Green tea benefits and harms for the stomach. All about green tea

There are many tales and legends about him here. According to one of them, we owe the appearance of tea to the Buddhist preacher Bodhidharma, who lived in the 6th century AD. e.

In China, tea has always been highly valued and given to high-ranking guests. By the 10th century, tea had become a trade item and the national drink of China. When talking about tea, the Chinese only mean, distinguishing several varieties of this wonderful drink. Real green tea should combine the three freshness of taste, aroma, color and tenderness of tea.

Composition of green tea

Green tea is not fermented, so its beneficial substances have exceptional properties. The chemical composition of the tea leaf changes as the bush grows and is processed.

  • Polyphenolic compound: catechins (30%). The most beneficial EGCG is epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Its content is 65% of all catechins. They are powerful antioxidants; they affect the molecules of protein complexes with nucleic acids.
  • Caffeine, its content exceeds the amount of caffeine in coffee. Tea caffeine does not accumulate in the body and is not addictive.
  • Alkaloids have a diuretic and vasodilating effect.
  • Vitamins.
  • Microelements (copper, potassium, iodine and others).

Dutch scientists, having studied everything about green tea, have proven that daily consumption of tea reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Green tea speeds up metabolic processes, reducing weight.

The effect of green tea on various diseases

Hypertension. Green tea to reduce blood pressure is brewed as follows: dry tea leaves should be washed with boiled water, then pour boiling water (3 g of tea per 1/2 cup of water). After 10 minutes, the tea is ready, you need to drink it three times a day. In order not to overload the heart and blood vessels, the amount of liquid should be reduced to 1.2 liters.

Alzheimer's disease. Research conducted at Newcastle University found that green tea blocks the breakdown of acetylcholine, which transmits signals between nerve cells. Maintaining acetylcholine levels helps avoid or reduce the risk of disease.

Sclerosis. Green tea prevents the deposition of fats and lipids on the walls of blood vessels, and can destroy deposits that have already appeared.

Type 2 diabetes. Those who regularly drink green tea do not suffer from a sharp drop in blood sugar.

Mammary cancer. Tea contains polyphenol E, which can stop the growth of cancerous tumors. This was stated by the American Association for Cancer Research. Research on this issue is ongoing. Scientists are looking into how green tea works for high-risk women.

Colds. Green tea increases sweating and has a diuretic effect. This helps cleanse the body and lower the temperature. Tea helps to enhance pulmonary ventilation, which is useful for bronchitis and tracheitis.

Sunburn. You need to brew tea, soak a cotton swab in it and “wash” the burnt areas of the skin.

Toothache. Place a crushed clove of garlic on the gum mucosa, then take a strong infusion of green tea into your mouth. The pain will go away quickly. And by chewing dry green tea, you can get rid of the smell of garlic.

Avitaminosis. Green tea will fill the body with vitamins, relieve fatigue, and increase appetite.

When should you not drink green tea?

  • You should not overuse green tea; in large quantities it negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Due to the possibility of lowering blood pressure, it is not recommended to drink tea for hypotensive people.
  • Green tea has too strong an effect on the nerve centers, affecting mental activity, but in large quantities it can cause melancholy.
  • Any medications and green tea are incompatible.
  • A strong infusion is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children.
  • You should not drink tea brewed the day before. Not only does it lose its healing properties, but it can also become dangerous. The norm for green tea is 2 cups per day. You need to drink them either half an hour before a meal, or half an hour after it.

Secrets of green tea

It must be remembered that 2 minutes after brewing tea has a stimulating effect, after 5 minutes it has a calming effect, and after 6 minutes it will be just tea with a light aroma. After just 15 minutes, tea loses its beneficial properties, and after five hours it can cause harm.

How to distinguish quality tea from a fake

It is better to buy green tea by weight. The dry color should range from silver-green to dark olive. The best varieties of Chinese green tea are pistachio in color. The lighter the leaf, the better. An earthy green, dark shade indicates low quality raw materials.

Tea is most often counterfeited. Back in the early 20th century in Western Europe, rusty metal filings were mixed into tea to increase weight. Some unscrupulous manufacturers use surrogate plant products: bergenia, Caucasian cherry laurel, carrots.

Tea can only be produced in the following countries:

  • India,
  • China,
  • Sri Lanka,
  • Indonesia,
  • Georgia,
  • Japan,
  • Azerbaijan.

Green tea produced in other countries is counterfeit or re-exported. You will never see the inscription “Made in China” on real Chinese tea. You should check the labeling on the packaging. High quality tea is labeled Ortodox or Classic. If the tea was picked and processed automatically, the tea will be marked with a CTC.

Pure - tea without impurities of one type. Blended - tea blend. On elite tea, the “first or second leaf” is additionally indicated.

Rules for preparing green tea

Of course, a modern busy person will not arrange a complex Chinese ceremony. But you can remember a few rules that will help you get the healthiest drink.

1. It is necessary to use water that has a low content of mineral salts.

2. Dishes must be rinsed with boiling water before use.

3. Proportions must be observed, 1 tsp. Brew 200 ml of water.

4. The water temperature should be no more than 80-85°C.

5. After two minutes of infusion, the first water is poured into the chahai and then poured into cups. By increasing the infusion time by 15-20 seconds, you can brew tea up to five times.

The use of green tea in cooking and cosmetology

Interestingly, green tea is not only drunk, but also eaten. In Tibet, tea leaves are used to make soup. In Thailand, Burma, and China, green tea is fermented and used to prepare salad, fish and meat dishes. You can marinate meat in sleeping tea for a day; when fried, the meat will acquire an unusual taste and aroma.

Green tea is used in cosmetology; its extract is added to the preparation of creams, lotions, face masks, and toothpaste. Antioxidants allow you to create rejuvenating, moisturizing and restoring skin care lines.

Millions of people on planet Earth drink tea every day. But for some reason, we, immigrants from the Soviet Union, have nostalgic memories of that very black tea “with an elephant”, of samovars and bagels, of a tart, bitter brown drink. And even now, most Russians prefer black (aka red) tea, and refuse green tea.

Want to buy green tea?

You can always buy green tea in our online store.


Good green tea is a real treasure. In China, Japan and India it is valued much higher than other varieties. This is all thanks to the amazing benefits and subtler effects that weakly fermented varieties provide.


Green tea from China

The Celestial Empire is considered to be the birthplace of the tea camellia: tea began to be drunk here more than 4 thousand years ago. When the Chinese say “tea,” they mean green tea. China is the world's main supplier of elite and rare green varieties. Four green teas are included in the famous top ten Chinese varieties.

We'll talk about the types and characteristics of Chinese green tea a little later. In the meantime - the most valuable representatives of other countries.

In Japan

And in Japan only green varieties are produced. And the technology is very unusual: the tea leaf is exposed to hot steam, which gives the tea an unusual, specific taste and a darker color of the infusion. Here is a list of varieties worthy of special attention from connoisseurs:

  • Sentya. Production volume is about 2/3 in Japan. Classic tea, externally it looks like thin needles of rich green color. Its aroma is woody, its taste is sweet with a slight bitterness.
  • Gyokuro. Translated as “pearl drop”. This is a rarer and more expensive tea. Raw materials for it are collected strictly in early spring. 20 days before harvesting, tea bushes are shaded, which reduces the concentration of tannin in the leaves. Thanks to this, a more delicate and sweet taste, devoid of bitterness, is achieved.
  • Matcha. Exotic powdered tea, which is not only brewed, but also added to desserts. The steamed leaves are cleared of stems and veins, and then ground into powder. Despite its strange appearance, there is nothing chemical in it. A small pinch is enough for brewing: the concentration of this tea is very high.
  • Gemmaitya. It is a mixture of sencha and fried rice. Previously, only poor Japanese drank it: rice increased the satiety of the drink, and with the addition of salt, such tea was something like a first course. Nowadays everyone drinks genmaitha.

In Georgia

Georgian tea plantations are among the northernmost in the world. Green tea began to be produced here in the 16th century. Now there are several dozen varieties, which are classified by numbers: from No. 10 to 125. The higher the number, the better the quality of the tea. The best of the numbered ones is No. 125, but there are varieties that are valued even more, for example, “Extra” and “Bouquet of Georgia”.

In the mountainous country, green tea is often produced in the form of bricks, just like Chinese pu-erh. This way it is stored longer, maintaining its beneficial properties.

In India

But in India, light varieties never took root among the locals. Small volumes are produced in the north of the country: mainly for sale to neighboring countries.

In Sri Lanka

Ceylon tea... How much quality is contained in this combination of words. Ceylon (the old name of Sri Lanka) produces large-leaf, elite varieties of green tea. The product with the romantic name “Pearl of the Ocean” stands out among them. It has a tart floral taste, rich and very intense. Ceylon tea with extract of soursop, an exotic fruit, is also interesting, illuminating and bright.

HOW IS GREEN TEA PRODUCED? From collection to packaging

The purpose of green tea production is to prevent oxidation of the leaves during the first stage of processing. Whereas black is fermented immediately after collection.

As many varieties of green tea exist, there are as many unique recipes for their production. With all this diversity, several main stages can be identified that underlie it.

Collection of raw materials

The raw materials for green tea are young flushes (in English - shoots) and trefoils. Most often, harvesting begins in early spring, but the exact time depends on the specific variety. There are strict rules for picking tea. For example, some varieties require leaves collected at a strictly defined time of day, when there is no precipitation and the established temperature regime is observed.

Steaming: 2-3 minutes

The goal is to prevent the sheet from oxidizing and make it flexible to give the desired shape. Tea is steamed in special devices that produce hot steam (about 95-100 degrees). The leaf is placed in the equipment: just 2-3 minutes are enough for the tea to acquire new properties necessary for subsequent drying.

Drying: 10-15 minutes

After steam treatment, the leaves are dried at a humidity of 60-62% and a temperature of 90-95 degrees. Goal: Reduce moisture content for the next step - curling. The sheet is dried in special devices.

Twisting: 60-80 minutes

During the rolling process, the surface of the leaf is damaged and juice is released from it. If black tea is rolled intensively and for a long time, then for green tea, single or double drying is used. To do this, it is placed in special roller devices.

Oven drying

Final drying takes place in special ovens. Purpose: final dehydration of the leaf. As a result, the moisture content drops to 2-5%, the raw material acquires a darker, olive color.


It all depends on the standards in force at a particular factory or private household. Often one batch is sorted into several categories according to the quality of raw materials: for example, large-sheet 1st, 2nd, 3rd categories, small-sheet 2nd and 3rd categories. The lowest quality tea is in the form of crumbs. It is the large leaf that is highly valued by lovers of green varieties: it gives a more aromatic, bright, rich infusion.


Green tea is the Chinese national drink, the record holder for popularity among residents. The Celestial Empire is the birthplace of tea in general, and green tea in particular. The first mention of it in historical sources occurs in the 1st century AD, during the reign of the Han Dynasty. It was at this time that the character “cha” appeared, which initially looked like this - “荼”.

For centuries, Chinese green tea was only available to the imperial family and courtiers. The Celestial Empire remains its main producer to this day. But red varieties are less popular here.

In China, tea drinking is a ritual, a ceremony that came to us from Buddhist monks and has much in common with meditative and other spiritual practices. There is no doubt that green tea was the first drink for ceremonies and first appeared in China.

Historians have established that tea culture flourished between the 7th and 10th centuries. Green tea was originally consumed as a medicine. Many literary sources speak of the high value of tea in China: poems and treatises have been and are being written about it; the aphorisms of Confucius, who considered it the best drink “for relieving fatigue and pacifying the spirit,” have been preserved to this day.

Taste and aroma

The most delicious thing about green tea without sugar is the feeling of superiority. I don’t know exactly whose words these are, but I’m sure this person has never tried real Chinese green tea. It is pleasant to drink not only because of the awareness of the high benefits, but also because of the delicious, exciting taste that can take you to another dimension.

“A tea bouquet is like expensive wine. It cannot be repeated; the secrets of its preparation are available only to the author.”

Caitlin Turner

With all the variety of varieties of Chinese green tea, each of them has similar notes: floral, herbal, refreshing and delicate.

Early harvest tea (spring) often has a lighter aroma and sweet taste, while summer and autumn varieties have a peculiar bitterness and astringency. The infusion has a green tint: from light green to emerald.

The best varieties of Chinese green tea: TOP 5

Is it possible to list and try all the varieties of this limitless variety of tea? Unlikely, but why not strive for it? And we should start with the charming five of the brightest and most popular.

  1. . This is a real jewel of the mountainous regions of Anhui Province. This tea is one of the ten most popular varieties in the world. It is collected in early spring, when the first leaves begin to bloom on the bushes. Tea processing begins on the day of collection: thanks to this, the infusion does not lose its aroma and freshness. The final stage of production is drying the leaves in ovens. The aroma of Mao Fen is pure, pronounced, its taste is transparent and light.

  1. . The name of the tea is translated from Chinese as “bitter tear.” But such a sad name has nothing to do with its energy and aroma. The piercing taste is tart, even slightly bitter, but the fragrant notes highlight this bitterness favorably. Ku Din is a real healing spring. It removes toxins from the body, normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and helps get rid of excess weight. It has been observed that a freshly brewed infusion helps quickly eliminate a hangover.
  2. . This representative wins the hearts of men and women, lovers, connoisseurs and beginners who are taking their first steps in getting to know Chinese tea culture. The harmonious, refined taste is rich in floral and herbaceous tones, but notes of roasted pumpkin seeds come to the fore. Longjin is wonderful as a refreshing, invigorating, everyday drink. It improves your mood and sets you on a creative wave.

  1. . « Freshness of bamboo leaves” - this is how its name is translated from Chinese. This invigorating green tea has a sunny, delicate, refined taste with nutty and meadow notes. Labor-intensive production and careful selection of raw materials (perfectly even young leaves are used) place Zhu Ye Qing among the elite of green varieties. This tea is for connoisseurs, lovers of elegant and sophisticated notes.
  2. . This tea with a poetic name, which translates as “emerald spirals of spring,” knocks you out of your usual rhythm with its unique aroma. The raw materials for it are tender young buds and leaves. Tea bushes grow among fruit trees: coincidence or not, the taste of Bi Lo Chun is filled with fruity and floral notes, with light hints of honey.


Are there any products in the world that have been studied as thoroughly as tea? I doubt. It would seem that its chemical composition has been studied thoroughly, but until now scientists from different countries have not calmed down and are finding more and more new properties characteristic of certain varieties.

An analysis of the results of tea research showed that Chinese green tea contains 5 main components that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

5 Health Ingredients of Green Tea

  • Vitamins. We won’t go into long enumeration: just compare the concentration of vitamins in tea and other products. For example, one cup of it contains 4 times more vitamin P than an orange, A - 6 times more than carrots, and vitamin E - almost the same as walnuts.


  • Microelements. Drink 1-2 mugs of fresh green tea daily, and say no to dietary supplements and mineral complexes. Even during the process of processing and fermentation, all useful substances are retained in the leaf: fluorine, iodine, potassium and calcium, magnesium and even gold (although very little). Such a rich composition more than compensates for the lack of these substances in the body, and this is an excellent prevention of many diseases and loss of strength.
  • Tannins. These are polyphenols, of which twice as much is retained in green varieties than in dark ones. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and digestion, which are themselves interconnected.
  • Amino acids. There are 17 amino acids found in green tea, mostly glutelins, but there are also water-soluble albumins. During processing, the content of the latter increases by 10%. By the way, green tea has more protein than black tea. Among tea amino acids there is glutamine, which actively restores the emotional background and reduces nervous tension.
  • Alkaloids. Theine, caffeine, theobromine, theophylline - we owe them for the mild but stable vigor and restorative effect after drinking a mug of aromatic infusion.

Invigorating green tea: about tea caffeine

For some reason, many people think that black (red in Chinese) tea is more invigorating than green tea. And this is a mistake: try drinking it at night, and you will see it. The reason is the higher content of alkaloids, including caffeine.

“So caffeine is harmful!” many will say. Let's make some adjustments: only “coffee caffeine” (forgive the tautology) can cause harm, which causes tachycardia, and if you overdo the dose, then temporary clouding of the mind and nausea. Greens are high in theine, a type of caffeine. It acts much more softly, giving a stable, but not sharp cheerfulness, which does not entail a loss of strength.

Thus, by replacing coffee with tea, you get the energy you need without the bad side effects. However, we still do not recommend drinking green varieties at night.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of green tea are much greater than the possible harm. To feel it, it is enough to drink 1-2 mugs of a high-quality and properly brewed drink daily.

  • Beauty and youth. Antioxidants not only prevent the development of cancer, but also slow down aging. Lovers of green varieties have healthy skin, shiny hair, excellent mood and a slim body.
  • Healthy heart and blood vessels. Green varieties contain a lot of potassium and flavonoids, which normalize heart function and improve the condition of blood vessels. Daily tea drinking helps prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension. As for the effect on blood pressure: the belief that green varieties lower it is not always true. More often than not, good tea normalizes this indicator: high tea lowers it, low tea increases it. But not always. We must not forget about the individual characteristics of each variety and organism. If you have problems with blood pressure, it is worth observing the effect that a specific type of tea has.
  • Digestion. A weak infusion can be drunk even if you have a stomach ulcer. A high-quality drink normalizes the production of pancreatic enzymes and speeds up food digestion.
  • Strong bones and healthy joints. Subject to normal consumption, green tea has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joint-ligamentous and musculoskeletal system. It removes toxins from the body that cause metabolic arthrosis, and even young people face them due to poor quality food.
  • Nervous system. Green tea invigorates - that's a fact. Falling asleep after a hearty lunch makes it difficult to concentrate on work or study. A mug of fresh green tea will invigorate you and set you up for a new wave. Drinking tea calms, relieves nervous tension, and gives strength.
  • Fighting excess weight. Chinese tea is good without snacks and sweets. Its taste is bright and deep: while enjoying the variety of notes, you cleanse your body of excess, which means you lose weight. A hot drink eliminates the false feeling of hunger, thereby reducing the total caloric content of the diet. The main thing is to acquire the habit of drinking tea separately from food.

All of these benefits can be obtained with moderate consumption of a high quality product. Forget about bags and long-term storage of tea leaves: always drink fresh tea and feel its benefits.

Any product can cause harm if you do not follow the measure. Green varieties should be drunk in the first half of the day to avoid sleep problems. They should not be taken with medications, and if you have problems with blood pressure, you need to monitor your condition.


For a cup of aromatic tea to bring pleasure and benefit, you need to brew it correctly. Here are three pillars on which proper preparation is based:

  • water: its temperature and composition;
  • ratio of tea and water;
  • brewing duration.

The balance between these three criteria determines the taste and properties of the drink. And now more details.

About water. If you live outside the city, and even close to a spring with clean water, every connoisseur of Chinese tea will envy you. There is nothing better than living spring water as a basis for brewing it. But city residents should take care of filtering or purchasing bottled water from trusted companies.

Water for tea should not boil more than once. Especially when it comes to brewing green varieties. The optimal temperature is 80-85 degrees. The secret to determining it without a thermometer: open the lid of the kettle and place your palm on it. If the steam does not burn, you can safely make the first spill. Too hot water kills the beneficial properties of green tea and worsens its taste!

The ratio of water and tea. The proportion depends on the variety, size and shape of the tea leaves. Average ratio: a small spoon of dry product per 200 ml of water.

About the brewing time. It all depends on the desired effect and intensity of the infusion. By the way, theine (an analogue of caffeine) saturates the water in the first 40-60 seconds after spilling, then only tannins are released from the leaves, which, if brewed for a long time, can give the drink a bitter taste. Therefore, if you want to get maximum vigor, the leaves should not be kept in water for more than one minute. It is optimal to hold each spill for one minute.

Optimal number of spills. Again, a lot depends on the variety and its quality. Good tea can withstand 5-10 pours. We don’t drink the first brew; we hold each subsequent brew a few seconds longer than the previous one. In fact, everything comes with experience. Over time, you will learn to intuitively determine the duration of brewing and the number of spills.

Strain brewing procedure

In China there are no sachets; here they do not infuse vigorous tea leaves, to which they then add boiling water. The pour-over method is the best way to brew green tea. It allows you to reveal all its benefits and observe the change in flavor shades.

In the Middle Kingdom, green varieties are not brewed in clay. Let's not break the rules and take a glass teapot or porcelain gaiwan. It would be a good idea to heat the dishes over an open fire or rinse them with hot water before adding tea. When exposed to heat, the leaves begin to release essential oils: inhaling the aroma is the best anticipation of tea drinking.

Pour water into the kettle and drain after 30-60 seconds. Don't forget to enjoy the aroma. We hold the first spill for 1 minute, the next 5-10 seconds longer. Before filling bowls or cups, you should rinse them with hot water.

Why don't they drink the first brew? Firstly, it serves to better reveal the aroma of subsequent pours. Secondly, it cleans the leaves of dust.

Amazing prospects open up for everyone who embarks on the path of studying tea culture. With the next tasting, with each new variety, the world of green tea opens your perception, fills you with awareness and health.

There are so many people, so many opinions about the benefits of tea. Green tea, gives us not only the pleasure of aroma and taste, but is a medicinal product. Green tea has a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs, acts gently and harmlessly, stimulates the immune system, helps fight obesity, prevents cardiovascular, kidney diseases, and so on... In addition, green tea has a beneficial effect on sexual activity, relieves vascular spasms brain, relieves depression.

Difference between black and green tea In the technology of collecting and processing tea leaves, green tea, unlike black tea, is not fermented, so the beneficial substances remain unchanged in it.

Scientists explain the healing properties of tea by the richness of its chemical composition. Currently, 300 chemical substances that are part of the tea leaf have been identified; many of the constituent compounds have not been deciphered.

In addition, the chemical composition of tea is not constant; it changes during the growth of the tea bush and during the processing of tea leaves. Many nutritionists prefer green tea, and this is due to the fact that green tea does not undergo fermentation and has the exceptional ability to release only useful components into the solution, while useless and harmful substances remain in an undissolved state. Conclusion: infusion of high-quality green tea- a concentrate of the most valuable flavoring, medicinal and dietary substances.

The tonic effect of green tea is associated with the presence of caffeine, and its concentration in tea leaves is higher than in coffee, and the effect is milder, and is associated with the combination of caffeine with tannin (a substance that stimulates mental and physical performance). In addition, tea caffeine does not accumulate or remain in the human body even with very frequent tea consumption. In addition to caffeine, green tea contains alkaloids that have a vasodilating and diuretic effect.

Green tea contains more than 300 different substances- carbohydrates, proteins, microelements, vitamins C1, B1, B2, V3, B5, K, P. In addition, green tea contains calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, sodium, silicon, phosphorus and its compounds.

Most scientists are inclined to conclude that green tea prevents diseases of the coronary arteries, especially in the fair half of humanity.

Research by Dutch scientists has confirmed that daily consumption of 1-2 cups of tea reduces the risk of aortic atherosclerosis by 46%, and consumption of 4 cups by 69%.

Drinking green tea daily helps fight excess weight. An especially nice detail: unsweetened tea contains no calories! And it helps you lose weight. Tea accelerates metabolic processes occurring in the body. And if the reason for excess weight is a decrease in the body’s metabolic processes, then you need to drink more green tea. Studies have shown that the beneficial substances contained in green tea speed up metabolic processes and help burn an additional 70-80 calories. If you drink 5 cups of green tea a day and exercise for 15 minutes, you can significantly reduce body weight.

Contraindications to drinking green tea

Few people know (and this is practically not written or publicly reported) that green tea is the worst enemy for people with problems with the cardiovascular system. After all, according to scientists, green tea can disrupt the correct heart rhythm. Considering that the highest mortality rate in the world is from heart disease, it is very strange that this fact is hushed up.

In addition, a type of green tea - ginseng tea - is strongly contraindicated for cancer, and for women over 50 it should remain prohibited. After all, ginseng increases the amount of estrogen in the female body. And this, in turn, can stimulate the development of tumor diseases.

It is somehow not customary for consumers to talk about the fact that green tea promotes the formation of kidney stones. Moreover, this is not the result of some of the latest recent research. This fact was established back in the last century! Researchers from the University of New Jersey have found that drinking too much green tea can lead to kidney and liver disease. If you completely replace the daily dose of liquid with green tea (which, by the way, is now very fashionable in the fitness environment), then such an excess can lead to poisoning of the body with polyphenols, and this, in turn, can cause serious changes in the tissues of the liver and kidneys. And this despite the fact that it is thanks to polyphenols that green tea is considered such a healthy drink!

Patients with hypotension and persons For those prone to fainting, strong green tea is absolutely contraindicated. The same prohibition is also relevant for patients with gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. In such patients, drinking green tea can cause heartburn, stomach pain, and intestinal colic. If you have an enlarged thyroid gland, strongly brewed green tea is also contraindicated.

Breastfeeding mothers should know that caffeine, which is contained in any tea drink, can cause insomnia in an infant. However, excessive intake of strong green tea can cause severe sleep disturbances in adults. Also, negative reactions from abuse of green tea drink can be: exhaustion of the body, increased heart rate and even trembling in the hands.

What to do? If green tea is fraught with so many dangers, maybe you should give it up altogether? Experts recommend purchasing herbal teas in pharmacies or, at least, by weight in specialized tea shops. This will minimize all the dangers from our usual tonic drink. Anyway all the main prohibitions on drinking green tea relate specifically to its strong, rich brew. Therefore, you should always remember that strongly brewed tea is more harmful to health due to its astringent properties than its weaker counterpart. The main secret of the healing effect of tea drinking is its moderate intake. The ideal dose of green tea is a couple of mugs a day.

Myths about green tea

The first thing that hurts the ear in this laudatory ode to green tea is some contradiction in the properties attributed to it: sometimes a tea drink made from green leaves is declared to be an invigorating agent, sometimes a calming one. What's the catch here? It turns out that there is a so-called golden rule of tea drinking. For that to drink tea correctly, you should remember three numbers: 2-5-6. It's minutes. If we drink tea 2 minutes after brewing it, we get an exciting effect; after 5 minutes – calming; after 6 minutes, all the essential oils from the tea have already evaporated, and we simply drink a drink with a weakened aroma.

You should also remember that tea can bring the greatest benefit to the body only in the first 15 minutes after it is brewed. And after 5 hours of infusion, additional boiling of the tea leaves or adding boiling water to it, the tea can turn into a real poison for the body.

In our latitudes, drinking tea closely coincides with the main meal and is considered a kind of logical continuation of the same tomorrow or lunch. Experts say that in this case, you can completely forget about the benefits of tea. Tea can have its beneficial effect only when we consume it as a separate meal, i.e. at least with a half-hour difference from the main meal.

In fact, many plants do have healing properties. This was well known to our great-great-greats. You can verify this by looking at any herbal reference book. But all this has nothing to do with what awaits us on store shelves. The herbal infusions and tea bags offered to us for sale are often empty, saturated with various kinds of flavorings. Such teas not only have no benefit, but can even be harmful to health.

One of the major tea suppliers in Russia, in an anonymous interview with a well-known TV channel, admits that selling high-quality pure tea in the post-Soviet space today does not seem to be profitable. The amount of cheap and low-quality tea on supermarket shelves negates all the efforts of suppliers to bring a quality product to consumers. It’s just that the latter cannot withstand any price competition with its cheap analogues. Therefore, those who try to import high-quality goods into the country sooner or later resort to sprinkling real pure tea with cheap dummy additives, thereby reducing the cost and reducing the selling price.

Due to the fact that there is very little quality real tea, experts advise buying it by weight and not in bags. By weight, you at least visually see what quality of tea you are getting, whether it is sprinkled with strange brown shavings or other suspicious elements. In bags, we definitely get a “pig in a poke.” After all, what is inside the thin whitish bag will remain a sealed secret for us. Of course, brewing tea in a bag is much more convenient than dealing with its loose counterpart. But the risk of getting a low-quality product increases many times.

When choosing green tea should also be remembered that the cheapest green tea is small-leaf, and the highest quality is large-leaf. There are also powdered and slab varieties of green tea, but they are practically not imported to the post-Soviet space.

It is a huge misconception that an indicator of the quality of green tea is its rich aroma. The aroma of tea is given only by the essential oils that the manufacturer adds to it. What is sold in our stores does not even smell like essential oils, but is simply impregnated with artificial flavors.

Inside and outside

Green tea contains several times more vitamin C than lemon juice, vitamins P, B, K, PP, microelements fluorine, iodine, zinc. Fluoride compounds contained in green tea leaves protect teeth from caries, and gargling with green tea can stop the development of acute respiratory infections and flu.

But the most amazing thing that green tea retains all its beneficial properties not only when taken orally, but also when used externally. Many cosmetics companies take advantage of the antioxidant properties of green tea. Its extract is widely used in the creation of restorative, rejuvenating, moisturizing and sunscreen skin care lines. Natural masks based on green tea leaves can be prepared at home, depending on your skin type by adding milk, oatmeal, or sour cream.

A skin scrub based on brewed green tea with the addition of sea salt will help cleanse your skin.

Green tea scrub recipe from Ekaterina Titova:

Brew three large balls of jasmine tea, let the leaves fully expand. After 20 minutes, drain the water and mix the jasmine flower leaves with 2 teaspoons of sea salt (available at the pharmacy).

Apply the mixture onto your face with gentle movements and gently massage the skin for a minute, paying special attention to the T-zone. Then rinse off the scrub first with warm and then with cold water. The skin will become smooth and radiant.

  • During the Chinese Tang dynasty, tea trade was declared a state monopoly, and large landowners were obliged to sell tea and receive bonds in return. They were allowed to buy other goods. These tea bonds soon became the first paper money (1024);
  • It is to tea that we owe the fact that Heinrich Schliemann had the funds to excavate the legendary Troy. He earned part of his million-dollar fortune by selling tea. In his memoirs, Schliemann writes: “When cotton became too expensive, I gave it up and began selling tea... My first shipment to Mr. Henry Schroeder in London consisted of 30 boxes of tea, after I managed to sell it profitably, I ordered 1000, then 4000 and 6,000 boxes, bought the entire tea warehouse of Mr. Günzburg in St. Petersburg on the cheap and in the first 6 months earned 140,000 marks on tea, while receiving another 6% of the capital”;
  • the famous “Boston Tea Party,” when boxes of tea sent from London, unfairly taxed by the British, flew overboard - this “drop of tea” on the night of December 15-16, 1773 overflowed the patience of the Americans. The prospect of being left without their favorite tea prompted them to take decisive action - separation from England began. It’s a historical curiosity, but, in fact, the United States was, to some extent, born of tea;
  • The British have their own tea drinking traditions. For example, pour milk into a cup first, and then tea. Or place a spoon across the cup, signaling that enough tea has been drunk - please do not add more. Those who were not familiar with local etiquette could pay severely. One day, a certain Prince de'Broglier was forced to drink 12 cups of tea before someone figured out how to manipulate a spoon. They say that one foreigner, in desperation, thought of hiding the cup in his pocket so as not to drink any more tea;
  • Cardinal Mazarin introduced tea to the royal court of France, who took it as a cure for gout. Even by the end of the 17th century, knowledge about tea remained very scarce. It got to the point of being ridiculous: it was recommended to smoke tea like tobacco, lightly flavored with brandy, and it was recommended to whiten teeth with ashes. The French were drawn to fashionable exotics, and tea took pride of place here. Even if he didn’t like him, none of the high-society fashionistas dared to refuse him;
  • Until the mid-19th century, Moscow consumed up to 60% of the tea imported into Russia. There was an expression “Muscovites-tea-drinkers”, although the Little Russians and Cossacks disparagingly said: “Muscovites-water-drinkers”. The fact is that in these regions, even in the 19th century, they knew about tea only by hearsay and identified it simply with drinking water;
  • According to the results of auctions of elite teas held in Hong Kong and Guangzhou in 2005, the most expensive tea was the Chinese “Da Hong Pao” (“Big Red Robe”). The price per kilogram of this tea reached $685,000.

Even in Ancient China, they knew about the miraculous benefits of green tea and often used it for medical reasons. This type of tea was the first tool, for example, against headaches and depression. Green tea has an important place in Chinese history.

It is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Unlike black, green contains a minimal amount of caffeine, which in overdose leads to insomnia, nausea and frequent urination. Green tea is beneficial because it contains a significant amount of vitamins C and P. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is necessary for the normal functioning of bone tissue. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of capillaries, reduces their fragility and prevents destruction, especially in the bodies of older people.

To prevent diseases, it is enough to drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily. The usual daily intake is 250-300 mg.

Green tea supplements, sold in pharmacies and specialty stores, also have beneficial therapeutic effects.

If you prefer to drink green tea with milk, then you are depriving your body of incredible benefits. Milk proteins combine with polyphenol and suppress its healing properties.

Green tea contains beneficial catechins. These are potential antioxidants - 100 times more powerful than vitamin C.

It has been scientifically proven that catechin protects cellular DNA from changes and prevents the development of cancer.

Black tea also contains catechin, but in much smaller quantities.

Benefits of green tea: reasons to drink it every day

1/ Provides the body with antioxidants.

Experts believe that antioxidants slow down the aging process of the body and protect against heart disease, prevent stroke and the proliferation of cancer cells. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and catechins in particular.

In fact, some fruits, such as pomegranate, for example, contain as many or even more antioxidants. But if you compare prices and consumer tastes, green tea is definitely the best choice.

2/ Burns fat.

By drinking green tea, we get two benefits in one.

  • Firstly, it promotes natural fat burning.
  • Secondly, it helps produce energy.

In Taiwan, scientists conducted a study in which more than 10,000 people drank green tea for 10 years. Based on the results, it became clear that green tea and its variety, oolong, help burn fat. And the longer you drink tea, the more significant the result will be.

Green tea improves endurance during exercise thanks to catechin, which burns fat and limits the immediate absorption of carbohydrates, and instead the body uses stored fat for energy.

3/ Extends life.

One of the largest tests (more than 40,000 participants) using green tea was conducted in Japan. Its results were collected and processed over 11 years.

Researchers found that people who drank about 5 cups of green tea per day lived an average of 16% longer than participants who drank less than one cup.

4/ Protects against cancer.

The unusual anti-cancer properties of green tea are not limited to the effects of antioxidants. It is known that the drink limits the nutrition of cancer cells, and gradually they may die altogether. This effect does not apply to healthy cells.

According to scientific theory, green tea blocks the production of harmful enzymes that act as catalysts for the development of cancer cells. Brain tumors and leukemia, lung and stomach cancer, diseases of the colon and esophagus, bladder and breast cancer, ovarian and prostate cancer - all studies on the effect of green tea on the development of these diseases show positive results.

5/ Relieves stress and stimulates brain function.

All types of tea contain a certain ingredient - theanine, known for its calming effect and stimulation of alpha brain waves.

In 2007, it became known that 4 cups of tea a day increase the performance of the brain and the body as a whole. Therefore, people who regularly drink green tea are less susceptible to stress and are 44% less likely to experience symptoms of depression.

The list of benefits from theanine is getting longer every day. It has a known healing effect on both the psyche and human physiology. Two studies in 2007 made breakthroughs in proving that green tea repairs damaged brain cells and is a successful alternative treatment for multiple sclerosis.

6/ Rejuvenates and protects the heart.

Drinking this type of tea helps patients recover from a heart attack. Doctors suggest that one of the active ingredients, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), speeds up the recovery process. It also reduces the risk of heart failure, although experts still cannot explain the mechanism of action.

7/ Strengthens blood vessels.

With age, arteries tend to harden and their elasticity decreases. The process intensifies with the accumulation of lime deposits on their walls. When the inner layer of the artery becomes denser, the distance between the vessels narrows and blood circulation worsens. It is a cause of heart failure and stroke.

A 2009 study indicates that green tea prevents atherosclerosis, the hardening and clogging of blood vessels. The recommended dose for preventive purposes is 3-4 cups of tea per day. In this case, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced by 26-46%.

This drink helps in maintaining the cleanliness of the arterial ducts by reducing cholesterol levels and the number of platelets in the blood.

8/ Reduces blood pressure.

Scientists have proven that this tea lowers blood pressure. One study conducted in 2004 found that people who regularly consumed green tea had 65% fewer signs of hypertension. The recommended dose is 2 glasses per day.

9/ Protects against the onset of diabetes.

The ingredient epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) regulates blood sugar levels, increases insulin activity and glucose metabolism. In 2007, it became known that tea increases insulin activity by more than 15 times, but adding milk reduces the activity by 90%.

It is important to know that 6 cups of tea a day for 8 weeks reduces blood sugar levels from 15 to 20%. This effect is enhanced by following the Japanese diet.

10/ Heals from diseases.

You will be surprised to know that the anti-inflammatory properties of green tea make it an ideal alternative for ailments.

For example, rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease that occurs in three out of 100 women (the disease is 3 times less common in men). There are currently no treatment options for this disease. But among effective remedies for reducing pain and overcoming rheumatoid inflammation, green tea takes first place.

If you have skin problems, such as acne, green tea cream will help. It also helps with dry skin, itching and allergic reactions. This type of tea also reduces inflammation of the inner lining of the intestines.

11/ Reduces lung damage from smoking.

Green tea reduces the risk of lung cancer and limits cell damage from cigarette smoke. It doesn't matter whether it's active or passive smoking. Even when toxins enter from the air, poisoning with harmful substances does not occur.

With regular consumption of tea, the risk of disease is reduced to 25%.

12/ Protects the liver from alcohol.

Two studies over the past five years show that green tea protects the liver from damage caused by alcohol abuse or toxic chemicals.

The results of the experiments were so categorical that scientists plan to create a drug based on green tea to treat liver diseases.

13/ Protects tooth enamel from the development of caries

Protects tooth enamel from the development of caries and helps treat bad breath. Unlike carbonated drinks (which always contain sugar), green tea does not contain sweetness.

In addition, it fights viruses in the oral cavity and prevents the appearance of unpleasant odor.

14/ Provides bone density.

Drinking just two or more cups of green tea a day helps maintain bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The longer you drink tea, the stronger the integrity of bone tissue.

15/ Strengthens the immune system and repels cold and flu viruses.

Tea contains antigens that are also present in some beneficial bacteria. With the help of such antibodies, the body builds an immune defense and neutralizes harmful bacteria and viruses. 4-5 cups of green tea per day is enough.

16/ Moisturizes the body's cells.

UK experts have found that the benefits of green tea are even greater than those of pure water. They refute the claim that tea dehydrates the human body.

Experiments conducted by scientists show that this amazing tea has a moisturizing effect.

Green tea is recommended for all people; it is advisable to drink it without sugar and buy the best varieties of large-leaf green tea. It is useful for both athletes and people who want to improve their mental performance, for example, to show better results at work.

Article content:

Beneficial properties of green tea

Tea strengthens the immune system, restores the functioning of brain vessels, improves cardiac activity, relieves fears and nervous tension, increases the amount of sexual energy and creates balance in all body systems. You can also lose weight by drinking strong green tea every day, as it has a diuretic effect. But so far only one property of green tea has not been fully studied - the fight against malignant tumors. Of course, tea helps even with cancer, but research still cannot understand how this happens.

This is most likely due to clearing bacteria from the blood and strengthening the immune system. Green tea reduces the level of radiation in the blood, this was proven after a survey of residents of Hiroshima was conducted. Their health was normal, precisely because they regularly consumed green tea. This is also associated with the removal of strontium-90 from the body, but if it is deposited in the bones, there can be no talk of any purification. People should drink green tea, if only because they spend a lot of time in front of the computer and TV, tea will reduce the effect of radiation on the body.

Green tea is used to enhance feelings of spirituality, as evidenced by the fact that green tea is consumed in Japanese and Chinese tea ceremonies. Thanks to tea, people can fully concentrate and relax, this helps improve mental concentration and the emergence of new ideas and goals. Many people note that after drinking tea, new thoughts appear in their heads, a solution to a particular problem is found, and so on. It is very encouraging that tea does not contain substances harmful to the psyche, so it can be used as a psychic stimulant without the slightest fear. Nervous system conductivity, reaction, vision, memory and concentration on creative activities improve when a person drinks green tea daily. Many people say that depression goes away quickly after drinking green tea, perhaps this is due to cleansing the body of toxic substances, although other people believe that tea charges with special positive energy that cleanses energy channels.

Also, don’t forget that you can have a great time and have a heart-to-heart conversation with a glass of green tea. You can learn something new about your friends, but you need to drink high-quality tea and always fresh. Of course, the shelf life is indicated on the packaging, approximately from one to three years. But fresh tea is much tastier than one that has been stored for 3 years. Before purchasing, read the production date; you also need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the tea; artificial ingredients are often added to improve the taste of the tea. Perhaps these substances were added to make the tea last longer, but these are preservatives that are harmful to health and impair the quality of the tea. But the manufacturer may specifically add pieces of fruit, jasmine, lemon, chrysanthemum and hibiscus to the tea in order to confuse buyers and divert attention from preservatives to additional ingredients. Additives may well be artificial fruit substitutes, so you need to buy pure green tea.

In our country, green tea was more popular than in Europe, since it was introduced before the 19th century. Next, all residents of Russia began to drink black tea, which is also very tasty, but not nearly as healthy. This is due to the fact that black tea undergoes additional processing. It is because of the black tea habit that people brew green tea incorrectly. You cannot brew it with boiling water in a huge teapot and then add sugar - this reduces the beneficial qualities of green tea. You need to use fairly warm water, but not boiling water, and let the tea steep for at least half an hour to experience its natural taste. Only properly brewed green tea has beneficial properties, but if you do not want to waste time on brewing, buy capsules with green tea at the pharmacy, they also have all the beneficial properties, however, you will not be able to enjoy the true taste of green tea.

Harmful properties of green tea

Green tea has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. For example, it can provoke a deterioration in thinking, concentration, increase blood pressure, and so on. You can avoid black tea and coffee because you don't want your blood pressure to increase, but keep in mind that green tea also contains energizing substances, and in the same amount. It also contains caffeine, which activates the central nervous system.

Older people and pregnant women should not drink strong green tea. Tea can affect the development of the fetus due to the general excitability of the body. Elderly people are at risk of tremors - hand trembling, as well as decreased immunity and insomnia. Tea is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers and hypertension.

To reduce the intensity of the side effects of green tea, you need to keep in mind that you should not brew it too strong. The tea should have a soft and delicate taste that in no way irritates you. Do not drink hot green tea, as this has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Drink fresh green tea half an hour before meals, then drink a glass 40 minutes later to speed up the digestion process. Do not steep the tea for too long, because the microbes in it multiply quickly and then poison your body.
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