Fortune telling I want to get married. Astrological online service test “When will I get married, how to meet my love, what will my partner be like and what will the marriage be like” - calculate by date of birth for free

Each person has his own personal number. It depends on him what year you get married.

For example, you were born on January 19, 1987. Personal number – 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=3+6=9. Below is a key that will help you predict your marriage year.

  • A one indicates that the wedding will be celebrated in years ending with 1, 5 and 7.
  • Two is a sign that an important year for the family will end with the numbers 2, 4 and 8.
  • Three is a number that says that the ideal year in terms of starting a family will be the year with the last digit - 3, 6 or 9.
  • When you calculated it, did you get a four? Guide to numbers – 4, 6, 9.
  • The personal number “five” promises a wonderful year for marriage, which ends with either 5, or 8, or 0.
  • The number six means that only 6, 9 and 0 can be considered your numbers for marriage.
  • If your number is seven, then look forward to a wedding year ending in 1, 3 and 7.
  • Eight predicts the years of marriage with the last digit being 2, 5 and 8.
  • If a nine is rolled, then the wedding years will end with 3, 7 and 9.

What is the wedding number?

If you already have a loved one, then you can conduct fortune telling based on the birth dates of both. To do this, you need to calculate your personal number and your lover, the difference will be the answer to what date you are most likely to get married.

So, if you were born on January 19, 1987, then 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=9, he was born on April 15, 1985, his personal number is 1+5+4+1+9+8 +5=33=6. Find the difference: 9-6=3. Your wedding will take place on the 3rd or 13th, or 23rd, or 30th, or 31st.

What month is the wedding

This fortune telling will help you find out the month of your wedding. To do this, you need to add the number of letters in your full name to your personal number.

For example, your personal number is 9 (date of birth - January 19, 1987), and your name consists of 5 letters (Irina). We add the resulting numbers 9 and 5 - we get 14. We bring it to a single digit - 1 + 4 = 5, which means there is a great chance of getting married in May. If, when added, the result is 10, 11 or 12, then they do not need to be made simple, since these numbers mean October, November, December.

How soon will I get married?

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of fortune telling.

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Then click the "Continue Fortune telling" button!

Fortune telling on cards is one of the most popular, and most importantly, correct methods of prediction. Anyone who has perfectly mastered this art can predict the future without much difficulty and even influence it. Moreover, in order to master this skill it is not necessary to have phenomenal abilities; anyone can learn this with enough desire, patience and study of the basic rules of fortune telling on cards.

Marriage, love, family are questions that concern each of us and will remain of interest throughout the existence of mankind. Most women and men want to find family happiness. Having a “soulmate” makes us happier; with her we can share both grief and joy, help her and be confident in her support, and simply live together and enjoy life. But, unfortunately, not everyone is happy in their personal life. Online marriage fortune telling on cards will allow you to find out whether you will get married in the near future or not.

Of course, in order to get a reliable result of fortune telling, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and unquestioningly follow them. So, first, determine which card suits you. The card of the suit of diamonds is for a girl, the queen of hearts card for a woman, if you are a young guy, then your card is the king of diamonds, and the card of a mature man will be the king of hearts. Next, you need to carefully shuffle the deck of cards, consisting of 52 cards, and count out the 20 cards on top of the deck. If among these cards there is a card corresponding to you, this indicates that the marriage will take place in the near future, namely within a year. Therefore, at this stage, fortune telling ends. If you did not find the card you need in the laid out cards, this means that you are not destined to get married this year, and fortune telling should be continued. The essence of continuing fortune telling is that any of the 20 cards must be replaced with a card corresponding to you from the remaining deck. Then we shuffle the cards again and lay them out into 5 piles. After their decomposition, depending on which of the piles the card you need is in, it will depend on whether the marriage will take place or not, and if it takes place, how soon. If you find the card you need in the first pile, then this indicates that marriage awaits you. If the second pile contains a card corresponding to you, then marriage is unlikely to be destined for you. The presence of the card you need in the third pile indicates that the marriage is destined to come true, but not very soon. There will be no marriage, although matchmaking and cohabitation are possible when you find the card that matches you in the fourth pile. And, unfortunately, there will never be a marriage if the card you need is in the fifth pile.

Cards can answer many questions that interest us, and one of them is the question of whether marriage is destined to take place or not. But no matter what response you receive, whether it meets your expectations or not, you should never lose hope. Under no circumstances should you give up, but confidently go towards your goal and believe that everything will work out.

What girl wouldn’t be curious when that long-awaited and desired celebration – a wedding – will happen? Fortune telling for marriage has been one of the most popular fortune telling for many years, because with its help you can find out not only when the most important event in a woman’s life will happen, but also which young man will act as a future spouse. Fortune telling is considered a mysterious ritual.

Do you want to know when the wedding will take place? Just take it and tell your fortune!

Most are of the opinion that this is a rather dangerous method of prediction, since it is capable of summoning otherworldly forces. But, if this is not about you, you can proceed to the rituals unconditionally. Let's look at which variations of fortune telling are the most popular and reliable.

Folk fortune telling for marriage

There comes a moment in the life of any girl when she asks the question: “When will I get married?” You can get the answer to this question by resorting to folk methods of fortune telling for marriage. There are a huge number of fortune telling that have been tested by time. Over the course of many centuries, a large number of representatives of the fair sex have received accurate answers to their questions using these methods.

You can perform the ritual at any time of the day; you do not need to have any additional skills or attributes to do this. You can guess about marriage using completely unexpected improvised objects that can be found in any home.

Fortune telling using candles and water

If you are curious which of the girls you know will be the first to get married, then you will need to launch boats with candles in a basin of water. To perform this ritual you should:

  1. Insert a candle, prematurely marked with a woman's name, into a nutshell.
  2. The girl whose candle burns out faster will get married first.
  3. There are situations when the candle drowns, this indicates that this young lady is destined to be alone for a long time.

The above ritual can be supplemented with shells with the names of the guys. If boats with male and female names sail side by side with each other, then marriage will happen in the near future.

This method of prediction is quite funny and more like entertainment, but it surprises with its accuracy. The girls fill their mouths with water and go outside. The lady who runs to the door first without swallowing water will seal her relationship with marriage on the eve of her rivals.

Fortune telling using salt

Before going to bed, you should eat a little salt, saying the following words:

“Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will get me drunk.”

In a night dream, you should dream of your future groom giving you water to drink.

Eat a little salt before going to bed, say a spell and meet your fiance in a dream

Another reliable method is known: before going to bed, place a container of water by the bed, the edges of which are marked. If after waking up you notice that the liquid in the bowl has decreased in quantity, then you will not be lucky enough to get married soon. Those whose water levels have remained at the same level should expect a speedy marriage.

Fortune telling about the proximity of marriage

The following items are placed in a huge box:

  • hat;
  • a piece of bread;
  • piece of wood

Take any item out of the box without seeing what you are taking. If you take out a hat - there will be a wedding in the near future, bread - you will be alone for a long time, and a piece of wood predicts to the fortuneteller any disruptions in the functioning of the body, there is a high risk of disease.

This fortune telling is ideal for female company. All girls must make a figurine from bread crumb. When the products are ready, you should call the dog, whose craft she eats first, and she will legitimize her relationship faster than her friends.

Fortune telling on a towel

On the street near the window they hang a white towel with the following accompanying words:

“Betrothed, mummer, come and dry yourself!”

For someone who finds their towel wet in the morning, the prognosis will be favorable - marriage should be expected during the current year, but if the towel turns out to be dry, then, alas, you will have to wait.

Fortune telling using a mirror

Before the full moon, you need to find a small mirror and a couple of spruce branches.

Find out your future with your chosen one using a mirror! Just perform the ceremony on the full moon!

  1. Before going to bed, write the name of the groom or a cherished dream on the mirror and place it under the bed, surrounding it with branches.
  2. After waking up, you need to turn your attention to the inscription.
  3. If there is no inscription, then the desire will soon come true, and if you wrote a man’s name, then this fortune telling promises you a quick marriage, which will bring you a lot of happiness.

In cases where the inscription remains in the same places, the desire will remain only in your head, and the man whose name you wrote will never connect his life with you. If you notice that fragments of the inscription are missing, then fortune telling promises you a magnificent wedding soon, but your marriage will not be long-lasting.

Fortune telling for a quick marriage based on a conversation you overheard

Before going out, you should ask yourself the following question three times: “What kind of husband is waiting for me?” On the street you should listen to the sounds; your married life will depend on the nature of the conversation you hear.

  1. If you overheard a joyful dialogue, then a caring and gentle spouse awaits you.
  2. If the conversation was restrained, then your husband will be the same - taciturn and cold.
  3. Conflict conversation - in this case, you will marry a man who will provoke quarrels and swearing.
  4. If you overheard a child's conversation, then you will be lucky with your husband, because he will adore children and put family above all else.
  5. When you hear a woman talking, this is a signal for you to think about it - your spouse will be prone to cheating.
  6. If you hear a man talking, then your husband will often be absent from home and spend a huge amount of free time in the company of friends.

Fortune telling for a wedding using a ring

"Ring rolling" is widespread and renowned for its accuracy. Fortune telling will require the participation of more than six people.

  1. You need to take a gold ring and black velvet fabric.
  2. Everyone should roll the ring over the fabric, saying the following words while doing this:

    “I’ll swing the ring around the city, and then I’ll go after that ring and get to my dear one.”

  3. Marks should be made at the places where it stops. The girl whose ring will fall before the others and whose wedding will take place earlier.

There is another true way to find out how old you will get married using a ring. To do this, you will need to be alone. Midnight should be set aside for the ceremony. You need to fill the glass halfway with water. The ring is tied to a thread and dipped into water a number of times equal to your age.

The ring is an “indicator” that allows you to find out when the marriage will take place

If the ring starts to hit the walls of the glass, then remember how many times this happened. How many times it hits the sides, at that age you will get married, but if this number is less than your age, then after so many years you will get married.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

This method is considered the most reliable, as is fortune telling on Christmas night.

  1. Before the New Year, the girls go out into the street and each in turn puts a bucket on their head, after which they circle around their axis and let go.
  2. If the young lady goes to the gate, then this year she should prepare for the wedding.
  3. If in the opposite direction from the gate, then this year she is not destined to marry her lover.
  4. If the girl went to the right or to the left, then the question remains without an exact answer.

Fortune telling Chobotok

To do this marriage fortune-telling, you should throw the shoe over the gate, and depending on its direction, they determine which direction to get married. If the toe of the shoe is turned towards the gate, then you should not expect a wedding this year.

Fortune telling for the time of marriage using cards

Fortune telling with playing cards is very common. There are many variations of layouts with different types of cards. Using the card method of prediction, a woman can find out:

  1. The chance of the marriage process itself.
  2. Further family relationships.
  3. Financial position.
  4. Number of children.
  5. How significant is the risk of divorce?
  6. How trusting and pure is the relationship in the couple?

This is precisely what determines the incredible popularity of such a method of fortune telling as fortune telling with gypsy cards. Let's consider the simplest and most truthful method of prediction.

If you already have a soulmate, but you just can’t figure out the seriousness of his intentions, then this fortune telling is for you.

How to tell fortunes

For this fortune telling with playing cards, you need to draw all the jacks from the deck. Assign the suit of hearts to your loved one, the remaining jacks are your former or future ones.

  1. Shuffle the four cards and place them face down in a line.
  2. Carefully shuffle the remaining cards and place them one at a time for each jack in turn. This process must be repeated until a series of eight cards is formed under each chosen one.
  3. Find the paired cards in each pile and place it under the jack.

Shuffle the remaining cards again and perform the above ritual 4 times.

After finishing fortune telling with cards, check out the meaning of the paired cards that were drawn:

Did you see the ace? Your boyfriend is getting ready for the wedding!

  1. Aces - the guy is madly in love with you and is planning a wedding.
  2. Kings - your chosen one is terribly jealous.
  3. Ladies - the young man is unfaithful to you or doubts his choice.
  4. Tens - the man has serious sympathy for you.
  5. Nines - the meaning is similar to the Ace.
  6. Eights - conflict situations will prevail in your relationships.
  7. Sevens - this person is not indifferent to you, but he is not ready for a serious relationship.
  8. Sixes - you are connected by true and strong friendship.

Wedding fortune telling by date of birth

From early childhood, every girl wonders how soon she will be able to try on a white dress. At the moment, there is a lot of evidence regarding the serious role birthday plays in the life of every person. There is a direct pattern between the date of birth and marriage. Let's look at several ways to find out the approximate wedding date using numerology.

The first method is that you need to carry out simple calculations based on your birthday. If you were born on the 16th, then you should make the following calculation: 1+6=7. Next, you should find out the year number in the same way: 2017=2+1+7=1+0=1. Below is a table of correspondence between the birthday number and the year in which the marriage process is likely.

Based on your date of birth, you can calculate the approximate wedding date using the second method. This kind of fortune telling for a wedding came to us relatively recently. You should multiply all the available numbers in your date of birth and then multiply them by the current year. You get a big number, it doesn't matter what it is.

The main factor is that it contains at least three B's, then this year there is a high probability of marriage.

If the result obtained does not satisfy you, then tell your fortune again; you can repeat the manipulations with the numbers, but multiply not by the current year, but by the next one, and so on until you get the desired answer.

For your information, we have provided you with various methods of fortune telling for marriage. Everyone decides for themselves which of the proposed ones to use, but one nuance should be taken into account. In order to find out the exact date of the wedding, it is necessary to combine several prediction methods in a single complex.

For thousands of years, people have conducted research to identify patterns in this world, systematize data and knowledge, with the help of which they tried to predict the course of events. It was during such manipulations that science was born. Numerology gives you a chance, based on information about your date of birth, to lift the veil of the future and find out your destiny.

Happiness for a woman is home, family and a loved one nearby, so among fortune-telling the most popular topic is wedding. To find out the future, many turn to professional fortune tellers, but this is not necessary. However, you can guess by date of birth for marriage at home.


  1. Calculations are carried out adhering to the following rules.
  2. It is advisable to carry out magical procedures during the full moon.
  3. Before fortune telling, it is better to fast for a day or two.
  4. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.
  5. True and obtained in baths or wooden houses. Natural material is the best conductor between worlds.
  6. The most favorable period is holidays, birthdays or full moons.

To find out the future, they use simple or complex calculation methods. For simple ones, you will need a blank white sheet and a writing medium, and for complex ones, a calculator. You will also need a manual for the procedure and a table with information on the interpretation of the obtained values.

Fortune telling by date of birth for marriage

Method one - calculate the probability of a wedding

You will need to do some arithmetic.

Take the fortuneteller’s date of birth and the year for which you need to calculate the probability of a wedding. After this, multiply the numbers together.
10/25/1988, let's calculate the probability for 2018

25*10*1988*2018 = 1 002 946 000

The probability of marriage is assessed by the presence of eights (the last digit of the desired year) in the result. In our example there is no such probability.

Method two - when will I get married?

You will need a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and attention.

Write your first and last name on the paper and count the number of letters.

➦ For example:

  1. Utinovina Ekaterina – 17 letters. We reduce it to a simple number: 1+7=8.
  2. We write down the date on which the fortune telling is performed: December 21, 2017: 2+1+1+2+2+0+1+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7.
  3. We add the two resulting numbers: 8+7=15 ⟹ 1+5=6. The fortune telling number is 𝟞.

After this, we look at the meaning of the result obtained in the following transcript.

  • 𝟙 - Portends a very quick marriage, but either a marriage of convenience, or due to pregnancy or for other reasons. The union may be long-lasting, or it may not, everything is in your hands.
  • 𝟚 – The expected event will occur in 1-1.5 years. Show patience and wisdom, and then the union will be happy.
  • 𝟛 - This number does not foretell a quick marriage, but when it happens, you will be the happiest person in the world.
  • 𝟜 – You don’t know why you want to get the information you are looking for, because you yourself are not eager to get married.
  • 𝟝 – It all depends on the fortuneteller. If there is a desire, the event will happen soon.
  • 𝟞 – A person is looking for an ephemeral ideal that does not exist. Don't look for people without flaws - they don't exist.
  • 𝟟 – It is possible to conclude an alliance at any time, but do not rush things, there are other goals that require attention.
  • 𝟠 – After my friend’s marriage, the wedding will take place soon.
  • 𝟡 - The fortuneteller is one of those people who get married late. The reason lies within themselves.

☞ Video story

What age will I get married by date of birth?

First method

  1. Date of birth: 10/25/1988. We calculate the number of birth (Nr). Chr = 2+5+1+0+1+9+8+8=34 ⟹ 3+4=7.
  2. Let's find out the meaning of each coming year - the number of the year (Ng). For example: 2018 ⟹ 2+0+1+8=11 ⟹ 11=1+1=2; 2019 ⟹ 2+0+1+9=12 ⟹ 1+2=3; 2020 ⟹ 2+0+2+0=4, etc.
  3. We determine the date according to table 1.

Where: Chr – number of birth; Chg – number of the year

Table 1.

date date date
1 One, four, five and seven4 One, four, seven and eight7 One, two, four and eight
2 One, five, six and eight5 Two, five, seven and nine8 One, two, six and eight
3 Three, six, seven, nine6 One, three, six and nine9 Two, three, six and seven

According to the data from the table, it can be seen that the birth number 𝟟 corresponds to years with Hg equal to 𝟙, 𝟚, 𝟜 or 𝟠 - this is 2018; 2020, 2021 and 2024, 2028, etc. It is believed that marriages created in these years are the most durable.

Second method

  1. Find out the number of the name by adding the number of letters in the first and last names (Chi) ⟹ Chizhova Anna ⟹ 6+4=10 ⟹ 1+0=1.
  2. We calculate the value of the number we are guessing at Ch 12/22/2017 = 2+2+1+2+2+0+1+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
  3. We print the sum of two numbers Chi+Chg ⟹ 1+9=10 ⟹ 1+0=1. The result obtained corresponds to an ideal year for a wedding. We add the number 𝟙 to the end of the year - 2021, 2031, etc.

Fortune telling how many marriages there will be

To find out how many marriages a woman will have, it is enough to divide the number of her month of birth by 2 (we give the number in a simple form). For example, if she was born in November (10th month = 1+0=1), there will be one marriage.

To determine the characteristics of family life, we define several required quantities.

Marriage number (Nb) = Chi (name number) + Zhp (life path number)

Chi is calculated as follows: find out what number each letter in the first and last name corresponds to. The table will help with this.

A, I, S, B, K1 G, L, F, E4 Yo, O, Shch, Ch, K7
B, J, T, S2 D, M, X, Yu, K5 F, P, W8
B, K, U, L3 E, N, C, I6 Z, R, Shch9

➦ For example:

Yana Belova ⟹ 6+6+1+2+6+4+7+3+1=36 ⟹ 3+6=9

We look for the date of birth by adding the numbers of the date of birth.

➦ For example: 11/15/1988

  • 1+5=6
  • 1+1=2
  • 1+9+8+8=26 ⟹ 2+6=8
  • 6+2+8=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

Bw (number of defects) = Chi + Chzhp ⟹ 9+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

☞ Meaning and interpretation of characteristics of family life

B&WFor womenFor men
1 Headship in the familyLoyalty to work
2 Boring marriageShowing concern for the family
3 Comfort, home, fidelityEntertainment
4 Smoothing out or ending conflictsEqual position in the family of both spouses
5 Talks about success in career and businessCarefree life
6 Fickle behavior, rash actionsThe desire for comfort and homeliness
7 Showing care and affectionHaste in everything and incompleteness
8 Attacks of jealousy and anxietyCunning, lying and dishonesty
9 Loyalty and finding loveMelancholy and sadness
  1. Consider your own state of mind and the health of your body before fortune telling. You should be in good shape and feel energized.
  2. It is better to tell fortunes on Friday night - this day is ruled by Venus, and at night the world of spirits is as open as possible.
  3. During the procedure, maintain silence, preferably alone and without distractions. Concentrate completely on the process.
  4. Truthful or days of power.
  5. Don't guess more than three times a year.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

  1. There was no mood, we didn’t feel a connection with another world.
  2. The procedure was carried out under conditions of stress or emotional upsurge.
  3. They were looking for confirmation of expectations, not truth.
  4. An overly dynamic or stagnant life.
  5. They guessed too often.
  6. Not very interested, and desire is at a low level.
  7. You don't trust the result or don't believe in it.

For many centuries, girls have dreamed of a happy marriage and love. In the course of the development of civilization, a lot of ways to find out the future have appeared - numerology, fortune telling with playing cards and Tarot, ritual or not - there are many methods to look beyond. However, remember that whether the prediction comes true or not depends only on you. Your destiny is in your hands.

"When I get married? – this is the question that most worries our young ladies, regardless of age. And then, in essence, age is such a formality! It's just a number in your passport, nothing more! Look around you, because in recent years the trend of, as they used to say, “unequal marriages” (this is when she is much older than him or he is her) is only intensifying. From which one can actually draw one single conclusion - everything is ephemeral and everything is conditional, only love matters, because it is the beginning of everything.

Fortune telling When will I get married is quite simple. A deck of Tarot cards will help you find the answer to this question. Any tarot reader knows that the above-mentioned fortune-telling system is really capable of a lot. The list of questions that Tarot can illuminate is very wide. Just the same question related to the timing of marriage is no exception. After all, each card, each suit has its own meaning, from the point of view of time. Thus, the card you are dealt will not only orient you according to the time of year, but also give a more detailed answer to your question.

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