Fortune telling Celtic cross for the near future. Fortune telling Celtic cross - example of a layout with interpretation

One of the most common fortune-telling layouts for the future is the “Celtic Cross”. You can get a lot of useful information from this fortune telling. The “Celtic Cross” helps to understand the current situation and describes a specific situation or answers a question with which you came to it, helps to consider issues that interest you from different angles.

The Celtic Cross layout can be used for fortune telling in any area of ​​life - this is one of the universal methods of prediction that describes what is happening, helps to find a solution and makes it possible to analyze one’s condition and the information received.

Such fortune telling predicts the very near future, regarding the situation about which the question was asked. This alignment does not involve fortune-telling for the distant future or the general state of affairs, so it is worthwhile to clearly formulate your question and consider one situation. The classic version of the “Celtic Cross” layout involves 10 cards, which are laid out as follows:

There is one scheme of the classic version, but there can be several interpretations of the positions.

Option 1

1 – description of the current situation, state of affairs at the moment.

2 – how the given situation develops.

3 – hint, help. This help is provided to you directly by the layout and tarot cards.

4 – sources of the situation. Where it all started.

5 – description of the fortuneteller’s past, previous moments for the current situation.

6 – expected future. If everything is left as is.

7 – your characteristics, attitude to the current situation.

8 – what surrounds you, this can be both people and situations.

9 – your hopes and dreams regarding the question asked. The map can show the likelihood of your goal being achieved, and paths for implementation can also be suggested.

10 – the final map, how to resolve the situation, how everything will turn out.

Option 2

1 – topic of your question, characteristics of the question.

2 – influences and influences on the situation, where these influences can come from.

3 is your awareness of the situation, what you understand and acknowledge.

4 – subconscious – your feelings, emotions, guesses. Something that is not visible or accessible to you during normal examination.

5 - recent past, points worth paying attention to.

6 – the near future, how the situation will develop if nothing is done.

7 – what you are like, a description of your personality and readiness to resolve the situation.

8 – environment: people, objects, situations.

9 – what you hope for and what you fear. Your concerns, fears, doubts. The map can help you cope with your fears, examine them and face them head on.

10 – summing up. The answer to the question asked.

Option 3

1 – your given situation. The direction in which everything is moving.

2 – something that should happen soon.

3 – at the moment in this situation it is better to do as this card describes.

4 – what has already happened. Recent past.

5 – something that happened recently, something that was not worked through.

6 – what can happen in the next six months from the moment of fortune telling.

7 – important points, this card also shows what you value most.

8 – what surrounds you, your loved ones, colleagues, friends. If a card with the face of a man or woman appears in this position, then this indicates a specific person. Based on the descriptions of the card, all you have to do is determine who it might be.

9 – your dreams, your fears. Your attitude towards dreams and fears.

10 – prospects for the development of the situation, summing up.

Option 4

1 – characteristics of the situation.

2 – something that directly or indirectly affects the situation.

3 – advice. Whether you take this advice or not is your decision.

4 – why you found yourself in this position, what brought you to this point.

5 – the past, which influenced the present and the situation as a whole.

6 – options for the future, how the situation may develop.

7 – how you reacted to the situation, your attitude towards the current situation.

8 – people who have direct or indirect influence on the situation. Who is involved in what happened, who is ready to help. Who can turn away.

9 – your internal state, how you feel, what you are afraid of, what you are thinking about. Possible solutions to the situation.

10 is the result. What everything can lead to. Results of the situation.

If you don’t like the result, then you can use the advice of the cards and do so, but if you don’t like the advice, then you will have to look for a solution to the situation in other ways.

Option 5

1 – something that has already happened and continues to happen. Description of the current state of affairs.

2 – how the situation is developing. What might you encounter along the way? Who might you meet?

3 – what is not taken into account. Circumstances that are beyond your control and you cannot influence them. It can also show your capabilities or the benefits you can receive.

4 – your motivations, motives, what drives you. Your base, the reference point for solving the problem.

5- what is left behind, what has already been passed - your past. Shown are moments from your past that are reflected in the present.

6 – obtaining additional information, what awaits you.

7 is your personality.

8 – everything that surrounds you and everything that is directly related to a specific situation.

9 – what you expect from the situation, what result you want.

10 – distant future, how you will cope with the situation.

Option 6

Using a saying, plus an explanation

1 – what’s the matter? The meaning of the current situation.

2 is the answer key. Circumstances and sources of the situation.

3 – what’s in your heart? Thoughts of consciousness and what can be obtained from the subconscious.

4 – what’s under your heart? Feelings and emotional state.

5 – what happened? Where did the situation come from, the sources of the problems.

6 – what will happen? How the situation is developing, what it can lead to.

7 – what for yourself? Your characteristics, a description of your personality. What do you mean to yourself? How you see and feel about yourself.

8 – what about others? How other people see you, what you mean to them.

9 – your hopes, your fears. What do you expect from the situation, what are you afraid of?

10 – and how will it all end? Result, perspective of the situation.

Option 7

1 – starting position, description of the situation. Point of departure.

2 – various influences, external and internal factors. Braking or development of the situation. What intervenes and what leads the situation and along what path.

3 – your goals. What you know about the problem and situation. Perhaps this is exactly the solution you are striving for.

4 – circumstances. Your subconscious is the foundation of the current situation. Where do the roots for this situation come from?

5 – what caused this situation or question. Help so as not to delve into the deep past.

6 – future, approximately 3 months.

7 – your point of view. Your beliefs. Willingness to accept information, readiness to change your opinion or point of view. Willingness to learn and accept new aspects.

8 – what surrounds.

9 – expectations, fears.

10 is the result.

When interpreting the “Celtic Cross” layout, for a better understanding of the situation, you can interpret the layout a little differently, and start not, as is customary, from the first card, but from position 5. Thus, you immediately go down to the past and begin to look for the answer to the question there. Why did the situation happen, what did you not work through earlier, was there anything similar in the past.

Afterwards, you can turn to card 9 and see what you want, what you are waiting for, and most importantly, what you are afraid of. Your fears may hinder the favorable development of the situation. Here it is worth stopping and analyzing your condition, what causes you unpleasant sensations, where they come from.

Afterwards, you can turn to positions 1 and 2 - this is the basis of the layout, driving forces and impulses. Position 1 is the starting position, your original state. Position 2 is an accompanying component; it complements position 1 and provides additional information. Position 2 either pauses you, thus giving you the opportunity to gain strength, analyze the state, prepare for further receipt of information, or speeds up the process, and you find yourself in the final position.

Next, we gradually move on to positions 3 and 4. 3 – characterizes consciousness, what a person understands, he recognizes it and sees it clearly. It can also be a card of advice that is based on consciousness and understanding. 4 – subconscious, most often this information is hidden, and a person does not access it until a certain moment. If there are negative cards in positions 3 and 4 or the cards are reversed, then this may promise problems in resolving the situation.

Since a person may not understand the seriousness and may not be aware of what the cards are trying to convey to him, a person may also not perceive the information received from others. Next, a smooth transition to card 7, it will reveal the person’s personality and characterize his attitude and position in this situation.

Cards 8 will tell you about the environment and the influence of this environment. Here you can see people you have known for a long time in a new light. In conclusion, it is worth turning to card 6 - the expected future and then to card 10 - the result, the decision on the situation, which is also the distant future. Analyze whether the forecast of maps 6 and 10 coincides, what direction is given and what to expect.

Basically, in the “Celtic Cross” layout, the answer to the question is given by two cards: 6 and 10, and the main forecast and answer to the question are read from them. The remaining cards are a background display and detailing of the situation, how events are developing in connection with the question asked.

Which interpretation of positions to choose is up to you. The choice should be made taking into account the question asked, plus what information a person wants to receive from the layout is taken into account.

Non-standard scheme

For the Celtic Cross layout, there is another layout of the cards. It also involves 10 cards, plus the S card - a significator that helps to evaluate and characterize the fortuneteller.

S - the significator gives a description of the person himself, the characteristics of the fortuneteller, an overview of his personality, strengths and weaknesses, his emotional state, readiness to learn and accept information.

1 – why this situation happened, why it happened this way and not otherwise, why now.

2 – what is hidden behind the current position, what was hidden or inaccessible.

3 – assessment of the situation, what is the current state of affairs.

4 – emotional component of the layout. How the fortuneteller reacted to what was happening.

5 – what happened recently before the fortune telling, what prompted the person to find out additional information and turn to the alignment.

6 – what should happen after fortune telling, how the situation will develop further, its development.

7 – consequences for the fortuneteller from the current situation. What to expect and what path development will take.

8 – who is involved in what is happening, who will have to be involved.

9 – is there a catch in the situation, the presence of uncontrollable events or sudden changes. What was not taken into account.

10 – how it will all end.

When interpreting any variant of the layout, you should pay attention to the cards that fell in an inverted position. An inverted card can indicate where you did something wrong or made a mistake. These are also the places that you haven't worked on. Perhaps you lacked strength or understanding.

Do you want to know what awaits you in the near future, to find out the origin of current problems? In this article you will learn about what the “Celtic Cross” Tarot card layout for the near future is, in what situations it is best to use it, the features of such layouts, as well as a lot of other fascinating information. Enjoy reading!

In what situations is the Celtic Cross fortune telling used?

Tarot fortune telling "Celtic Cross" has been known since ancient times. This type of alignment makes it possible to find out information about events from the past, present, and future of the querent (fortune teller). The advantage of this fortune telling is its versatility of application, affecting different spheres of human life.

The layout contains a large amount of information. Can be used in situations with specific wording of questions, including a general interpretation of the problem at hand. Correctly charged cards independently select the area of ​​​​life activity that most interests the fortuneteller for a certain period of time.

You can find out the details of this alignment at courses from specialists at the Russian Tarot School or after reading the book by the famous tarot reader Sergei Savchenko “Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards.”

Layout diagram and description of card positions in the “Celtic Cross” layout

Tarot fortune telling "Celtic Cross" is one of the traditional types of layout. Equally well suited for considering minor situations or important karmic incidents in the life of a particular person. Before starting the layout, thoroughly shuffle the deck, randomly selecting ten cards from it. Place the resulting Arcana on top of each other in a stack, face down.

Note. The top card will be number 10

The layout diagram and interpretation of positions are given below.

The interpretations of the card positions are as follows:

  1. Why did the situation turn out this way?
  2. What is behind current events (the mechanism that sets them in motion)
  3. How does the questioner assess the current situation?
  4. The emotional state of the fortuneteller regarding current events
  5. What happened on the eve of fortune telling
  6. Events that will happen in the near future
  7. Possible consequences of the current situation for the querent (questor)
  8. Who will be involved in the events (settings, people, objects)
  9. Presence/absence of surprise regarding current events
  10. How it all ends - final map

Features of the “Celtic Cross” layout

Let's consider the following types of layouts on the Celtic Cross Tarot cards - for love, for money, for the situation, for the near future, signs of damage, etc. Details below.

Celtic cross spread for love

Fortune telling allows you to determine the vector of future relationships with your loved one, find out his true feelings and intentions towards you. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate, discard extraneous thoughts from your head, shuffle the deck, draw 10 cards according to the diagram below.

Note! To obtain a comprehensive answer to the question, it is not at all necessary to interpret the obtained values ​​in order. Features of interpretation will be given below

  • Five. Main prerequisites for the development of the current situation
  • Nine. The questioner’s attitude towards the other half and the situation as a whole

Note. These two cards provide an opportunity to get a first impression of current events

  • Unit. Emotional attitude to what is happening
  • Two. Emotional attitude towards current events
  • Troika. What does your loved one think about the fortuneteller?
  • Four. How intuition is used in solving current problems
  • Seven. A person’s attitude towards himself in the current situation, his role in it
  • Eight. The querent’s position relative to his immediate environment (his influence on making independent decisions). Another interpretation option is whether the opinion of a loved one can influence feelings for a partner
  • Six, ten - the future outcome of events. Summing up the results

Fortune telling "Celtic cross" for the near future

The interpretation technique, as well as the layout diagram, is no different from the above example. The most important thing is to clearly define the boundaries of the forecast. The acceptable time period is from several hours to three months.

"Celtic Cross" layout for determining damage (other negative magical effects)

Fortune telling allows you to determine the presence/absence of negativity on a certain person. Focus on the problem, shuffle the cards, carefully studying the interpretation of each dropped position.

  • 1, 2 - generalized state of the fortuneteller’s energy
  • 3, 4 - presence/absence of third-party magical influence
  • 5.6 - current and future state of affairs
  • 7 - presence/absence of self-evil eye, independent programming for failure in a certain area of ​​life
  • 8 - determination of the type of negative magical effect
  • 9 - advice, hint from cards, how to get rid of damage
  • 10 - total, Tarot result

Fortune telling "Celtic cross" on Lenormand cards

The versatility of the Lenormand “Celtic Cross” oracle layout is difficult to overestimate - this fortune telling allows you to find answers to all the questions that interest the fortuneteller, as well as clarify the state of the current situation. The main differences from the usual Celtic Cross Tarot layout can be seen in the interpretation of the resulting positions. The layout diagram is shown below. You can prepare for the schedule using the above recommendations. We indicate the future period before starting fortune telling.

The interpretation of the positions is as follows:

  1. Displays the essence of the issue, the state of the current situation. Represents the main problem of the questioner
  2. What helps, hinders, pushes the client to solve the problem. If a card with a positive value falls out - the fortuneteller’s circumstances, if with a negative value - indicates the cause of the obstacles
  3. Probability of developments in the near future (subject to a neutral attitude to the problem)
  4. Discovery of a secret (something that the fortuneteller is unaware of)
  5. Events of the past that have ceased to influence the problem situation
  6. A position reflecting events in the near future. It is one of the most significant - it embodies the essence of the question asked
  7. The client’s attitude to the current situation, his subjective assessment
  8. Opinion of the immediate environment about the current problem (relatives, close friends, etc.)
  9. Fears, hopes, fears of a fortuneteller. If a positive card is drawn, it represents hopes, a negative one - fears, fears of the questioner
  10. The result of the current situation allows you to find a solution to the existing problem during the period planned by the querent

Note! The sixth card, which talks about events in the near future, will help confirm/refute the last position. Be sure to take this into account when interpreting the overall layout

To make it easier to understand the Celtic Cross Tarot layout, let’s take a closer look at the meanings of the positions using the example of fortune telling for love and relationships. Details are described below.

  1. At the heart of the situation is the King of Cups. The fortuneteller has a sensual, but not permanent relationship. The reason is simple - the card indicates a womanizer who loves himself, stroking his own pride
  2. Which crosses the existing problem. The one that falls out indicates quarrels, misunderstandings, and grievances between two partners.
  3. Hopes of the questioner (something optimistic at the current moment in time). World Map - you should let go of the situation, waiting for the problem to be resolved
  4. The essence of the problem, its root. If dropped, it indicates a lack of mutual understanding in the current relationship
  5. How are things going for the current period of time? - dependence on a middle-aged woman, on her opinion, etc.
  6. What to expect in the near future. The Eight of Pentacles says the following - constant work on relationships will bear fruit, constructive dialogues are needed, etc.
  7. The querent’s behavior, his feelings in the current situation. talks about a secret connection (its consequences, likelihood of occurrence, etc.)
  8. Presence/absence of influence of outsiders. The Lady of Swords indicates outside interest in leading a “dual” life
  9. Hopes, fears of the querent. If the Five of Cups falls, you should pay attention to the contradictions of the inner “I”. There can be both fears and hopes in equal measure
  10. The result of fortune telling (its result). The Knight of Swords says the following - everything is in the hands of the fortuneteller

Let the information provided make it easier for you to understand the essence of the Celtic Cross Tarot layout. Stay tuned for updates and don't forget to leave comments. All the best and good luck!

The Celtic cross is rightfully one of the most favorite layouts among tarot readers all over the world. He gained fame due to his versatility and clear work on any topic. Each Master tries to change it to suit himself. We have collected all the most interesting variants of the Celtic cross in a separate article:

  • Different interpretations of the position of the Celtic cross

We also discussed in detail the classic version of this layout in the article:

In this article I would like to dwell in more detail on the sphere of relationships, since questions on the topic of love are among the most frequently asked.

The Celtic Cross will show the general direction of development and the expected outcome of the relationship. The huge and undoubted advantage of this layout is that it provides not only general diagnostics and prognosis, but also options for modeling the future. If the outcome is unfavorable, you can, by working on weak and unreliable areas, change the overall outcome of the case! That is why the Celtic Cross Tarot layout fits the theme of love, sex, marriage like no other.

The meaning of the cards in the “Celtic Cross” layout on relationships.
1. What is the question - This position reveals the basis, the basis of the problem that has arisen.
2. The card indicates the force that is driving active change. Gives the issue alternative knowledge and development. Here we see the forces that hinder or help the situation under discussion. That which strengthens situations in the first position or suppresses it. Processes on both cards (in positions 1 and 2) are visible to an outside observer. This is the essence of the question being asked and the problem within it. All other cards unfold the full picture before us and give an answer to it.
3. Thoughts and plans. Negative cards in this position warn of fears, serious concerns and the lack of clear plans.
4. Feelings. The emotional state of the questioner, the psychological background of the situation.
5. Previous events, these may just be some events that can be used to confirm the radical nature of the situation, but in most cases the events in the 5th position are related to the main topic of the question, they are the ones that led to the emergence of this state of affairs.

6. Near future. Here is what lies in front of you and will appear very soon.

7. The self-esteem of the person through whom we look at the alignment is his assessment of the situation in general or his role in particular.

8. External environment. Circumstances or influence of surrounding people. This position is most important in fortune telling about relationships, because this card represents the Questioner's Partner. The condition of other people involved in this matter. Behavior and state of stakeholders. In general, these are external settings where the situation plays out.

9. Hopes and fears.

10. The result is the likely result that will happen if nothing changes. When interpreting this card, it is necessary to bring together all the information from previous cards. You should not set too long a period for prediction, a maximum of three months.

Let us give an example of changing positions in the “Celtic Cross” layout for a specific question. A simple example is a situation in a marriage on the verge of divorce, and a woman makes a reading on the issue of her relationship with her husband.

We specify the meaning of all positions as closely as possible to the question asked.

1. Why did the threat of divorce arise?

2. Circumstances that interfere with reconciliation. Solving this issue will unlock the main topic.

3. The Querent’s conscious attitude towards divorce and towards her husband.

4. Subconscious background of the case. This is what the Querent does not take into account, the subconscious processes. Perhaps she herself provokes quarrels, or she has been dissatisfied with the marriage for a long time, but she has driven this dissatisfaction deep into the subconscious and lives with it, reluctantly. Or it increases demands on partners.

5. An event in the recent past that intensified the disagreement.

6. What will happen in the near future.

7. What is the best way out of this situation.

8. What influences from the outside, the scenery in which everything happens, the attitude of other people involved to the situation (parents, friends).

9. What prevents reconciliation (mistress, financial issue, fear of change)

10. How your relationship with your husband will turn out in the end. To more fully understand the situation, you can place 2 additional cards on this position.

In case of an unsatisfactory forecast for a number of positions, especially regarding the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th positions, it is worth making mini-layouts. Either on the Daath deck, or on other decks, having considered all the key points in more detail with the already specific question “How can you avoid divorce?”

If the relationship situation turns out to be deplorable, and this very often happens when fortune telling immediately after a conflict, do not give up! After all, the “Celtic Cross” describes the situation at the time of the situation, taking into account the already specified variables; this is not a verdict, but only the most possible scenario for the development of events. Result under constant circumstances! And sometimes, to improve the situation, it is worth seeing and working through all your mistakes in order to turn the course of your life in a different direction!

Celtic cross– fortune telling online- This is the most famous classic Tarot card layout that came to us from the depths of time.

The popularity of this online fortune telling is explained by the versatility of its application. Celtic cross suitable for any questions and answers relating to any areas of life, situations and problems.

This ancient layout is especially well suited for describing the direction of development of a situation, for highlighting the causes of a particular problem, for studying the past that has influenced what is happening in the present. This free online fortune telling can also be used to predict the future.

Scheme and meanings of card positions in the “Celtic Cross” layout

  • Card No. 1 indicates the essence of the matter, the initial situation.
  • Card No. 2 shows an additional factor that can either strengthen or weaken the original one.
  • Card No. 3 reveals what is being realized. What is already clear to the fortuneteller on the given question. What he knows or sees is perhaps what he consciously strives for.
  • Card number 4 describes what the fortuneteller feels. The world of the unconscious, deep inner confidence. Something that is difficult to change or weaken.
  • Card #5 indicates what led up to the present. Past. The card indicates events that were particularly painful. They are usually the causes of the current situation.
  • Card #6 predicts how this will continue. The first card in a spread that indicates the future. Predicts the near future.
  • Card number 7 talks about how the fortuneteller sees this. Symbolizes the questioner, his attitude to the situation or how he feels regarding the question asked.
  • Card #8 gives a clue as to how others see it, or where it is happening. Environment. The place where events take place, as well as how other people influence the situation. If the question concerns relationships, then this card can symbolize a partner.
  • Card number 9 reveals what the fortuneteller hopes or fears. Hopes, expectations and fears. The card reflects the fortuneteller's assessment of the situation, including his hopes and fears.
  • Card number 10 gives a forecast of what this will lead to. The second card in the layout, which speaks of the future. Indicates distant prospects. The map can also show the outcome of the situation.

If the fortuneteller does not know which Tarot layout to choose, which one best suits his question or situation, then you can always stop at fortune telling Celtic cross .

Cards are ready for fortune telling online “Celtic Cross”

Select 1st card

Card No. 1. The crux of the matter. Initial situation.
Card No. 2. An additional factor that can either strengthen or weaken the original one.
Card No. 3. That which is realized. What is already clear to the fortuneteller on the given question. What he knows or sees is perhaps what he consciously strives for.
Card No. 4. What is felt by fortunetellers. The world of the unconscious, deep inner confidence. Something that is difficult to change or weaken.
Card No. 5. What led to this. Past. The card indicates events that were particularly painful. They are usually the causes of the current situation.
Card No. 6. The way it will continue. The first card in a spread that indicates the future. Predicts the near future.
Card No. 7. The way the fortuneteller sees it. Symbolizes the questioner, his attitude to the situation or how he feels regarding the question asked.
Card No. 8. The way others see it, or where it happens. Environment. The place where events take place, as well as how other people influence the situation. If the question concerns relationships, then this card can symbolize a partner.
Card No. 9. What the fortuneteller hopes or fears. Hopes, expectations and fears. The card reflects the fortuneteller's assessment of the situation, including his hopes and fears.
Card No. 10. Where it leads. The second card in the layout, which speaks of the future. Indicates distant prospects. The map can also show the outcome of the situation.

The Celtic Cross is probably the oldest pattern for Tarot divination. Its popularity is due to the fact that, having a simple layout, it has a powerful effect. Fortune telling Celtic cross for the future is one of the most famous fortune telling layouts. But it is also one of the most difficult tarot layouts to interpret correctly.

Alignment and interpretation of the Celtic cross

The Celtic Cross is often used by tarot beginners, and people interested in fortune telling want to know what this reading can do. Of course, you can read each Tarot image one at a time, but you also need to master the connection between them.

There are many versions of the Celtic Cross, including differences in the layout. The option below shows the best results. So experiment and choose the one that suits you best.

That, What do the cards mean in a Tarot cross spread?, is very important for reading a possible future and a specific situation. The connections between meanings have a great impact on the interpretation of subsequent elements in the layout:

Mastering the dynamics of the layout

This is where things get interesting! Many people first learn to read Tarot by interpreting each card.

First, let's imagine that the Celtic Cross was divided into two main sections: the "Circle/Cross Section" on the left (cards 1 to 6) and the "People" section on the right (7 to 10).

Circle/Cross shows what happens in the life of a fortuneteller during reading. This section consists of two crosses - the central one (cards 1 and 2), nested in a large cross (from 3 to 6). The smaller cross represents the core of matter, that which is most important to the fortuneteller during the reading. The large cross consists of two lines that overlap the smaller cross.

The horizontal line, cards 1, 3 and 4, shows time moving from the past on the left to the future on the right. The vertical line (1, 5 and 6) is the consciousness of man moving from the unconscious at the bottom to the conscious mind at the top. Together, these six cards are a snapshot of the internal and external environment during the reading.

"People" section shows the relationship between the fortuneteller and the environment in which they work, and can give a better idea of ​​what is happening in the wider context.

Second, start looking at the following tarot combinations to build a "story":

Interpretation of the prediction

If fortune telling is difficult, then you need to appreciate it in its entirety. That is, not only certain values, but also their connections. Pay attention to how many direct and inverted values ​​are in the layout. Evaluate fortune telling as a whole. What other images? What's suitable? What are the meanings indicating a person? Reflect everything you see. Only then read the meaning of all the images.

Write down meaningful phrases in your notebook and connect them to your personal feelings.

Personal card

This is a card that tells about you. There are two methods for selecting it:

  • The first is to settle on a card that you prefer over others. It should reflect your feelings and expectations.
  • The second method is astrological.

We choose:

  • swords - signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini);
  • wands - fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius);
  • cups - water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces);
  • pentacles - earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus).

Now choose a card based on gender and age. Males are kings, females are queens.

How to turn fortune telling to your advantage

Most people are afraid of negative answers, because they are confident that the prediction will happen in any case. However, we must remember that fortune telling does not give absolute answers. This is just a tool to help you understand yourself. In any case, you need to understand what you can change to prevent a negative situation. In the end, the answer was no, given the current state of affairs. But what happens next depends only on you. Fortune telling is useful because it helps you look at a problem from all sides and evaluate the hidden potential.

Scheme of the “Celtic Cross” layout.

Attention, TODAY only!

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