Anomalous photographs of time travelers. Another “time traveler” showed a picture from the future. Andrew Karlssin - crook from the future

The debate over whether time travel is real has raged for years. It used to be that such stories were the lot of fans of conspiracy theories, but in 2017 Popular Mechanics published material with interviews with theoretical physicists who called time travel potentially possible. In addition, we should not forget about strange, inexplicable facts, each of which (albeit indirectly) confirms the existence of time travel.

This strange experiment was once even reported on the BBC. From 1943 to 1983, near the small town of Montauk, the US military conducted a series of tests, influencing the brains of experimental subjects with radio pulses. Most of the unfortunates went crazy from such experiences, but there were also those who talked about traveling to the near future. We wrote more about the Montauk project here.

Hipster traveler

Fans of conspiracy theories are very fond of this photo, calling it “indisputable proof of the existence of a time machine.” The photo was taken in 1941: a man in fashionable glasses and a modern T-shirt really looks significantly different from the people in the crowd. Maybe he really was looking from the future.

Clock from the future

Further evidence of the existence of time travel was discovered by Chinese archaeologists who opened the tomb of Emperor Xi Qing in 2008. No one went down into these catacombs for a hundred years and, nevertheless, during the excavations, real Swiss watches were discovered. This find cannot be explained to this day.

Indians and smartphone

Humberto Romano painted Mr. Pynchon and the Springfield Settlement in 1937. The artist showed the historical meeting of Indians and English colonists in the 17th century: look closely at the figure in the foreground - the man is holding something that suspiciously resembles a modern smartphone.

Flight of Victor Goddard

RAF Marshal Victor Goddard was caught in a severe storm over Scotland in 1935. The wind threw him into the area above an abandoned airfield, where he was surprised to see unusually painted biplanes and mechanics in blue overalls. Returning to the base, Goddard shared a strange story with his colleagues, but no one believed him. But four years later, British biplanes actually began to be painted yellow, and mechanics received new blue overalls. Exactly the same ones Goddard saw in the storm.

CD from the past

Compact discs appeared only in the 20th century, and gramophone records of the familiar form were invented only at the end of the 18th century. However, the painting, dating from the early 18th century, shows a group of people looking in surprise at something that looks suspiciously like a CD.

Strange accident

New York, 1950. A strange man dressed in 19th-century fashion gets run over by a car. On the body of the unfortunate man, the police found a letter dated 1876, 70 dollars from the same time and copper coins that were not issued after 1872. No one ever found out where this strange man came from.

Charlie Chaplin with a telephone

Director George Clarke was watching footage of Chaplin's old film The Circus when he suddenly noticed in one of them a woman holding a small device to her head. Now we would immediately assume that she is talking on a mobile phone. But Chaplin's film was shot back in 1928 - where did a smartphone even come from at that time?

Scientists have been able to prove that it is possible to travel through time... Thus, according to the research of Israeli scientist Amos Ori, time travel is scientifically substantiated. And at present, world science already has the necessary theoretical knowledge to be able to claim that in theory it is possible to create a time machine.

The mathematical calculations of the Israeli scientist were published in one of the specialized publications. Ory concludes that to create a time machine, gigantic gravitational forces must be present. The scientist based his research on the conclusions made back in 1947 by his colleague, Kurt Gödel, the essence of which is that...

The theory of relativity does not deny the existence of certain models of space and time.

According to Ori's calculations, the ability to travel into the past arises if a curved space-time structure is shaped into a funnel or ring. Moreover, each new turn of this structure will take a person further into the past. In addition, according to the scientist, the gravitational forces necessary for such temporary travel are probably located near the so-called black holes, the first mention of which dates back to the 18th century.

One of the scientists (Pierre Simon Laplace) put forward a theory about the existence of cosmic bodies that are invisible to the human eye, but have such high gravity that not a single light ray is reflected from them. The beam must overcome the speed of light in order to be reflected from such a cosmic body, but it is known that it is impossible to overcome it.

The boundaries of black holes are called event horizons. Every object that reaches it falls inside, and from the outside it is not visible what is happening inside the hole. Probably, the laws of physics cease to apply in it, time and space coordinates change places.

Thus, spatial travel turns into time travel.

Despite this very detailed and significant research, there is no evidence that time travel is real. However, no one has been able to prove that this is just a fiction. At the same time, over the entire history of mankind, a huge amount of facts have been accumulated that indicate that time travel is still real. Thus, in the ancient chronicles of the era of the pharaohs, the Middle Ages, and then the French Revolution and world wars, the appearance of strange machines, people and mechanisms was recorded.

To be clear, here are a few examples:


In May 1828, a teenager was caught in Nuremberg. Despite a thorough investigation and 49 volumes of the case, as well as portraits sent throughout Europe, it turned out to be impossible to find out his identity, just like the places where the boy came from. He was given the name Kaspar Hauser, and he had incredible abilities and habits: the boy saw perfectly in the dark, but did not know what fire or milk was. He died from an assassin's bullet, and his identity remained a mystery. However, there were suggestions that before appearing in Germany, the boy lived in a completely different world.


In 1897, a very unusual incident occurred on the streets of the Siberian town of Tobolsk. At the end of August, a man of strange appearance and equally strange behavior was detained there. The man's last name is Krapivin. When he was taken to the police station and began to be interrogated, everyone was quite surprised by the information that the man shared: according to him, he was born in 1965 in Angarsk, and worked as a PC operator.

The man could not explain his appearance in the city in any way, but according to him, shortly before he felt a severe headache, after which he lost consciousness. When he woke up, Krapivin saw an unfamiliar town. A doctor was called to the police station to examine the strange man and diagnosed him with “silent insanity.” After this, Krapivin was placed in a local insane asylum.


The tourists asked for directions, but instead of helping, the men looked at them strangely and pointed in an uncertain direction. After some time, the women met strange people again. This time it was a young woman and a girl, also dressed in old-fashioned clothes. This time the women did not suspect anything unusual until they came across another group of people dressed in ancient clothes.

These people spoke an unfamiliar dialect of French. Soon the women realized that their own appearance caused amazement and bewilderment of those present. However, one of the men pointed them in the right direction. When the tourists reached their destination, they were amazed not by the house itself, but by the appearance of the lady who was sitting next to it and making sketches in an album. She was very beautiful, wearing a powdered wig and a long dress, the kind worn by aristocrats of the 18th century.

And only then did the English women finally realize that they had gone back in time. Soon the landscape changed, the vision disappeared, and the women swore to each other not to tell anyone about their journey. However, later, in 1911, they jointly wrote a book about their experience.


In 1924, British Royal Air Force pilots were forced to make an emergency landing in Iraq. Their footprints were clearly visible on the sand, but soon they broke off. The pilots were never found, although in the area where the incident occurred there were no quicksand, no sandstorms, no abandoned wells...


In 1930, a country doctor named Edward Moon was returning home after visiting his patient, Lord Edward Carson, who lived in Kent. The lord was very ill, so the doctor visited him daily and knew the area very well. One day, Moon, going outside the estate of his patient, noticed that the area looked a little different than before. Instead of a road there was a dirt path that led through deserted meadows.

While the doctor was trying to understand what happened, he met a strange man who was walking a little ahead. He was dressed somewhat old-fashioned and carried an antique musket. The man also noticed the doctor and stopped, clearly in amazement. When Moon turned to look at the estate, the mysterious wanderer had disappeared and the entire landscape had returned to normal.


During the battles for the liberation of Estonia, which were fought throughout 1944, near the Gulf of Finland, a tank reconnaissance battalion commanded by Troshin came across a strange group of cavalrymen dressed in historical uniforms in the forest. When the cavalrymen saw the tanks, they fled. As a result of the pursuit, one of the strange people was detained.

He spoke exclusively French, so he was mistaken for a soldier of the Allied army. The cavalryman was taken to headquarters, but everything he told shocked both the translator and the officers. The cavalryman claimed that he was a cuirassier of the Napoleonic army, and that its remnants were trying to get out of encirclement after retreating from Moscow. The soldier also said that he was born in 1772. The next day, the mysterious cavalryman was taken away by special department officers...


Another similar story is connected with the Kola Peninsula. For many centuries there was a legend that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea was located there. In the 1920s, an expedition was sent there, supported by Dzerzhinsky himself. The group, led by Kondiaina and Barchenko, went to the area of ​​Lovozero and Seydozero in 1922. All materials upon the return of the expedition were classified, and Barchenko was later repressed and shot.


Nobody knows the details of the expedition, but local residents say that during the search a strange hole underground was discovered, but an incomprehensible fear and horror prevented scientists from getting there. Local residents also do not risk using these caves, because they may not return from them. And besides, there is a legend that either a caveman or a bigfoot was repeatedly seen near them.

This story might have remained secret if, as a result of intrigue, it had not ended up in Western publications. One NATO pilot told reporters about a strange story that happened to him. It all happened in May 1999. The plane took off from a NATO base in Holland on a mission to monitor the actions of parties conflicting in the Yugoslav war. As the plane flew over Germany, the pilot suddenly saw a group of fighters heading straight towards him. But they were all somehow strange.

Having flown closer, the pilot saw that it was a German Messerschmitt. The pilot did not know what to do, because his plane was not equipped with weapons. However, he soon saw that the German fighter was targeted by a Soviet fighter. The vision lasted a few seconds, then everything disappeared. There is other evidence of penetrations into the past that occurred in the air.


Thus, in 1976, the Soviet pilot V. Orlov said that he personally saw ground military operations being conducted under the wing of the MiG-25 aircraft he piloted. If the pilot's descriptions are to be believed, he was an eyewitness to the battle that took place in 1863 near Gettysburg. In 1985, one of the NATO pilots, taking off from a NATO base located in Africa, saw a very strange picture: below, instead of a desert, he saw savannahs with a lot of trees and dinosaurs grazing on the lawns. Soon the vision disappeared.


In 1986, the Soviet pilot A. Ustimov, during a mission, discovered that he was over Ancient Egypt. According to him, he saw one pyramid that was completely built, as well as the foundations of others, around which many people were swarming. At the end of the 80s of the last century, captain of the second rank, military sailor Ivan Zalygin found himself in a very interesting and mysterious story. It all started when his diesel submarine was caught in a severe thunderstorm.

The captain decided to surface, but as soon as the ship took the surface position, the watchman reported that an unidentified craft was directly ahead. It turned out to be a rescue boat, in which Soviet sailors found a military man in the uniform of a Japanese sailor from the Second World War. During a search of this man, documents were found that were issued back in 1940. As soon as the incident was reported, the captain received an order to proceed to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence representatives were already waiting for the Japanese sailor. The team members signed a non-disclosure agreement for a period of ten years.


A mysterious story also happened in 1952 in New York. In November, an unknown man was hit and killed on Broadway. His body was taken to the morgue. The police were surprised that the young man was dressed in antique clothes, and in his trouser pocket they found the same antique watch and a knife made at the beginning of the century.

However, the surprise of the police knew no bounds when they saw a certificate issued about 8 decades ago, as well as business cards indicating the profession (travelling salesman). After checking the address, it was possible to establish that the street indicated in the documents has not existed for about half a century. As a result of the investigation, it was possible to find out that the deceased was the father of one of the centenarians of New York, who had been missing for about 70 years during a regular walk. To prove her words, the woman presented a photo: it had the date on it - 1884, and the photo itself depicted a man in the same strange suit who died under the wheels of a car.


In 1954, after civil unrest in Japan, a man was detained during passport control. All his documents were in order, except that they were issued by the non-existent state of Tuared. The man himself claimed that his country is located on the African continent between French Sudan and Mauritania. Moreover, he was amazed when he saw that Algeria was in the place of his Tuared. True, the Tuareg tribe did live there, but it never had sovereignty.


In 1980, a young man disappeared in Paris after his car was covered in a bright glowing ball of fog. A week later he appeared in the same place where he had disappeared, but at the same time he thought that he had been absent for only a few minutes. In 1985, on the first day of the new school year, second-grader Vlad Heineman played war with his friends during recess. To throw the “enemy” off the scent, he dived into the nearest gateway. However, when the boy jumped out a few seconds later, he did not recognize the school yard - it was completely empty.

The boy rushed to the school, but was stopped by his stepfather, who had been looking for him for a long time to take him home. As it turned out, more than an hour and a half had passed since the moment he decided to hide. But Vlad himself did not remember what happened to him during this time. An equally strange story happened with the Englishman Peter Williams. According to him, he found himself in some strange place during a thunderstorm. After being struck by lightning, he lost consciousness, and when he came to, he discovered that he was lost.

Walking along a narrow road, he managed to stop the car and ask for help. The man was taken to the hospital. After some time, the young man’s health improved, and he could already go for a walk. But since his clothes were completely ruined, his roommate lent him his. When Peter went out into the garden, he realized that he was in the place where the thunderstorm had overtaken him. Williams wanted to thank the medical staff and a kind neighbor.

He managed to find a hospital, but no one there recognized him, and all the clinic staff looked much older. There were no records of Peter’s admission in the registration book, nor was there any roommate. When the man remembered the trousers, he was told that they were an outdated model that had not been produced for more than 20 years!


In 1991, one railway worker saw that from the side of the old branch, where there were not even rails left, a train was coming: a steam locomotive and three cars. It was very strange-looking, and clearly not made in Russia. The train passed the worker and went in the direction in which Sevastopol was located. Information about this incident was even published in one of the publications in 1992. It contained information that back in 1911, a pleasure train left Rome with a large number of passengers.

He walked into thick fog and then drove into a tunnel. He was never seen again. The tunnel itself was blocked with stones. Perhaps this would have been forgotten if the train had not appeared in the Poltava region. Many scientists then put forward the version that this train somehow managed to pass through time. Some of them attribute this ability to the fact that almost at the same time as the train set off, a powerful earthquake occurred in Italy, as a result of which large cracks appeared not only on the surface of the earth, but also in the chronological field.


In 1994, a ten-month-old girl was discovered in the northern Atlantic waters by the crew of a Norwegian fishing vessel. She was very cold, but she was alive. The girl was tied to a lifebuoy that had the inscription “Titanic” on it. It is worth noting that the baby was found exactly where the famous ship sank in 1912. Of course, it was simply impossible to believe in the reality of what was happening, but when they raised the documents, they actually found a 10-month-old child on the Titanic passenger list.


There is other evidence associated with this ship. So, some sailors claimed that they saw the ghost of the sinking Titanic. According to some scientists, the ship fell into a so-called time trap, in which people can disappear without a trace and then appear in a completely unexpected place. The list of disappearances can be continued for a very, very long time.


There is no point in mentioning all of them, because most of them are similar to each other. Almost always, time travel is irreversible, but sometimes it turns out that people who have disappeared for some time then return safely. Unfortunately, many of them end up in insane asylums, because no one wants to believe their stories, and they themselves do not really understand whether what happened to them is true.

Scientists have been trying to solve the problem of temporary movements for several centuries. It may well happen that soon this problem will become an objective reality, and not the plot of science fiction books and films.

In contact with


The story of John Titor and other cases of time travel.

1.· In 1912, while a train was moving from London to Glasgow, a man appeared out of nowhere in his hands with a long whip and a bitten piece of bread.

In the first minutes he was in shock; the train passengers could not calm him down. Having come to his senses, the man said: “I am Pimp Drake, a coachman from Chetnam. Where I am? Where am I?".

Drake claimed to be from the 18th century. A few minutes later he disappeared back. Experts from the National Museum confidently asserted that the objects that remained after the arrival of an alien from the past date back to the end of the 18th century.

As a result, it turned out that such a village really existed, and moreover, that the coachman Pimp Drake, born in the middle of the 18th century, worked there.

2.· From the NYPD archives: In November 1956, an unknown man was hit and killed on Broadway. The driver and witnesses claimed that he appeared out of nowhere.

In his pocket they found an identification card and business cards on which it was written where he lived, that he worked as a traveling salesman, and so on.

The police found such a person in the archives and interviewed relatives and people who lived nearby. An old woman was found who claimed that her father disappeared about 60 years ago in unknown circumstances: he went for a walk along Broadway and did not return.

A photograph taken in 1884 of her father completely confirmed that this was the man who was hit by the car.

3. Several years ago, a certain Andrew Karl-sin was arrested in New York on charges of fraud.

Having invested less than a thousand dollars in shares, after 2 weeks he earned 350 million bucks on the stock exchange.

It is noteworthy that the trading operations he carried out initially did not promise winning at all. State authorities accused Karlsin of obtaining information that was profitable for himself through illegal means, since they found no other reasons for such an astonishing result.

Although all experts agree that even with complete information about the companies where he invested money, it is impossible to earn so much and in such a period of time
However, during interrogation, Karlsin unexpectedly stated that he allegedly appeared from 2256 and, having information about all banking transactions over the past years, decided to enrich himself.

He categorically refused to show his time machine, but made a tempting offer for the authorities - to report several upcoming important events that will happen soon in the world, including the whereabouts of Bin Laden and the invention of a cure for AIDS...

According to unverified reports, someone posted a million dollar bail for him to get out of prison, after which Karlsin disappeared, apparently forever...

4. A strange incident occurred in a small California town in the summer of 1936. A frightened old woman, unknown to anyone, appeared on his street, dressed in an old-fashioned way.

She literally shied away from passers-by offering her help. Her unusual outfit and strange behavior attracted curious people: after all, everyone in this town knew each other, and the appearance of such a colorful figure did not go unnoticed.

When the old woman saw people gathering around her, she looked around in despair and confusion and suddenly disappeared in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.

5. Time plays nasty tricks not only on individuals; it can also play tricks on very impressive objects.

American parapsychologists claim that the Pentagon has classified a striking incident that occurred with one of the submarines.

The submarine was in the waters of the notorious Bermuda Triangle when it suddenly disappeared, literally moments later a signal from it was received from... the Indian Ocean.

However, this incident with the submarine was not limited to just moving it in space over a huge distance; quite a significant time travel also occurred: the crew of the submarine literally aged 20 years in tens of seconds.

6. Even more terrible incidents sometimes happen to airplanes.

In 1997, W magazine W. News spoke about a mysterious DC-4 plane that landed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1992.

This plane was seen by airport employees, although it did not give any mark on the radar. Soon we managed to contact the pilot. In a surprised and even frightened voice, the pilot announced that he was operating charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with 54 passengers on board and was scheduled to land at 9:55 a.m. on June 2, 1955, at the end he asked: “Where are we?”

Stunned by the pilot's message, the air traffic controllers told him that he was over the airport in Caracas and gave him permission to land.

The pilot did not answer, but during landing everyone heard his surprised exclamation: "Jimmy! What the hell is this!” The American pilot was clearly surprised by the jet plane taking off at that time...

The mysterious plane landed safely, its pilot was breathing heavily, and finally he said: "Something is wrong here". When informed that he had landed on May 21, 1992, the pilot exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

They tried to calm him down and said that a ground team was already heading towards him. However, seeing airport employees next to the plane, the pilot shouted: “Don't come any closer! We're flying out of here!"

The ground crew saw the astonished faces of the passengers through the windows, and the DC-4 pilot cracked open his cockpit window and waved a magazine at them, demanding that they stay away from the plane.

He started the engines, the plane took off and disappeared. Did he manage to get there in due time? Unfortunately, the further fate of the crew and passengers of the plane is unknown, since the magazine did not report any historical investigation into this case.

As evidence of this unusual incident, a recording of conversations with the DC-4 and a calendar for 1955, which fell out of the magazine that the pilot was waving, remained at the Caracas airport...

7. A resident of Sevastopol, retired naval sailor Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin has been studying the problem of time travel for the last fifteen years.

The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after a very curious and mysterious incident that happened to him in the late 80s of the last century in the Pacific Ocean, while serving as deputy commander of a diesel submarine.

During one of the training trips in the La Perouse Strait area, the boat was caught in a severe thunderstorm. The submarine commander decided to take a surface position.

As soon as the ship surfaced, the sailor on watch reported that he saw an unidentified craft right ahead.

You will soon find out that a Soviet submarine stumbled upon a rescue boat located in international waters, in which the submariners found a half-dead frostbitten man in... the uniform of a Japanese naval sailor from the Second World War.

When examining the personal belongings of the rescued man, an award parabellum was found, as well as documents issued on September 14, 1940.

After the report to the base command, the boat was ordered to go to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was already waiting for the Japanese naval sailor.

GRU officers signed a non-disclosure agreement to not disclose this fact for the next ten years.

8. In 1966, three brothers walked early New Year's morning along one of the streets of Glasgow. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared in front of his older brothers. All attempts to find him were unsuccessful. Alex disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.

9. Photo in the Bralorne Pioneer Museum virtual museum with the rather boring title “Reopening of the South Fork Bridge after flood in Nov. 1940. 1941 (?)” became a minor sensation.

The public claims that it shows a time traveler. The reason for this was some features of his clothes and a portable camera in his hands: he is wearing sunglasses, which were not worn in the 40s, a T-shirt with an advertising logo, a sweater in the fashion of the 21st century, a hairstyle that was not done in those days and portable camera.

10. John Titor - the time traveler who predicted war

John Titor is a man from the future who has appeared on the Internet on forums, blogs and various websites since 2000. John claimed that he was a time traveler and arrived here from 2036.

He was originally sent in 1975 to collect information about the IBM-5100 computer, as his grandfather worked on the creation of this computer and programmed on it, but he stopped in 2000 for personal reasons. On forums he talked about future events. Some of them have already happened: the war in Iraq, the conflict in the US presidential elections of 2004 and 2008. He also talked about the third world war.

This is the bleak future of our planet: a second civil war will split America into 5 factions with the new capital in Omaha. In 2017, the Third World War will break out, resulting in losses of three billion people.

Then, to top it all off, there will be a computer crash that will destroy the world as we know it. That is, it will be so unless a brave time traveler crosses the space-time continuum to change the course of history.

This was at the end of 2000. The poster on various forums took on the online aliases “TimeTravel_0” and “John Titor,” and claimed to be a soldier sent from the year 2036, the year a computer virus destroyed the world. His mission was to return to 1975 to find and capture the IBM 5100 computer, which had everything he needed to fight the virus (and he went to 2000 to meet his 3-year-old self, ignoring the paradox of the very fabric of time from the stories about time travel).

Over the next four months, Titor answered all the questions that the other participants had, describing future events in the spirit of poetic phrases, and always pointing out that there are other realities and our reality may not be his own.

In between grim calls to learn first aid and not eat beef - in his reality, mad cow disease was a serious threat - Titor, using extremely difficult algorithms, revealed some technical aspects about how time travel works and provided grainy photographs of his time machine.

On March 24, 2001, Titor gave his last piece of advice (“Take a gas can with you when you abandon your car on the side of the road”), logged out forever, and headed back. Since then he has not appeared again.

Titor's story is from a time when we were all so innocent, a time less than 15 years ago, just before everything started to change. And the legend of Titor persists partly because no one has ever claimed to be its creator.

Since the mystery has not been solved, the legend continues. "The John Titor story is popular because some stories just get popular," says writer and producer Brian Denning, who specializes in the Titor story.

Among all the stories about ghosts, demonic voices, hoaxes or rumors floating around the Internet, something is becoming popular. Why shouldn't the story about Titor become so popular? Although there is (tiny, almost scientifically impossible) another possibility.

“One of the keys to unlocking Titor,” Temporal Recon wrote in an email, “is accepting the possibility that time travel may be true.”

The great thing about time travel is that history cannot be disproved. If events do not happen as the time traveler said, it is because he changed the course of history.

And yet...if this man John Titor wanted to promote himself, then why did he disappear forever?! Whether the special services took him away or whether he went back is a mystery.

Last year, the Internet exploded with a modest photo from the Bralorne Pioneer Museum in the Canadian province of British Columbia. In a black and white photograph dating back to 1940 (according to other sources, 1941), a curious citizen discovered a time traveler.

Literally a month after the first publication, the number of links to the photo exceeded a million. But what surprised people so much and why did everyone decide that the photograph depicted a person from the future?

If you look closely, in the crowd of people in the photo you can spot a young man in a strange outfit for the early forties: you can easily find him by his haircut, which was unusual for that time, a T-shirt with a printed emblem, a sweater of a fashionable cut, as well as a portable camera and sunglasses model XXI century. In fact, the photograph from 70 years ago depicts, if not our contemporary, then a person from an era very close to ours.

Naturally, experts became interested in the photo. Research has shown that the photograph is genuine. The experts did not find any traces of any processing, computer or otherwise.

But skeptics did not calm down even after the conclusion of the examination. A modern camera, you say? But Kodak already in those days produced folding portable cameras with an accordion-style lens. It is likely that the “traveler” is holding exactly this model in his hands. But this cannot be said with a high degree of probability - it is difficult to see the device in detail in the picture.

Sweater? Knitted sweaters weren't a thing 70 years ago, and the "modernity" of the cut is, again, hard to judge.

Men really didn’t wear sunglasses in those days. But almost does not mean completely. Mass production of cheap sunglasses available to the general public began in America back in 1929 - Sam Foster Grant sold them on the beaches of Atlantic City, New Jersey. And in 1936, polarized glasses appeared when Edwin Land invented lenses with a Polaroid filter. So in the early 1940s, dark glasses, although not widespread, were nevertheless not something completely out of the ordinary. And yet look at the rest of the people depicted in the photograph. None of them have sunglasses anymore. Moreover, our potential “time passer” has glasses with triangular, presumably leather, pads on the arms, covering his eyes from the wind and from the side sun rays. But here, as experts assure, we are not necessarily talking about some exclusively modern model. It turns out that similar glasses were already used by climbers in the late 30s. By the way, the same climbers also respected knitted sweaters.

The hairstyle, perhaps, is also nothing special - hairdressing art was also at its best back then, and the rule “new is well forgotten old” has not yet been canceled.

But the T-shirt causes insurmountable difficulties even among the most notorious skeptics - even in an old photo it is clear that it is clearly cotton and has a printed logo. And if everything we talked about earlier has its analogues in the past, then this particular part of the wardrobe certainly does not belong to the first half of the last century. Emblems in those days were knitted (on the same sweaters) or sewn, but not printed on cotton.

So who is this young guy in the picture? A local stylish eccentric or a visitor from our century? There is no clear answer to this question yet.

Among the sea of ​​fakes, another supposedly authentic photograph stands out, in which you can find a man who clearly stands out from the crowd. One married couple was the first to discover it, noticing that one of the people in the frame was sitting without a hat and wearing a T-shirt, very similar to the ones we see today. The photo itself dates back to 1917, and at that time, for every self-respecting person, appearing in society without a hat meant about the same thing as appearing without pants.

Finally, another controversial image from the beginning of the last century shows a “time traveler”... meticulously poking around with a mobile phone. However, if you look closely, it becomes clear that this is just an optical illusion.

And yet the first two photographs remain - their existence is difficult to explain. It turns out that time travel is still real?

Experiments with spacetime

Theoretically, time travel is possible; modern science allows it. Proposed ways of traveling to the future are divided into physical and biological. It is believed that if a certain object (for example, an interstellar ship of the future) moves at a speed close to the speed of light, then the travel time measured by the watch of someone who was moving at such speed will always be less than that measured by the watch of someone who is motionless ( the so-called “twin effect”). Dozens of books and films are based on this effect - for example, a common plot is in which astronauts returning from a long journey discover that tens, hundreds and thousands of years have passed on Earth.

Another physical way to travel to the future is supposedly to be in a region of ultra-high gravity (for example, near the event horizon of a black hole).

As for the biological method of traveling to the future, in this case it is assumed that the body’s metabolism is stopped, followed by restoration (for example, cryopreservation, or freezing). The use of cryopreservation is being considered, for example, in future long-distance space flights, where the crew will be frozen throughout the long journey so as not to age before arriving at their final destination.

If we talk about hypothetical travel into the past, then, oddly enough, official science also does not deny their possibility, although technically it is much more complicated.

Einstein's general theory of relativity allows for the possibility of the existence of so-called wormholes (the English term wormhole is “wormhole”, the name “wormhole” is also found). Here we mean something like tunnels that connect remote areas in space, but themselves can be very short. Theoretical calculations of scientists show that with the help of “wormholes” travel is possible not only in space, but also in time.

One example of spontaneous time travel is the semi-legendary Philadelphia experiment, which was allegedly conducted by the US Navy on October 28, 1943. During this experiment, the destroyer Eldridge with a crew of 181 people allegedly disappeared and then instantly moved several tens of kilometers in space. The experiment has not been officially confirmed, but persistent rumors about it have been widespread for several decades, even though the Eldridge sailors who have survived to this day consider it a fabrication and a lie.

It is alleged that when the destroyer disappeared, a greenish fog was observed, and the ship itself was not only instantly transported over a huge distance, but also found itself, according to various sources, at the arrival point 10 or 15 minutes earlier than it disappeared at the departure point, thus accidentally becoming , a huge time machine. It is believed that of the entire crew, only 21 people returned unharmed. 27 crew members literally became fused with the structure of the ship (there is a reference to this in the recently released film “The Mystery of the Dyatlov Pass”), some of the sailors died from burns, radiation, electric shock and fear. It is believed that through the Philadelphia Experiment, Einstein secretly tested his Unified Field Theory. According to another hypothesis, during the experiment, the FBI verified the authenticity of Nikola Tesla's guesses regarding the possibility of teleportation (the scientist himself died several months earlier, and his archive became the property of the American government).

Guests from the past and parallel worlds

It is not difficult to assume that in addition to “guests from the future,” it is quite possible that there are people who accidentally came to our time from the past. The most famous and widespread story about such “misfits” is the case of the driver from Chetnam.

In the summer of 1912, many British newspapers wrote about an unusual incident that occurred on an express train traveling from London to the Scottish city of Glasgow. In the presence of two passengers - a Scotland Yard inspector and a young nurse - an elderly man in strangely cut clothes, boots with large buckles and a cocked hat appeared on a seat near the window with a terrible scream. The guest's long hair was braided, in one hand he held a long whip, and in the other a bitten piece of black bread.

The man was literally dying of fear, his body was shaking, and his eyes were wandering. The passengers tried their best to calm him down. When asked his name and where he was from, the man introduced himself as Pimp Drake, “a charioteer from Chetnam.” As Drake began to sob in horror, the inspector ran after the conductor, telling the nurse to look after the poor fellow. Returning, the inspector saw that the driver had disappeared, and the girl was lying in a deep faint. Passengers looked out the window - the railway embankment was clearly visible for several hundred feet, but no one was visible anywhere. Only Drake's cocked hat and whip remained on the seat, which were later identified by ethnographers from the British National Museum as dating back to the second half of the 18th century.

Later, an inspector and a nurse found the area where, back in the early 19th century, there was a village called Chetnem. In the church register of the parish to which the village previously belonged, the pastor, who, at the request of the inspector, found a record of Pimp Drake in the archives, found a note in the margins by the then priest. It said that Drake told him that one night, returning home, the driver saw right in front of him a long, snake-like “devil's carriage,” full of fire and smoke. Inexplicably finding himself inside this carriage, Drake saw people in strange clothes (according to the driver’s assumption, “servants of the devil”). Frightened, Pimp Drake cried out to the Lord for salvation and ended up in a roadside ditch. The Devil's Carriage disappeared, but so did his own carriage. When Drake, weakened by fear, reached home, he learned from the words of his frightened wife that an hour ago a man from a neighboring village had brought horses and a cart - he accidentally stumbled upon them seven miles from the house.

Who knows, maybe there are some kind of “wormholes” not only in space, but also on Earth? And it is in them that people from the past sometimes end up, as well as guests from parallel worlds, such as, for example, a citizen of an unknown country, Tuared?

According to a popular story, in 1954 in Japan, a man with an impeccably issued passport was detained in a hotel. The only trouble was that he was issued by the government of Touared - a country that never existed, but, according to the stranger, “extended from Mauritania to Sudan” and also captured most of Algeria. An Arab legion was allegedly organized in Tuared, intended to wage a war of liberation, weapons for which were supposed to be purchased from Japan. Before ending up in a madhouse, a guest from a non-existent country gave a press conference and several interviews, sincerely not understanding why no one believed him.

All the cases described in the material are still beyond human understanding. Is it really possible to travel from the future to the past and vice versa? Are there parallel worlds where history or even time itself flows differently?

Sooner or later, scientists will answer these questions.

The most careful people do not leave evidence of their stay, but even among time travelers there are people who are not always careful - it was from their tracks that scientists realized that teleportation exists. If you are still full of doubts, check out the 15 most famous cases of time travel!

Cell phone in Chaplin's film

This phenomenon was recorded in a documentary about the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's film "The Circus". A woman was accidentally walking into the frame, holding her hand near her ear as if she were holding a mobile phone. Moreover, she also talks, although no one is observed next to her. But this is 1928!

Hipster in the 1940s

A photograph of this man, whose identity was not established, spread around the world. It captured a group of people who attended the opening of the South Fork Bridge over the Shenandoah River in Arkansas. Most of the people in the picture practically blend into one, but one of them is clearly not like the rest. He is dressed in modern clothes, has fashionable sunglasses and a camera that is definitely not from the 40s. These things simply did not exist at that time. Naturally, this photo was checked, but the experts did not find a photomontage.

TV presenter - time traveler

On the left is a photograph of an unknown man from the USA in the 19th century. On the right is a photo of the famous American TV presenter of the early 21st century, Conan O’Brien. The resemblance is striking! But that's not all. The press has repeatedly called the TV presenter a time traveler. His demeanor and appearance are strikingly different from everything they have seen before.

Time traveler in plein air

This photo was taken in 1917 in Cape Scott Park near Vancouver. Just take a closer look at how the young man in the middle is dressed: his rather modern shorts and T-shirt are clearly different from the prim clothes of people from the last century!

Marilyn and the Time Traveler

It's hard to take your eyes off Marilyn, but try and take a closer look at the woman in the background. What's in her hands? Digital camera? Miniature video camera? Be that as it may, this technology simply did not exist at that time...

Is Andrew Karlssin a rogue from the future?

This traveler was arrested in 2003 for stock exchange fraud. He claimed that he came from 2256 and knew all the information about the market. With $800, he made 126 successful deals and in a short time increased his fortune to 350 million! As experts say, without accurate knowledge of how stock quotes will fluctuate, it is impossible to do this.

Flight through the years

Pilot Victor Goddard (pictured left) claimed to have had a time travel experience in 1935. Flying over an abandoned airfield in Drem, Scotland, he flew into a strange yellow cloud. Having got out of it, Victor saw that the airfield below was full of planes and people dressed in clearly military uniforms of strange colors. Arriving at his airfield, he shared a strange observation with his friends. Four years later, the previously abandoned airfield in Drem was again given to military pilots, and after some time they changed their uniforms, giving them exactly the same ones that Victor Goddard observed in his strange flight through time.

Jay-Z, what fate?

Jay-Z is a fairly famous singer, and he is also the husband of singer Beyoncé. There is nothing strange about him, and it would be difficult to suspect him of being a time traveler. But maybe this photo taken in 1930 will convince you?

Through time through the water supply

Hakan got the opportunity to travel back in time when he crawled under the sink to fix a pipe. Yes, yes, you heard right! Arriving home, the man saw water on the floor. To fix the leak, he reached into the cabinet under the sink and saw a tunnel. At the end of it, as is customary, there was light. Hakan was not afraid and decided to check what was there at the end. He came out in his own kitchen, however, 36 years later. There, Hakan met his 72-year-old self and made a video of himself, showing off identical tattoos.

Cell phone in 1938

An ordinary shot of a girl talking on a cell phone, isn't it? But this photograph was taken in 1938. And again the time traveler was betrayed by modern technology beyond his years!

And again cellular communication!

This photograph was taken in the early years of the twentieth century. We can't see exactly what the man in the vest is pressing to his ear, but it's clearly some kind of portable technology. How did she get there?

Nicolas Cage and you?!

Actor Nicolas Cage also turned out to be one of these, time travelers. Do you have any doubts? Then take a look at the photo taken about a hundred years before Cage was born! Do you believe it now?

Smartphone and Mike Tyson

This photo was taken during Mike Tyson's fight with Peter McNeely in 1995. In the first row, a person is clearly visible, filming what is happening on a smartphone or miniature digital camera. However, such equipment will appear on the market only a few years later.

Andrew Basiago

In 2004, Andrew Basiago, a lawyer from Seattle, made a public statement that as a child he participated in a secret US government program that involved time travel. Most of the movements, according to the man, were carried out on the basis of documents of the famous engineer Nikola Tesla. Andrew allegedly managed to visit Ford's Theater five or six times on the night of President Lincoln's assassination. Each time he met his “copies” and changed the course of history.

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