Almag - characteristics, indications and contraindications. Almag for high blood pressure: use for hypertension and contraindications Ev Almag

Ancient doctors called the vessels of the human body “the river of life.” They did not yet know anatomy, but they understood that along with severe bleeding, life leaves a person, and when a limb is pulled, its necrosis occurs. The “river of life” is only so deep and deep until the disease hits its banks - the vascular walls.

There are three types of vessels in our body - arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels. Arteries are designed for oxygenated blood to move from the heart to organs and tissues.

Venous vessels move blood from organs and tissues and back to the heart. Lymphatic vessels are responsible for the circulation of intercellular fluid - lymph.

The main vascular diseases are as follows.

Arteries: atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, coronary heart disease, aneurysm, obliterating endarteritis.

Ven: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, trophic ulcer.

Lymphatic vessels: lymphedema (elephantiasis), various lymphostases (tissue swelling).

Vascular diseases are very serious and often life-threatening. Many people are afraid of getting cancer or AIDS, not knowing that vascular diseases are the number one cause of death in the world. They are the ones that most often cause the most severe conditions for the human body. By the age of 40–50, almost 100% of people begin to experience changes in their blood vessels.

After 30 years, the number of cells that make up the walls of blood vessels begins to decrease. The gaps between the vascular cells are constantly increasing - these changes are called diffuse. The vascular wall becomes more loose. Because of this looseness, diseases such as vascular aneurysms occur, which can rupture, causing internal bleeding.

The intercellular spaces begin to fill with calcium particles carried by the blood, causing the vascular wall to lose its elasticity. For example, the distensibility of the aorta in people 70-75 years old decreases three times compared to 20-year-olds. For this reason, in older people, a vessel can rupture or burst with much less load on it than in young people. With an increased content of fatty particles, the so-called cholesterol, in the blood, its particles stick to the loose wall, which over time form cholesterol plaques, causing atherosclerosis.

Problems with blood vessels cause disruption of the blood supply to vital organs, which manifests itself in heart attacks and strokes, leading to disability and death. In Russia, strokes are registered in more than 400 thousand people per year. Of these, 35% die in the first 3 weeks of the disease, and only half of the patients reach the annual milestone.

Significant changes occur in the capillary network. Over the years, the number of functioning capillaries per unit area decreases. For example, at the age of 18-40 years their number in the nail area is 9, and at the age of 90 – 6. This difference is even more significant on the feet. Moreover, areas may appear that are completely devoid of capillary loops. Potentially, these areas, deprived of blood supply, are doomed to rapid atrophy. There is a decrease in capillary permeability, which leads to a decrease in the flow of substances both in the blood-tissue direction and in the opposite direction. This is especially important for the heart muscle, in which the capillary network significantly decreases with age, which leads to a decrease in its contractility and increasing heart failure. Because of this, arterial pressure increases and venous pressure decreases, the mass of circulating blood decreases, and blood flow slows down.

The listed changes in the vascular wall and capillaries inevitably lead to an age-related decrease in blood supply to all organs and tissues and subsequent increasing oxygen deficiency. And this, in turn, leads to age-related atrophy of organs and tissues and their fatty degeneration. This is manifested in older people getting tired more quickly and the need for a longer time to recuperate. It is no coincidence that many doctors say: “A person is only as old as his blood vessels.”

How can we help our blood vessels and, accordingly, the entire body, increase vitality? Especially at the time of spring vitamin deficiency, loss of strength, exacerbation of many diseases? The magnetic field gives us enormous opportunities for this!

The very first and most important effect of the magnetic field is relaxation of capillaries and improvement of blood flow. The magnetic field also increases the fluidity of the blood, which becomes less viscous. After just five minutes of exposure to the magnetic field, blood flow in the capillaries increases to three hundred percent. Restoring or increasing local blood supply helps to improve oxygen supply and nutrition of the tissue, enhance metabolism in it, and speedy resolution of edema (venous and lymphatic).

The magnetic field is also useful for the heart muscle. It reduces the “gluing” of platelets - blood cells that form blood clots and prevent blood from normally feeding the heart, improves blood flow through the heart’s own vessels, increases the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle, and increases the pain sensitivity threshold of the heart. Blood pressure decreases moderately under its influence. In addition, the magnetic field anesthetizes, enhances the production of hormones, increases the body's resistance to stress (causes of vascular spasms), increases immunity and local tissue resistance. In case of cardiovascular diseases, a significant advantage of the magnetic field is its ease of portability and ease of burden for humans.

Treatment of vascular diseases with Almag physiotherapy device.

Use of Almag for obliterating endarteritis.

With endarteritis, the vessels are affected above the place where it hurts. For example, pain is felt in the legs and feet, and the arteries are affected in the thigh and above. Since patients feel coldness in their legs, there is a desire to apply heat, but with this disease, thermal procedures are contraindicated. A running pulsed magnetic field provides an analgesic and blood circulation-improving effect for endarteritis.

The magnetic field of ALMAG must be applied, gradually rising from the bottom of the foot upward, gradually increasing the time of exposure from 7 to 20 minutes. Finish the effect on the lumbar region. The course of treatment is 18-20 procedures. After 30-40 days, a repeat course of magnetic therapy is carried out.

After treatment ALMAG om 70% of patients noted an improvement in their well-being, in 87% pain in the legs decreased, in 83% “intermittent claudication” became less common, 92% got rid of the feeling of “crawling goosebumps”. In some patients, the ulcers healed or the development of gangrene stopped.

Treatment of Thrombosis with Almag.

A magnetic field ALMAG and when acting on the vessels of the leg, it helps to reduce the coagulability of the blood flowing there, which is usually increased during thrombosis. In addition, microcirculation improves and the permeability of vascular walls increases, which leads to partial dissolution of the blood clot, reduction of swelling, pain and helps prevent thrombophlebitis. The course of treatment with ALMAG is at least 18 days, after 2 months it is recommended to carry out a second course.

Use of Almag in the treatment of varicose veins.

Treatment with the device ALMAG indicated at all stages of varicose veins, because ALMAG increases capillary blood flow, improves the contractility of the vascular wall and reduces the size of varicose veins. Application ALMAG and at the initial stage of varicose veins it helps prevent the development of pain and cramps. Improving microcirculation leads to acceleration of metabolic processes, which promotes the healing of ulcers. Reducing blood clotting helps prevent thrombophlebitis.

Treatment is carried out through an elastic bandage placed on the limb. ALMAG is placed with the working surfaces along the course of the affected vein. After the 8-10th session, pain, cramps, itching, and swelling will begin to decrease. The course of treatment is 25-30 days. You can repeat it in a month. At the same time, you can use Detralex, Antistax, Lyoton, Hepatrombin or other drugs prescribed by your doctor. When used together with ALMAG, the effectiveness of treatment increases.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers with the Almag device

The most severe complications of varicose veins are chronic thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcer, which occurs in 77% of cases in patients with chronic thrombophlebitis. Russian surgeon S.I. Spasokukotsky wrote: “Cut ulcers represent the true cross of surgeons in their enormous persistence and difficulty of treatment.” An ulcer is not a local, but a systemic disease. It is necessary to influence the vein over its long extent, and the ulcer itself, and the local immunity, and the general resistance of the body. The magnetic field will help here too.

Treatment with ALMAG OM helps reduce blood clotting, dissolve a blood clot and restore blood flow through the vessel. The anti-inflammatory effect of the magnetic field reduces inflammation in the affected vessels. Improving microcirculation around the affected vein and trophic ulcer leads to an increase in the flow of blood rich in building substances and oxygen, and from there, on the contrary, accumulated inflammatory products and carbon dioxide are washed out. All together this leads to the elimination of inflammation and healing of the trophic ulcer. Treatment is carried out through a bandage. The process of treating an ulcer is long, so you will need endurance and patience.

Application of the Almag device for coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease (CHD) includes a group of diseases caused by a discrepancy between myocardial oxygen needs and its delivery. The basis of the disease is atherosclerosis of the heart vessels (coronary arteries). IHD includes diseases such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, heart failure, and arrhythmia.

ALMAG is used for stable angina of class I-II. The impact is made on the collar area in order to reduce pressure in the deep and saphenous veins and arteries, while simultaneously reducing the heart rate. One of the valuable manifestations of the action of the magnetic field in this case is the acceleration of the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, which gradually leads to a decrease in cholesterol in the blood. As a result, the development of the disease slows down. Under the influence of the ALMAG magnetic field, the biological activity of magnesium contained in the blood increases, which leads to a decrease in the development of pathological processes in the heart.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia and treatment with Almag.

Cardiovascular syndromes of VSD are reduced to hypertensive, hypotonic and cardiac. ALMAG is indicated for hypertensive syndrome, since its action reduces high blood pressure, stimulates the adrenal glands, which produce hormones that regulate metabolism, helping to restore vascular tone. Treatment should be carried out after the vegetative crisis subsides.

Use of Almag in the treatment of hypertension.

High blood pressure has a harmful effect on blood vessels and contributes to the occurrence and progression of vascular diseases, so it cannot be ignored. ALMAG is an important component of complex treatment of hypertension along with medications. When ALMAGA's traveling pulsed magnetic field is exposed to the collar zone, blood vessels dilate, their resistance decreases, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. At the same time, the heart rate decreases and the pulse normalizes.

When ALMAG om influences the projection of the adrenal glands, the activity of all parts of the endocrine system increases, which has a positive effect on the production of hormones and enzymes. Cerebral circulation and brain metabolism improve, and its resistance to low oxygen levels increases. This is especially true for patients not only with hypertension, but also with ischemic stroke.

A course of treatment with ALMAG OM for 18-20 days is effective at stages I-II of hypertension. If there is a persistent decrease in blood pressure, you should consult with your doctor about reducing the dose of medications you are taking.

Almag treatment of ischemic cerebral stroke.

Ischemic stroke or cerebral infarction is caused by a cessation or sharp decrease in blood supply to certain areas of the brain. Most often it affects people suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and heart pathologies.

ALMAG It is used both for the prevention of ischemic stroke and for the treatment of its consequences, since it lowers blood pressure and reduces blood viscosity. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases are strongly recommended to take preventive courses of ALMAG OM, after consultation with a doctor, in order to prevent a stroke. In the post-stroke period, procedures with ALMAG allow a person to recover faster - for this purpose it is used in rehabilitation medical centers.

It is known that the magnetic field has healing properties for humans. It can be variable, constant and running. And it is this field that is effective. On this basis, a device such as Almag 01 was created.

You will learn below how to use Almag 01 and what diseases can be treated with its help. You will also learn about possible contraindications to the use of this device.

Features of the Almag 01 device and its operating principle

This device has a wide range of applications, it improves human condition with a large number of diseases. Almag is recommended by doctors; it is easy to use and compact. A patient can be treated using such a device in a hospital, outpatient clinic or at home.

This device consists of the following parts:

  • inductors connected to each other. There are four of them in total; they are applied to the skin on which the problem area is projected;
  • power cord;
  • an electronic unit that creates magnetic field pulses;
  • cable for inductor strip.

The operation of the device is based on the proven property of a magnetic field of pulsed origin. It acts in the body as stimulant of vital processes.

“Almag” operates at frequencies of 4 ÷ 16 Hz. This effectively affects the tissues of the human body, and the wave effect extends to a depth of up to 8 centimeters, which makes it possible to influence internal organs.

Tissues affected by the disease produce unhealthy cells already damaged by others, which provokes chronic processes. Under the influence of field pulses of these frequencies, the electromagnetic parameters of tissues are restored due to disturbances due to diseases.

The body's reaction to the Almag device

If you plan to use Almag 01 to treat your body, then know that What therapeutic effects can it have?

Technical characteristics of "Almag 01"

The manufacturer of the “Almag 01” device is the company “Elamed” (Russia). The design belongs to the category of medical equipment. A number of studies were conducted that dealt with the consequences of using the device, and contraindications for use were determined. After them, “Almag 01” was recommended by specialists for treatment at home and in clinical settings as prescribed by specialists.

The technical parameters of the Almag 01 device are as follows:

  • power consumption – maximum 35 VA;
  • weight – 0.6 kg;
  • pulse frequency – 6 Hz;
  • the light alarm turns on after switching on;
  • creation of a magnetic pulse lasting from 1.5 to 2.5 months;
  • automatic power off after switching on after 22 minutes;
  • before the next switching on of Almag 01, you need to take a 10-minute technological break;
  • the device can be used for 6 hours with breaks;
  • The average service life is 5 years.

Indications for use of "Almag 01"

Using this device The following can be treated:

Possible contraindications to the use of Almag 01

Like other treatment methods, treatment with Almag 01 has its contraindications. Most often, a traveling magnetic field is safe for organs and systems. But there are cases when this treatment has contraindications:

  • suspected cancer or diagnosed disease;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • acute problems of cerebral circulation;
  • pregnancy;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • the possibility or presence of internal circulation;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • blood diseases;
  • increased presence of thyroid hormones in the body;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute phase.

Features of the use of the device "Almag 01"

Before treating a particular ailment, the patient must choose a comfortable position for yourself. Thanks to the indicators, you need to check the operating status of the device. In the middle of the inductors, a green lamp flashes during operation.

Inductors need to be applied to the problem area of ​​the skin. There may be light fabric between the skin and the working part of Almag 01.

The rules for using Almag 01 are as follows:

Instructions for use "Almag 01"

The Almag belt, equipped with special inductors, must be applied to the problem area and a treatment session is carried out.

It is applied to the following areas:

  • lower back;
  • spine;
  • collar area;
  • the area around the sore joint;
  • legs with problem veins, etc.

If necessary, all members of the family can use the device, but the operating mode of the device is observed with ten-minute breaks and a total duration of a maximum of 6 hours.

Naturally, most patients will be interested in when to expect the effect of using Almag 01. Sometimes at the beginning of treatment pain is present. The first effect of use is often the disappearance of systemic pain.

It should be remembered that results can only be expected with long-term use of Almag 01. All this happens due to the fact that the traveling magnetic field creates conditions for increasing immunity and tissue renewal. The body rebuilds itself very slowly, but as a result, the body becomes strong and finds reserves within itself for healing.

Safety rules when using Almag 01

If you are treating your illness with this device, then follow these safety rules:

  • Before using the device, check the integrity of the coatings of all its components;
  • when preparing to use the device, you should remove all magnetically sensitive equipment by at least 0.5 meters;
  • Do not leave the spool cable or power cord under tension while using the device. Choose a place where outlets are conveniently located and you can use extension cords;
  • Do not move the device by pulling it by the cord;
  • do not place coils in areas of direct influence on the heart and brain;
  • handle the Almag with care, do not shake it and do not allow moisture to get inside the parts;
  • use only a working outlet with a frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of 220 V;
  • After the device automatically turns off, to continue its operation, disconnect the device from the network and turn it on again after 10 minutes.

Cost and analogues

You can purchase Almag 01 in pharmacies or online stores. Its cost varies from 6 to 8.5 thousand rubles. The device that creates a traveling field currently has no analogues.

What patients and doctors say about magnetic therapy

Doctors say that the use of this device helps to significantly improve the health of patients after procedures for a large number of diseases. If they are serious, then treatment is included in a comprehensive program drawn up by the attending physician.

If we talk about patient reviews, the minimum number of them indicates that they received the expected effect from the treatment. The fact is that they are insensitive to this therapy or have not been patient with treatment. A stable effect is possible only with long-term use of Almag.

The majority of patients who have no contraindications are satisfied with the treatment. They note such positive results of using Almag 01:

  • long-term pain goes away;
  • recovery occurs better after injuries;
  • Postoperative scars heal faster;
  • stiffness due to osteochondrosis and joint diseases disappears;
  • the patient’s range of movements expands;
  • the dose of use of certain drugs is reduced;
  • the general condition of a person improves.

As we can see, despite its overall effectiveness, Almag 01 has a number of contraindications and cannot always help. Usually, the effect is noticeable after just a few sessions. And tangible changes should be expected only 2-3 weeks after the end of the course of treatment.

Most adults suffer from periodic back and joint pain. This is facilitated by a low-active lifestyle, staying in one position for a long time, for example, when working at a computer. This position is not physiological and causes tension in the back muscles. The opposite situation - passion for sports, heavy physical work - also leads to damage to the musculoskeletal system.

There are many diseases of the spine and joints, and most of them are difficult to treat with medication - pharmacological agents can only temporarily suppress the symptoms of the disease. To eliminate the cause of the pathological process, physiotherapy methods are successfully used, one of them is the use of the Almag 01 apparatus.

The positive effect of electromagnetic fields on the body has been proven. Magnetic therapy is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes for many diseases. There are devices for use in hospitals and for home use. Specialists of the hospital named after. Burdenko created the Polimag device. However, it cannot be used for treatment at home. For these purposes, its analogue was invented, the portable Almag - a device whose therapeutic effect is based on the use of alternating, direct and running currents. According to reviews, its effectiveness is not inferior to the devices used by specialists. The manufacturer of the device is the Russian instrument plant “Elomed”.

The Almag device consists of a block that generates electrical impulses and inductors. The device is available in several variations, the most used of which are: Almag 01, 02 and 03. Their operating principles are the same. Features of various types of devices:

  • The Almag 01 device has a fixed action, the number of set programs is not adjustable, the set of emitters includes a line of 4 inductors, the frequency is 6.25 Hz, it turns off after 22 minutes, simultaneous exposure is possible on 1 zone.
  • Almag 02 has a “running” and “stationary” type of influence, the number of programs is 79, the set of emitters includes a line of 4–6, a main emitter of 16, a local emitter of 2 inductors, the frequency is 1–100 Hz, the device turns off after 30 minutes , simultaneous impact is possible on 2 zones.
  • Almag 03 has a “running”, “stationary” and “rotating” type of impact, the number of programs is 79, the kit includes 2 flexible rulers with 6 coils each, the pulse frequency is 1–100 Hz, switches off after 20 minutes, simultaneous impact possible for 2 zones.

Technical characteristics of the device Almag 01:

  • power supply from an electrical network with a voltage of 220 V;
  • device power 35 VA;
  • weight 620 grams;
  • block dimensions: 13.7 * 6.0 * 4.5 centimeters, coil diameter - 9 centimeters, thickness - 1.5 centimeters;
  • the device has 4 coils;
  • induction amplitude – 20 mT;
  • pulse duration – 6 Hz;
  • when turned on, the indicator lights up;
  • without changing the settings, it works for 6 hours according to the scheme: 20 minutes of work and 10 minutes of break;
  • can be used in various climatic conditions;
  • The medical device is resistant to treatment with detergents and hydrogen peroxide.

Therapeutic effect

The most important element of the influence of a magnetic field is contact with charged particles. As a result, exchange within and between cells improves. Redox reactions are launched, metabolism increases. Thanks to the effect of TMMF (traveling pulsed electromagnetic field) and the division of the field across several coils, the entire spine and internal organs are affected during treatment.

A pulsed magnetic field has greater biological activity due to the maximum number of parameters in it - the BIMF has spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Four sources are switched on alternately, resulting in the effect of spatial displacement of the field. A large area of ​​the patient’s body is exposed to the action, but the likelihood of mutual influence of sources and distortion of magnetic fields is excluded. Accustoming to the action of Almag also does not develop due to the constant movement of the source and changes in phase.

Almag causes the following reactions in the body:

  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of capillary blood circulation;
  • analgesic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • reduction of thrombosis;
  • increasing immunity and general strengthening of the body;
  • enhancing the effect of medications taken;
  • acceleration of regeneration.

What diseases is the device suitable for?

The effect of the Almag apparatus covers a significant surface of the body. Depending on the area of ​​application, for treatment the device is placed unfolded or the inductors are wrapped around the affected part of the body. The use of BIMP has a positive effect on the course of many diseases, including the following pathologies:


A traveling pulsed electromagnetic field is safe for the body, but Almag 01 has contraindications for use:

  • children under 2 years of age;
  • during pregnancy;
  • acute cerebral circulation disorders;
  • suspicion of cancer or established diagnosis;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • increased bleeding time;
  • severe hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • increased thyroid function;
  • early period after heart attacks and strokes;
  • presence of a pacemaker.

Advantages of using the Almag device

Treatment with Almag has a list of undeniable advantages. Light weight and ease of use allow it to be used by both elderly people and children. If we exclude the danger of any device powered by electricity, Almag is completely harmless - magnetic fields do not have a negative effect on the body. The high effectiveness of treatment, minimal side effects from use and accessibility contribute to the widespread use of the device. The ability to use Almag at home is also important.

How to use?

It is necessary to check the functionality of the device. To do this, make sure that the green indicator in the center of the inductors is blinking. Before use, you must consult a doctor; he will indicate to which area the device inductors should be applied: spine, lower back, neck, affected joint or other parts of the body.

In some cases, the first sessions of treatment with the Almag apparatus may be accompanied by pain. A stable therapeutic effect is achieved with long-term use of the device - under the influence of BIMPs, tissues are renewed and immunity is increased. Changes occur quite slowly, but the effect of general strengthening has a positive effect on the condition of the whole organism.

Features of treatment:

  • a course of therapy with the Almag 01 device consists of 10–20 sessions, depending on the nature and severity of the disease;
  • treatment is carried out on an empty stomach: one hour before meals or three hours after meals;
  • sessions are repeated twice a day;
  • the procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes;
  • the duration of the first magnetic therapy session should not exceed 10 minutes, since the impact of the device can cause an exacerbation of the disease and pain;
  • if it is necessary to treat two zones, the total exposure time should not exceed 30 minutes;
  • During the treatment period, alcoholic beverages are excluded.


Before turning on the device, be sure to read the instructions for use. Disinfection of the magnetic therapy device is carried out with a soft cloth using a disinfectant solution (hydrogen peroxide, ethanol, chloramine) or detergent. After 10 minutes the procedure is repeated. After the surface of the device has dried, Almag can be plugged into the network. One of the magnetic radiation indicators lights up green. Within 22 minutes, the device heats up and a magnetic field is generated. At this time, the yellow indicator flashes. It is necessary to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • turn off Almag 01 and turn it on again, both indicators should light green;
  • check the condition of the coils: when the control indicator approaches them, a colored signal indicates their functionality;
  • take a comfortable position, place the inductors directly on the skin or fabric;
  • the duration of the procedure is determined by the attending physician;
  • After completing the procedure, the device is turned off.

Safety precautions when working with the device

The Almag 01 device is a safe device, however, work with a device powered from an electrical network must be carried out with caution. The following safety precautions must be observed:

  • Before use, you need to ensure the integrity of the device and its components: coils and power cord;
  • Almag affects magnetically sensitive equipment, you need to remove it 50 centimeters from the impact zone;
  • tension on the power cord during the session is eliminated - the place where the procedure is performed should be located near an outlet; if this is not possible, it is recommended
  • using an extension cord;
  • Do not move the device by the cord;
  • the device must be handled with care, it must not be shaken, and water must not get inside it;
  • You can only use a 220 V outlet;
  • after the automatic end of the session, to continue the procedure, the device is disconnected from the network and turned on again after 10 minutes.

Using the device for the treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases. Almost all people over working age have experienced its symptoms. The causes of the development of the disease are various, among the risk factors: poor posture and curvature of the spine. Treatment should be comprehensive: medications, physical therapy and physiotherapy are used. One of the effective methods of treating osteochondrosis is the use of the Almag 01 device.

The optimal time of exposure is before bedtime. The choice of location for inductors depends on the location of the pathological process: cervical, lumbar or thoracic. For the best effect, it is advisable to place the coils in such a way that there are two of them on both sides of the spine. The patient should lie on a flat, hard surface.

Magnetic therapy is prescribed from the initial stage of the disease or from the moment the diagnosis is confirmed, the goal: anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect, pain relief. Almag is effective for cervical osteochondrosis, especially in the presence of radicular syndrome. 2 procedures per day are prescribed, the patient must remain in bed. The break between sessions should not be more than 6 hours. In the absence of active symptoms, one magnetic therapy session per day is sufficient. The minimum course of treatment is 15 procedures. In the case of complicated osteochondrosis, their number increases to 20. The break between two courses is at least 30 days, the third course is carried out after 3 months.

Almag is effective for osteochondrosis, this is explained by the following types of effects:

  • relief of pain as a result of action on nerve roots;
  • muscle relaxation, elimination of stiffness, restoration of mobility;
  • improvement of blood circulation, restoration of cartilage tissue;
  • enhancing the effect of medications taken;
  • improving well-being, improving quality of life.

If the patient suffers from hypertension, then during treatment it is necessary to monitor the level of blood pressure. The measurement is taken before the procedure and 30 minutes after it. In case of a stable increase in pressure or the appearance of side effects, the procedure is carried out every other day with a shorter duration of exposure. If adverse reactions persist, treatment is stopped.

Cost and where can I buy it?

The cost of Almag is 6000-9500 rubles depending on the region. You can purchase the device in pharmacies and stores selling medical equipment. The service life of such a device is 5 years. The Almag warranty is 12 months, during which time the manufacturer repairs or replaces the device with a new one.

Physiotherapy is a broad branch of medicine that studies and uses various physical forces that have a beneficial effect on the human body. One of the most effective devices for treating these ailments is the Almag 01 device, which, depending on the functionality, can be used for home treatment and therapy in a hospital setting.

This device is a serious medical equipment and its use can only be started after a complete diagnosis of the body in order to exclude pathologies for which its use is prohibited. Let's take a closer look at how to use Almag correctly, its characteristics, etc.

Many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, characterized by alternating acute course and remissions, require special therapy, with the help of which it is possible not only to relieve the exacerbation, but also to prolong the period of remission.

In the treatment of such ailments, along with conservative therapeutic methods, physiotherapy is also actively used. Most often, the choice of orthopedists and traumatologists in the treatment of diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system as a whole is given to magnetic therapy.

Thanks to diligent research carried out by physicists, engineers and doctors, a new effective device was created that makes it possible to treat many diseases using magnetic influence.

This unusual device was given the name Almag. It is available in two forms: Almag 01 and Almag 02. The first version of the device is suitable exclusively for home use, and the second is used only by physiotherapists during inpatient procedures.

There is also a third version called Almag 03 or as it is also called Diamag. This device is mainly used to treat nerve and brain disorders. Almag 03 is practically not used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, unlike the first two versions.

The Almag 01 device creates a traveling magnetic flux, which has a more effective effect, in contrast to constant radiation, on which the operation of other medical devices is based. This device can be programmed independently, which makes it very convenient to use. Already after the first procedure using the device, patients note significant improvements in their general condition and a decrease in pain.

The device includes four inductors that produce magnetic fluxes and a block that produces magnetic waves. The device also includes a cord that allows it to be powered from the mains during operation.


The device has good efficiency and ease of use, without requiring special handling skills.

The magnetic field affecting the body allows you to normalize the cellular charge of particles and establish the metabolic process in the affected area.

With the therapeutic effect of the device, accelerated regeneration processes are observed, the affected tissues are saturated with oxygen and nutrients, blood flow improves, inflammation and pain are relieved, and the immune system is strengthened, which is very important in the recovery process.

Almag 01 and Almag 02 are used not only for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With its help you can get rid of chronic gastritis, neuroses, depression, arthritis, sprains, dislocations and other ailments.

Use of Almag 01 for lower back pain

It also helps with asthma, thrombosis and varicose veins of the lower extremities. The device also effectively combats gynecological ailments such as endometritis, cycle disorders, PMS and hormonal problems.

The device helps with many diseases. Thanks to the effect of magnetic radiation on the body, metabolic processes improve, damaged tissues are restored and the disease recedes. But it is necessary to remember that self-medication is fraught with many dangers. The Almag device has contraindications, so it should not be used without a doctor’s prescription and examination.


Like all physiotherapeutic devices, the Almag 01 device has contraindications that must be taken into account when using it to treat a particular disease.

The magnetic field is completely natural for the human body. But its constant exposure is still dangerous for certain ailments or conditions of the body that, when using the device, can lead to side effects and accelerate the course of the disease.

The Almag device of the first and second types should not be used in patients with:

  • Oncology.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  • Acute inflammatory and purulent ailments.
  • Bleeding or a predisposition to it.

Pregnant women, as well as patients who have suffered heart attacks or strokes, should not use the device. In their case, treatment with Almag can be started only a year after the body has recovered from the disease.

Physiotherapy using this device is contraindicated for children under two years of age.


Already after the first use of the device, patients notice the first results, manifested in an improvement in their general condition and the disappearance of uncomfortable sensations.

Magnetic radiation has a positive effect on the cells of the human body. Scientists have proven that radiation can change the polarity of cells, their charge and regulate chemical and physical processes in their structure.

It also affects cellular functions due to penetration into cell macromolecules. During therapeutic procedures, the smallest cellular particles change their polarity and charge, reorienting their mechanisms from pathological to healthy.


After completing the therapeutic course, improvements are noted in clinical blood tests, in the form of the absence of inflammatory markers and signs of hypoxia. X-rays and tomographic diagnostics show normalization of the structure of tissues and organs.

Home treatment with this device lasts from ten to twenty procedures and is determined depending on the severity of the disease. Two sessions are required per day; the full course of treatment lasts five to ten days. The second course is prescribed after a month and is carried out according to the same scheme. The procedure must be carried out at the same time with an interval of twelve hours between each session.

The duration of the procedure is from ten to twenty minutes.

The patient should not be afraid of slight painful sensations during the first procedures; they will soon disappear and will no longer bother you.

The condition will begin to improve after the symptoms of the disease begin to fade. Improvement occurs after the first two procedures. At the end of treatment, the symptoms disappear completely; a repeat course is prescribed to consolidate the effect and prevent relapse of the disease.


This device was developed specifically for self-treatment of ailments in the chronic stage. Many patients who purchased the device do not know how to use Almag. But in reality everything is very simple.

Before starting the procedure, you must connect the device to the network and wait until the indicators turn green.

Then you need to choose a comfortable position and relax. After this, the inductor mechanism, consisting of four coil elements connected by a flexible plate, must be placed on the problem area. For back problems - on the lower back, for gynecological diseases - in the lower abdomen, for pain in the spinal column, place the device along the vertebra.

The inductor mechanism must be adjacent to the skin. Experts allow thin tissue to be placed between the device and the skin, but in this case the effectiveness of the device may decrease.

Before starting the procedure, you must set the timer for ten minutes; after the therapy has ended, the device must be unplugged and removed from the problem area.


Before you start using the device, you must check the integrity of all its elements. If you notice chips, cracks, or tears, then you cannot use the device, as it is unusable. Almag cannot be washed in water, as if liquid gets into it, damage may occur and the device will simply stop functioning.

To antiseptically treat the coils, you can wipe them with a weak solution of alcohol. It must be used carefully. Do not pull the wire, drop the device or stretch the connecting elements on the coils.

You need to purchase the device exclusively at special points; you should not buy the device by hand, since in this case no one can guarantee normal operation and effectiveness in treating ailments with its help.


The device has the following characteristics:

  • Its mass is six hundred and ten grams.
  • Power thirty-five watts.
  • Pulse frequency 6 Hz.
  • Magnetic radiation penetrates eight centimeters deep into tissues.
  • The indicators that light up green indicate that the device is turned on.
  • After turning off the device, it can only be used after ten minutes.


You can purchase the device in many pharmacy chains in both Russia and Ukraine. It can also be purchased in online stores that sell medical equipment.

Many people are interested in how much this device costs. In Russia, Almag 01 will cost between 8-10 thousand rubles. In Ukraine, the device will cost from three to five thousand hryvnia.

Review (video)

- Treatment with the Almag device has contraindications.

Advantages: Easy to use, helps with many diseases

Disadvantages: Price, contraindications

This is a device designed to treat various diseases by exposing the body to a magnetic field. The magnetic field is formed by a chain of flat inductors, which is fixed on the body in the desired position using an elastic or gauze bandage. You can use the device at home.

Although home use of the Almag-01 device does not require special knowledge and skills, you still need to take into account some points.

First of all, you must carefully read the instructions, which list the diseases for which treatment with a magnetic therapy device is indicated (diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory systems, etc.). and rules for using the device, which are described in detail in the instructions. Of course, you need to clarify your diagnosis by undergoing a medical examination.

The duration of exposure to the device should be no more than 40 minutes per day. One session should last about 20 minutes. Exceeding this time increases the possibility of side effects (for example, dizziness, increased pain and other discomfort, a decrease or increase in blood pressure, so it is necessary to measure blood pressure before the procedure, as well as after it).

Sessions should be carried out at regular intervals - once or twice a day. The duration of procedures should be increased gradually.

If discomfort during treatment with the device does not go away within several sessions, use of Almag-01 will have to be stopped.

You should know that sessions cannot be performed while eating. It is better to do this before eating. If the session is carried out after a meal, then you should wait two to three hours.

There are situations when using the Almag-01 device can bring harm rather than benefit. Therefore, consulting a doctor before use is all the more necessary, since it is still better to first find out whether there are contraindications or whether they are absent.

Contraindications to treatment with a magnetic therapy device are:

Any chronic diseases in the acute stage (treatment is allowed only during remission!).

The presence or even suspicion of a malignant neoplasm.

Diseases of the hematopoietic system (for example, leukemia, hemophilia).

History of myocardial infarction, if less than a year has passed.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system (for example, aortic aneurysm, coronary heart disease, heart rhythm disturbances).

Persistent hypotension (that is, low blood pressure).

Possibility of internal bleeding.

Inflammatory diseases associated with suppuration.

Problems related to the blood supply to the brain, stroke.

Problems related to the endocrine system (for example, thyrotoxicosis - increased activity of the thyroid gland).

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