-4 weeks.
  • Tablets dissolve in the mouth. 1 tablet three times a day before meals (15 minutes before). Dissolves completely. Depending on the disease, it is treated from 2 to 4 weeks. Longer use is discussed with the attending physician.

Overdoses, side effects

Allergic reactions from individual intolerance to the drug, hypersalivation and arthralgia are possible. Currently still no one has recorded an overdose.

Use by children, pregnant women, lactation and the elderly

  • For pregnant women, the drug is not recommended, but can be used subject to the consultation of a doctor.
  • For children, it is used in a reduced dose by half, compared with children, after 3 years, an adult dosage is taken.
  • The use of the drug during lactation has no negative effects and does not cause problems for mother and child. But it is advisable to consult a doctor before using the drug.
  • The medicine is recommended for the elderly, since the composition is completely natural and does not create a side effect.

Prices, storage, dispensing from pharmacies

Depending on the shape of the traumeel, the cost varies. Ointment - costs about 500 rubles, in the form of a solution for injection costs 700 rubles. Packing, where 50 pieces of tablets are about 400-500 rubles, drops for internal use - 500-600 rubles. Store at a temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius.

All forms of the drug, except for injection dispensed without a prescription.

Interaction with alcohol

drinking alcohol, the patient risks reducing the entire therapeutic effect to zero. Therefore, its use is highly undesirable.


Traumeel S is considered a unique drug, but you can find analogues such as Canephron (400 rubles), (350 rubles), (200-400 rubles), etc. In terms of price, analogues do not differ much from the original Traumeel, but it is worth noting that only this drug has such properties.


Patients also describe traumeel as an excellent medicine with an effective effect.


Manufacturer and country of production?

Manufacturer and country of production - Germany.

Can it be used on burns?

Application in gynecology

It is used as an ointment and solution for injection. A positive effect is noticed, provided that there is no intolerance to the drug.

The drug is intended for the treatment of this kind of disease.

How to use the drug for lactostasis?

After consulting with your doctor first. Negative harm is not noticed, but consultation is necessary.

Watch a video about the drug


Today, Traumeel S is a unique homeopathic complex, which includes natural plant components. Thus, the remedy is suitable for almost everyone, with the exception of people who are allergic to the components of the drug. The drug effectively copes with its purpose and contains a solution to many health problems, in particular, it is used as first aid. There are various forms of application: tablets, injection, ointment and drops.

There are analogues, but still none of them will surpass the therapeutic effect of Traumeel S.

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In addition to the usual medicines and traditional medicine recipes, the treatment of various joint pathologies can be carried out using homeopathic remedies. This method of treatment owes its appearance to the German doctor Friedrich Hahnemann. Although the basic rules of homeopathy were formed much earlier, by Hippocrates. Today, there are many products made with their use, but in the case of joints, doctors most often prescribe two of them: Zeel T and Traumeel.

Target T

Target T (Zeel t) is a drug that can not only relieve inflammation and reduce pain in the affected joints, but also stimulate the processes of cartilage tissue repair. The main cell of cartilage is the chondrocyte. The synthesis of structures and the formation of cartilage tissue components depend on it. Repair of damaged cartilage and its growth occurs mainly due to the division of these cells. And it is this process that stimulates the substances in the composition of the drug.

Action Features

All three dosage forms of the drug, that is, tablets, injection and ointment, contain the same components. However, their number varies. Most of them are contained in the injection form, the least in the ointment. Like most homeopathic preparations, Zeel T has a rather complex composition. It is based on such herbal ingredients as:

  • Arnica mountain, containing in its composition flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, relieve inflammation and pain in case of muscle and tendon injuries.
  • Fluffy toxicodendron or Sumac. It is a good remedy for relieving neuralgic pains, which often go in combination with damage to the joints, and especially the spine.
  • Canadian Sanguinaria, despite being a very poisonous plant, has found application in homeopathy as a remedy for inflammation.
  • Comfrey is a tool that helps restore bone tissue.
  • Bittersweet nightshade is one of the most popular plants used in homeopathy and traditional medicine, which has the ability to relieve inflammation, accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, relieve pain, including neurological pain.

In addition, the therapeutic effect of the drug is enhanced by:

  • Coenzyme A is a substance that accelerates many reactions in the body, especially those associated with its muscular activity, and saturates it with energy.
  • The sius-organ components of the drug are a complex of substances that help slow down destructive changes in joint tissues and improve microcirculation of nutrients in them.
  • Sulfur is an essential element of chondroethin sulfate, which, in turn, ensures the health of cartilage tissue. With its deficiency in the body, the processes of formation of new cartilage structures are disrupted.


The drugs of this series can be prescribed both independently and in combination with other drugs. At the same time, you can use ointment and tablets or ointment and injections at the same time, but it does not make sense to combine tablets and injections with each other. The main indications are:

  • Any inflammatory diseases of the spine and joints, especially if they are accompanied by tissue destruction (arthritis, osteoarthritis,)
  • Rheumatic diseases of the joints, including rheumatoid arthritis.
  • For quick recovery after injuries or operations on the spine and joints.

  • In diseases associated with the deposition of salts and the formation of osteophytes, such as, for example, gout or.
  • In addition, Goal T is often included in treatment regimens for headaches caused by problems in the cervical spine.

Despite the naturalness of homeopathic remedies, you should not use them on your own. Only a doctor can choose the right dosage and duration of treatment.


Despite the fact that most of the drug is made up of natural ingredients, and all its components are contained in microdoses, there are still contraindications for Zeel T. First of all, the drug should not be used for allergies to plants included in the Compositae family, which include the arnica included in the medicine.

In addition, the tablets contain lactose and are therefore also contraindicated for patients suffering from lactose intolerance.

As for pregnancy and the period of feeding the baby, the drug can be prescribed by a doctor only if the expected benefit from its use exceeds the risk. Despite the fact that the components included in it do not have a teratogenic or mutagenic effect, some of them are toxic substances and can cause negative reactions in both the mother and the baby.

How to apply?

The duration of treatment is set by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease and whether the drug will be used alone or in combination with other drugs. Doses will be determined by the age of the patient and the dosage form of the drug itself:

  • For Zeel T ampoules, the instructions for use recommend using a single dose once or twice every seven days, for adults and children over six years of age. For young children, the drug is used once a week. In severe cases, doctors prescribe Cel T ampoules for intra-articular injection.
  • Tablets are used under the tongue, children over six years old and adults several times a day. In the acute stages of the disease, doctors can prescribe one tablet hourly, but not more than eight per day. After that, the medicine is applied in the usual way.
  • Purpose T ointment, depending on the stage of inflammation and the severity of pain, can be applied up to five times a day. Thanks to the oily base, the ointment can also be used for massage.

When using homeopathic remedies, there may be an initial deterioration, in which the symptoms of the disease will worsen.

In this case, the treatment should be stopped and consult your doctor.


Traumeel exists in five dosage forms: injection, tablets, ointment, gel and oral drops, although the drug is rarely available in the form of drops. Each of these forms, like Zeel T, contains arnica and comfrey, but the similarity of the compositions ends there. The remaining components of Traumeel are:

  • Calendula, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, not only in folk, but also in official medicine.
  • Hamamelis, known for its ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stop bleeding and treat hematomas.
  • Yarrow, containing substances that have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as accelerating wound healing.
  • Belladonna or Belladonna is a plant that is poisonous, but at the same time has the ability to relieve pain and inflammation in ultra-low doses.
  • Aconite, like belladonna, contains potent alkaloids and has antimicrobial and anesthetic effects, relieves pain in the joints, relieves neuralgia and myalgia.

  • Chamomile is a plant known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to help the body fight off infections.
  • Daisy perennial is a unique plant that helps to cope with rheumatism, salt deposition and is especially effective for gout.
  • Echinacea is a natural adaptogen used both in folk and official medicine. Stimulates the immune system and increases the body's ability to resist various infections.
  • St. John's wort, which has antiseptic, antibacterial and regenerating properties.

Action Features

The unique plant composition allows the use of Traumeel in many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Herbs give it not only the ability to cope with pain and relieve inflammation, but also help with joint pathologies caused by various bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Traumeel quickly stops hemorrhages, relieves swelling and redness at the site of joint damage.

The components of the drug are able to influence the body's immune system and trigger auxiliary immunological reactions, due to which the tissue healing process goes much faster. Therefore, doctors willingly prescribe Traumeel after operations, not only those related to the joints and spine, but also some others.


Due to the complex action of plants, Traumeel is prescribed for many pathologies, but the indications for different dosage forms are slightly different. The drugs are used both independently and included in the treatment regimen. Tablets, injections and drops for oral administration are usually prescribed:

  • With inflammation of the joints and spine, especially if they are accompanied by degenerative changes in tissues.
  • Any injuries, burns, wounds, including infected ones, hemorrhages and postoperative and traumatic edema.
  • To relieve pain in osteochondrosis, arthritis, and some diseases of the internal organs as an addition to painkillers.
  • For diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • As a prevention of complications after childbirth or abortion.
  • With a disease of the ENT organs and organs of vision.
  • With various infectious skin diseases, for example, with abscesses of the sweat glands, carbuncles and boils.

Ointment and gel, in addition to being used for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, operations and injuries, can also be prescribed:

  • With skin infectious diseases, after plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.
  • With diseases of the oral cavity, periodontitis, gingivitis.
  • With varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  • To accelerate the healing of scars and scars on the skin, especially after acne and herpes.

Ointment and gel Traumeel differ from each other in the basis. The ointment is more oily and can be used for massage, and the gel has a light structure that can be quickly absorbed.


The only contraindication to the use of Traumeel is individual intolerance and allergy to the Compositae family, of which it contains a large number. In addition to arnica, these are calendula, chamomile, yarrow, echinacea and daisy.

As such, there are no absolute contraindications for treatment with Traumeel during pregnancy and lactation. But in each situation, this issue is decided by the doctor individually.

How to apply?

Traumeel does not have standard courses of treatment and the duration of its use is determined by the doctor. The dose of injection forms for adults and children over six years old is one full ampoule. As prescribed by a doctor, Traumeel can also be used in children from the age of two, in this case ¼ ampoules are used. In the acute period of the disease and in severe cases, doctors can increase the dose to two ampoules. Then they usually switch to tablets.

Traumeel tablets can also be used in pediatrics, for children under three years old, ½ tablet per dose, over three years old - one tablet, as well as for adults. In severe cases, to relieve pain and severe inflammation, doctors may prescribe one tablet every 15 minutes for two hours. Then, starting from the next day, the drug is drunk according to the usual scheme - one tablet three times a day.

The gel or ointment is applied to inflamed skin or affected joints up to five times a day. The oily base of the ointment allows it to be used for massage. In case of severe injury, ointment for compresses can be used or electrophoresis can be performed with it.

For the treatment of rheumatic diseases today, two groups of drugs are very widely used: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); glucocorticoids (GCs), which are often referred to as corticosteroids (CSs), steroids, and steroid hormones.


These drugs are well known to everyone. The most famous among them is aspirin. Today, a lot of drugs are widely used that are close to it in terms of the mechanism of action - ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, naproxen, ketoprofen and many others.

All of them have a triple effect: they reduce the intensity of inflammation, relieve pain and reduce temperature. For patients with diseases of the joints, the first two actions are especially relevant. But the triple effect of NSAIDs significantly "lubricate" the serious side effects typical of these drugs. Here they are, listed in order of frequency of occurrence:

stomach bleeding,

stomach ulcer,

Perforation (perforation) of the stomach wall.

Usually it all starts with a simple gastritis, but gradually the defeat of the stomach progresses to ulcers and bleeding. The latter is very dangerous, due to the fact that NSAIDs also inhibit the activity of platelets involved in the formation of blood clots.

Bronchospasm in patients with so-called "aspirin asthma". The number of such patients is increasing every year.

Skin allergies in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema and other symptoms. The number of such patients is also increasing.

Inhibition of platelet activity leads to a decrease in blood clotting. In elderly cores, this effect is sometimes positive. But, on the other hand, it exacerbates stomach bleeding. It also leads to increased bleeding with minor injuries, which often occur in patients with joint pathology.

Retention of sodium and water, which creates an additional burden on the heart, and damage to the liver and kidneys are also typical side effects of NSAIDs.

Glucocorticoid hormones

These drugs contain either natural hormones of the adrenal cortex or synthetic substances that are close to them in action. Typical representatives of corticosteroids are prednisolone, dexomethasone, triamcyonolone, cortisone and some other hormonal drugs.

Glucocorticoids are powerful drugs that can suppress the inflammatory response. But they should be used only in situations where other drugs no longer help. The fact is that steroids have a lot of adverse reactions. It is difficult to name a system of the body, on which they would not have an effect. This is a serious retribution for a serious illness that requires very powerful treatment. Doctors always strive to reduce the dose of such hormones, because their side effects directly depend on the amount of corticosteroids used.

Medicine is persistently looking for drugs that could effectively deal with joint diseases, and would not have such side effects. Recently, a new generation of NSAIDs has appeared, which doctors call “cox-2 inhibitors” or “super-aspirins”. By creating them, pharmacologists hoped that they would not irritate the stomach. Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely deprive them of such an action. There are "cox-2-inhibitors" and some other effects typical of NSAIDs. But, of course, the creation of such drugs is a step forward.

Homeopathic treatment of diseases

Homeopathic remedies are an alternative to standard treatment. And sometimes they are a very effective addition to therapy with NSAIDs or corticosteroid hormones.

For example, the German homeopathic remedy Traumeel C, which, although inferior to hormones in its anti-inflammatory power, can complement them very well. Thanks to this union of allopathy and homeopathy, the dose of glucocorticoids can be significantly reduced. So, and reduce the number of their side effects.

Or one more example. The complex homeopathic medicine Zeel T, manufactured in Germany, has proved to be just as effective in osteoarthritis of the knee joint as diclofenac, a classic remedy very often used in the treatment of such conditions.

But let's talk about the use of these homeopathic remedies in the treatment of joint diseases in more detail.

Conventional medicine, which is more correctly called allopathic, is often medicine with the prefix "anti": it uses antibiotics, antipyretics, antihistamines, antiseptics, antiarrhythmics, and a host of "anti" drugs. The particle "anti" confirms the suppressive, depressing nature of the action of such drugs. They block receptors, biochemical reactions, the action of hormones, prostaglandins and other active substances. In a word, they very roughly interfere with the activity of the body, violating not only the mechanisms of the development of the disease, but also many of the mechanisms of normal regulation. Related to this are the side effects that often accompany the action of allopathic drugs.

In many cases, such radical treatment is indispensable. But very often they are abused. In many cases, such remedies could be replaced without prejudice to the treatment by homeopathic remedies that act more gently. And sometimes it would be wiser and safer to use allopathic remedies along with homeopathic ones. This would reduce not only the dosage of the first, but reduce the number of side effects.

Homeopathic remedies act more "sophisticated" in the body, they tune the body to active resistance to the disease, strengthening precisely those mechanisms that are needed for a cure. For a long time, homeopathy was suspected of ineffectiveness, and all its victories were explained by the so-called placebo effect (dummy). The basis for such suspicions was given by the fact that some diseases go away even if the patient is given not a real medicine, but a pacifier imitating it.

Today, homeopathy removes this unfounded suspicion. Some homeopathic companies are not afraid to test their preparations to the most exacting standards, with the so-called double-blind control. With this method, neither the doctor knows what he is giving the patient - a medicine or a dummy, nor the patient knows what he is taking. With the help of special codes denoting study protocols and drugs, independent researchers analyze the results of the trials and make a verdict on the effectiveness of the drug or its absence. This method completely eliminates placebo effects.

The pioneer in such trials among the manufacturers of homeopathic remedies was the German company Heel. She has two drugs in her arsenal - Traumeel S and Zell T — proven to be effective in such trials. Both medicines are very widely used in Germany for the treatment of a wide variety of joint diseases. Moreover, treatment with these drugs is paid for by health insurance funds. And this once again confirms their effectiveness - the cost of useless drugs is not compensated in this way.

Homeopathic medicines are very popular in Germany. They are prescribed not only by homeopaths, but also by therapists, rheumatologists, arthrologists, traumatologists, orthopedists and doctors of various specialties. As a rule, they use complex homeopathic remedies containing classic, well-established sets of components. It is to such complex medicines that Traumeel S and Cel T belong.

Target T

A complex homeopathic preparation that restores normal metabolism in the tissues of the joint. Available in the form of ointment, tablets and solution for injection. The ointment is an over-the-counter drug that is also approved for self-administration by patients. But at the same time, doctors of various specialties very often prescribe Zeel T ointment to their patients. This homeopathic remedy is very popular in Germany and other European countries.

The composition of Zeel T includes a variety of substances necessary for a diseased joint.

The preparation uses components obtained from the plants Rhus, Solanum, Sanguinaria, Symphytum and Arnica. All of them have been successfully used for the treatment of joint diseases for a long time. Thanks to these components, the drug helps well with joint pain associated with weather changes.

Zeel T also has so-called suis-organ components. They give a powerful stimulating effect, activating intracellular processes. At the same time, they supply building materials for cartilage and connective tissue affected by the disease.

Suis-organ components are obtained from cartilage, placenta, umbilical cord and some other organs of pigs. Their content in preparations, as it should be for homeopathic remedies, is very small. But that is exactly how many of them are needed to start the recovery processes in the affected tissues of the joint.

Sulfur, which is part of Cel T, is used to synthesize the so-called chondroitin sulfate. This is one of the main substances that form cartilage tissue. Zeel T also contains coenzyme enzymes. They regulate cellular respiration, which inevitably suffers when metabolic processes are disturbed.

Purpose T has practically no contraindications and side effects. Carefully use them only for people with allergies to sumac and Compositae plants.

But there are many indications of Zeel T. The drug is used for osteoarthritis of various joints - small, large, intervertebral. Especially Zeel T is popular for gonarthrosis (damage to the knee joint).

Goal T refers to those homeopathic remedies, the effectiveness of which is beyond doubt. It has been proven in the most rigorous double-blind placebo studies.

Only recently has one such study been completed showing Zeel T tablets as effective as the NSAID diclofenac. Here it is necessary to clarify that diclofenac preparations are one of the most popular drugs used for joint diseases. In Russia, this medicine is sold under a variety of names. Perhaps more often than others in pharmacies you can find Voltaren, Ortofen, Dicloran, Naklofen. But only with these names the list of diclofenacs is not exhausted.

In patients with moderate osteoarthritis, Zeel T, taken one tablet three times a day, was as effective as diclofenac at a dose of 75 mg per day. The localization of arthrosis was very different, including gonarthrosis, which is so common in patients.

Here it is worth noting a few more features of the drug Cel T in comparison with classical NSAIDs. The latter in arthrosis have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (inflammation usually accompanies metabolic diseases of the joints, it is associated with trauma to the intra-articular surface of the cartilage). Studies have shown that Zeel T also successfully relieves pain. This also indicates the anti-inflammatory effect of Target T - pain and inflammation always accompany each other. But in addition, Target T restores normal metabolism in cartilage and other joint tissues. And NSAIDs are completely deprived of this effect.

In the treatment of joint diseases, intra-articular injections are very often used today. This is usually how glucocorticoid hormones are administered. But in the same way, homeopathic preparations can be used, for example, Cel T in the form of a solution for injection. Intra-articular administration of Zeel T was studied in a large study of 1845 patients with gonarthrosis. In 93.1 percent of cases, that is, more than nine out of ten patients, the drug showed good efficacy. The pain and stiffness of the joints decreased in patients, the positive effect of Cel T began after the second injection. There were practically no side effects, except for mild and very rare inflammation and irritation that can accompany any injection.

Today, a more gentle method of treatment with an injection solution of Cel T has already been developed: the drug can be injected not directly into the joint cavity, but shallow subcutaneous injections of the joint can be done.

Description and instructions Purpose T

Zeal T is a homeopathic preparation aimed at alleviating the course of articular pathologies. The formula of this tool includes many different components. Some of them are of plant origin - for example, Arnica mountain, Nightshade bittersweet and so on. Other components are mineral, for example, silicic acid, sulfur. The third type of substances that make up Zeel T is obtained from biological, that is, animal material - embryos, placenta, and so on. The combined effect of these active substances is described as protecting cartilage tissue, restoring its normal composition and functions, normalizing metabolic processes and relieving pain that accompanies pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. This homeopathic remedy is used for joint degeneration - arthrosis; spine - osteochondrosis; ligaments - chondropathy; bones - osteopathy. Also, Target T is used in the recovery period after injuries. Another area of ​​​​appointment of this medicine is various systemic rheumatic diseases.

Zeel T is produced in the form of tablets, ointments and solutions for injection. The instruction of the drug describes how each of its dosage forms should be used. Among the contraindications to the use of Cel T in all forms of release are individual reactions of intolerance to at least one of the components of this complex drug. Treatment with this homeopathic remedy can cause allergies - this should be the reason for the cancellation of subsequent therapy.

Reviews about Cel T

Opinions and reviews of people who received therapy with this homeopathic remedy are quite positive. Everyone notes some improvement in their condition. One girl, for example, who was diagnosed with inflammation of the knee joint, used Cel T ointment and reported a noticeable decrease in swelling, pain relief. True, stories about how the drugs of this group helped to completely cure any disease of the musculoskeletal system could not be found. Most likely, this is also due to the fact that such pathologies, in practice, cannot be completely cured. You can only slow down their development, relieve acute conditions, lengthen the period of remission.

On the Internet, you can find articles comparing various drugs used for degenerative joint changes. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Diclofenac, Voltaren. Also, various chondroprotectors are mentioned, for example, Alflutop, Dona and so on. Homeopathic Zeel T and Traumeel S are opposed to these drugs. The authors of these studies are sure that the last two drugs act more “targeted” and cause much less harm to the body.

The main advantage of Zeel T is that it can be combined with other drugs used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Although, of course, before doing this, you need to get the advice of your doctor!

Traumeel S

A complex homeopathic preparation with a triple complex action:

anti-inflammatory - reduces the intensity of the inflammatory reaction;

anti-exudative - prevents the formation of edema in the area of ​​periarticular tissues, effusions in the joint cavity, swelling and bruising at the site of injury;

regenerating - helps to restore the affected tissue.

Traumeel S is available in four dosage forms: ointment, drops, tablets and injection. Ointment, tablets and drops are over-the-counter drugs that are sold freely and are allowed for independent use by patients. Traumeel S is one of the most beloved homeopathic remedies in Germany. It is very often prescribed by allopathic physicians of various specialties. Traumeel S is extremely popular in sports medicine, where it is used for bruises and injuries. In Germany, Traumeel C ointment can very often be found in the athlete's bag and in the home first aid kit.

Traumeel C is prescribed in the following cases:

With all inflammatory diseases of the joints and muscles (myositis and myalgia).

In inflammatory processes that accompany such metabolic diseases of the joints as osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis (in these diseases, the articular surfaces are injured and inflamed, usually this is accompanied by pain in the joint). In such conditions, it is better to use Zeel T and Traumeel S simultaneously: the powerful anti-inflammatory effect of Traumeel S complements the reparative (restorative) activity of Zeel T.

With tendovaginitis, bursitis, epicondylitis and other inflammatory processes in the periarticular tissues.

With various injuries of the joints, muscles, periarticular tissues, with bruises, sprains, dislocations.

Traumeel S is virtually devoid of side effects. There are practically no contraindications to prescribing the drug. Do not use it only for people with allergies to the components that make up the drug.

Traumeel S is formulated with a variety of ingredients to help fight inflammation and help sore joints, tendons, ligaments and other periarticular tissues and damaged muscles.

Traumeel S exerts its numerous therapeutic effects through the following mechanisms:

Calcium and plant components such as Aconite and Arnica have an anti-inflammatory effect. They make the vessel wall dense and, accordingly, reduce swelling and the formation of effusions.

Ingredients containing homeopathic doses of mercury also reduce inflammation.

They stop internal bleeding in injuries and prevent the formation of hematomas and hemorrhages in injuries Aconite, Arnica, Hamamelis, Hypericum, Millefolium.

At the same time, Aconite, Arnica and Hypericum, together with Chamomilla, have an analgesic effect.

Hepar sulfur and plant components such as Arnica, Calendula, Echinacea and Symphytum activate metabolic processes and help tissues regenerate and recover.

The anti-inflammatory activity of Traumeel C is comparable to the effectiveness of classical NSAIDs, but at the same time, the homeopathic preparation has fewer side effects.

You can compare Traumeel C and NSAIDs in more detail by reading the table.

Effective anti-inflammatory action

Traumeel S Yes


Pain relief effect

Traumeel S Yes


Irritation of the gastrointestinal tract

Traumeel S No


Inhibition of platelet activity

Traumeel S No


Retention in the body of fluid and sodium

Traumeel S No


Negative interactions with other drugs

Traumeel S No


Scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the drug

Traumeel Yes


Traumeel S very well studied. There are many scientific studies conducted to the highest standards, using placebo and double-blind control, in which the effectiveness of this drug has been proven.

In a double-blind placebo study, Traumeel S ointment was shown to be effective in ankle sprains.

In 1995, large-scale multicenter clinical trials of Traumeel S ointment were completed, in which 3422 patients with ankle sprains, arthrosis, hematomas, inflammation of the tendons (tenosynovitis), muscle hardening (myogelosis), bruises, edema, inflammation of the periarticular bags (bursitis) and other diseases of the joints. In most patients, doctors rated the effect of the ointment as “good” or “very good”.

Around the same time, another very large multicentric study of the injectable form of Traumeel S was conducted. This drug was received by 3241 patients with arthrosis, myogelosis, ankle sprain, humeroscapular periarteritis, epicondylitis, tendovaginitis and other diseases of the joints and periarticular tissues. The route of administration of the drug - intramuscular, intraarticular, chipping around the joint, etc. - was chosen depending on the disease. The result of the treatment was also very good.

We have already said that the ointment is very popular among athletes. And this is no coincidence. In a double-blind placebo study conducted at the Goethe Institute in Frankfurt am Main on 102 injured athletes, it was convincingly shown that Traumeel C ointment relieved pain and swelling in the area of ​​injury faster and better. Those athletes who used Traumeel S, and not placebo in the form of an ointment, recovered faster and started training. And this once again proves the high effectiveness of Traumeel S.


How to use Traumeel S and Zeel T ointments As shown by population surveys and market research, modern patients increasingly prefer alternative medicine. And last but not least, this is due to her addiction to drugs made from natural and natural ingredients. A prominent place among such remedies is occupied by homeopathic preparations. And their popularity is understandable.

First, unlike classical remedies obtained by chemical synthesis, homeopathic remedies rarely cause side effects. Last but not least, this is due to the peculiarities of the dosage of homeopathic remedies. Recall that the “law of small doses” is the basis of homeopathic pharmacology. And where small doses - there, of course, there are rarely complications and side effects. It is no secret that they are the reverse side of the main action of the drug and are directly related to its dose.

Secondly, homeopathy is not afraid to test its products for effectiveness according to the most stringent criteria that modern medicine offers. And, as you already understood, the German company Heel is a pioneer in this approach, bringing together classical medicine and homeopathy. The popularity of Heel preparations among doctors also speaks of her success in this field. They simply would not use ineffective drugs.

Ointment in combination with a bandage.

Squeeze a sufficient amount of ointment on the area of ​​the affected joint. Smooth it over the surface of the skin. It is better if after that cover the joint area with waterproof paper such as tracing paper. Then, not very tight, but not relaxed, bandage the joint area with a bandage.

Depending on the disease and the patient's well-being, as well as his lifestyle, bandages can be applied 1-3 times a day (for example, you can apply a bandage all night).

If for some reason it is impossible to apply a bandage, you just need to apply the ointment to the affected joint and rub it vigorously until you feel warmth in the skin, trying not to cause pain.

Prepared by: Sergey Koval

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