I dreamed of tearing off old wallpaper. Rip off the wallpaper. Why do you dream about Wallpaper peeling off in a dream according to the dream book

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Why do you dream about Wallpaper in a dream according to 15 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Wallpaper” symbol from 15 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Rip off wallpaper from walls in a dream- there is real chaos in your life at the moment, and you just can’t figure out what you need to try for and what you shouldn’t worry about at all.

Choose wallpaper in the store- you are standing on the threshold of some extremely important event. How Fate will turn next depends entirely on your behavior.

Dream book for a bitch

Good wallpaper - changes in life.

Buying wallpaper means moving to a new place of residence or major renovation.

Glue wallpaper - soon you will take a new, high position in society.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Wallpaper in a dream symbolizes the general atmosphere prevailing in the house. The better they look in a dream, the more pleasant your immediate prospects may be.

Unusual wallpaper pattern- means that some changes may occur in your life.

Torn or peeling wallpaper- a sign of scandals and quarrels that can jeopardize your family happiness.

Wallpapering in a dream- this is an obvious hint that it doesn’t bother you to put your family affairs in order and improve relationships with your family.

If a man pastes wallpaper- he strives for numerous and varied sexual contacts, but in real life he has only one sexual partner, who has not yet disappointed him.

If a woman pastes wallpaper- she seeks sexual contact with other women.

If you choose wallpaper- picky and careful in choosing sexual partners.

If you bought a lot of different wallpapers- you have an active sex life, and you may have several sexual partners, and you would sometimes like to have group sex.

If you are confused about the wallpaper- you have difficulty establishing sexual contacts or during them.

If you have damaged or torn the wallpaper- you tend to impose your preferred line of relationship on your partner. When interpreting such dreams, it should be borne in mind that a rolled up roll of wallpaper symbolizes the penis, like all elongated objects, with all the consequences ensuing from this fact.

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Meaning of sleep: Wallpaper according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, see stylish high-quality wallpaper on the walls of your own home- a sure sign that you will now be able to make the most successful acquisitions for furnishing your home.

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You buy them- losses await you, you will lose a large sum.

Freeing walls from old wallpaper in a dream- you want to bring something new into your life, do something that goes beyond.

Glue them - you attach great importance to unnecessary little things, try not to take anything to heart.

If they are unglued- this is an alarming warning about separation from a person who is especially dear to you; be especially careful to prevent this.

According to the dream book, glue wallpaper- in reality, deal with very serious issues associated with great benefits and at the same time great risks.

If in a dream you dreamed that the wallpaper was peeling off- know that you have to cope with a very serious problem, and you should not be afraid to ask for help, it will be very helpful.

You dreamed that new wallpaper appeared in your house and you really like it- you and your household will be incredibly lucky, prosperity and boundless happiness await you.

A dream in which you intend to rip off wallpaper- is a reflection of the fact that your emotional state and state of affairs are now extremely unstable, you are confused and do not know in which direction to move next.

Video: Why do you dream about Wallpaper?

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Did you dream about Wallpaper, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Wallpaper in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello! I dreamed that I came to my mother-in-law, and she was peeling off the wallpaper at home, almost all of it had been torn off, leaving small scraps on the walls. I come over, help you tear off a little and spray it with a spray bottle so that the rest will come off better. Then I show off my purchases to her - 2 pairs of trousers and a skirt that I tried on. We both really liked it. Thank you!

    Hello! In a dream I saw white wallpaper, and there were a lot of multi-colored circles painted on it, my dad and brother glued them in my house, I really liked them, looking at them there was a feeling of some kind of spiritual freedom and warmth. Thank you in advance.

    I often have dreams about wallpaper. In different situations. Once upon a time I had a very vivid dream that we were gluing wallpaper in some three-room apartment, we considered it ours, this apartment. The wallpaper was too colorful and bright. It was glued like in a village, it was in vain, the joints are visible, it was stuck on at random, but it’s clear that it’s new and clean, and most importantly, we were glad that it was all ours!!!….. Now I dream about this apartment from time to time and I consider it mine in my dreams. In fact, we have another one - not this one and not there……… Today I dreamed that my godfather asked me and many other people to help her rip off the wallpaper. We quickly (there were a lot of us) broke down a section of the wall and tore it off. Well, only my area was much larger and it turned out better and easier. The walls were poorly plastered, several types of wallpaper were fragments......I just kept thinking and talking about the fact that I need to run and rip myself off too, because I also want to re-glue it, I don’t like what it is......but I’m thinking about that one Once in a dream they pasted it over. And in a dream in my memory, like, I remember that three-room apartment with colorful wallpaper.

    In my dream, my boyfriend (aka) my employee is gluing new wallpaper in his office. I walk in and say something to him, while the wallpaper begins to slide off the wall. He says: “Okay, I’ll finish it next time.”
    Before this, I dreamed that very night that our office was somehow empty, where I only saw my desk (which seemed to be no longer a table, but a bed) and curtains. And I think in a dream that there is a lot of space and the curtains make it cozy

    from April 2 to April 3, 2014 I had a dream... I had a terrible hysteria... for a reason - I came home after a hard day and was shocked - who peeled off all the wallpaper from the walls and tore off the suspended ceiling... it turned out it was my mother - she wanted to do everything her own way... I I began to really wail in bitter tears... that how could she do this without consulting me, I scolded her for not needing this kind of help and care... I was horribly angry... I ran into the kitchen - dad and mom were there... I grabbed I grabbed my mother’s hand and pulled her straight into the room... I literally screamed that I would never forgive her for this...

    The cat scratched a corner in the apartment, I decided to re-glue it. and then at night I had a dream that I was trying to tear off the scratched wallpaper and the wallpaper seemed to be peeling off from all the walls, as soon as I touched it a little, it just fell off. what is this for?

    I dreamed that in my husband and I’s bedroom there was the wallpaper that we have (there are just vertical stripes), but it was as if someone had pasted it not vertically, but diagonally. it was very unclear, but everything was done neatly and looked unusual) and only some parts were re-glued like that, and the rest remained the way we glued them)

    Hello, I had a dream about how I walked into my sister’s apartment, and she had beautiful pink and purple wallpaper on all the walls, and I admired them so much, touched them with my hands. and then I found myself at home, and saw through the window a man stealing onions from a neighbor’s garden. I started to drive him away, knocking and screaming. And then suddenly I went into the kitchen and saw a huge frying pan of fried eggs. What is this for?

    On my wall in the bedroom there were colored photo wallpapers with the sea, I’m selling a house and showing the room, I see that the wall is bare white, there is no wallpaper, I start looking for it, and they are on the top of the closet in rolls. This wallpaper was glued to me in real life by the person I love.

    I dreamed that I was in my apartment with my loved one, gluing wallpaper. To be precise, in the bedroom. Initially, we peel off the old wallpaper, it is light. And then we glue new ones, dark blue ones with a beautiful light pattern. I remember they are expensive. Pleasant to the touch. In general, that's all

    It's like I started renovating my bedroom and started hanging wallpaper. I glued two rolls and started the third, but I’m surprised at myself, you smear some kind of glue, but the wallpaper is dry, it probably won’t stick well. Suddenly I see that the wallpaper that I glued to the wall was already wet, it had become large wrinkles and began to slide down due to the dampness. I was so annoyed that they were slipping that I had to re-glue them again.

    Good afternoon. My family and I did renovations in our old house, they changed the design, new wallpaper on the walls. everything is beautiful. I really liked it. (I lived there until I was 20, then we moved to another house). and in the yard there is a tent with curtains. and dreamed about the dead grandfather. he is alive in a dream.

    Hello! The day before, a friend told me that her wallpaper had come off and asked me to re-glue it (I glued the wallpaper). This is all real. And then I had a dream, I came to her, and she tore off all the wallpaper, everywhere, and I had to re-glue it all again. She motivated this by the fact that the previous wallpaper was too dark for her.

    A dream in which I see torn wallpaper in a bullpen and for some reason my mother did it, she explains something to me about this, but I’m so upset and say why did you do this, I have very little left to spare and I don’t have enough to glue it now

    HELLO, I dreamed that I was gluing wallpaper in our house. but in the dream it seems like our house. but it didn’t look like ours, the wallpaper was in a dark blue color, I remember that dad applied it too, then he went out and was alone, there were almost all family members in the house, they were sitting on the sofa. and they talked, I don’t remember what, but I remember that I heard their voices

    Hello. I have never attached much importance to dreams (once in childhood I had a dream that came true on the same day, down to the smallest detail, but that was only once) But for some reason the dream I had today just doesn’t work out for me out of my head and doesn't give me peace. I dreamed that I, my dad and my deceased mother were standing in the corridor of our apartment, the wallpaper was torn off, my dad began to tear off the remaining pieces of wallpaper from the walls, and soon I joined him, starting to do the same, diligently tearing off the remnants of the wallpaper... I would be grateful if you could explain what this could mean.

    Today I had a nightmare dream that I woke up and there were torn walls all around, there was no furniture, nothing, just a bed on which I slept and a man came in and unceremoniously continued to take things out, the refrigerator and the rest and said, next, you! I complain to my friends and they say nothing can be done, it will be even worse - it’s a gang and no one will help you and I say how I was sleeping and didn’t hear, they told me they drugged you because there was a glass of vodka standing next to me, I was just in shock!!!

    my son is already an adult, but I dreamed that he was five years old and he tore off the wallpaper to stick new ones, although we haven’t chosen new ones yet... but he tore off the old ones very carefully and folded them... it was unexpected for me, but I liked it.

    I'm sitting in some room and talking with my bosses. Then I looked at the wall, and there was beige wallpaper with beautiful flowers. I saw bubbles under the wallpaper and began to smooth them out, but the wallpaper fell off and a white wall remained.

    Hello. I had a very strange dream today. Help me interpret it please. I talked to a girl in a dream, we were friends, she was married to a friend of mine who has a son. At first I was visiting her and everything was fine, then I came again and the wallpaper was already torn off, she said that she was robbed, but they didn’t take anything valuable, because of the son of a friend whom I loved. A friend said that one hundred sons should be kidnapped, and I yelled at her and scolded her. she then began to call her husband (my friend) and cry, and he told her that his son was safe... And this is what this dream could mean, help me understand my dream.

    an almost empty room, many different rolls of wallpaper, but they were whole and seemed to be leftovers, they were white with purple-black flowers, (I have such wallpaper in my room) I looked at them and combined them.

    Hello! My husband and I are divorced. And in my dream, he was tearing off the wallpaper from the walls in our apartment (I live in the apartment with my son, although it was bought during marriage) and began to tear off the wallpaper from the walls. And I continued to rip them off the walls too. But without him.

    I jumped from a high tower into a clear but dark sea, feeling fear, but knowing that everything was fine. Then, I was drying myself wet in an apartment covered with fresh light wallpaper, and an unfamiliar young girl said that this was apartment 26, opposite the apartment of my deceased grandmother. And she has apartment 1. In a dream, I look out the window of this apartment and recognize the surrounding area.

    I tore the wallpaper off the wall, the wall had holes and was not level. I prepared a bucket of clay to cover the unevenness.
    I saw a sea with waves. The water was black, but clear and clean. I entered it.

    A small room in which I am hanging wallpaper, but it doesn’t stick well and starts to fall off, a man appears and says that the glue seems to be wrong and he will help now. All pasted wallpaper begins to peel off and peel off.

    I am in a room where everything is in blue tones - on the walls there are blue wallpaper with small white floral patterns, blue bed linen with geometric patterns, blue bedspreads and carpeting. The room is very crowded.

    I’m divorced, but I dreamed of my husband with whom we chose beautiful wallpaper from a whole bunch and started gluing it. After gluing the wallpaper, my husband handed me the clasp from the earring that I had lost, then I hugged and kissed him.

    I’m in the apartment of my husband’s relatives who live in Moscow, tearing off wallpaper. Then I think maybe they don’t need it and I stop tearing off the wallpaper. In a one-room apartment, there is still a separate place for a bed; it is not a relative’s wife who lives there, but a stranger’s woman. I talk to her and tell her that maybe there’s no need to tear off the wallpaper, maybe a relative doesn’t need it, but I’m going where I’m not asked.

    Hello, please tell me a more accurate interpretation of the dream, the designer pasted 3 sheets of light green wallpaper on the wall with patterns of multi-colored small birds and said that I should finish the rest myself with my own strength and capabilities. Thanks in advance.

    I dreamed that I was standing in my apartment, looking at the wall, and the wallpaper on it had peeled off from the ceiling. On the wall where the wallpaper has peeled off, two rusty nails stick out. I take this part of the fallen wallpaper and pierce it with nails, and then push it behind the pipe that goes under the ceiling (although I don’t have a pipe under the ceiling in my apartment). I look like nothing has worked out and I think it’ll last until summer, and then I’ll do the repairs.

    in a dream, an old friend came to visit me and I don’t know why she was holding the peeled wallpaper in her hands, but they were not at all the same as what I had in reality, but at the end she spread the glue and began to glue them, but nothing worked, then a man came and she was getting ready to go home and we stuck it together, I don’t know what this dream is for

    I dreamed that I was standing in the kitchen, I don’t remember what I was doing there, but I heard my mother-in-law’s voice. Then I accidentally saw her in the hallway, took a closer look, and she and I were cleaning the hallway, and my mother-in-law was washing the floor with two rags. I got angry and started screaming, why are you doing this, I can do it myself. And she started saying that my place was dirty, so she washed it. My husband said so too. I got upset and started looking for a stepladder, climbed on it and began to tear off the wallpaper. The wallpaper began to come off from the ceiling. I got off the stepladder and went for scissors to carefully cut it (so as not to re-glue the ceiling), but in my opinion I didn’t have them.

    During the day I lay down and saw wallpaper on the wall in the room where I am currently sleeping (in real life there is no wallpaper at all in this room). There are places where they stick out, they are torn, and I immediately have such thoughts that I need to buy exactly the same wallpaper and use it to re-glue exactly those places where it is torn, but in order to re-glue everything completely there were no such thoughts. In general, I very rarely have dreams.

    I dreamed that I was tearing wallpaper off the wall of my future husband, at his home. The wallpaper was pasted, layer upon layer, and I tore off each layer in one place (this layer was exactly where we slept when I was at his house)
    The wallpaper was of different colors, but somehow dull and damp, as if there was dampness in it. In the dream, I never completely removed the wallpaper there.

    I looked after a small red cockroach with a mustache and wings, fed it, took care of it, and visited different places with it (I don’t remember which ones, but I remember that it was more than one). Then at some point I found myself, as I felt, in the house where I now live, but surprisingly there was no one there, there was one person who felt familiar, but I don’t remember his face, I saw a glimpse of an image. And I had a choice: either completely peel off the wallpaper (it was already torn), or immediately glue others. I asked why, that they wouldn’t hold on now, it would be better later. I decided to take them off completely. While they were ripping me off, I remember that I asked either who would live here for now, or who would own this apartment now, there was no answer. While peeling the walls, for some reason, shiny multi-colored or flowers that were glued on flew, which I didn’t see at first. Then suddenly I saw a lot of large black cockroaches on the floor, running first in one direction, then all together in the other direction. I was surprised where there was so much. I looked at my red cockroach and saw that it had grown compared to what it was before. And everything seems to have woken up

    Hello. I dreamed today that I was choosing wallpaper with my mother. Among the dark specimens, I really liked some light ones with iridescence and a floral pattern. I still remember them in my head. There are no plans for repairs - why is that?

    I hung pink wallpaper in my daughter's room. And I didn’t change it completely, because... I decided that the old ones were clean. I just had to replace a couple of strips. In fact, this is exactly the kind of wallpaper in my daughter’s room.

    Hello! Today I had a dream: I went into the house, and there my grandmother, who had died, was trying to plaster the wall. He waves at the tile, which is falling off. I walk further and as I enter my house, which is under construction, my husband is sitting there, and my aunts are standing there. One has already died. It seems like I’m telling my husband that he needs to plaster it well, otherwise it will be like the grandmother I saw earlier, everything will fall off. I look, and the wallpaper on the wall is dark blue with a huge light flower. And the dead aunt is trying to cover them with her back, because they are all moving away from the wall. Looks like she stuck them on. Neither my husband, nor the living aunt, nor the dead one said anything to me. What is this for? Please answer, otherwise it’s stuck in my head, it’s scary.

    I dreamed of my deceased mother-in-law, who asked me to put up wallpaper in one of the rooms of her house. I had little time and was in a hurry, but I complied with her request. the room became very light. because the wallpaper was a very light shade. I don’t remember how we parted with her.

    I woke up in the morning and found my child dead next to me, only a small one (in reality he was alive), I cried for a long time, then my mother threw out the baby’s corpse. When I came to the child’s father to tell him about death, in his house he and his late father-in-law were gluing wallpaper, but something didn’t work, the wallpaper was missing in parts, and the late father-in-law repeated: It’s not for you to glue butterflies..... what could this dream mean? is it really worth worrying about????

    I glue the wallpaper going up the shady stairs, the stairs are thin, the wall is high due to the scaffolding, my friend is trying to help me (she gives me her hand), and I tell her that (don’t, otherwise I’ll fall faster), I pasted the wallpaper and She boasted to some man. But in a dream. Someone else was climbing up this staircase, as if helping me up, holding it from the bottom, and it seems to me that it was my friend with whom I have been friends for 8 years. And the wallpaper is light, pink with large flowers.

    I don’t remember the whole dream, only that I glued white wallpaper with a pale pink pattern onto very well-prepared walls. The design is vertical blurry pink stripes with delicate pale flowers on them. After pasting, I looked at the entire wall, and the wallpaper had peeled off at the joints. I took a rag and smoothed all the joints well, everything became nice and even. I’ll say right away that this can’t affect my family, my house either, or repairs...

    I had a dream, many children were walking with our daughter, then I discovered that they had peed on the wallpaper, I made them wash the wallpaper, all the wallpaper was washed because it was washable, except for the one it was ordinary but pink, the rest of the wallpaper was dark in color, and on this pink wallpaper there were not just scribbles, but mathematical solutions. And some two men also helped us, I thought that these were neighbors, although they were not familiar to me

    Wallpapering walls is one of the most common apartment renovation operations, which allows you to give the walls of your home an aesthetic appearance. An apartment in a dream is a reflection of the dreamer’s immediate environment, therefore the appearance and condition of the dreamed wallpaper is an important harbinger of his condition, as well as upcoming changes.

    I hung wallpaper with my beloved man in his house, and first cut out a complex pattern on the wallpaper. His wife was present in the house, but did not express any aggression and did not help. the wallpaper itself was only smeared with glue, there was no gluing process

    I dreamed that my neighbors were flooding me, I started knocking on their door, I even wanted to knock them down, but they opened the doors and I saw that they were flooded even more, then I returned to the apartment, I recently made renovations and I was very sorry if everything was ruined , then I saw that water was appearing on the wall on the new wallpaper, that is, they were becoming wet, then I found myself in some room where there were a lot of beautiful table lamps, floor lamps, they were turned on and there were many different objects and people all

    Good afternoon On Wednesday I had a dream, as if when I came home with my husband, my mother met me on the threshold and started scolding me for not being able to properly hang my shoes on the hooks. as if because of us all the wallpaper is dirty. Please explain this dream to me.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was hanging wallpaper in my ex-lover's house. The wallpaper is such a pleasant light yellow color. Moreover, his parents invited me to glue it (in fact, they have been dead for a long time. And I have never seen them!) While I am gluing it in my sleep, and at the same time he is sleeping in the next room from the other .
    I want to look at my opponent. So I open the door quietly and see her. She is a dark-haired young woman. There is a wheelchair next to the bed. It turns out the girl is disabled! He sleeps, hugging her, and she looks somewhere at the ceiling. But she never saw me.
    Because of my worries (I understand that I’m superfluous here and I need to get away from there as quickly as possible), I can’t finish the work properly. I saw that I had pasted the wallpaper haphazardly! Somewhere the wallpaper began to lag. I actually tore two strips off the wall. But then my husband came and said that he was drinking tea in the next room with his parents and my ex. And I wake up to this. Please explain why you dream about this. Beg! Thank you in advance.

    I am in the kitchen (my mother's apartment) without furniture and discover that the walls are without wallpaper and without tiles. It turns out that it was mom who did everything. The kitchen turned out gray, ready for renovation. Instead of doors there is a small opening. It turns out that you cannot go out to your full height, but only on all fours. In the kitchen I was sitting on a chair. First I noticed that there was no wallpaper, and then I saw that there were no tiles either. I started scolding my mother: why did she do this, because for health reasons we would not be able to make repairs.

    I dreamed that I was sleeping in my apartment where I live with my husband, he was not there, he was at work, I was sleeping alone. my mother arrived, when and how I didn’t see, I see how I wake up and my mother had already re-pasted the wallpaper in this room, and in a hurry, the wallpaper was still wet and one sheet was pasted over, I saw a lot of lei on the back side and stuck the sheet back to the wall ! I didn’t like these changes... there was a lot of furniture in the room that wasn’t mine, and there were several sheets of old wallpaper left, and when I asked my mother why she did this, she said - well, compare the old and new ones, which is better, and I began to look at both the new wallpapers !

    I dreamed that my daughter was moving furniture away (I dreamed of furniture that we had thrown away long ago) in my room, and there were little Prussians there. She sprayed them, and Tom said that the wallpaper still needed to be changed and began to remove it from the walls.

    I came to visit my deceased mother (in a dream she is alive and afraid of something) with my brother’s wife and her mother. They came, but not our house where we lived with our parents all our lives, but to the neighboring one, which is located diagonally across the road from our house (private sector, our own house), the house is gloomy, old wallpaper that we want to re-paste, I tear off the wallpaper several layers between two windows from above (there are no curtains or curtains on the windows, the street is visible in the windows. Day. There are no people), the house we are in wants to be washed and put in order, put up new wallpaper, so that when I’m not around, my mother will feel comfortable, good and not afraid

    My beloved’s mother pastes beautiful blue wallpaper with bright fish on top of the old wallpaper on the walls in the bedroom, where my beloved and I are lying on his bed. What does it mean?
    I'm not married.

    Hello Tatiana! It’s not clear in whose house, but rather, in mine I see beautiful wallpaper: white, pink with glitter, and the design looks like “Venetian plaster”; the rooms are empty, without furniture.
    I know that painting or whitewashing is death, but I don’t know if someone has already hung wallpaper. Thank you in advance.

    I dreamed that new wallpaper with yellow-blue-green bright stripes was hung in the kitchen. And on the windows there are the same thick curtains, and even with a flower pattern. And all these are wild bright colors. And I stand in the doorway, look at it and am horrified by this riotous coloring.

    I, along with people I know, are sitting in a large, long room like a dormitory with bunks. Suddenly bad weather breaks out outside, heavy rain and wind. In one window I see that there is no glass and the rain is pouring into the room, everyone becomes cold and uncomfortable. I see that a man I know is trying to close the window, but he’s not succeeding. I scold him for the fact that he cannot figure out to take cardboard and insert it into the hole instead of the missing glass and do everything myself with little difficulty. It becomes very warm and cozy. I look out the window and see many low snowdrifts of snow, white and clean, but very dense. that no one is falling through and I understand that these are the roofs of houses. I begin to look at people and recognize a guy I know (in real life, my son works with him, he is his employer). He walks around dressed warmly, but for some reason in bright yellow-red rubber boots, high to the knees, and confidently wanders from rooftop to rooftop. Yes, I don’t see the walls and windows, but I clearly understand that these are roofs under a meter-long layer of snow. I begin to worry about him, that the snow will fall and he will fall, but he is cheerful and confident with a firm step, and continues to walk without failing. And I inspect all the roofs in order to find my son with him. And I’m glad that he’s not there. Then I want to leave the building and while I’m walking I meet a relative, glad to meet her. I begin to look at the room in which I am standing and see a semicircular wall with beautiful wallpaper. I look at them and think to myself, I need to buy the same ones for my house under construction. Then I go out into the street and find myself in a large garden with potato plantings. You can see clean, grass-free rows, large potato bushes on which just huge white larvae of the Colorado potato beetle are sitting. I’m scared of them, but I walk quickly through the garden, take a few larvae in my palm, examine them and leave. After that I wake up.

    I dreamed that we were tearing off the old wallpaper and gluing new ones. But I’m not alone, I’m with a man and it’s as if he’s my father. But this is not my father at all, but some other man. And it’s as if in a dream I’m young, beautiful and slender, I’m about 20 years old in a dream and it’s happening as if now. (I’m 37 years old) and in my dream I was wearing a snow-white new nightgown or undershirt, long straight to the floor, without patterns or frills, like a dress, slightly flared, with sleeves. And for some reason I feel very happy in my dreams.

    I dreamed that my mother pasted photo wallpaper in almost every room (3 of them), purely in the middle (3-4 stripes) the background of the wallpaper was different (pink, blue) but there were dolphins depicted everywhere - a lot of dolphins. And in my dream I had a misunderstanding why she did this. And my friend comes to visit and quietly tells me “to be honest, I don’t like it, it was better”

    I hung wallpaper. The apartment is not new. but mine. but not the one that is in reality in life. in a dream I’m glad that there’s new housing. My brother helps me glue it. I haven't actually seen him in 20 years. he lives abroad. and he says that he is calling to him. I say that there is no money for the trip. in a dream he promises to pay. but (in a dream) they don’t give me permission to leave.

    I dreamed that my aunt (she is no longer alive) tells me that when I fall asleep I will have a dream in which I should not go to him (he is a loved one who also passed away, a little over 2 years ago). And I feel as if I’m about to fall asleep and a view opens up in front of me where that same person is standing and waiting for me (and then there’s some kind of party behind him). then this part of the dream turns into me and Aunt, her daughter (she is 10 years old in the dream, but in reality she is now 22), my mother and a family friend, gluing some light wallpaper (possibly white) to the ceiling and talking , we laugh.

    My office at work consists of 3 rooms, I dreamed that my ex-boss and I put wallpaper in 2 rooms, but not yet in the third, the wallpaper was light, almost white, the rest of the employees came to work and we showed them,

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    See in dream unattractive, old or tattered wallpaper- family quarrels, squabbles, conflicts. See in dream beautiful, new wallpaper on the walls of your home - family well-being and peace. In addition to the appearance of those seen in dream Wallpaper Dream books recommend paying attention to the drawing depicted on them. Glue wallpaper in dream- improve relationships with family.

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  • Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Glue wallpaper in dream may mean that a business conversation awaits you and that you will need to sign a document promising some financial security. If you see rolls wallpaper or cut them with scissors, then this dream promises the implementation of new projects. Tear off, rip off or see falling off wallpaper in dream means that if you seek advice from the right person, it will bring you incredible benefits.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Wallpaper in dream in dream, the more pleasant your immediate prospects may turn out to be. Unusual pattern on wallpaper- means that some changes may occur in your life. Buy wallpaper Glue wallpaper- soon you will take a new, high position in society. Modern combined dream book. Rip old ones off the walls wallpaper- means that you are waiting for changes in life and are ready to do extravagant things in order to...

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Wallpaper wallpaper- moving to a new place of residence or major renovation. Glue wallpaper- soon you will take a new, high position in society. Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. Wallpaper in dream- symbolize the general atmosphere prevailing in the house. The better they look in dream, the more pleasant your immediate prospects may turn out to be.

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  • Dream Interpretation "advice"

    Meaning sleep Wallpaper according to O. Smurov’s dream book. Wallpaper in dream mean the structure of our life. Quality wallpaper and their drawings characterize our life. The more expensive wallpaper and a more beautiful drawing in dream, the more pleasant our life will be. Interpretation sleep Wallpaper according to L. Morozova’s dream book. If you dreamed of tattered wallpaper- to minor monetary loss; if you dreamed about new ones wallpaper- to the good news; buy in dream wallpaper- to success in love; glue- you will work hard, but it will all be in vain.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonarium"

    Wallpaper in dream- what does it mean? Dreamed wallpaper symbolize the atmosphere in your inner circle, and the more beautiful they are, the better. Wallpaper with an unusual ornament speak of change. Peeled off or torn wallpaper- family conflicts that threaten your happiness. Glue wallpaper- the need to settle family affairs and relationships. See strangers wallpaper- take part in other people's household affairs.

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  • Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    Wallpaper in dream from the Modern Dream Book. Rip old ones off the walls wallpaper- means that you are waiting for changes in life and are ready to commit extravagant acts in order to change the established way of life that is already boring for you. Dream book for a bitch. Dream Wallpaper in the dream book it is interpreted as: Wallpaper good - changes in life. Buy wallpaper- moving to a new place of residence or major renovation. Glue wallpaper- soon you will take a new, high position in society.

Dream interpretation of gluing wallpaper

Such material in dreams as wallpaper has completely different interpretations. Depending on a person’s individual associations, the meaning of symbolism can be either positive or foreshadow problems and adversity. The dream book will help you understand what to prepare for in the future after sleeping with wallpapering.

If you dream that you have decided to re-paste the wallpaper, then this is a sign indicating your readiness to radically change your life and bring bright colors into it.

Popular interpretation

Most interpretations tend to suggest that wallpaper in a dream is an extremely favorable omen. The dream book will tell you why to glue or rip them off.

Harmony reigns at home, partners trust each other, and friends value their relationship with the dreamer when in a dream they saw perfectly glued canvases and a pleasant interior.

Development of dream events

Such plot visions should not be taken seriously if in reality the person is actually renovating the room. Thinking throughout the day about choosing wallpaper for a bedroom or other room, at night the subconscious will accurately copy thoughts and experiences already familiar to the dreamer. The dream book will tell you why a person who has not even thought about undertaking renovations might dream of new wallpaper.

Actions with finishing materials in a dream will help you understand family relationships.

If it is necessary to rip off the linens in the bedroom, then the person does not trust his significant other, the couple does not find a common language.

Appearance of the walls

I often have obsessive dreams that the walls look unattractive, the pattern of the old wallpaper has faded. Such visions tell about the disharmony of a person’s inner world.

Dreams with old finishing material on the walls of the room hints to women that they need to devote time to self-development, and not give all their attention exclusively to everyday life and children.

For men, such dreams promise small financial difficulties that will be easy to solve by doing what they love.

Color spectrum

You can find out what the multi-colored canvases tell you about by looking through the dream book.

Choose a green finish in a dream

  • A calm course of life is foreshadowed by the green finishing material chosen in dreams.
  • Dark shades, namely blue and black, are dreamed of by lonely people who need support, understanding, and care.
  • Red color is a symbol of passion. If you dreamed of a room of this color, expect a whirlwind romance and love adventures.

The white surface of the wallpaper can be seen by people with a rich inner world, ready to help everyone.

Ahead of renovation

The external state of the room will tell about the successes and failures of the dreamer.

  • Obsessive dreams about dirty, peeling walls hint at stagnation of business and lack of career advancement.
  • A dream in which plaster and strips of cladding are falling from the ceiling promises separation from a loved one.
  • A person lives his life aimlessly if he sees an old building in need of restoration.

Wet, peeling canvases on the walls indicate that soon the visitor to Morpheus will be able to bring his ill-wishers to light.

Where and who carries out the work

A crew is renovating a room in a dream

The location where the renovation is carried out also plays an important role. Gluing canvases on the walls of your own home in dreams means the realization of plans, the birth of an idea.

Did you dream that strangers were doing renovations in a room or house? In reality, someone is jealous of your happiness, making insidious plans to take a place, be it work or family.

A profitable deal, which will bring considerable profit, awaits the person who independently glued the wallpaper in the apartment.

Condition of the paper product

Dreams where old facing material is present are explained in different ways. If the paper sheets come off, then a conflict will arise between relatives. When the rolls do not stick to the walls, this is a sign that the relationship built on lies will soon finally crack.

A symbol such as new wallpaper will tell about good news, a final solution to accumulated problems.

Activities during sleep

If the dreamer needs to glue canvases in his dreams, but he has no desire to work, then this indicates the person’s detachment in reality, his desire to avoid responsibility for his actions.

Are you angrily tearing off canvases? Such visions visit people who find it difficult to cope with emotions. They often go too far and are unable to control their angry impulses.

Consciousness craves changes, updates not only to the interior, but also to the wardrobe, if in dreams the desire to glue or purchase bright rolls overcomes.

Possible Explanations

  • The plot where you rip the canvas off the wall will tell about the desire for revenge.
  • Why see and tear off new rolls? A person wants to say goodbye to the past, but something is holding him back.
  • New paintings in a dream can be seen by modest people who are embarrassed to express themselves.

Wallpaper in a dream- White wallpaper means that for a while you will become a “black sheep” who will not easily find understanding in any company.
If you see wallpaper burning in a dream, then you need to be as careful as possible, as this dream can mean great damage to property, and sometimes the sudden death of the owner.
Seeing wallpaper in a dream can predict that your house will be crowded with good acquaintances and close friends at a celebration or some kind of holiday.
Choose wallpaper in the store- an extremely important event in life awaits you.
Choosing or buying wallpaper in a dream predicts receiving benefits from a task that you did not complete. Essentially, you will be given credit for other people's achievements.
If in a dream you draw on wallpaper, then in reality you will be happy, you will be given flowers and an expensive gift, and they will organize a romantic evening for you, which will be unforgettable.
If you dreamed of wallpaper, then such a dream foreshadows deception.
If you dreamed about wallpaper- more often than not this is not a good sign. It promises you discord in relationships with loved ones, lack of mutual understanding.
If you bought wallpaper in a dream, then this most likely means losing a significant amount of money.
If in a dream you participated in home renovations and tore off wallpaper from the walls, it means that a period of devastation will come in your life, when there will be no order and harmony in any area of ​​your life.
If the wallpaper was a light shade, then misunderstanding may come from people who are not close to you, colleagues, whose opinions you can safely ignore.
If the wallpaper in your dream was dark in color, then a tense situation will arise only within your family, while light wallpaper predicts conflicts in the workplace. Do not neglect the opinion of your loved ones regarding your actions - perhaps they are right in some way, and you should draw a conclusion from their words and change something in yourself.
If the wallpaper has come off in some place or peeled off- there will be problems and troubles in your family.
If the wallpaper had a dark shade, then almost everyone will not understand you, which threatens you to become, as they say, a black sheep.
Gluing wallpaper in a dream- the envy of the people around you and their evil tongues will lead to the point that they will manage to drive you into depression and ruin your life. This will only be a temporary victory for them, as you will quickly regain your position.
When there are rolls of wallpaper in front of you in a dream- this suggests that the long journey and the journey to success will come to naught and will turn out to be absolutely useless due to one single mistake.
However, don't be discouraged- this period will not last long, its duration will also depend on your desire to change your life for the better.
Wallpapering something means that in reality you are capable of worrying too much about trifles and, perhaps, renovations in the house await you.
Roll out wallpaper- the dream indicates that you are not created for family life, your destiny is to be a free and dynamic person.
Rip off wallpaper- to quarrel and dissatisfaction.
See wallpaper in rolls- to misunderstanding.

The dream came true

Pastes wallpaper - he strives for numerous and varied sexual contacts, but in real life he has only one sexual partner, who has not yet disappointed him.

If you have damaged or torn the wallpaper- you tend to impose your preferred line of relationship on your partner. When interpreting such dreams, it should be borne in mind that a rolled up roll of wallpaper symbolizes the penis, like all elongated objects, with all the consequences ensuing from this fact.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Wallpaper in a dream- symbolize the general atmosphere prevailing in the house. The better they look in a dream, the more pleasant your immediate prospects may be.

Unusual wallpaper pattern- means that some changes may occur in your life.

Torn or peeling wallpaper- a sign of scandals and quarrels that can jeopardize your family happiness.

Wallpapering in a dream- this is an obvious clue that it doesn’t bother you to put your family affairs in order and improve your relationships with your family.

Pay attention to other people's wallpaper in a dream- portends your participation in someone’s household chores.

Jewish dream book

Wallpaper- change of residence.

Dream book for a bitch

Wallpaper is good- changes in life.

Buy wallpaper- moving to a new place of residence or major renovation.

Wallpapering- soon you will take a new, high position in society.

Modern combined dream book

Removing old wallpaper from the walls- means that you are waiting for changes in life and are ready to do extravagant things in order to change the established way of life that is already boring to you. This dream foretells that a lonely person will soon meet a pleasant person.

See a lot of wallpaper of different colors- You have too many choices, so it’s difficult for you to decide on just one thing.

If you dreamed of a room with light wallpaper- A romantic date or an intimate conversation with a good friend awaits you.

If the pattern on the wallpaper in a dream seemed scary or ominous to you- this warns you about the troubles associated with such communication.

If you dreamed of beautiful new wallpaper in your apartment- feel free to go to the store and buy the household appliances you need, the purchase will be successful.

Eastern women's dream book

If you wallpaper- it means you are on the verge of serious changes.

A dream in which you hesitate for a long time when choosing wallpaper- testifies: the decision you made was the only correct one.

I dreamed that the wallpaper was painted by someone’s child’s hand- you feel the need to do something stupid.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Paste wallpaper on the walls- to purchase; on the ceiling- to change your hairstyle.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Wallpapers to buy- change place of residence.

Dream book of the 21st century

Buying wallpaper in a dream- to loss of money; pasting them on something- means that you are taking excessive care of trifles and, perhaps, the start of repairs awaits you.

Seeing wallpaper in a dream- means that your home will be filled with friends and acquaintances on a holiday or celebration.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Seeing a roll of wallpaper in a dream- to misunderstanding. It is very important to remember what color the wallpaper you saw in your dream was: if it is light, then the misunderstanding that will affect you will come only from your colleagues, not very close acquaintances, whose opinion in general can be neglected.

If the wallpaper was dark- Absolutely everyone will not understand you, you are threatened with the fate of a “black sheep”.

Rip off wallpaper from walls in a dream- there is real chaos in your life at the moment, and you just can’t figure out what you need to try for and what you shouldn’t worry about at all.

Choose wallpaper in the store- you are standing on the threshold of some extremely important event. How Fate will turn next depends entirely on your behavior.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Wallpaper draw- means pleasure without benefit; wallpaper see- means deception and misuse of power of attorney; wallpaper burning see- portends damage to the estate, and sometimes

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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