How space will help the earth with energy resources. Cosmic Energy: Here's how it might work. Giant beam of energy from space

The idea of ​​the existence of universal cosmic energy, which a person can use and with the help of which supersensible phenomena are realized, has deep roots in the cultures of all peoples. The most famous concept we find in Indian philosophy is the existence of prana, which is understood as cosmic energy that exists in five different forms and supports life processes as the "wind of the body."

The sacred texts of Hindus and Buddhists describe the same cosmic primordial energy, designated by the mystical syllable "Om" or "Aum", both syllables should cause vibrations in the brain that bring various chakras (human nerve centers) into a state that allows them to receive cosmic (vital) energy .

The Bible describes the invisible life force that sustains the overall divine principle as the "Holy Spirit"; “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit, which is in you, which you received from God and which does not belong to you?” (1 Cor. 6.19). In the Japanese teaching of acupuncture we find "Ki", ​​in Chinese "Chi", the designation of vital energy as a river, the source of which is located at a point above the navel, and which is distributed throughout the body from the lungs through networks of so-called "meridians" (nerve channels). All matter is seen as a manifestation of this energy on the material level.

Reich, who won worldwide fame as a psychoanalyst from Vienna, said in the late thirties that cosmic energy exists, it can be absorbed by the human body, accumulated and released by it. He expressed the process of receiving, accumulating and releasing this energy, which he called Orgone energy, in the formula: tension - charging - unloading - relaxation.

The role of this biological pulsation in the overall energy economy of a living organism was described as follows by one of Reich’s closest collaborators, Ola Raknes: “Pulsation regulates the energy economy of the body in the same way as heartbeats ensure the supply of blood to various organs. Energy metabolism (is a state of change energy) is governed by the autonomic or autonomic system, which affects digestion, blood circulation, breathing, sexuality and emotions.

One of these functions is breath- controlled to a certain extent by the will and centrally - through the central nervous system. Therefore, through the respiratory system we can penetrate the free biological pulsation of the body. An important prerequisite for health is the free metabolism of the body. It can be recognized by the unimpeded biological pulsation, which is a criterion of health." (And in the process of our training we will be able, with the help of breathing exercises, to control our energy metabolism at will - and thanks to this, for example, we will be able to independently treat psychosomatic disorders and diseases!).

At first, Reich was able to localize Orgone energy only as radiation that emanates from a living organism: only later did he discover that Orgone - like the “luminiferous ether” that scientists discovered earlier - manifests itself everywhere. Therefore, there is a constant free exchange of energy. Raknes cited three prerequisites for this:

  1. The body absorbs the necessary energy from nutrients, through breathing and direct influx of the Organ.
  2. Energy can circulate freely in the body and is always where it is needed.
  3. The body must be able to remove excess energy through adequate movement.

When Wilhelm Reich, a few days before the outbreak of the Second World War, received a position as extraordinary professor in New York at the New School for Social Research, he immediately changed his place of residence to the United States, where he created his own research center in Maine: Orgonon.

From the very beginning, his work in the laboratory took on a stormy character, since Reich was full of new ideas and the dynamics of his work always infected his employees. During these years he worked in such diverse fields as psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, physics, biology and meteorology, but always with one goal: the practical application of Orgone energy.
In numerous experiments conducted over the years until his death, in which he was assisted by a small staff of collaborators, he was able to prove that Orgone is a cosmic energy that is found throughout space. It significantly influences overall biological life. Reich:

“Without a doubt, there is electricity in the body in the form of electrically charged colloidal particles and ions. All colloidal chemistry makes use of this, as does muscular neurophysiology... But still there are a number of manifestations that we cannot in any way explain in the light of the theory of electromagnetic energy. This is primarily the effect of the “magnetism” of the body. Many doctors practically use these magnetic forces... No one has ever seen organic movement under electrical influence that would have even the slightest resemblance to our daily living movements of the entire muscular system or functional group of muscles.. Our sensory organs clearly tell us that emotions (no doubt an expression of our biological energy) are fundamentally different from the feelings that can be experienced during an electric shock. Our senses are completely unable to cope with the influence of electromagnetic waves that fill the atmosphere. .

If our life energy existed in the form of electricity, it would be incomprehensible, since the organs of perception would be an expression of this energy, why we can only see light from the entire wave area, and the rest is inaccessible. We do not feel either the electrons of an X-ray machine or the radiation of radium... Until now, it has not been possible to express in electrical measurement vitamins, which undoubtedly contain biological energy... These are all huge contradictions that cannot be resolved within the framework of known forms of energy..."

In the course of his research, Reich created fruitful preconditions for understanding the relationship of Orgone with other forms of energy, such as light and electricity. At the same time, he proceeded from the fact that all forms of energy and all matter originated from Orgone.

Reich: “Orgone energy has no mass. It is original and already existed before matter and other forms of energy... When individual Orgone currents are condensed and fused with each other, they can produce: matter where before it did not exist... Existing matter can, under the influence of Orgone energy, spontaneously organize into living forms where there was no life before... In natural concentration, Orgone is able to organize systems... These systems can be planets, suns and even entire galaxies..."

The physics of elementary particles (elementary particles are the simplest nuclear physical objects known so far, of which atoms are composed) of our time really knows one form of energy that meets many of the characteristics given for vital energy by Reich - neutrino energy!

When we talk about space it is very easy to get carried away and go too far into the realm of science fiction. However, if catastrophically little funds are allocated for space energy today, the effect of some innovations can be obtained in the near future.

Many people may not realize, but research into the clean energy of space is still being conducted, although not in such volumes as they certainly deserve. After several decades, multibillion-dollar investments and a couple of technological breakthroughs, we will have access to virtually unlimited reserves of energy from our Sun and, possibly, the Universe.

This may seem far-fetched to you, but even ordinary fantasies on this topic can be very entertaining. We present to you seven facts about space energy.

Fact one.

NASA has been repeating the importance of harnessing solar energy directly from space for several decades now. To be precise, since 1970, 10 years after the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon, NASA announced plans to build a huge solar power plant on the Earth's satellite. The lunar station was supposed to provide the Earth with enough energy after the depletion of fossil resources. This idea remained unrealized, but experts are confident that the plan was developed with the utmost care and after some refinement can be brought to life.

Fact two.

The efficiency of a solar cell drops sharply as the amount of heat passing through the solar cells increases. In space, with its low temperatures, it turns out there is also a problem of overheating. However, Stanford scientists have implemented a new technology for making batteries. They placed a thin film of silicon dioxide on the surface of the solar cells, which reflects infrared radiation while transmitting the rest of the spectrum of sunlight. According to the developers, this technology made it possible to cool the battery to 23 degrees Celsius and significantly increase the efficiency of photocells.

Fact three.

Researchers continue to work on solar cells for use in interplanetary flights of the future. At the University of Arkansas, scientists are working to develop the next generation of photovoltaic technology for space. A related NASA project was recently accepted as a university science program. It said new technologies should improve the performance of solar panels, helping NASA achieve a breakthrough in 15 years of research and bring the efficiency of solar cells to 45 percent of the energy absorbed. In addition, university developments are designed to reduce production costs and make solar panels more resistant to radiation.

Fact four.

The US Department of Energy is actively developing a separate Internet project dedicated to the idea of ​​obtaining solar energy from space. The main concept of this site is to place solar panels in space, which will allow them to be independent of the day and night cycle, as well as weather conditions and cloudiness on Earth.

Fact five.

Scientists have developed general principles for the functioning of a space solar power station and formulated working hypotheses for transmitting the resulting electricity to Earth. Last year, the US Naval Research Laboratory announced that Dr. Paul Jaffe, an astronaut engineer, had built a model for capturing and transmitting solar energy. The idea is that a satellite placed in orbit can transmit much cheaper electricity to Earth. Jaffe explained how the solar “sandwich module” works: Solar energy is converted into electrical energy in orbit. The resulting electrical energy is then converted into a radio frequency pulse and sent to a receiver on Earth. This, in turn, converts the radio pulse into electricity and releases solar energy into the network.

Fact six.

China intends to build a working solar power plant in outer space. Earlier this year, Chinese scientists announced that they had begun construction of such a station in high Earth orbit and planned to complete testing of all systems by 2030. The Chinese communists plan to begin commercial operation of the solar power plant in 2050. They stated that they have the technology to transfer energy from space to the surface of the Earth.

Fact seven.

Japan successfully tested a system that could transmit solar energy from space to Earth. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries tested a system for broadcasting solar energy from space systems and showed sending 10 kilowatts using microwaves to a receiver located in the mountains. Although the company decided not to announce what percentage of the energy sent was received and converted into electricity, the fact that energy was transmitted from space was recorded.

1968 : Peter Glaser presented the idea of ​​large solar satellite systems with a solar collector the size of a square mile at the altitude of geostationary orbit (GEO 36,000 km above the equator), to collect and convert the sun's energy into a microwave electromagnetic beam to transmit useful energy to large antennas on Earth.

1990 :The M.V. Keldysh Research Center has developed a concept for energy supply to the Earth from space using low Earth orbits. “Already in 2020-2030, it is possible to create 10-30 space power plants, each of which will consist of ten space power modules. The planned total power of the stations will be 1.5-4.5 GW, and the total power of the consumer on Earth will be 0.75-2.25 GW.” Further, it was planned to increase the number of stations to 800 units by 2050-2100, and the final power of the consumer to 960 GW. However, to date it is unknown even about the creation of a working project based on this concept [ ] ;

2009 : The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has announced plans to launch a solar energy satellite into orbit that will transmit energy to Earth using microwaves. They hope to launch the first prototype of an orbiting satellite by 2030.

2009 : Solaren, located in California (USA), has signed an agreement with PG&E that the latter will buy the energy that Solaren will produce in space. The capacity will be 200 MW. According to the plan, 250,000 homes will be powered by this energy. The project is planned to be implemented in 2016.

2011 : A project has been announced by several Japanese corporations that would be based on 40 satellites with attached solar panels. The flagship of the project should be the Mitsubishi Corporation. Transmission to earth will be carried out using electromagnetic waves; the receiver should be a “mirror” with a diameter of about 3 km, which will be located in a desert area of ​​the ocean. As of 2011, the project is planned to start in 2012

2013 : The main scientific institution of Roscosmos, TsNIIMash, has taken the initiative to create Russian space solar power plants (KSPPs) with a capacity of 1-10 GW with wireless transmission of electricity to ground consumers. TsNIIMash points out that American and Japanese developers have taken the path of using microwave radiation, which today appears to be significantly less effective than laser radiation.

Power generation satellite

History of the idea

The idea originally appeared in the 1970s. The emergence of such a project was associated with the energy crisis. In this regard, the US government allocated $20 million to the NASA space agency and Boeing to calculate the feasibility of the giant SPS (Solar Power Satellite) satellite project.

After all the calculations, it turned out that such a satellite would generate 5,000 megawatts of energy, with 2,000 megawatts remaining after transmission to the ground. To understand whether this is a lot or not, it is worth comparing this power with the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station, whose capacity is 6000 megawatts. But the approximate cost of such a project is $1 trillion, which was the reason for the closure of the program.

Technology diagram

The system assumes the presence of an emitter device located in geostationary orbit. It is supposed to convert solar energy into a form convenient for transmission (microwave, laser radiation) and transmit it to the surface in a “concentrated” form. In this case, there must be a “receiver” on the surface that perceives this energy.

A solar energy harvesting satellite essentially consists of three parts:

  • means of harvesting solar energy in outer space, such as through solar panels or a Stirling heat engine;
  • means of transmitting energy to the ground, for example, through microwave or laser;
  • means of generating energy on earth, such as through rectennas.

The spacecraft will be in GEO and will not need to support itself against gravity. It also does not need protection from ground wind or weather, but will deal with space hazards such as micrometeorites and solar storms.

Relevance today

Since in the 40 years since the idea appeared, solar panels have greatly fallen in price and increased in productivity, and it has become cheaper to deliver cargo into orbit, in 2007 the National Space Society of the United States presented a report in which it talks about the prospects for the development of space energy today .

System advantages

  • High efficiency due to the fact that there is no atmosphere, energy production does not depend on the weather and time of year.
  • There is almost a complete absence of interruptions, since the ring system of satellites encircling the Earth will have at least one illuminated by the Sun at any given time.

Lunar Belt

A space energy project presented by Shimizu in 2010. According to the idea of ​​Japanese engineers, this should be a belt of solar panels stretched along the entire equator of the Moon (11 thousand kilometers) and 400 kilometers wide.

Solar panels

Since the production and transportation of such a number of solar cells from the earth is not possible, according to scientists, solar cells will have to be produced directly on the Moon. To do this, you can use lunar soil from which you can make solar panels.

Energy transfer

Energy from this belt will be transmitted by radio waves using huge 20-kilometer antennas and received by rectennas here on Earth. The second transmission method that can be used is transmission of a light beam using lasers and reception by a light catcher on the ground.

System advantages

Since there is no atmosphere or weather phenomena on the Moon, energy can be generated almost around the clock and with a high efficiency factor.

David Criswell has suggested that the Moon is an optimal location for solar power plants. The main advantage of placing solar energy collectors on the Moon is that most of the solar panels can be built from local materials instead of terrestrial resources, significantly reducing mass and therefore cost compared to other space solar power plant options.

Technologies used in space energy

Wireless transmission of energy to Earth

Wireless power transmission was proposed early on as a means to transfer power from a space or lunar station to Earth. Energy can be transmitted using laser radiation or microwaves at various frequencies depending on the design of the system. What choices were made to ensure that the transmission of radiation was non-ionizing, in order to avoid possible disturbances to the ecology or biological system of the energy-producing region? The upper limit for the frequency of radiation is set such that the energy per photon does not cause ionization of organisms when passing through them. Ionization of biological materials begins only with ultraviolet radiation and, as a result, occurs at higher frequencies, so a large number of radio frequencies will be available for energy transfer.


Converting solar energy into electrical energy

In space energy (in existing stations and in the development of space power plants), the only way to efficiently obtain energy is the use of photovoltaic cells. A photocell is an electronic device that converts photon energy into electrical energy. The first photocell based on the external photoelectric effect was created by Alexander Stoletov at the end of the 19th century. The most efficient, from an energy point of view, devices for converting solar energy into electrical energy are semiconductor photovoltaic converters (PVCs), since this is a direct, single-stage energy transition. The efficiency of commercially produced solar cells is on average 16%, with the best samples up to 25%. In laboratory conditions, an efficiency of 43% has already been achieved.

Receiving energy from microwave waves emitted by the satellite

It is also important to highlight ways to obtain energy. One of them is obtaining energy using rectennas. Rectenna (rectifying antenna) is a device that is a nonlinear antenna designed to convert the field energy of a wave incident on it into direct current energy. The simplest design option can be a half-wave vibrator, between the arms of which a device with one-way conductivity (for example, a diode) is installed. In this design option, the antenna is combined with a detector, at the output of which, in the presence of an incident wave, an emf appears. To increase the gain, such devices can be combined into multi-element arrays.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cosmic solar energy is energy that is obtained outside the Earth's atmosphere. In the absence of gas pollution in the atmosphere or clouds, approximately 35% of the energy that entered the atmosphere falls on the Earth. In addition, by choosing the right orbital trajectory, energy can be obtained about 96% of the time. Thus, photovoltaic panels in Earth's geostationary orbit (at an altitude of 36,000 km) will receive on average eight times more light than panels on the Earth's surface and even more when the spacecraft is closer to the Sun than Earth. An added benefit is the fact that in space there is no problem with weight or corrosion of metals due to the lack of an atmosphere.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage of space energy to this day is its high cost. The funds spent on launching a system with a total mass of 3 million tons into orbit will pay off only within 20 years, and this is if we take into account the specific cost of delivering cargo from Earth to the working orbit of 100 $/kg. The current cost of putting cargo into orbit is much higher.

The second problem with creating an IPS is large energy losses during transmission. At least 40-50% will be lost when transmitting energy to the Earth's surface.

Main technological problems

According to a 2008 American study, there are five major technological challenges that science must overcome in order for space energy to become readily available:

  • Photovoltaic and electronic components must operate at high efficiency at high temperatures.
  • Wireless energy transfer must be accurate and secure.
  • Space power plants should be inexpensive to produce.
  • Low cost of space launch vehicles.
  • Maintaining a constant position of the station above the energy receiver: the pressure of sunlight will push the station away from the desired position, and the pressure of electromagnetic radiation directed towards the Earth will push the station away from the Earth.

Other ways to use cosmic energy

Use of electricity in space flights

In addition to radiating energy to Earth, ECO satellites can also power interplanetary stations and space telescopes. This could also be a safe alternative to nuclear reactors on a ship that will fly to the red planet. Another sector that could benefit from the ECO would be space tourism.


  1. Glaser, Peter E. (December 25, 1973). “Method And Apparatus For Converting Solar Radiation To Electrical Power”. United States Patent 3,781,647.

Twenty years later

Technical advantages

Russia has another technological advantage

We are waiting for your comments.

Back in the early 90s, Russia developed the concept of solar space exploration. It provided that in 2020-2030. 10-30 solar stations will be built in low-Earth orbit, with a total receiving power of up to 2.5 GW. By 2050-2100 the number of stations was planned to be increased to 800, with a total capacity equal to that of a thousand Dnieper hydroelectric power stations (960 GW). But the global economic crisis ruined all these plans.

Twenty years later

Over twenty years, the state of solar energy has changed dramatically. Solar batteries have become significantly cheaper, while their efficiency and efficiency have increased. Against this backdrop, interest in solar space stations has re-emerged. According to experts, the market for space electricity is now being formed. There are several reasons for this:

environmentally friendly (no harmful emissions),

low cost of electricity (albeit with huge initial costs),

independence from finite natural resources.

And Russia has a unique chance to become a leader in this area.

Technical advantages

In 1993, all of Europe was surprised by a huge (the size of the Moon) “sunbeam” that was quickly moving across the entire continent. It was a brilliant implementation of the unique Znamya project. A capsule was delivered into space, in which a “canvas” of a solar reflector was packed. In orbit, the reflector unfolded to its full gigantic width, while the 300 m2 area was 2 mm thick and weighed only 4 kg.

No one else in the world has been able to repeat this. Today, only Russia owns this technology and the patent for it.

Other “space” developers, the Japanese and Americans, prefer to work “earthly” - assembling rigid structures of hundreds and thousands of square meters.

Russia has another technological advantage

Energy from space can be transmitted in two ways: microwave radio waves and lasers. The diameter of the microwave beam at the surface of the earth is 20 km, and the diameter of the laser is 40 m. It turns out that using a laser is much more effective.

Today, our country is the world leader in laser production, producing 70% of the total volume.

Possession of advanced laser technology and a unique technology for deploying frameless solar panels gives Russia the opportunity not only to become the first in the development of solar space energy and transmission to the ground, but to do this with the lowest material costs.

Thank you for reading to the end.

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Space energy is a type of alternative energy that involves the use of solar energy to generate electricity, with a power station located in Earth orbit or on the Moon.

Since the 70s of the last century, people have been thinking about getting energy directly from space. This idea was first described by Isaac Asimov in his science fiction story “Logic.” And the first patent, which described the technology of transmitting electricity using microwaves over a significant distance, was received by Peter Glaser in 1973. Although NASA did not take up the development of this idea at that time, considering it too expensive and dangerous. No one could guarantee that the waves would accurately fall from one antenna to another.

1. Power generation satellite

Concept development.

The concept of the solar satellite was developed by a team of engineers from the Californian company Artemis Innovation Management Solutions, led by John Mankins. According to the developers, the project has important advantages over previously proposed technologies. The innovative approach to building a space device eliminates the need for a complex power management and power distribution system.

The satellite solar power plant will be assembled in space from individual elements weighing 49.5 - 198 kilograms, each of which will be individually manufactured on Earth and delivered into orbit. In essence, it is a huge array of movable thin-film mirrors located on the outer curved surface of the satellite. These mirrors intercept and redirect sunlight to photovoltaic cells located on the back of the array, which generate electricity. The side of the satellite facing Earth is a circular modular array covered in microwave power transmission panels. These panels generate beams of low-intensity radio frequency energy that will be transmitted to Earth.

After all the calculations, it turned out that such a satellite would generate 5,000 megawatts of energy, with 2,000 megawatts remaining after transmission to the ground. To understand whether this is a lot or not, it is worth comparing this power with the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station, whose capacity is 6000 megawatts.

Technology diagram.

The system assumes the presence of an emitter device located in geostationary orbit. It is supposed to convert solar energy into a form convenient for transmission (microwave, laser radiation) and transmit it to the surface in a “concentrated” form. In this case, there must be a “receiver” on the surface that perceives this energy.

A solar energy harvesting satellite essentially consists of three parts:

means of collecting solar energy in outer space, for example, through solar panels or a Stirling heat engine;

· means of transmitting energy to the ground, for example, through microwave or laser;

means of obtaining energy on earth, for example, through rectennas.

The spacecraft will be in GEO and will not need to support itself against gravity. It also doesn't need protection from ground wind or weather, but will deal with space hazards such as micrometeorites and solar storms.

Relevance today.

Since in the 40 years since the idea appeared, solar panels have greatly fallen in price and increased in productivity, and it has become cheaper to deliver cargo into orbit, in 2007 the National Space Society of the United States presented a report in which it talks about the prospects for the development of space energy in our days.

System advantage

· High efficiency due to the fact that there is no atmosphere, energy production does not depend on the weather and time of year.

· Almost complete absence of interruptions, since the ring system of satellites encircling the Earth will have at least one illuminated by the Sun at any given time.

2. Moon Belt

A space energy project introduced by Shimizu in 2010. According to the idea of ​​Japanese engineers, this should be a belt of solar panels stretched across the entire equator of the Moon (11 thousand kilometers) and 400 kilometers wide.

Solar panels.

Since the production and transportation of such a number of solar cells from the earth is not possible, according to scientists, solar cells will have to be produced directly on the Moon. To do this, you can use lunar soil, from which you can make solar panels.

Energy transfer.

Energy from this belt will be transmitted by radio waves using huge 20-kilometer antennas, and received by rectennas here on earth. The second transmission method that can be used is transmission of a light beam using lasers and reception by a light collector on the ground.

Advantages of the system.

Since there is no atmosphere or weather phenomena on the Moon, energy can be generated almost around the clock and with a high efficiency factor.

David Criswell has suggested that the Moon is an optimal location for solar power plants. The main advantage of placing solar energy collectors on the Moon is that most of the solar panels can be built from local materials instead of terrestrial resources, significantly reducing mass and therefore cost compared to other space solar power plant options.

3. Technologies used in space energy

space laser electricity

Wireless transmission of energy to the Earth.

Wireless power transmission was proposed early on as a means to transfer power from a space or lunar station to Earth. Energy can be transmitted using laser radiation or microwaves at various frequencies depending on the design of the system. The main problem with the use of microwaves is the disruption of the region's ecological and biological system for energy production. Ionization of biological materials begins only with ultraviolet radiation and appears at higher radio frequencies. Therefore, it will be necessary to use frequencies below ultraviolet radiation.

NASA researchers worked in the 1980s with the possibility of using lasers to emit energy between two points in space. In the future, this technology will become an alternative way of transmitting energy in space energy. In 1991, the SELENE project began, which involved the creation of lasers for space energy, including laser energy emission to lunar bases. In 1988, Grant Logan proposed using a laser placed on Earth to power space stations, which was thought to be possible in 1989. It proposed using diamond solar cells at 300°C to convert ultraviolet laser light. Project SELENE continued to work on this concept until it was officially closed in 1993 after two years of research without having tested the technology over long distances. Reason for closure: high cost of implementation.

Converting solar energy into electrical energy.

In space energy, the only way to efficiently obtain energy is to use photovoltaic cells. The most efficient, from an energy point of view, devices for converting solar energy into electrical energy are semiconductor photovoltaic converters (PVCs), since this is a direct, single-stage energy transition. The efficiency of commercially produced solar cells is on average 16%, with the best samples up to 25%. In laboratory conditions, an efficiency of 43% has already been achieved.

Receiving energy from microwave waves emitted by a source.

It is also important to learn ways to obtain energy. One of them is obtaining energy using rectennas. Rectenna (rectifying antenna) is a device that is a nonlinear antenna designed to convert the field energy of a wave incident on it into direct current energy.

Advantages and disadvantages.

Cosmic solar energy is energy that is obtained outside the Earth's atmosphere. In the absence of gas pollution in the atmosphere or clouds, approximately 35% of the energy that entered the atmosphere falls on the Earth. In addition, by choosing the right orbital trajectory, energy can be obtained about 96% of the time. Thus, photovoltaic panels in Earth's geostationary orbit (at an altitude of 36,000 km) will receive on average eight times more light than panels on the Earth's surface and even more when the spacecraft is closer to the Sun than Earth. An added benefit is the fact that in space there is no problem with weight or corrosion of metals due to the lack of an atmosphere.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage of space energy to this day is its high cost. The funds spent on launching a system with a total mass of 3 million tons into orbit will pay off only within 20 years, and this is if we take into account the specific cost of delivering cargo from Earth to the working orbit of 100 $/kg. The current cost of putting cargo into orbit is much higher.

Main technological problems.

According to a 2008 study, there are five major technological challenges that science must overcome in order for space energy to become readily available.

· Photovoltaic and electronic components must operate at high efficiency at high temperatures.

· Wireless power transmission must be accurate and safe.

· Space power plants should be inexpensive to produce.

· Low cost of space launch vehicles.

· Maintaining a constant position of the station above the energy receiver: the pressure of sunlight will push the station away from the desired position, and the pressure of electromagnetic radiation directed towards the Earth will push the station away from the Earth.

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