Arrangement of objects on the desktop according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui table and feng shui desktop and place

Feng Shui workplace- this is not just a table for work, but also a source of new thoughts that arise here and begin to be embodied in the real world.

Each of us has periods when we give up and don’t want to do anything, and a person’s ability to work largely depends on his attitude towards results. A good atmosphere, family relationships, and general health also have an impact on how effective the work process will be.

Feng Shui desktop designed to change a person's worldview, assure him of his abilities and give him an impetus. When developing this technique, the founders of Feng Shui took care of comfort and tranquility. It is in such conditions that you can most fully concentrate your thought process on one thing, without being distracted by external factors.

Eastern sages were the first to understand the importance of Feng Shui in residential areas. But if the teaching has an impact on the everyday environment, then it will be appropriate in the workplace, that is, in offices and classrooms, factories and studios, garages and restaurants.

Probably, many have noticed that in work offices you can often see innocent trinkets of this type, such as figurines, figurines or oriental models. All these directions have become popular in our country.

Those who have tested desktop feng shui on themselves claim that they discovered huge reserves. Such people became successful at work, deservedly received awards and praise from their superiors, and were respected colleagues and partners. They want to work, and they really enjoy it.

Take advantage of this teaching too. After all, most likely, you are also tired of forcing yourself to get up in the morning, barely open your eyes and get ready for the hated job with undisguised anger. You will be surprised when you join the labor movement. You will love, and truly love, your desk, your office and your responsibilities.

The goal of any job is to make good money. Feng Shui of your workplace will bring interesting and pleasant changes into your life. Your financial situation will improve instantly.

Feng Shui workplace: design rules

In order to transform your workplace, you don’t need to read a lot of dusty books, you don’t need to ask teachers of Eastern teachings for advice, you don’t need to spend nights on the Internet. It is enough to allocate a couple of hours of your time, and life will forever take on a completely different meaning.

  • The first and main rule of all Feng Shui is cleanliness and order. The same applies to the desktop. You've probably noticed that when the table is clean, only the things and objects needed at the moment are on it, work is just in full swing. All decisions come easily and fall freely on paper. There is complete confidence in the correctness of all actions. Therefore, carry out a small audit of your workplace every day. It’s better to get rid of the trash right away, so it won’t accumulate and cause trouble and inconvenience.
  • The next step is the boxes. Don’t make it a habit to fill them with damaged erasers or scribbled ballpoint pens. After all, with such items you only give freedom to bad energy; it reigns freely in all corners of your office. With unnecessary, and even more so broken, things, we bring rifts and troubles into our lives.
  • Never cram into a minimum sized space. The place where you work should be large and spacious. What do you think, if a thought arises and abruptly ends up in a crowded and uncomfortable, dirty and cluttered room, what happens to it next? She tries to make her way to the door to continue on her way, but at every step she is intercepted and returned to her place. This is how your thinking is affected by a sloppy and impractical desk. Even if there is a computer on it, try to make sure that it takes up minimal space.
  • Don't try to decorate your table with fancy new fashions. Feng Shui of a desktop is simplicity, complete absence of decor and decoration. During labor, the mind must be cool and pure.
  • Wood and products made from it are assistants in work. This is an element that strains all mental activity and forces every neuron to join the process. But metal products should not be used as decorations.

Desktop and Bagua Grid

The Bagua grid is used to determine the appropriate areas in the room. The table can also be divided into main sectors. It is worth approaching this issue responsibly, because professional success directly depends on the correct activation of a particular area of ​​the workplace.

Divide the table space into the center part, the right side and the left side. So, let's proceed to directly determining the meaning of each zone.

Center of the table

This is the place that has the greatest influence on work success. It helps to cope with difficulties. It can be divided into three sections:

  1. Area of ​​career growth and prospects.
  2. Zone of scale of further plans and successes.
  3. Glory Zone.

The first two are directly in front of you and require complete freedom. This means no need to fill them with papers or folders.

Excessive fullness will become an obstacle to the advancement of prospects and success. It is appropriate to place a laptop or computer monitor in this area.

The far central zone is the zone that is responsible for your rewards. Here you can place a figurine that depicts some kind of reward. For example, an award such as an Oscar is suitable for professionals who are involved in cinematography.

Left side of the table

This area contains zones that are responsible for important areas of human life. This:

  1. Zone of wealth and material well-being.
  2. Health zone.
  3. Knowledge Zone.

In order for your work to bring not only joy, but also good income, you need to take care of the design of the upper left corner. Desktop Feng Shui says that wealth loves red colors. Therefore, use items of this color. A red piggy bank toy will do.

If you love plants, then you can use a money tree here. Decorate it with red ribbons and small coins (you can use an artificial money tree).

Just below the previous sector is the area responsible for your general health and well-being.

Folders with projects under development and current affairs should be stored here. This will give you the strength to work on them and keep you mentally and physically active.

The lowest left point is the Knowledge zone. What does knowledge symbolize? Of course, scientific reference books and dictionaries. Your job most likely has some kind of guidelines and rules. Put them right here. So, if you need them, you can always use them, and you will also activate the zone responsible for the success of your mind and thinking.

Right side of the table

If you analyze the right side of the table, then, moving from top to bottom, the following zones are located:

  1. Creativity Zone.
  2. Zone of Family and relationships between relatives.
  3. Zone of assistance and mutual assistance.

You probably have your most successful work, which was appreciated by both colleagues and superiors. This is exactly where she belongs in the zone of Creativity. She will encourage you to work in the same spirit. One or two folders will be enough.

The family serves as support in all endeavors, so the presence of family and friends is simply necessary at work.

Of course, your family members won't accompany you to every meeting or report, but a photo with them is quite suitable for creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

The last right zone is responsible for help and support. To ensure that you always meet only honest partners, place a telephone here.

All famous and famous people adhere to these recommendations. The heads of the most famous global companies carefully design the interior of both the entire workroom and each table separately. And they get what they want in the shortest possible time.

And in conclusion, I have prepared a video in which Feng Shui master Natalya Pravdina talks about how to activate feng shui zones on your desktop to attract money, luck and fame.

Just click on Play.

Desktop Feng Shui for wealth (video)

That's all the rules feng shui for desktop. Nothing complicated. If you do everything right, you can really help yourself. You will become much more successful, and your financial situation will pleasantly surprise you with its changes for the better. Colleagues will turn to you for advice, as your progress will cause true delight among those around you.

Live according to Feng Shui!

Alexandra Kalashnik,especially for the site ""


We probably spend 1/3 of our lives not only in bed, but also at work. And not only our mood, but also the work process itself depends on how correctly we are able to organize our workplace. In this matter, the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui comes to our aid.

General principles of the table according to Feng Shui.

Your desktop should also have good Feng Shui. Here are the basic rules to follow for this:
- do not sit opposite the door to the room;
- do not sit with your back to the window;
- make sure that there are never symbols of Water behind your back (aquarium, fountain, images of water, etc.);
- Water symbols should be either in front of you or above you.
Now turn your attention to the desktop. The bigger it is, the better. Make sure that it is always in order: a table littered with papers is bad feng shui.

One of the most important elements that you should first of all pay attention to when decorating a workplace is its color scheme. According to Feng Shui, each color is an expression of a certain type of energy. Color not only affects our mood, but also affects our health (this is studied by color therapy). From this point of view, the white, black and gray offices that are fashionable today are completely inharmonious, since they contain only three colors, or rather, no colors. Gray is a variation of black, which in turn is not a color at all. We see black when the surface does not reflect anything, but only absorbs light. White, as you know, is a neutral color, and therefore does not carry any energy.

The variety of too bright tones also has an adverse effect on the state of the body. The motley color scheme attracts attention only at the first moment, but being in such an environment for a long time is quite tiring. When designing your workplace, try to adhere to the principle of the “golden mean” in the literal sense. Golden tones - light orange, yellow, beige, coffee with milk, as well as warm red, the soothing color of young greenery, gentle marsh will create a feeling of security and joy.

It is very important that you sit in one of your favorable directions at your workplace. Every person has four favorable and four unfavorable directions. Their calculation is a completely separate story, so we will not touch on this topic here. Just keep this recommendation in mind for now. It is believed that if you are sitting in a direction favorable to you, then you are guaranteed good luck in all your endeavors.

Whatever workplace you occupy, in a separate office or a common room, you need, first of all, to determine whether you are under pressure from negative energy from the outside. If “arrows” of negative energy are directed at the window from the roof of a neighboring house, place a plant on the window or hang blinds.

Never sit under ceiling beams, bookshelves or air conditioners. Any overhanging structure can become a source of failure and illness. Remove all telephone wires and computer cables behind panels and racks. According to Feng Shui, all visible pipes and wires mean an outflow of money.

You should not place your workplace, even if it is oriented in a favorable direction, opposite the door (especially if it opens into the room). In this case, you are attacked by a strong flow of energy, which can have a bad effect on your health.

There is no need to sit with your back to the door; this is a very uncomfortable and alarming position. It's called a "knife in the back." It is believed that with this arrangement you can be betrayed, set up, or passed over for promotion. If there is no other option, you need to put a mirror on the table so that you can see everyone entering the door.

You don’t need to sit with your back to the window, you will thereby deprive yourself of the support of influential people, your own employees, and all of your even the most ingenious projects will be doomed to failure. It's better if there is a wall behind you. If this is not possible, close the window with thick curtains.

You need to sit facing the door, but not opposite it, but diagonally from the entrance. Your desktop should be clearly visible from the front door; it should not be blocked by safes, cabinets, or massive chairs. It is believed that if you are not visible from the front door, then luck may pass you by.

It is very important to create a positive atmosphere in the workplace. A well-equipped workplace is the key to health, emotional and spiritual balance.

Don't squeeze your desk into a corner of the room, much less between cabinets. Any physical inconvenience will affect the quality of work. You must be free to approach your desk; there should be free space in front of and behind the table, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes opportunity and perspective. Otherwise, difficulties await you.

If you work in a cubicle or have a partition directly in front of you, hang a picture of a lake or a flowering valley, that is, visually expand the perspective in front of you.

If there are a large number of people working in the room or a large number of visitors coming to you, you may become tired of the hustle and bustle. Place some bright or favorite object on your desktop. This could be a beautiful table lamp (not necessarily a purely work design), a photograph of children, a model of your favorite car. Find any way to protect your personal space.

The most unfavorable workplace is the one near the door. And no matter what position this employee holds, the attitude of strangers towards him is always less respectful than towards colleagues in the back of the room. He is always more tired of the hustle and bustle, as people constantly walk past him and distract him with inquiries. If you can’t move your work station from the aisle, also place a bright or some large object on the table that will make your place more visible and meaningful.

If your desk is located next to a large window, you may feel unsafe (especially if your office is located on the upper floors of a building). Here you also need to protect yourself by placing some large object near the window, for example, a plant in a tub, floor shelves with books. A large object will protect you, emotionally and physically distancing you from danger.

If you work in a room where there are a lot of shelves and cabinets with working documentation or reference literature, review these deposits and throw away what is outdated and unnecessary, and put it in the utility room. Cluttered and crowded cabinets, racks, and shelves mean an inability to perceive new things and limit your professional growth.

Good lighting is a great way to attract positive energy. It is good when there is additional lighting on the desktop in the form of a table lamp. The light source should be directly above your head or on the side of your non-working arm. If the light shines on your working hand, it will cast a shadow on the surface of the table. If you are working on a computer, the light should be directed directly at the keyboard.

Bright sunlight can interfere with work, so you should use blinds or curtains, but you should not completely switch to artificial lighting. If you have to work in a room without windows, be sure to hang a photograph or reproduction of a natural landscape on the wall, or use any other element of nature (a small aquarium, a vase of flowers, place a plant on the corner of the table).

According to Feng Shui, it is good to place your desk “behind the boss,” but in no case facing him. It doesn’t matter that the boss’s office is in another room or even on another floor. The position “behind his back” means his support, “facing the boss” means confrontation.

If you place a table lamp or metal object on the far left side of the table, financial success is attracted.

If you put a photo of yourself speaking at a prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate your luck in your career.

The area on the far right side of your table is responsible for intimate and family relationships, and if there are problems in this area, place a picture of a couple figure there.

No matter how you arrange your offices, study rooms, common rooms, or private cubicles, it is important to avoid clutter and clutter. On and in front of the office there should be no dirty areas, landfills, dead trees and carelessly trimmed bushes, peeling walls and creaking doors, clogged pipes, poorly cleaned halls and lobbies. There cannot be good Feng Shui in a room if the room has musty air, clouds of tobacco smoke, dirty curtains and glass, furniture arranged in a disorderly manner, and piles of business papers.

You should not allow clutter on your desktop; always keep your work area clean and tidy. Where there is disorder, there is no circulation of positive Qi energy, and therefore there will be no luck and health.

Feng Shui of the workplace.

It is best to sit with your back to the wall. Empty space in the back creates unnecessary tension and makes it difficult to concentrate. You can't always change where you sit, but you can change the space around you. No, do not lay brickwork around the perimeter of your workplace. Just put some large flower in a tub behind. And cheaper, and more beautiful, and your back is covered from unnecessary glances.

You should also not sit next to the door (this is why security guards often have trouble with their careers!). If you are unlucky, the same flower shops or architectural delights in the form of office partitions will come to the rescue. If there is a window behind you, at least close it with blinds. Otherwise, you yourself will not notice how all the working zeal will disappear into emptiness.

Feng Shui desktop.

“There should always be a perspective right in front of a person,” says Feng Shui consultant at the New Wind Center Alexander Frolov. “This helps the favorable and rapid development of the work process.” It’s clear that most people have a monitor permanently in front of their eyes. Then create a perspective right on it - for example, with a picture like this.
feng shui table- this is a table on which there should always be order. At least relative. Papers that are no longer needed have a place in the trash can. This will help you deal with pressing problems more effectively. All items necessary for work (folders, pens, phones, glossy magazines, family photographs) should be located to the left or right of the person sitting. Here, by the way, there is also a gradation. “There should always be more things to the left of a person than to the right,” Alexander told us. “This is due to different types of energy from different sides. On our left, the sun rises and all processes begin to develop. Accordingly, this side should always prevail.” But a couple of frames with photographs can be placed on the right - the energy of emotions reigns there.

Feng Shui of the desktop and place: Above the table according to Feng Shui.

It is best to have a standard smooth ceiling above your head with flat spotlights. Beams and pipes are bad. Vertical planes create internal tension - “what if all this falls on my head?” – and interfere with the free flow of energy. As advice to those who have the “wrong” ceiling, I can suggest wearing a wide-brimmed sombrero at work. Maybe it will help.

If you have an air conditioner or heater above your desk, you may experience discomfort from drafts or too warm air. If you are unable to change seats, hang a scarf, umbrella, or other object that deflects the air flow, or change the direction of the air flow so that the air does not blow directly at you.

In addition, on the wall in front of you, you need to hang a picture, a calendar, or at least a photograph depicting a natural landscape or street, creating a feeling of depth and visual freedom.

Feng Shui of the workplace and table: Under the table according to Feng Shui.

The side where items are placed under the table is less important than on it. But still, you should not clutter up the space under your feet with extra boxes, wires, and replacement shoes in four copies. The feeling of tightness in the lower part of the body leads to the same feeling in the head. And then there may not be enough room for “flight of thought.” Again, it is better if the necessary drawers, processors and shoes are located predominantly on the left.

Feng Shui of the table: Additional for the workplace.

There should be free space opposite the desktop. If the office is small and cramped, and you “rest your eyes on the wall,” then hang an image of an open space, a natural landscape stretching toward the horizon, right in front of you. Please note that any image of water on it must be calm. The water should seem to flow into the office. This will give an influx of fresh energy and prospects for development.

Access to the table must be free. It is better to throw away unnecessary things and papers. Place a live plant on the table. This is the source of “yang” energy necessary for fruitful activity.

If your workstations are located opposite each other, face to face; this can lead to confrontation and strained relationships. It is better to turn both tables slightly towards the center. As a last resort, the situation can be smoothed out by placing some object or flower between you and your counterpart.

If your table is in a corner - a source of powerful energy flow - this can cause illness. If it is not possible to move the furniture, then you can curtain the corner with a poster, drape it with fabric, or place a large plant next to it.

Open windows and ventilate the room more often. Although this recommendation is very easy to implement, in many modern offices you can find unventilated rooms and rooms without windows. There are several ways to solve this problem. You can use full-spectrum light bulbs: they emit all colors of the spectrum, and most fully reproduce natural sunlight.

Any symbol of nature – a fountain, a houseplant or an aquarium – can save you from the feeling of claustrophobia. But, despite all the positive influence of an aquarium on business, it is advisable not to sit with your back to it, since water behind your back in any case symbolizes instability and is not favorable in “career terms.”

One of the greatest stressors is a large number of people working in the same space, especially if it is cramped and dark. The work seems too monotonous, nervous, and many experience tension due to the constant intrusion of strangers into the “intimate zone”. Feng Shui offers ways to protect yourself physically and emotionally. One of the most effective is creating a specific focus of attention. A table lamp brought from home to illuminate your desk, a soundproof partition, or a vase of flowers can help overcome stress in a closed work space.

It is important to delineate the boundaries of your personal space in one way or another. Many office employees place a photo of their loved ones on their desktop or place a trinket dear to their heart: all this serves as a “protective screen”.

Anyone who has encountered the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui in practice knows that it works great. Feng Shui of the desktop is very light a way to improve your life in all directions by tidying up your workspace.

Boss Position

People practicing feng shui at home , very often they want to apply it at work. If you are one of them, know that it is very simple. It’s even easier than decorating a house using Feng Shui.

Many businessmen, managers, influential personalities, politicians, in principle, all those who have the opportunity to manage their workspace, independently plan it, carry out redevelopment, successfully transfer and apply the knowledge of Feng Shui to the workspace.

If you don’t have a personal office yet, you can still probably arrange your own according to Feng Shui:

    work area,



If you are working Houses, the rules of Feng Shui can also be applied to the area of ​​​​the home where you work.

Good feng shui work zone is when you:

    at a large clean desk,

    sit with your back to a wall that has no windows (or at least not with your back to a window),

    you see a fairly large office/room space in front of you,

    to your left is a wall with a window,

    in the vision zone (best of all - in front) is the front door.

The office of the German Chancellor fully complies with the rules of Feng Shui

So, the front door should be visible; behind your back, as well as on the left, you need to feel the protection of the walls; the light should fall from the left side on your desktop, which in turn should be solid.

This arrangement is called “Boss position” because it is the most comfortable to work in. This is how you will feel:



    seeing prospects,

    controlling the process.



    to everyone who improves their qualifications,

    to everyone acquiring new knowledge.

What to do if you Not Do you have the opportunity to change anything in your office or rearrange your desktop? Symbolically compensate"flaws":

  1. If there is no wall behind, put up a decorative screen.
  2. If there is no open space in front (you can see a wall or even lean against it), hang a picture or photograph at eye level that has an exit perspective (forward into the distance).
  3. If it is not possible to control the front door, place a mirror on or next to your desk to reflect the entrance.

Feng Shui desktop: cleanliness, order, symbols

As for directly on the desktop itself, in addition to the fact that it must be large, constantly kept clean ( it is very important!), it is necessary activate, that is, arrange according to Feng Shui in such a way as to achieve maximum success in your work.

The Ba-Gua grid can be conditionally applied to the surface of the desktop, just like any other space in the Universe.

First, you will need to determine the cardinal directions on your desktop, and then select 9 treasured zones of Ba Gua.

Attention! You should not activate all zones on the desktop at once! This is not necessary, because the desktop is intended for work, therefore, here activate only those zones that will be conducive to self-realization as an employee, a professional, a businessman, a person who has reached heights in his career, that is zones:

    Careers. North. Here you sit, write or type on the keyboard.

    Wealth, money, material wealth. Southeast, far left corner of the desktop.

    Glory. South, the far side of the table is opposite you.

    Assistants, patrons. North-west, right corner of the desktop closest to you.

Feng Shui symbols are placed in these sectors, indicating respectively:

    material wealth (SE) - a piggy bank, three Chinese coins, a money tree (crassula), a figurine of Hotei, etc.;

    glory (Yu) - own awards, horse figurine, red crystals, pyramids, etc.

    assistants (SZ) - images of deities (Ganesha, reclining Buddha), heavenly assistants, bell, etc.

Examples of desktop organization according to Feng Shui

More details on how to activate:

    all feng shui zones,

    wealth zone.

What could be easier than improving your life by doing good desktop feng shui? It is as simple, incredible, magical, miraculously effective as feng shui card.

Do everything possible for your well-being! Feng Shui of the desktop is so popular because it is incredibly simple to use. All that is needed:

    clear the desktop,

    keep it clean at all times,

    put a couple of symbols of success in your work on it.

And we offer you one more way quickly, simply, and joyfully arrange your life in the best possible way. Combine knowledge of Feng Shui and design!

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Feng Shui desk

How can you make sure that your work is fun and not boring, and that your salary always makes you happy? How to feel confident in a team? How to attract new business partners and not lose old ones? How to properly organize your office and your desk? It turns out that you can do this for the entire workplace as a whole.

Practical Chinese and Japanese have long understood that if Feng Shui knowledge works for the home, then with the same success it can be applied to work areas. In the last 20 years, in our country it has become increasingly popular to choose offices according to the principles of Feng Shui, equip your workplace according to them, and use Feng Shui skills on your desktop.

You will be surprised how quickly the situation around you can change: for some reason there will be more money, people will suddenly become more responsive, you will suddenly enjoy work, and maybe you will receive patronage from your superiors. In any case, at a desktop arranged according to Feng Shui, your work will be easier, simpler and faster. Shall we check?

Applying Feng Shui skills to your office and, in particular, to arranging your desk is quite simple, and you can easily do it yourself.

Desk according to Feng Shui: correct location and arrangement

Order and cleanliness are the main rule

Of course, the main rule is cleanliness and order on your table. Have you noticed that the paper piles on your desk seem to multiply over time, becoming larger and larger? What impression do they make on you? Depressing, of course. The more rubble there is on the table, the more the feeling of unfulfilled work, routine, heaviness accumulates - you are literally burying your ability to work. So get rid of everything unnecessary from the table surface!

Next, go through the drawers into which you have most likely been putting “on demand” papers, scribbled pens “until the paste is replaced” and broken office supplies for several months now. All this disrupts the good circulation of energy, and in relation to broken, unused items, Feng Shui is completely categorical - immediately throw out all this rubbish.

The table itself should be large, roomy and stable. If there is a computer on it, make sure you have enough free space. These are your new beginnings and your “scope” in business, so make his space as comfortable as possible for yourself.

As for finishing the table, the simpler the better. Don’t divert the energy you need to complete tasks with complex table decor or elaborate carvings. Avoid too sharp, asymmetrical jewelry, especially metal ones - they can cause harm. When choosing a table, focus on natural materials, preferably wood - this element most contributes to the work process.

Feng Shui desktop sectors

Bagua grid for desktop

Like any space in Feng Shui, your table can be divided into 8 main sectors using. These 8 sectors symbolize the main areas of life. Activating them on your desktop will make you feel comfortable and confident. Bagua is placed slightly obliquely relative to the desktop, and not straight.

So, conditionally divide your table into 3 parts - the center, to your right and to your left. These will be the main sectors influencing your professional activity.

Center of the table

Desk areas

Directly in front of you, in the center of the table, are 3 critical areas for work. The area of ​​career growth and prospects is located right in front of you. Behind it, also in the center in front of you, but a little further, there is an area responsible for the scale of your plans, providing space for activities to implement them. These areas should be as free as possible from all unnecessary things. It is best if they are completely empty - this way you will provide yourself with perspective.

The next central zone is the glory zone, which is located on the far edge of the table. This sector symbolizes your achievements, aspirations and expectations. If you work in a corporation or large company, you can place the company logo and its awards in this sector. If this is the table of your personal home office, then place there a symbol of your future achievements. If, for example, you are involved in creativity, this could be some kind of award for achievements in your field.

Right side of the table

To your right are 3 sectors - creativity (top), the area of ​​help and patrons (bottom right of the table), and the sector responsible for family relationships.

In the area of ​​creativity, we recommend posting papers on your already completed projects, some of your successful works. Here should be what has already been done. But don't overdo it - it shouldn't be piles of papers. Just symbolically support the space.

Patronage and help will not hurt anyone, especially office workers, so pay special attention to this sector. It's in the lower right corner. Feng Shui experts recommend placing a work phone in this area.

And finally, the family and marriage sector is located in the upper right corner. At work, it’s always nice to remember that in addition to her there is also a family - place your family photo there. This will add positive emotions and additional motivation to the work process, and will also work to strengthen your partnership.

Left side of the table

On the left side of the table there are sectors that are very important for a working person - wealth, material wealth, and knowledge.

Table decoration according to Feng Shui

The upper left corner is the wealth area. You can safely put it here. It will be especially good for a living money tree - Crassula arborescens, because in this way you will follow as many as 2 rules of desktop design according to Feng Shui - and there will be a plant on the table, and this symbol is directly related to the money sector. You can also place Feng Shui symbols of wealth here - for example, a three-toed frog. If you don’t like these options, use an ordinary piggy bank. You can decorate it with a red ribbon or put it on a red napkin - red color has a beneficial effect on.

Cacti are often placed here - according to everyone, they neutralize harmful radiation from computers. But! In Feng Shui, all plants with thorns, especially those located in the zone of wealth, are a sure path to decline and poverty. So keep this in mind when choosing a plant for your desktop.

The health sector includes the area of ​​the table on the left, below the corner. This is the sector of your physical strength and business activity, so you can place working current materials here so that they have strength. Stack all the projects you are currently working on here, and then you will definitely have the strength to implement them.

At the bottom left is the knowledge sector. Here you can place traditional symbols of wisdom or sources of knowledge - for example, a reference book or something that is a source of knowledge for you.

We have described general recommendations for desktop equipment according to Feng Shui. Depending on your profession, you can increase the influence of the zone responsible for it. For example, for a teacher this will be the knowledge sector, for a banker - the money sector, for an artist or writer - the creativity sector. But at the same time, do not forget about health, love and family - only the harmonious, good work of all sectors together will give you a feeling of fullness of life and joy.

Do you dream of always being able to do your job without feeling tired, getting a good salary and feeling confident with your colleagues and boss? In this case, you definitely need to seek help from. In this material we will reveal to you the secrets of proper Feng Shui for your desktop.

Prudent residents of China and Japan noticed long ago that the ancient knowledge system of Feng Shui can be used with equal success not only for arranging their home, but also their work space. Over the past twenty years, the trend towards according to the principles of Feng Shui has become increasingly popular in domestic countries. Next we will talk about choosing the right place for your desktop.

It is an active activity that symbolizes Yang energy. And this means that you need to provide an appropriate environment in your workplace. Make sure there is sufficient sunlight in your office, while bright, light colors should predominate in the interior.

If you do your work at home, you need to arrange your workplace in the room that is located as close as possible to the entrance to the house.

The place will not be very calm if you sit on a direct flow of Qi energy, passing in the form of a straight line from the entrance to the home to the window or to another door (if there is one). Thanks to this, you will feel healthy stress, but at the same time, work-related conflict situations are not excluded. This isn't always a bad thing, but if you don't respond well to stress and want a quieter space, then position your desk diagonally from your front door.

That's right - this is when you, sitting at your desk, have a clear view of the front door. If the door is located behind you, your concentration will deteriorate, as you will constantly turn your head. And metaphorically, this can manifest itself in the form that some important things and events will happen “behind your back.”

You should also not sit with your back to the window; it is ideal to sit so that you constantly see the window - it can be on the side or opposite you. There should be a wall or something else behind the working person that can provide support and also provide confidence and stability. To enhance this effect, you can place a picture behind you of a majestic mountain.

A very important point is maintaining ideal cleanliness and order in your workplace. You may have noticed that gradually there are more and more paper piles in the workplace. How do they affect a working person? Of course, they carry negative energy. The more you have piled up on your desk, the more you will feel unfulfilled work, you will be weighed down by routine, internal heaviness - rubble is a real graveyard for a person’s productivity. Therefore, quickly remove all unnecessary items from your desktop!

After this, conduct a thorough audit of the desk drawers, in which quite a lot of different pieces of paper, out of pens, and also broken office items have probably accumulated for a long time. All these items worsen the flow of positive energy, and using broken things, according to Feng Shui, is completely dangerous. Therefore, hurry up to get rid of all this garbage as soon as possible.

As for the table, you need to choose large, roomy and stable options. If the desk also houses a computer, make sure there is enough free space. After all, it is associated with all your endeavors, as well as your scope in business, so it is worth making the space as suitable as possible for effective work.

At the same time, the decoration of the table should be as simple as possible. Don't waste the energy you need to complete work assignments on complex table decorations or elaborate carvings. Also, avoid sharp, asymmetrical decorative elements, especially metal ones - they can cause you significant harm. It is best to buy tables made from a natural base; wooden products are the most favorable in the art of Feng Shui.

Review of desktop sectors in Feng Shui

Similar to any other space, Feng Shui divides your table into eight equal sectors, which are symbols of the main areas of human life. By activating them on your desk, you will add comfort and confidence in your work. In this case, the Ba Gua octagon should be placed somewhat obliquely in relation to the desktop. You need to divide your desk into three areas - center, right and left. The result is the main sectors that control the labor process.

central part

The three most important work areas are located in the central part of the table:

  • directly in front of the person sitting is the area responsible for career growth and prospects;
  • a little further from it, but also in the center, there is an area that controls the scale of projects, as well as providing space for their implementation. It is very important to keep these areas clean and clear. Thanks to this, you can secure future prospects for yourself;
  • The next central area is the glory zone, located at the far edge of the table. This area is associated with a person’s achievements, aspirations and expectations. If you work for a large organization, this area should include your company logo, as well as personal awards.

If we are talking about a home office, it is worth putting symbols of your future exploits in this area. For example, if you practice creative activity, you can place some kind of award here for achievements in the specified area of ​​​​life.

Right side of the table

On the right side of the seated person there are three other areas: creative (in the upper part), the zone of assistants and patrons (lower right part), and also the area responsible for family relationships

In the creative zone, it is recommended to post documents relating to already completed projects and some successful works. Put here what has already been completed. But be careful not to overdo it - don't overcrowd the area and put too many things here. Just symbolically support the zone.

Everyone needs patrons and helpers, so arrange this area very carefully. Its location is the lower right corner of the table. In this area, Feng Shui experts advise installing work phones.

The very last sector is the family and marriage zone, located in the upper right corner. While at work, it’s always nice to think that you also have a family, so it’s worth putting some cute family photos in this area. Thanks to this, you will fill your office with positive emotions, and also further motivate yourself to be active at work.

Left side of the table

On the left side of the table there are areas that are extremely important for the worker, responsible for wealth, material wealth, health and knowledge.

  • The upper left part of the table is the money area. Therefore, it is recommended to place a money tree in it. Also here may be symbols of financial luck according to Feng Shui, for example, the famous three-legged toad. Or a piggy bank can be placed here, the top of which can be tied with a red ribbon or covered with a red napkin - this color is very suitable for wealth;
  • The health area is at the bottom left of the table. It is responsible for a person’s physical strength, as well as his business activity, so it is recommended to place current materials in this area so that they have enough strength. Therefore, all the projects that you are currently working on should be stacked in this area, and then you will definitely complete them soon;
  • in the lower left corner of the table is the knowledge area. It is suitable for placing traditional symbols of wisdom or sources of knowledge, for example, reference books or other books.

Now you know how to properly arrange your workspace in an office or home. Thanks to this, you will make your work process easier, more enjoyable, and ensure high profits and a constant influx of new clients.

At the end it is worth watching the thematic video material:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

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