Femibion ​​1 2. Femibion ​​vitamins for pregnant women: pros and cons. Pharmacological action of Femibion

In some cases, the reason for the lack of conception may be lack of vitamins. To replenish the supply of nutrients, experts recommend that women change and additionally prescribe medications that can improve the general condition of the body.

Such drugs include Femibion ​​1. The drug accepted by the course, but before using it it is important to study some nuances.

    What kind of drug is this?

    Femibion ​​1 is vitamin complex, which can replenish the supply of useful components in a woman’s body not only at the stage of pregnancy planning, but also during gestation. The drug has a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of internal systems, but also improves the general condition skin and hair, and also has a calming effect.

    Features of the drug:

    • the product does not contain components that can provoke an allergic reaction;
    • the drug is well absorbed by the body;
    • Femibion ​​1 has a general strengthening effect on the body.

    The drug is available in the form of pink tablets. The package contains 30 pieces. And one pill contains the following set of vitamins:

    Auxiliary components: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, magnesium salts of fatty acids, maltodextrin, titanium dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, glycerin, corn starch, iron oxide, hydroxypropylcellulose.

    REFERENCE! Femibion ​​1 not only helps to improve the general condition of a woman’s body, but also facilitates the process of bearing a fetus after conception. The effect of the drug lasts for a long time.

    Taking Femibion ​​1 when planning pregnancy provides a woman with the necessary amount of vitamins; its composition is optimal and balanced. The absence of vitamin A in the pill is no coincidence. Retinol causes disruption of embryo development in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    The role of Femibion ​​1 in pregnancy planning

    The drug contains many types of vitamins. Thanks to this feature, Femibion ​​1 has a beneficial effect on the body and replenishes the supply of nutrients.

    At the pregnancy planning stage, it allows you to normalize the functioning of some internal systems, improve protective functions and prevent anemia.

    Femibion ​​1 helps eliminate the following conditions:

    • metabolic disease;
    • some abnormalities of the thyroid gland;
    • disorders of the circulatory system;
    • energy deficiency;
    • impaired immunity;
    • increased amount of free radicals;
    • anemia.

    ON A NOTE! In some cases, the reason for the absence of pregnancy for a long time may be a lack of vitamins in the woman’s body. Poor nutrition makes the situation worse. When taking pills, it is recommended to adjust your diet by eliminating harmful foods. Nutrition should be balanced and complete, meals should be taken in small portions, but at least five times a day.

    How to use?

    The course of taking a vitamin complex can be calculated individually, but in most cases a general scheme is used. You need to take the drug from the moment of preparation to pregnancy before twelfth week the process of gestation. Femibion ​​1 contains no components that can harm the unborn baby. Vitamins and beneficial elements will only improve the condition of the expectant mother and have a beneficial effect on the development of the embryo.

    Dosage regimen:

    • 1 tablet once a day orally while eating;
    • should be taken with a small amount of water.

    REFERENCE! Despite the absence of side effects, exceeding the indicated dosages is not recommended. If there are special indications, the doctor may advise supplementing Femibion ​​1 with other vitamin complexes.

    Efficacy of the drug

    The combination of vitamins included in the drug allows you to normalize the functioning of important vital systems and prevent violation their functionality. If you follow the rules for taking the drug, effectiveness appears after the first week of the course.


Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid (as calcium ascorbate)

Vitamin PP / Nicotinamide 15 mg 75

Vitamin E (as alpha-tocopherol acetate) 13 mg 87

Vitamin B5 / Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate)

Vitamin B6 / Pyridoxine (as pyridoxine hydrochloride)

Vitamin B2 / Riboflavin 1.6 mg 89

Vitamin B1 / Thiamine (as thiamine nitrate)

Folic acid 400 mcg 100

L-methylfolate 200 mcg

(equivalent to 200 mcg folic acid)

Iodine 150 mcg 100

Biotin 60 mcg 120

Vitamin B12 / Cyanocobalamin 3.5 mcg 117

Auxiliary components:

Microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, maltodextrin, hydroxypropylcellulose, corn starch, titanium dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids, glycerin, iron oxide.


An urgent problem in the nutrition of pregnant women is the sufficient content of vitamins and minerals (nutrients) in food. The impossibility of providing the required level of nutrients in pregnant women through nutrition is generally recognized. Therefore, during pregnancy, women need to correct their nutritional status by regularly taking a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Folic acid is a vital vitamin for expectant and nursing mothers. Studies have shown the positive effect of folic acid (a synthetic form of folate) and natural dietary folate on the course of pregnancy and the normal development of the child (both intrauterine and after birth). With food, we usually receive an insufficient amount of folate, which does not meet the daily requirement of a woman of childbearing age, and in pregnant women the need for folate is increased. Therefore, additional intake of folic acid during this period is very important. In the body, folic acid is converted into a biologically active form. Medical data shows that every second woman’s body cannot completely convert folic acid into its active form.

Metafolin® is an easily absorbed, biologically active form of folate. Thanks to this, metafolin is more accessible to the body and better absorbed than folic acid. Femibion® Natalker I contains folic acid and Metafolin to provide the necessary level of folate in the body of a pregnant woman, even in those women who cannot fully convert and then absorb folic acid. For the normal development of a child, in addition to folic acid, vitamins and iodine are necessary. Therefore, it is very important to meet the increased need for these nutrients during pregnancy.

Femibion ​​Natalker I contains 9 vital vitamins and iodine.

Film-coated tablets

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Women during pregnancy and lactation should not exceed the recommended dose. The dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a complete, balanced diet.


Women planning pregnancy and pregnant women until the end of the 12th week are advised to take one tablet per day with a small amount of liquid.

Femibion ​​supplies the female body with the necessary amount of folic acid and other vitamins and microelements at the stage of pregnancy planning. It is prescribed several months before conception and in the first twelve weeks of gestation, then other complexes should be taken.

The drug is produced by a German pharmaceutical company. It became popular not only in Germany, but also abroad. In addition, Femibion ​​has a positive effect on the condition of a woman’s skin and hair, and calms the nerves.

Read in this article

Why is Femibion ​​prescribed when planning pregnancy?

The composition of the drug includes many useful components, including in an amount of 400 mcg. This is the necessary amount of a substance to prepare the female body for bearing a child. The treating specialist prescribes Femibion ​​for the following indications:

  • lack of energy, fatigue, sudden mood swings;
  • problems with protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • disorders of the blood vessel system;
  • constant stress and nervousness;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • weak immunity and protective functions of the body;
  • signs of anemia and inability to absorb iron;
  • skin diseases and irritations;
  • loss of firmness and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • increased number of free radicals;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland.

However, it is important to understand that Femibion ​​is not a medicine; it does not replace the necessary therapy in the cases described above.

It is a dietary supplement that helps the body cope with ailments. In addition, disorders can often be caused by deviations in the balance of minerals, and if they are brought into balance a little, the condition will improve.

Advantages and disadvantages of dietary supplements

Femibion ​​has gained popularity among doctors and patients due to its high effectiveness. It is suitable for use when planning pregnancy and in the first months after its onset.

The drug has the following advantages:

  • There are no components that cause allergies.
  • It does not contain vitamin A, or retinol, which can be toxic and dangerous during pregnancy.
  • The body can absorb all components.
  • While taking Femibion, the quality of hair, nails and skin improves.
  • The composition of the drug has the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals to prepare the body for pregnancy.

It also contains the optimal amount, unlike other similar drugs, which is necessary for the formation of the fetal neural tube. There is no need for additional intake of this vitamin.

The only disadvantage is the price of the drug; for some it may be quite high. But for the sake of the health of the future baby, parents cannot stop this.

Watch the video about the drug Femibion:

In addition to folic acid, Femibion ​​contains other useful substances. Among them are B vitamins:

  • Thiamine or B1 ensures normal carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Riboflavin increases energy metabolism and affects the formation of red blood cells. It is also called vitamin B2.
  • Pyridoxine or B6 is needed for protein metabolism and the normal functioning of blood vessels.
  • B12 is necessary for hematopoiesis and improving the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Biotin or B7 improves skin condition and also relieves depression.
  • Vitamin B5 affects metabolic processes.

The following components have a positive effect on a woman’s body:

  • Vitamin C promotes the formation of connective tissue, improves immunity and helps the absorption of iron.
  • Nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP, is needed to ensure metabolic processes of fats, proteins, amino acids, and oxygen metabolism in tissues.
  • Iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Vitamin E cleanses the body of free radicals.

How much to take vitamins and how

How long you should take the drug can only be prescribed by your attending physician after examinations.

But according to the instructions, you should start drinking Femibion ​​from the moment the couple decided to plan a pregnancy and continue until the 12th week of pregnancy.

The components of the drug will not harm the fetus, but can only have a positive effect on its development.

According to the instructions, Femibion ​​should be taken one capsule orally 1 time per day with meals. The tablet should be taken with a sufficient amount of liquid. It is also important to maintain a 24-hour interval between doses of Femibion, so it is advisable to take it at the same time.

Contraindications and side effects

This product has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Side effects and allergies can only occur due to sensitivity to the components of the drug.

In addition, Femibion ​​is not a medicine, but only a vitamin supplement that contains components of plant origin.

Femibion ​​tablets for men

If a couple has consciously decided to become parents, then it is not only the woman who needs to prepare for pregnancy. The male body also needs to be saturated with vitamins and microelements. Therefore, many people have a question: is it possible for spouses to take the same complex.

The fact is that if a man drinks Femibion, then nothing bad will happen. It contains sufficient amounts of folic acid. However, men also need other substances. For example, vitamin A, which is not included in the drug, is necessary to cleanse the body of free radicals. An excess of it in a woman can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus, even deformities. It does not have such an effect on the male body.

Therefore, taking Femibion ​​will have to be combined with taking additional vitamins and microelements. But before using the drug, you should consult your doctor. Any vitamin complexes are best prescribed by a specialist.

Femibion ​​is a popular and effective dietary supplement that provides a woman’s body with all the necessary substances. By taking it at the pregnancy planning stage, the couple increases the chances of conceiving a child soon. It also improves health, helps cope with certain abnormalities, and has a positive effect on the quality of hair and skin.

The pregnancy planning stage and the entire subsequent gestational period is a time when a woman needs to monitor her diet more than ever in order to provide her baby with all the necessary substances. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to consume healthy foods in the right quantities, and a woman simply needs to take vitamin complexes. Today there are many vitamin preparations with an impeccably balanced composition, for example, Femibion ​​pregnancy vitamins. Why do gynecologists increasingly prefer this particular complex, and how does it affect conception and the course of pregnancy? Let's see how Femibion ​​differs from similar multivitamins and how it is taken during pregnancy.

Femibion ​​is a multivitamin complex for those planning to conceive a baby, as well as for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The drug is produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical company Merck and is famous for its impeccable quality.

This drug is not classified as a medicine, since the concentration of beneficial substances has an exclusively preventive effect and is not able to correct a severe deficiency of any vitamins or minerals. Therefore, Femibion ​​is sold as a biological supplement to the diet and is available without a prescription.

The multicomplex is produced in two forms - Femibion ​​Natalcare 1 and Femibion ​​Natalcare 2, which have different compositions and indications. This biological supplement is of high quality and reasonable cost, so every woman can afford to take Femibion ​​during pregnancy. The price of complex No. 1 is about 600 rubles, and complex No. 2 is approximately 1200 rubles.

Let's look at how they differ from each other.

Composition and pharmacological action of Femibion ​​1 during pregnancy

Femibion ​​Natalcare 1 is a drug in the form of oval tablets. Its optimal composition is intended for planning and pregnant women until the end of the 12th gestational week. The nutrients included in the composition are intended for easy correction of the diet, which often does not provide the pregnant woman with the necessary vitamins.

Important! Taking Femibion ​​1 in the early stages of pregnancy does not eliminate the need for adequate nutrition and serves only as a supplement to it.

Femibion ​​contains vital vitamins and iodine. The most important among them is folic acid. Numerous studies have shown that its deficiency at the time of conception threatens irreversible pathologies in the fetus. At the same time, it was found that prophylactic intake of a synthetic form of this vitamin can reduce the risk of developing abnormalities to a minimum.

In addition to folic acid, Femibion ​​includes:

  • B1 - supports metabolic processes at the required level, participates in energy supply, promotes the synthesis of enzymes;
  • B2 is an important link in lipid metabolism, necessary for the full functioning of the nervous system, supplies cells with oxygen;
  • B6 - takes part in the absorption of proteins, provides the body with important amino acids;
  • B12 is an element of the hematopoietic system and also regulates the functioning of the nerve center. Necessary for the rapid formation of red blood cells, supports immunity, participates in DNA division;
  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, is necessary for complete absorption of iron and hemoglobin synthesis, takes part in the formation of tissues;
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cells from aging and helps the body get rid of free radicals;
  • biotin - essential for skin health, normalizes glucose levels, converts carbohydrates into glycogen;
  • pantothenate is a regulator of most metabolic reactions;
  • nicotinamide - participates in metabolism, improves the protective properties of the skin;
  • Iodine is responsible for the proper functioning of a woman’s thyroid gland and the mental development of the fetus.

Composition and pharmacological action of Femibion ​​2 during pregnancy

Femibion ​​Natalcare 2 is prescribed to maintain a successful pregnancy and the full development of the baby (in utero and while breastfeeding). All nutrients are divided into two groups, which are enclosed in gelatin capsules with fats and regular tablets with vitamins and minerals. Femibion ​​is indicated during pregnancy, starting from the 13th gestational week until the end of the lactation period.

Femibion ​​2 contains the same vitamins and iodine as in the first complex, however, their concentration is optimized for a later gestation period.

But in addition, the complex contains polyunsaturated fats in the form of docosahexaenoic acid. It is needed for the correct functioning of the brain, the functioning of the nervous system, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders. In addition, the capsules contain alpha-tocopherol (one of the derivatives of vitamin E), which is essential for all oxidative reactions and cell renewal.

Additional components included in Femibion ​​Natalcare 1 and Femibion ​​Natalcare 2:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium salts;
  • starch;
  • iron oxide;
  • hydroxypropyl methylcellulose;
  • glycerol;
  • maltodextrin.

Femibion ​​2 capsules contain sorbitol, monoglycerides, glycerin, as well as starch and malthiol.

Femibion: instructions for use during pregnancy

According to the annotation for the drug, preventive use of Femibion ​​from the moment of planning conception until the day when the woman stops breastfeeding her baby ensures full ovulation, successful pregnancy, normal intrauterine development of the baby and his health after birth.

Femibion ​​during pregnancy - indications

Taking this vitamin supplement when planning pregnancy helps prepare the body for fertilization and the transfer of healthy genetic material. The experience of using Femibion ​​in women before pregnancy shows that preventive vitamin therapy not only allows you to conceive more quickly, but also reduces the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

Taking Femibion ​​2 during the 2nd and 3rd trimester supports pregnancy and also prevents the occurrence of abnormalities in the fetus, which are often incompatible with life. As a rule, this is improper formation of the neural tube, heart defects, and diseases of the nervous system.

A rich vitamin composition, including iodine and fats, helps prevent the following complications during pregnancy:

  • congenital defects in the baby;
  • borderline vitamin deficiency;
  • anemia caused by a lack of B vitamins;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes mellitus (gestational type);
  • intrauterine developmental retardation;
  • chronic or frequently exacerbating respiratory tract pathologies;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • postpartum hemorrhage;
  • hypoxia;
  • gestational hypertension;
  • dysfunction of the female endocrine system.

Important! Femibion ​​1 is often prescribed to a woman’s sexual partner to improve sperm quality and ensure the transfer of a good gene pool.

Femibion: how to take during pregnancy

The instructions for the drug contain a detailed method of use and dosage of the Femibion ​​supplement during pregnancy.

  • In most cases, the doctor follows the manufacturer's recommendations and prescribes the woman one Femibion ​​Natalcare 1 tablet daily until the 13th gestational week. It is advisable to take the tablet at lunchtime, immediately after eating. The tablet is swallowed without damaging the integrity of the shell, washed down with plenty of water.
  • If you take the supplement before meals, a pregnant woman may experience attacks of nausea, heaviness in the stomach, and pain. Over time, irritation of the mucous membrane decreases and unpleasant symptoms go away, but it is better to take the tablets after meals to avoid this discomfort. The appearance of these signs is not a reason to discontinue the drug and only require correction of the rules for its administration.
  • It is prohibited to exceed the recommended dose at your own discretion, since hypervitaminosis can be just as harmful during pregnancy as a lack of vitamins. But with clinical confirmation of an acute vitamin deficiency, the doctor can change the daily dose of Femibion ​​based on the current circumstances.
  • You can take vitamins early in the morning if a woman has no symptoms of toxicosis, but in no case should this be done in the evening, since Femibion ​​has a tonic effect and problems with sleep patterns may arise.
  • Femibion ​​Natalcare 2 is taken according to a slightly different scheme. The daily doses of vitamins and fats are separate from each other, so you need to take 1 tablet and 1 yellow capsule daily. You can swallow them at the same time or with an interval between doses. This will not affect the bioavailability of the supplement. The supplement should be swallowed whole in the first half of the day with clean water.

Important! Prescribing the Femibion ​​Natalcare complex to a pregnant woman does not mean that you can neglect nutrition. This supplement does not replace, but complements a daily balanced diet.

What are the contraindications and side effects of Femibion ​​during pregnancy?

The only contraindication to taking Femibion ​​at any gestational age is individual intolerance to its composition. It is also prescribed with caution to women with a high risk of developing allergic reactions, as well as with acute renal failure and confirmed hypervitaminosis.

Side effects from vitamin supplements are rare and are usually associated with exceeding the indicated dose or hypersensitivity. Sometimes pregnant women experience the following complaints after taking Femibion:

  • peeling, rash, itching and other allergic manifestations on the skin;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membranes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • apathy.

In case of an overdose, a wide variety of phenomena are possible, depending on which vitamin enters the female body in excess. It could be a simple allergy, severe excitability, sleep or digestive disorders.

If there is an excess of B vitamins, a woman may experience headaches, muscle pain, and vomiting. An overdose of ascorbic acid causes skin redness, bleeding, and dizziness. And if too much tocopherol enters the body, fatigue and brittle bones are possible. If any complaints occur, it is recommended to replace Femibion ​​with another vitamin complex.

Analogues of Femibon during pregnancy

There are no absolute analogues of Femibon on the pharmaceutical market that have the same composition. However, you can select a lot of high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements, whose concentration of nutrients is very close to Femibion, and they also have identical indications and therapeutic effects.

Especially often, a woman is offered a choice of Femibion ​​or Elevit during pregnancy. These are the two most suitable complexes for gestation, which have received a worldwide calling. Elevit is also indicated for planning, pregnant and lactating women. In addition to vitamins, it contains magnesium, zinc, D3, phosphorus, iron, manganese.

Femibion ​​also has other analogues. So, Femibion ​​Natalcare 1 can be replaced with the following drugs:

  • Pregnavite;
  • Alphabet;
  • Theravit Pregna;
  • Multimax;
  • Materna;
  • Complex Trimester 1;
  • Vitrum Prenatal.

Analogues of Femibion ​​Natalcare 2 are:

  • Complex Trimester 2 and 3;
  • Complimentary Mom;
  • Multimax for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Pregnakea;
  • Centrum Materna.

Important! Any analogue of Femibion ​​can be prescribed only by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Femibion: reviews during pregnancy

Most reviews about the Femibion ​​supplement are positive. As obstetric practice shows, the drug is almost always well tolerated, without causing obvious side effects or any discomfort to patients. Women note that the tablets are easy to swallow, and after taking they do not feel any complaints from the digestive system.

There are also responses that indicate that Femibion ​​helps get rid of toxicosis, improve appetite, restore strength and mood. Also, a great advantage of this complex is the presence of iodine, which eliminates the need for additional intake of Iodomarin. In addition, Femibion ​​contains B9 in a bioavailable form, which is absorbed by 99%.

Almost all responses contain information that thanks to taking Femibion ​​throughout the entire gestational period, women’s nails become stronger, skin color improves, and hair growth accelerates.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Femibion is a complex of vitamins with iodine and omega-3 fatty acid, intended for use during pregnancy or in preparation for conceiving a child.

Types and form of release of Femibion

The complex of vitamins is fully and accurately called “Femibion ​​Natalker”, but the second word (Natalker) is usually omitted and the term “Femibion” is used to refer to the drug. In the further text of the article we will also use the name simply “Femibion” to refer to the vitamin complex.

Currently, under the Femibion ​​brand, two types of multivitamins are produced for pregnant women and women planning to conceive, called Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2. The Femibion ​​1 complex is intended for use during pregnancy planning and up to the 12th week of gestation inclusive. Femibion ​​2 is intended for use by pregnant women starting from the 13th week of gestation. Thus, Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 are multivitamin complexes intended for use at different stages of pregnancy.

According to the register of medicines, Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 are classified as biologically active food additives (BAS), which scares many potential consumers of these vitamin complexes. In fact, Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 are ordinary multivitamin complexes, similar to Vitrum, Centrum, Complivit and many others, and their inclusion in the list of dietary supplements is due to the peculiarities of the nomenclature accounting of vitamins in the manufacturing country - Germany, and the cumbersomeness of the Russian bureaucratic machine.

The fact is that in Germany, traditionally multivitamin complexes, intended for preventive use and not for treatment, are classified as dietary supplements, and not as medicines. That is, Femibion, Supradin, Vitrum and other multivitamins are considered dietary supplements in Germany. But such serious vitamin preparations as Aevit, Milgamma and others, containing vitamins in large doses, are already considered medicines. Thus, in accordance with its own ideas, the manufacturer of Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 submitted an application for their registration in Russia and other CIS countries as dietary supplements, which, in fact, was granted.

The second reason why today many vitamin complexes are considered dietary supplements and not drugs is the cumbersome and cumbersome, as well as overly bureaucratic procedure for registering such drugs in drug registries. It is precisely because of such a difficult procedure for adding vitamins to the list of drugs that manufacturers take the path of least resistance, registering their vitamin complexes as dietary supplements, not drugs. Therefore, do not be afraid that the vitamin complexes Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 are considered dietary supplements.

Femibion ​​1 is available in tablet form, coated and intended for oral administration. The package contains 30 tablets. Femibion ​​2 is available in tablets and capsules containing various components. That is, the package of Femibion ​​2 contains 30 tablets and 30 capsules, which must be taken orally. The composition of the tablets in Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 is exactly the same, and additional active substances (omega-3 fatty acid and an additional dose of vitamin E) are contained in separate capsules included in the Femibion ​​2 complex.

Femibion ​​- composition

Femibion ​​1 includes only tablets, and Femibion ​​2 includes tablets and capsules. The composition of the tablets of both complexes - Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 - is exactly the same. And Femibion ​​2 capsules contain some additional substances necessary for women from the second trimester of pregnancy, the presence of which is what distinguishes this complex from Femibion ​​1. Let's consider the composition of Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 tablets, as well as the capsules separately.

Tablets Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2

The tablets of both multivitamin complexes (both Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2) contain the following components as active components:
  • Vitamin C (in the form of calcium ascorbate) – 110 mg;
  • Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) – 15 mg;
  • Vitamin E (in the form of alpha-tocopherol acetate) – 13 mg;
  • Vitamin B 5 (in the form of calcium pantothenate) – 6 mg;
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) – 1.9 mg;
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) – 1.6 mg;
  • Vitamin B 1 (in the form of thiamine nitrate) – 1.2 mg;
  • Folic acid – 200 mcg;
  • Metafolin (a highly absorbable form of folic acid) – 208 mcg;
  • Iodine (in the form of potassium iodide) – 150 mcg;
  • Biotin (vitamin H) – 60 mcg;
  • Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) – 3.5 mcg.
As you can see, the tablets of the Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 complexes contain 10 vitamins, the deficiency of which is most often experienced by pregnant women of different ages. The other three vitamins (vitamins D, A and K) are almost always supplied to the body in the required quantities, and therefore even pregnant women do not lack them. That is why vitamins A, D and K were not included in the complex for pregnant women.

A distinctive feature of the Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 complexes is the presence in them not only of folic acid, but also Metafolina. Metafolin is a folic acid compound that is quickly, easily and completely absorbed by the body, and therefore its availability is much higher than regular folic acid or its compounds (folates) included in other vitamins. Thanks to the presence of Metafolin, the vitamin complexes Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 can be used by women suffering from poor absorption of folic acid.

However, even if a woman does not suffer from low absorption of folic acid, she can take Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2, receiving greater benefit from it compared to other complexes. This is due to the fact that the vitamins in the Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 complexes are in easily digestible forms.

As auxiliary components, Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 tablets contain the following substances:

  • Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose;
  • Hydroxypropylcellulose;
  • Glycerol;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Corn starch;
  • Magnesium salts of fatty acids;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Maltodextrin;
  • Iron oxide.

Femibion ​​2 capsules

Capsules are included only in the Femibion ​​2 complex, intended for use from the 13th week of pregnancy, and contain the following active substances as active ingredients:
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – 200 mg (equivalent to 500 mg of concentrated fish oil);
  • Vitamin E (in the form of alpha-tocopherol acetate) – 12 mg.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is one of the omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as the brain, eyes and all other organs and systems. In addition, docosahexaenoic acid crosses the placenta to the fetus, which proves the important role of this compound in the growth and development of the child. DHA also speeds up metabolism, normalizes mood, and increases overall tone and endurance of the body.

Vitamin E in capsules is contained in a small amount, which, however, together with that in tablets, makes it possible to meet the needs of a pregnant woman for more than 13 weeks in this compound.

Femibion ​​2 capsules contain the following substances as auxiliary components:

  • Glycerol;
  • Malthiol;
  • Modified starch;
  • Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids;
  • Sorbitol.


This photograph shows the packaging of Femibion ​​1 (above) and Femibion ​​2 (below).

What's good about Femibion?

The Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 complexes compare favorably with other multivitamins for pregnant women, and therefore are good for the following reasons:

1. Firstly, Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 tablets contain iodine, so a pregnant woman does not need to take potassium iodide, Iodomarin, etc. in addition to the vitamin complex.

2. Secondly, Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 contain 9 vital vitamins, which pregnant women often lack:

  • B 1 – for normal carbohydrate metabolism;
  • B 2 – to generate the required amount of energy;
  • B 6 – for protein metabolism;
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12) – for hematopoiesis and good functioning of the nervous system;
  • Vitamin C – to protect the body from microbes, absorb iron and optimal functioning of connective tissue;
  • Vitamin E – to protect the body from free radicals;
  • Biotin (vitamin H) – for healthy skin and prevention of stretch marks (stretch marks);
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B 5) – for high-speed metabolism;
  • Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) – for the normal functioning of the protective mechanisms of the skin.
3. Thirdly, Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 contain folic acid in an amount of 400 mcg, sufficient for pregnant women, in the form of two compounds - folic acid itself and Metafolin. And Metafolin is a special form of folic acid, which is much better absorbed compared to folic acid itself and, accordingly, provides a better guarantee for the normal development of the fetal nervous system. In addition, Metafolin is a compound that is normally absorbed even in women who suffer from an inability to convert and absorb folic acid directly. And since approximately half of women suffer from the inability to properly absorb folic acid, the presence of Metafolin in the Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 complexes gives them the opportunity to receive the necessary dose of folate.

4. Fourthly, Femibion ​​2 capsules contain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), obtained from purified fish oil. DHA is an omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid and is essential for brain development and normal vision in the fetus. Vitamin E contained in capsules improves the absorption of DKG and ensures its maximum effectiveness.

Thus, Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 are mainly good because they allow all women, including those suffering from an inability to absorb folic acid, to obtain the dosage of folates (folic acid compounds) necessary during pregnancy. This advantage of Femibion ​​cannot be underestimated, since folic acid is a critical element for the normal growth and development of the fetus, primarily for its nervous system.

It is known that with a deficiency of folic acid, the fetus’s brain and spinal cord are not formed correctly, as a result of which the child is born with defects that are often incompatible with life. You can avoid this danger by simply taking folic acid in the early stages of pregnancy. However, due to the fact that many women lack the ability to absorb folic acid, they actually waste taking regular vitamin complexes containing folic acid. And Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 solve this problem because they contain folic acid in a form that can be absorbed by all women.

Femibion ​​1 is intended for use by women planning pregnancy, as well as by pregnant women until the end of the 12th week of gestation. That is, Femibion ​​1 is recommended to be taken at the planning stage and continued after pregnancy until the end of the 12th week. From the 13th week it is necessary to switch to taking Femibion ​​2.

In addition, Femibion ​​1 can also be taken by men during pregnancy planning, since the complex contains vitamins and elements that are also beneficial for the male reproductive system.

Femibion ​​1 can also be taken by women who are not planning a pregnancy as a multivitamin complex.

Thus, a woman can start taking Femibion ​​1 at the planning stage and continue taking it until the end of the 12th week of gestation. And from the 13th week of gestation you should switch to taking Femibion ​​2 and you can continue to drink it either until childbirth or until the end of the breastfeeding period.

Femibion ​​- instructions for use

Femibion ​​1

Femibion ​​1 tablets must be taken orally, swallowing them whole, without chewing, biting or crushing in any other way, but only with a small amount of water (half a glass is enough). Vitamins should be taken during or after meals, 1 tablet per day, preferably in the first half of the day - before 12.00.

If you take Femibion ​​1 tablets before meals, you may experience nausea or a feeling of heat in the stomach due to irritation of its mucous membrane. These sensations will completely pass after some time, however, in order not to endure such unpleasant moments, it is better to take Femibion ​​1 after or during meals. Nausea and a feeling of heat in the stomach are not symptoms of complications and do not require discontinuation of the drug.

The recommendation to take Femibion ​​1 in the first half of the day is due to the fact that vitamins can give strength, increase vitality and energy, as a result of which it may be difficult to fall asleep when taking the drug in the evening.

When taking Femibion ​​1, you should not exceed the recommended dosage - 1 tablet per day, as this can lead to negative consequences. In addition, you must remember that you need to eat a varied and nutritious diet, and not replace an unbalanced diet with vitamins.

Femibion ​​2

The drug should be taken once a day during or immediately after meals. Moreover, you should take the tablet and capsule at a time in any order. That is, a woman can first swallow a tablet and then a capsule, or vice versa. The order in which tablets and capsules are taken does not affect their effectiveness. If for any reason it is impossible to swallow the capsule and tablet during one meal, then they should be spaced out. That is, swallow a tablet at one meal and a capsule at another. It is important to take one capsule and one tablet daily.

The capsule and tablet should be swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way, but with a small amount of water (half a glass is enough).

It is preferable to take Femibion ​​2 vitamins in the first half of the day (before 12:00), since they have a slight stimulating and activating effect, as a result of which, when taken in the evening, it may be difficult to fall asleep.

Side effects and contraindications for use

The only contraindication to taking Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 is the presence of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to any component, including auxiliary ones, included in these vitamin complexes.

Usually Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 are very well tolerated and do not cause any discomfort or side effects. However, in some cases, Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 may cause the following side effects:

  • Allergic reactions such as rash, peeling, redness and itching of the skin;
  • Nausea after taking a tablet or capsule;
  • Apathy.
These side effects when taking Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 develop extremely rarely and completely disappear after discontinuation of the drug. Women should remember that if they were bothered by side effects when taking Femibion ​​1, then with a high degree of probability they will appear when using Femibion ​​2. Therefore, if there are side effects, it is recommended to completely replace the vitamin complex with some other one.

Femibion ​​- analogues

Currently, two groups of drugs are considered analogues of any drug or dietary supplement - these are synonyms and, in fact, analogues. Synonyms are medicines containing the same active substances. In relation to Femibion, this means that its synonyms are vitamin complexes containing exactly the same vitamins and microelements in the same dosages. Unfortunately, there are no vitamin complexes on the domestic pharmaceutical market that would contain the same components in the same doses as Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2. This means that Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 do not have synonyms in the pharmaceutical markets of the CIS countries.

Analogs are drugs that contain other active substances, but have the most similar therapeutic effects. In relation to Femibion, this means that its analogues are other multivitamin complexes containing various vitamins and microelements and intended for use during pregnancy or at the planning stage. Analogs of Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 are given in the table.

Analogues of Femibion ​​1 Analogues of Femibion ​​2
Alphabet for pregnant womenAlphabet for pregnant women
Bio-MaxVitrum Prenatal
Vitrum PrenatalVitrum Prenatal Forte
Vitrum Prenatal ForteComplivit Trimester 2
Gendevit drageeComplivit Trimester 3
Complivit Trimester 1Complimentary Mom
MaternaMulti-Tabs Perinatal
Megadin PronatalMultiMax for pregnant and lactating women
Multi-Tabs PerinatalPregnakea
PregnakeaPregnavit F
PregnotonTeravit Pregna
Teravit PregnaElevit Prenatal
Elevit PrenatalCentrum Materna DHA from A to Zinc
9 monthsCentrum Materna

Femibion ​​- reviews

Femibion ​​1

Most of the reviews about Femibion ​​1 vitamins are positive, which is due to the excellent tolerability of the drug, visible positive effect, and ease of use. In reviews, women indicate that Femibion ​​1 is easy to swallow, despite the rather large size of the tablet. After taking the pills, there is no nausea or other unpleasant symptoms from the digestive tract, so women feel good and can do their usual work. In some reviews, pregnant women note that after starting to use Femibion ​​1, their symptoms of toxicosis completely disappeared.

Separately, the reviews note the following advantages of Femibion ​​1 - firstly, the presence of iodine in it, as a result of which there is no need to take additional Iodomarin, and secondly, folic acid in vitamins is contained in a special form that is well absorbed.

Femibion ​​during pregnancy

Almost all reviews about the vitamin complexes Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 are positive, due to its properties. Thus, women note that Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 are very well tolerated during pregnancy, since in response to its use there is no nausea, allergies, discomfort in the digestive tract, headaches or drowsiness. Almost all women in the reviews note excellent health after using Femibion ​​1 or Femibion ​​2, which is very important.

Women are also very impressed by the fact that when they take Femibion ​​1 or Femibion ​​2, their nails become stronger, stop peeling and begin to grow well. The condition of both hair and skin improves noticeably. Thus, the Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 complexes improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails of pregnant women, and they become even better than before pregnancy.

Separately, in reviews, women note that the Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 complexes are very convenient because they contain iodine and folic acid in a special, easily digestible form. Thanks to this, there is no need to separately and additionally take iodine preparations (for example, Iodomarin). However, the disadvantage of Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 is the lack of iron and magnesium in their composition, as a result of which it is necessary to additionally take medications containing these substances, such as Fenyuls, Ferrum-Lek, Magnesium-B6, etc.

The only significant disadvantage of vitamin complexes, according to women, is their high cost. So, Femibion ​​1 costs on average 400 rubles, and Femibion ​​2 costs 900 rubles.

Very rare negative reviews about the Femibion ​​1 and Femibion ​​2 complexes during pregnancy are due to the development of allergic reactions to them or individual intolerance. An allergic reaction to Femibion ​​1 or Femibion ​​2 usually manifested itself in the form of red spots or areas of peeling on the skin, accompanied by itching. Individual intolerance to vitamin complexes manifested itself in the appearance of fatigue, apathy, unmotivated laziness, and loss of strength in a woman after taking the pill.

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