Calcium gluconate side contraindications. Mineral supplement with a general strengthening effect - calcium gluconate: price of tablets and injections, use of the drug for the treatment and prevention of diseases against the background of increased sensitization of the body. Indications for use

In certain cases, a person may need to feed his body with different nutrients. Such a need may arise if there is insufficient supply of these components from food, namely with a depleted diet. Sometimes feeding with vitamins and minerals may be necessary in severe conditions - during some illnesses, during the recovery period after them, as well as after surgical interventions. Today we will talk about such an important trace element as calcium, which is sold in the form of tablets with the prefix “gluconate” and the features of its use of this medication.

This is a drug that affects tissue metabolism. Its consumption is aimed at eliminating the lack of calcium, and this substance plays a major role in the formation of bones, it is necessary for muscle contractions, the full transmission of nerve impulses, myocardial activity, and blood clotting processes.

What are the indications for use of calcium gluconate?

According to the instructions, calcium can be indicated in the treatment of ailments accompanied by a state of hypocalcemia, a noticeable increase in the permeability of cell membranes, and a failure in the passage of nerve impulses within the muscles.

In addition, the consumption of calcium gluconate is indicated for the diagnosis of hypoparathyroidism, metabolic disorders of vitamin D (for example, rickets, hyperphosphatemia in chronic renal failure). It is prescribed for excessive removal of calcium from the body, which is observed during prolonged bed rest, against the background of chronic diarrhea, as well as a secondary form of hypocalcemia, provoked by prolonged use of diuretics, glucocorticosteroids or medications against epilepsy.

Indications for the use of calcium gluconate include the development of bleeding in patients of various origins, allergic ailments of various types and etiologies. It can be recommended for bronchial asthma, nutritional form of dystrophic edema, and pulmonary tuberculosis. It relieves lead colic and eclampsia. Sometimes the drug is prescribed for poisoning with magnesium salts, as well as acids (fluoric, oxalic) or their salts. With the help of calcium gluconate, complex therapy is carried out for parenchymal hepatitis, toxic liver lesions, and paroxysmal myoplegia of the hyperkalemic type.

Calcium gluconate is often used during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, and at the stage of increased growth. It is recommended to take it with a diet that implies insufficient calcium intake, as well as in postmenopausal times.

What is the use of calcium gluconate?

The drug in tablet form should be consumed about one to one and a half hours before a meal or the same time after a meal, washed down with some milk.

Adults are recommended to take one to three grams of the active substance two to three times a day. Children under one year of age are given half a gram of medicine, children from two to four years old - one gram, from five to six years old - one to one and a half grams, and from seven to nine years old - one and a half to two grams. Teenagers from ten to fourteen years old are recommended to drink two to three grams of the medicine. Children are given calcium gluconate twice or thrice a day.

During the period of bearing a child and during breastfeeding, the medicine should be taken one to three grams two or three times a day. You should not consume more than nine grams of calcium gluconate in the tablet type.

When administered intravenously, the composition must be infused rather slowly, and injections are given over two to three minutes. For adults, it is recommended to administer five to ten milliliters of a ten percent solution daily or at intervals of one to two days.

Calcium Gluconate injections are not prescribed for children due to the risk of developing tissue necrosis. The medicine can be administered intravenously (at a slow pace or dropwise) - one to five milliliters of a ten percent solution with an interval of two to three days. Immediately before administration, the solution must be warmed to approximately body temperature.

What are the contraindications for use of calcium gluconate?

According to the instructions, calcium gluconate should not be used if the patient has hypercalcemia, severe hypercalciuria, as well as nephrourolithiasis and sarcoidosis. Of course, hypersensitivity is a contraindication.

You should not take this medicinal composition in parallel with cardiac glycosides, due to the increased likelihood of developing arrhythmia.

The medication should be taken with extreme caution in patients who experience dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome, and calcium nephrolithiasis. It is also necessary to take precautions for minor forms of hypercalciuria, moderate types of renal, and chronic cardiac failure. Caution is required both with atherosclerosis, which has a widespread form, and with hypercoagulation.

Those who consume calcium gluconate are advised by the instructions for use that this can be fraught with the development of irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, as well as constipation, etc. Intravenous administration may be accompanied by a burning sensation in the mouth, a general feeling of heat, a decrease in pressure and even loss of consciousness. Before using this medicinal composition, you should consult your doctor.

Instructionsfor medical use




Calcium gluconate

International nonproprietary name

Dosage form

Tablets 0.5 g


One tablet contains

active substance- calcium gluconate monohydrate 500 mg,

Excipients: potato starch, talc, calcium stearate.


White flat-cylindrical tablets, with a chamfer and a score. Marbling is allowed on the surface of the tablets.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Mineral supplements. Calcium preparations

ATX code A12AA03

Pharmacological properties


Approximately 1/5-1/3 of the orally administered drug is absorbed in the small intestine. This process depends on the influence of vitamin D, the acidity of the intestinal contents, diet and the presence of factors that can bind calcium ions. Calcium absorption increases with its deficiency in the body and in food. About 20% of calcium is excreted by the kidneys, the remaining 80% is removed with the contents of the intestine (calcium is actively released through the wall of the terminal intestine).


Calcium ions take part in the formation of bone tissue, the process of blood clotting, and are necessary to maintain stable cardiac activity and carry out the processes of transmission of nerve impulses. A decrease in the content of calcium ions in blood plasma and tissues can lead to the development of various pathological processes. Hypocalcemia leads to dysfunction of skeletal and smooth muscles, the cardiovascular system, disruption of the blood coagulation system, and the development of osteoporosis.

Indications for use

Hypoparathyroidism (latent tetany, osteoporosis), vitamin D metabolism disorders: rickets (spasmophilia, osteomalacia), hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure

Increased need for calcium (pregnancy, breastfeeding, period of increased body growth), insufficient calcium content in food, impaired calcium metabolism (in the postmenopausal period)

Increased excretion of calcium from the body of various origins (prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhea, secondary hypocalcemia due to long-term use of diuretics, antiepileptic drugs and glucocorticosteroids)

Poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic and fluoric acids and their soluble salts (when interacting with calcium gluconate, insoluble and non-toxic calcium oxalate and calcium fluoride are formed)

Hyperkalemic form of paroxysmal myoplegia

Directions for use and doses

Before starting use, consult your doctor.

The drug is taken orally before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals, washed down with milk.

The dosage regimen and duration of taking the drug for each indication depend on the patient’s condition and are determined by the doctor in accordance with the treatment regimens given below. Adults and children over 14 years old - 1.0-3.0 g (2-6 tablets) 2-3 times a day; children from 3 to 5 years old - 1.0 g (2 tablets) 2-3 times a day; from 5 to 7 years - 1.0-1.5 g (2-3 tablets) 2-3 times a day; from 7 to 10 years - 1.5-2.0 g (3-4 tablets) 2-3 times a day; from 10 to 14 years - 2.0-3.0 g (4-6 tablets) 2-3 times a day.

The course of taking the drug depends on the patient’s condition and is recommended by the doctor.

Side effects

Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa


Allergic reactions

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

Rarely- hyperkalemia,



Sense of anxiety

Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Feeling of heaviness or weakness in the legs

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.



Hypercalcemia (calcium ion concentration should not exceed 12 mg% = 6 mEq/L)

Severe hypercalciuria

Nephrourolithiasis (calcium)


Severe renal failure

Concomitant use of cardiac glycosides (risk of arrhythmias)

Children under 6 years old


Dehydration, electrolyte disturbances

Diarrhea, history of calcium nephrolithiasis

Malabsorption syndrome, widespread atherosclerosis

Moderate chronic renal and/or cardiovascular failure

Hypercoagulability, ventricular fibrillation

If you have one of the listed diseases, you should consult your doctor before taking the drug.

Drug interactions

Calcium gluconate is pharmaceutically incompatible with carbonates, salicylates, sulfates, as it precipitates them with the formation of insoluble and sparingly soluble calcium salts.

Concomitant use of calcium gluconate with thiazide diuretics leads to increased hypercalcemia.

Taking calcium gluconate reduces the effect of calcitonin in hypercalcemia, and also reduces the bioavailability of phenytoin.

Due to the formation of insoluble complexes, it is incompatible with licorice root preparations and tetracycline antibiotics (reduces the antibacterial effect).

Slows down the absorption of digoxin, tetracyclines, iron preparations, clindamycin phosphate, hydrocortisone succinate, salicylates for oral administration (the interval between taking calcium gluconate and the listed drugs should be at least 2 hours). With the simultaneous use of calcium gluconate with quinidine, intraventricular conduction may slow down and the toxicity of quinidine may increase. When used together, it enhances the antiresorptive effect of vitamin D, ossien hydroxyapatite complex, anabolic steroids and estrogens. Enhances the hemostatic effect of vitamin K. Reduces the toxicity of bisphosphonates and fluorides when used together. Pharmaceutically incompatible with magnesium preparations.

special instructions

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car or control various mechanisms, as well as engage in other potentially dangerous activities that require increased attention and speed of mental and motor reactions. Patients with a tendency to form kidney stones are advised to increase their fluid intake.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the use of the drug is possible on the recommendation of a doctor. The daily dose of calcium during pregnancy should not exceed 1500 mg. If necessary, use during lactation should stop breastfeeding.


Symptoms: elevated serum calcium levels. With chronic overdose of calcium preparations, general and muscle weakness, depression, mental disorders, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, decreased blood pressure, and cardiac arrhythmias may develop.

Treatment: discontinuation of the drug, parenteral administration of calcitonin at a dose of 5-10 IU/kg/day in 500 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution for 6 hours.

Release form and packaging

10 tablets in a contoured cell-free package made of a combination of paper and cardboard material.

Contour cellless packaging, together with instructions for use (insert notes) in the state and Russian languages, are placed in group containers.

The number of instructions for use (insert notes) must correspond to the number of packages.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

The drug should be used before the date indicated on the package!

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter


Registration Certificate Holder

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia

Address of the organization that accepts claims from consumers regarding product quality on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, 305022,

Russia, Kursk, 2nd Aggregatnaya st., 1a/18

The drug calcium gluconate in tablets, its use, side effects, why it is prescribed, contraindications, overdose - this is the topic of further consideration. To begin with, a few words should be given about the pharmacological action of the drug.

What is the effect of Calcium gluconate?

Calcium gluconate is a drug intended to help a patient diagnosed with a lack of calcium in the body. The biological role of this mineral in a living organism is extremely multifaceted. By and large, there is no system whose operation does not depend on this element.

Calcium is a mineral involved in demoralization reactions, that is, the appearance and propagation of an electrical impulse in biological tissues. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and other important systems.

Calcium is a major component of bone structure. In combination with phosphorus, it forms at least 80 percent of the structure of the supporting apparatus. A lack of calcium in the body leads to the development of a significant number of serious diseases.

This element of the periodic system is absolutely necessary for the efficient functioning of blood clotting processes. Its deficiency will inevitably lead to increased bleeding.

Why is Calcium gluconate prescribed?

The instructions for use allow taking the medication Calcium Gluconate in the following cases:

Any disease accompanied by hypocalcemia (low mineral content in the blood). This group includes many pathological conditions, in particular: pathology of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems.
Conditions in which the need for calcium increases. This includes pregnancy, a period of rapid growth, heavy physical activity, the postmenopausal period, and so on.
Conditions in which the processes of calcium removal from the body are enhanced. In particular, prolonged diarrhea, kidney failure, taking specific medications, burn disease, and so on.
Poisoning with heavy metal salts or organic acids.

In addition, hypoparathyroidism, rickets, pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

What are the contraindications for use of Calcium gluconate?

Taking calcium supplements intended for replacement therapy is contraindicated in the following cases:

Excessively high levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia);
The need to take cardiac glycosides;
Hypersensitivity to the drug;
Age less than 3 years.

Relative contraindications (when the ability to take the medicine is limited):

Diarrhea, especially long-term;
Increased calcium levels in urine;
Chronic heart failure;
Urolithiasis disease;
Severe atherosclerosis;

In addition, any electrolyte disturbances.


There are other calcium supplements designed to correct deficiency, such as calcium chloride. It should be emphasized that the use of calcium gluconate is more preferable, since this salt has almost no irritating effect on the digestive tract.

What is the use and dosage of Calcium gluconate?

For the most complete absorption of the drug, the tablets should be crushed before use. They crush quite easily. To obtain a homogeneous powder, in most cases it is enough to crush the medicine between two spoons.

It is recommended to take the medicine in an amount of 1 to 3 grams per day, in 2 to 3 doses. The maximum daily dosage of 9 grams should not be exceeded. The optimal time for the procedure is one and a half hours before a meal or 2 hours after it.

For children aged 3 to 4 years, the maximum daily dosage is 3 grams. At the age of 5 - 6 years - 4.5 g. From 7 to 9 years - 6 grams. From 10 to 14 years, the dosage regimen is completely similar to that in adult patients.

Calcium gluconate - overdose

In case of an overdose of the drug, hypercalcemia occurs, usually manifested by the following symptoms: vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, depressive mood, psychosis, convulsions, confusion, coma, heart rhythm disturbances, and so on.

Treatment: immediate administration of calcitonin solutions in an amount of 10 IU per kilogram of body weight. The solution should be diluted in 500 milliliters of isotonic sodium chloride. Administered intravenously. The duration of the procedure is 6 hours.

In addition, it is important to monitor cardiac performance indicators and, if dangerous heart rhythm disturbances occur, carry out symptomatic therapy aimed at maintaining the effective functioning of the heart muscle.

What are the side effects of Calcium gluconate?

Taking calcium gluconate tablets can cause the following side effects: bloating, increased gas formation, heartburn, belching, loose stools or constipation, headaches, vomiting and nausea, allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes or itching.

In rare cases, as a rule, if the dosage is exceeded, mental disorders, heart rhythm pathology, and so on may occur. Extremely dangerous conditions that require immediate treatment.


Calcium gluconate should be taken only if there is an indication for it. To normalize the functioning of the body and improve the absorption of this mineral, it is recommended to adhere to an integrated approach: a rational and balanced diet, physical activity, proper rest, and giving up bad habits.

Calcium gluconate is a medical drug aimed primarily at restoring the required level of calcium in humans. It is actively used in medicine to normalize the physiological reactions of the human body, in which calcium ions take part.

Composition of the product

Calcium gluconate solution for injection is available ready-made and is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid. The active component of the solution is calcium gluconate. In 10 ml of solution its content is 10% (1g). The excipients in the solution for injections are calcium saccharate and distilled water.

In pharmacies you can most often find a 10% solution, in which there is 1 mg of gluconate per 10 ml of liquid.

The liquid is contained in a clear glass ampoule. The package contains 10 ampoules of 10 ml each.

Mechanism of action

Calcium ions, the deficiency of which the body reacts so sharply to, and which it really needs, take part in the conduction of nerve impulses. They make sure that the organs and systems in the body can work clearly and harmoniously. After entering the body, calcium spreads throughout all its tissues and immediately begins its participation in metabolic processes.

Strength of bones, normal blood clotting, increased production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, decreased vascular permeability - all these processes are impossible without a normal calcium balance in the human body.

Important! The ions of this substance help teeth and bones remain strong and strong.

When to use

The drug is prescribed for such conditions of the body when the level of calcium ions in a person’s blood decreases to a critical level.

Indications for use of calcium gluconate in the form of injections:

  • treatment of allergic manifestations with the use of antihistamines.
  • in the treatment of inflammatory processes of any type and various locations.
  • problems with kidney function, since the body loses calcium very quickly - it is excreted in the urine.
  • hepatitis, which occurs with inflammation of the liver parenchyma, as well as in cases where the liver is exposed to any toxic effects.
  • disruption of the thyroid gland (hypoparathyroidism) - due to this disease, the concentration of calcium in the blood decreases sharply. The drug is not able to restore the lost functions of the glands; it only compensates for the lack of this element.
  • the medicine is actively used as an auxiliary hemostatic agent for various bleedings - uterine, intestinal, nasal, pulmonary.
  • excessive permeability of cell walls.
  • bearing a child, lactation, menopause, intensive growth in children and adolescents - all those periods when the body feels a high need for calcium.
  • rickets and other disorders of vitamin D metabolism.
  • bone fractures of any complexity and increased bone fragility.
  • appearance of teeth in children.
  • poisoning with certain types of salts and acids.
  • frequent rhinitis, colds, bronchitis.
  • osteoporosis.
  • diet low in calcium.
  • conditions when calcium is intensively washed out of the body - prolonged diarrhea, treatment with drugs against epilepsy, bed rest for a long time, and others.


Injections should not be used if the following signs are detected:

  • individual intolerance to the main component.
  • an increase in the concentration of calcium in a person’s blood to 6 meq/l - this also applies to those cases where the increase occurred as a result of calcium injections taken.
  • children under 15 years of age.
  • various kidney diseases.
  • excessively high blood clotting, in particular, a tendency to thrombosis.
  • pregnancy and lactation - calcium injections should not be used.
  • excessive excretion of calcium in the urine.
  • atherosclerosis.

Rules for using injections

Intramuscular injections can be carried out at home; intravenous calcium gluconate should be administered only in the treatment room. The medication is administered very slowly - 2-3 minutes. Preparing the drug for the procedure involves heating it to +37 degrees.

Children under 14 years of age are prescribed the drug 7 ml, depending on the disease, once a day or one injection once every 2-3 days.

For patients under 14 years of age: 1-5 ml once every 2-3 days, however, administration in this case should only be intravenous. Intramuscular calcium injections should not be given to children - necrotic tissue necrosis at the site of drug administration is possible.

On an individual basis, the doctor must develop an injection regimen, select the dosage and determine the duration of the course of treatment. This is influenced by the patient’s personal data: weight and height, gender, age group, disease and its severity.

Important! Self-administration of calcium supplements in the form of injections is unacceptable. Only a doctor can assess the possible benefits and risks.

Calcium gluconate is injected intramuscularly exclusively into the gluteal muscle - the pain from the injection will not be so noticeable there. This will also avoid the formation of bumps and bruises, and the drug will enter the bloodstream faster.

It is necessary to carry out thorough antiseptic treatment of the injection surface. Since necrosis or inflammation at the injection site may develop during injection, all safety measures must be taken - this will help avoid complications.

Calcium gluconate injections are given with regular monitoring of electrolytes in the patient's blood.

When receiving intramuscular injections, you cannot take calcium tablets at the same time. Before starting treatment, you must ensure that there are no contraindications.

For pregnant women, calcium gluconate injections are prescribed only in the most extreme cases - as a rule, during this period, tablets with a similar effect are indicated.

Description of adverse reactions

There are not too many side effects and undesirable consequences from using the drug in injections, but the likelihood of their occurrence must be taken into account.

The instructions for use describe the following side effects:

  • as mentioned above, tissue necrosis at the injection site is the most common undesirable consequence. It occurs mainly due to a violation of the technique of administering the medicine. To prevent this, each subsequent injection should be given to a different area. You can dilute the drug administration regimen with 1-2 days of rest (with the every other day regimen). In this case, the method of temporarily canceling injections is very effective.
  • nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.
  • decrease or increase in heart rate. This effect can occur if the drug is administered too quickly.
  • redness of the skin at the injection site, swelling and pain.
  • there is a possibility of stones appearing in the intestines - in case of prolonged use of this drug and (or) use of large doses of the drug.
  • kidney dysfunction, expressed in swelling of the legs, copious and frequent urination.
  • the most severe consequences of taking it can be the development of anaphylactic shock and collapse (even death - extremely rarely). Then emergency help may be required.

Important! If, however, any of the side effects manifest themselves, then any administration of calcium should be stopped.


Cases of drug overdose are usually associated with its long-term use or excessively high dosage.

In cases of overdose, symptoms and conditions appear such as:

  • nausea, vomiting, constipation.
  • fatigue and excessive irritability.
  • painful sensations in the peritoneum.
  • muscle weakness.
  • increased urine production.
  • severe thirst and dry mouth.
  • increased blood pressure.
  • formation of kidney stones.

If an overdose is established, further use of the drug is immediately discontinued. In particularly severe situations, the patient is prescribed intravenous injections of calcitonin. It is possible to use droppers with an antidote.

Drug interactions

  1. The drug slows down the absorption of tetracycline class antibiotics, dosage forms of iron and fluorine.
  2. Increases the toxicity of drugs used to combat heart failure.
  3. Food products such as spinach, various grains, bran, and rhubarb reduce the absorption of calcium from the digestive system.

What are Cortisone injections for and their effect?

“Calcium gluconate” (injections) is a drug that is used for intramuscular and intravenous administration. The use of this remedy allows you to replenish the Ca2+ deficiency in the body, which is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, as well as for the contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles; it also takes part in the work of the myocardium, the formation of bone tissue and in the process of blood clotting.

"Calcium gluconate" - composition and release form

One ampoule of this product contains 10 milliliters of solution, in which 1 g. Ampoules are packaged in cardboard packs of 10 pieces each.

Indications for use:

The drug is used in the presence of diseases that are accompanied by hypocalcemia, increased permeability of cell and vascular membranes, and also when the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles is impaired. “Calcium gluconate” (injections) is used for hypoparathyroidism, rickets, hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure.

Pregnant women need large amounts of calcium during the period of body growth, as well as during the postmenopausal period. This element is intensively excreted during prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhea, and secondary hypocalcemia, so in these cases it is also necessary to replenish its reserves in the body. Indications for the use of this drug are bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, eclampsia, lead colic. “Calcium gluconate” (injections) is prescribed in the presence of poisoning with Mg2+ salts, as well as fluoride and in case of toxic liver damage, nephritis, parenchymal hepatitis.


This drug is not prescribed for severe hypercalciuria, nephrourolithiasis, or sarcoidosis. The drug is not administered intramuscularly to children; it is also not used in the presence of dehydration, diarrhea, calcium nephrourolithiasis, widespread atherosclerosis, hypercoagulation.

Possible side effects:

If you have been allowed to ingest the drug “Calcium Gluconate” (injections), then there may be irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and constipation. If the drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, nausea, bradycardia and diarrhea may occur. If this remedy is taken quickly, the blood pressure may drop, arrhythmia, fainting, and even cardiac arrest may occur. Intramuscular administration may result in necrosis at the injection site.

In case of an overdose of the drug, 5-10 IU/kg/day of calcitonin is administered over 6 hours, which is pre-diluted in half a liter of 0.9% NaCl solution.

Mode of application:

This drug is administered intramuscularly and intravenously over 2-3 minutes or dropwise. Adults are recommended to administer 10 ml of the drug either daily or every other day.

For children, the dose is from 1 to 5 ml of the drug and it is administered once every 2-3 days.

If a person has slight hypercalciuria, a history of nephrourolithiasis, or reduced glomerular filtration, then calcium gluconate should be taken while constantly monitoring the amount of Ca2+ in the urine. In order to reduce the risk of developing nephrourolithiasis, you need to drink plenty of fluids.

Drug interaction:

The drug is incompatible with sulfates, salicylates and carbonates. It is also not prescribed together with tetracycline antibiotics.

If the simultaneous use of Calcium Gluconate and quinidine is allowed, the toxicity of the latter increases and intraventricular conduction slows down. It is not recommended to use it during treatment with cardiac glycosides.

"Calcium gluconate" (injections) - reviews

Since this drug has virtually no side effects, many women indicate that after 30 years they take it regularly. Moreover, it is useful not only for women, but also for men, as it strengthens bones, nerves and heart. But with excessive use of this drug, people indicate that some people develop kidney problems. It is best, of course, to replenish the lack of calcium with natural products, and to take medications only in extreme cases.

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