The most truthful gypsy fortune telling. Gypsy fortune telling using playing cards

Interest in ancient fortune telling on cards, divination and occult sciences does not wane even in the age of the Internet and nanotechnology. People still turn to ancient oracles with questions about the meaning of life and love problems. Fortune telling with playing cards is borrowed from gypsy folklore. A motley nomadic tribe came to Europe from India, part of the colorful people went to wander further around the world, some remained in Rus' to this day. The traditions of divination on cards in this tribe are carefully passed on from generation to generation.

In this article

Traditions of gypsy fortune telling with playing cards

36 cards are used to tell fortunes about the past, present and future. With their help, they make plans for relationships, careers, and learn about the plans of envious people and rivals. Gypsies began to use this deck to simplify the layout.

The deck of 36 pictures that we are used to using for the game is a simplified version of Tarot (Tarot). Initially there are 78 cards. 22 – Major Arcana and 56 – minor.

With the development and spread of esoteric sciences in our country, fortune telling with a small deck has become less popular and in demand than with Tarot. Today, interest in this prophecy has reappeared due to its ease of memorization, reading and interpretation.

Anyone can tell fortunes using playing cards; unlike Tarot, they do not require any special magical training. Even a beginner esotericist can master the simplest techniques of gypsy fortune telling on cards.

Here are 5 tips that will make divination effective and turn a deck of playing cards into a magical instrument:

  1. The deck for gypsy fortune telling must be new. This is an indispensable condition for an accurate result. Game cards cannot be used for operation.
  2. Buy gift or souvenir decks. They are colorful and have a special energy.
  3. Keep cards away from prying eyes and hands.
  4. Do not immediately remember all the meanings of the cards in the gypsy layout. Make a cheat sheet and refer to it if necessary.
  5. The main rule is more practice. Pick up the deck more often and communicate with it. Tell fortunes to your friends and acquaintances: this way you will quickly gain invaluable experience and improve your skills.

The meaning of the cards

A deck of 36 cards consists of 4 suits:

  • peaks;
  • clubs (crosses);
  • diamonds;
  • worms

Traditional 36 card deck

The suit of crosses traditionally denotes work and life. Material relationships: real estate, purchases and sales.

Worms are a symbol of love and relationships between partners.

The suit of diamonds is money and a person’s immediate environment: friends and companions.

Peaks are the dark side of life. The appearance of a suit in a scenario usually does not promise the most pleasant changes. Negative emotions, forebodings and omens are the sphere of influence of the peak. On the other hand, peaks are interpreted as the society in which a person is located.

The interpretation of the suit and the dropped card depends on the situation. It is important to consider the whole picture of fortune telling and pay attention to neighboring cards.

The video contains a description of cards for fortune telling:

Each of the four suits corresponds to an element. Keep this in mind when interpreting the results.

  • The peaks are protected by Water, which is responsible for intuition, the release of magical potential, and connection with the Cosmos.
  • Clubs are under the influence of Fire. This element personifies Power and Strength.
  • Diamonds represent Earth, stability and fertility. It is not for nothing that the suit is associated with money, prosperity and prosperity.
  • The hearts of hearts are Air. He rules such feelings as Love, Tenderness and Devotion.

The element that controls the cards matters when choosing a portrait for fortune telling. When making a calculation for a person, be guided by his temperament, character, psychotype and phenotype. Depending on this object, fortune telling is assigned to a dark or light suit. Experienced fortune tellers can determine by eye what type a client belongs to.

Traditional layout and its meaning

The layout has another name - “big gypsy”.

We take a regular deck of 36 cards.

  • We select the card of the person for whom the layout is being made. The woman is a lady. The image of the king is a man. Place the picture in the center of the layout.
  • Shuffle the deck thoroughly.
  • Above the portrait we lay out 4 cards, which form 4 rows. They symbolize the near future. Events that will happen from day to day or within a month.
  • We place another one above the laid out cards. It symbolizes the character of the person to whom we are telling fortunes, and the circumstances influencing the situation.
  • We lay out the same number of cards under the portrait. This is the distant future. A prospect that can become a reality.
  • We place the remaining 2 cards at the very bottom. They are the key to the deal. Cards symbolize circumstances or people that influence a person's life. The 1st is someone who caused the problems. 2nd – something that must disappear forever.

Cards are laid out from left to right. Face up. Try to see the whole picture: interpret the meanings of cards only in conjunction with others. The effectiveness of gypsy fortune telling depends on this.

Video instructions for learning fortune telling on a traditional deck of 36 cards:

Cards above the portrait

Let's look at a few common combinations.

  • If 4 aces fall out at once, then this is a lucky combination: everything planned will come true.
  • Three aces - the fortuneteller will experience success in personal affairs. A quick meeting with a loved one or sudden passion.
  • Two aces in the layout - expect the unexpected. What kind of surprises to expect will be determined by the overall value of the suit.
  • Four kings represent good society. Pleasant meetings, help and patronage.
  • Three kings. Soon you will receive a lucrative offer of cooperation, an invitation to a meeting or negotiations.
  • Two kings is not a very good sign. The cards warn that you should be careful and not trust people.
  • Four ladies are a symbol of chatter and conversation.
  • Three ladies - a warning about scandals, squabbles, quarrels.
  • Two ladies in a reading - expect false rumors, gossip and intrigue.
  • Four jacks represent troubles. Most often empty and unpromising.
  • Three pages - gossip, rumors and speculation about the person being told fortunes.
  • Two squires are a symbol of unrest.
  • Four tens in a layout above a portrait is beneficial.
  • Three - to big changes in life.
  • Two tens symbolize pipe dreams that are worth parting with now, so as not to regret later.
  • If you see all nines at the top, expect a gift. This can be either a specific thing or a pleasant surprise from Fate.
  • Three nines is a good sign. The plan will come true, and luck will be on the side of the questioner.
  • Two nines - expect profit.
  • Eights in the upper layout symbolize serious troubles.
  • Three eights are a signal that your plans will not come true. It doesn’t matter what a person thinks, it’s better for him to part with this thought.
  • Two eights also do not promise anything good: be prepared for stagnation in business, bickering and red tape.
  • Four sevens - give up hope for someone's help. You will have to deal with problems and matters on your own. If you wanted to take out a loan from a bank or were counting on patronage, you can give up those dreams.
  • Three sevens in a reading indicate that you will be mocked.
  • Two sevens are a sign of illness.
  • If four sixes appear at the top of the layout, a long road awaits you. Depending on the issue, this could be a business trip or a trip. In addition, look at the meaning of the surrounding cards and their suit.
  • Three sixes promise worries. The neighboring cards will tell you which ones.
  • Two sixes give faint hope that your wish will come true and your plans will be realized. But you will have to work hard and wait a long time.

Pay attention to the meaning and suit of other cards involved in the layout. Never give a final answer to a questioner until you see the whole picture. Don't rush to conclusions.

Cards under the portrait

Cards located under the portrait of a fortuneteller or supplicant are a distant prospect. A year may pass from the moment of prophecy to implementation.

  • Four aces - give up hope that the situation will change. You will get nothing but hassle and fuss.
  • Three aces indicate a serious mistake. Reconsider your views, and then a positive result is possible.
  • Two Aces tell you not to make hasty decisions. Think it over carefully.
  • The Four Kings say that the questioner is in too much of a hurry. Stop and take a closer look at the situation.
  • The Three Kings, on the contrary, indicate that it is impossible to postpone what is planned.
  • The two kings advise resorting to cunning and showing imagination.
  • Four ladies is just empty talk.
  • Three ladies - they want to deceive you.
  • Two ladies warn that the questioner may fall for the hook of a flatterer.
  • The appearance of four pages in a reading means serious damages and losses.
  • Three jacks - to empty rumors.
  • Two squires - wait for news.
  • Four tens - you can count on the help of a friend. If it doesn't exist yet, it will definitely appear.
  • Three tens - be afraid of debts. You should not rely on credit or borrow money.
  • Two tens are a symbol of hope.
  • Four nines warn: do not trust your immediate environment.
  • Three nines signal possible errors.
  • Two nines means debt.
  • Four eights are fear, timidity and timidity.
  • Three - to a profitable marriage proposal.
  • Two - do not make empty promises, you will have to answer for them.
  • Four sevens say that you have to take a hit. Someone or something is preventing the plan.
  • Three sevens indicate betrayal. In a broad interpretation - beware of betrayal.
  • Two - for fun and idle pastime.
  • Four sixes are for gossip and rumors.
  • Three - you will have a patron.
  • Two - you will have to take care not only of yourself.

The distant future may change depending on circumstances and actions in the present. The most accurate in the gypsy scenario is the near future.

Rules for truthful fortune telling

Maps are guides to another world, a subtle tool with which you can lift the veil of the future and get answers to your questions.

The cards are revealed to those who believe in them

The veracity of fortune telling depends on several important conditions.

  1. Divination does not tolerate haste and carelessness. Don't sit down to tell fortunes if you don't have much time.
  2. Tune in to the same wavelength as the cards; intuitively feel the person for whom you are making the layout.
  3. There are days and times when the cards don’t want to “talk.” This is fine. Over time, you will learn to understand the secret signs that the deck gives to the owner.
  4. Practice often. Feel free to write down the resulting combinations so you can return to them later.
  5. Don't guess for the sake of curiosity and play.
  6. If the answer does not satisfy the questioner, do not ask the question twice.

There is an opinion that you can’t guess for yourself. This is wrong. You just shouldn't tempt fate often.

How to cast spells on cards

The first and main condition for successful divination is a clearly formulated question.

  1. Focus on the problem.
  2. Shuffle the cards, remove them with your left hand towards you and shuffle again.
  3. Start each divination with a request - address the deck respectfully and ask for support.
  4. To enhance the effect of divination, light candles. Traditionally, the colors red, yellow and black are used in fortune telling.
  5. At the end of the session, be sure to thank the deck for its cooperation.
  6. Make a sacrifice to the Higher Powers. Monetary alms to those in need or food for stray animals.

Don't take money for fortune telling. Especially if you predict the fate of loved ones. True soothsayers do not measure strength and help in material terms.

Gratitude for work should be exclusively “natural”: any food or sweets.

Video instructions for short fortune telling “yes-no”.

Gypsy layout for 7 cards

This layout can be called express fortune telling. It has no time restrictions:

  • focus on the problem and formulate a question;
  • take seven cards from the deck;
  • arrange from left to right;
  • the first three cards on the left are today;
  • three cards on the right - tomorrow;
  • the seventh card from the top sums up the situation.

Layout diagram for 7 cards

Use the method every time you want to predict a situation. With the help of the gypsy reading, you can predict events from the near future, find out the prospects for short-term projects, and predict the short-term development of the situation.

Gypsy layout for 1 card

It can be used every day in the morning. Just make a wish or ask a question. Pull out the card. She will tell you what to expect.

In this case, pay attention only to the suit of the dropped card. The denomination doesn't matter.

  1. Spades - the wish will not come true, you will be disappointed with difficulties and problems.
  2. The suit of clubs gives hope for a favorable outcome of your endeavors.
  3. Bubnovaya opens up good prospects. You can count on luck and implement your planned project.
  4. Hearts - a positive outcome is just around the corner. Get down to business with confidence.

Magical tools help us understand the world and discover new facets of existence. It is foolish to deny the experience of our ancestors accumulated over centuries, but it is equally short-sighted to rely completely on the result of divination. A reasonable approach to the use of esoteric sciences is the key to a prosperous present and stable future.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Everyone knows that gypsies are the best predictors of the future. After all, from childhood they are taught different signs, how to use cards and other methods of fortune-telling. Some even say it's in their blood.

Gypsies are the best predictors of the future

But it is worth remembering another thing: the Roma are one of the few peoples who have preserved their culture and traditions to this day. That is why the gypsy alignment is the most truthful.

Gypsy layout for 10 cards

People use a variety of fortune telling methods for different reasons, some because of some real problems, while others just want to know what awaits them in the future.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards or playing cards is the most famous and popular. Therefore, we will analyze the simplest layout for 10 cards.

First you need to mix all the cards thoroughly, and then take any card from the deck. It is also called the card of fortune, the first card for a fortune-telling layout, and it is placed at the very bottom. Fortune is something that you constantly think about not only with your head, but also with your heart. All your dreams and desires, absolutely everything is hidden behind this one card. Then you need to make three rows of three cards.

The first row talks about what is happening to you at the moment, the second – about what awaits you very soon, and the third row talks about what will happen to your dreams and desires. It is also worth paying attention to how the cards are placed in a row. The first card speaks about close people, the second about the fortuneteller, and the third is about everyone else who surrounds the person.

Gypsy fortune telling 10 cards 363 is very simple and interesting. Even an inexperienced magician can easily do it. The spread of 10 can be done at any time of the day, and if desired, you can guess using this method or another.

What do the cards say?

In order to understand what the cards want to tell you, you need to know the meaning of each of them. In addition to the meaning, it is also worth paying attention to how they are located on the field.

Depending on this, they may change their initial interpretation. Therefore, it is recommended to do such fortune-telling with an experienced person, or with someone whose intuition works well. The suit of the card, and sometimes also the position, plays an important role in prediction. Particular attention should be paid to aces, sevens and nines. After all, the sign that is located in the center can look in different directions.

Therefore, a serious test awaits the fortuneteller, because the interpretation must be approached with all responsibility. Let's look at the meaning of each card:


  • T - you will soon hear from your loved one.
  • K - someone wants you very much.
  • D – you might soon wear a white dress.
  • 10 – wait for a love message.
  • 9 – someone will tell you how they feel about you.
  • 8 – enjoy every moment.
  • 7 – you will have a fun time.
  • 6 – an interesting journey.

The Six of Hearts predicts an interesting journey


  • T - expect some news.
  • K - perhaps your future husband is somewhere nearby.
  • D is a frivolous girl.
  • B – financial problems await.
  • 10 - they will give you something.
  • 9 – to achieve the goal, you need to overcome some obstacles.
  • 8 – someone is very angry.
  • 7 – your significant other is cheating.
  • 6 – unexpected adventures.


  • T - someone is spreading gossip about you.
  • K - a faithful friend next to you.
  • D - look around, there is a married woman somewhere nearby.
  • B – you can start any business, because luck walks in step with you.
  • 10 – your financial situation will soon improve.
  • 9 – small financial support.
  • 8 – someone is trying to deceive you.
  • 7 – news from the parents’ house.
  • 6 – a journey that will bring nothing.


  • T - unpleasant news awaits you.
  • K - your enemy is somewhere nearby.
  • D - gossip.
  • B – you will have problems with the household.
  • 10 – illness.
  • 9 – separation from your loved one awaits you.
  • 8 – the person closest to you will betray you.
  • 7 – an unpleasant conversation awaits.
  • 6 – you shouldn’t go anywhere.

Six of Spades - better cancel your trip and stay home

This interpretation will be quite sufficient for a beginner. In order to understand what this or that layout means, you must not only know the meaning of the cards, but also have a gift.

If you decide to master this craft, then first you should buy a deck of cards that only you will use. Cards should only be removed with the left hand, because it is closer to the heart.

For fortune telling, use real cards, not online fortune telling. Try to treat any answer normally, because the cards tell only the truth, and not what you want to hear. After you have told your fortune, be sure to thank your deck and intuition.

Another simple gypsy fortune telling

Before you tell fortunes using this method, you should prepare. To get started, buy a brand new deck of cards at the store or take one that only you use. You cannot take a deck intended for the game. This can negatively affect the process itself, and ultimately the interpretation. Fortune telling cards should be saturated only with your energy.

Gypsy fortune telling on cards must be carried out in secret from everyone if you are left alone in the room. Only the person for whom the ceremony is being performed can be present. You can’t even have animals in the room, because they can influence the process with their energy. It is not recommended to perform this ritual on days that fall on church holidays. If you are not satisfied with the answer, then you should not repeat the fortune telling, wait at least a day.

Gypsies used Tarot cards or ordinary playing cards to predict the future.

Take the deck and mix it well, then remove half the deck. Next you need to lay out four rows, each of which should contain 4 cards.

The first row speaks of what awaits you in the distant future, the second - one hundred will happen very soon, the third - speaks of what is happening in your life now and the fourth, what happened in the past. After all the cards have been laid out, you need to take one more from the deck, it indicates what is in your soul. This card layout is very simple and has a simple interpretation:


  • T is your home.
  • K is a man who is officially married.
  • D is either you or a stranger.
  • B – problems that concern you.
  • 10 – everything you dream and think about.
  • 9 – mutual love.
  • 8 – discussion of very important issues.
  • 7 – communication that will play an important role in your life.
  • 6 – a long road or journey awaits you.

The six of hearts promises a long trip


  • T - you will have a serious conversation that will play an important role in solving the problem that worries you.
  • K is a man who is older than you in age or position.
  • D – woman, many years older than you.
  • B - you will have some urgent matters.
  • 10 - a valuable gift will fall on you.
  • 9 – unrequited love, especially if there is a ten of spades next to this card.
  • 8 – you will have to make an important decision.
  • 7 – you will be invited on a date.
  • 6 – a business trip awaits you in the near future.


  • T - an important meeting awaits you that will change your life.
  • K is a young man.
  • D – a girl younger than you.
  • B – problems will arise on your life path that will need to be urgently resolved.
  • 10 – symbolizes everything you dream about.
  • 9 – love between people who have not yet gotten married.
  • 8 – no meaningful conversations.
  • 7 – fruitless discussions.
  • 6 – next business trip.


  • T is an addiction that will negatively affect your life.
  • K – employee.
  • D - a person close to you will betray you.
  • B – actions that will not bring any benefit.
  • 10 – dreams that are not destined to come true.
  • 9 – some problems will arise on your way, maybe even with health.
  • 8 – you will have to attend some event in the near future.
  • 7 – someone will upset you very much.
  • 6 – you will have to go somewhere very far.

Six of Spades - a long trip awaits you

Rules of gypsy fortune telling using played cards

In order for fortune telling to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to follow some rules. It depends on them how honest and truthful the result will be.

If you want to find out your future using this method, then try to take it as seriously as possible. Be sure to follow the basic rules:

  1. You need to handle the cards very carefully, don't rush, no one is chasing you. The calmer the process, the better the result.
  2. During the ritual, you need to calm down as much as possible and focus only on the process. To do this, you can even meditate, but in general, everyone chooses their own methods of calming and relaxation.
  3. Use your imagination, this will allow you to merge as much as possible with the cards. This way you can transfer your energy to them.

You should not be afraid of the fortune-telling process, you just need to approach it with complete seriousness.

You shouldn’t guess a hundred times if the result doesn’t suit you the first time. Old people say that if you do this often, you can tell your fortune. If you want to gain experience, then perform the ritual on your friends or those people who are really interested in it.


Among universal fortune telling using magic cards, the Gypsy Tarot layout is especially popular. And this is not surprising, because it can be used to analyze the current situation in almost any area of ​​life, be it work, personal relationships, financial issues - and even make a prediction for the near future. Let's take a closer look at how to do it correctly.

In what situations is the Gypsy layout used?

Since there are several types of gypsy fortune-telling, it would be logical to consider what questions each of them is suitable for clarifying. The seven-card Gypsy spread is best used in a situation where a person does not have a clear question, and he just wants to know a little more about himself and the state of things in the near future.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards “Gypsy layout for 10 cards” allows you to “read” a more detailed layer of information regarding the past, present and future of a person, and Big Gypsy fortune telling, performed on as many as 42 cards, is a universal way to find out in as much detail as possible what happened, is happening now and will happen in the near future in the life of the questioner.

Features of the Gypsy layout

In principle, there are no special rules regarding this type of fortune telling. The only limitation that exists is the time frame. So, for example, it is not recommended to do the Great Gypsy Tarot layout more often than once every six months, or even better - once a year. This is due to the fact that the cards provide a very detailed analysis of the situation, and it is not worth asking the magic deck again about the same events. You already receive answers to all questions in the most detailed way possible.

Otherwise, the rules are standard: mentally think about the question, lay out the cards correctly, analyze the appearance of the Major Arcana, since they usually characterize the most important aspects of a person’s life, which are worth paying close attention to.

A full deck is involved in fortune telling. The fortuneteller thinks of a question, or simply thinks about his life at the moment, if there is no specific question, shuffles the deck and pulls out seven random cards from it, laying them out in the shape of a triangle without a base, according to the picture. Interpretations are made according to the standard meanings of the cards.

  • The first position is called “Your Self”. It characterizes a person’s personality, his state of mind at the moment, involvement in a certain situation that is taking place right now
  • The second card answers the question “What adorns you?” It describes the qualities of the questioner that he demonstrates to other people
  • Card number 3 will tell you about what frightens a person, what frightens him, what he hides and does not show to others, what torments him, torments him, does not give him peace.
  • Position 4 is the answer to the question “What is driving you?” From it you can see the goal that the questioner is striving for, his deepest desires, plans, hopes
  • Card number 5 describes that aspect of life that will remain with a person, will not disappear anywhere, what he will be able to achieve in real life, what he will achieve
  • The sixth card reveals the answer to the question “What will happen to you?”, i.e. talks about the very near future
  • And finally, the final card, drawn at number 7, is the meaning of the situation, how all these events, experiences and circumstances will affect a person, how he will perceive everything that happens to him

In general, the seven-card Gypsy Tarot layout for the very near future allows you to analyze various aspects of the situation, even if the questioner himself does not see any problem.

This fortune telling migrated to tarot readers from gypsy traditions. Initially, it was made on a special gypsy deck, or on ordinary playing cards, but since Tarot allows you to consider the situation in more detail, the layout made using a magic deck takes on new aspects.

This gypsy Tarot layout for the past, present, future allows you to analyze important events occurring in a person’s life. For fortune telling, you need to think about the question that interests you, shuffle the Tarot, and then lay them out as shown in the picture. A separate card is laid out first at the bottom of the layout, then three rows are formed above it.

  • Card 1 answers the question of what is going on in the heart of a person who has turned to the Tarot for help at the moment. By the way, it helps the tarot reader better understand his client if for some reason he does not want to talk about the details of the issue that concerns him
  • The top row (2, 3, 4) describes those events that happened in the past of the questioner
  • The middle row describes what is happening now, i.e. present and very near future
  • The cards in the bottom row show the distant future of a given person.
  • The central positions (3, 6, 9) will always be directly related to the person for whom fortune telling is being performed, as well as to those who are especially dear to him
  • The left cards (2, 5, 8) symbolize the relatives of the questioner
  • Right (4, 7, 10) indicate social circle - friends, acquaintances

The interpretation is made according to the standard meaning of the Arcana. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of court figures, since in this scenario, finding themselves in positions on the left or right, they will talk about specific people.

The history of this gypsy Tarot spread goes back to the distant past. They say that with its help, several centuries ago, gypsies predicted the future. The layout is very deep, and it is not recommended to do it in a hurry - you need to carefully analyze the positions of the dropped Arcana and their proximity to each other.

There is no need to ask a special question before making a prediction - you just need to mentally focus on the person in question. For fortune telling, we first divide the deck into the Major and Minor Arcana, then randomly select twenty from the Minor Arcana, mix them with the Major Arcana, and then lay out these 42 cards as follows: first, we lay out seven piles in one row from left to right, putting seven cards in each, after which we divide each stack into one row, i.e. from the first pile we get the top row, from the second - the one below it, and so on. As a result, we see six rows, each of which contains seven cards.

We read the cards in rows from right to left, starting from the far right and ending with the far left:

  • The first (top) row will tell you about what happened in the person’s past
  • The second one from the top will show his real
  • The third will describe what the questioner cannot cope with, what he cannot master. These may be some feelings, situations, events that do not depend on a person in any way, are not in his power
  • The fourth row of the Great Gypsy Tarot spread is the very near future, those events that will happen very soon. It will not be possible to change them, since they are already on the way.
  • The fifth (penultimate) row will describe what a person should try with all his might to avoid
  • And finally, the lowest chain is the distant future, the prospects for the development of the situation under current circumstances. These events can still be influenced in some way if the prospect does not suit the fortuneteller

Remember that you do not need to make a gypsy tarot spread for the near future, for example, for a week or a month. This fortune telling is designed for longer-term prospects, and only one of its rows will tell about the near future - the fourth from the top. That is why the alignment is not recommended to be repeated more often than once every six months or a year.

Gypsy fortune telling cards is a special deck in which each card depicts one or another plot and carries a certain meaning. The article contains a complete interpretation of 36 gypsy cards.

General value:

Joy and happiness, great love, care. The card denotes the emotion of love. Love for someone or something. The cards surrounding the LOVE card will describe the situation, or person, that awakens this emotion of love in you.

Work, business, affairs:

In business matters, the LOVE card may suggest that you will soon receive a fairly high position or job to which your heart and soul lie. In matters of money, this card will show your level of happiness related to your financial condition.

Although, this may hint at greed, or an unhealthy love of money.

Health, well-being:

Excellent health. If the situation is generally not negative, it means a speedy recovery and good health. In a negative scenario, it can mean illness from love - i.e. venereal diseases.

Relationships, questions about love:

The best card for love and relationship issues. It means strong, pure and sincere love, a feeling for life.

In a relationship not between lovers, it means strong sympathy, strong friendship and admiration.

Personality characteristics:

A loving, cheerful, creative or bright, pure person.

Detail value:

One of the happiest cards in the layout speaks of successful business or the successful completion of any idea, good health and mood, and a fun time.

General value:

Husband, friend, relative. A man under 50 years old, a potential groom. Friendship with a man.

Work, business, affairs:

Your business depends on your partner (boss, employee); it’s worth establishing friendly or comradely relations with him. If the alignment is not favorable, this card speaks of a powerful competitor.

Health, well-being:

A neutral card regarding health may represent the attending physician.

Relationships, questions about love:

The relationship is pleasant, in the candy-flower period. For a man - a rival.

It can show your partner or just a man related to your love relationships of the present or past.

    If this card comes up:
  • to young girls and women, then this indicates an admirer or a dear friend;
  • to a man, it means a close friend, a good comrade, a faithful colleague;
  • an elderly person, then indicates a son, nephew or a person significantly younger in age.

Detail value:

The card promises friendship, understanding and timely help. Sometimes it foreshadows the appearance of a secret patron, serious interest from the opposite sex. In any case, the card has only a favorable meaning. She predicts that you will definitely find a like-minded person in your life.

General value:

Denotes an unmarried woman, a girl, a person inexperienced in family and everyday affairs. In general, the card carries a positive charge.

Work, business, affairs:

The woman who takes part in business is very pretty and pleasant. The card is neutral - it only points to the person.

Health, well-being:

Does not contain information regarding health, only indicates the woman who is participating, perhaps a doctor or nurse.

Relationships, questions about love:

Depending on the nature of the cards in a love scenario, it can mean:

  • Relationships are based on female initiative, great love for a woman
  • Rival, lover
    If this card comes up:
  • to a young lady, it means a faithful friend, confidante in study and entertainment;
  • to a young man, then points to his beloved, the object of sympathy;
  • For an elderly person, this card promises the friendly disposition of the younger sex.

Detail value:

In a favorable situation
The card promises fidelity, similarity of interests, falling in love as a couple, and a pleasant time together.

In an unfavorable situation“Beloved” predicts betrayed trust, trampled love, and a tragic end to a relationship. The card encourages you to hide your feelings until you are one hundred percent sure of your partner.

General value:

A faithful person or situation in which this concept is embedded is this concept. And also a sustainable slave. place/position in society. A friend who trusts you. Volunteer.

Work, business, affairs:

Characterizes a responsible and conscientious worker, a person dedicated to his work, a diligent student, a volunteer.

The card may mean a meeting with a business partner; you can trust him because he is a decent and honest person.

Everything will be smooth with finances. Any purchases made will be justified and useful. There will be a slight increase in income, and this is generally expected. Additional income is possible, which will come without much difficulty. Probability of buying a pet.

Health, well-being:

Depending on the surrounding cards, it can carry multiple meanings. Since the dog is lying on the grave, the card can serve as a warning about a threat to health; it may be worth getting examined or tested if you feel unwell.

Relationships, questions about love:

Devotion to feelings, strong dependence on a partner.

In a negative scenario, it can mean unrequited love.

Luck is with you, go for it. Romantic feelings may arise between you and a friend. You will meet a person who loves animals. Easy and pleasant flirting. In romantic relationships that already exist between people, honesty will be present.

Personality characteristics:

The card describes a person you can count on. The point is, it's like having a beloved pet, especially a dog, waiting for you to come home. Strong attachment is loyalty to a person or cause.

LOYALTY describes a person who will be faithful to the end. He won't let someone else get stuck in trouble and will probably stop what he's doing to help. Love for small animals. Sincerity and loyalty in character. Optimism.

Detail value:

The LOYALTY card gives positive meaning to nearby cards. It enhances the effect of cards with weak values ​​and can mitigate the effect of negative ones. This card brings an aspect of devotion, strong attachment to the situation.

Everyday life:

Today a friend or close friend/colleague will ask you for help. A last-minute introduction will help you solve your problem. You need an outside perspective on the situation you are thinking about today. Don't despair of receiving this or that call or message - you will receive it.

Now may be the time to take your pet to the vet. You may have situations/cases involving small animals. Your neighbors, due to being away for a few days, may ask you to look after their cat or dog.

LOYALTY is a very positive card and implies that you will not give up on your goals and plans for the day.

General value:

Envy, ill will, intrigues and gossip, false friendship, trouble, betrayal.

Work, business, affairs:

Unpleasant relationships in the team, struggle for a profitable position or interesting work. Envy of competitors.

Health, well-being:

Self-flagellation and feelings of guilt can worsen your health, try to rest more and adopt some philosophical point of view - you can’t jump above your head, especially in an exhausted state.

Relationships, questions about love:

The Jealousy card symbolizes our fear of losing what is owed to us. But what really belongs to us never - never! - cannot be lost. There is one wise saying: “If you love someone, let him go!” If he stays, it means he was always yours, but if he leaves, it means he never belonged to you.”

Personality characteristics:

An envious person or a jealous person often cannot be called an enemy; rather, an envious person constantly competes and envies the luck and success of a particular person. Hides his dark feelings.

Detail value:

Jealousy is nothing more than a lack of trust and mutual love. When both members of a couple are unable to love each other enough, sooner or later love degenerates into drama. However, we can be jealous not only in love; we are also jealous of success, dignity, wealth or, for example, health and beauty. We feel deceived or, conversely, do not notice that with our behavior we offend the deepest feelings of another person.

The object of envy (jealousy) can be a better position, some quality of our beloved or loved one, but - as can be seen in the figure - it can also be a mistress (or lover).

General value:

Marriage, profitable partnership, conclusion of contracts; teamwork; living together.

Work, business, affairs:

WEDDING - The marriage card suggests a union, both family and business. This does not necessarily mean a union between 2 people, it can be a committed union between 2 partners. Signing the contract. Spending time together at the theater, cinema, party, signing the purchase and sale of a house, or a contract for its construction.

Health, well-being:

A completely neutral card in relation to health, rather it suggests that there will be no problems with your health in the near future.

Relationships, questions about love:

A strong union between a man and a woman that leads to marriage. Or a couple of people living in a marriage.

In terms of feelings - the partner’s serious intentions regarding the other, the desire to connect his life with this person.

Personality characteristics:

A person who shows a desire for unification, a friendly person, a partner (business), a true friend, or a man or woman striving for marriage, sometimes symbolizes a married couple.

Detail value:

The card symbolizes unity within a family atmosphere. Sometimes a person is married to a career, or a hobby. When you learn to cultivate inner integrity and readiness for stability, other people will be drawn to you and seek support and alliance.

General value:

New beginnings, starting a new business, pregnancy, the birth of a child, the beginning of a beautiful love story, sweet and true feelings, the promise of happiness. Innocence, simplicity, lack of experience. Promising professional initiative, achievement, reward, promotion, good negotiations, get funding, cooperation, human rights, unreasonable concern.

Work, business, affairs:

Start of a new project or enterprise.

The card may indicate an increase in income, an increase in wages, or an increase in profits. This card can also predict the successful start of a new project, or business venture, which is based on accuracy and responsibility from the very beginning, attention to responsibilities.

Do not take on important matters until you have collected all the facts.

The card may indicate financial assistance coming from an unexpected source.

Health, well-being:

Successful pregnancy and childbirth, addition to the family.

Relationships, questions about love:

Emerging feelings, emotional attachment to a situation or person.

Personality characteristics:

Child or dependent. Disadvantaged friend. Having fun and avoiding responsibility. The circumstances are not very serious. In love, it means emotional attachment to a situation or person.

Detail value:

When the CHILD card appears in a reading, it suggests possible growth in various areas of activity. This card adds more additional information about the stage of development that a situation or person is in. The card also indicates concerns and indicates which areas need to be controlled and what to pay attention to first, what to take care of first so that the situation does not change for the worse.

General value:

Peace, religion, a calm and reasonable person, a wise mentor.

Work, business, affairs:

This card portends great difficulties with the law, which require the intervention of an influential person to regulate the situation. The priest represents someone who is involved in helping others, such as judges, teachers, lawyers, police officers, a priest, a soldier, etc.

Health, well-being:

To find peace of mind and cure illnesses, go to church to a wise priest or other clergyman - perhaps he will help you with advice and prayer.

Relationships, questions about love:

Platonic love, friendship, affection, soul mates. In a negative scenario and events, it can mean divorce proceedings with the division of property. In a successful and positive scenario, it can mean preparations for a wedding.

Personality characteristics:

Analogue of the King of Swords in tarot cards: This is a person, powerful, pugnacious, cocky, a commander, a person who is associated with constant problems, the fight against crime. He is ordained, strong and wears a uniform, and is secure but cold in interpersonal relationships and in emotional commitments.

Detail value:

With negative cards it can mean problems with the law, that your lawyer is unprofessional or very weak, corruption, bribes, as well as the possibility of suffering from them if you are a legal entity. Criminal cases, female killer, prison, court. Unsuccessfully completed trial for you, divorce, division of property.

General value:

Stability. Professional growth, confidence, creativity, unity, reconciliation.

Work, business, affairs:

Your talent, work or irrepressible desire begins to bear fruit - your rise can be attributed to the manifestation of fortune or luck, but this is nothing more than the fortitude inherent in you. Don't stop there, keep achieving your plans.

Health, well-being:

Symbolizes a chronic disease, which, however, will soon weaken and recede.

Relationships, questions about love:

A stable, strong relationship, where partners completely trust each other, a union of two kindred souls.

Personality characteristics:

A diligent, calm, spiritual person.

Detail value:

This card means a blessing or a curse in the situation existing at the moment, a warning that our action will affect our whole life - our inner constancy, and we need to act consciously and at the same time using intuition. This card signifies something stable, enduring, yet intangible.

General value:

A large amount of money, material possessions, profit, wealth, abundance.

Work, business, affairs:

This card indicates the solution to financial problems. At the same time, moments of anxiety, uncertainty and insecurity, nostalgia due to memories of past mistakes, or new results are initially negative, even if the Money card is lucky for those who want to achieve happiness through marriage or a profitable relationship.

Health, well-being:

For a sick person, a decent amount is needed for successful treatment.

Relationships, questions about love:

Whether a wealthy partner or a marriage of convenience, the money card is not entirely positive in terms of feelings - this card emphasizes a certain self-interest and lack of sincerity in the relationship.

Personality characteristics:

A rich person, a person who works with money (cashier, salesman, bank employee), a businessman, a person who has received a decent inheritance, a generous person.

Detail value:

With favorable cards: In this sense, the card predicts a very favorable financial situation, help from the powers that be, high wages, receiving an inheritance, purchasing real estate. Promises a prosperous life and even world fame and glory.

The card can predict anxiety, uncertainty, homesickness, mistakes and blunders. This map also indicates various types of cash desks (ATMs, safes).

General value:

Slight improvement in financial situation, household expenses, savings, greed, debt repayment, bonus, vacation pay.

Work, business, affairs:

The card indicates a small profit, perhaps not what you expected. For employees - a small increase in salary, bonus or vacation pay.

Regarding the business, it will not generate the required income.

Health, well-being:

Melancholy, lack of funds for treatment.

Relationships, questions about love:

Your feelings regarding your partner are mutual, you often think about each other.

Personality characteristics:

An economical person, perhaps even a greedy person, a person experiencing financial difficulties.

Detail value:

This Small Money may not be much, but its influx seems to be constant. For men, a card can mean a woman’s help in financial matters, especially if it lies next to women’s cards; to a woman, it can indicate money or benefits acquired through one’s own skill and good character

The card also signifies the spiritual nobility characteristic of women. Maya - the mirror of illusions and obsessions in the picture - indicates the reality of deception. It means that any wealth we desire or achieve is just a ghost. Everything in this world is nothing more than a reflection of the One.

General value:

Respect, admiration, material success, significant improvement in the situation, good life, money, health, good social status, valuable gifts, unexpected inheritance, good advice, pleasantness, generosity, package.

Work, business, affairs:

Good luck, getting the desired profit or reward for your work, a bonus, a promotion with an increase in salary, a successful contract, successful training and passing an exam. In any case, this card symbolizes good luck, no matter what you do, you can safely count on success.

Health, well-being:

A quick recovery, a well-chosen course of treatment or medicine will help you regain strength and regain good health.

For a healthy person, you don’t have to worry about your health, it will be good for a long time.

Relationships, questions about love:

The card can suggest physical lovemaking when it appears next to the Lover card. Covers romantic issues.

If such a card falls out to a girl or young man, then this promises some kind of sign of attention, receiving an amusing trinket; for elderly people - a substantial offering.

Personality characteristics:

Represents talent - at any level, when using the card as a description of a person.

Man may not yet have discovered his own treasures, as they appear on the map in the nearly closed box of jewels.

Detail value:

What is a gift? An investment, donation, offer, something given or received, usually gratuitously, that is, for nothing. It could even be an innate skill or talent. As you can see, in the oracle on the table, the symbols of the material gift on the table are visible.

In a favorable situation This card can also portend intangible value: recognition of your merits, showing a feeling of gratitude towards your person, agreement with your point of view, proof of love and devotion.

In an unfavorable situation She may predict that there is a high probability that you will become a victim of someone else's stinginess.

General value:

A house is both real estate, a building, and an inner world. Family, relatives, everyday life.

Work, business, affairs:

Encouragement, success, money, inheritance, and surprises, good news that comes in the very near future (1 day).

Health, well-being:

Sometimes symbolizes a hospital or other place of treatment or recovery.

Relationships, questions about love:

Relations between close relatives - parents and children, everyday relations of a married couple.

If a relationship is just at the very beginning of development, it may bring disappointment in the near future.

Personality characteristics:

A person who works at home or in a house (construction worker, repair work), a person who is very concerned about the everyday part of life, a person who works in the public service.

Detail value:

Positive aspect, balance of mind and emotions, stability and emotional stability, sobriety of views and judgments. If you are in a quarrel with your loved one, the loss of a card will indicate to you a quick reconciliation and the establishment of harmony.

The return of the prodigal son, or the prodigal husband, home.

If you are single, then there is the possibility of a chance meeting while traveling, a change in activity that could lead to success or good profit.

When surrounded by negative cards - discontent, misunderstanding, rivalry, betrayal, all this is present in every type of relationship. The situation (conceived or indicated in the surrounding cards) can lead to cracks in relationships, dismissals, and divorce.

General value:

Frivolity, lack of self-confidence, error in documents, official refusal, divorce, separation from a loved one.

Work, business, affairs:

Negative card in relation to work - the name speaks for itself, unsuccessful negotiations, contracts, interviews. Something will go wrong, leading to failure.

Health, well-being:

An unsuccessful diagnosis or treatment method.

Relationships, questions about love:

Failure in love, disappointment. Sometimes it can talk about torment over a failed relationship, where you simply feel sorry for the time and energy spent on your partner.

Personality characteristics:

A loser, a loser, a person who has suffered some kind of failure, a gambler.

Detail value:

When reading fate, this card sometimes simply means that it is precisely the rejection of “the games that people play” that will ultimately lead us to the desired goal. Games are traps that keep us players in captivity. And recognizing that we are playing games, freeing ourselves from these games, allows us to look into the eyes of a faceless opponent and ultimately leave the great card table of life in such a way as to leave physical objects on it as a gift and take with us those values ​​that which can never be taken away from us, in any card battle: wisdom, purity and love.

In combination with other cards, you can understand in which area failure threatens.

General value:

Happiness, success, luck, gift, emotional uplift, successful resolution of a problem.

Work, business, affairs:

Your hopes are coming true. Or you make an important decision, your willpower helps you change the situation for the better. Success is in your favor, your professional vanity is rewarded, your ambitions are recognized. You see your future in pink. And in light of solving the problem, what the consultant is providing is a rosy future. Emotional uplift.

However, you should not count on fortune as an immediate result, or predict events in advance, because it is unknown where and how you will be lucky, it is also possible that a lot of time and a lot of effort may pass before fortune turns its face to you (Fortune has its eyes closed - she is blind). Sometimes luck will turn to you from the wrong angle from where you expect it and not in the way you expected. It's the element of surprise.

Health, well-being:

Cure from illness, good health.

Relationships, questions about love:

Happiness in love, relationships for life.

Personality characteristics:

A lucky person, a person satisfied with his life, a lucky person who goes through life easily and freely.

Detail value:

The card shows a cornucopia that is filled with flowers, which is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. There is a wheel in the picture, which is associated with the beginning of a white streak in life after a long time of oblivion. Perhaps you are even going through a period in which favorable moments alternate with failures, and at the moment you are very lucky.

With negative cards of deception and failure, FORTUNA can mean situations that are difficult to predict and calculate, quarrels, delays in business, anxiety, emotional instability, uncertainty of the situation, conflicts at work, betrayal, refusal of a petition, lack of trust. You must be careful in the matters you get involved in.

General value:

Surprise, moral and material satisfaction, wealth, a small risk will bring significant winnings, old debt, easy money, unexpected money, lottery or gift. A positive decision, a well-deserved victory, more than expected.

Work, business, affairs:

Casual earnings, unexpected success in financial affairs. A profitable offer of cooperation that will bring quick profits.

This card can also mean luck, success in matters that you have not counted on for a long time. Good news.

Health, well-being:

Unexpected, sudden recovery from a serious illness.

Relationships, questions about love:

Spontaneous relationships that will develop quickly.

Personality characteristics:

Cheerful, joyful person. A person who will bring good news.

Detail value:

One of the best cards that softens all the negative ones around. By itself it means something unexpected, pleasant news, a win, a cure, a marriage proposal, a pleasant surprise.

General value:

A time of joy and fun, a circle of friends, good good communication, a disco, a situation that brings joy and satisfaction.

In any case, this card indicates a successful event. Internal and energetic upsurge, finally the goal is achieved. everything is based on the implementation and doing of what you love and useful. This is a clear and favorable answer to the question.

Work, business, affairs:

It's time to relax and enjoy a job well done.

Sometimes he talks about a work holiday, corporate party, etc. A time when people working together feel the joy of working together and getting the desired results.

Health, well-being:

Happy speedy recovery, miraculously avoiding danger, good mood and health.

Relationships, questions about love:

Kind, carefree relationships full of romance. It is either too early to judge feelings, or it is not worth it, since the couple or one of the partners is not inclined to analyze their feelings and is guided in their life by the principle - as long as I/we feel good, then everything is good.

Personality characteristics:

Cheerful, optimistic person. Sometimes he talks about his love of dancing or a light outlook on life.

Detail value:

This card indicates that it is time for a well-deserved rest. You can look with pride at the path you have traveled and praise yourself.

Sometimes this card can have a direct meaning - visiting discos, holidays.

With negative cards: In this case, the fun disappears, leaving room for sadness and injustice. Expect betrayal, lies, enemies, and certain obstacles along the way. The questioner feels apathy towards everything, laziness, malaise, migraine, midlife crisis, in women - menopause, lack of trust in others, isolation and unsociability.

General value:

Trips, news of changes, guests, meeting new people, business trips, small expenses.

Work, business, affairs:

Business trip, travel, arrival of companions from abroad.

Health, well-being:

Relationships, questions about love:

A love journey, the return of a loved one, love at a distance, news from a loved one from afar.

Personality characteristics:

A courier, a person from afar, a casual acquaintance on a trip, a person constantly moving due to his profession or lifestyle.

Detail value:

Having received this card that you should know that you will go somewhere today, perhaps you did not plan to go to or thought about it casually and then decided, got up and went. It can also be a real trip by car, train, or plane. If you are expecting a visitor or guest, and do not know when he will arrive, then you can be sure that he will appear today, or today this person will inform about the date of his arrival.

This map also includes short-term trips: a trip to the hairdresser, to a nearby bakery for bread, or if you want to visit your parents who live nearby.

General value:

Power, straightforwardness, correctness, influence, boss, discipline.

Work, business, affairs:

The main meaning of the card is “take care of the security of your business and affairs.” May talk about any interactions with government agencies, the tax office or legal professionals.

Health, well-being:

For a sick person - a doctor comes, a good specialist, trust an experienced doctor, do not self-medicate.

Symbolizes chronic diseases.

Relationships, questions about love:

For a woman, this card symbolizes a reliable partner; you can be sure that this person is honest with you and his feelings are strong.

For a man, this card in relation to love relationships may indicate that your woman has an admirer. This does not yet indicate obvious betrayal, but this is a rather serious contender for the heart of your lady.

Personality characteristics:

A dark-haired brunette, another man, a casual lover, a man in office, usually a military man, a postman, a fireman, a mechanic, a pilot, a doctor, a person who wears a uniform or special clothing, with special powers, tax inspectors. Responsible action.

Detail value:

A situation in which you will need to resolve professional issues that do not require delay, problems that require special attention and accuracy, documents that must be filled out correctly. And you can avoid many problems if you are especially law-abiding.

If you are waiting for some important message, you will receive it today, perhaps it will be an important package by mail, or notifications by e-mail. Perhaps on this day you will have to defend your position in front of your superiors, your point of view in an exam in front of a teacher, or defend someone weak. Perhaps you have a doctor's appointment scheduled for today? Do not delay so as not to start the disease. Do not get involved in any quarrels or dangerous situations, stay away from conflict situations and showdowns, so as not to be drawn into this conflict and not to get hurt, so that the police do not take you for company.


General meaning: Court, government affairs, lawyer, official, someone who decides for others, gray-haired man, resolution of a long-standing problem.

Work, business, affairs: The Judge card signifies legal ambiguity. It can question the legality of something, but at the same time it speaks of a legal way out of any situation. Weighing on a scale also means an objective decision. The arrow of the scale stops in the middle at the moment when the best solution for both parties is born.

Health, well-being: The judge card in health matters speaks about the karmic cause of the disease.

Relationships, questions about love: Relationships based on honesty with each other. Sometimes, to clarify problems in relationships, this card suggests that soon a certain hidden situation will become obvious to you.

Personality characteristics: A lawyer, a judge, a person authorized by the authorities, a fair person, a person who will help resolve a dispute.

Detail value: In a simplified interpretation, this card indicates a court case, our sense of justice, and the fact that we are in a legally dubious position. Perhaps some protracted situation will be resolved.


General value: Lack of patience, dissatisfaction, irritation, annoyance, argument, quarrel.

This card does not mean a quarrel, it rather means internal anxiety, emotions about the problems that we create for ourselves.

Work, business, affairs: Quarrels and disputes at work, discussions, quarrels over money.

Health, well-being: A nervous state affects human health, diseases of the stomach and digestive system, and sleep disturbances.

Relationships, questions about love: Disputes and quarrels in relationships. Perhaps you or your partner are angry or resentful. A bad card in the forecast of marriage and long-term union, as it gives a negative forecast - the couple will not be able to be together due to differences in temperament and preferences. For a good and long-term relationship, it is necessary to seek a compromise.

Personality characteristics:

An unrestrained and irritated person, a person who cannot contain his emotions and gives them free rein, splashing them out on loved ones and comrades.

Detail value:

The appearance of this card speaks of a person’s internal problem, his dissatisfaction with himself. Self-flagellation can lead to bad consequences. This card can also mean wasted time on the implementation of some plans, disappointment and despondency about this.

General value:

Thief, theft, fraud, hostility and unpleasant changes.

Work, business, affairs:

Difficult economic situation, Troubles with money: theft, robbery, fraud. Unforeseen expenses, financial disputes, bad investments, breach of contract. It is recommended to read the fine print before signing documents or contracts. Gambling, stock market games. Inept and careless use of money, risky transactions. Economic crisis. Defaults and other “Black Tuesdays”. State games when accumulated money is lost and denominated.

Health, well-being:

Mental health problems.

Relationships, questions about love:

Adultery, secret relationships. Disputes and discussions for economic reasons, in particular regarding housing costs, loans, loans to relatives or friends, without any guarantees, inheritance disputes. May represent a false friend or family member who is selfish and believes that his or her interests are more important than yours. This card also represents your self-interest, pretense, lies, bad advice, secrets and broken promises.

Personality characteristics:

A dark-haired, slender man, a man who is not sincere and angry, a selfish man, a man with problems with the law.

Detail value:

In a favorable situation The card predicts the return of a lost item and the restoration of trust between friends.

In an unfavorable situation The card portends serious material damage, and strangers will act as offenders and ill-wishers. “The Thief” insists on maximum caution and concern for your own safety, warning that only your careless attitude can lead to trouble. It also portends a loss of trust between close friends, mutual misunderstanding, as well as the emergence of opposing interests.


General value: Misfortune, catastrophe, fire, fire. The card is very negative, it warns of unhappy and traumatic events. These events arise not through the fault of the fortuneteller, but unexpectedly as a natural disaster. Force majeure circumstances, force majeure.

Work, business, affairs: The card advises us to think before we act. This is a card of failure. Always look where this card appears, as it is always a warning! Red traffic light! Be careful when conducting important business, negotiations, trips - force majeure circumstances are possible that will harm you and your business.

Health, well-being: An unfavorable card in relation to health, which, in the right scenario, can even mean physical death. Burns, damage, injuries.

Relationships, questions about love: Unhappy love, worries, passions, quarrels - all this only ruins relationships and brings them to nothing.

Personality characteristics: A person who helps others, a volunteer, a fireman, a doctor is simply a noble and brave person. However, in an unfavorable scenario, it can mean a deeply unhappy, deprived person, a person who has experienced great grief.

Detail value:

In an unfavorable situation:
This card can predict family conflict, trouble during a trip or trip. Sometimes she predicts damage that will be caused to you in the near future. “Misfortune” promises the loss of a friend, a stupid break with useful people, pleasant interlocutors.

In a favorable situation: She predicts that even in unhappiness you can be happy. In any case, the card encourages you to be patient and composure, and not to be afraid of the difficulties that await you.

General value:

Enemy, stranger, foreigner, bad influence, ill-wisher in close circle.

Work, business, affairs: Be careful, a very unpleasant person will appear on your way who can interfere with your business.

Health, well-being: Negative thinking leads to poor health.

Relationships, questions about love: The relationship couldn't be worse - the lovers' feelings have definitely dried up and developed into something similar to hatred. This happens to people who were lovers who broke up with an argument.

Personality characteristics: An enemy, an envious person, a detractor, a person who wishes you harm.

Detail value:

Accidents and risky enterprises. It's better not to take risks in a situation you don't know. When contacting people you don’t know well, be careful how much information you are going to tell them, dose out the information. Be careful while driving, you may receive information that someone has undergone surgery. Expect bullying at work, beware of your own temper. Think before taking on some responsibility or taking risks. Don't gamble today. You may be haunted by bad thoughts, premonitions and fears. You may receive unexpected and shocking news. You will have to defend yourself and defend your interests.

It is not surprising that lately, you have needed clarification about a situation or person that disgusted you, and you felt in your gut that they were unfavorable and even dangerous. There are reasons for your suspicions.

The enemy represents a circumstance that can threaten. It may be an actual person filled with changing emotions. You probably already know what it's like. You have gotten yourself into a predicament from which it will be difficult for you to emerge unscathed. Are you trying to get something that belongs to you? Have you brought someone to light that they are decisively opposed to you? The situation is not good.

General value:

Positive message; good conversations; good contacts; correspondence.

Work, business, affairs:

Work with correspondence, business meetings, news, messages. Internet resources, telephone conversations.

Health, well-being:

Good health, news of the patient’s recovery, or successful completion of a medical examination.

Relationships, questions about love:

A love letter, long-awaited news about your loved one. love by correspondence, virtual dating.

Personality characteristics:

A person who will tell you news, news. Sometimes a postman or courier.

Detail value:

News of any content, positive or negative, is determined by the cards next to this card. It is recommended to evaluate any good actions that should be taken in connection with the arrival of new messages and rush to make decisions in a short time to protect yourself from troubles.

Letters can not only convey positive information, they can expose a person to situations that can cause anxiety, indecision, uncertainty, misunderstandings and unrest. It can also be a message of a love nature associated with acquaintance.

General value:

Contacts, negotiations, meetings, communication.

Work, business, affairs:

Business meetings, trips, business trips.

Health, well-being:

A visit to the doctor (for a currently ill person), for a healthy person.

Relationships, questions about love:

A love date, a romantic walk, a meeting with an ex-partner.

Personality characteristics:

The person who will bring some news is a polite person, a well-mannered, modest woman.

Detail value:

This card may indicate meeting new people, traveling, spending time with friends.

Depending on the surrounding cards, this card can have both negative and positive meanings. This card can also indicate an unexpected turn of events or the outcome of a protracted situation.

Also listen to the advice of a loved one, he can help you in this situation.

General value:

Sadness, melancholy, despondency, melancholy, apathy, hypochondria, regret for what is lost or non-existent.

Work, business, affairs:

On the verge of poverty and ruin, things are not going as well as we would like, there is a threat of dismissal. Illegal activities, economic scams. Work that does not bring satisfaction is not liked by the team.

Health, well-being:

Headaches, migraines, hypochondria; perception of one's usual sensations as abnormal and unpleasant.

Relationships, questions about love:

With the “widow” or “widower” card - a break in relationships. Lovesickness, unrequited love.

If such a card falls to a woman, then this foreshadows a loss of faith in her own attractiveness, femininity, and groundless suspicions of a loved one of treason. If for a man - loss of direction in this life, difficulties in communication, internal disharmony.

Personality characteristics:

As a person – sad, restless, prone to remembering all the bad things. And also sensitive, empathetic, lonely.

Detail value:

If the situation is favorable, the card may indicate overcoming internal problems.

Combinations: the surrounding cards will show what the sadness is about or what the despondency is about.

General value:

Dreams, plans, a long trip, making plans for the future, the struggle for recovery.

Work, business, affairs:

Your expectations regarding any business or business will be met, but not as soon as you expect.

Health, well-being:

Struggle for recovery, good prognosis for recovery.

Relationships, questions about love:

Hope is a strong feeling; it is obvious that your partner really hopes for a strong relationship and for you, trusts and believes in the future of your relationship.

Personality characteristics:

A naive, dreamy person, sometimes a person yearning for a loved one or homeland.

Sometimes the card symbolizes a young brown-haired woman.

Detail value:

Hope is not a quick, long process. No amount of hope will make a dream a reality if your hopes are not supported by actual actions and plans. The Hope Card gives slow results. Hope can have a negative result if your motives are malicious and motivated by jealousy.

When this card falls on a situation of the future, then you must know that the situation in which you find yourself requires your firmness and faith that this will change, it is faith that will allow you to stand confidently and firmly on the ground. You need to anchor your thoughts, while giving them the opportunity to flow around the water, leaving them the right to change.

Sometimes this card is for a long trip, separation from a loved one and homesickness.

General value:

Thoughts, reflections, idea, deep concentration, meditation, situation worth thinking about, learning and teaching. Exam.

Work, business, affairs:

“Thought” foreshadows an acquaintance with an intelligent person, the emergence of new interests that go beyond the material world.

In addition, it is possible to obtain another education, master previously unknown disciplines, and obtain some kind of scientific degree. The card prophesies the development of talents and abilities, active mental activity.

Health, well-being:

A careful approach is required when choosing a treatment method or making a diagnosis.

Relationships, questions about love:

Thoughts about love, good or related to experiences, will be suggested by the neighboring cards.

Personality characteristics:

An intelligent person, scientist, thinker, philosopher, friend.

Detail value:

The “Thought” card denotes serious thoughts about the meaning of life, about one’s purpose, a philosophical approach to life, and the search for truth. In general, the card carries a positive charge.

If the situation is favorable, the Card promises that your current unpleasant situation is a temporary phenomenon, that it will definitely be successfully resolved, especially if you do not dwell on your grief, but turn to the people around you for help.

In an unfavorable situation
She asks not to forget that any words must be confirmed by deeds.

General value:

Something wrong, someone not being honest, lack of openness, bad decision.

Work, business, affairs:

Any mistake or inaccuracy that harms the business, it is not surprising if one of the ill-wishers pretending to be your friend deliberately harms your work. Be on your guard and don't reveal your secrets.

Health, well-being:

Error in diagnosis, incorrect treatment.

Relationships, questions about love:

When reading fate, it often happens that warring spouses (cohabitants) appear on this card. If one of them feels like a victim of the other or puts responsibility and guilt on the other for his unhappy life, then almost certainly in response to a question asked about personal relationships this card will appear - a symbol of the struggle with fate, the internal inability to turn one’s destiny in a different direction.

Personality characteristics:

A deceitful person, a deceiver, a flattering ill-wisher. It may also indicate a person who is dissatisfied with his life, profession, or marriage.

Detail value:

Perhaps someone is deceiving you; nearby cards may indicate a situation or a person who is insincere towards you or is deliberately lying to achieve his goal.

General value:

Sad thoughts, apathy, depression, grief - the nearest cards will show what or who influenced such a change in mood.

Work, business, affairs:

An unsuccessfully chosen profession, sad thoughts and doubts regarding the chosen plan of action or organization of the work process.

Health, well-being:

Depression, despondency. Constant sad thoughts exhaust a person and make him susceptible to diseases.

When combined with certain oracle cards, they signify mourning for the deceased.

Relationships, questions about love:

Sad thoughts, disappointment in love. Perhaps one of the partners suffers from unrequited love or lack of attention and tenderness.

Personality characteristics:

Sad sad man, yearning woman or girl, person suffering from depression.

Detail value:

Unexpected events and an unfavorable tragic period, critical and difficult. Slander, humiliation, scandals, accidents, everything that suddenly disrupts the usual daily routine, throws us into a state of complete bitterness and distrust of ourselves and our neighbors, which leads to imbalance, loss of interest in life. tragic sad messages arrive that cause tears and suffering. I do not exclude separation, divorce, betrayal, betrayal, miscarriage, loss of a child. It is possible to practice black magic, escape from reality, and go crazy.

With aggravating cards: mortality, accidents, inevitable misfortunes, miscarriages, illnesses, depression, fraud, betrayal, infidelity, family disputes, empty promises, death of a friend. All this is part of this map, which creates confusion and frustration, nervousness, fatigue. At these moments, you cannot act impulsively, you must find courage within yourself and continue your life by solving all problems soberly.

SADNESS - it is worth noting that this card always indicates some sad event, or regret from something.

General value:

Bad feeling. Illness or disease, but the meaning of the card can also determine the path to recovery. The ability to hide behind an illness so as not to have to deal with someone or something.

The appearance of the DISEASE card in a reading indicates a person or situation that is in a state of disharmony. In some cases, it involves using illness as an excuse to avoid dealing with the realities of a situation or to avoid responsibility.

Work, business, affairs:

Perhaps you are simply tired and exhausted from work and everyday activities, or are too immersed in negative thoughts. This card may indicate the need for rest. In some cases, it may show that you will be allowed to leave work early or given a short leave.

Health, well-being:

Poor health, apathy, depression, severe frustration.

The Disease card means not only the onset of illness. It symbolizes any state devoid of completeness and integrity. In the situation in connection with which the questioner can turn to this card, there is some kind of lack, moral, spiritual, and not material.

Relationships, questions about love:

Depending on the surrounding cards, it can indicate a painful experience about relationships, feelings are saturated with suffering and can indeed cause physical illness.

Sometimes this card can talk about sexually transmitted diseases.

Personality characteristics:

It has a double meaning - a sick person, a person suffering from some kind of disease, or an exhausted person, despairing and exhausted.

Detail value:

This card suggests that we must prepare for such a state of lack, when we will have to use our greatly depleted forces for new construction - physical and spiritual. Existing with depleted strength means that the strength of those people on whom we could previously count may become depleted.

General value:

A new period of life, parting with old things, something ends, danger, serious illness, end of love, disappointment, divorce.

Work, business, affairs:

In a negative scenario, it can mean collapse, a financial crisis, the inability to continue the business due to force majeure, and the fading of enthusiasm for the success of the business started.

With good cards in the layout, this card can be regarded as the fact that soon the type of your activity will change without the loss of any profit or other benefit for you. Change of job, occupation, profession.

Health, well-being:

This card communicates physical death very rarely and only through certain nearby cards.

Relationships, questions about love:

Divorce, separation. A new and irrevocable stage in the relationship.

Personality characteristics:

A person who will bring or experience major changes in life. A femme fatale, an innovator - this person changes people's destinies.

Detailed Meaning: When DEATH appears in a reading, it brings closure and closure to the situation. There will be a completion of the situation around the person, displayed in the neighboring cards. It could be the end of a relationship, a job, a dream, a plan, a goal, or even a problem or worry, etc. Things must END so that new cycles can begin. These endings and completions happen all the time in our lives. Things progress or end forever. An aspect or part of a situation always comes to an end, even though the situation as a whole remains the same, but new beginnings are introduced into it. This card will prevent the further progress of what is represented by the card that precedes it, because what is represented in it has come to an end.

General value:

One of the meanings of the WIDOW card is mourning, grief and sadness. Something has come or will come to an end, will end and leave a deep imprint of sadness. Not all things that end cause grief, and at times a person may feel relieved, for example, in a depressing or painful situation for him. In this case, this card means the end of the situation, a departure from the matter, or the fact that the person decides to leave everything in the past.

Work, business, affairs:

A rather neutral card regarding affairs and work, however, it may indicate a woman’s influence on the business sphere of life. Perhaps you leave your loved one without attention because you are immersed in work and this prevents you from ultimately realizing yourself. Think about your loved ones, especially your mother, wife or daughter.

Health, well-being:

If you ask a question about pregnancy and the answer is WIDOW, there is a high probability that you will not be able to conceive without further medical help. help.

Relationships, questions about love:

Love is combined with certain suffering, perhaps this is a relationship between people who have lost the very feeling that united them.

It can also talk about separation, longing for a person and the inability to return the relationship to its previous course.

Personality characteristics:

A single person, a widowed woman or a woman with a failed personal life, a mature woman, a middle-aged woman, an older relative.

Detail value:

The card shows a woman in a cemetery. She pays tribute, bows to the grave at her feet where the one she loved is buried. She does not understand that it is too late to say all those words that she is now quietly whispering. Remorse gnaws at her, it eats away at her heart. She should have spoken out when the man was still alive. This card warns you of the regret that may come after certain actions.

Does the woman on the card feel obligated? Do you feel obligated to live through the situation that the neighboring cards depict? Is this your duty?

General value:

Widowed or separated man; grief, trouble, single father.

Deep grief when you feel like you're losing someone you love, reluctantly leaving a job you've held for a long time, or giving up a home that meant a lot to you. When a beloved pet dies, or a child leaves home for school or another country, it leaves a void in the heart.

Work, business, affairs:

A fairly neutral card in the area of ​​work and business, however it can indicate the involvement and influence of an older, wise man. The cards lying nearby will indicate what kind of relationship and influence he has.

Health, well-being:

In terms of health - illness, depression or severe illness as a result of stress or anxiety of an older family member.

Relationships, questions about love:

A man’s disappointment in love, separation or divorce on the initiative of a man, a guy or a man is having a hard time with a separation or quarrel with his woman.

Personality characteristics:

A depressed person, a sad person, disappointed in life, a man after a divorce or a widower.

The card can mean an influential family member, parent, older relative, friend, father-in-law, father-in-law. Moreover, the influence of this man can both help and hinder the questioner.

Detail value:

The main motto of the card: “The Lord does not give a person more than he can bear.” Angels appear just at the moment when, as it seems to you, your spine should break under the weight of the cross that you carry.

You can believe in card predictions, or you can consider them self-deception. But sometimes, when faced with an important decision or in anticipation of change, a simple layout can give confidence. Since ancient times, Gypsy fortune tellers have been famous for their accurate fortune telling. One of them is the gypsy layout with 10 cards.

The deck will predict important events of the future, allow you to make the right decision in the present and hint about something important from the past. The cards will read what’s in a person’s heart, calm them down, or help them prepare for a test.

Preparing for the schedule

For successful fortune telling, a regular deck of 36 cards is enough. You can do the layout yourself, so there is no need for outsiders. Before starting the ritual, you need to shuffle the deck and move the cards toward you with your left hand. Now you can start fortune telling. But first, let's recall a few important rules.

10 secrets of successful fortune telling

Most fortune tellers identify 10 main rules that you need to know during fortune telling.

  1. The main thing is a person’s strong desire to know the future. Mere curiosity is not enough. Cards help only those who sincerely rely on their advice.
  2. Fortune telling will not work for skeptics, because any magic is based on unconditional faith in one’s abilities and a serious attitude towards the ritual on the part of the client.
  3. During fortune telling, nothing should distract a person.
  4. The best time for the ritual is late evening: from 19 to 23 hours.
  5. No less reliable predictions are obtained at 8-9 am, when a person wakes up fresh and full of energy.
  6. In order not to wash away the truth, you should not engage in gypsy fortune-telling using 10 cards in rainy weather.
  7. The card must be removed with the left hand towards the heart. This establishes a better energetic connection with the deck.
  8. After fortune telling, it is strictly forbidden to repeat the layout, otherwise the mystical connection between the person and the cards may be interrupted. As a result, this and all subsequent fortune telling may not come true.
  9. Cards don't like fuss. You should only contact them for important reasons.
  10. Do not despair if the situation turns out to be unfavorable.

Remember, a person can always change his destiny. The cards are just a warning, not an inevitable fate.

Step-by-step plan for successful prediction

  1. The topmost card, it is called Fortune, will say what is on your soul. These are those thoughts and desires that constantly haunt a person, passing with him through the past, present and future.
  2. The first row is your past.
  3. The second represents current events.
  4. The bottom row will predict the future.

The layout looks like this: Please note that the first card is at its base and not on top.

After drawing up the layout, it is necessary to interpret each card. Then the overall picture is studied and a holistic prediction is made.

In addition to the general layout, there are two common special options that may also be of interest.

Love triangle fortune telling

Relationships between a man and a woman are fraught with many difficulties. The appearance of a third person can further confuse the tangle of feelings. The gypsy layout can help you understand the triangle.

Triangle fortune telling helps you find out:

  • The reasons for the appearance of a rival or rival.
  • Chances of keeping your partner.
  • The feelings of the participants in the triangle and their attitude towards each other.

Unlike the classic layout, in this case 11 cards are removed and laid out in a certain sequence.

  • 1 - will show the character of your loved one;
  • 2 - personifies the most important qualities for a person who destroys a couple;
  • 3 - speaks about the attitude of your lover or beloved towards you;
  • 4 - the map can be used to judge the partner’s feelings towards the opponent;
  • 5 - reasons for your loved one’s thoughts;
  • 6 - how important you are to your partner;
  • 7 - how important the opponent is to him or her;
  • 8 - your lover’s plans for you;
  • 9 - plans for the opponent;
  • 10 - prospects for relationships with a partner;
  • 11 - the future of the relationship if the partner does not choose you.

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Alignment for future events

Another special layout to find out what to expect from the future. Unlike traditional fortune telling using 10 cards, it will give a more detailed result.

Methods for deciphering the last two layouts may differ from classic gypsy fortune telling with 10 cards. They should be studied in specialized literature.

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How to read the layout and meaning of each card

A card is interpreted by its suit and meaning. Let's look at all the options in the table.

Kresti is a suit that speaks of a person’s work activity and his creativity.
6 Long trip, business trip.
7 Prospective business meeting.
8 Long work meeting.
9 A special relationship with a colleague.
10 Bonus or pay increase.
JackTroubles at work, unexpected difficulties.
LadyBusiness partner.
KingA man or a leader, the emergence of common affairs with him.
AceAn important project, serious work.
The peaks speak of possible troubles and trials that distance a person from happiness.
6 Long journey.
7 Unpleasant meeting, insult.
8 A quarrel or a difficult conversation with a loved one.
9 Disease.
10 Crash of plans.
JackExperience for one reason or another.
LadyAn enemy trying to strike.
KingLoss or serious challenge.
AceBad news.
Hearts are the suit of love. The cards will tell you about your relationship with your partner.
6 Long trip with your loved one.
7 Romantic date.
8 Intimate conversation.
9 New love.
10 Fulfillment of desires.
JackLove yearnings.
LadyYour man is cheating (you will meet a younger woman).
KingYou (the woman) can secretly meet a man from your lover (your woman is cheating on you).
AceStability and family harmony.
Diamonds will tell you about hidden desires and hopes.
6 Finding a destination, probably during a long journey.
7 Change of job, career growth.
8 A frank conversation is needed.
9 Flirting with someone you know.
10 Implementation of plans in a favorable situation.
JackLasting experiences.
LadyRivalry on the love front.
KingYou (your beloved) are looking for a real man.
AceWaiting for fateful news.

During fortune telling, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of four cards with the same value.

  1. All aces promise the fulfillment of cherished desires.
  2. Kings are an omen of an imminent crowded event.
  3. Ladies, there are unpleasant conversations going on around you, and gossipers are spreading false rumors.
  4. Jacks are a sign of troubles in the household.
  5. All tens foreshadow marriage or marriage.
  6. Nines act as an omen of dramatic changes.
  7. Eights are a prediction of trouble.
  8. Sevens have the same meaning as eights, but the difficulties will be less significant and you
  9. you can easily overcome.
  10. Sixes predict travel or business trips.

Four identical cards in the layout is a general conclusion based on the results of fortune telling. It should be interpreted as a main phenomenon passing through the past, present and future of a person or as the result of a certain period of life.

Any fortune telling is carried out on general principles. In order for the prediction to be as detailed as possible and definitely come true, they should be guided during the ritual.

The main thing in fortune telling is the presence of cards that have not been defiled by the game. A played deck does not have the energy necessary to establish a mystical connection, so it is not recommended to use it for prediction purposes.

Some psychics offer special gypsy cards, printed in the traditional colors of the free people - black and red. They carry more powerful energy and are suitable even for those who are completely deprived of the gift of prediction.

Why the prediction doesn't come true

Fate is capricious, and failure can occur even with an experienced psychic. It’s no wonder that this often happens to beginners using a regular deck of cards.

Failures typically occur under the following circumstances.

  1. An important factor is the right attitude. The results of fortune telling can be distorted by household chores, fatigue, stress, or insufficient concentration on the ritual of any of its participants.
  2. If the person being told fortunes wants something very badly, the cards can show not the truth, but his dreams and current desires.
  3. Fortune telling does not come true well if the alignment was made in places with very strong or abnormally weak energy.

There is a possibility that what was predicted will come true, but the person will not notice it. If he lives the most eventful life possible, what is predicted for him, for example, for a year can happen in a month. In this case, the person will not have enough time to think about what happened, so he may simply not notice how what the cards showed happened to him.

You can also be disappointed in a prediction because your life is not full enough. In this case, what is indicated in the cards may not happen in a month, but only in six months.

The 10 card method does not require any special skills or special gifts. It is enough to have minimal abilities. No special artifacts are needed; a playing deck will do.

The considered method allows you to learn lessons from the past, think about the present and get a prediction. However, one should not despair in case of a bad prediction; a person is free to change his destiny.

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