Space energy. Using space energy. Giant beam of energy from space

In subsequent years, many countries became interested in space-based solar power, including Japan, China and several European countries.

“A lot of people were interested in it, but there was a lot less technical capability and hardware back then,” Yaffe says.

In 2009, US Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus set a series of goals to reduce the Navy's dependence on foreign oil and increase the use of alternative energy sources. That same year, Yaffe received funding from the US Naval Research Laboratory to improve technology that would convert solar energy collected in space into another form of energy that could be transmitted to Earth.

How does the technology work?

Although the technology needs improvement, the basic idea is quite simple. The sun sends photons, energetic packets of light, in all directions. A conventional solar panel converts these photons into electrons of direct electrical current. Then the direct current is converted into alternating current and transmitted through the electrical network.

In space, the big problem is how to get this energy into the grid.

With solar panels in space, scientists need to find the most efficient way to transmit direct current from solar reflectors to Earth. Answer: Electromagnetic waves, like those used to transmit radio frequencies or heat food in a microwave oven.

“People may not associate radio waves with energy transfer because they think of them in connection with communications, radios, televisions or phones. They don't think of them as carriers of energy," Yaffe says. But we know that microwaves (a type of electromagnetic wave) carry energy - their energy heats our food.

Yaffe calls the technology he's working on a "sandwich" module. The figure below shows mirror-like solar reflectors concentrating photons from the sun onto an array of sandwich modules. The top of the sandwich receives solar energy. Antennas on the lower side beam send radio waves to Earth.

The image above is not to scale. The sandwich modules should be three meters long, but about 80,000 of them will be needed. An array of such modules will be the length of nine football fields, about a kilometer. This is nine times more than .

Back on Earth, the energy-containing radio frequencies from the space-based solar panels will be received by a special antenna - a rectenna - which can be three kilometers in diameter.

“It will look like a field strewn with wires. These rectenna elements will receive incoming radio waves and convert them into electricity,” says Yaffe.

A powerful beam of radio waves can be sent to any location on Earth because the direction of the beam can be changed using a technique called retrodirective beam steering. It is enough to send a “pilot signal” from the center of the receiving station. The satellite sees the signal and reconfigures the transmitter to transmit radio waves to the earth station.

A huge advantage of such a system for both military and civilians would be the ability to transmit power to remote bases and places where it would be logistically difficult and incredibly expensive to deliver diesel fuel.

Giant beam of energy from space

A giant beam of radio waves coming down from space to Earth would frighten most people who have seen an alien ship use such beams to blow up cities. But in fact, you won't even see a radio beam with the naked eye - radio signals flow around us everywhere and in all directions.

Although these radio signals contain more energy than a TV or radio signal, the signal density will still be quite low and will not threaten people, planes or birds flying through it. Of course, the technology has not yet been tested outside of a laboratory, so there is no real evidence of its safety yet.

The main problem with such a system remains its cost. And this problem affects all parties involved, be it government, private or commercial financial funds.

It is difficult to say how much the full-scale implementation of a space-based solar station system will cost, but clearly no less than hundreds of millions of dollars. There is a certain limit to how big an object we can launch into space, and rockets aren't cheap either. The International Space Station, for example, was built piecemeal in space because there was no rocket large or powerful enough to launch the entire system into space.

Jaffe's goal is to prototype one section of the sandwich module, but not complete the project. He also tests the modules in space-like conditions to ensure they can withstand and continue to operate in the incredible heat of the sun in space.

Yaffe is trying to find sponsors to fund the continuation of his project. But he stresses that long-term energy projects are a tough sell, especially when he can't show people the technology in action. Yaffe believes the real motivator will be international competition, like in the 1950s when Russia developed the first satellite and beat the United States in the space race. Now, it seems that Japan plans to be the first to participate in this project.

Even without government funding, small businesses like Solaren believe space solar stations will become a reality in the near future. Gary Spirnka, CEO of Solaren, has had a long career in both government and private space engineering. He has spent years watching the government plan and freeze such station projects, so he is more interested in the private sector.

Recently, a conference “New Generation of Suborbital Explorers” was held in Colorado, at which, in particular, projects for the construction of space solar stations were discussed. And if no one took such ideas seriously before, now they are really close to implementation.

Thus, the US Congress is preparing a plan for America’s gradual transition from fossil fuels to space energy. A specially created space department will be responsible for the implementation of the project; NASA, the Department of Energy and other organizations will play an active role in its work.

By October of this year, the Department of Justice must submit to Congress all the necessary changes and additions to current federal legislation in order to begin construction of space solar power plants. As part of the program, at the initial stage it is planned to develop nuclear space propulsion systems to use reusable spacecraft for space logistics and the construction of solar power plants in orbit.

Technologies are also under active development to convert sunlight into electricity and teleport it to Earth.

In particular, experts from the California Institute of Technology propose illuminating the planet using orbital “flying carpets.” These are systems of 2,500 panels, 25 mm thick and 2/3 of a football field long. Elements of such a station will be delivered into orbit by rockets like the Space Launch System, an American super-heavy launch vehicle being developed by NASA. The space power plant is being created as part of the SSPI (Space Solar Power Initiative), a partnership between California Tech University and Northrup Grumman. The latter has invested $17.5 million to develop the core components of the system over the next three years. The initiative was also supported by researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

According to Caltech professor Harry Atwater, who led the Space Solar Power Initiative, "magic carpets" convert solar energy into radio waves and send them to earth. The energy will be transmitted using the phased array principle used in radar systems. This will create a flow moving in any direction.

Solar panels consist of tiles measuring 10x10 cm and weighing about 0.8 g, which will ensure a relatively low cost of launching the structure. Each tile will transmit the converted energy autonomously and if one of them fails, the rest will continue to work. The loss of a few elements due to solar flares or small meteorites will not harm the power plant. According to scientists' calculations, with mass production, the cost of electricity from such a source will be less than when using coal or natural gas.

The percentage of ground-mounted solar installations in the overall energy supply balance of many countries around the world is becoming increasingly higher. But the capabilities of such power plants are limited: at night and in heavy clouds, solar panels lose their ability to generate electricity. Therefore, the ideal option is to place solar power plants in orbit, where day does not give way to night, and clouds do not create barriers between the Sun and the panels. The main advantage of building a power plant in space is its potential efficiency. Solar panels located in space can generate ten times more energy than batteries located on the surface of the Earth.

The idea of ​​orbital power plants has been developed for a long time; scientists from NASA and the Pentagon have been engaged in similar research since the 60s. Previously, the implementation of such projects was hampered by the high cost of transportation, but with the development of technology, space power plants may become a reality in the foreseeable future.

There are already several interesting projects for the construction of solar installations in orbit. In addition to the Space Solar Power Initiative, the Americans are developing an orbital solar panel that will absorb solar radiation and transmit electron beams using radio waves to a receiver on earth. The authors of the development were specialists from the US Navy Research Laboratory. They built a compact solar module with a photovoltaic panel on one side. Inside the panel there is electronics that convert direct current into radio frequency for signal transmission, the other side supports an antenna for transmitting electron beams to Earth.

According to the lead author of the development, Paul Jaffe, the lower the frequency of the electron beam carrying energy, the more reliable its transmission will be in bad weather. And at a frequency of 2.45 GHz, you can receive energy even during the rainy season. The solar receiver will provide energy for all military operations; diesel generators can be forgotten forever.

The United States is not the only country that plans to receive electricity from space. The fierce struggle for traditional energy resources has forced many states to look for alternative energy sources.

The Japanese space exploration agency JAXA has developed a photovoltaic platform for installation in Earth orbit. The solar energy collected using the installation will be supplied to receiving stations on the Earth and converted into electricity. Solar energy will be collected at an altitude of 36 thousand km.

Such a system, consisting of a series of ground and orbital stations, should begin operating as early as 2030, with a total capacity of 1 GW, which is comparable to a standard nuclear power plant. To this end, Japan plans to build an artificial island 3 km long, on which a network of 5 billion antennas will be deployed to convert ultra-high frequency radio waves into electricity. JAXA researcher Susumi Sasaki, who led the development, is confident that placing solar batteries in space will lead to a revolution in energy, making it possible over time to completely abandon traditional energy sources.

China has similar plans, which will build a solar power plant in Earth orbit larger than the International Space Station. The total area of ​​the installation's solar panels will be 5-6 thousand square meters. km. According to expert calculations, such a station will collect solar rays 99% of the time, and space solar panels will be able to generate 10 times more electricity per unit area than their ground-based counterparts. It is assumed that the generated electricity will be converted into microwaves or a laser beam for transmission to a ground collector. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2030, and the project will cost about $1 trillion.

Worldwide engineers are assessing the possibilities of building solar space power plants not only in orbit, but also in areas closer to the Sun, near Mercury. In this case, almost 100 times less solar panels will be required. In this case, receiving devices can be moved from the Earth's surface into the stratosphere, which will allow efficient energy transfer in the millimeter and submillimeter ranges.

Projects for lunar solar power plants are also being developed.

For example, the Japanese company Shimizu proposed creating a belt of solar panels stretching along the entire equator of the Moon for 11 thousand km and a width of 400 km.

It will be placed on the back side of the Earth's satellite so that the system is constantly exposed to the sun's rays. The panels can be connected using conventional power cables or optical systems. The generated electricity is planned to be transmitted using large antennas and received using special receivers on Earth.

In theory, the project looks great, all that remains is to figure out how to deliver hundreds of thousands of panels to the Earth’s satellite and install them there, as well as how to deliver energy from the Moon to our planet without losing a significant part of it along the way: after all, you will have to cover 364 thousand km. So the ideas of creating lunar power plants are too far from reality and if they are realized, it will not be very soon.

Tatyana Gromova

The atmosphere prevents us from receiving and using “clean” solar energy on the Earth’s surface. A solution naturally arises: to place solar power plants in space, in Earth orbit. There will be no atmospheric interference; weightlessness will make it possible to create multi-kilometer structures that are necessary to “collect” solar energy. Such stations have great merit. The transformation of one type of energy into another is inevitably accompanied by the release of heat, and dumping it into space will prevent dangerous overheating of the earth's atmosphere.

Today it is impossible to say for sure what solar space power plants (SCPS) will actually look like. And the designers began designing the SCES back in the late 60s. XX century

The path of energy from the receiver of the electromagnetic radiation of the Sun to the outlet in the apartment or the power supply of the machine can be different. In the very first projects, the following was proposed: solar panels generating electricity - an ultra-high frequency (microwave) transmitter on the SKES - a receiver on Earth - electrical distribution substations. In practice, it would look like this: multi-kilometer planes of solar panels on a durable frame; transmitter array antennas; similar to them (and also many kilometers long) energy receivers on the surface of the Earth. The option, as it quickly became clear, is far from ideal.

Engineers have tried to abandon the use of solar panels altogether. For example, it was proposed to use various converters (say, mirrors) at the station to convert sunlight into heat, boil the working fluid and use its steam to rotate turbines with electric generators. But even in this option, the process of obtaining energy remains very long: sunlight through heat and mechanical movement is converted into electricity, then again into electromagnetic waves for transmission to Earth, and then again into electricity. Each stage leads to energy loss; receiving antennas on Earth must occupy huge areas. But the worst thing is that the microwave beam negatively affects the Earth’s ionosphere and has a detrimental effect on dozens of living organisms. Therefore, the space above the antennas must be closed for aviation flights. How to protect birds from death?

The same problems arise when transmitting energy via a laser beam, which is also more difficult to convert back into electric current. It is more expedient to use the energy obtained in space in space, without sending it to Earth. About 90% of the energy generated on the planet is spent on production. Its main consumers are metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry. By the way, they are also the main polluters of the environment. Humanity is not yet able to do without such industries. But you can remove them from the Earth. Why not use raw materials mined on the Moon or asteroids by creating corresponding bases on satellites and asteroids? The task is certainly a complex one, and the construction of solar space power plants is only the first step towards solving it. Wind turbines, damless hydroelectric power plants and other environmentally friendly power plants can handle the production of electricity for domestic needs.

Any version of the solar space power plant project assumes that this is a colossal structure and more than one. Even the smallest SCES must weigh tens of thousands of tons. And this gigantic mass will need to be launched into an orbit distant from the Earth. Modern launch vehicles are able to deliver the required number of blocks, units and solar panels to a low reference orbit. To reduce the mass of huge mirrors that concentrate sunlight, they can be made from the thinnest mirror film, for example, in the form of inflatable structures. The assembled fragments of the solar space power station must be delivered to high orbit and docked there. And the section of the solar power plant will be able to fly to the “place of work” under its own power, if only low-thrust electric rocket engines are installed on it.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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Chronology of space energy development

1990 :The M.V. Keldysh Research Center has developed a concept for energy supply to the Earth from space using low Earth orbits. “Already in 2020-2030, it is possible to create 10-30 space power plants, each of which will consist of ten space power modules. The planned total power of the stations will be 1.5-4.5 GW, and the total power of the consumer on Earth will be 0.75-2.25 GW.” Further, it was planned to increase the number of stations to 800 units by 2050-2100, and the final power of the consumer to 960 GW. However, today it is unknown even about the creation of a working project based on this concept [ ] ;

2009 : The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has announced plans to launch a solar energy satellite into orbit that will transmit energy to Earth using microwaves. They hope to launch the first prototype of an orbiting satellite by 2030.

2009 : Solaren, located in California (USA), has signed an agreement with PG&E that the latter will buy the energy that Solaren will produce in space. The capacity will be 200 MW. According to the plan, 250,000 homes will be powered by this energy. The project is planned to be implemented in 2016.

2011 : A project has been announced by several Japanese corporations that would be based on 40 satellites with solar panels attached. The flagship of the project should be the Mitsubishi Corporation. Transmission to earth will be carried out using electromagnetic waves; the receiver should be a “mirror” with a diameter of about 3 km, which will be located in a desert area of ​​the ocean. As of 2011, the project is planned to start in 2012

2013 : The main scientific institution of Roscosmos, TsNIIMash, has taken the initiative to create Russian space solar power plants (KSPPs) with a capacity of 1-10 GW with wireless transmission of electricity to ground consumers. TsNIIMash points out that American and Japanese developers have taken the path of using microwave radiation, which today appears to be significantly less effective than laser radiation.

Power generation satellite

History of the idea

The idea originally appeared in the 1970s. The emergence of such a project was associated with the energy crisis. In this regard, the US government allocated $20 million to the NASA space agency and Boeing to calculate the feasibility of the giant SPS (Solar Power Satellite) satellite project.

After all the calculations, it turned out that such a satellite would generate 5,000 megawatts of energy, with 2,000 megawatts remaining after transmission to the ground. To understand whether this is a lot or not, it is worth comparing this power with the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, whose capacity is 6000 megawatts. But the approximate cost of such a project is $1 trillion, which was the reason for the closure of the program.

Technology diagram

The system assumes the presence of an emitter device located in geostationary orbit. It is supposed to convert solar energy into a form convenient for transmission (microwave, laser radiation) and transmit it to the surface in a “concentrated” form. In this case, there must be a “receiver” on the surface that perceives this energy.

A solar energy harvesting satellite essentially consists of three parts:

  • means of collecting solar energy in outer space, for example through solar panels or a Stirling heat engine;
  • means of transmitting energy to the ground, for example, through microwave or laser;
  • means of generating energy on earth, such as through rectennas.

The spacecraft will be in GEO and will not need to support itself against gravity. It also doesn't need protection from ground wind or weather, but will deal with space hazards such as micrometeorites and solar storms.

Relevance today

Since in the 40 years since the idea appeared, solar panels have greatly fallen in price and increased in productivity, and it has become cheaper to deliver cargo into orbit, in 2007 the National Space Society of the United States presented a report in which it talks about the prospects for the development of space energy today .

System advantages

  • High efficiency due to the fact that there is no atmosphere, energy production does not depend on the weather and time of year.
  • There is almost a complete absence of interruptions, since the ring system of satellites encircling the Earth will have at least one illuminated by the Sun at any given time.

Lunar Belt

A space energy project presented by Shimizu in 2010. According to the idea of ​​Japanese engineers, this should be a belt of solar panels stretched along the entire equator of the Moon (11 thousand kilometers) and 400 kilometers wide.

Solar panels

Since the production and transportation of such a number of solar cells from the earth is not possible, according to scientists, solar cells will have to be produced directly on the Moon. To do this, you can use lunar soil from which you can make solar panels.

Energy transfer

Energy from this belt will be transmitted by radio waves using huge 20-kilometer antennas and received by rectennas here on Earth. The second transmission method that can be used is transmission of a light beam using lasers and reception by a light catcher on the ground.

System advantages

Since there is no atmosphere or weather phenomena on the Moon, energy can be generated almost around the clock and with a high efficiency factor.

David Criswell has suggested that the Moon is an optimal location for solar power plants. The main advantage of placing solar energy collectors on the Moon is that most of the solar panels can be built from local materials instead of terrestrial resources, significantly reducing mass and therefore cost compared to other space solar power plant options.

Technologies used in space energy

Wireless energy transmission to the Earth

Wireless power transmission was proposed early on as a means to transfer power from a space or lunar station to Earth. Energy can be transmitted using laser radiation or microwaves at various frequencies depending on the design of the system. What choices were made to ensure that the transmission of radiation was non-ionizing, in order to avoid possible disturbances to the ecology or biological system of the energy-producing region? The upper limit for the frequency of radiation is set such that the energy per photon does not cause ionization of organisms when passing through them. Ionization of biological materials begins only with ultraviolet radiation and, as a result, occurs at higher frequencies, so a large number of radio frequencies will be available for energy transfer.


Converting solar energy into electrical energy

In space energy (in existing stations and in the development of space power plants), the only way to efficiently obtain energy is the use of photovoltaic cells. A photocell is an electronic device that converts photon energy into electrical energy. The first photocell based on the external photoelectric effect was created by Alexander Stoletov at the end of the 19th century. The most efficient, from an energy point of view, devices for converting solar energy into electrical energy are semiconductor photovoltaic converters (PVCs), since this is a direct, single-stage energy transition. The efficiency of commercially produced solar cells is on average 16%, with the best samples up to 25%. In laboratory conditions, an efficiency of 43% has already been achieved.

Receiving energy from microwave waves emitted by the satellite

It is also important to highlight ways to obtain energy. One of them is obtaining energy using rectennas. Rectenna (rectifying antenna) is a device that is a nonlinear antenna designed to convert the energy of the field of a wave incident on it into direct current energy. The simplest design option can be a half-wave vibrator, between the arms of which a device with one-way conductivity (for example, a diode) is installed. In this design option, the antenna is combined with a detector, at the output of which, in the presence of an incident wave, an emf appears. To increase the gain, such devices can be combined into multi-element arrays.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cosmic solar energy is energy that is obtained outside the Earth's atmosphere. In the absence of gas pollution in the atmosphere or clouds, approximately 35% of the energy that entered the atmosphere falls on the Earth. In addition, by choosing the right orbital trajectory, energy can be obtained about 96% of the time. Thus, photovoltaic panels in Earth's geostationary orbit (at an altitude of 36,000 km) will receive on average eight times more light than panels on the Earth's surface and even more when the spacecraft is closer to the Sun than Earth. An added benefit is the fact that in space there is no problem with weight or corrosion of metals due to the lack of an atmosphere.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage of space energy to this day is its high cost. The funds spent on launching a system with a total mass of 3 million tons into orbit will pay off only within 20 years, and this is if we take into account the specific cost of delivering cargo from Earth to the working orbit of 100 $/kg. The current cost of putting cargo into orbit is much higher.

The second problem with creating an IPS is large energy losses during transmission. At least 40-50% will be lost when transmitting energy to the Earth's surface.

Main technological problems

According to a 2008 American study, there are five major technological challenges that science must overcome in order for space energy to become readily available:

  • Photovoltaic and electronic components must operate at high efficiency at high temperatures.
  • Wireless energy transfer must be accurate and secure.
  • Space power plants should be inexpensive to produce.
  • Low cost of space launch vehicles.
  • Maintaining a constant position of the station above the energy receiver: the pressure of sunlight will push the station away from the desired position, and the pressure of electromagnetic radiation directed towards the Earth will push the station away from the Earth.

Other ways to use cosmic energy

Use of electricity in space flights

In addition to radiating energy to Earth, ECO satellites can also power interplanetary stations and space telescopes. This could also be a safe alternative to nuclear reactors on a ship that will fly to the red planet. Another sector that could benefit from

Practice of using the energy of Space and Earth.

(abstract material)

What are these energies mentioned by the founders and proponents of biodynamic farming and agriculture? There are actually a lot of omissions and misunderstandings in this matter. I do not pretend to be a know-it-all, I will simply try to tell you, dear reader, about what I myself know, and I know little. But even that little can shed light and dispel the veil of misunderstanding. But the thing is that the principles of the information-energetic meaning of geometric forms have not been widely covered in the press to this day, being an area of ​​esoteric knowledge, existing only in hints to the attentive reader. But having mastered the method of dowsing using a pendulum or frame (as proof of the existence of energies), an inquisitive and sincere researcher will be able to uncover, understand and apply a lot for good. I sincerely wish this for you.

So, what are these energies of the Cosmos and the Earth? There are several theories. To better understand what we are talking about, let's look at some of them.

Let's take a brief look at the concept of the chronal field of the famous Belarusian scientist A.I. Veinik, who created a number of devices that demonstrate the reality of phenomena that are impossible from the point of view of official science. According to the hypothesis of A.I. Veinik, there is a large class of microparticles called chronons, the mass of which is millions and billions of times less than an electron. In physics, such particles are called leptons. The speed of their movement varies from several meters per second to multiple speeds of light. Chronons of two signs were discovered - positive and negative, determined by their spin (rotation). In this case, chronons of the same name attract, and chronons of different names repel. Chronons carry complete information about any object that emits them. All physical, chemical and other processes occurring in living and inanimate nature are accompanied by radiation and an increase in the number of chronons. The totality of the chronal nanofield and the chronons contained in it (chronal gas) is called the chronal field. Along with the air environment that creates the atmosphere around the Earth, chronal gas forms the chronosphere. The chronosphere is continuously replenished from Space, being the main source of the chronal field. In this case, the most powerful flow of chronal radiation comes from the Sun, but all other astronomical objects also contribute their specific chronal radiation to this general flow. These are cosmic energies.

One of the features of the chronal field is its manifestation during the movement, rotation and vibration of an object, which is used in the creation of chronal radiation generators. The flow of liquid and gas is also accompanied by the manifestation of a chronal field, which in the case of the flow of groundwater creates harmful radiation that can harm the health of people if a residential building is located above it, or plants if a garden is planted in this place. In the latter case, only the presence of biodynamic plants, such as cedar, planted on the site, can neutralize these harmful radiations.

Vibrations not only generate a chronal field, but also remove a chronal charge from the body. Rotating bodies emit a rotating chronal field. Combustion, evaporation and condensation of steam, melting, solidification - all these processes are characterized by the simultaneous manifestation of specific radiations of the chronal field. Light radiation is accompanied by a stream of chronons entrained by photons (particles of light). Therefore, any light source is the simplest generator of continuous chronal radiation. At the same time, by selecting material, light filters and the design of the pribot, it is possible to purposefully change the properties of the chronal flow. Similar to this phenomenon, electric current, electron emission, electromagnetic and magnetic fields can also be chronal generators, which are already widely used in the transfer of specific information (imprinting) from one object to another using electromagnetic radiation.

The person himself is also a characteristic and important source of the chronal field. The life lines or meridians of his body are chronal channels, and biologically active points are emitters of the chronal field. But the most important source of human chronal radiation is the brain. Therefore, a person through the eyes can significantly influence the progress of any study of chronal radiation, especially if he is prepared and trained. Such people, with increased radiation, are capable of, with their “desire,” either reviving plants (having good intentions) or killing them (having bad intentions, for example, envy, etc.). Why does this happen? Because the flow of chronal radiation from our intentions and thoughts carries a “command” for plants, and they unquestioningly “carry out” it. With this in mind, protect your plants from the unkind eyes of strangers, and never approach your pets when you are irritated or dissatisfied with something. “Communicate” with your pets only when you are in a good mood, when you are in a good mood, cheerful and cheerful, if you want to see them the same. Don't forget this.

The chronal field has a decisive influence on the regulatory processes of the human body, as well as plants. Moreover, each organ or plant has a strictly defined chronal specificity. This is the basis of herbal medicine (plant treatment).

The corresponding chronal radiation is also called an aura. It is not recorded directly by photographic film, but due to the indirect entrainment of chronons by other particles, it can be registered, which is used in the experiments of A.V. Zolotov and Kirlian.

Chronal radiation coming from Space can be captured using various geometric shapes, using them as batteries. This is the basis for the use of “horny” biodynamic preparations. But for this purpose, you can use other designs, which we will discuss below. Now it is more important to understand something else: regardless of the design, the chronal field accumulates in batteries relatively quickly, reaching maximum power after a few days, while charging not only the battery itself, but also objects and substances located nearby. But all these are batteries of temporary action, and only dynamic plants are batteries and generators at the same time, and of permanent action. So supporters of the use of biodynamic preparations use natural forces only partially, limiting the possibilities of cosmic and earthly energies on plants. The use of biodynamic plants greatly expands the possibilities of such an effect in the form of a continuous generator. Returning to the capabilities of cedar, it should be noted that this amazing plant does not stop its vigorous activity even in winter.

We can also consider some special cases of using chronal batteries used in practice in crop production. The most widely used batteries are pyramids. The pyramid can be hollow, made of plastic, glass, etc., or in the form of a frame made of copper wire and tubes. In such structures (of different sizes) it is possible not only to grow, but also to store perishable products, because the energy accumulated in them prevents the development of putrefactive processes. But it should be taken into account that the chronal field reaches its greatest intensity in the lower third of the pyramid. Then at its top, then in a descending manner at the four corners of its base and finally at its ribs. Making a pyramid model is not difficult. It is built according to certain proportions, based on the height (H). The length of the side rib is H x 1.4945. Base side length H x 1.57075. When making a structure, some mandatory conditions should be taken into account. The material can only be dielectric or non-magnetizable metals. The most commonly used metals are copper and aluminum. And the most basic condition is that the pyramid must be strictly oriented with its edges to the cardinal points, otherwise it will not work. The power of the pyramid depends on its size, but structures have been created where size does not matter. Research conducted by radioesthetist O. Hepfner (1989) established a very important fact, namely that the energy accumulated by the pyramid can be brought out through a flexible copper cable and used for the necessary purposes at a distance, while the length of the cable does not matter significantly. O. Hepfner also solved another important problem, which was to obtain the maximum energy capacity of the pyramid with its minimum size. As a result of his experiments, a super-powerful orgone pyramid was created, combining the effect of the pyramidal shape and the orgone accumulator of W. Reich. This made it possible to increase the power of the pyramid three times. Here we should say a few words about the theory of the creator of orgone batteries, Austro-American psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), who discovered “orgone” energy - a specific energy found in living organisms, around them and in the atmosphere. Currently, the existence of orgone energy is recognized by many world-famous scientists. It is easy to see how this concept echoes A.I. Veinik’s hypothesis about the chronal field, and in essence is such, but specific, affecting living organisms and emitted by living organisms. The term “orgone” itself comes from the Latin word organismus - living being. Hence, “orgone energy” is the name given to universal cosmic life energy.

For practical purposes, W. Reich created so-called orgone energy accumulators, consisting of alternating layers of organic material and metal, such as cotton, cellulose and aluminum. Research has shown that a layer of organic material attracts and accumulates orgone energy from Space, and a layer of metal reflects and stores it. The combination of both materials creates ideal conditions for collecting and storing orgone energy in a confined space. The greater the number of alternating layers of insulator and metal and their volume, the greater the capacity of an orgone accumulator. Basically, W. Reich used batteries in the form of chambers that irradiated the entire body of the patient in order to charge the entire body with vital energy.
According to W. Reich, internal vital energy is stimulated by external orgone energy, which is what his idea of ​​​​using orgone accumulators is based on. Now it becomes clear on what the use of biodynamic preparations obtained from cow horn is based. Horn is an organic material with a perfect conical shape. Accumulating orgone energy, it transfers it to the material placed inside the horn. The charged material (manure or silicon) transfers orgone energy to those organisms with which it comes into contact, thereby activating their vital forces. In this case, these can be both the plants themselves and representatives of the soil microcosm or compost heap.

It should also be noted that, according to W. Reich’s theory, energetically pure water has the ability to strongly attract and retain this energy for some time. And such water is melt water during the transition from one state of aggregation to another (from solid - ice, to liquid). In this transition state, water loses all previously accumulated information and is able to capture cosmic orgone energy because its “matrix” is free. Later, after 3-5 hours, she loses this ability, because other energies generated by various objects and the person himself fill her “information carrier”. Although, to be more precise, water itself is this universal carrier of energy and information about objects that have contact with it. But this is only true for melt water. But “holy” water charged in a church (the structure of the church building is a type of pyramid), or water charged in a pyramid, retains its energetic properties much longer. In addition, “holy” water, added in a small amount to a large volume, instantly transforms the entire volume of water into charged “holy”. And there is no mysticism here; water charged with orgone energy transfers this energy to other water and living organisms in contact with it. So on the day of Epiphany, an ice hole consecrated with “holy” water will also carry orgone energy and have a beneficial effect on the body, just like the “holy” water itself.

But let's return to the pyramid. Due to the fact that the energy spectrum of the pyramid contains all samples of radiation frequencies of healthy human cells and organs, as well as other terrestrial organisms, incl. and plants, then in the pyramid you can “rule” and activate the vital energy of humans and plants. But you can use this vital energy “to-go”, that is, charge the media and use it outside the pyramid, as activators of the vital energy of humans and plants, like biodynamic “horn” preparations. And here's how it's done. Numerous studies over the past few decades have proven that each substance emits a characteristic frequency and it is possible not only to carry out remote interaction between a drug and the body, i.e., influence the body without mass transfer, but also to imprint the information characteristics of a particular substance onto a carrier using various fields . Distilled and deionized water, wax and other substances are used as a carrier. In biophysical medicine, an alternating magnetic field is used to transfer the wave characteristics of a substance (imprinting). O. Hepfner proposed using the chronal field of the pyramid for this purpose. To accomplish this task, a medicinal substance - herbs, crystals, homeopathic remedies or a combination of these - is placed in a hollow cartridge connected to a plug sleeve at the top of the pyramid. A flexible cable with a plate is connected to the second end of the cartridge.
A sealed glass tube with a “carrier” is placed on the plate and “charged” for 30 minutes. This test tube can be worn by the patient in clothing or, if necessary, the resulting “carrier” - a biologically actively charged liquid can be taken in 3-10 drops, acting on the principle of homeopathic medicines in ultra-small doses. For plants, you can simply use water charged in the pyramid for watering and spraying. The effect will be the same if the plants grew in a pyramid.

To obtain chronic batteries of greater capacity, in addition to increasing the size of the forms used and combining various devices, the principle of so-called radiesthetic batteries, which are several forms connected to each other in series or parallel, is widely used. Similar batteries were used by initiates of ancient Egypt to create directed and powerful radiation for the purpose of transferring energies over long distances. According to Haenel (1959), the battery voltage depends on the number of cells used, and the strength on their size. Truncated pyramids, cones, hemispheres and other shapes can be used as elements. However, it should be remembered that the field created by the battery is unsafe for the researcher and is so powerful that it almost instantly fills the space of the room and remains there for several days after its dismantling. Therefore, for safety reasons, I will not provide diagrams of such structures that have super-powerful radiation. I will only say that this energy is so strong that after a few hours of irradiation, mummification of meat, eggs, fish, fruits, flowers occurs, and they do not spoil. The organic matter of living or dead tissue is mummified, and microorganisms die instantly. This is because the “beam” of this design consists of two beams of opposite polarity.

There are other designs that allow one to accumulate cosmic energy: these are crosses of a special shape and the so-called “Pharaoh’s cylinders” and many others. But this no longer matters for the reason that the above examples of using the effect of forms, a special case of which is the energy of the pyramids, demonstrate only a small part of the possibilities of using the energy of the chronal field, further study of which will open up enormous prospects for humanity. And the use of “horny biodynamic preparations” against this background of scientific discoveries of recent years looks at least “past”, albeit good. Science has come up with and will still come up with many new ways to use cosmic energies, while describing the nature of this phenomenon.

In ancient times, initiates knew, carefully protected and secretly used the science of invisible radiations. Now a new era is coming, opening up to man a different vision of the picture of the universe and understanding of surrounding phenomena.

A person has a choice - to use this knowledge for the benefit of people and Nature, to improve the quality of life, or to leave it unclaimed. So make your choice in this matter, whether to live in harmony with Nature and the Forces of Nature or continue to destroy it, and therefore yourself. There is no time left to think, it's time to make a decision.

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