The crown fell out: what to do? Smell from under the crown: what to do The tooth on the pin has come off, what to glue it with

And on the individual tab. If a crown with a pin falls out, you may need to re-treat the root canal and re-make the structure.

Causes of crown loss

The reasons for loss are varied:

  • Decementation, that is, resorption of the cement on which the crown is attached to the tooth tissue.
  • Falling out due to abrasion or breakage.
  • Crown loss due to excessive pressure.
  • When installed on temporary material.
  • Development of carious process under the structure.
  • Incorrect grinding of the tooth or violation of the manufacturing process.

There may be several reasons for the structure to fall out, but only a specialist can determine the exact one. The culprit for the complication may be the orthopedic surgeon, technician, or patient.

The dentist must properly prepare the tooth for and properly fix the product using good materials. The dental technician must adhere to all the rules and stages of construction manufacturing. The patient must take care of the oral cavity, adhere to the rules of hygiene, and not consume excessively hard foods.

What to do if a crown falls out?

What to do if a crown falls out? You should save it, place it in a safe place and consult a doctor immediately. The tooth stump is fragile and there is a risk of damage, so the tooth must be protected until the structure is installed. There is no need to bite into it and cause high chewing pressure.

You should not try to glue the crown yourself using glue or improvised means. This way you can only harm your health, and the doctor will cancel the guarantee on his work. Before visiting the dentist, you need to gently clean the stump and rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions.

What to do if a crown with a pin falls out? If a complication occurs, it is recommended to save the orthopedic structure; it should not be thrown away under any circumstances. It must be placed in a container or box where the structure will not be deformed or damaged. After the pin falls out, a hole remains in the root, which is recommended to be closed with cotton wool during meals until an urgent visit to the doctor.

What will happen at the dentist's appointment?

The doctor will evaluate the condition of the stump and root and may order x-rays. If the crown is intact, has no damage, and the tooth has not been subject to pathological processes, then the doctor can fix the product in place. If there is damage, then therapeutic treatment and the manufacture of a new structure are necessary.

Options for the development of events at a dentist’s appointment:

  1. The doctor will replace the fallen crown. To do this, the specialist will remove the remaining fixing material and carry out an antiseptic treatment. He will prepare the tooth depending on its condition and fix the product with a special material.
  2. The dentist will prepare the tooth for a new crown. To do this, the tooth and canals will be re-treated, defects will be restored with dental material, hard tissue will be prepared and impressions will be taken with impression material. The new design will be ready in 7-10 business days.
  3. In case of destruction of the root and stump, removal must be carried out. A decayed tooth that cannot be treated can become a source of infection and cause inflammatory diseases of the jaw (periostitis). After removal, treatment with a bridge or implants is possible.

Most doctors provide a guarantee for their work, and if the crown falls off a tooth during the warranty period, the specialist is obliged to carry out all medical procedures free of charge. If the warranty period has expired, then you will need to pay for the treatment.

Is it possible to prevent crown loss?

The service life of the structure will depend on the correct manufacturing, quality of materials and oral care. If the product was poorly manufactured at the clinical and laboratory stages, then it will fall off regardless of the level of hygiene. If the product is made according to all the rules, is securely fixed and completely restores all the functions of the tooth, then its loss is the fault of the patient.

  • Regularly and efficiently brush your teeth using selected hygiene products.
  • Use and .
  • Avoid placing excessive pressure on the crown.
  • Do not eat hard, solid foods.
  • Do not use toothpicks.
  • Have your teeth professionally cleaned periodically.
  • Every six months, undergo a preventive examination by a specialist.

We can conclude that the main prevention of crown loss is proper hygienic care. If a complication occurs, there is no need to self-medicate; you must urgently make an appointment with a doctor for a professional solution to the problem.

Useful video on how to properly cement a crown so that it does not fall out

A crown is an artificial part of a tooth that is attached in the form of a cap to your own tooth. This product is designed for long-term use. But sometimes a condition occurs when the crown falls out. There are reasons for this. But it is important to know what to do if a crown falls out.

Why does a denture or crown come off? Sometimes the cause may be mechanical trauma to the tooth, biting off too hard food, or pressing on the product. But most often the device falls off as a result of poor installation or specialist errors during prosthetics.

If a crown falls out, the cause may be poor-quality cementing material. In case of violations in its composition, quantity and technology of use, after a certain period of time, the cement loses its properties. It begins to crack, the installed structure has fallen off.

Another reason why a crown with a pin fell out is an incorrect calculation in biomechanics during the manufacturing and installation of a dental structure. In other words, the cause is a mismatch between the shape of the supporting tooth and the internal plane of the artificial tooth. As a result, balancing of the prosthesis or crown occurs, the cement fixation gradually collapses, and the tooth itself can also collapse.

For high-quality installation of a prosthesis or crown, the doctor must take into account certain rules:

  • features of bite;
  • size of the defect;
  • correct preparation before prosthetics;
  • correct calculation of the height of the product and its configuration.

What to do

If the crown of a tooth falls off, what should you do in this case? If the crown falls along with the tab, the main thing is not to panic. First, you need to not lose it, save it until you visit the doctor. The next thing to do is make an appointment as soon as possible with the specialist who performed the prosthetics.

You can buy dental cement at the pharmacy and try to put the fallen structure back in place yourself. If you are unable to install a fallen crown yourself and the tooth begins to hurt, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this is fraught with the development of an inflammatory process.

It is important to exclude any load on the tooth on which the crown has broken. It is important to find out the reason, otherwise the newly installed prosthesis may fall out again.

Algorithm of actions

If the denture is broken or falls out, it must first be carefully removed from the mouth so as not to be dropped or swallowed. If the device is lost, you can temporarily apply dental temporary cement, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, to the surface of the tooth. Such a temporary filling will prevent the penetration of food particles into the base of the stump and the development of the inflammatory process.

Next, you should visit a specialist as soon as possible. Until the dental crown is installed again, your tooth is weakened and too sensitive. There is a high probability that it will break and collapse. Therefore, it is important not to delay contacting a doctor.

If you can’t get to a doctor right away, you can try to put the product back in place yourself. But at the first opportunity, be sure to contact a medical institution.

The algorithm of actions in the event of a structure falling out is as follows:

  1. Clean the product. Remove the remains of the old cementitious substance, food using a toothbrush, toothpick or floss, and then rinse under running water. When cleaning above the sink, you need to be careful with the crown; the product may fall into the drain hole.
  2. Next, you need to clean your tooth with a brush and toothpick. Perhaps the tab will be too sensitive, this is normal.
  3. Next, wipe the tooth and the product dry with sterile gauze or bandage.
  4. You can try to fix the devices yourself, without using adhesive. Place the structure in its original place and clench the jaws. If you cannot fix the device, you will need to use an adhesive.
  5. Buy adhesive. You can buy dental cement at the pharmacy. It should be marked with glue for fixing the crown or fallen-off structure. It is better to purchase cement that has already been mixed to the desired consistency.
  6. Instead of cement, you can purchase a temporary filling solution or denture adhesive.
  7. Do not use household glue or superglue to fix the product.
  8. Apply the selected material to the surface of the structure, not to the tooth itself. Carefully place the denture or crown in place. It is better to do all the manipulations in front of a mirror. Especially if the tooth location is difficult to reach. You can ask someone for help.
  9. After installation, you need to carefully squeeze your jaw, this will allow you to accurately fix the device in the right place. The instructions for use indicate how to properly use the adhesive and what the application layer should be. It is necessary to press the product for several minutes. Then carefully remove the remaining cementitious substance from the teeth and gums.
  10. It is also necessary to carefully remove excess cement from the interdental space. You can use floss for this. But do not pull the thread, carefully insert it between the teeth, gently, gently squeeze the jaws. This will prevent the device from popping out again during cleaning.

You can apply the adhesive yourself or ask someone for help. After fixing the structure, avoid loading the tooth. Be sure to consult a doctor, since this method of fixation is only temporary to prevent discomfort and the penetration of food particles and pathogens into the tooth cavity. At the appointment, the specialist will determine why it happened that the prosthesis slipped, help eliminate this problem and tell you how to avoid this condition in the future.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

Ask a question to an expert

I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

There are several reasons that result in decementing of orthodontic structures. Is it possible to correct the situation yourself?

What is a pin?

A pin is a metal rod that is fixed in the canal. The device is required for a filling or crown. The pins are universal and do not depend on the structure of the jaw. With an additional payment, rods will be produced, taking into account the characteristics of the tooth root.

Classification depending on the material used.

  • A common option would be metal rods. They are made of titanium and are secured with threads.
  • Non-metallic type of pins. Ceramics are used to create.
    Installing rods made of non-metallic material is advisable when installing a zirconium crown, which is characterized by light conductivity.
  • The difference between fiberglass rods is their transparency. Provide high aesthetics. Dentists recommend using them for the anterior dental bodies.

When installing dentures, an additional pin may be required.

  • An additional rod is used when less than half of the crown remains.
  • If the dental body has broken down to the root end.
  • There are no nerves in the tooth, which is explained by the treatment of pulpitis or dental pathologies.
  • If necessary, strengthen the dental body, which acts as a support for a bridge-like prosthesis.

Crowns supported by rods are characterized by an increased degree of strength. Installation of crowns is possible even with thin walls or a high degree of destruction of the dental body.

There are cases when installing a single type of prosthesis is impossible.

  • Poor root conductivity.
  • The root is destroyed by more than 35%.
  • The root walls are very thin.
  • Developing inflammation in the area of ​​fixation of the orthodontic device.

A relative contraindication is the process of bearing a child. During pregnancy, prosthetics are discussed with the dentist; the decision is made individually, taking into account concomitant diseases and the condition of the pregnant woman.

Why does the crown fall out?

Dentists identify several factors for crown loss.

  • The process of cement resorption, fixing the crowns to the dental body.
  • Gradually, wear and tear on the crown increases the likelihood of it falling out.
  • If fixed with temporary material, there is a risk of losing the above-described element.
  • Progression of caries under the installed structure.
  • Irregularities in the process of grinding teeth or incorrect production of orthodontic devices.
  • Impaired closure of the dentition causes damage to the orthodontic structure.
  • When fixing a crown to a small tooth body.

The dentist can determine the reason for the loss of the crown. The complication could arise from a violation of the doctor’s recommendations by the patient, as a result of a medical error, or the incompetence of a dental technician.

The doctor needs to prepare the dental body for further prosthetics and ensure reliable fixation in compliance with all the rules. High quality materials must be used to secure the prosthesis. The technician is required to follow the prosthesis production algorithm. The patient is required to adhere to the recommendations and rules for using the orthodontic structure, and clean the oral cavity twice a day every day. Avoid eating solid foods.

What to do?

If you lose an artificial tooth, you need to save the remaining product and quickly contact a dental institution for advice.

Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


You must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Clean the area from residual cementation, rinse the oral cavity with an antiseptic drug.
  • If you experience painful, aching sensations, you will need to buy material to fix a temporary filling.
  • A special glue, sold in pharmacies, that allows you to fix the prosthesis back. The dental body will last for 7 – 14 days. This is enough to contact a dental institution for help.
  • Limit any physical activity on the damaged area.

You should find out at your dentist's appointment the reason for the loss of the crown and rod. In case of violations of prosthetic technology, the patient has the right to demand replacement of the product at the expense of the dental clinic.

How to choose dental glue?

If it is necessary to fix the crown for one day, dentists recommend purchasing glue for mounting dentures. The cement composition included in the adhesive base is capable of holding the orthodontic structure for 20 days, but has a negative effect on the dentures. This is explained by the impossibility of removing old glue.

To temporarily secure the crown, the adhesive base Corega or Protefix is ​​used. The patient can install a single crown independently. Fixing the bridge requires specific skills. To complete the procedure, you must adhere to the following plan.

  • Purchase the medicine necessary to create a cleaning solution, after which you need to clean the structure with a brush and remove the remnants of past adhesive joints.
  • The orthodontic product is dried, then the adhesive base is applied in small drops.
  • A prosthesis is installed on the dental body; it is important to ensure that there are no distortions.
  • You should squeeze your jaws tightly to squeeze out excess drops of glue.
  • Refuse to consume food and water for 60 minutes after completing the above procedure.

It is strictly contraindicated to use household adhesives for fixation. It is explained by an allergic reaction of the periodontium, intoxication of the oral cavity, and damage to the orthodontic structure. If necessary, prepare glue from starch and Vaseline.

Dentist actions

After contacting the dentist, the doctor examines the root ending and stump, and sometimes x-rays are prescribed. If there is no damage to the crown or pathological processes in the dental body, the dentist re-fastens the product.

If there is damage, treatment is prescribed and an orthodontic device is made.

There are several scenarios at a doctor's appointment.

  • The dentist will fix the crown. For this purpose, the doctor removes the previous fastening material and treats it with an antiseptic drug. The tooth body is prepared, then the crown is re-secured.
  • The doctor will prepare the dental body to create a crown. For this purpose, canal therapy is carried out, defects from dental material are eliminated. Tissue preparation is performed and impressions are made again. The new crown is made within 2 weeks.
  • If the root is destroyed or injured, resection is performed. A damaged dental body provokes the development of pathologies of an inflammatory and infectious nature. In particular, periodontitis and periostitis. After completion of the resection, therapy is carried out by installing a bridge-like prosthesis and mounting implants.

Most dental institutions provide guarantees for services. If the crown is lost during the warranty period, the doctor will carry out all the actions without additional charge.

At the end of the warranty period, you will have to pay money for the manufacture of a new crown or re-fixation of the orthodontic device.

How to avoid crown loss?

The duration of operation of an orthodontic device depends on compliance with the rules for manufacturing the prosthesis, the quality of the materials used and the patient’s compliance with the rules for caring for the prosthesis. If the construction is of poor quality, it will not be able to be securely fixed, even if the patient follows all the recommendations for the care and treatment of the prosthesis.

In the case of high-quality creation of an orthodontic structure and reliable fixation in the oral cavity, the responsibility lies with the patient.

To reduce the risk of the situation, you need to make recommendations:

  • Clean your mouth using personal hygiene products prescribed by your doctor.
  • It is recommended to use mouthwash along with toothpaste.
  • Pressure should be avoided on the prosthetic area, on the crown in particular.
  • It is necessary to minimize the amount of solid food.
  • The use of toothpicks is contraindicated.
  • Every six months it is recommended to undergo preventive examinations at a dental institution.
  • Periodic dental cleanings are required in the clinic.

Preventive measures include following the rules of oral hygiene. If complications develop, self-medication is contraindicated; you must contact a medical facility for help.

1. Why do you need a dental product?

In cases where there is minimal remaining tooth structure, a pin may be inserted inside.

This is necessary in order to:

  • the load was distributed correctly, and the installed seal could have a more reliable position;
  • strengthen the inside of the chewing element when covering with an artificial tooth analogue is necessary.

Extension of material onto a pin

But it may be that the pin fell out with the crown or tooth. This will be a serious problem that only a doctor can solve.

2. Causes of the problem in different installations

FIRST OPTION: If after treatment the tooth pin falls out, what should you do? This case is extremely unpleasant.

It means that:

  • or the preparation stage before inserting the pin was poorly carried out;
  • or the root itself was in very poor condition.

The cause of the unpleasant situation may be the gradual destruction of the solid element after treatment, that is, an advanced situation. But sometimes it may not be clear to the average person what is happening inside the destruction. Yes, and it won’t be felt much, because the nervous apparatus is no longer there. Since to install a strong rod, it is necessary to prepare the canals in which the nerves must be removed.

SECOND OPTION: It happens that the crown with the pin falls out.

The reason may be:

  • violations of rod fixation;
  • violation of material fastening in the area of ​​the additional tab.

To decide when a crown with a pin has fallen out, what to do next, you need to go to the dentist. There you will definitely have an x-ray taken to clarify the condition of the root part and determine the possibility of installing a new pin. If the pin with the crown falls out, then other types of prosthetics may be considered due to the poor condition of the root part and the impossibility of treating it.

A crown with a pin fell out, reasons and what to do?

There are several prosthetic methods for restoring a damaged tooth. One of them is to install a crown on a pin so that the outer part is strengthened. This is a truly reliable design, but if the installation technology is not followed, it can become loose and fall out. If a crown with a pin falls out, what to do and how to restore the structure?

What is a pin?

The pin strengthens the structure.

A pin in dentistry is a rod that is fixed into a canal, after which a filling is formed on it or a crown is put on. This is a standard design that is suitable for everyone, although if financial resources are available, individual rods can be made taking into account the characteristics of the root. They differ in the materials used:

  1. Metal, or anchor. Most often they are titanium, fastened with threads.
  2. Non-metallic, usually made of ceramics. They are used if a zirconium crown is installed, as they are light conductive.
  3. Fiberglass, with a high degree of transparency. One of the most aesthetic options, therefore it is used more often for the front teeth.

You cannot do without an additional rod for prosthetics in the following cases:

  • preservation of the coronal part – less than half;
  • the tooth broke almost to the root;
  • the tooth is dead after treatment of pulpitis and pulp removal;
  • when it is necessary to strengthen teeth that support bridges.

Crowns reinforced with pins are considered very reliable. They can be placed even when the tooth has thin walls or has collapsed to the gum.

However, such a single prosthesis cannot be made if there are contraindications:

  • poor root patency;
  • root destruction by more than a third;
  • very thin root walls;
  • inflammatory process at the site of installation of the structure;
  • pregnancy (relative contraindication).

What to do if the crown is loose?

If a tooth becomes loose, make an appointment with your dentist immediately.

The artificial tooth is expected to be reliable and durable. In most cases this happens, but sometimes it begins to loosen or falls out completely. Why is this happening?

  1. Contraindications were not taken into account during installation. For example, thin roots can crack, which leads to increased mobility of the entire structure.
  2. The pin or the crown itself has decemented.
  3. An inflammatory process began in the area of ​​the prosthesis.
  4. Improper care on the part of the patient - in particular, increased chewing load on the side where the prosthetics was performed (chewing hard, tough food).

If there is loosening, you should visit the dentist as soon as possible. This is necessary not only to quickly restore the integrity of the dentition, but also to protect the denture site from harmful microorganisms. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, determine the source of the problem and decide on ways to eliminate it.

So, if we are talking about de-cementing, then the structure can be installed with new cement. The procedure will be much more difficult if there is a root fracture or an inflammatory process. In addition to the fact that it is necessary to eliminate inflammation, the entire structure will also have to be changed.

The integrity of the dentition in this case can be restored with the help of an implant or bridge.

  1. Kopeikin V.N. Orthopedic dentistry. Moscow, 2001.
  2. Abdurakhmanov A., Kurbanov O. Orthopedic dentistry. Fixed dental prosthetics. Textbook. Moscow, 2015.
  3. Internet blog of dentist Stanislav Vasiliev.

What to do if the crown falls off a tooth or falls out along with the pin: solution to the problem

An attractive smile means, of course, beautiful and healthy teeth. Thanks to modern technologies, unique oral care products are produced, but despite this, a person is not always able to preserve his entire dentition. A lot of factors, be it genetics, unfavorable environment, unhealthy diet, can lead to tooth loss.

How did the crown fall out or come off?

Modern dentistry offers a number of alternative options for tooth loss or decay. After root canal treatment, with pulpitis or periodontitis, the tooth lacks nutrition and becomes fragile. In this case, it is recommended to install an artificial crown. Also, in case of massive destruction of the coronal part, in order to preserve the dentition, a crown should be placed on the tooth. It is installed using a special metal screw, which serves as a support for the artificial prosthesis. There are cases when the structure becomes uncemented (came unstuck, fell off, flew off).

The crown came off - the tooth remained

Reasons why an artificial crown may fall off the post:

  • installation of a temporary prosthesis (if a crown with temporary cement falls out, this is a normal option);
  • use of low-quality cement;
  • violation of technology in the manufacture of dental structures;
  • poor patient care for the oral cavity, increased load on the prosthetic site (chewing very hard food).

The crown fell out with the pin

It often happens that the crown falls out along with the pin. This can happen due to a number of reasons. The most common are:

The tooth fell off along with the crown

Often the tooth falls out along with the crown. This happens if an inflammatory process occurs at the root. Inflammation can develop due to poor oral hygiene, as well as due to incorrect doctor tactics before prosthetics.

Before installing a pin tab and covering a tooth with a crown, it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the dental system using an x-ray. When a patient chooses metal-ceramic or solid-cast dentures, it is necessary to carry out endodontic treatment, that is, to depulp the tooth (remove the nerve from the root canal and fill it).

If a violation is allowed at any stage of treatment, a bad outcome is possible. The tooth under the crown begins to decay, inflammation spreads to the root apex and surrounding tissues. Cysts and granulomas grow. A person feels a putrid smell from under the crown, the tooth underneath it becomes brown, and pain may occur (for more details, see the article: what to do if there is a smell from under the tooth crown?). A long-term inflammatory process leads to loosening of the tooth and its subsequent loss.

Ways to solve the problem

Dentistry does not stand still. There are many ways to solve this problem. If it happens that you have lost a tooth, the ideal solution would be to resort to an innovative method - implantation. A metal screw is implanted into the bone. After engraftment, an artificial prosthesis is installed on it.

This method is the most optimal, not requiring depulpation of adjacent teeth, as when installing bridges. If implantation is contraindicated (this happens if the bone volume is not enough for the implant), it is reasonable to place a bridge, one, two or several single crowns. An artificial false tooth can be installed in the place of the lost one.

How can the dentist help?

A new post may need to be placed and impressions may need to be taken to make another crown. In extreme cases, when restoring a tooth with a pin and crown is not possible, the doctor will suggest an implantation procedure.

Is it possible to glue a crown at home?

In a dental clinic, to install crowns and bridges, the doctor uses temporary and permanent fixation materials. Temporary fixation is needed in order to evaluate how the crown or prosthesis will stand during use. If everything is fine, the teeth are positioned as expected, good contact is created, then the doctor fixes the product with permanent cement.

It happens that a crown falls at home. Panic immediately arises about what to do, especially if it was in the frontal region and flew off at the most inopportune moment. There is no need to panic; pharmacies sell a gel whose composition is similar to the temporary cement used in dentistry. It needs to be applied to the inside of the fallen crown, put it in place and press it with your teeth. Carefully remove excess material after hardening. A prerequisite is to visit the dentist as soon as possible to place the crown on permanent cement.

Not long ago, my crown fell out while eating. I immediately solved the problem with the help of the gel that my grandmother uses to fix her removable denture. Well it was a weekday, I glued the crown and went to see my doctor. He praised me for my intelligence and cemented me with permanent cement.

I also had a crown fall out while eating. I had it for many years and the cement crumbled over time. The dentist suggested installing a new one - instead of the gold-plated one, they installed metal ceramics. Very pleased, although not cheap.


Losing a tooth is now not considered a big problem; thanks to pins, it is possible to implant an element onto which any crown is fixed. This type of dental surgery is gaining popularity, which generates great interest among patients in pins. The types of structures, rules for their installation and other thematic issues will be discussed in this article.

What is a pin

Pin– this is a structure made in the form of a rod, used for implantation into canals for the purpose of restoring a lost or severely damaged tooth. The installation of the pin is carried out after preparatory work in the oral cavity, namely on the jaw.

Metallic and non-metallic materials are used to make rods, and the structure itself has different shapes.


The structures differ from each other in several ways, which determines their belonging to a certain type.

What materials is it made from?

According to the shape of the root canal

Rod pin structures are manufactured in different forms and have the following shapes:

  • cylinder;
  • cone;
  • screw;
  • cylinder in a cone.

By fastening the structure

Depending on the attachment and functionality of the tooth, one of the types of pins is selected and inserted:

  • Anchor– made of different metal alloys, installed in case of severe destruction of goiters (more than 50%).
  • Fiberglass– high aesthetic indicators and elasticity allow this type to be used for prosthetics of anterior teeth. A feature of the pins is the lack of clearance through the crown.
  • Carbon fiber– has high strength combined with elasticity. The pin helps to distribute the load evenly in the canal, which eliminates complications.
  • Parapulpal– is a metal rod coated with a polymer material. Most often used as a support for a prosthesis.
  • Gutta-percha– Gutta-percha tree balm is used to make the rod. The design is short-lived, so it is used in dentistry as an additional support.
  • Individual– this type of design is considered the most reliable and durable, since the stump inlay is made according to the patient’s photograph, taking into account any features of the canal opening.

By fixation method

  • Active structures are recognized by their threads, which makes it possible to screw them into bone tissue. This method of fixation is suitable for severely damaged teeth or its complete absence. The main condition for using an active pin is that the root canals should not be previously expanded.
  • Passive rods are fixed in the channel hole by filling the cavity with cement. This technology is more often used after tooth treatment, when during the manipulation a hole is formed, which is subsequently filled with a solution.

How to choose a pin, by what criteria

Metal pins

There are several criteria for choosing pins, but this is definitely not a price indicator. The decision to use one design or another is made by a specialist.

The main factors influencing the choice of pin:

  • extent of tooth damage, condition of dentin;
  • root canal parameters;
  • level of load on the tooth being restored;
  • immersion depth;
  • the expected or required service life of the structure;
  • channel wall thickness;
  • condition of the roots, dentin around the causative tooth;
  • material used in the production of rods.

Indications for installation

The pin is placed in the following cases:

  • during replantation (fixation of a whole tooth that has fallen out due to a blow or as a result of injury);
  • to create support when installing a prosthesis;
  • when most of the tooth is damaged;
  • during the treatment of pulpitis to fix a weakened tooth.

How teeth are made on pins

The implantation of the pin is performed in the following order.

  1. Preparatory stage– diagnosis is carried out by a thorough examination of the causative tooth and an x-ray. The orthodontist, having studied the parameters of the canals, selects the type and size of the pin. Preparation also includes professional sanitation of the oral cavity. This will help reduce the risk of wound infection and the development of an inflammatory process. Among other things, detected dental problems are eliminated.
  2. Root canal preparation involves the extraction of the neurovascular bundle (pulp). During the procedure, mechanical cleaning and antiseptic treatment are performed.
  3. Rubber dam application– a latex plate is used to isolate the pin tooth from saliva. It is placed on the gum in the place where the rod is planned to be implanted.
  4. Implantation of a pin– the rod is installed in the canal hole, the excess length is cut off with special forceps, after which the canal is filled with medical cement for strong fixation.

Pin installation

After the wound has healed and the rod has been completely fixed, prosthetics are performed using one of the appropriate methods: extension with filling material, attachment of an implant.

Rehabilitation period

Despite the fact that the operation of implanting a pin is an ordinary procedure, after the manipulations the patient must follow some rules.

  • After pinning surgery The doctor prescribes antibiotics and, if necessary, other drugs. All instructions must be followed according to the scheme, otherwise the risk of developing an inflammatory process will increase, which will lead to rejection of the structure.
  • For daily hygiene procedures In the oral cavity, it is recommended to purchase a brush with soft bristles, so as not to unnecessarily injure the jaw area with the pin. Brushing your teeth should be done twice a day.
  • The menu is designed like this so that it contains dishes with soft food. To do this, during cooking, it is better to grind the food with a grater or blender.
  • Forget about toothpicks, at least for a while until the wound heals. Any mechanical loads can provoke rejection of the pin from the soft tissues.

Possible complications

In the postoperative period, complications are possible, which are often caused by an allergic reaction of the body to the material. This problem is recognized by the following symptoms:

  • redness;
  • edema.

Often the symptoms are complemented by an inflammatory process, which contributes to the development of stomatitis or periodontitis.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pins have a number of advantages, which explains their popularity. But to really evaluate the restoration element, you should familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons.

Pin analysis
Advantages Flaws
the ability to restore missing teeth in a row or restore severely damaged onesan error made during the manufacture of the pin or its installation can cause complications
the materials used to make the pins have hypoallergenic propertieswhen removing the pin (metal), all materials are removed along with the root
The design is durable and holds the crown securelyThere are cases when the pin does not take root; rejection occurs due to an allergy to the material.
low weight reduces the load on the canal tissuesDuring operation, the pin contributes to the thinning of the canal walls, which leads to tooth loss
non-metallic pins are flexible, which contributes to long-term operation of the structure
long service life eliminates frequent visits to the clinic to replace bridges or install fillings
aesthetics combined with practicality


Pins help restore a beautiful smile in many, even very difficult cases. However, there are still limitations to the implantation of the structure:

  • when a cyst or granuloma is detected;
  • if an inflammatory process in dentin is detected;
  • for root canal pathologies (curvature, blockage, etc.);
  • when the canal walls are very thin.


The cost of the pins is influenced by the material used for manufacturing, as well as the manufacturer. Examples of average prices:

  • parapulpal(metal alloy with polymer coating) – 300-330 rubles;
  • anchor– 390-420 rub.;
  • titanium– 585-630 rub.;
  • fiberglass– 780-840 rub.

Analogues of the procedure

Stump tab

An alternative method, which is used in case of severe tooth decay, is the installation of a stump tab. It is a microprosthesis manufactured according to the patient’s individual parameters in the laboratory.

The essence of the operation is to fix the lower part of the tab into the dental canals. The crown is attached to the free upper part of the prosthesis.

The cost of a stump inlay is on average 2,200 rubles.

Popular questions

Answers to frequently asked questions will help clarify the situation in many unusual cases. The information will reflect a more complete picture of the pin installation process and their operation.

  • Does it hurt?

This question is asked by almost all patients, which is explained by deep penetration into the canal and fixation in dentin. But fears are actually in vain; modern painkillers effectively relieve not only pain, but also inhibit the development of the inflammatory process.

Anesthesia is administered before the main manipulations, the effect lasts for 3-4 hours. Therefore, the procedure is painless.

  • What is the service life?

Most types of pins have a long service life; manufacturers provide a guarantee of at least 10 years on their products. However, the integrity of the structure can be influenced by some factors, in particular: the quality of the installation and the absence of mechanical impact directed to the jaw area with the implanted rod.

  • Is it possible to do an MRI with a pin?

When undergoing MRI diagnostics, you should first notify the doctor about the existing pin in the jaw. To complete the picture, you need to clarify what material it is made of. Accurate information will help the specialist to correctly configure the device, avoiding image distortion as a result of the strong reaction of some alloys (for example, nickel, cobalt, etc.) to the magnetic field.

The presence of a rod structure in the mouth should not serve as a basis for refusal to conduct this type of research.

  • A tooth with a pin fell out, what should I do?

The tooth falls out along with the pin for several reasons:

  1. destruction of the cement insert fixing the rod;
  2. anatomical features of the root system;
  3. medical error during treatment or installation of a pin.

If such a problem occurs, you should visit the clinic as soon as possible. It is advisable to have an appointment with the same orthodontist who implanted the rod.

  • A tooth with a pin hurts, what should I do?

Pain in a tooth where a pin was previously installed occurs due to an inflammatory process, developing periodontitis, or as a result of an injury to the jaw area.

Another reason is congenital sensitivity, which manifests itself when teeth come into contact with hot or very cold food/drinks. It is unlikely that you will be able to determine the provoking factor on your own, so it is wiser to contact a professional if pain occurs.

  • What to do if you swallow a tooth with a pin/just a pin?

If a tooth with a pin or the rod itself has been eaten, you must immediately contact a traumatologist. There they will take an x-ray and determine the method of removing the foreign body from the esophagus or stomach.

You should not hope for a natural recovery of an eaten tooth; you can only worsen the situation. After solving the issue of extraction, you need to contact dentistry about implantation.

  • The tooth on the pin is loose, what should I do?

If a tooth loses its strength, it is worth visiting a dental clinic to find out the cause. The doctor will suggest taking a photo to complete the picture.

Among the main reasons: de-cementation of the connection between the rod and the crown, periodontal changes in the area of ​​the installed implant, and the formation of a root crack. The choice of how to eliminate the problem is made only by a specialist after conducting research.

  • What to do if the pin breaks?

If a pin breaks, you should make an appointment with an orthodontist. Each specialist gives a guarantee for his work, so if the period specified by law has not expired, and the cause of the breakdown lies in a poor-quality alloy or an error made by the doctor, then removing the remainder of the element and implanting a new one will be at the expense of the clinic.

If the rod breaks due to the patient’s fault, you will have to pay for the work yourself. But in any case, you should first consult a doctor.

An x-ray will reflect the consequences of the damage, which will allow the orthodontist to outline the stages of solving the problem.

  • The root of a tooth with a pin has burst, what should I do?

Root cracks often appear as a result of endodontic treatment, but also form where no previous dental procedures have been performed. Among the reasons considered by experts that led to the problem:

  1. severe thinning of the root walls;
  2. installing a rod with a larger diameter than required;
  3. during the preparation, deviations were made from the center of the root canal;
  4. injuries, mechanical damage to the jaw.

A crack can be detected using a medical magnifying glass or microscope during a thorough examination, so a trip to the clinic is inevitable. Treatment is developed taking into account the location of the crack, the type of tooth, the elapsed time after root deformation, and the condition of the soft and bone tissues around the causative tooth.

  • Which pins are best for teeth?

Fiberglass pins

Each type of rod has both advantageous characteristics and disadvantages. According to experts, preference should be given to non-metallic products. In terms of strength, they are not inferior to metal structures, and they are 100% superior in terms of aesthetics.

When installed in a cavity, the entire channel is filled, which is important for high-quality fixation. Among other things, non-metallic rods are flexible, which contributes to better functionality and long-term operation. The metal is not flexible, so the entire load is redistributed onto the walls of the canal, as a result of which the root can burst.

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