Why do girls' cheeks burn? If your face feels like it's burning. Cheeks burn: medical reasons

Almost every one of us, at least once in our lives, has experienced a strange sensation of burning cheeks. Unlike other reactions of the body, this sensation can appear unexpectedly and, it would seem, without any particular reason.

For most people, this phenomenon is short-term and does not last longer than one minute, but there is a separate category of people when burning cheeks may not go away for several minutes, sometimes reaching almost an hour.

This negatively affects a person’s behavior and mood. For example, if something happens at work, it is difficult for a person to concentrate on performing his duties. Here it is worth considering whether everything that is happening is really so harmless.

It is not possible to definitely answer the question of why cheeks burn.

As children, we heard from our grandmother that burning cheeks means trouble. Regarding this, in folk superstitions there is a whole subsection about this phenomenon. Not only do your cheeks burn, but in different weeks they also promise the future differently.

Why are cheeks burning, signs

You have incorrectly heard more than once that if your cheeks begin to glow, then someone will definitely remember you.

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that other people's thoughts, gossip and discussions do not remain secret, they inexplicably enter our subconscious, no matter where we are. This is how information is received that you are the center of attention.

And as soon as you feel like you’re getting hot, it’s worth finding out what kind of conversations are going on about you, good or bad.

To determine this, take a gold ring and slowly pass it over your flushed cheeks. If you notice a black stripe on your face, then you know that someone is speaking unkindly about you, perhaps you crossed the path of someone. The light stripe, on the contrary, tells you that although they are discussing you, it is only from the good side.

Well, what should those who only have a pale pink mark from the ring think? Such people can only enjoy young and elastic skin and not worry that they have become the subject of discussion.

If one cheek is burning

Some meanings of folk signs may also depend on which cheek is burning.

Why is my right cheek burning? This may symbolize that only good thoughts about you, perhaps someone praises you and describes you only from the good side. Most likely, someone is building romantic dreams about you.

Burning cheeks can indicate to you not only a secret admirer, but also your enemy. For example, if your left cheek is burning, then you can be sure that you crossed someone’s path or that someone is jealous of you.

There is also a sign that if you start listing the names of possible ill-wishers and your cheek becomes light, then you will be able to prevent tricky situations with the offender. On this day, it is advised not to engage in any provocations or enter into conflicts, as this is all they will expect from you.

Why do cheeks burn by day of the week?

Some people prefer to refer not to which cheek is burning, but to focus on the days of the week.

If your cheeks are burning on Monday, this means that you can expect pleasant meetings with new, hitherto unfamiliar people.

On Tuesday you should avoid conflicts with your family and friends.

On Wednesday, folk signs usually vary, either a wonderful romantic adventure awaits you, or some kind of money increase.

Get ready for something fun and exciting on Thursday.

Undoubtedly, burning cheeks on Friday can only promise unexpected guests.

Expect a pleasant surprise on Saturday.

And Sunday means unlimited fun and a great company of friends.

Very often, as they say, trouble does not come alone. Why do your cheeks and ears burn at the same time?

If you feel heat on your cheeks and ears at the same time, then you should know that at this moment a whole company of people is discussing you. Perhaps at work the whole group decided to discuss your life. Remember about the ring, which will help you find out what kind of conversations are going on about you.

If the left side is lit, then thoughts and conversations are undoubtedly not entirely positive, but the right side suggests that only good things are remembered.

Why cheeks burn, medical reasons

People who do not believe in omens turn to scientific medicine, look for symptoms and consult doctors.

Dermatologists are skeptical and do not believe in the higher power of prediction, however, they have a special name for the symptom of burning cheeks, “blanching syndrome.” If we consider the reasons for its appearance, we can find a huge number of diseases.

  • Cheeks can “burn” due to poor circulation. Acne can also be a significant reason for this. First, you need to try to restore the skin with the help of a cosmetologist; if everything repeats and the treatment is not effective, consult a dermatologist to treat skin problems.
  • Vegetative-vascular diseases can cause red cheeks. If you are diagnosed with a systemic disease, then begin intensive treatment. This way you can improve your health and get rid of redness.
  • A blush on the face can be a symptom of the development of pulmonary tuberculosis. In most cases, from the side of the lung, where the focus of the disease is located.
  • Quite often, the cause of flushed cheeks lies in a disorder of the endocrine system. An enlarged thyroid gland can be a serious cause of blushing.
  • If the problem with burning cheeks occurs out of the blue and completely suddenly, then the cause of this may be a metabolic disorder. Try reconsidering your diet. Balanced meals will help you get all your systems working, which can be a real salvation for burning cheeks.
  • You can observe rosy cheeks in exciting moments. The release of adrenaline, fear, embarrassment - all this provokes blood flow to the face. But if, in addition to this, other symptoms are observed, for example, malaise, then this may indicate an increase in blood pressure. Pay attention to your overall health, because a sudden increase can cause a stroke or heart attack.
  • Dry blush can be observed in people suffering from diabetes.
  • It is common for women to acquire a pink tint to their cheeks during menopause. If age is approaching critical, then redness may signal a change in the hormonal system. To determine the exact diagnosis and measures to be taken, consult a gynecologist or endocrinologist. A competent doctor may prescribe a short course of treatment. In practice, there are cases where men also underwent similar changes, but they tolerated it easily, without much discomfort. In addition to menopause, hormonal levels can change during pregnancy. It is not uncommon for women in an interesting position to become beautiful precisely because of their attractive rosy cheeks.
  • Changing oral contraceptives can lead to pink cheeks. However, this is not a contraindication to their use, and soon everything should return to normal.
  • The appearance of blush can be affected by a large number of pills taken that are not hormonal drugs. For example, antibiotics and aggressive components.
  • However, the most common cause of burning cheeks is an allergic reaction. It is necessary to take medications that will increase the body's resistance to the source of the allergy.

My cheeks are burning, what should I do?

To get rid of such an unpleasant feeling, you need to consult a doctor to identify possible health problems. But if everything has not become neglected, then you can try to take the following actions.

First, pay attention to your diet. Spicy, fried, peppery and very hot. All this disrupts the correct balance in the body and helps increase blood flow to the cheeks.

Secondly, try to get rid of bad habits, especially alcohol. Its effect on the body manifests itself as vasodilation. This provokes redness of the face.

Why your cheeks are burning, the sign says - someone is thinking about you. She scolds or praises, depending on which one is blushing. The meanings of the belief are more positive, and they vary depending on the day of the week, burning at the same time or one at a time.

Why does my left cheek and right cheek burn?

A popular belief regarding both cheeks - someone is discussing it, especially if they blush at the same time. Superstitions about each side are different.

For example, when the right cheek burns:

  • The beloved remembers. He thinks about the good, the beautiful, and waits for the meeting.
  • For a girl, the flushed right hand hints at a secret admirer. Take a closer look at your surroundings.
  • There is an ambiguous sign for a quarrel. On the other hand, there are praises, compliments and happiness that will make you blush. It should be interpreted depending on the current situation in life.

The sign when the left cheek is burning is always unambiguous - people are slandering and gossiping behind your back.

These could be rumors, negative discussions of recent events, criticism. List the names of those who will calm down and who is the culprit for the change in complexion.

When both cheeks burn at the same time, folk wisdom predicts sadness for girls. You can avoid it by wiping your face with the edge of your dress or skirt.

The guy is warned about a quarrel. Remove negativity by washing your face with cool water, while thinking about the positive.

Signs of burning cheeks by day of the week:

  • Monday. An interesting acquaintance awaits you or a meeting with an old friend with whom you have not spoken for a long time. The date will turn out to be fateful.
  • Tuesday. Expect trouble. The day promises a conflict, a scandal that can turn into a fight. Be careful, try to restrain your emotions.
  • Wednesday. Promises happiness. Feel free to proceed with your plans; success is guaranteed in any endeavor.
  • Thursday. A happy moment is approaching. A spontaneous date, an unplanned trip or an event that brings a lot of joyful impressions awaits.
  • Friday. Warns of the imminent visit of relatives from afar.
  • Saturday. You will have fun.
  • Sunday. Get ready for an unpleasant feeling; you are about to part with a loved one.

People have a playful belief:

Burning cheeks - dear friends are discussing, and if your ears are on fire - girlfriends are gossiping.

Another sign suggests why ears and cheeks glow at the same time. They are enthusiastically discussing, the whole team is washing the bones.

To find out if they are saying positive things about a person or, conversely, take a gold ring and run it across your face. Then look at the resulting trace:

  • A light stripe is a good sign. They say good words and praise.
  • Red color indicates that there is no clear opinion among those discussing. People remember both positive and negative moments.
  • A dark trail indicates gossip.

To protect yourself from an attack on energy, you need to wash your face with blessed water or pray for your health.

It happens that half of the face burns from the top of the head to the chin. The left one is a vindictive person who remembers an unpleasant event associated with you or simply wishes harm. The right one is flushed - there is no reason to worry, they remember you with a kind word, expect praise soon.

Superstitions, which are centuries old, appeared for a reason. A person must decide for himself whether to believe in ancient signs in our time or not.

A person’s face is open to other people’s views and thoughts, often envious and evil. That is why our ancestors paid so much attention to the signs that appear on the face. People believed that if your cheek itches, it promises changes in your personal life. Often signs associated with the cheek do not directly relate to the person. They reflect the thoughts and feelings of other people towards someone who has an itchy cheek. The meaning of the sign depends on which side of the face the itching appears on.

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    Right cheek itches

    The right side of the body is a symbol of reason and light.

    If a person needs advice, then he should look closely at the right one and try to see the signal that the brain sends to him. If you correctly understand the meaning of itching on the right cheek, you can avoid many troubles.

      Why does my right cheek itch?

      • A person will be able to throw out accumulated emotions. He is very worried about something or feels angry. If you don't get rid of negative emotions, they can have a detrimental effect on your mental and emotional well-being.
      • Itching in the cheek symbolizes the offense that a person will unwittingly inflict on one of his family members or friends. To make amends, you will have to make a lot of effort.
      • If the patient's cheek itches, then this is a good sign. The patient is recovering, his strength is gradually restored. After some time, he will be able to return to his previous lifestyle.
      • For lovers of active recreation, itching in the cheek foreshadows a long journey. There will be a great opportunity to go on a trip and get a lot of positive emotions.
      • A girl who is pregnant will give birth to a son if she feels itching in her cheek. If there were twins in the family, then there is a high probability of having twins.

      Itching on the left

      The left side reflects the internal state of a person, his feelings and desires. Interpretations of signs:

      • If a person in love feels itching, then he will receive good news. His significant other sincerely admits his feelings. For a lonely person, itching is a bad sign. It foretells sad news.
      • Itching in the cheek is a surprise. It is not known whether it will be pleasant or whether it will upset the person. But in any case, he will be truly surprised.
      • If the left side of the face itches, then you have to take part in a serious conversation. The topic of conversation may be financial issues. If all participants in the conversation agree to make a compromise decision, then disagreements can be avoided.
      • Itching can symbolize the road to your home. If a person is far from his family, he will soon visit his relatives. Invisible forces are pushing him home; he feels an urgent need to see his family.
      • A pregnant woman will give birth to a girl if her left cheek itches.

      Interpretation by days of the week

      Folk signs tell a person what kind of future awaits him. But not only the side of the cheek on which itching appears portends certain events in life. It is important to take into account the day of the week on which your cheek itched. Not all soothsayers agree with this, but the interpretation cannot be neglected.

Few people know why the right cheek burns. And when this happens, they think about it. Really, what causes your cheek to start burning on fire? Well, there are some pretty interesting explanations that are worth considering.

Folk wisdom

Our great Russian people are a true connoisseur of various signs, sayings and proverbs. He also gives the answer to the question of why the right cheek is burning. The first thing I would like to note is that this is a signal that you should prick up your ears. says that this is a sign that some person is currently thinking about you. This is a rather ambiguous sign - it can be interpreted with maximum accuracy only by taking into account the day of the week or the situation in which it happened.

If, for example, your cheek glows on Monday, this means new meetings. On Tuesday - to a quarrel. This was noticed on Wednesday - good-bye. Thursday is for fun. Friday foretells news, and Saturday - surprises. Well, if your cheek burns on a Sunday, then it’s a sign of fun.

Interpretation of the sign

So why does my right cheek burn? Often because someone is thinking about a person. By the way, you can even find out what thoughts are spinning in this person’s head or what she says out loud about you. This is quite easy to do. You need to take a gold ring and run it with its edge along your right cheek. Then look at the color of the streak that the jewelry left on the skin. If it is dark, then they don’t say anything good about you. They gossip, discuss, judge. But if the stripe is light, then this is a good sign. This means they only say good things, even praise. The red mark from the ring means absolutely nothing - this person does not think anything good or bad about you. So there is absolutely no need to worry and think about why your right cheek is burning.

Other signs

There are several more established opinions regarding why the right cheek burns. A more modern interpretation of this sign says that it is good. If the right ear and right cheek are burning, it means that his significant other is thinking about the person. Perhaps they miss him or remember pleasant moments together. Or this person is thinking about how to please his loved one. But if you don’t have a soulmate, then you should think about it - most likely, a secret admirer has appeared on the horizon. And there is a high probability that he has been dreaming about you for a long time, but still does not dare to talk about his feelings.

But if, after the right cheek, the left cheek begins to glow, then this is not good. An ancient sign says that soon some situation will happen that will make you shed tears. They will cool your burning cheeks. The most mysterious thing is that this sign does not foreshadow anything specific. It could be resentment, failure, illness, separation from a loved one, dismissal - in general, anything that can cause a person to cry. But there is a folk antidote, so it’s not all bad! You shouldn’t think long about why your right cheek is burning - you just need to take holy water and wash your face. The fever will subside and the prediction will not come true.

What does medicine say?

It should be noted that if your cheeks glow too often (especially if one is left or right), then you should not constantly refer to signs. Serious health problems are possible! The most common is problems with It is worth knowing that the cheeks (and, by the way, the ears too) burn with fire if a person suffers from a vegetative-vascular disease. Also, an unhealthy and too bright blush may indicate disturbances in the process. If it is dry, there may be a suspicion of diabetes mellitus. Also, if one of the sides is burning, you should check your lungs. If the right cheek is burning, it means the right lung is damaged. This, of course, is not always the case, but it’s worth being safe. Problems associated with this also often manifest themselves in blushing. And, of course, we shouldn’t forget that this is how colds or allergies can manifest themselves. Therefore, if your cheeks flush too often and regularly, you should consult a doctor. It is better to clarify the state of your health than to refer to signs and their meanings every time.

Ears and cheeks - is there a connection?

So, if your face is burning, it’s clear what it means. However, why is the right cheek and ear burning? Is there a connection between these phenomena? Definitely. If this happens, it means that a person is being talked about not in one place, but in two places at once. Moreover, often the combination of the right ear and cheek on the same side means that people say nice things about a person. But if the left sides were blazing, it would be worth being wary.

Sometimes flaming ears indicate a change in weather. When the lobe burns, you should expect either colder temperatures or warming. How can we determine in which direction the weather will change? Very simple. If a person was born in a warm month, then one should expect an increase in temperature. And those who were born in winter or late autumn can predict cold weather.

Today we, dear readers, will try to find out what burning cheeks promise. We dare to assume that this question is of interest to many people, because such a phenomenon is not uncommon.

If both cheeks are burning

If you feel your cheeks suddenly flare up, you should be wary, because, according to popular belief, at this time someone is scolding you. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, you should start listing all possible ill-wishers and only after you guess the foul words, your cheeks will cool down.

However, burning cheeks have more than one interpretation from the point of view of folk signs. So, according to another belief, if your cheeks are on fire, then tears await you. Fortunately, this can be avoided - you need to wash yourself with holy water.

Others believe that if your cheeks are burning, then at that moment your loved one remembers you. Agree, this is the most pleasant explanation.

For better or worse

There is one method that allows you to quite accurately determine what word, good or evil, you are remembered with, evidence of which is flaming cheeks. You need to take a gold wedding ring, run it from top to bottom along your burning cheek and carefully examine the remaining mark. So, if the stripe from the ring is light, then they remember you with a kind word, a red mark indicates that the person thinking about you has not yet formed a definite opinion, and a black stripe left by a gold ring reports an unkind attitude towards you.

Out of trouble

If, according to the descriptions presented above, flaming cheeks are trying to warn you about ill-wishers and bad news, then you should not get upset ahead of time, because there is an excellent amulet. You need to address your cheeks with the following words: “My cheeks, right and left, why are you hot? Damn be the one who wishes me harm. If this is a virgin, let them kill her. If it's a woman, let her die. If this is a widow, she will mourn for a long time. If this is my love, let my cheek continue to burn.”

If one cheek is burning

At the same time, it often happens that not two cheeks burn at the same time, but one. Now let's try to find out what this promises us in the future.

The burning left cheek warns that someone scolds you strongly, without neglecting slander.

And here at the burning right cheek much more explanation. According to the first sign, she warns of a quarrel that promises to happen soon. If you believe the other, then you will have to blush at the compliments and pleasant words heard addressed to you. And finally, if your right cheek is burning, it means someone is praising you. Which one to believe is up to you.

What day of the week what to expect

It would not be amiss to find out the interpretation of this folk sign by day of the week.

So if your cheeks are on fire on Monday, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits you very soon.

Flaming Cheeks on Tuesday warn of a quarrel with a lover.

A romantic date is promised by burning cheeks on Wednesday.

The opportunity to devote yourself entirely to your hobby is heralded by cheeks blazing with fire. on Thursday.

On Friday feeling the fire in your cheeks means that you will learn some news, but it is difficult to determine what it will be, good or bad.

A chance meeting is predicted by burning on Saturday cheeks.

And finally, a similar feeling appeared on Sunday, report about the upcoming fun time with friends.


We think it will be interesting to find out how medical experts explain the phenomenon of burning cheeks. If you believe their explanations, then the cheeks begin to burn at a time when a person experiences strong emotional disturbance, which can be caused by a feeling of shame, anger, embarrassment, etc. At these moments, a surge of emotions is felt, leading to a rise in temperature, dilation of capillaries and blood vessels, and as a result, the face begins to burn.

Flushing to the face is often caused by hypertension, in simple terms, an increase in blood pressure. However, redness in this case is permanent and does not occur suddenly. Often in this case the face turns burgundy.
Allergies known to many can also “ignite a fire” in the cheeks.

Sometimes a red complexion is a reason to consult an endocrinologist, as it may indicate a disorder in the endocrine system.

And of course, alcoholic drinks can also give you a burning sensation in your cheeks.

As you can see, there are actually many reasons for a fire. Most often it is a natural reaction of the body to external stimuli. In this case, do not try to look for signs from above in this phenomenon. If you are used to interpreting everything from the point of view of popular superstitions, then we advise you to choose only those explanations that promise you pleasant events, because if you believe in good things, then they will definitely happen!

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