Short life line on the hand: decoding. Palmistry. Palmistry - Fact or Fiction, Science vs. the Art of Palmistry

Every person experiences situations when they would like to turn back time and fix everything, behave differently, not do something, or vice versa. And what a temptation it is to look into the future, to see what will happen in a year, ten years.

In search of answers and solutions to family problems, people run to psychics and fortune tellers. And most often, instead of help, they will be completely disappointed. But the past, present and future are always with us - these are our hands.

And every person can learn to reveal the secrets of fate on his own, by carefully studying the drawings and signs on them. And the life line plays a decisive role here.

This line represents a powerful flow of energy. Present on both right and left hands. Depending on this, its meaning changes.

It starts in the middle between the thumb and index finger.

Forming an arc and going around the base of the thumb (Hill of Venus), it descends to the wrist.

Unlike other signs, its location does not change.

It determines not the number of years, but how a person will live his years. Includes: nutrition, energy and strength, creativity, safety.

What is the meaning of the life line?

An entire science is devoted to the study and interpretation of drawings and signs on the hands - palmistry. Such fortune telling requires a lot of patience, attentiveness and free time.

A happy line is considered to be one that runs clearly, without twists, like a thread along the arm.

If there are all kinds of signs, moles, symbols, geometric shapes on it, then these are harbingers of important events or incidents.

And its appearance can tell how physically strong a person is. The length will indicate the lifespan. The size of the Mount of Venus indicates the life potential of a person as an individual.

The life line on the left hand is what is inherent in a person from birth, his destiny. On the right hand - how a person brought to life what was destined for him. But a person has the right to build his own destiny. And as a result, the signs and patterns on the hands will change.

The length and nature of the line indicates a number of features presented in the table below.

Table 1. Features of the life line.

What does it mean if a person has two life lines on his hand?

Those with two life lines on one hand can safely be called lucky. These people have good health, good genetics, are full of vitality and energy, and their body easily recovers from injuries. Such a person is a rather extraordinary person, for whom there are no hopeless situations.

There are many examples in medicine where people with such a pattern on their arm, seemingly hopeless patients, rose from a wheelchair.

If such a person decides to become a military man, 100% success awaits him.

The reddish tint of the line indicates the love of its owner, so popularity with the opposite sex is guaranteed.

But fate’s favorites need to always be on guard, because not everyone is so lucky.

Envious people will not keep you waiting and can begin to act at any moment.

How to decipher the life line in detail?

For a correct, complete and reliable analysis of the life line, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Location.

Starts near the index finger - the person is ambitious and energetic.

If it is closer to the thumb, then life will pass in a constant feeling of fear; the person is weak and unable to make decisions on his own.

Being far from the thumb, closer to the center of the palm - such a person does not care about any problems;

Short branches that go down - a person will repeatedly suffer losses and damages throughout his life.

If the branches are directed upward - a successful start to business, joyful events.

And the fork at the base speaks of impermanence, love of travel and change;

  • Parallel lines.

A person on his hand who has another line of the same thickness running parallel to the life line is able to successfully combine a career and a happy family life.

If it is thinner than the main one, then this means mutual support from relatives or influential people;

  • Length.

Many people have a stereotype that the longer the life line, the more years a person has. But in reality this is far from the case.

Although a person with a short life line has poor health, he is very susceptible to the influence of others, and the owner of a long life line has good immunity and endurance.

But if you enlist the support of your family and do not succumb to all sorts of provocations, the short life line can become longer. And the person will live much longer than his allotted time;

  • Line break.

Tears on the right hand are harbingers of unpleasant but vital events (divorce, death of loved ones, serious illness).

On the left hand - these are changes that happened to a person in childhood and left their mark on the psyche.

It is also worth considering changes in the fateful pattern after a breakup. Here's the transcript:

  • became weaker - deterioration of health, loss of vitality;
  • became clearer - the changes benefited the person;
  • began to approach the center of the palm - a new field of activity, career growth;
  • approached the base of the thumb - a person will find peace.

What do the signs on the hand say?

Signs, depending on their location on the hand, can make significant adjustments to the analysis of fateful events. They come in the following types:

  • trait – strong feelings, shock;
  • gap - frequent illnesses, and if the lines overlap each other - sudden changes;
  • cross - financial difficulties, disagreements in the family and at work;
  • the chain is characteristic of a changeable person, capable of actions only when there is a desire or mood;
  • square - successful completion of affairs, patronage from above;
  • grid – lack of purpose, apathy;
  • sister line - improved health, planned things will become reality;
  • star - an accident that will plunge you into a state of shock, a strong shock;
  • speckles – weak immunity, constant illness;
  • island – low energy, chronic illness;
  • grooves - constant worries, stress;
  • the triangle denotes good mental abilities of a person, a gifted person - on the left hand, and on the right - a sudden gain, an inheritance.

How to calculate life expectancy by hand?

To see a clear picture of the dating of the life line, you need to mark it correctly on the palm itself. To do this, it is better to take your right hand as a basis. Marking parameters depend on the length of the line and the size of the palm.

If we take the average member of our society, then one year lived corresponds to approximately 1–1.5 mm of line length.

When marking, the starting point is considered to be the intersection of the axial straight line from the index finger to the life line and corresponds to the first 10 years of life. The next step will be to break down the life line into ten-year periods. To set the date with an accuracy of one year, the straight line can be divided into smaller sections.

There is another dating method that is quite complex, however, and more accurate. First you need to draw a vertical line from the root of the index finger to the end of the base of the thumb.

Then a horizontal line from the outer edge of the palm, where the Head line ends (at the edge of the palm) to the outer side of the thumb. At the base of the thumb, the vertical and horizontal should intersect.

From here we draw a straight line to the outside of the little finger. The resulting intersections with the life line correspond to 35 years, and the heart line corresponds to 30 years.

Then from the point of intersection we draw a straight line to the point of connection of the hill - in the area of ​​​​the little finger, with the rassetta (the line on the wrist on the inside). The intersection with the life line corresponds to 65 years, with the fate line - 20 years.

To determine the time step, you need to take a thread and measure the length of the line with it, applying it to the ruler.


For experienced palmists, every person is an open book with their own unique story and mystery. Learning to read your own book is not that difficult.

You just need a little time, patience, attention, and most importantly, desire. And then the fateful drawings on your hands will turn into events of the past, present and future.

And solving them can warn of upcoming danger or troubles and help avoid many mistakes.

And some more information about the lines on the palms in the next video.

Whether a person's life will be long and successful or short and tragic, a palm reader will be able to answer by looking at the life line. However, no self-respecting professional in this field can give the exact date of death. There is simply no such information in the palm of your hand.

Lines on the hands can indicate the state of health throughout life, how often and for how long a person will get sick. There may also be some signs on the palms that symbolize a threat to life or early death. But they only warn a person about a possibility, about a certain turn in fate that can happen, but is not fatal and obligatory. It must be said that many of those who died at an early age had an excellent arrangement of lines with the absence of any signs indicating an early death.

Short life line

If the life line is shortened and abruptly ends, then this can be considered a sign of early death, but only in the case when a similar “pattern” is present on two palms and is confirmed by other signs and lines.

Some palmists claim that a shortened life line only indicates a tendency to apoplexy. But a line well drawn at the base and gradually thinning until it completely disappears is a sure sign of death after a long and debilitating illness.

Broken life line

You can find palms on which this line breaks and then continues again. As a rule, this is 1 break, less often 2-3 segments, breaking the life line into several separate parts. This situation usually indicates the possibility of a serious illness in a person’s life. Its duration and severity are determined by the size of the rupture. The larger it is, the more complex and longer the disease lasts. But since after a break the life line resumes, this is not considered a sign of death, but, on the contrary, promises recovery.

Bad signs on the hand and their interpretation

What do the dots, circles and islands on the life line mean?

The dots have even sadder symbolism. A large number of them on this line warns its owner about possible damage, rash diseases and loss of vision. One large, deeply incised dot indicates sudden violent death.

A small circle in the form of a ring on the life line symbolizes the loss of one eye.

Elongated islands along the line also indicate illness to a person, but the illnesses are not as catastrophic and severe as in the case of ruptures. The longer, longer and clearer the islet, the more serious the disease and lasts longer. You can evaluate the beginning and end of a period of illness by comparing the location of the figure with the points responsible for a certain period of time.

Island on the life line

How to determine when an event will occur using the life line

Each main line on the hand is divided into life points, by which one can determine when and at what age a particular incident will occur in a person; the life line is no exception.

In order to determine the time frame of the event, it is necessary to divide the life line into 8 equal segments of 1 cm. Each centimeter is 10 years of life. Thus, the beginning of the life line will symbolize infancy, after 1 cm - the age of 10 years, after another 1 - the age of 20 years, etc. The last segment at the base of the hand is considered to be a time period of 80 years.

Palmistry is a non-scientific way of determining a person’s destiny: all the lines of the hand do not simply add up and carry a certain meaning. In ancient times, this method was considered reliable; nowadays, such fortune telling is perceived as entertainment. And yet people are interested in what the mysterious creases and signs on the palm mean: what the short life line and signs on the hand mean.

What is palmistry

In very old times, palmistry was considered a science and was even studied by students in medical universities. Hippocrates, Aristotle, Paracelsus and other famous personalities of those times were fond of it. Later, around the 19th century, this doctrine was also recognized by psychologists: it turned out that there is a visible relationship between the pattern on the palms and the character of a person, as well as the influence of these lines on his future.

The features of the right and left hands differ from each other: moreover, the pattern of the left does not change from birth to death - this is the fate of a person in the broad sense of the word, this is what is destined by heaven. The right hand reflects events that can be avoided or attracted if a person changes his lifestyle and thinking. Therefore, the pattern on it can change from time to time. This is all legal provided that the right hand is the leading one, that is, the person is right-handed.

If the individual is left-handed, for him everything will be exactly the opposite: the right palm will contain what is destined, and the left will contain what can be changed. A person’s fate is determined by 4 main lines:

It is very important that the short life line on a child’s hand can change as he grows up. Therefore, guessing about his future for the first time months and years of his life, to put it mildly, is inappropriate.

There are additional lines that also influence a person’s life in one way or another: the furrows of marriage and children, the Mount of Venus, bracelet lines on the wrist that speak of marriage, health and love, lines of intuition and many others. Whether it is true that they can be used to predict the future or not - everyone must decide for themselves separately.

What does the life line say?

She talks about the physical and energetic state, talents and prospects of the individual, possible threats and successes, and the level of activity in the world. It is located as follows: it starts between the index and thumb and goes down to the wrist, going around the Mount of Venus. It is believed that the higher this hill, the more successful and fruitful life will be. Sexual energy is also commensurate with his height.

Its length indicates the length of human life. What does it mean if the life line is short - a person has a short lifespan, or with a long life span he will have poor health. A long line ending at the wrist indicates longevity or excellent health.

The ideal vital mark is considered to be a long and clear, uniform stripe, without breaks or sharp turns. All defects will indicate life difficulties, failures and illnesses. Thus, the fewer of them, the happier, calmer and more joyful the individual will live.

As mentioned above, vital features on both hands may differ from each other. But those areas that clearly coincide, repeat each other on both limbs, show reliable events - those that have already happened or those that will happen in the future. It is also very important how the line originates:

Using these simple tips, every person can analyze their life path.

What does short line mean?

It is already clear that the length of the life line is important. Let us dwell in more detail on the short line of life - what does it mean if its length differs on two hands, there are breaks and ambiguities.

Some palmists say that a short line promises a person a long happy existence, but it can be overshadowed by poor health and inability to contact people. Negative character traits of such an individual can prevent him from building relationships with others and cause loneliness.

The owner of such traits is recommended to work on himself and your character to avoid conflicts and problems. They should also remember about their precarious health and low energy levels: by taking care of themselves, you can make your life easier and longer.

The short furrow in infants may lengthen over time as they grow older. The more experience a child gains and the higher the success in difficulties, the longer his life line on the palm will become.

Defects on the line

A smooth, perfect line is rarely found in nature. In most cases, it is riddled with various defects, intersections, forks and breaks. Thus, each person has his own unique line that carries a certain meaning.

A fork at the end of a line was previously interpreted by palmists as an unexpected, imminent death. Modern experts explain this by poor health and psychological vulnerability of the individual.

The features of both palms are approximately the same. A short life line on the left hand with a fairly long one on the right indicates that a person’s energy potential will only grow with age and his health will become stronger. This indicates that a person is rationally building a life strategy, thanks to which he increases the length of his stay on earth. And vice versa, if the mark on the right hand is shorter than on the left, it is necessary to think about the way of life and thinking, change them in order to avoid too early death.

If it deviates, there is no need to worry. Such a drawing may indicate a change in worldview and character. Or it may indicate a loss of meaning in life. The meaning of this fact will differ from person to person.

A rupture in a short section portends a serious illness, serious damage, for example, due to an accident. If the line continues with an unclear pattern, this means that recovery will be difficult and lengthy. The longer the gap, the longer it will take to come to your senses. And if the beginning of the line after the break is smooth and clear, a quick recovery will follow without negative consequences.

Pale, barely noticeable, but the whole area warns of a period with weakly expressed energy. This means that a person can expect a serious illness that will require large internal resources for recovery.

Important signs

If you carefully examine your palms, you can see various signs on them and try to decipher the information encoded in them . The following symbols are distinguished in palmistry:

Do not be alarmed if you discover negative signs in yourself. Their meaning is primarily of a warning nature. Knowing what a person can expect in the future, one can adjust this future and change the course of events.

Line of fate

Palmists believe that the lines of life and fate are interconnected and influence each other, the second is a complement to the first. It reflects the self-expression and self-realization of the individual, his success in society, and achievements in the professional field.

Some people do not have this furrow or it is very faded and barely noticeable. This means that a person is not engaged in his development, does not make plans and does not strive for anything. As soon as he begins to behave more actively, this trait will begin to become more visible.

The destiny line of the left palm is a reflection of what is destined for a person. The right palm is how the person took advantage of his capabilities and talents.

A short line of fate on the right hand, starting approximately from the middle of the palm, signifies that the individual will begin to embody his ideas and be active in the second half of life. Laziness or some difficulties may prevent him from realizing himself until this moment.

Torn speaks of a change of profession. And in the form of a dotted line - it indicates indecision, weak willpower, and constantly changing principles. Double - symbolizes the personality as creative and successfully developing in several professional directions.

And in my middle it breaks off and connects thinly. Once upon a time they said that when I’m 30 years old I’ll get sick and it will be visible, but on my second hand there’s a scar right there - you can’t see it. I have a year left, I’ll live to tell you, in general, it’s all nonsense.

Marina, Peter

I recently watched a program about palmistry and it was said there that the length of a line in no way indicates its duration!

Victoria, Ekaterinburg

Once my mother’s sister went to some grandmother or to a palmist, and she looked at her hand and said: “That’s it, you’re finished at 25 years old, your life ends. Or you will survive, but you will be crippled.” She waited for this date with trembling knees. Almost 40, alive and well))) So don’t worry about it))

A short life line, as many claim, indicates a short stay on Earth, but this statement is not entirely true. It is not always worth characterizing a short line as a short life. Which hand should you use to guess? What does a short life line mean? And how to correctly interpret the location of the line?

Which hand to cast a spell on?

When asked which hand is used to guess, few people know the correct answer. Most people believe that both hands are suitable for divination, but this is an erroneous statement. Experienced palmists and people involved in predicting the future believe that the fate and life path of a left-handed person can be characterized by their left hand, and, accordingly, right-handers determine what awaits them by their right hand. Therefore, analysis should be done using the leading hand, that is, the one with which a person writes, eats, brushes his teeth, and so on.

Life lines on the palm

Each line on the hand represents a certain aspect of an individual’s life. The main and main line on the hand is the life line. Where the life path line is located and how to correctly interpret its location is of interest to many people.

Thus, many centuries ago, healers and sages were able to predict what life path was destined for this or that individual. Our ancestors passed on a variety of knowledge about fortune telling and prophecies, which over time developed into a general system of fortune telling called palmistry. Predictions of the future made by hand are largely true. Therefore, this type of divination has not lost its relevance and popularity in modern life.

The life line on the hand is the main fateful sign strip on the palm, which determines the level and quality of the destined path, the length of life and possible changes in a person’s destiny. Finding the life line is quite easy; to do this you need to take a close look at the open hand.

Short life line on hand

At the base of the thumb there is a noticeable tubercle, which is called the Mount of Venus, and around this planetary sign there is a line of life. The best line option is a smooth, continuous and clearly defined line, without any branches.

In palmistry, the life line determines the state of health, activity, energy and lifestyle of a person. To correctly and competently determine the value of the short line, you need to consider both hands. If the life line is short on the right hand, it is worth looking at the left hand, on which the life line may be noticeably longer. This pattern can arise for the simple reason that the left hand reflects what is given to a person at birth, the so-called fate and genetics. And on the right (if the person is right-handed) reflects what the person has achieved throughout the entire journey.

Also, such a phenomenon may indicate that at a certain stage of life a person will face difficult trials and troubles. Serious illness or road accident or any situation that may threaten life. If the life line at the site of the break is restored and continues its location along the Mount of Venus, then this is a sure sign that the illness or grief will pass and life will continue, as indicated by the length of the stripe on the opposite palm.

Interpretation of line location

When a break in the life line occurs in the form of noticeable islands, this is a harbinger of illness or troubles that caused the break in the fateful line. However, you should not be disappointed or upset when you see a short life line on your palm. It is worth looking at other lines located on the palm. Perhaps the short line is blocked by the line of fate, which will take on the further function of the life path. And, in the end, a person always has the opportunity to influence the quality and duration of his journey, lengthening the short line of life - fulfilling the mission assigned to everyone on Earth upon birth, and leading a full-fledged correct lifestyle.

Reasons for line shifts

If a person notices a deviation of the life line on his hand, there is no need to worry or panic, since there are various reasons for the formation of various gaps that need to be considered depending on the combinations of existing lines on the hand.

The reason for the shift could be a serious revision of beliefs and a change in worldview. Also, a change in character or behavioral habits could affect the location of the line. Depending on the characteristics of the individual, this may also indicate a loss of internal status, self-confidence, or reluctance to live.

In the language of palmistry, this determines a complete and quite deep, and sometimes radical transformation of personality.

Nuances of fortune telling

During palm fortune telling, you should pay attention to some important points:

By paying proper attention to the life line, you can direct your energy and all your strength in the right direction. So, a short life line is not a sentence, but, on the contrary, an incentive to action. And by making the right decision and starting to change your beliefs, you can dramatically change not only the location of the lines on your hand, but also your personal destiny.

Palmistry - fact or fiction? The art of reading lines on the hand has come to us from the distant past. But is this really a full-fledged science that allows us to find out all the innermost secrets of a person or a centuries-old fraud?

In the article:

Palmistry - fact or fiction, historical background

Should modern people believe in palmistry? Such a teaching appeared too long ago, even at a time when writing did not exist, and human fate depended significantly on what was happening around. At that time, this method of fortune telling by hand was very impressive, since a sorcerer, magician, or priest could determine the future of each fellow tribesman.

At the same time, other occult sciences were developing, which also helped man determine the future. From the outside it looks like a simple ability to guess any phenomena based on a person’s appearance and psychological state. But in ancient times, palmistry was considered the most effective method of predicting the future.

For example, in the east about 5,000 years ago there were palmists. Such art has always been widespread in China, India, Syria, Egypt, and Greece.

Adherents of palmistry claim that this teaching has been perfected for thousands of years, which proves its effectiveness. Thanks to such a long development, this teaching has clear rules that were formulated in ancient times and supplemented during the Middle Ages.

Hartlieb in 1448

At first, palmistry (which translated from Greek means “prediction by hand”) was positioned as a kind of magic, and the German scientist Hartlieb began to talk about this phenomenon as an art in 1448; later, in 1504, this topic was developed by Cocle.

After this, quite interesting works began to appear in French, German, Italian, which described the phenomenon of predicting a person’s fate using lines on the palm and explained the connection of the future with symbols on the skin.

It is worth noting that in the seventeenth century, universities in Germany already had a special subject dedicated to palmistry. However, not all European states were ready to recognize this teaching as art. For example, in England, palmistry was considered witchcraft and was strictly prohibited.

Over time, as humanity developed, interest gradually disappeared, and palmistry was forgotten. But after some time, Debarolle and d'Arpentigny recalled the long-forgotten teaching. It is worth noting that one of them simply tried to determine a person’s character traits by the shape of his hand. While the second is considered the founder of the modern art of fortune telling by hand.

Today, almost any person, using literature, can determine their future by, . At the same time, to obtain a high-quality result, it is not necessary to have a special gift; it is enough to simply have experience in this field.

Today, psychics who truly possess, as they claim, a supernatural gift, do not see anything wrong with fortune telling by hand and claim that to some extent this method of determining the future is indeed truthful. Indeed, there is a certain connection between lines and fate.

Pseudoscience - proof of skeptics

Today, palmistry still cannot be considered an official science. And all because none of the researchers could give real examples and confirmation that a connection is possible between the symbols on the palm and human life.

Magical coincidences cannot be taken as evidence. Skeptics claim that indeed, by paying attention to the palms of your interlocutor, you can tell about him. First of all, you just need to be a good psychologist and observant person.

Large hands, combined with cracked skin and calluses, will tell of a person who does physical labor; delicate, long fingers will clearly not belong to a carpenter. Short nails (constantly bitten off) and shaking hands will tell you that a person is susceptible to stress and nervous experiences. In this case, the palm reader is no different from a street fortune teller.

In addition, some doctors, such as cardiologists, are able to determine whether a patient has serious diseases of the cardiovascular system by the color of their hands. Klinefelter, Down, Turner, Patau syndromes can also be identified by a certain pattern on the fingers.

One can also doubt the correctness of this technique due to the presence of a large number of schools of palmistry, as well as different information regarding the same signs. Simply put, different practices contradict each other. The most common contradiction is which hand to look at the future on.

Some say that the left is female, the right is male. Others say that on the right is the future, on the left is the past. Still others, what is on the right is material, on the left is spiritual, and so on. Therefore, we can say, depending on who the palmist studied with, he will present such information to the person.

Palmists' answer to skeptics

In response to all the questions that official science asks such sorcerers, their answer is extremely simple and obvious:

Not everyone can understand and know this science.

Palmists claim that such accusations of pseudoscience arise due to the fact that very few people actually have the talent to predict fate by hand, and simply by picking up a book and studying the meaning of the lines, you will not become a real seer. Therefore, such accusations are just envy and an inability to understand the secrets that are open to only a few.

It is especially important, as these clairvoyants note, not just to know the meaning of the symbols, but also to feel what they can mean in each specific case. The fact is that there are certain rules in palmistry, but you have to draw conclusions yourself, based on the basic knowledge you have acquired. For example, the human personality is influenced by the planets.

Each of them symbolizes something different. Saturn - time periods, Venus - feelings, Mercury - finances, Jupiter - destiny, Mars - character, Sun - talent, Moon - anxiety. Based on this knowledge, a real palmist can analyze the drawings seen on the human hand.

The answer to the question of which hand to look at the future remains ambiguous. But it is worth noting that most psychics assure that for a right-handed person, the left hand shows his basic character, skills, etc. And the left one is the acquired qualities, who he is today. For lefties it will be the other way around. Therefore, it is best to evaluate the drawings on both palms.

Some palmists are actively fighting for their art to be considered an official science, so from time to time the media publish information that researchers are studying different categories of people who belong to different social groups or classes. As a result, the result is very predictable.

For example, writers have one finger turned in one direction, and engineers have one finger in the other. However, official science does not take such studies seriously and does not recommend that anyone take them as proof of the veracity of palmistry.

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