Why does the left cheek or face burn according to signs? What does medicine say? Why cheeks and ears burn at the same time: signs

Burning cheeks are a sign that can be easily explained. Popular wisdom says that someone is thinking about this person. When the “fire” in the cheeks has no explicable causes, for example, a cold, fever, overheating in the sun, it is worth turning to the folk interpretation. The appearance of signs is associated with people’s confidence in the presence of energy flows that are felt from a distance. There are many meanings of this sign, so in order to correctly unravel the message, it is worth understanding the nuances in detail.

What does a sign mean?

The interpretation of the sign when the cheeks begin to burn must begin with the fact that the person is remembered. But from which side: whether they respond with good intentions or negatively, depends on the accompanying factors. Thus, you can learn more about your immediate environment, how others treat a person, and what awaits you in your relationships with people in the near future.

There are even methods on how you can find out about the nature of the thoughts with which you think. You can use a gold ring for this. If, when the ring is drawn across the cheek, a dark stripe remains, this means that the person is being scolded and some of his actions are being discussed. When the color of the stripe left by the ring is light, they discuss it on the good side, perhaps even praise it. The red stripe indicates that thoughts are neutral.

You can even find out who exactly is thinking. To do this, during the experiment, name the names of your acquaintances, and the heat will stop at that name, and that person will remember.

It is important when interpreting a sign whether the right or left cheek is burning.

  • Left cheek burning

People believe that if the cheek on the left side is burning, then this is a bad omen. There are enemies around. Discussion of a person has a negative, angry character. Perhaps there are intrigues going on behind your back, and envious people have appeared. They can take advantage of the trust of a work colleague and set him up at an unexpected moment. The most unpleasant thing may be that, according to legend, people who discuss negatively are in the closest circle.

  • Right cheek burns

It is considered a good sign when the right cheek burns. And they always remember it in a positive way. A loved one can remember. If a girl has a soulmate, then perhaps a pleasant surprise awaits her. If a young girl is still single, then perhaps she has a secret admirer who often thinks about her, but circumstances do not allow him to reveal his feelings. According to legend, such sympathy may turn out to be mutual.

  • Both cheeks are burning

The worst sign is that both cheeks are burning. She can predict future misfortune, failure and even illness. The events that are about to happen in the near future will cause tears to be shed. They will also cool down the flushed face.

Day of the week

You can find out why your cheeks burn by paying attention to what day of the week this happens:

  1. Monday promises dating and meetings
  2. Tuesday warns of an upcoming conflict, quarrel or even a fight;
  3. Wednesday is a harbinger of the emergence of new romantic relationships. In another interpretation, this could be making a profit in monetary terms;
  4. Thursday may herald an exciting event;
  5. Friday: good news from loved ones or unexpected arrival of guests;
  6. On Saturday you can expect unexpected news or a fun time;
  7. On Sunday, it is better to plunge into positive thoughts in anticipation of a good day.

The sign is replete with its variations, which can often be contradictory. For the most accurate description, you should remember the time of day at which the cheeks burn. According to popular belief, a person is most sensitive in the early hours of the day or in the evening. The most reliable signals are those received at this time.

This sign has a special interpretation for the fair sex. If a girl’s cheeks are burning on Monday morning, then her other half is holding a grudge against her; if in the afternoon, then it’s most likely a close friend. In the evening, the source of negative feelings comes from close relatives.

On Tuesday, burning cheeks promise the appearance of a fan. If this happens in the morning, then the girl’s acquaintance feels sympathy. If during the day, then sympathy comes from a stranger. If in the evening, then from a person to whom the girl feels hostile feelings.

There is a meeting planned for Wednesday. If your cheeks are burning in the morning, it will be someone from your close circle; during the day with a stranger, and in the evening with an old friend.

You can expect good news on Thursday. If in the morning, then events can be expected at work, in the afternoon: from friends; in the evening from a lover.

If a “fire” in her cheeks overcomes a girl in the morning or evening on Friday, she should behave more carefully that day. Behavior can cause a negative reaction from others, for example, jealousy of her “half”. Internal worries may begin to torment you if signs of signs appear during the day.

The appearance of a fire in the morning or afternoon on Saturday indicates that the girl is often discussed. Sources of gossip from her friend or colleague. In the evening: gossip comes from men.

On Sunday, according to legend, the girl is praised. In the morning - acquaintances, in the afternoon - the chosen one, in the evening - the authorities.

Bad omen - what to do?

You can learn how to protect yourself from external influences from this video: https://clck.ru/C6s4S

According to some beliefs, those with burning cheeks mean tears. To avoid approaching misfortune, folk wisdom advises washing, preferably with holy water. Any action aimed at getting rid of the effect of burning cheeks can help you.

You should not immediately go when your left cheek is burning with the exposure of alleged intrigues, clarification of relations with possible conspirators and those who think poorly. In this case, it is better not to give reasons for quarrels, not to create scandalous situations around yourself. If they want to hurt and offend, it is better to look emotionally calm. Such a reaction will help neutralize the negative atmosphere created.

There are various ways to get rid of the evil eye and damage. If the phenomenon is frequent and has a more negative character, it begins to disturb, the anxious state is transferred to communication with loved ones, to work, then it is better to use auxiliary means of getting rid of the energy attack, for example, protective amulets.

To avoid the sign that both cheeks are burning, you just need to wash your face with holy water, then the predictions will not come true.

Also in other cases, when a sign promises unpleasant thoughts or events, you need to rub your cheeks with holy water to cool them.

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For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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For many people, burning cheeks are not a signal of health problems, but a sign that foreshadows a certain event. The interpretation of superstition helps you either better prepare for it or avoid it. There are other signs associated with the cheeks, not only about their flaming.

For example, if acne appears on the cheek, then this foreshadows quarrels in the family. The sign of burning cheeks is not so unambiguously interpreted. To interpret superstition, it is recommended to take into account several factors - which cheek is burning, what day of the week and time of day this condition occurred.

The sign of why cheeks are burning is interpreted differently. Sometimes it is impossible to understand what a superstition means because different sources offer different interpretations. For this reason, you need to focus more on your own intuition.

When both cheeks burn strongly, the person is discussed. You can understand in what manner the discussion is taking place - positive or negative - with the help of a gold ring. You need to run it over the flaming part of the check and pay attention to the tone of the strip. If it is light, then the person is praised, and if it is dark, then they are scolded. When the tone of the stripe from the ring is red, then they speak in a neutral manner.

A person can guess who is gossiping about him. If you list all your acquaintances and at some name your cheeks stop glowing, this means that he is discussing.

Signs about why cheeks burn have not only a positive interpretation. One version says that this condition occurs in a person before tears. Cheeks also begin to glow before trouble.

Holy water will help neutralize a bad omen. If you rinse your face with it, then nothing bad will happen to the person. Another condition for leveling a bad omen is to get it out of your head. When you don't expect anything bad, trouble passes by.

For lovely ladies there is a separate interpretation of the sign. If a girl’s cheeks glow, then her loved one is thinking about them at that moment. Another interpretation of the sign for lovely ladies is sadness. If women have both cheeks on fire, they will cool them down with tears. For men, the sign also does not bode well. For them, flaming cheeks foretell problems with management.

Such negative interpretations of signs can be neutralized. To do this, a woman should run the hem of her skirt or dress across her cheeks, a man should wash his face with cold water. Thoughts during these rituals must be bright, and then the danger will pass the person.

If not both cheeks are burning at the same time, but just one, then the interpretation of the sign must be carried out depending on which side the blazing occurred.

The sign of why the left cheek is burning warns a person that some enemy is preparing a conspiracy against him. The enemy may be secret. It could even be your closest friend or relative. You don’t have to worry about this situation or get hung up on it. The ill-wisher will reveal himself and all the intrigues will turn against him.

When the right cheek burns, such a sign does not bode well. If a person has a love relationship, then the flaming cheeks indicate that the other half remembers him. For free people, the sign speaks of secret admirers tormented by their feelings.

If the cheek on the right side lights up, then this also portends numerous compliments or praise. All this will bring a person a lot of pleasure, from which he involuntarily blushes.

Burning cheeks by day of the week

The sign about flaming cheeks is also interpreted according to the days of the week on which this condition arose:

Sign by time of day

The interpretation of the sign of flaming cheeks can also be carried out according to the time of day:

  • If your cheeks glow on Monday morning, it means that some guy is holding a grudge against a person; on Tuesday, someone you know remembers; on Wednesday, it foretells a date with a good friend; on Thursday, surprises at work; on Friday, who - he is jealous, on Saturday - gossip from female friends or work colleagues, on Sunday - one of his acquaintances praises him.
  • On Monday afternoon, cheeks burn due to the girl’s offense; on Tuesday, burning cheeks are associated with the sympathy of a stranger; on Wednesday, this state foreshadows a new acquaintance; on Thursday afternoon, cheeks burn because of a surprise; on Friday, a quarrel with a loved one; on Saturday, gossip on the women's side, on Sunday afternoons the cheeks burn when a person is praised.
  • On Monday evening, flaming cheeks indicate an insult to a relative; on Tuesday evening, this condition speaks of the sympathy of a not very pleasant person; on Wednesday, it foretells a meeting with an old friend; on Thursday, a surprise from a loved one; on Friday, a quarrel with a loved one; on Saturday - gossip from males; on Sunday evening, glowing cheeks mean that the person is being praised by the leader.
  • If the cheeks are flaming at night on Monday, then resentment will turn against the person; on Tuesday night, this condition indicates that the person on whom the person somehow depends feels sympathy; on Wednesday night, the cheeks are flaming before a date; on Thursday, the sign foreshadows the resolution of a long-standing conflict , on Friday - jealousy of a loved one, on Saturday - gossip of unfamiliar people, on Sunday - someone praises.

Other signs about cheeks

The cheeks may not only burn, but also itch. This is also considered a sign. If the cheek itches on the right side, then this foreshadows an insult that a loved one will inflict, and if on the left side, then this predicts unpleasant news. Itching of both cheeks portends tears.

Another sign about cheeks is biting them. Biting your cheek while drinking or eating food against your will. When such a nuisance happens during a conversation, it means that the person’s counterpart is planning some kind of meanness. If cheek biting occurs in a dream or while resting, then higher powers are telling the person to abandon his plans.

There is not only an esoteric, but also a medical version, which makes your cheeks glow. By burning cheeks, the body sends a signal to a person about an emerging disease. If this condition lasts for several days in a row, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor. An examination by a specialist is also required for severe redness that causes pain.

A person’s face is open to other people’s views and thoughts, often envious and evil. That is why our ancestors paid so much attention to the signs that appear on the face. People believed that if your cheek itches, it promises changes in your personal life. Often signs associated with the cheek do not directly relate to the person. They reflect the thoughts and feelings of other people towards someone who has an itchy cheek. The meaning of the sign depends on which side of the face the itching appears on.

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    Right cheek itches

    The right side of the body is a symbol of reason and light.

    If a person needs advice, then he should look closely at the right one and try to see the signal that the brain sends to him. If you correctly understand the meaning of itching on the right cheek, you can avoid many troubles.

      Why does my right cheek itch?

      • A person will be able to throw out accumulated emotions. He is very worried about something or feels angry. If you don't get rid of negative emotions, they can have a detrimental effect on your mental and emotional well-being.
      • Itching in the cheek symbolizes the offense that a person will unwittingly inflict on one of his family members or friends. To make amends, you will have to make a lot of effort.
      • If the patient's cheek itches, then this is a good sign. The patient is recovering, his strength is gradually restored. After some time, he will be able to return to his previous lifestyle.
      • For lovers of active recreation, itching in the cheek foreshadows a long journey. There will be a great opportunity to go on a trip and get a lot of positive emotions.
      • A girl who is pregnant will give birth to a son if she feels itching in her cheek. If there were twins in the family, then there is a high probability of having twins.

      Itching on the left

      The left side reflects the internal state of a person, his feelings and desires. Interpretations of signs:

      • If a person in love feels itching, then he will receive good news. His significant other sincerely admits his feelings. For a lonely person, itching is a bad sign. It foretells sad news.
      • Itching in the cheek is a surprise. It is not known whether it will be pleasant or whether it will upset the person. But in any case, he will be truly surprised.
      • If the left side of the face itches, then you have to take part in a serious conversation. The topic of conversation may be financial issues. If all participants in the conversation agree to make a compromise decision, then disagreements can be avoided.
      • Itching can symbolize the road to your home. If a person is far from his family, he will soon visit his relatives. Invisible forces are pushing him home; he feels an urgent need to see his family.
      • A pregnant woman will give birth to a girl if her left cheek itches.

      Interpretation by days of the week

      Folk signs tell a person what kind of future awaits him. But not only the side of the cheek on which itching appears portends certain events in life. It is important to take into account the day of the week on which your cheek itched. Not all soothsayers agree with this, but the interpretation cannot be neglected.

Hello, dear guests! Today we’ll talk a little about serious things and a little about signs. It's okay, we'll just find out why our cheeks are burning and what needs to be done.
In fact, a person’s ears and cheeks often turn red and burn. Sometimes such symptoms can be accompanied by more dangerous signs, so they should be given special attention.

The reasons may vary. Let's find out more about this phenomenon.

According to popular beliefs, when your cheeks are very hot, it warns you that someone is scolding you. There are signs that say that if these parts of your body glow, you will cry and you must wash yourself with holy water.

There is no need to dramatize, your cheeks start to burn just after going outside.

Most often, this phenomenon does not last long and is short-term in nature. Let's find out why this happens.

Blush is a frequent visitor to shy people. It can appear when communicating with strangers, when answering questions at school at the blackboard, or when speaking in front of an audience.

Medical reasons

Red cheeks may be a signal that you need to see a doctor. Medicine makes different diagnoses for this symptom.

Dermatologists have their own name for this phenomenon - Blanching syndrome.
Let's find out some reasons:

  1. This often happens when there are problems with blood circulation. You can expect a catch from acne as well. In cosmetology, there are different ways to combat this disease.
  2. The cause may also be vegetative-vascular diseases. In this case, the doctor will prescribe special treatment.
  3. The problem may also lie in endocrine system disorders.
  4. If flushing occurs constantly, then perhaps there is something wrong with your metabolic processes. In this case, it is worth reviewing your diet.
  5. At the same time, the cheeks burn in stressful situations or when excited. The release of adrenaline also promotes blood flow to the face.
  6. This happens in women. This may signal changes in the hormonal system.
  7. Changing oral contraception can also cause redness. Antibiotics can have the same effect.
  8. Damage to the lungs by tuberculosis also provokes the appearance of blush on the side where the organ is more affected.

Remember that redness may indicate high blood pressure. A sharp jump can provoke a stroke.

Dry blush occurs with sugar. But the most common cause is an allergic reaction. When exposed to cold for a long time, urticaria occurs, which is accompanied by itching.
And, in the end, any healthy person experiences a rise in temperature as a result of strong excitement. At the same time, the vessels and capillaries expand, and blood rushes to the face.

And if you have been in the sun for a long time, then before a beautiful tan appears, redness will appear.
Every day the cheeks of people who consume alcohol in excess burn.

What to do if your cheeks are burning

If this phenomenon lasts all day, and especially in a child, then you need to consult a doctor.

If there is nothing wrong, then you can try these steps:

  • pay attention to your diet. Fried, fatty and spicy foods are not allowed. Such food can cause a rush of blood to the face;
  • do not drink alcohol, as it dilates blood vessels, which causes redness;
  • exchange it for tea. It is better to use rosehip infusion. Decoction and good tea strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

If you need to quickly relieve redness, wash with cold water.

Signs: why cheeks burn

The meaning of the signs depends on which cheek is burning. Right - has a good meaning. This tells you that someone is praising you in a good way.

This is a great sign for girls, warning that someone has romantic feelings.

But if your left cheek turns red, then this is a hint to you that someone is jealous of you. Grandmothers used to say that if you list your ill-wishers, then with the right name, the redness will subside.
Now let's go through the days of the week:

  1. If your cheeks are burning on Sunday morning, then it’s for guests.
  2. If on Monday afternoon, then expect the renewal of old connections.
  3. If on Tuesday evening, then to a quarrel.
  4. On Wednesday morning, both cheeks are burning for a romantic date, and in the evening for gifts.
  5. If it is Thursday morning, then you will remain calm all day.
  6. On Friday morning - to the news.
  7. On Saturday evening - let's talk.

If a girl has a fiancé and her cheeks are burning, then this may mean that he is thinking about her or telling someone. If you are afraid of omens, spit over your left shoulder and wash yourself with holy water.
There is a folk way to find out who remembers you. Take the gold ring. Swipe the red side with pressure and think about what you want to find out who thinks about you and what.

And then look in the mirror:

  1. If there is a black mark left, then acquaintances spread evil gossip.
  2. White people think of you with good intentions.
  3. If the stripe is slightly pink, then you are remembered by a stranger who is thinking about you.

Don't worry about who thought what. It is not so important. If something is bothering you, remember your debts and unfulfilled promises.

You shouldn’t believe too much in omens, but only if they are good ones. All famous psychologists do not recommend planning your actions with thoughts about who will think what.

At the end of the day, it's that person's problem, not yours. If you are worried about such a sign, then you should analyze yourself and why you have such thoughts.
Who do you believe in psychologists or omens more, write in the comments. I've told you everything for today.

I hope that we will meet more often on my site. See you again!

Why girls' cheeks and ears burn: folk and scientific explanations. The interpretation will take about burning cheeks by day of the week, time of day. What to do if your cheeks are burning?

It is not known whether it is customary for other nationalities to interpret any changes on the face and body of a person, but our ancestors could explain any incident with folk signs. Whatever happens, there is a reason for everything, and it must be accompanied by an omen. Such signals include red cheeks and ears. The decoding of their signs directly depends on the side of the body,
at which point the redness and heat begin, as well as the time of day or day of the week when this happened.

Why does the right cheek burn in girls and women: signs

  • Oddly enough, which cheek is burning dramatically affects the interpretation of this phenomenon.
  • It is generally accepted that if the right cheek is burning, then someone is thinking positively about the girl. Most often, such thoughts are associated with lovers. In other words, heat in the right cheek may indicate that a young man has warm feelings for his chosen one. Perhaps he is thinking about some kind of surprise, or is simply admiring his lady love in his thoughts.
  • If a girl’s right cheek is burning, but she doesn’t have a boyfriend, then she should think about a secret admirer. She's most likely triggering feelings in someone she doesn't even know about.
  • The right cheek can also burn from positive thoughts of completely different people - relatives, friends, colleagues.
  • In any case, the burning right side of the face is a very positive sign, and you should not be afraid of it.

Why does the left cheek burn in girls and women: signs

  • The left cheek is a completely different matter.
  • Heat in the left cheek most often indicates negative emotions towards the girl. They may judge her behind her back, offend her, or even mock her. And what’s most offensive is that most often the sources of such unpleasant thoughts and conversations are people close to the girl.
  • The left cheek can also burn due to gossip, as well as intrigue from strangers, envious people, and competitors.

Why do both cheeks of girls and women burn?

  • Here the opinions of popular experts differ.
  • Some argue that heat in both cheeks is a sign of strong emotions and feelings towards the girl. Moreover, such emotions can be both positive and negative.
  • To find out the true mood of another person, the young lady should take a gold ring and run it along her burning cheek. If the trail remains black, then the girl should be wary - her secret enemies have dark thoughts. If the stripe is painted in a light color, then they think well of the young lady.
  • Some lovers of folk superstitions believe that a woman’s flushed cheeks can only be cooled by her tears. This suggests that red cheeks portend trouble, frustration and crying.

Why do girls’ cheeks burn on Monday evening, afternoon, morning: signs

There are a lot of explanations for why cheeks burn on different days of the week. Sometimes they even contradict each other. We have tried to provide all available options for such decryptions.

In some beliefs, a girl's cheeks burning on Monday foreshadow a new interesting acquaintance or a pleasant meeting with an old friend.
Other sources insist that if cheeks are burning on Monday, then someone is very offended and angry with the girl. Depending on the time of day, you can determine who is offended:

  • If your cheeks burn in the morning, then the young lady’s lover harbors a grudge.
  • If redness occurs on the cheeks during the day, then the source of negative emotions is the girl’s friend.
  • If the heat in the cheeks occurs in the evening, then the anger comes from one of the close relatives.
  • The night burning of the cheeks foreshadows the reflection of resentment on the girl herself.

Why do girls’ cheeks burn on Tuesday evening, afternoon, morning: signs

According to one source of interpretation of folk signs, burning cheeks on Tuesday warn a girl about a possible quarrel with loved ones. Moreover, the conflict can lead to a huge scandal and even assault.
The second interpretation of the sign about burning cheeks on Tuesday, on the contrary, does not bode well. She only hints to the woman that she has a secret admirer, but the time of day tells her who this admirer is:

  • Burning cheeks in the morning will indicate a familiar admirer.
  • If the heat in the cheeks formed at lunchtime, then the admirer is unfamiliar to the young lady.
  • If the cheeks flare up in the evening, then the admirer is familiar to the girl, but unpleasant.
  • A night fire on her cheeks indicates that a woman is dependent on her admirer - this could be her patron, leader or mentor.

Why do girls’ cheeks burn on Wednesday evening, afternoon, morning: signs

Wednesday is the day of the week that, according to all sources, foreshadows only positive events for a girl with burning cheeks. This could be the fulfillment of desires, financial profit, a long-awaited meeting or success in a planned business.
As for the meeting, depending on the time of day when your cheeks are burning, you can predict with whom exactly it will take place:

  • The morning heat on the cheeks foreshadows a rendezvous with someone close.
  • If your cheeks glow during the day, then you will meet a stranger.
  • Evening color of the cheeks may indicate a date with an old acquaintance (friend).
  • If the cheeks turn red late at night, then the girl should tune in to the long-awaited meeting with the conqueror of her heart.

Why do girls’ cheeks burn on Thursday evening, afternoon, morning: signs

Cheeks that burn on Thursday also promise only positive things for their owner. Perhaps they portend her joy and entertainment, or maybe news from a dear person located far away, or a pleasant event.

You can understand what kind of event awaits a girl by the time of day when her cheeks turn red:

  • Morning heat in the cheeks indicates upcoming events at work.
  • If the cheeks begin to burn during the day, then pleasantries can be expected from friends.
  • Evening cheek color will promise a surprise from your lover.
  • If the cheeks suddenly flare up at night, then soon a serious protracted conflict in the girl’s life will be resolved.

Why do girls’ cheeks burn on Friday evening, afternoon, morning: signs

Some beliefs say that if a girl’s cheeks glow on Friday, then she should expect quick news or a visit from one of her relatives.

The forecast for other signs is less optimistic. They only portend jealousy and mistrust:

  • A morning or night fire on the cheeks tells the young lady that she needs to behave more carefully, otherwise her behavior may cause a flurry of claims and scenes of jealousy on the part of her lover.
  • If the cheeks turn red during the day or evening, then mental torment awaits the girl herself, and she will have to extinguish the outbreak of mistrust within herself.

Why do girls’ cheeks burn on Saturday evening, afternoon, morning: signs

According to some sources of interpretation of omens, women's cheeks burning on Saturday promise their mistress only joy, fun, surprises and pleasant meetings.
Another interpretation of this belief is gossip that can be spread behind the back of a young lady:

  • If a girl’s cheeks start to burn in the morning or at lunchtime, then her friends or female colleagues may be the source of gossip.
  • If a blush appears on a girl’s cheeks in the evening, then it’s the men who are gossiping.
  • Night fires on a girl’s cheeks can cause gossip from people she doesn’t know or care about.

Why do girls’ cheeks burn on Sunday evening, afternoon, morning: signs

Some interpreters of folk superstitions claim that a girl’s cheeks burn on Sundays to indicate separation from a loved one.
Other sources associate this phenomenon only with positive emotions and actions. A young lady's cheeks can glow on Sunday only to joy and well-deserved praise. Flattering words can flow from the lips of anyone:

  • If the cheeks are on fire in the morning, then one of her acquaintances pays odes of praise to the girl.
  • If the fire on the cheeks started at lunchtime, then her chosen one speaks good words about his beloved.
  • The evening heat on the cheeks can be explained by praise from management.
  • If the cheeks turn red at night, then flattering words come from people unfamiliar to the girl.

If one side of the face burns all day: a sign

What if one side of your face burns all day?

If one side of the face burns for a long time, and then the heat moves to the lips, then the girl should prepare for passionate kisses. Moreover, the kisses promise to be very long and hot - the same as the heat on the cheeks and lips.

Why cheeks and ears burn at the same time: signs

Why can girls’ cheeks and ears burn at the same time?

  • There is a popular saying: “Cheeks are burning - friends are talking, ears are burning - girlfriends are gossiping!” You can interpret the heat in the ears and cheeks this way - if the cheeks are burning, then the discussion is coming from a loved one, and if the ears begin to burn, then most likely females are involved.
  • But there is another interpretation of this situation. The fact is that the cheeks are responsible for the thoughts of another person, but his words are able to be captured by the organs of hearing. That is, if a girl’s cheeks are burning, then someone is thinking about her, but if her cheeks are joined by her ears, then a conversation has already started about her between several people.
  • The essence of thoughts and conversations can be determined by the side of the face. If the ears and cheeks on the right side of the face burn, then the speeches are flattering. If the ears and cheeks on the left are burning, then they are talking about the girl and thinking something bad.

Why cheeks burn: medical reasons

In addition to folk signs, both frequent and spontaneous heat in the cheeks, as a rule, can be found a scientific explanation.
Often burning cheeks can be a sign of the following chronic, serious diseases:

  1. diabetes
  2. vegetative-vascular dystonia
  3. lung diseases (the right side indicates damage to the right lung, and the left side indicates damage to the left)
  4. hormonal imbalance in the body
  5. endocrine diseases
  6. rosacea
  7. allergy

  • But the reasons for the appearance of burning cheeks can also be temporary, less serious conditions of a girl: Burning cheeks in women can also be a reaction of the body to taking hormonal drugs.
  • Very often, pregnant women and women during menopause experience heat in the cheeks.
  • Temporary redness of the cheeks can be a harbinger of a cold or viral disease - in this way the body gives a signal that the body temperature is starting to rise.

What to do if your cheeks are burning?

If the heat in the cheeks is not associated with any of the listed diseases, then you can use the following methods to get rid of it:

  • If your left cheek or left ear is burning, then you should try to name one by one the names of those people who could gossip about the girl. It is believed that if she guesses the name of the offender, the fever will immediately go away.
  • Another way to get rid of heat in the cheeks is holy water. Believers claim that she is able to rid a girl of the redness of her cheeks and stop all talk about her.
  • If there is no holy water, then you can try to wash your face with regular tap (cold) water and apply moisturizer to your cheeks.

Dear readers, if your cheeks suddenly start to burn, then do not rush to interpret this phenomenon as some kind of message from above. Analyze your condition and try to find a more sober explanation for it.

Why cheeks burn from a medical point of view: Video

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